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Full text of "Auction prices of books; a representative record arranged in alphabetical order from the commencement of the English Book-prices current in 1886 and the American book-prices current in 1894 to 1904, and including some thousands of important auction quotations of earlier date;"

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\  ^  \ 



Edition  limited  to  seven  hundred 
and  fifty  copies 


BOOK-PRICES  CURRENT  IN  1894  TO  1904,    AND 





VOL.  I 




"15)  \'=\  '^  0  .  \  & 




JUNE  15.  1927 

Copyright,  1905, 
By  Dodd,  Mead  and  Company 


The  work  which  here  sees  the  light  was  begun,  in  the  expectation 
of  making  a  compilation  of  much  less  bulkj  as  far  back  as  1 896,  and, 
excepting  some  periods  of  quiesence,  when  the  demands  of  more 
pressing  and  more  important  work  could  not  be  put  aside,  has  been 
carried  on,  with  more  or  less  vigor,  for  nearly  ten  years.  It  has, 
of  course,  grown  enormously  in  the  interim. 

The  prices  paid  for  rare  books  at  auction  are  not  always  an  infal- 
lible guide  to  their  real  value,  but  at  least  in  the  case  of  books  for 
which. there  is  a  moderately  active  demand,  auction  prices  are  usually 
admitted  to  be  the  best  and  most  accurate  accessible  guide.  Such 
being  the  case,  our  compilation  "  Auction  Prices  of  Books  "  is  sure 
to  be  a  great  labor-saving  tool  to  every  librarian,  rare  book  collector, 
or  rare  book  dealer.  Here  and  there,  there  may  be  still  one  or  two  of 
those  men  who,  endowed  with  rare  mind  and  unimpeachable 
memor>',  are  able  to  carry,  ready  at  instant  command,  a  mental 
record  of  years  of  experience  among  rare  books  of  some  class  or 
classes,  which  to  them  is  infinitely  more  valuable  than  any  printed 
record  can  be.  Such  men  did  live  in  times  past  when  there  were 
fewer  books  and  fewer  book-collectors,  and  a  few  may  still  survive 
in  these  days  of  such  multitudes  of  books  both  new  and  old.  Such, 
if  such  there  be,  may  even  find  occasional  use  for  the  printed  record. 
It  has  not^  however,  been  made  for  such,  but  rather  for  that  large 
army  of  librarians  and  book-sellers,  who  are  not  thus  gifted  by  nature, 
or  who  have  other  interests  which  distract  and  divide  their  attention, 
and  for  a  still  larger  army  of  collectors  to  whom  book-collecting 
is  a  pastime  and  recreation*  and  to  which  can  be  devoted  only  odd 
times  and  hours  left  from  other  occupations  of  business  or  enjoyment. 

To  all  of  these  busy  librarians,  book-sellers  and  book-collectors, 
to  whom  time  is  more  than  money,  this  compilation  of  ours  is  offered, 
in  the  hope  that  they  will  find  it  a  piece  of  modern  labor-saving 
machinery  which  they  will  find  constantly  useful. 

The  four  volumes  here  presented  aim  to  take  the  place,  to  a 
considerable  extent,  of  the  eighteen  volumes  of  the  English  *'  Book- 
Prices  Current  "  and  the  ten  volumes  of  "  American  Book-Prices 
Current,"  besides  numerous  catalogues  of  sales  at  auction  in  both 



England  and  America  before  the  publication  of  the  annual  records 
was  begun. 

The  saving  of  shelf-room  and  the  saving  of  expense  are  very 
great,  but  the  saving  of  time  and  in  convenience  of  use,  will,  it  is 
certain,  be  much  more  important.  Buyers  and  sellers  of  rare  and 
valuable  out  of  print  books  know  how  tedious  and  exasperating  it 
often  is  when  a  quotation  on  some  interesting  book  is  sought  for  and 
the  information  is  wanted  in  a  hurry.  Tedious,  always,  almost,  on 
account  of  the  large  number  of  volumes  now  included  in  the  annual 
recordsj  exasperating,  oftentimes,  because  the  rarer  the  book  the 
more  time  must  be  spent  in  discovering  the  sought  for  record. 

Before  pointing  out  the  limitations  and  short-comings  of  the 
work,  let  us  tell,  in  a  few  words,  of  the  modus-opcrandi  which 
brought  the  book  to  its  present  stat^. 

First,  the  volumes  of  *'  Book-Prices  Current  '*  and  the  "  American 
Book-Prices  Current  "  were  cut  up,  two  volumes  of  each  being 
destroyed  in  order  to  secure  the  records  on  the  two  sides  of  each  leaf. 
These  slips,  each  being  one  record,  were  pasted  on  cards,  the  cards 
being  stamped  with  the  name  of  the  sale  and  the  date.  Then  copies 
in  duplicate  of  the  catalogues  of  the  principal  earlier  American 
sales  such  as  the  Rice,  Menzies,  Brinley,  Barlow,  Ives,  Coburn, 
Johnson,  Hawkins,  etc.,  etc.,  were  treated  in  the  same  way,  and 
copious  selections  were  made  from  a  large  number  of  minor  Ameri- 
can sales  and  such  important  English  sales  as  those  of  the  Daniel, 
Beckford  (Hamilton  Palace),  Thorold  (Syston  Park),  Wodhull, 
Sunderland,  Earl  of  Jersey,  Corser,  etc.,  etc.  As  no  lots  are  included 
in  the  F^nglish  *'  Book-Prices  Current  "  selling  less  than  one  pound, 
this  has  been  taken  as  the  minimum  price  for  English  sales,  and  five 
dollars  as  a  corresponding  minimum  for  American  sales.  It  is  not 
claimed  that  every  important  book  sold  at  auction  in  England  since 
the  George  Daniel  sale,  in  July,  1864,  or  in  America  since  the  John 
A.  Rice  sale  in  March,  1870,  has  been  included,  as  it  has  not  been  pos- 
sible to  examine  every  sale  catalogue  of  the  period,  but  rather  only 
some  of  the  more  important  ones,  and  interesting  and  valuable  books 
are  often  offered  in  conjunction  with  items  of  small  interest  or  value. 
As  the  manuscript  was  in  large  part  already  prepared,  the  record  Is 
less  full  for  1903  and  1904,  but  most  important  items  of  these  years 
have,  it  is  believed,  been  included. 

After  the  slips  cut  from  the  annual  records  and  the  extracts  from 
earlier  catalogues  were  prepared,  the  whole  mass  of  material  was 



thrown  into  one  alphabet.  It  was  still,  however,  a  long  w^ays  from 
being  ready  for  the  printer.  It  was  then  just  ready  for  editorial 
condensation  and  selection.  When  it  is  understood  that  the  twenty- 
eight  volumes  of  the  two  series  of  Book-Prices  Current  comprise 
between  them  upwards  of  two  hundred  thousand  records,  the  impos- 
sibilit}^  of  including  everything  selling  above  the  fixed  limit  of  price 
is  apparent.  A  selection  only  could  be  included.  In  making  this 
selection  it  has  been  the  aim  to  include  every  important  book  (sell- 
ing above  the  limit  of  price)  in  the  following  broad  classes: 

First.  Books  printed  in  England,  or  books  in  the  English 
language  printed  abroad.  This  is  the  field  covered  by  Lowndes' 
**  Bibliographer's  Manual,"  but  brought  down  to  date. 

Second,  Americana,  in  its  broadest  sense;  books  about  America 
wherever  printed  and  in  whatever  language,  and  books  printed  in 
America.  This  is  the  field  which  the  lamented  Joseph  Sabin 
endeavored  to  cover  in  his  uncompleted  ''  Bibliotheca  Americana." 

Third.  Books  printed  in  foreign  languages  in  the  various  coun- 
tries of  Continental  Europe  before  1520,  with  a  large  and  copious 
selection  of  important  books  of  later  date. 

Within  these  classes  many  books  had,  of  course,  been  sold  many 
times,  and,  as  auction  values  arc  most  to  be  relied  upon  when  a 
L number  of  records  can  be  placed  side  by  side  and  compared,  it  was 
'desirable,  within  reasonable  bounds,  to  include  enough  records  to 
answer  the  purpose,  although  unnecessary  to  include  every  record 
where  the  number  at  hand  was  large.  W^here  a  few  sales  only  were 
recorded,  they  are  generally  all  included.  In  most  cases  where  the 
number  of  sales  were  numerous  a  selection  of  from  ten  to  twenty 
records  only  are  given,  the  preference  being  given  to  copies  in  the 
original  binding,  though  a  few  inferior  or  less  interesting  copies  have 
been  included  for  the  purpose  of  comparison.  In  the  case  of  a  few 
very  important  books,  where  it  seemed  desirable  to  do  so  an  even 
larger  number  of  records  has  been  included. 

It  has  already  been  stated  that  a  considerable  number  of  books 
in  foreign  languages  printed  on  the  Continent  after  1520  have  been 
thrown  out  in  making  up  the  record.  This  should  not  be  taken  too 
literally  as  a  large  number  of  Continental  imprints  of  later  date 
are  included.  As  the  English  or  American  auction  price  of  Con- 
tinental books  of  the  17th,  i8th  and  19th  centuries  can  hardly  be 
taken  as  a  very  positive  guide,  and  as  the  number  of  such  bonks 
which  come  upon  the  market  is  small  in  comparison  to  the  number 
published,  it  is  not  believed  that  their  exclusion  will  often  be  felt. 



Another  class  of  books  which  has  been  generally  excluded 
extra  illustrated  books  whose  real  value  lay  in  the  inserted  matter, 
prints,  autographs,  etc.  Auction  records  of  such  books  are  of 
slight  value  unless  a  very  extended  description  of  their  make-up 
is  given. 

Collected  series,  or  volumes  made  up  of  several  books  bound 
together  and  sold  as  a  lot,  not  separately,  have  generally  been  thrown 
out,  though  here  again  there  are  many  exceptions.  Some  few  items 
imperfectly  described  have  also,  from  necessity,  been  omitted. 

Aside  from  these  exclusions  the  record  as  here  printed  is  believed 
to  be  a  representative  one.  It  must,  however,  be  used  with  intelli- 
gence and  caution. 

Those  who  are  familiar  with  the  descriptions  of  rare  books  as 
printed  in  the  catalogues  of  the  various  auctioneers  know  that, 
prepared  though  they  generally  are  by  experts,  the  work  is  done  in 
haste  and  inaccuracies  arc  numerous.  Each  time  such  a  description 
is  reprinted  new  errors  are  likely  to  creep  in. 

In  the  preparation  of  this  work,  after  the  various  descriptions  of 
the  several  copies  of  the  same  edition  of  the  same  book  had  been 
brought  together,  serious  discrepancies  in  descriptions  were  often- 
times brought  to  light.  It  was  then  necessary  to  consult  some  of  the 
important  bibliographical  works  of  reference  in  an  effort  to  make 
the  dissimilar  descriptions  agree  and  to  find  out  if  possible  just  wh'ch 
was  correct. 

The  value  of  rare  books  in  these  days,  as  collectors  well  know, 
depends  much  upon  condition,  and  the  difficulty  of  giving  an  accurate 
description  of  each  item  sold  is  the  greatest  weakness  in  every 
publication  of  this  sort.  In  the  present  work  we  have  endeavored 
to  mention  (in  a  condensed  statement)  all  important  imperfections, 
which  are  pointed  out  in  the  entries  in  the  '*  Book-Prices  Current," 
or  in  the  auctioneers*  catalogues.  But  as  the  catalogues  (especially 
those  of  the  early  sales)  have  sometimes  failed  to  make  mention  of 
imperiections,  the  earlier  records,  or  many  of  them  must  be  used, 
as  indeed  must  all  auction  quotations,  with  a  grain  of  caution. 

The  limitations,  too,  of  the  record,  to  such  lots  only  as  bring  a 
price  in  excess  of  a  fixed  minimum,  again  calls  for  constant  caution 
in  using  the  book.  There  are  many  books  here  recorded  which 
have  once,  or  twice,  or  a  few  times  only,  brought  a  figure  which 
admits  them  to  our  record,  though  in  some  cases  these  are  records 
of  ten  or  twenty  years  ago.  In  most  cases  where  our  record  shows 
a  few  sales  of  this  sort,  just  above  our  minimum  price,  the  probability 


is,  and  this  may,  with  a  very  few  exceptions,  be  taken  for  granted^ 

lOther  copies  have  been  sold,  perhaps  many,  but  the  prices  brought 

'were  less  than  five  dollars  or  one  pound.     In  some  cases,  single 

records  oi  this  sort,  especially  of  comparatively  recent  books,  have 

been  tlirown  out,  and  do  not  appear  at  alL 

The  user  consulting  Auction  Prices  of  Books,  with  some  old  book 
in  hand  of  which  he  wishes  to  learn  the  market  value,  will,  In  a 
multitudinous  number  of  cases  fail  to  find  any  sale  whatever,  of  his 
particular  book,  recorded.  He  must  not,  on  this  account  jump  to 
the  conclusion  that  his  book  is  excessively  rare  or  extremely  valuable. 
While  it  is  very  likely  to  be  rare  (most  old  books  are  rare)  it  is 
also  likely  to  be  of  small  money  value.  In  such  a  case  he  will  do 
well  to  stop  and  ask  himself  why  any  collector  should  care  for  the 
book,  what  features  recommend  it  as  a  possible  treasure  chest  of 
some  past  age  which  now  floats  by  with  others  which  are  little  more 
than  drift-wood,  wreckage  and  rubbish  of  old  times  and  hardly 
worth  the  picking  up,  or  if  picked  up  only  to  be  again  thrown  down. 
Those  who  know  the  ways  and  whims  of  book-collectors  know- 
that  in  his  collecting  he,  or  his  class  as  a  whole,  is  omnivorous. 
There  is  a  buyer,  somewhere,  at  a  price,  for  every  printed  book, 
but  it  is  sometimes  a  very  difficult  matter  to  find  the  buyer  and  the 
price  is  sometimes  very  low.  And  each  collector  has  his  own  hobby 
and  collects  generally,  only  along  certain  lines  which  are  often  nar- 
row. Books  which  are  sought  after  by  a  large  number  of  collectors 
arc  likely  to  increase  in  price  though  not  rare.  On  the  other  hand 
rare  books  not  sought  after  are  often  difficult  to  sell  at  any  price. 
Supply  and  demand  fix  (in  the  long  run)  the  price  of  old  books  as 
of  all  else  which  mankind  buys  and  sells. 

The  general  arrangement  of  the  work  is  believed  to  be  the  most 
logical  and  simplest  possible,  that  is  in  one  straight  dictionary 
alphabet,  by  author  where  the  author  is  known,  otherwise  by  the 
first  important  word  of  title,  and  with  numerous  cross  references. 
In  a  few  obvious  cases  books  are  entered  under  their  subject. 

The  various  books  by  the  same  author  are  arranged  in  alpha- 
betical order.  As  the  entire  title  is  seldom  given  this  arrangement 
may  be  sometimes  a  little  misleading,  and  the  arrangement  in  some 
cases  may  be  open  to  criticism.  Translations  generally  follow  the 
originals  even  though  out  of  their  alphabetical  place- 
Different  editions  of  the  same  book  are  arranged  by  date  of 
publication,  and  the  lists  of  records  are  generally  chronological  by 
date  of  sale. 


The  spelling  of  our  transcript  of  titles  is  haphazard,  as  was 
that  of  the  original  catalogues.  Sometimes  the  old  spelling  has 
been  copied  exactly,  sometimes  it  has  been  modernized.  The  aim 
has  been  only  to  give  so  much  of  the  title  as  would  enable  the  user 
to  identify  the  book  under  discussion.  The  work  is  a  price  listj  not 
a  bibliography. 

No  explanation  of  abbreviations  is  necessary,  but  it  will  not  be 
amiss  to  tell  just  what  is  included  in  the  brief  description  of  each 
lot,  the  sale  of  which  is  recorded. 

First  is  the  binding.  In  some  cases,  notably  in  the  earlier  sales, 
this  was  not  given  in  our  source.  In  the  case  of  modern  books  where 
the  binding  is  not  specified,  it  was  probably,  in  most  cases,  cloth. 
In  the  case  of  many  thin  pamphlets  of  older  date  the  probability  Is 
that  the  books  in  question  were  unbound. 

Second  is  the  mention  of  any  special  feature  regarding  the  copy 
described,  or  imperfections  if  any  were  known. 

Third  is  the  name  of  the  sale,  where  the  name  of  the  owner  of 
the  book  sold  is  given,  or  the  name  of  the  auctioneer  under  whose 
auspices  the  sale  was  held.  These  auctioneers  are  well  known, 
Sotheby,  Puttick,  Christie,  and  Hodgson  in  England  and  Leavitt, 
Bangs,  Libbie,  Anderson,  and  Henkels  in  America- 
Fourth  is  the  date  of  sale.  Where  the  name  of  the  sale  is  given, 
only  the  month  and  year  are  given.  Where  the  auctioneer's  name 
only  is  given,  the  day  of  the  month  is  generally  added,  this  date  being 
the  first  day  of  the  sale. 

Fifth  is  the  number  in  the  original  sale  catalogue,  enclosed  in 
parenthesis.  This  makes  it  easy  to  refer  to  the  original  extended 
description  in  the  sale  catalogue. 

Sixth  is  the  price.  This  is  the  price  for  the  lot  and  is  given  as 
sold,  English  records  In  pounds,  shillings  and  pence,  American 
records  in  dollars  and  cents. 

Presentation  copies  where  so  described  (in  almost  every  case) 
contained  autograph  inscriptions  by  the  author,  though  this  Is  not 
generally  stated.  Where  there  was  evidence  that  the  inscription 
was  In  the  hand  of  the  recipient,  or  other  than  the  author,  it  Is  so 
stated.  The  name  of  the  person  to  whom  the  book  was  given,  when 
a  person  of  importance.  Is  added. 

The  note  as  to  the  size  is  not  to  be  relied  upon.  There  is  no 
fixed  nomenclature  in  use  by  cataloguers,  and  as  in  most  English 
sale  catalogues,  8vo  is  made  to  include  all  i2mos,  i6mos,  or 
smaller,  It  has  been  necessary  to  do  the  same  here.     In  the  words  of 


the  catalogues,  books  described  as  8vo  should  be  understood  as 
being  "  8vo  et  infra" 

Pure  Bibliography  for  itself  alone,  like  pure  Science,  does  not 
often  pay.  The  worker  in  one  field  as  in  the  other  must  make  his 
work  practical.  As  "  applied  "  Science  often  brings  reward  to  the 
worker,  so  this  specimen  of  "  applied  "  Bibliography  has  enough  of 
promise  in  it  to  mduce  its  publishers  to  print  it.  Let  us  hope  they 
may  have  no  cause  to  regret  it.  L.  S.  L. 

New  York,  February,  1905. 


A.  (B.).    See  Antrobus  (B.)< 

A.  (F.).  Letter  sent  by  F.  A.  touch- 
ing a  Quarrel  between  Hall  and 
Mallerle.  Lond.,  Bynneman.  [157C]. 
4  to. 

Mor.  (6  leaves  in  facs.).  Tite.  May,  74. 
(1307)    £20. 

A,  (H.).  Parthenela  Sacra.  [Paris], 
J.  Cousturier,  1G33.     8vo, 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Galsford,  Apr.,  '90.  (1)  £5 

Cf..  Southby.  Dec.,  '90.     (880)    £3. 

A.  (H.)-  See  Ainsworth  (H.)  and 
Austin    (Henry). 

A.  (J.  Y.).    See  Akerman  (J.  Y.). 

A.  (R.).  Scala  Sancta,  or  the  Exalta- 
tion of  the  Soul.     Lond..  1C7S.    8vo. 

Old  inor.,  Soih..  Nov.  27.  '9G.  (U  £1 

A.   (R.).     Sec  Allot    (R.). 

A.  (T.).  See  Aehelcy  (T.)  and  Ash  (T.) 

AA  (P.  VAN  DER).  Naaukeurlge  ver- 
samllng  der  gedenkwaardigste  Rev- 
sen  naar  Oost  en  West-Indlen. 
I.^rdeu.  1707.     8  vols,,  fol, 

Cf-,  Bangs,  Mar.  13,  '95.    (1)  |34. 

Aenmerkcnswaardigste        en 

Alomberoemde  de  Zee-  en  Landrel- 
zen.     Leyden.  1727-     8  vols.,  fol. 

Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.     (1074)     |80. 

AARON  (PIETRO).  Thoscanello  de  la 
Muslca.  Venice.  B.  and  M.  de  Vital i. 
1523.     Fol. 

Soih..  .\pr.  12.  *99.     (1)    £11. 

ABACO.  IncommincJa  una  Practka 
moUo  bona  et  utile  a  ciaschasuno  chi 
vnole  uxare  larte  de  labbacho.  Tre- 
viso.  1478.    4to. 

WodhuU,  Jan.,  "86.     (217)     £40. 

(Wodtiul!  copy).  Ives.  Mar.,  '91.  (22) 

Libro    de    Abbaco   che    insegna    a 

AbacQ — Continued. 

fare  ognl  raglone  mercadantlle,  etc. 

Milan,  J.  A.  Borgo,  n.d.     8vo. 
Mor.,  g.e.    (Yemeniz  copy).  Soth.,  Dec. 

19,   '01.     (99)    £13. 

A  BOAT  (M.),    Art  of  Fencing.    Trans. 

by  A.  Mahon.    Lond.,  1735.    8vo. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Toovey,  Mar..  '94.     (17G) 

£2  IGs. 

toire  de  la  MisBion  des  Peres  Capu- 
cins  en  I'Isl©  de  Maragnan,  Paris, 
1C14.    8vo. 

Cf..  Stevens,  July,  'SI.     (1270)    £7  5s. 

Old  mor.,  Hawley,  July,  '94.  (8) 
£-1  ISh. 

Mor..  Soth..  Jan.  29.  '9G.     (20)    £4. 

Old  mor.  (in  2  vols.).  Putt,  Mar.  28, 
*01.     (17)     £5. 

Vel..  Eflwardea,  May.  '01.     (1)    £4  58. 

ABBOT  (GEORGE).  Briefe  Descrip- 
tion of  the  Whole  World.  Load,, 
1C3G.    12mo. 

Rus.,  Brlnley,  Mar.,  '79.     (1)  |5.S0. 

Cf.,  Bangs,  Apr.  2,  1900.     (1)  |5. 

ABBOT    (JOHN).     Jesus   Praeflgured. 

N.p..    1023.     4to. 
Mor.,  Corser,  July,  '68.     (4)    £6  6s. 
ABBOT   (JOHN).     Natural   History  of 

Ihe    rarer    Lepidopleroua   Insects   of 

Georgia-    Edited  by  Sir  J.  E.  Smith. 

Lond..  1797.     104  colored  plates.     2 

vols.,  fol. 
Crawford.   June,  '87.     (39)    £5  2s.  6d. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Thornhill,  Apr.,  '89.     (167) 

Mor..  g.e..  Hartree,  July,  '90.    (242)   £7. 
Hf.    mor..    Soth..    May    13,    '92.     (997) 

£5  7s.  (Jd. 
Mor.,  g.e.,   Larpent,  Jan.,   "95.    (1245) 

£7  159. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Alexander,  Mar.,  '93.     (57) 




Abbot    (John) — ('tnitiniirtl. 

H(.   mor,   Bunbury.  July,   'SB.     (1307) 

Mor.,  Libble.  Dec.  2.  '96.     (21   $22. 
Hf.  cf.,  Libble,  May  26,  *98.   (244)   $15. 
Hf.  bd.  (lacking  cover  nf  vol.  2).  Tbt- 

all.  Nov.,  '99.      lU    £3  108. 
Mor..  g.e.,   Ford,   May,   "Q2.     (479)    £5 

ABBOTSFORD    CLUB.      Publicaltons. 

A  complete  aet.    Edlnh.,  lfi35-59.  34 

vola.,  4to. 
Crawford,   Mar..   '91.     (2)    £23. 
ABBOTT    (GEORGE).      The    Case    of 

Impotency,  as  debated   In   England. 

anno    1613.    In    the    Trial    between 

Robert    Earl    of    Essex    and    Lady 

Frances   Howard,  etc.     Lond.,  1719. 

2  vols..  8vo. 
Cr.  tin  1  vol.).  Soth..  Jan.  24.  '99.  (100) 

£2  28. 
Unc.  Crawford.  Mar..  *9L     (2)    £23. 
ABBOTT    (JOHN    S.   C).     History   of 

Maine.     Bosl.,  1ST5.     8vo. 
Sheep  (cracked).  Llbbie.  Dec.  13.  19(tO. 

(G19I  110.80. 
A.  a.  C.  (THE),  with  a  Catechltme  for 

Young   Children,      [Edlnb.].   printed 

for  M.  S.,  lG4f;.     Svo. 
Mor,  g.e.    (aonie  headlines  cut  into). 

Makellar,  Nov.,  '!>8.     (2)    £6. 
A'BECKET   (G.   A.),     See  Becitet   (G. 

A,  A*,). 
ABELIN    (J.    P.).        Newe    Welt    und 

Aniericanlsche    Historien.       Frank- 
fort. 1G31.     FoL 
Mor..   Murphy.  Mar..   "84.     (31   |14. 
Vel.,   Hunt.   Nov..   "91.      (1343)    $10.50. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Edwardea,  May,  '01,    (277) 

£8  58. 

Newe     Welt    und     America  nfache 

Historien.     Franlifort.   1655.     Fol. 

Vel..  Murphy.  Mar..  ■84.     (2928)  $12. 

Cf,.  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.     (3)   $9. 

Buckley,  Apr.,  '94.     (320)    £2  28. 

Oe     Aanmerkens-waardige     Voya- 

glen  na  OoBt  en  West-Indien.  [Ams- 
terdam, 1706.1     2  vols. 

Hf.  bd.  (In  1  vol.).  Henkela.  Apr.  20. 
'99.     (209)   111. 

ABERDEEN.  Reglatrum  Epi«copa- 
tus.     See  I  ones  (C), 

ABRAHAM  (A.  E.).  Liber  de  Natfvi- 
tatlbua.    Venice,  Ratdolt,  1485.     4to. 

Unbd.,  Soth.,  Nov.  25,  '01.  (340)  £1 


Duchess  d').   Memoirs  of  Napoleon. 

l^nd..  1831.     8  volB..  Svo. 
Hf.  cf.,  Juvenal.  Apr.,   95.       (193)  $14. 
Hf.  cf..  g.e.,  Bancker.  Mar..  *9S.   (153) 

Hf.  cf.,  Egmont.  June,  '98.     (315)    £2 


^Memori*     of     Napoleon,       l^ond.. 

1S3:L    S  vols..  Svo. 
Hf.    cf,.    Hosklnson.    Dec,    '97.      (575) 


Memoirs  of  Napoleon.  Lond..  1836. 

2  vols.,  Svo. 

CI.,  unc.  Livermore,  Nov.,  '94.  (1780) 

Hf.  cf..  Bangs.  Dec.  4.  '95.     (1024)   $9. 

Memoirs  of  Napoleon.  I^nd.,  1883. 

3  vols.,  Svo.  J 
CI.,  unc.  Rogers,  Jan..  '88.     (991)   |9.    1 
Hf.  cf.,  Libble.  May  2.  '88.     (893)  $12. 
Hf,    mor.,    unc.    Johnson,    Jan.,     '90, 

(840)  $10.25,  I 

Cf„  Soth.,  June  22,  '91.     (584)    £2  12s.    I 
Hf,   mor..   Bangs.   Nov,  29,   '97.     (391)     ' 

Hf.    cf..    Hosklnson,    Dec,    '97.     (262) 

CI.,    unc,    Carruth.    May,    '98.     (267) 

CI.,  unc.  Daly.  Mar.,  1900.     (3)  $10.60. 
Hf,  mor.,  Bangs,  Dec.  12,  1900,     (1G3) 

Hf.    mor,.   Bangs.   Oct    14,    '01.     (178) 



of  Parliament  relating  to  the  Trade 
and  Navigation  to,  from  and  in  the 
British      Plantations     in     America. 
Ixind.,  1739,     Fol. 
Paper,  Putt..  Dec  11,  '99.     (42)    £1  la. 


of  the  Corporation  for  the  liellef  of 
the  Widows  and  Children  of  Clergy- 
men of  the  Church  of  England  in 
America.  Phlla..  1773.  Svo. 
Hf.  roan.  Bangs,  Apr.  12,  '01.  (71) 

ACADEMY    (THE).      Lond..    v.d„    4to. 

1*^09-99.  52   vols.,   hf.   cf.   and   parts. 

Putt..  Feb.   1.   1900.     (20)    £7. 

Lond..  1C70.     12mo. 
Cf..   Lawrence,  May,  '92.     (2)    £2  4a. 
Academy   of   Compliments.   Loud., 

1€84.     Svo. 



Academy   of   Compliments — Contittucd. 
CL.  Halliwell.  Dec.  91.     (1773)    £2, 
Cf..    m.e..    Bliss.    Apr..    '98.     (27)     £2 


Ru8..  Soth..  May  6,  '01.     (850)  £6  6s. 

— New    Academy    of    Compliments. 
Lond.,  1713.     8vo. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Soth..  May  21.  '97.     (1)    £1 

<^^New  Academy  cf  Compliments; 
or.  The  Lover's  Secretary.  Lond., 
[about  174U].     8vo. 

Hf.  cf..  g.e..  Bangs.  Feb.  20,  1900.  (343) 

ACCEDENCE  (LATIN).  Lond..  Wyn 
kya  de  Worde,  1522.    4to. 

HI  mor.  (3  leaves  mended,  some  let- 
ters In  facs.).  Sewall.  Jan..  'y7. 
(4173)  $34. 

Second  edlUon.    Load.,  1G77.    8vo, 
*  Mor.   (one  or  two  leaves  of  text  cut 
Into).  Snow,  Nov.,  '98.     (1)    £4. 

^—Accomplished  Lady's  Delight. 
Third  edition.     Ix)nd.,  1C83. 

Orlg.  cf.,  in  case,  Snow,  Nov.,  '98.  (2) 

Accompllsh'd        Lady's        Delight. 

Lond..  1719.     8vo. 

Mor.  (engraved  title  and  last  leaf 
mended,  a  few  headlines  cut  into). 
Snow,  Nov..  '98.     (3)    £2. 

•Made  to  the  People  failed  Quakers 
in  Philadelphia,  by  Papoonahoal. 
An  Indian  Chief,  And  several  other 
Indians.      Lond.,   1761.      IHino. 

Mor..  Field.  May.  '75.     (1751)     $24. 

Hf.  mor.,  Murphy.  Mar,.  '84.     (6)  |9. 

Johnson   (Sir  W.). 

American  Seamen.  So€>  Stiles  (H. 

tleraenis  In  North  America.  By  a 
Gentleman.  Bost.,  Rogers  &  Fowle, 
174C.     12mo. 

Mor.,  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (600)  |12. 

See  Illinois. 

a  considerable  number  belonging  to 
the  New  North  Congregation  in  Bos- 
ton could  not  consent  to  Mr.  Peter 

Account  of  the  Reasons — Vontinurd. 

Thacher'a    Ordination    there.      N.p.. 

1720.     16mo. 
Hf.  cf.,  Llbble.  Mar.  4,  '90.     (3)  $7.50. 

the  Encouragement  of  the  British 
Troops  in  Germany  and  North 
America.     Lond.,  1760.     Svo. 

Mor.,  Buckley,  Feb..  '93.     (25)    £2  2a. 


at  Albany,  by  the  Governor  of  that 
Province,  and  the  Commisaloners 
for  Massachusetts.  Connecticut,  and 
Pennsylvania,  with  the  Indians  of 
the  Six  Nations.  Oct.,  1745.  Phila.. 
B.  Franklin,  1746.     Fol. 

Unbd.,  Brinley,  Apr.,  '81.     (5490)  $34. 

Paper.  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.    (1842)  $31. 

AC  HE  LEY  (T.).     Massacre  of  Money. 

Lond.,  1602.     4to. 
Cf..  g.e.,  Gaisford,  Apr..  '90.     (3)    £4 

Mor.,    g.e.,    Crawford,    Mar.,    '91.    (1) 

£4  4s, 
Cf.    (notes  slightly  cut  Into),  Bangs, 

Mar,  19,  1900.     (3)  $46. 

ACHERLEY  (R).    The  Britannic  Con- 
stitution.    Ix>nd.,  1727.     Fol. 
••Large  paper. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Craig,  June.  '87.  (8)  £1 

ACKERMANN.  See  Cambridge;  Lon- 
don; Microcosm  of  London;  Oxford', 
Poetical  Magazine;  Repository  of 
Arts;    Westminster;    Winchester, 

ACOSTA    (J.DE.I.  Concilium  Limense. 

Celebratum  anno  1583,  sub  Gregorlo 

XIH.      Madrid,     PetH     Madrlgialls, 

1591.     4to. 
(Salva-Heredia's  copy).  Bangs,  Apr.  9, 

'01.     (12)  $6.50. 

Historia    Natural   y    Moral,    de   las 

Indias.    Seville.  1590.    4to. 
Mor,,  Bedford,  Mar,,  '84.     (1)   £C. 

Oe   Natura   Nov!   Orbia.     Cologne, 

1596.     Svo. 
VeL,  Murphy,  Mar..  '84.     (11)  $5.50. 
Historia   Naturele,  c  morale  delle 

Indte.    Venice,  Bernardo  Basa,  1596. 

4  to. 
Vel.,  Bangs,  Jan.  6,  '02.     (125)  $5. 
Histotre   Naturelle  et  Moralle  det 

Indes,     Paris,  1598.    Svo. 
Cf..  Soth.,  Jan.  29,  '96.     (1)    £1. 
VeL,  Soth..  Apr.  12,  '99.     (3)    £1  ISs. 



Acosta    (J.   de) — Continued, 

Histolre  NatureNe  et  Morale  des 

Indes.     Paris,  IGOO.    8vo. 
Mor.,  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (7)  |5. 

Histoire   NatureNe   et   Morale   des 

Indcs.     Paris.  IGOG.     Svo. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Jan.  29,  '96.  (2)    £1. 

Histoire   NatureNe  et  Morale  des 

lades.     Paris,  lf,lG.     8vo. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Ctx>ke,  Dec,  '83.     (S)  $10. 

Natural  and  Moral   History  of  the 

East   and   West  Indies.     Trans,   by 
E.    G[rlmstoneJ,      U>nd..    li>04.    4to, 
Mor.,  Field.  Mav.   75.     (8)   ?1S. 
CI,  Grlswold.  Mar..   76.      (5)    115. 
Cf..     r.e..     Menzies,     Nov.,     7C.      (4> 

Mor.,  Brinlej'.   Mar..  79.     (2)   |29. 
Mor.,  Bushnell.  Apr.,  '83.     (2)  534. 
Cf..  Cooke.  Dec,  'S3.     (5)   $8. 
Cf..  Murphy.  Mar.,  '84.     (8)   |10. 
Mor.,  Stevens,  July,   '86.    (3)    £2  8s. 
Mor..    g.e..    Putt..    Dec    IG.    '86.      (1) 

£2  8s. 
Cf.,   Martin.   Mar.,   "88.     (132)    £2  1C8. 
Cr.,  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.     (8)   »13. 
Cf..  Hartree.  July.  '90.     (173)    £2  Cs, 
Cf.,  g.e..  Ives.  Mar.,  '91.     (2)  ?13. 
Hf.  rus.,  m.e..  Putt.,  Apr.,  '92.   (1011) 

£2  5s. 
Cf..  Frere,  Feb.,  '90.     (114)   £7  7s. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Stone.  Oct..  '97.     (2>   |10. 
Vel.,   Deane.   Mar..   '98.     (5)    $30. 
Cf.,  Solh..  Mar.  7.  'ni.     (824)    £5ins. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Lfifferts,  June,  '02.  (2)    £7. 
Mor.     (without    leaf    containing    Slg. 

mark  "A"  before  title).  Putt..  Mar. 

26.   '02.     (476)    £5  178.  6d. 
Vel..  Brown.  Apr..  '03.     (3)    £5  2s.  Gd. 

ACRELIUS      (ISRAEL),      Beskrifntng 

oni      de      Swenska      Forsamlingars 

Forna     ocb     Nftrwarande     Tilstand. 

UtI   Det   sa    Kallade  Nya   Swerlge. 

Stockholm,  1759.    4t.o. 
Cf..  g.e.,  Brinlev.  Mar.  '80.  (3030)  $80. 
Hf.  bd.,  O'Callaghan.  Dec.  '82.  (7)  $42. 
Hf.  bd..  Murphy.  Mar.,  '84.   (12)   $17. 
Mor..  Stevens.  July.   '86.     (4)    £5  5s. 
Mor..  g.e..  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.  (10)   $63. 
Cf.,   Baker,  Feb..   '91.      (222)    $23. 
HT.    bd.    (Bancroft    copy),    Lenox    LI- 

brary  Duplicates,  Apr.  29.  '95.     (1) 

Cf..  Barger,  May.  '95.     (513)   $20. 
Hf.   bd.,   HenkelB.   Apr.   21,   '90.    (533) 

Hf.  bd..  Bangs,  Mar.  1.  '97.     (3)  $18. 

Acreltus    (\era^\)— Continued. 

Hf.  bd.,  Henkels.  Jan.  18,  '01.  (2)  $28, 

Hf.  bd..  Betts,  Apr.,  '01.     (1005)   $20. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Weeks,  Mar,  '02.  (373)  $39. 

Hf.  bd.,  Pelrce.  Mar.,  '03.     (5)  $24. 

Cf.,  Anderson,  Apr.  IC.  '03.     (3)    $28. 

Sermon   Explaining  the   Duties  of 

Christian    Subjects    to    their    Sover- 
eign.     Phila..     Franklin    and     Hi 
17GG.    8vo. 

Hf.  cf.,  r.e..  Menzies,  Nov..  '76.  (fi)  $7. 

Todt    als    cins    Seligkeit    fiir    die- 

Jenige,  die  In  dem  Herrn  sterben 
wurde.  Phila.,  Franklin  and  Arm- 
bruster,  1756.     l6mo. 

Washington,  Dec,  *90.     (549)  $24. 

■ Oer    Todt   als    eine    SeNgkelt    fiir 

diejenlge  die  in  dem  Herrn  Sterben 
wurde  xiber  Offenbaruns  Johannts. 
Philadelphia,     1756.       4    pages,    Svo. 

Sewed.  Hurat.  Anderson's,  Mav  2.  '04. 
(178)  $26. 

ACT,   DATED  24  GEO.  II.  TO   REGU* 

late  and  Restrain  Paper  Bills  of 
Credit  in  Rhode  Island  and  Provi- 
dence Plantations,  Connecticut,  etc 
Lond..  1751.  Fol. 
Unc  (wormed).  Putt.,  Dec.  11,  '99. 
(63)    £1  10s. 


ing  on  5  November.     [Lond,,  1605.] 
4  to. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Crawford,  June,  '89.     (587) 


niodides.     Lond.,   105  7.     Svo, 
Simon,  Dec,  '93.     (11)    £1  10s. 


Propagating  the  Gospel  In  New  Eng- 
land.    Load.,  1649.     Fol. 

Hf.  mor.  (title  mounted).  Brlnley» 
Mar..  '79.     (270)  $15. 

ACT.  See  also  Stamp  Act,  Statutes, 
and  names  of  Countries,  Colonies, 
States,  Cities,  etc 

ACTIVE.  See  Case  of  the  Sloop  Ac- 

ACTOR  (THE);  or,  a  Treatise  on  the 
Art  of  Playing.     Lond.,  175ri.     12mo. 

Cf.,  French,  Apr,,  '01.     (8)  $5. 

Cf.,  Bangs,  Nov.  18,  '01.     (222)  $6.12. 

Cf.  (rebacked).  McKee,  May,  *02. 
(4765)   $12. 

ACTORS  BY  DAYLIGHT.  Nos  1  55. 
Lond.,   183S-39.     Hvo. 



Actors  by   Da.yiiQht— Continued. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Mackenzie,  Mar..  '89.  (6)   £3. 
Cf..  unc,  Bxirnett,  Apr.,  "89.  (1)    £3  Ss. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Marshall.  Jan..  '90.     (2)    £3 


Cf.,  unc.  Burgess,  May.  '94.     (1>    £1 

CI.,  Brown,  Apr.,  '98.     (11)  15. 
Hf.    roan.    McKee.    Jan.,    '01.     (1286) 

Hf.  inor.  (Nos.  1-53  only),  Daly,  Mar.. 

1900.     (14)  $S. 
ACTORS   BY   GASLIGHT.     Nos.    1  37. 

Lond.,  183S.     8vo. 
Cf.,    g.e..    Mackenzie.    Mar..    '89.     (8) 

£5  17s.  Cd. 
Cf.     (Mackenzie    copy),    Daly,    Mar., 

1900.     (16)  $23. 
Hf.  roan.  McKee.  Jan..  '01.  (1287)  |31. 

Complaint,  for  the  Silencing  of 
Their  Profession.     Lond.,  1822.  Svo. 

Sewed,  McKee.  Jan.,  '01.  (1289)  |5.B0. 

ACUNA  (C.  DE.).  Nuevo  Descubrim- 
lento  del  Gran  Rio  de  Las  Amsi- 
zonas.     Madrid,  1641.     4to. 

Vel.,  Sunderland,  Dec,  '81.  (30) 
£32  lis. 

Mor..  Beokford.  June.  '82.     (31)    £37. 

Mor,  g.e.,  Cooke,  Dec.  '83.  (10) 

Vel.,   Soth.,   July    27.    "93.     (974)     £12 


Hf.  bd..  Soth.,  Jan.  29,  '96.     (89)    £9. 

Mor..  Henkels.  May  8.  '01.     (2)  $70. 

Vel..   Soth..  Nov.   19.   '02.     (12)    £8. 

Relation  de   la    Riviere   des   Ama- 

zonea.     Paris.  1C82.     4  vols.     Svo. 

Hawley.  July.  '94.     (9 1    £1  4s. 

Mor.  (in  2  vols.,  with  cancelled  leaves 
for  Vols.  2  and  3.  vlg:neHe  after  title 
of  Vol.  1  and  Map  by  d'AbbevUle). 
Sotlj.,  .Tan.  29,  '90.     (3)    £4. 

Mor.  (apparently  the  preceding 
copy).  Henkels,  May  8.  *01.  (1) 

Cf.  (In  2  vols.,  with  arms  of  Count 
Hoym  on  sides,  and  with  a  signa- 
ture and  autograph  note  of  Robert 
Southey  on  fly-leaf,  2  leaves  in 
facs.).  Cox,  Feb.  17,  '02.     (87)   $24. 

Voyages  and  Discoveries  in  South 

America,     l^ond.,   1098.     Svo. 

Cf.,  Menzies,  Nov.,  '76.     (6)  $15. 

Cf.,  Cooke.  Dec,  '83.     (11)  $13.50. 

Sheep,  Murphy.  Mar..  '84.     (710)    $9. 

Cf..  Putt..  Dec.  IG,  '91.     (9)    £lls. 

Acuna — (yuntinued. 

Cf..  Williams,  Mav,  '93.     (f.(Jl)    £148. 

Cf.,  Tixall.  Nov.  '99.     (705)    £1  la. 

ACUNA  (H.  DE.).  Resolved  Gentle- 
man. Trans,  by  I..  Lewkenor. 
Load..  1594.     4to. 

Cf..  Gaisford,  Apr.,  '90.     (6)    £2. 

ADAIR  (JAMES).  History  of  the 
American  Indians,    Lond.,  1775.    4to. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Menzies.  Nov.,  '76.  (7) 

Bds.,  unc.   Brinley,  Apr.,  '81.  (5352)  $7. 

Hf,  mor..   Cooke,  Dec,  '83.     (13)    $18, 

Cf.,  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.     (14)  $12. 

Cf.,  Guild,  Nov..  '87.     (18)  $10.50. 

Unc.  Hopetoun,  Feb.,  '89.     (110)    £3 


Hf,  cf..  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (12)  $15. 
Unc,  Coniyn,  Mar..  '91.     (063)    £3  68. 
Hf.  of..   Auchlnleck,  June,  '93.     (110) 

£2  15s. 
Bds.,  unc.   (Brinley  copy),  Alexander, 

Mar.,  '95.     (58)   $21. 
Cf.,    Lenox    Library   DupUcates,    Apr,, 

•95.     (2)    $20.50. 
Mor.,   unc,    Soth.,   July    1.   '95.     (448) 

£4  5s. 
Cf..  Deane,  Mar.  'ftS.     (7)  $15. 
Cf.      (rebacked),    Henkels.    Nov.    30, 

1900.     (6)   $13.50. 
Cf..  Putt..  Feb.  13.  '01.     (245.)    £2  7s. 
Cf..   Lincoln,   Oct..   '01.     (744)    $18. 
Cf.,  Twopenny,  May.  '02.     (218)    £8. 
Cf..  Bangs,  Jan.  29.  '03.     (343)   $13.00. 
ADAIR    (JOHN).     Description    of  the 

Sea  Coast  and  Islands  of  Scotland. 

Bdinb.,  1703.     Fol. 
Craig.  Mar.,  '87.     (19)    £3  28.  Gd. 
ADAIR  (M,).  A  Safe  Conduct  Through 

the     Republic    of    Venus.       Ixind,, 

1794.     Svo. 
Hf.  cf.,  Hailstone.  Feb.,  '91.     (7)    £1. 
ADAM    (R,).     Ruins  of  the   Palace  of 

the  Emperor  Diocletian  at  Spalatro 

in   Dalmalia.     Ixtnd..   1764.     Pol. 
Mor.,   g.e..    Crawford.    June.    "87.     (3) 

Rus..  g.e..  Craig.  June,  '87-     (10)    £1 

Cf..    Aylesford,    Mar.,    '88.     (136)     £2 


Unc.     Buccteuch.     Mar..     '89.     (233) 

Hf.  rua..  Hunt  Nov.,  '91.     (10)   $12. 
Vel.,  Orford,  June.   'OS.      (1)    £2  48. 
Rus.,     g.e.,     Ashbumham.    June,     '97. 

(10)   £2. 



Adam  (R.) — Continued. 

Cf.,  unc,  Skene,  Jan.,  '98.     (180)    £2. 

Hf.    mor.,    Soth.,    Nov.    28,    '98.     (46) 

£1  12b. 
Cf.,  unc.  Clerk,  May.  '99.     (G>   £2    8s. 
Bda.,  Davis.  May.  '01.     (IS)   |13. 
Hf.  Bheep,   Bangs,   Jan.   27.   '02.     (IS) 

Mor.     (dedication    copy    to    Geo.    HI. 

with  Royal  Arms  on  side),  Christie. 

Mar.  26.  '02.     (181)    £12  5s. 

ADAM  (R.  AND  J.).  Works  in  Archi^ 
lecture,  l^nd..  17784822.  3  vols., 

Hf.  cf.  (in  1  vol..  lacking  one  plafe). 
Soth..  Nov.  2S.   'as.      (59)    £29. 

Hf-  nis.  (Vols.  1  and  2  in  1  vol.).  Pol- 
lock.  Jan..  '89.     (294)    £7. 

Hf.  cf.  (Vols.  1  and  2  in  1  vol.),  Wil- 
son, June.   '92.     (7>    £8  8s. 

(Vols.  1  and  2  In  1  vol.,  binding 
broken).  Daly,  Mar..  1900.  (18) 

Hf.  cf.  (Vols.  1  and  2  in  1  vol.).  Soth.. 
Dec.  2,  '01.     (633)    £18103. 

ADAM    (W.).      HiBtorlcal    Account    of 

the    Blair-Adam     Garden.     [Ix>nd.]. 

1834.    2  vols.,  8vo. 
Cf.,   m.e.    (presentation  copy,   witb  A. 

L.S-  of  the  author  Inserted).  Bruce, 

June.  '02.     (1)    £3  4s. 

Seven  Pamphlets  giving  an  Ac- 
count of  the  Blair-Adam  Estate. 
[Ixind.],   1834.     8vo- 

Cralg,    Mar..    '88.      (611)     £G7b.  lid. 

ADAM    BEL.     See  Bel. 
ADAMNANUS.      Vita    Sancti     Colum- 

bae.    Dublin.  1857.    4to. 
CI.,  Jebb.  Dec,  '80.     (204)    £llla. 
CI..  Borlase.  Feb..  'S7,     (239)    £14s. 
CI.,  Ashburnham,  June,  '97.  (294)    £2 

CI..    Clerk,    May.    '99.      (147)     £116s. 

ADAMS  (AMOS).  Concise  Historical 
View  of  the  Planting  and  Progres- 
sive Improvements  of  New  England. 
Host.,  1769.     Svo. 

Brinley,  Mar..  '79.     (271)  |5. 

Concise    Historical    View    of    the 

Planting  and  Progressive  Improve- 
ments of  New  England.  Lond.,  1770. 

Cf.,  Rice,  Mar.,  '70.     (4)  |9. 

Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Menziee.  Nov..  '76.  (9» 

ADAMS  (ARTHUR).  Zoology  of  the 
Voyage  of  H.M.S.,  Samarang.  Lond., 
1850.     4to. 

Hf.  mor.  unc,  Lee.  June.  '88.  (416) 
£2  5e. 

ADAMS  (C.  F.).  History  of  Brain- 
tree,     Mass.     Camb..     1891.     Svo. 

CI.  (presentation  copy),  Deane,  Mar.. 
•98,      (2958)    113.50. 

ADAMS    (ELIPHALET).        Discourse 

putting  Christians    in    Mind    to    be 
Ready  to  Every  Good  Work.     Bost., 
1706,     Svo. 
Brinley,  Mar.,  '79.     (694)  $8. 

ADAMS    (FRANCIS).   Writing  Tables. 

Lond.,  1594.     Svo. 
Cf.  (lacking  one  leaf).  Soth.,  Mar.  21, 

'9S.     (948)    £3 15s. 

ADAMS  (HANNAH).  Summary  His- 
tory of  New  England.  Dedham, 
1799.     Svo. 

Bds.,  unc.  Bangs,  Jan.  10.  '98.  (3) 

ADAMS  (H.  AND  A.).  Genera  of  Re- 
cent Mollusca.  Lond.,  1858.  3  vols., 

♦♦l^arge  paper. 

CI.,  Percy.  May,  '90.     (4)    £2  17a. 

ADAMS      (JOHN).        Index      Vlllarls. 
[Lond.],  for  the  Author.  1680.     Fol. 
♦♦I^rge  paper. 
Mor.,  Fraser,  Apr.,  '01.     (9)    £148. 

ADAMS  (REV.  JOHN).  Poems  on 
Several  Occasions.    Bost.,  1745.  Svo. 

Sheep,  Brinley,  Nov.,  '86.     (6767)   $5. 

Hf.  roan,  McKee,  Nov.,  1900.  (3)  |5.50. 

Sermon   Preached  on  the   Day  of 

his  Ordination.  Newport,  J.  Frank- 
lin. 1728.     ICmo. 

Hf.  mor..  Brinley,  May.  '79.  (2411)  $7. 

ADAMS      (JOHN).       Correspondence. 

Bost.,  1S09-10.     10  parts,  Svo. 
(In  1  vol.).  Brinley.  Apr..  '81.  (4752)  »6. 
(In    2    vols.),   hf.    mor..    unc,    Cooke. 

Dec,  '83.     (17)  $8. 
Parts,  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.     (14)    $13. 

Defence    of    the    Constitutions    of 

Government   of   the   United    States. 

Lond.,  1787.     2  vols.,  Svo. 
Cf.     (John    Dlcldnson's    copy),    Hen- 

kels,   Oct.  16,   '96.     (106)    19.50. 
CI.,    unc.     (Monroe's   copy,   presented 

by     Jefferson),     Harris,     Apr.,     "97. 

(HI)    £2  12s. 



Adams    (John) — Contiitued. 

Defence    of    the    Constitutions    of 

Government  of  the    United     Slates. 

Load..  1794.     3  vols..  8vo. 
Hf,  inor.,  unc.  Cooke.  Dec.,  '83.  (18)  |9. 

Discourses  on  Davila.    Best.,  1805. 

Cf.,  Simon.  Dec..  '93.     (21)    £1. 

Letters    Addressed    to    His    Wife. 

Bost,,  1841.     2  vols..  12mo. 
Hf.  cf..  Menzies,  Nov..  '76.   (12)  |7.26. 

-^—Twenty-six  Letters  Respecting  the 
Revolution  of  America.  Tx)nd., 
[178C].     12mo. 

Hf.  mor.  (John  Hancock's  copy). 
Chittenden,  Jan.,   '94.     (6)   17.50. 

Works.    Best.  1856.    10  vols.   8vo. 

CI.,   Waterbury.   Jan.,   '96.     (8)    |8. 
CI.,   Carruth.    May.    '98.     (13)    $8.75. 
CI..   Poole.   May,   1900.     (4)    $7.50. 
CI.,  Olcott.  Apr.,  "01.     (7)   $8.50. 
CL,  Cox.  Feb..  '02.     (3)  |9. 
CI..   Bangs,   Apr.   28.   '02.     (1)    tlO. 

••I^rge  paper. 
CI..  Hunt.  Nov.,  '91.     (13)    $17.50. 
CI..  Llvermore.  Nov..  '94.     (3)  $7.50. 
CL.  Llbble,  Sept.  25,  '95.     (3)   $10. 
CL,    Deane,    Mar..    '98.     (17)    |11,25. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.L,  Dayton,  Mar.,  '02.     (7) 

ADAMS   (JOHN).     Anatysls  of  Horse- 
manship.    Lond.,   1805.     8vo. 
Hf.  cf..  Blyth.  Mar.,   '01.     (1)    £1128. 

ADAMS  (JOHN  QUINCY).  Letters 
to  His  Constituents.  Bost.,  1870. 

Paper.  Foote,  Nov.,  '94.     (229)  $10.50. 

Memoirs.    Phila.,  1874-77.   12  vols.. 

CL.    Lenox    Library   Duplicates,   Apr.. 

•95-     (4)    $37.60. 
CL,  Bangs,  Nov.  11,  '95.     (4)   $55.50. 
CL,   LIbble.   Oct.   19.   '97.     (7)    $30. 
CL.  Camith,  May.  '98.     (16)  $43.50. 
CL.  Henkels,  Nov.  20.  '99.     (2)   $24. 
CI.,  Ubble,  Jan.  23,  1900.     (6)  $49.80. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t.  Dayton.  Mar.,  '02.     (11) 

CL.  Bangs.  June  17.  '02.  (101)  $37.80. 

ADAMS  (NATHANIEL).  Annals  of 
Portsmouth,  N.  H.  Portsmouth, 
1825.     8vo. 

Bds.,  unc.  (with  Plan  of  Portsmouth, 
engraved  by  S.  Bovren,  etc.,  laid  In), 
Balcom.  Feb..  '01.     (1971)  $9. 

ADAMS  (SAMUEL).  An  Appeal  to 
the  World,  or,  A  Vindication  of  the 
Town  of  Boston.     l>ond.,  1770.    8vo. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t,  Cobum,  Apr.,  '88. 
(1734)   $5.75. 

Mor.,  Libbie,  Nov.  20.  '96.  (146)  $6.50. 

Oration    Delivered     at    the     State 

House  in  Philadelphia,  Aug.  1.  1776. 

Load.,  177G.     8vo. 
Hf.  roan,  Henkels.  Oct*  21,  '96.     (60) 

Oration     Delivered    at    the    State 

House  in  Philadelphia,  Aug.  1,  1776. 

Dublin.  1776.     8vo. 
Hf.  mor.,  Bangs.  Jan,  22,  '02.  (12)  $5.50. 
ADAMS     (T.).     The     Devilts     Banket. 

Ix>nd..  1C14.     4to. 
Vel.     (arms    of    James   L    on    sides), 

Lawrence,   May.   '92.     (3)    £1  14s. 
ADAMS    (WILLIAM).     God's    Eye    on 

the  Contrite.    Boat.,  Richard  Pierce, 

1685.     4to. 
Mor..    g.e.,    Menzles.    Nov.,    '76.     (19) 

Mor..    g.e..    Brinley.    Mar.,    '79.     (693) 

ADAMS         (WILLIAM).  Vitruvlus 

Scotlcufi.     Edinb..  [1750].    Fol. 
Hf.     bd..     Pollock.     Jan.,     '89.     (296) 

£3  10b. 
ADAMSON      (H.).     Muse's    Threnody 

on     the    Death     of    Master     Gall. 

Edlnb.,   1G3S.     4to. 
Cf.,    g.e.,    Crawford.    Mar.,    '91.        (8) 

£6  2b.  6d. 
ADAMSON         (JOHN).        Eloquiorum 

Dei,  Rive  Methodtis  Rellgionis  Chris- 

tiannae  Catechetica    In    Usum  Aca- 

demiae  Jacobi    Regis    et  Scholarum 

Edinbiirgensiu    conscripta.      Edinb., 

1627.     12mo. 
Limp  vel..  with  ties.  Clerk.  May.  '99. 

(8)    £2  6s. 
Muses  Welcome  to  Jannes  VI,   at 

hla   Return     to     Scotland.      Edlnb., 

1618.     Fol. 
Cf.    (dedication   copy).   RusselL   June, 

'85.     (8)    £20  6a. 
Old    cf..    PutL,    Nov.    9.    '87.       (665) 

£3  7s.6d. 
Cf.    (Russell   copy),    Craig.   Mar.,   '88. 

(26)    £22108. 
Cf.,  Hopetoun.  Feb.,  '89,     (200)    £8  88. 
Cf.,     Auchlnleck,     June.     *93.       (201) 

£5  5b. 
V©L,  Clerk,  May.   '99.     (7)    £4  8s. 
VeL,  Soth.,  May.  '03.     (214)    £9. 



ADAMSON  (JOHN>.  Life  of  Luis  de 
Caiuoens.  l^oud.,  1820.  2  vols..  8vo. 
**LarKe  paper. 

Mor.,  g.e„  Hornby.  Jan.,  '02.  (310)    £2, 

ADAMSON  (P.).  Recantation  of 
Maister  Patrik  Adanisone.  some- 
time Archbishop  of  Saint-AndreweB 
in   Scotland.     Nj)..  1598.     8vo. 

Mor,.    R.e..    Makellar.   Nov..    '98.      (12> 

ADDISON     (C.    G.)-       Damascus    and 

Palmyra.     I^nd.,   1838.     10   colored 

plates    by     W.    M.    Thackeray.      2 

vols..  8vo. 
CI.,  unc,  Soth.,    Dec.    1.    '91.      (1578) 

CL,  unc.  Putt..  Dec.  IC.  '91.  (604)    £2. 
Cf.,    Crawford.    Mar..    '92.     (206)     £1 

CL.  unc.  Belt,  Aug.,  '92.     (528)    £3  8b. 
Cf..  m.e.,  Foot.  Jan.,  *94.     (120)   £1  Is. 
Hf.  cf.,   g.e.,    Kurtz,   July.   '95.      (799) 

£1 19s. 
Hf.  cf.,  Addison.  June,  '96.     (2)    £1. 
CL,    unc.    Soth.,    July    14.    '9G.     (388) 

CL,  unc.  Putt.,    Dec.    13,    '97.      (449) 

£1 10a. 
CL,  UBC,  Putt.,    Mar.    24,    '98.      (468) 

CL.  SoLh.,  Nov.  3.  '98.     (312)    £l6s. 
CL,  unc,  Soth..    Dec.    5,    '99.      (219) 

£1 12s. 
CL,  unc,  Bangs,  Feb.  13,  '01.  (493)  |8. 
CL,  unc,  Bangs,    Apr.    9,    '01.      (787) 

Cf..  g.t..  French,  Apr.,  '01.   (1577)  |74. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t.   (with  18  colored  plates, 

and    with    Ihe    agreement    between 

rhe  author  and  publLsher  inserted). 

Daly.  Mar.,  1900.     (3288)  130. 

ADDISON   (JOSEPH).  The  Campaign, 

a  Poem  to  Hla  Grace,  the  Duko  of 

Marlborough.     [>ond.,  1705.    Fol. 
Hf.    mor..    Grant,    May.    1900.     (287) 

£9  2s.  Gd. 
Unbd..    unc.    Duke    of    Argyll.    July, 

1900.     (1134)    £5. 
Mor..  Putt.,  Nov.  20.   '02.     (246)    £4. 
Cf..    unc.    Soth..    May    18,    '03.     (215) 

£  r>  5s. 

Cato,  9  Tragedy.  Lond.,  1713.  4to. 

Hf.     mor..    unc.    Grant.     May,    1900. 

(215)    £4   12s. 
ITnbd.,  unc.  Putt..  Nov.  13,  '01,   (500) 

CL,  g.t.,  Soth..  Mar.  17,  '02.     (152)    £4 


Addison    (Joseph) — Cini(inuril, 
Sewed,  unc,  Soth.,  June  20.  '04.  (157) 
£14  5a. 

Discourse  on  Ancient  and  Modern 

Learning.    Lond.,  1739.     4to. 
Sewed,  unc,  Bangs,  Apr.  16,  1900.  (1) 

Evidences  of  the  Christian   Relig- 
ion.    Edlab..  1751.     18mo. 
Mor.     (perhaps     by     Roger     Payne), 

Bangs.   Apr.   23,   '02.     (24S)    |7. 
Poems      on      Several      Occasiona. 

Lond..   1719.     8vo. 
Unc,  Soth..  Feb.  22,  '97.     (655)   £2  48. 
Remarks  on  Several  Parts  of  Italy. 

Ixjnd.,  1705.     8vo. 
Cf.,  Sullivan,  May,  '90.     (18)    £3  3s. 

Works.     Lond..  1721.     4  vols..  4to. 

Cf.,  Aylesford,  Mar..  '88.     (70)    £2  28. 
Cf.,  Soth..   Mar.  7,  '01.     (293)    £1  6s. 

••I.,arge  paper. 
Mor.,    g.e..    Toovey,    Feb..    '94.     (223) 

Miscellaneous      Works.       Oxford, 

1730.     4  vols.,  8vo. 

••I>arge  paper, 
Mor.,  g.t.,  Reid,  May,  '94.     (11)    £3. 
Works.    Birmingham,  Baskervllle. 

1741.     4to. 
Thomas,  Dec.  '91.     (53)    fills. 
Works.     Birmingham,  BaskervUlflj 

1761.     4to. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Vaughan,  Dec.   '86.     (182) 

Rub.,     Bleasdell,     Jan..      '87.        (345) 

£2  12s.  Cd. 
Mor,    g.e..    Turner.    June.    '88.     (183) 

£10  10s. 
Mor.,  Turner.  June.   '88.    (184)    £5  59. 
Cf.,    Brinckman,    July.    '88.     (48)     £1 

Mor..    g.e..    Thornhlll,   Apr..   '89.     (97) 

Cf.,  Perkins.  July,  '89.     (10)    £18a. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Hutchinson,  Feb.,  '92.     (2) 

Mor..  Buckley,  Feb..  '93.  (202}    £G15a, 
Cf.,  Turner,  Dec,  '93.     (172)    £2  68. 
Cf.,  Toovev,   Feb..  '94.     (224)    £1108. 
Mor..   g.e..   Soth.,  Nov.   22,   "94.      (528) 

£3  3s. 
Cf..  Bangs,  June  6,  '95.      (2)    $20. 
Cf.,  Deane,  Mar..  '98.     (34)  |5. 
Cf.,  Soth..  Mar.  7,  '98.     (682)    £1  3s. 
Hf.  cf..  Bangs,  May  14.  1900.     (4)   |5. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Soth..  Dec.  3,  1900.     (530) 

£2  4s. 



Addi»on   (Joseph) — Continued, 

Hot,,  g.e..  Fraser,  Apr..  *01.     (11)   £9. 

Mor.  (Williams  copy,  with  arms  on 
Bides).  Ford.  May,  "02.  (15)    £15  10s. 

Mor.  (with  arms  of  Earl  of  Clare  on 
sides),  Hibbert.  Apr.,  '02.     (3)    £15. 

Works.     Lond..  1811.    6  vols.,  8vo. 

Cf..  Wells,  May.  '90.     (1)    £1  2s. 

Hf.  cf..  Hoiile.  Dec,.  '9L     (389)    £1  Is. 

Cf..  m.e.,  Soth..  Dec.  17,  '92.  (527) 
£1   128. 

Cf..  Soth..  Apr.  IG.  "SG.     (3)    £1  18s. 

Cf.  ex..  m.e..  Deanc.  Mar.  '98.  (35)  $12. 

Cf-  m.e.,  Egmont.  June,  "98.  (1)  £1  Is. 
••Large  paper. 

Cf..  Soth.,  Dec.  !>.  'S7.     (3)    £1  128. 

Cf..   Walker.  May.   '93.     (3)    £2  4s. 

Delegates,  met  at  Portland.  Jan. 
28.  1795,  on  the  Subject  of  Separa- 
tion from  Massachusetts.  Port- 
land, tn95].     8vo. 

Hf.  mor..  Deane,  Mar..  '98.  (2855)  |11. 

of  the  State  of  New  York.  See 
New    York. 

Censors  lo  the  People  of  Vermont. 
Bennington,   A.   Haswell,  1800.    8vo. 

Paper,  unc,  Conland,  Jan.,  '04.  (897) 

New  lx>ndon,  for  the  Author,  179(1. 

Paper.  McKee,  Nov.,  1900.     (51   ?o. 

of  Colony  of  Virginia.  See  Brux- 
ton   (C). 

of  Pennsylvania,  by  those  Freemen 
of  the  C'Hy  of  Philadelphia,  now 
confined  in  the  Mason'.s  Lodge  by 
Virtue  of  a  General  Warrant.  Phlla.. 
Robert  Bell,   1777.     8vo. 

Cf..  g.e..  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.     (1930>  |5. 

Hf.  mor..  Bangs.  Oct.  7.  '01.     (17)  |7. 

Hf.  mor..  Cox.  Feb.,  '02.     (624)    |fi. 

Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Cresson.  May.  '02.  (84) 

Maryland.     See   Dennis   (E.   P.). 

»t)n.  the  Rev.  Mr.  Ewing,  and 
Others.  Trustees  of  the  Corporation 
for  the  Relief  of  Presbyterian  Min- 
isters, their  Widows  and  Children. 
etc.     PWla.,  1765.     8vo. 

Add  ress — Continued, 
Mor.,  HenkelB,  OcL  21.  '96.  (284)   $12. 
Sewed,    Bangs,    April    22,    '96.     (777) 

ADET  (P,  A.).  Notes  to  the  Secre- 
tary of  State  of  the  United  States. 
Phila.,   1796.     8vo. 

Cf.,  g.t.,  Cooke.  Dec,  '83.     (34)   $5.60. 

oppea  of  Winchester,  l^ondon.  and 
others.  Roane,  by  Michael  Wood, 
1553.     8vo. 

Vel..  Makellar,  Nov..  '98.     (16)   £1  ISs. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  May  16,  '01.  (6)  £1 


ment.     See     Cartwrtght     (T.),     and 
Ffeld   (J.) 

Mainz,  Copia  Indulgentlarum  de 
Inatitutlone  festi  presentAtionls 
beatae  mariae.  [Strasburg,  M, 
Fiach,  about  1468].  (Haln,  89.)     4to. 

Bds.,  Inglts.  Juno.  1900.     (4)    £15. 

ADOLPHUS  (J.).  British  Cabinet. 
Lond.,  1799-1800.     4to. 

Putt.,  Jan.   16,  '90.     (301)    £1  10s. 

Mor.,  g.e..  DeLacouperie.  May.  '95, 
(610)    £2  73. 

Hf.  rus..  Ashburnham,  June,  '97. 
(814)    £316b. 

Rus.  (one  cover  loose),  Soth.,  Oct. 
28,  '01.     (1570)    £3  3s. 

ADOLPHUS      (J.      H,).     Memoirs     of 

Queen    Caroline.       Jjond..    1821.      2 

vols.,  Svo. 
Cf..  Bangs,  Feb.  20,  1900.     (10)   |6. 
Cf,,  Putt.,  July  30,  '02.     (7)    £3. 

Liber  de  Remediis. 

Select  Collection  of  Tryal.s.     Lond., 

1761.     2   vols.     8vo- 
Bds.    (in  1  vol.).  Hailstone,  Feb.,  '91. 

(11)    £2  4s. 

ADVENTURER     (THE).      Nos.    1140. 

Lond.,  1753-54.     Fol. 
Mor.,  g.e.    (in  2  vols.),  May,  July,  '91. 

(617)    £4  17s.6d. 
Mor.    (in  2  vols.).  Soth..  Jan.  23,  '02. 

(859)    £3. 
Hf.   bd.     (in    2   vols.).   Putt.   Apr.   14, 

•02.     (770-A)    £188. 
Cf.    (in    2    vols.).    Anderson,    Apr.    29, 

'03.     (466)    15.00. 




ADVENTURES    OF    A     POST     CAP- 

tain.     By    a  NavaJ    Officer.      Load,, 

n.d.     8vo, 
Mor.,  g.t.,  unc,  Mackenzie,   Mar.,   '89. 

(11)    £4  88. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t,  Johnson.  Jan.,  '90.  (161  ► 

Cf..  Glasae.  July,  '92.     (2024)    £1158. 
Hf.  rus..  m.e.,  Daubuz.  May,  '95,    (628) 

£2  14b. 
Hf.    mor.,    Soth.,    Nov.    13.    '95.     (4) 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e.,  Cox,  Apr.,  '99.     (1043) 

Bds.,   unc,   Soth.,   Nov.   20,   '99.     (51) 

£3  128. 
Hf.  cf..  unc.  Soth..  Apr.  4.  1900.  (215) 

£2  123. 
Hf.  raor..  Christie.  Apr.  21.  1900.    (1) 

£312s.  Gd. 
Hf.     cf..     Soth..     Jan.     21.     '01.     (53) 

£2  19s. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Fraser,  Apr..  *01.     (12) 

£3  12s. 
Hf.  cf.,  g.t.,  Soth..  Mar,  17,  '02.     (54) 

Cf..  g.t..  Putr.,  July  30.  '02.   (S)     £4  Gs. 

cuB.     See  Comicus  (Dr,). 

French     Gentleman     Touching     the 

Intention  and  Meaning  Which  Those 

of  the  House  of  Guise  Have  in  Their 

Late  Levying  of  Forces  and  Armies 

In   the   Realrae  of  France,      l^ond,. 

1585.     12mo. 
Mor.,   g.e.     (some   page  numbers   cut 

into).    Soth.,    May    IG.    '01,        (273) 

£11  8r. 

Due  Order.     See  Elizabeth  (Queen). 
ADV      (THOMAS).     Candle      in     the 

Dark.     Lond.,  1C5C.     4to. 
Cf.,     r,e.,     Menzies,     Nov.,     76.     (20) 

Hf.  mor..  g.e.,  Brice.  July,  '87.     (410) 

£1  lis. 
Cf..   Moore,   May,   'SS,     (2587)    |14. 
Cf.,  g.e.    (a  few  headlines  cut  into). 

Ford,   May,    "02.     (17)    £3  18s. 
Perfect     Discovery     of     Witches. 

Lond..   IGfd.     4to. 
Cf.»  Moore,  May.  '93.     (2588)   |12. 
AD  YE    (S.    P.).       Treatise   on    Courts 

Martial.      N.    Y.,     H.    Gaine.     1769. 

Hf.   sheep,   Brlnley,   Apr..   '81.     (4958) 


>EQIDIU$  ROMANUS,  Oe  RegJmine 
Principuna  lib.  IH.  [Augsburg,  G. 
Zainor.  1473.]      (Hain.  107.)      Fol. 

Unbd.,  Davis,  Nov.,  1900.     (2)    £3  lOs. 

Regimiento  de  Princeps.  fecho  por 

D.  Fr,  Gil.  de  Roma.  Translada  de 
Latin  en  Romance  por  D.  Bemado 
Obispo  de  Osnia.  Seville.  1494. 

Vel.  (some  headlines  cut  into),  Soth., 
Apr.  12,  '99.     (6)    £7  58, 

Tractus    de     Formatione     human! 

Corporis  In  Utero.     N.p,,  n.d.     4 to. 

Cf.  (stamped  with  the  Martyrdom  of 
S.  Sebastian,  etc.,  by  Andr6  Boule), 
Davis,  Nov..  1900.     (1)    £11108. 

>ELFRIC  SOCIETY.  Publications,  a 
complete  series.  Lond..  1843-48.  3 
vols.,  8vo. 

Ct,  g.e.,  Liindy,  Feb.,  '99.  (1273) 

^LIANUS.  Tactics.  Trana.  by  J. 
Bingham.     I^nd..  1G16.    Fol. 

Cf.,  Gennadlus,  Mar.,  '95.     (22)    £3  3a, 

>ENEAS  SILVms.  Bulla  Retracta- 
tlonum  omnium  dudum  per  eum  in 
mlnoribus  adhuc  agentem  pro  Con- 
clllo  Basillens,  etc,  et  De  Curialium 
Miseria.  [Cologne,  IJ.  Zell.  about 
1468.1     (Haln,  194    and    260.)     4to. 

Mon.  g.e.,  Inglis,  June,  1900.  (6) 
£6  lOs. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Inglis,  June,  1900.  (7) 
£7  15s. 

Dialogus.     Rome.. J.  Schurener  de 

Bopardia.    1475.      (Hain.   193.)      Fol. 

Mor..  g.e.  (with  Tractatus  Magisiri 
Jordan!  Osnaburgens.  [Hain.  9437] 
and  one  other  piece,  in  one  vol.; 
Count  Hoym'B  copy).  Inglis.  June. 
1900.     (9)    £40. 

Epistolae   Famtliares.      Louvain,   J. 

de  Westfalia.   14S3.     Fol. 

Yel..  Inglis,  June.  1900.     (11)    £5, 

Pius  Papa  Secundus  Eloquentissi- 

mus  Obilt  Anno  MCCCC  LXUII  in 
Anchona.  etc.  [Cologne.  U.  ZeU, 
n.d.]    (Hain.   171.)    4to. 

Cf.,  Inglis,  June,  1900.     (8)    £5  lOs. 

Pius  Papa  Secundus  Eloquentfssi- 

mu8  Obiit  Anno  MCCCC  LXIIII  in 
Anchona  dum  proflciaci  Proposu- 
erit  Contra  Turcos  Coraposuit,  etc. 
[Cologne,  U.  Zell,  about  1469.] 
(Hain,  •ni.)     4to. 

Mor.,  White,  Apr.,  '02.     (8)    £9lSa. 




yCneas  Silvius — Vontitiiifil. 

Historfae   rerum   ubique   gestarum. 

Venice.   1477.     Fol. 

V©1.  (Willi  a  facs..  by  PHinskl.  of  the 
marglaal  notes  said  to  have  been 
made  by  Columbus,  on  verso  of 
Fol,  C. ;  presentation  copy  from 
Henry  Harrisse  to  Mr.  Barlow). 
Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (1977)   |25. 

Vel.  (Barlow  copy),  Moore.  Feb.,  '94. 
(1100)   110. 

'HIstoria      Pll      Papa     de     duobus 

Anjantibus.      Venice,    1504.      4to. 
Unbd-.  Soth..  Dec.  19,  '01.     (2)    £4  28. 

Proemjo    di    Ser    AJexandro    Brae- 

cio  al  preBtanlKsslmo  Giovane  Ix>- 
renjio  sopra  la  trartuctione  d'una 
hystorla  dl  due  Amanll.  Florence, 
ad  petltione  dl  Ser  Piero  Pacini  da 
Pescia,  n.d.     4to. 

Hf.  bd..  Ashburnham,  May,  98.  (2037) 

-CSCHYLUS.  Agannemnon.  See  Fitz 
Gerald  (Edward). 

Tragoediae    sex,      Venice,    Aldus, 

1518-    8to. 
Mor..  g.e.   (Grenvllle  copy),  Crawford. 

June,  '87.     (7)    £3 10s. 
Mor,   g.e..   prai^'ford.   Mar.,   '91.      (21) 

£3  148. 
Rus..  g.e.  (Sussex  copy),  Luard.  Nov., 

*91.     (3)   £2108. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Auchlnleck,  June,  '93.    (6) 

£4    IGs. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Bush.  Apr.,  '96.     (4)   £4  10s. 
Bds.,    unc.    flacking    the    first    leaf). 

Cox.  Feb..  '02.     (31)   |40. 

Tragoediae    VH.      Graece.      Paris, 

1557.     4to. 
Mor.    g.e.     (arms    of    Chaa.    IX.    on 

sides;.     Soth.,     Apr.     12.     '99.       (7) 

£4  10b. 
Cf.    (James    I.'s    copy).    White,    Apr., 

■02.      (9)    £13. 

Tragoediae  VII.    Graece.    Glasgow. 

1795.     FoL 
Mor..  g.e.,  Phillips.  Jan.,  '89.  (39C)   £2. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Crawford.   Mar.,   '91.      (24) 

£1  SB. 
Rus..  g.e.,  Buckley.  Apr.,  '94.  (30S)   .£2. 

^SOP.  Appologicum  Carminjum  et 
Fabularum  Sebastianl  Brant.  Basle, 
1501.     Fol. 

Pigskin.  Ashbumham,  June.  '97.  (28) 

^s  0  p — Co  n  t  in  tt  nL 

Vel.    (lacking    blank    leaf,    fol.    122), 

Soth-,  July  17,  '01.     (8)    £27  10s. 

••Largo  paper. 

Mor..  Beckford,  June,  *82.     (65)    £50. 

Rus.,  g.e.,  Ives,  Mar.,  '91.     (4)   |225. 

Vita    et     Fabula-.       Ulm,     Zainer. 

[1473].      Fol. 

Vel.  (lacking  Fols.  31  and  40),  Craw- 
ford,  Mar.,   '91.     (26)    £28. 

Vita  et  Fabulae,     [.Milan].  A.  Zar- 

otus.  1474.     4to. 
Cf.,  Apponyi,  Nov.  10,  '92.     (20)    £4. 

Vita  Esopi  Fabuiatoria.  [Nurem- 
berg, Koburger,  1476.)     Fol. 

Unbd.  (imperfect),  Soth.,  June  18, 
'96.      (724)    £5. 

Fabulae,      cum      Italtca      Versione 

Zucchl-     Verona,  1479.     4to, 

Mor.,  g.e.,  (one  leaf  Inlaid),  Walker, 
May,  '93.      (162)    £34. 

Cf.  (2  leaves  In  facs.  and  2  lack- 
ing), Ashbumham,  June,  '97.  (23) 
£41  lOs. 

Mor,,   Putu,  .Ian.  30,   '89.     (879)    £43. 

Fabulae  et  Vita.     [Augsburg,  Sorg. 

1479-80.]     (Hain,  327,)     Fol. 

Mor..  unc.  (lacking  P.  8  and  all  of 
Sig.  Q.  except  the  last  leaf),  Ash- 
bumham, June,  '97.     (19)    £61. 

Leather  (lacking  A  S  and  all  after  P  8, 
and  with  the  first  leaf  in  facs.), 
Morris.  Dec,   '98.     (107)    £29. 

Cf.  (lacking  the  first  leaf  and  S!g. 
AS),  Clerk,  May,  '99.     (10)    £64. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (perfect),  Inglis,  June,  1900. 
(14)    £129. 

Fabulae  et  Vita.  Or.  et  I^t  [Mi- 
lan, about  1180.T     3  parts.     4 to. 

Mor.,  by  Bradel  I'Ain^,  Thorold,  Dec., 
'84.     (37)    £48. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Wodhull,  Jan.,  '86.  (43) 

Mor.,  g.e..  Crawford,  June,  '89.  (10) 
£36  108. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Stuart,  Mar.,  '95.  (68) 

Mot-,  g.e..  Weaver,  Mar.,  '98.  (85) 

Vita    et    FabuJae.      Naples,    1485. 

Mor.,    g.e.,    Crawford,    June,    '87.     (8) 

Rus.    (slightly  wormed),  Glasse,  July. 

'92.     (2420)     £40. 




iCsop — Ctitti  in  itctj, 

Mor.,    g.e.,     Ashbumham,    June,     '97. 
(24)    £203. 

-Fabulae.     Venice,   1491.     4to. 

Mor.,    Ashbumham,    June,    '97-       (25) 

Fabulae  et  Vita.     Venice,   Manfre- 

dus  de  Monteserato,  1492.     4to. 
(Susses    copy,    margins    of    first    and 

last   leaves    mended).    Ashbumham, 

June,  '97.     (2(J)    £37. 

Vita     et     Fabulas.      dr.     et     I^t. 

Aqulla,    Eusanium    de    Stella,    1493. 

Mor.,  g,e.,  Hardwlcke,  June,  '88.     (92) 


Fabulas  et  Vita.     Lat.  et  Ital.  per 

Zuccbi.  Venice,  Manfredus  de  Mon- 
teserato, 1493.     4  to. 

Cf.,  Ashbumham,  June,  '97.  (27) 
£13  15s. 

Fabulae   et    Vita.      [Venice],   149S. 

(Hain,  267.)     4to. 
Mor,   g.e..   Soth..  Nov.   20.   '99.     (211) 

£10  5s. 

Vita    et    Fabulae.      Venice,    Aldus, 

1505.     Fol. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Peel,    June,    1900.     (188) 


Vita  di  Eaopo  HistoHata.    Venice, 

M.  de  Monleseiala.  1505. 
Vel..  Sotb..  July  17,  '01.     (9)    £62. 

EsopuB    Constructus     Moralicatua 

et  hystoriatuB.  Venice,  Bern.  Benal- 
tus,  1517.    4to. 

Mor..   Inglis.   June.   1900.     (15)    £76. 

-» ^Vida   [y  Fabulas].  N.p,.  Juan  Jof- 

fre,  1520.     Fol. 
Vel..  Ellis.  Nov.,  '85.     (17)    £30  10s. 

Der   Teutsch    Esopus.      Augsburg. 

Schonspergor,    1498.     Fol. 
Hf.    bd.     Hacking    4    leaves),    Morris, 

Dec,  '98.     (IDS)    £11  5s. 
Leben  und  Fabeln.    Friburg,  1555. 

(Lacking    title).    Soth.,    Dec.    17,    '98. 

(190  J    £9  59. 

Fabularum.    Gr.    et  Lat.    Oxford, 

1698.    8vo. 

**  Large  paper. 
Mor..    g.e.,    HUdyard.    June,    '89.     (1) 

£3  4a. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Moore.  Oct.. '93.     (5)  £2  6s. 
Fabule    Moraflsatme.     Gr.   in   Lat. 

^sop — Citntinurti. 

translate.    N.p..    n.d.       (18    unnum 

bered  leaves).     4to. 
Vel..  Soth.,  July.  '01.     (7)    £10. 
Fables.     Moralized  by  L.  Willan. 

Lond.,  1C50.     16mo. 
Cf..   Gaisford,   Apr.,    '90.     (14)    £2  48. 
Fables.     In    verse,   by    J.    Ogilby. 

Load..  1G51.     Plates  by   Hollar.  4to. 
Rus.,  g.e.,  Aylesford.   Mar.,   '88,     (71) 

£5  10a. 
Cf..   Buckley,  Feb.,   '93.  (211)    £4  128.    , 

Mor.,  Putt.,  June  22,  '96.  (988)    £2188. 
Cf.  (81  proof  plates  and  frontispiece), 

Bunbury.  July.  '90.     (138)    £10. 
(80    proof    plates,    lacking    portrait), 

Hodgson.   June  1,   1900.      (4C4)    £7. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Ford.  May,  '02.     (19)    £19. 
Cf..  Pountaine.  June,  *02.     (4)  £7  5s. 
Fables.  In  verse,  by  Ogilby.  Ixind., 

1665-     Plates  by  Hollar.     Fol. 
♦♦Large  paper, 
Mor.,   g.e.,   Buckley,   Apr.,   '94.      (309) 

£4  6s. 
Fables.     With    life,    etc..    by    T. 

Phlllpott.     Load.,    1606.     Plates   by 

BarJow.    Fol. 
Cf.     (cover    broken).    Bunbury,    July. 

■96.     (208)    £4. 
Cf..  Soth.,  Mar.  21,  '98.     (1003)  £3  14b. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Edwardes,  May,  '01.     (115) 

£9  5s. 
Mor,,    g,e.,    Lefferta,    Apr..    '02.     (3) 


♦♦Large  paper. 
Cf.,     Ashburnham,     June,     '97.       (30i 

£  4  ICs. 
Fables.  In  verse,  by  Ogilby.  Lond., 

1CG8.  Plates  by  Hollar.  2  vols.,  fol. 
Constable.  June,  '89.  (227)  £110s. 
Cf..  Warwick,  Nov.,  '91.  (24C)  £1  lOs. 
Cf.,  Hutchinson.  Feb.,  '92.  (4)  £3  6s. 
Rii3..  Holborn,  Jan.,  '93.  (290)  £2. 
Hf.  cf.,  Bangs.  Nov.  18,  '01.  (5)  |6.25. 
Fables.  In  verse,  by  Ogilby.  lA>nd., 

1675.     8vo. 
Hf,     rus.,     Johnson,     Feb.,    '98.      (13) 

Fables.     Lond.,     1687.     Plates  by 

Barlow.    Fol. 
Mor.,     Brlnckman,     JuJy.     '88.     (157) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (frontispiece  backed ) .  Har- 

tree.   July.   '90.     (246)    £5  5s. 
Hf,    cf.,    Soth..    Apr.    24.    '99.     (309) 
£2  48. 


^«op— Conf /«  ued, 

Mor..   g.e.    (lacking  plate   17),   Bangs, 

Mar.  19.  1900.     (5)  11-4. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Edwardes,  May,  '01.     (116) 

Mor..  g.e.    (with  plate  17).  Ford,  May, 

'02.     (21)   £8  5s. 
Rus.,  m.e.    (with  plate  17),  Fountaine, 

June,  "02.     (5)    £510b. 
••I^arge  paper. 
Cf.      (with     plate     17),    Ashbumhaaa, 

June,  '97.     (31)    £C2B.t>d. 

Fables.     Lond..   1C94.     Fol. 

Mor..  Sullivan,  May,  '90.   (43)    £3  18a. 

Fables.      Lond,,    1703.      Plates   by 

Barlow.     Fol. 
Cf.,  Leigh.  Deo..  '89.    (1135)    £3  7s,  6d. 
CL,  Anderson.  Feb.  7.  '02.     (2)  |10.25. 

Fables      of      ^sop      and      others. 

Edited   by    Samuel    Croxall.      Loud., 

1722,     8vo. 
Cf..  g.e..  Percy.  May.  '90.     (8)  £1  3s. 
rt.  y.e..  HIbbert,  Apr.,  '02.     (4)  £4  8b. 

Fables.    Birmingham,   Baskerville, 

ITCl.     8vo. 
CL.  Soth.,  July  13,  '87.     (2)    £1  128. 
CL,  Soth..  Feb.  14.  '88.     (24)    £2. 
Mor.,  g.e..     Perkins.    July.    '89.     (15) 

a.,    g.e.. 

£1  18s. 
Mor.    g.e., 

£2  2s. 
Mor.    g.a. 

HL  bd^  unc,  Hibbert.  Apr., 

£3  58. 

••Large  paper. 
Mor.,  g.e.    (Daniel  copy),  Hayes.  Apr., 

•98.     (8)   123.60. 

Fables.    Birmingham,  Baskerville, 

17C4.     8vo. 
Mor..     g.e.,     Craig,     June,     '87.     (18) 

£7  2s.6d. 

Walker.    June,    '91.     (395) 

Hutchinson.   Feb.    '92.     (5) 

Soth..    Nov.    IT,    '96.     (6) 

'02.     (5) 

Ix)nd.,    Stockdale. 
Stothard.    etc.     2 



Plates    by 


CL,  Bleasdell.  Jan.. '87.     (60)   £2  2s. 
HL  mor..  unc,  Soth.,  Feb.  12,  '89.  (5) 

Rna..   m.e.,   Kenyon,   Mar.,   '90.     (555) 

£3  38. 
Of.,    g.e.,     Soth.,    June    22,     '91.     (2) 

£2  18s. 
Cf..  g.e.,  Soth.,  July  2.  '92.     (1)   £2  28. 
CL,  g.e..  Moore,  Oct..  '93.     (6)   £2168. 

iCsop — Coti  tinned, 

CL,    g.e.,    Alexander,    Mar.,    '95.     (14) 

Mor..  g.e.,  Bangs,  Jan,  30,  '96.     (5)  $12. 
CL.  g.e.,  Ubble.  Mar.  25,  '90.   (7)   $33. 
CL.  Deane,  Mar..  '98.     (40)  $16. 
HL   mor.,   g.e,,    Henkels.   June  2.   '98. 

(59}  $28. 
Rus.,  Bangs.  Oct.  6,  '98.   (152)    $11,50. 
CL,  Cox.  Apr.  17,   "99.     (6)    $21. 
CL,  Bangs.  May  3,  '99.     (2)  $8. 
Mor.,  inlaid,  by   Riviere.   Bangs,   Mar. 

10,   1900.      (G)    $72. 
HL  mor.  Daly,  Mar.,  I9(i0.     (28)   $19. 
CL     (in   1   vol.),   Soth-.   May   25,   1900. 

(2)   £2G8. 
CL,  y.e..  Bangs,  Feb.  13,  '01.     (1)  $18. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Hodgson,  Feb.  27,  '01.  (114) 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Anderson,  Feb.  7,  '02.     (3) 

Rua.,  Cresson.  May,  '02.     (172)  $16. 

Fables.     Newcastle,  1818.     Wood- 
cuts by  Bewick.     8vo. 
Bds.,  unc.  Putt,.  June  17.  '91.     (548) 

£3  5s. 
Mor..     g.e.,     Reid.     May,     '94.     (230) 

£2  14s. 
Bds..  unc,  Framinghara.  May.  '95.  (38) 

£2  4s. 
CL,  m.e..  Shaw.  Feb..  '97.   (24)    £1  IGa. 
Mor,     (soiled).    McKenzie,    Jan.,    '99. 

(29)    £2  13s. 
CL    (with  bookplate  of  Wm.  Morris). 

Soth.,  Apr.  4.  1900.      (1297)    £llls. 
Mor.,  g.t.,  Bnice,  Dec.,  1900.  (230)    £6. 

♦•Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t„  unc,  Randall,  Aug..  '87. 

(S90)    £6  10s. 
Mor..   g.e.,    Thornhlll,   Apr.,   '89.     (18) 

£20  5s. 
Rus.,  Hutt,  May, '89.     (180)   £9  9s. 
Cf..    g.e,.     Sullivan,     May.    '90.     (733) 

Mor..   g.e.,    Warwick,    Nov.,    "91.      (7) 

£4  12s.  6d. 
HL     rus.,     Edklns,    Dec,     'Bl.     (795) 

Hf.  bd.,  Stonehouse,  Mar..  '92.     (690) 

£5  5s. 
CL,    g.e.,    Soth.,    Dec.    13,    '92.     (21) 

CL,  Hennessy,  July,  '93.     (997)    £7, 
Mor.,  Pinkney,  May,  '95.     (21)    £19. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Lamb,  Feb.,  '98.  (77)   £8  5s. 
Mor..  g.t,  unc.    (orlg.  back  and  paper 

label    bound    In),    Stansfleld,    June, 

•98.     (32)    £6. 




</Cso  p — Con  tin  ucd. 

Cf.,    g.e..    Soth..    Nov.    28,    '98.     (598) 

£2  14s. 
Cf.,    y.e..    PMJpott,    Nov.,    '01.     (18) 

£2  Is. 
Hf.   ma.,  unc.  Both.,  July  11,  '02.  (10) 


••Largest  paper. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Lee,  June,  '88.     (381) 

Cf.,  Putt.,  July  3,  '89,     (36)    £14. 
Unc,  Roae,  June, '91.     (1497)   £9  98. 
Mor.,   May,  July,  '91.      (1419)    £18. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Anderson,  May.  '92.     (13) 

Rus.,  m.e..  Foot,  Jan.,  '94.     (923)    £5. 
Rus.,  g.e.,  Angeratela.  May,  '96.  (789) 

£4  48. 
Hf.  mor..  unc.  Burra.  May.  '97.     (05) 

£e  128. 
Hf.  cf.,  Soth.,  Mar.  18,  '98.  (130)    £5. 
Cf.  (cracked),  Soth.,  Apr.  25,  '98.  (10) 

£4  lOs. 
Rus.,   m.e.,   Egmont,   June,   'SS.      (31) 

£5  158, 
Cf.     (cracked),    Sotb.,    Nov.    28,    *98. 

(632)   £4  158. 
Cf.,    m.e.,    Soth.,    May    8,    '99.      (93) 

£4  158. 
Cf.     (cracked),    Soth.,    Apr.    4,    1900. 

(294)    £3. 
Hf.   rus,,  Soth.,  Dec   3,  1900.     (1521) 

£1  6s. 
Rus.   (rebacked).  Soth..  Dec.  IT.  1900. 

(93)    £1148. 
Mor.,   g.e.,   Soth..   Nov.   18,   '01.      (25) 

£6  Gs. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Hlbbert,    Apr.,    '02.      (G4) 


Fables.     Trans,     by     T.     James, 

l^nd.,  1848.  Svo. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Cosier,  June,  '87.  (2)  £2. 
Cl„  Mackenzie,  Mar..  '89.  (14)  £2. 
CL,  Putt,  June  17,  '91.  (.551)  £19s. 
CI.,  Anderson.  May,  '92.  (2)  £1 16s. 
CL,  Putt..  June  14,  '97.  (5)  £1  10s. 
Fables.     Reprint   of  Caxton's  edi- 

Uoa.    Lond.,  1889.    2  vols.,  8vo. 
••I^arge  paper. 
Hf.  Tel..  Lovell,  Apr.,  '90.     (69)    £2  2s. 
Hf,  vel.,  Soth..  June  1.  '97.  (2)   £1  Is. 
Mor.,  unc.  Bangs.  Mar.  31,  '98.  (1)  $11. 
Hf.   vel.,    unc,    LIbble,    Feb.   8,    1900. 

(595)   17. 


lonial    Journal.      Washington,    v.d. 

African    Repository — Continued. 

Vols.  4  to  14,  Mar.,  1828,  to  Dec.  1838. 

9   vols.,    hf.    of..    Weeks.    Mar.,    '02. 

(687)  *9. 

of  the  Echini.  Parts  1-4.  Camb,, 
1872-74.  4  parts  lu  2  vols.,  and  2 
vols,  of  plates.     4to. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  unc.  Bangs,  Feb.  G,  '96. 
(2)   111. 

AGASSIZ  (L.).  Contributions  to  Nat- 
ural History  of  United  Stales.  Bost., 
185702.     4  vols.,  ito. 

a..  Libble,  Mar.  9.  '86.     (7)  |10. 

01.,  Llbbie,  May  2.  '88.     (5)   $11  - 

CI..  Foster,  June,  '94.     (1317)   £3. 

CI..  Duncan.  Nov,,  '94.  (4)  $G.GO. 

CI..  Henkels,  Dec  10.  '95.     (489)  |8. 

CI.,  Llbbie.  Feb,  11,  '96.     (8)  $8.50. 

CI.,  Richmond,  Apr.,  '99.  (245») 

CI.,  Balcom,  Feb.,  "01.     (20)   |8.50. 

CL,  Llbbie,  June  4,  'OL     (1355)  flO. 

Lake  Superior.     Bost.,  1850.     Svo. 

CL,  Wilson.  June.  '92.     (37)  £2  4s. 
CU  Brinley,  Apr.,  '93.     (8040)   fll.Ba. 
CL,  Ubble.  Apr.  27,  '97.     (603)  $10. 
CL,  Bangs.  Apr.  22,  '98.     (3)  |6.C2. 
CL,  Clogston,  Nov.,  '99.     (12)   t5.50. 
CL,  Manson,  Feb.,  "99.     (33)  *6.25. 
CL    (presentation   copy),  Bangs,  Jan. 

15,  1900.     (3)   J7.50. 
CL    (presentation  copy).  Wyman  and 

Lesser.  June.  '02.     (82)  $10.50. 

AGATHOCLES,  See  Hoy  (Thomas) 
and  Perrinchief  (R.). 

AGINCOURT   (SEROUX  D').     History 

of    Art.     Trans,     by     Owen     Jones. 

Lend.,  1847.     3  vols.,  fol. 
CL  (in  1  vol.),  Craig,  Mar.,  '88,     (38) 

£1  2s. 
CL  (In  1  vol.).  Knight,  June,  '89.  (202) 

Hf.  mor..  unc    (in  1  vol.),  Hart,  Apr., 

•90-     (19)    |18. 
Hf.  rus.,  g.t.    (In  1  voL),  Millard,  July, 

'95.     (Ill)    £l6s. 
(In    1    vol.),   Whilehead,   May    3.    *98. 

(141)    £8  15s. 
Hf.    mor.    (in   1  vol.).   Soth..  Oct  30, 

'99.     (127)  £l3s. 
Hf.  mor..  Bangs,  Feb-  20,  1900.     (13) 

Hf.  mor,   (la  1  vol.).  Bangs,  Nov.  26, 

1900.     (4)  $7.50. 

AGRICOLA    (DANIEL).     Pasilo   dom- 




Agricola   (Daniel) — Cotttintied. 

iDl  nostH  lesu  Chrlsti.    Basle.  1&19. 
McKee.  May.  '02.     (4769)  |15. 
AGRICOLA    (G.    A.).        Experimental 
Husbandman  and  Gardener.     Ix>Dd., 
1 726.     8vo. 
Cf..  Both..  Apr.  4.  '98.     (64)    £1  lis. 
AGRICOLA    (M.).        Kurtz      Deutsche 
Miisica.       Wiiteniberg,     G.     Rhaw. 
[1528J.     8vo. 
Mor..   K.e..   Soth.,    Nov.    25.   '01.     (158) 

£9  178.  6d. 
AGRIPPA    (C).     Trattato   dl    Scientia 

d'Arme.     Rome,   1553.     4lo. 
Mot.,    g.e..    Soth..    Julv    17,    '01.     (12> 

Vel..  g.e.   (lacking  title  and  portralty. 
Soth..    Mar.    17.    '9d.      (2G9)     £3  IGs. 
AGRIPPA    (H.    C).     Incertitudine    et 
Vanitate     Scientiarura     et     Artlum. 
[Baslel,  1531.     8vo. 
sniped    leather    (portrait    Inserted). 
InKlla.   June.   1900.     (ICl    £3. 
Nobility   and   Excellency  of  Wom- 
an-Kind.      Trans,    by      D,    Clapam. 
ll-ond.].  Berthelet.  1542.     12mo. 
t'nbd.      (some     margins     cut     into), 
Fountalne,   June.   '02.      (Gl     £4  1Cs. 

Three  Books  of  Occult  Philosophy. 

Lond.,   1(151.     4to. 
Hf.  mor.   (stained  and   mended).  Dor- 
man.   Apr..   '8C.     (1520)    $10.50. 
Cf..   Putt..  July    12.   •87.      (281)     £2  5a. 

Fourth  Book  of  Occult  Philosophy. 

Ixind..  1G55.     4lo. 
Hf.   mor.    (stained  and  mended).  Dor- 
man.  Apr.,  "86.     (1527)  |7. 
Cf..  Putt..  Nov.  20.  '95.     (944)    £2  108. 

Vanity   and    Uncertainty   of   Artes 

and     Sciences.       Englished     by     J. 
Sandford.     Lond..  1569.     4  to. 
Vel..  Soth.,  July  13.  "87.  (151)    £1  10a. 
V«»l..  StibbH.  Jan.,  '93.     (15)    £1  lis. 
Cf.     (rebacked),     Lundy,     Feb..     '95. 

(flCO)  $5.50. 
Rub.,     g.e.    (portrait     Inserted,     some 
marginal     notes    cut    Into),     Inglts, 
June.    1900.      (17)     £3  14s. 
Cf..  Soth.,  Jan.  23.  "02.     (301)    £6  158. 

Vanity    and    Uncertainty    of    Arts 

and  Sciences.     I>oQd.,  1575.     4  to. 
How.    Mar.,   •90.      (60(3)    £1118. 
Hf.    bd.     (wormed),    Frere,    Feb..    '96. 

(116)    €2  28. 
VeL,  Ashbumham.  June.  '97.  (42)    £9. 

Agrippa    (H,  C.)— Continued. 

Cf.,  Ashbumham,  Nov.,  '97.     (2)    £3. 

(Some   leaves   stained    and   mended), 

McKee.  Dec,  '01.     (3131)  $6. 
Sheep.  Bangs.  Sept.  30.  '01.     (9)  $5.25. 

AGUECHEEK     (ANDREW).      Univer- 

celaneo    Esperltual     en    el     Idioma. 

\V.  Bradford.     12mo, 
For  1762.  sewed,  unc,  Proud,  May,  '03. 

1248)   $1IJ. 
For  1764,  sewed,  unc.  Proud,  May,  '03. 

(348)   $5. 

celanoo  Esperltual  en  el  idioma 
Zaivoleca.      Mexico,   1(!6(j.      4to. 

Cf..   Soth..  Jan.  2!),  "96.     (91)    £8. 

AH  1  MAN  REZON.  See  Smith  (Wil- 

AIK1N     (LUCY).      Courts     of    Queen 

Ellzabeih,   James    1.   and    Charles   I. 

Ixind..  1K19-::1:!.     <;  vols.,  8vo. 
Cr.   m.e..    Liverniore,    Nov..   "94.      (20) 

Hf.  cf.,  unc,  Bangs.  .Ian.  23,  '95.     (2) 

Hf.  cf..  Bangs,  Apr.  11,  1900,     (2)   $9. 
Hf.  cf.,  unc.  Bangs.  Nov.  7.  1900.     (5) 

Cf,.   Dayton,   Mar..   '02.     (17)    $12.60. 

AILESBURY    (EApL    OF).      Memolra. 

Lond..  1890.     2  vols,     41o. 
Hf.    mor.,    g.t..    Bra  bourne.    June,    '93. 

(59:n    £3  3-s. 
Buckley.  Apr..    *94-      (3297)    £6Cs. 

AILLY    (PIERRE  a  ),     See  AUaco. 

version to  Richard  Clifton's  Adver- 
tisement.    Amsterdam.    1613.      4to. 

Cf.  (Increase  Mather's  copy).  Brln- 
ley.  Mar.  '79.     (509)  $13. 

Annotations     on     the      Book      of 
Psahiie-s,     Amsterdam,    1644.     8vo. 
Cf..   Soth..   Mar.   19.  '96.     (6)     £128. 
Cf..   Thayer,   Feb.,   '98.      (1)    |6. 

— —Communion    of    Saints.       Amster- 
dam. 1G40,     8vo. 
Mor.,  Bailey,  June.  *89.     tl47C)    £1  5s. 

Counterpofson.     N.   p.,   1642.     4to. 

Vel..  Brinley.  Mar..  '79.     (511)   $50. 

AINSWORTH     (H.).     Mirabile    Pecci: 

or.    the    Non-Such   Wonder    of    the 
Peak     in      Darbyshlre      Discovered. 
Lond..  leOS.     Rvo. 
Cf..  Bateraan.  May,  1)2.  (380)    £1118. 


Ainsworth    (W.   H.) — Continued, 

Guy  Fawkes.     fx>nd..  1S57.  Plate8 

by    Cniikshatik.     Svo. 

Cf..  g.t.,  unc,  Daly.  Mar..  1900.  {40) 

Jack      Sheppard.        Umd.,      1839. 

Plates  by  Cruikshank.     3  vols.,  Svo. 
CI.,  unc.  Hardy,  Dec.,  'S6.     (813)    £5. 
Mor..  unc,  Stewart,   Mar.  '88.      (119) 
"Phiz"    Inserted).      Howard,    June.      Mor.,  unc.  Mackenzie,  Mar.,  '89.  (406) 


AINSWORTH   (WILLIAM).       Marrow 

of  the  Bibl*?.     l.ond..  1(152.     Svo. 
Cf..  Gaisfortl.  Apr.,   '90.     (17)    £1  7s. 
AINSWORTH    (W.    H.).    Constable    of 

the    Tower,     hond.,    1*^01.     3    vols.. 

Bds.,  unc,  Anderson,  Apr.  29.  '03.   (8) 

CHchton.      I>ond.,    1837.      3    vols.. 

Mor.  (portrait  and  series  of  plates  by 

•98.      (5)     £7  17s.  fid. 

Crlchton.     Lond.,  1849.     Svo. 

Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Talbol.  Jan..  '90.    (236> 

JE2  1fi8. 
CI.,    unc.    Deacon.    Dec.     '92.        (10) 

£3  14s. 
CI.,   unc.    Ludgater.    May.    '95.      (499) 

CI.,    unc,    Soth..    Feb.    19,    '9(j.     (314) 

£5  28.(5d. 
Cf.,     unc.     Howard.     June.     '98,     (1) 

£3  12s. 
CI.,    unc,    Sidney.     Mar..    1900.       (2) 

£2  ](Js. 
Mor.   (plates  In  duplicate,  one  set  col- 
ored). Mar..  1900.     (4G)   141. 
Quy  FawkcB.     Lond..  1841.  Plates 

by   Crulkshank.     3   vols..  Svo. 
CI.,    unc,    Stewart.    Mar,.    '88.     (122) 

Mor.,  unc,  Mackenzie.  Mar.,  '89.  (408) 

Unc,    Strealfeild,     June.     "89.     (308) 

£10  15s, 
Mor..  unc,    Burnett.   Apr..   '89.      (131) 

Hf,  mor..  unc,  Talbot.  Jan.,  '90.  (233) 

Mor.,   g.t.    (presentation   copy).    John- 
son. Jan.,  '90.     (329)   |21. 
Cf..  unc,  Sinclair,   Apr.,   '90.     (2)    £9 

CI.,  unc.  Franilngham,  May,  '95.     (25) 

£0  7a.  <ld. 
Hf.  mor.,  Soth.,  Nov.  13.  "95.     (R)    £2 

CI.,     unc     (author's     copy),     Bniton. 

June.  '97.     (10)    £lG10s. 
CI.,    unc,     Johnson.    Feb..     '98.     (18) 

£12  158. 
Mor.,    unc.    Howard,    June.    '98.     (8) 

£12  12s. 
Mor..    unc    (Mackenzie    copy),    Daly, 

Mar.,  1900.     (39)  |78. 
Mor.,    unc.     (orig.    sketch    by    Crulk- 

shank   inserted),    French,   Apr.,   '01. 

(14)   »153. 

£9  15s. 

CI.,  unc,  Soth..  Mav  31,  '89.  (134)    £4. 
CI.,    unc,    Sullivan.    May.   '90.      (1726) 

£12  158. 
CL,  unc.  Soth..  June  14,  '90.     (3)    £7. 
Mor..  unc.  Soth,.  May  13.  '92.     (818) 

Cl„  unc,   Papworth,   May,   '92.      (587) 

CI.,  unc,  Winiams,  May,  '93.     (3)    £5. 
Mor..  unc.  Soth.,  Dec.  11.  '93.     (142) 

£7  5s. 
Cf.,  unc.  Burgess,  May.  '94.     (7)    £5 


CI.,  unc,  Whltechurcn.  Dec.  '94.      £5. 
CI.,    unc.    Soth..    Apr.    22.    '95-      (364) 

£4  4s. 
Cf.,  g.t.,  Pinkney.  May.  '95.     (72)    £r, 

CI.,    unc.    Soth..    Mar.    9.    '97.     (270) 

£10  55. 
CL,  unc.  Bniton,  June.  *97,    (7)   £G58. 
CL.  unc.  Whitehead,  May.  '98.  (2)   £5. 
CL.  unc.  Stansfleld,  June,  '98.  (3)    £3. 
Mor.,    unc,    Howard,    June.    '98.     (6 1 

£9  9r. 
CL,  unc.  Bangs.  Dec,  1,  '98.  (149)  124. 
CL.  unc,  Clarke.  Mar.,  '99,     (5)   £C6s. 
Mor.,  unc.  Cox.  Apr.,  '99.     H)    |51. 
Mor.,    unc,    Soth.,    May    8,    "99.     (396) 

£4  18s. 
CL.   unc,   Wright,  June,   '99.     (5)    £5 

CL.  unc,  Soth..  Nov.  20,  '99.     (52)    £4 


CL,   unc.    Bangs,   .Tan.    15,    1900.     (2> 

Mor.,  unc,  Daly,  Mar.,  1900.  (33)  |45. 
CL.  unc,  LIbble.  Apr.  17.  1900.    (246) 

CL.  unc.  Putt..  Mar.  28.  '01.     (4)    £4 

Hf.    cf..    Anderson,    Apr.    3,    '01.     (1) 

CL.    unc.    Bangs.   Oct.   21.    '01.     (IGtJ) 

CL.  Bangs.  Nov.  IS,  '01.     (7)  J27. 





Ainsworth   (W.  H.)— Continued. 

Hf.  cf..  Phillips  &   Shreve.  Dec,  '01. 

(97)    127.75. 
Hf.  cf.  (soiled).  Soth.,  Dec..  '02.     (43) 


Jack      Sheppard.        I^ml..      1840. 

Plates  by  Crulkshank.    8vo. 
CI.,  unc.  Soth..  Dec.  8.   '90.     (6)    £5 

Mor,  unc.  Soth.,  May  13,  '92.  (814)  £3. 
CK.  unc.  WItton.  .Ian..  '93.     (473)    £1 

Cn..  unc.  Williams,  May,  '93.     (4)    £4. 
Mor.,  unc.  Soth..  Nov.  22,  '94.  (42)  £3. 
CU  unc.  Putt.,  Oct.  15,  '96.     (175)   £5. 
Cf..    g.e..   Johnson,   Feb.    28,    '98.    (19) 

CI.,  unc.  Soth.,  Feb.  15.  1900.     (153) 

£1  ISs. 
Cf..  g.e.,  Daly.  Mar.,  1900.     (34)  |12. 
Mor.    unc.    Hibbert.    Apr.,    '02.      (9) 

£5  5s. 

Jack      Sheppard.         Lond..      1854. 

Plates  by  Crulkshank.     8vo. 
Hf.  cf..  g.t.,  unc,  Daly,  Mar..  1900.  (35) 


James  the   Second.     Lend.,   1848. 

3  vols..  8vo. 
Of.,    unc.    Burnett,    Apr.,    '89.      (12) 

£2  28. 
Due.  Putt..  May.  '89.     (25)   £1  7s. 
Hf.  mor.  g.e..  Soth.,  Feb,  9,  '98.     (4) 

£1  Is. 
Mor.,  unc.  Howard.  June,  '98.  (10)    £7. 
Unc.  Soth..  June  27,  '98.  (920)    £2  68. 
Hf.  mor,  unc.  Daly,  Mar,  1900.     (45) 


James  the    Second.      Lond..    1849. 

3  vols.,  8vo. 
Unc.  Soth..  June  14,  '90.    (10)   £2. 
CL,  g.t..  Putt.,  Apr  7.  '92.     (12)   £3. 
Hf.  cf..  g.t..  Soth..  Apr.   22,  '95.     (6) 


Cf..    unc.   Soth..    Apr   26.    '98.      (874) 

Hf.  cf..  g.t..   Lloyd.  Jan.,   '02.    (7)    £1 


Lancashire  Witches.     Lond.,  1849. 

3  vols.,  8vo. 
a.,    unc.    Putt..    Jan.    9,    '02.      (187) 

£2 10s. 

• Lancashire  Witches.    Lond.,  1854. 

CI.  unc.  Mackenxle.  Mar.,  '89.     (IT) 

£3  128.  6d. 

Alnaworth    (W.   H.)—t''mHnued. 

CI.,  unc.  Clarke.  Mar,  '99.  (13)  £2 

Mervyn     CUtheroe.     Lond.,     1858. 

Plates  by  Browne,    8vo. 
Cf..  g.e..  Harris.  Apr.  '97.     (146)    £1 


CI..  Soth..  Mar  18,  'SK.     (107)    £1  5s. 
CI.,  unc.  (orlg.  paper  covers  bound  In), 

Clarke.  Mar.  '99.     (15)    £4  6a. 
Hf.  mor..  g.t.,   Bangs,  Apr.    16,  1900. 

(5)  16.50. 
Parts,  Putt.,  Mar  12,  '02.     (75)    £6. 
Mor,    unc,    Hibbert,    Apr,    '02,     (11) 

£5  10s. 

Mfser's     Daughter,     Lond.,     1842. 

Platea  by  Crulkshank.     3  vols.,  8vo. 

CI.,  unc  (presentation  copy  to  Mrs. 
Cruikshank,  with  Crulkshank's  auto- 
graph in  each  volume).  Stewart, 
Mar,    '88.     (123)    £42. 

Hf.  mor.  g.t.,  Burnett,  Apr.  '89.  (132) 
£3  5s. 

CI.,  unc,  Comyn.  Mar,  '93.  (339) 
£6  2s.  6d. 

Mor,  unc,  Soth,,  Dec.  11,  *93.  (144) 
£5  5s. 

Cf..  unc,  Pinknev,  May,  '95.  (74) 
£4  15s. 

CI.,  unc,  Framingham,  May,  *95.  (18) 

CI.,  unc,  Bruton,  June,  '97-  (16) 
£10  15s. 

Mor.,  g.t.  (with  duplicate  series  of 
plates  in  proof  state),  Howard,  June, 
'98,     (9)    £9  9s. 

Cf..  g.t.,  Soth.,  May  8,  '99.  (397)  £4 

CI.,  unc  (Stewart  copy,  with  auto- 
graph of  Crulkshank  In  each  vol.), 
Wright,  June.  '99.     (9)    £26  10s. 

CI.,  unc.  Llbbie.  Mar  18.  '02.  (9) 

Miser's    Daughter.      Lond.,     1848. 

Plates  by  Crulkshank.     3  vols.,  8vo. 
Hf,  mor   ex.,  Johnson,  Jan.,  '80.     (332) 

Cf.,  Soth.,  Dec  8.  '90.     (11)    £188. 
CI.,    unc.    Putt.,    Dec.    5,    *92.     (532) 

£1  10s. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Daly,  May,  1900.     (41) 


Miser's      Daughter,     Lond.,     1848. 

Plates  by  Crulkshank.    8vo. 
CI.,  unc,  Soth..  Dec  8.  '90.     (12)    £2 

Atnsworth    (W.   H.)— Continued. 




Ainsworth    (W.   H.)- 

Cl„    line,    Williams.    May,    '93.      (11)  CI.,  unc,  Harris,  Apr..  '97.     (144)   £2. 

£110s.  CI.,  unc,  Clarke,  Mar.,  '99.     (10)    £3. 

CI.,    unc,    Soth.,    Nov.    22,    '94.     (45)  Hf.  mor.,  g.t,  Daly.  Mar..  1900.     (38) 

£2  2s.  15. 

CL,     unc.     Harris,     Apr..     '97.     (145)  CI.     (broken),   Anderaon.    Apr.    3,    *01. 

£1  178.  (2)  tlB. 

Cf-.     unc,     Sherman,     Jan..     '98.     (6)  CL,  unc.  Bangs.  Apr.  9.  '01.     (611)  |9. 

17,12.  CI.,   unc,    Soth.,   Dec    II,    '01.      (883) 

CI.,    unc,    Soth..    Feb,    24,    '98.     (695)  £1   12s. 

CL.  unc.  Clarke,  Mar.,  '99.     (11  >    £2 

Cf.,   g.t.,   LIbble.   Feb.   8.    1900.     (257) 

Cf.,  g.t,  Daly,  Mar.,  1900.     (42)  |10. 
CL.    unc,    Soth..    Dec.    11,    '01.     (384) 

£1  15s. 

Old  St.  Paul'*.  Loud.,  1841.  Plates 

by  Franklin.    3  vols.,  8vo. 
CL,  unc,  Streatfleld,  June,  '89.     (309) 

CL,  unc.   Hartree,  July,  '90.     (8)    £3 

Cf.,   unc,    Hutchinson,   Feb.,   '92.     (9) 

£3  58. 
CL,  unc,  Stogden,  May,  '94.     (4)   £3. 

CL,   unc,    LIbble,   Apr.   29.   '02.     (152) 


Ovingdean    Grange.     Lond.,    1860. 

Plates  by  Browne.    8vo. 
CL,  unc,  Soth.,  Dec  8,  '90.     (16)  £1. 
CL.  unc.  Putt.,  July  1.  '91.     (990)    £1 

CL,    unc.    Putt-,    Dec    5.    '92,      (614) 

£1  10s. 
CL,  unc,  Christie.  Jan..  '93.     (11)    £1 


CL,  unc,  Clarke,  Mar..  '99.  (16) 
£1  10b. 

Rookwood.     Lond.,  1834.     3  vols., 


Cf.,  unc,  g.t.  (presentation  copy).  Mac- 
kenzie.   Mar.,    '89.      (15)     £5  128.  Gd. 

Cf.,  g.t..  Soth.,  Apr.  22.  '95.     (3)  £2  4s.      Hf.  ttor.,  unc,  Burnett,  Apr.,  '89.   (6) 
CI.,    unc,    Beealey.    Nov.,    '96.     (604)  £2. 

£4  4s. 
Mor.,   g.t.     (with    duplicate    series   of 

(Presentation  copy),  Streatfleld,  June. 
'89.     (1428)    £2  1Ba. 

plates  in  proof  state),  Howard,  June,      Hf.    mor.,    unc,    LIbble.    Mar.    26,    '9B. 

'98.     (7)    £10  10s.  (8)  15.25. 

Parts  (poor  copy),  Soth.,  June  27.  *98.      Bds.,   unc.   Putt..   May   24.   '98,     (432) 

(127)    £4  6a. 
CL,    unc.    Soth.,    Dec    18,    '99.     (166) 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Daly,  Mar.,  1900.     (37) 


Cf.,    unc.    (presentation    copy).    Daly, 
Mar.,  1900.     (31)  124. 

Rookwood.     Lond.,    1836.      Plates 

by  Cruikshank.    8vo. 

"'iar%2"'Tr'#5t.  """'■  '""'■     M^..;un;;:  S^war-Mar.,  ■>».    ,n„ 

Old  St.  Paul's.   Ixjnd..  1847.   Plates 

by  Franklin  and  Browne.    8vo. 

Cf.,  unc,  Mackenzie,  Mar.,  '89.  (16) 
£3  12s. 

Mor..     unc,     Mackenzie,     Mar.,     '89. 

(405)    £8  10s. 
Mor.,   unc.    Burnett,   Apr.,    '89.     (128) 
£7  178.6d. 

CL.  unc.  MarshalL  .Tune.  '90.     (9)   £3      Mor.,    g.t,.    Johnson.    Jan..    '90.     (326) 

CI.,   unc.  Deacon.    Dec,   '92.      (81     i;2 

CL,  unc,  Tomllnson.  Jan..  '94.     (1352) 

£2  13. 
Cf.,    unc.    Burgess,     May,     '94.     (14) 

£4  16s. 
CL,    unc,    Soth..    Feb.    19,    '96.      (313) 

Hf.    mor,    Llbbie,    Feb.    18,    '97.      «j) 


CL.     unc,     Soth.,     Dec     8,     '90.     (6) 

£5  17s.  6d. 
Cf.,     unc.     Burgess,     May,     '94.     (6) 

£4  10b. 
CL,  unc,  Soth.,  Nov.  13,  '95.     (5)  £5. 
CL,     unc,     Bruton,     June,      '97.     (4) 

£8  10a. 
Mor.,  unc,  Howard,  June,  '98.  (4)   £6. 
CI.,   unc,   Clarke,   Mar.,   '99.      (4)    £6 





Ainsworth   (W.   H.)— Continued. 

Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Soth.,    Mar.    11.    '99. 

(137)    £4. 
CI.,     unc.     Wrtght,     June,      '99.     (4) 

Mor,  g.e.,  Anderson,  Jan.  8,  '01.     (1) 

Cf.,  g.e.  French.  Apr.,  '01.     (12 J  $28. 
Mor,  unc,  Hibbert,  Apr.,  '02.  (7)    £8. 
Mor.   g.e..   Maler   Oct..    '02.     (1)    $16. 
Saint  James's.    Ix>nd.,  18-14,  Plates 

by  Cnilkshank.    3  vols.,  8vo. 
Cf..    unc,    Stewart.    Mar,    '88.     (127) 

£4  10s.  6d. 
Cf..    unc,    Burnett,    Apr.,    '89,     (136) 

£2  12s. 
Bds..  unc,  Streatfleld,  June,  '89.  (311) 

£7  17s.  fid. 
Hf.    mor.    Johnson.    Jan.,    '90.     (333) 

Cf.»    g.e,    (presentation    copy),    Soth., 

Dec.  8.  '90.     (14)    £5. 
Cf..    g.e.    (presentation    copy).    Piitt.. 

Apr  13,  '92.     (11)    £6  158. 
Bds..    unc.    Soth.,    Nov.    13.    '95.     (9) 

£5  5b. 
Bds.,  unc.  Brutou,  June,  '97.  (18)    £9. 
CI-    (soiled).  Both..  Feb.  27.  '99.  (658) 

Hf.  mor.  unc.  French,  Apr,  "01.  (17) 

Saint  James's.  Lond..  1846.  Plates 

by  Crutkshank.    3  vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.  mor.  Soth..  Feb.  28,  1900.     (519) 

£1  188. 
Hf.    cf.,    unc,    Llovd.    Jan.,    "02.     (6) 

£2  14s. 
Spendthrift.     Ixind..   1857.     Plates 

by  Browne.     Svo. 
Cf.,  Hutchinson,  Feb..  '92.     (13)    £2. 
Cf..  Evans.  Nov..  '93.      (551)    £1  la. 
CI,  unc,  Clarke,   Mar.   '99.     HI)    £2 


CI.,    unc.    Bangs.    Dec.    1.    '99.     (173) 

Star  Chamber.  Ix>nd..  1857.  Plates 

by  Browne.     8vo. 
CI.,   unc,   Talbot.   Jan..  '90.     (237^    £1 

a«   unc.   Larpent.    Jan..    '95.      (10G3) 

£1 18s. 
CI.,  unc.  (in  2  vols.),  Dalv.  Mar.  1900. 

(49)  $7. 
Hf.  cf..  unc.  Daly.  Mar,  1900.     (51) 

Tower    of    London.      Lond.,    1840. 

Plates  by  Cnilkshank.    Svo. 

Ainsworth    (W.   H.)—Continvr.d. 
Parts,  Hardy,  Dec.  '86.     (835)    £4  58. 
CL.    unc,    Putt.,    Mar    2.    '87.      (834) 

£3  15a. 
Parts.   Hewlett,  June.   '87.      (198)    £2 


CI.,  unc,  Mackenzie.  Mar,  '89.     (407) 

£21  10s. 
Cf..  unc.  Hutt  May.  '89.     (20)    £2  ISs. 
Hf.  mor  ex.,  Johnson,  Jan.,  '90.     (32S) 

Parts   (presentation  copy,  with   A.L.S. 

of   the   author),    Sinclair,    Apr.    '90. 

(1)    £16  10s. 
Parts.  Solh..  .Tune  14,  '90.     (6)    £2  5s. 
Parts     (Sinclair     copy),     Soth.,     Dec 

S.  -90.     (7)    £15. 
Cf.,  unc.  (bd.  from  parts).  Hale,  Mar.. 

'91.      (203)    $25. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Hutchinson,  Feb.,  '92.     (10) 

£4  7a.  6d- 
Cl.,  unc,  Christie,  June  14,  '93.     (23) 

£3  5s. 
Parts,  Soth..  Dec.  11.  '93.     (1)    £8  58. 
Mor,    g.e.,    Stogden.    May.    '94.      (40) 

£3  5s. 
Parts.  Kurtz.  July.  '95.      (420)    £8  159. 
Parts.  Soth..  Feb.  19,  '96.     (581)    £10. 
Mor,   unc.    (bd.   from    parts).   Bra  ton, 

June,  "97.     (14)    £7  5s. 
Cf.,  unc.  (presentation  copy).  Howard, 

June.  '98.     (3)    £12 12s. 
CL.     unc.     Clarke,     Mar.,     '99.       (6) 

£4  178.6d. 
Parts,  Wright,  June,  '99.     (fi)    £7iris. 
CI.,   unc.   Soth..   Feb.   15,   1900.      (152) 

£  3  4s. 
CI.,  unc.  (Mackenzie  copy).  Daly.  Mar, 

1900.      (36)   »100. 
Cf.,  Brice,  Mar,  1900.     (4)    £3. 
Parts.  Bangs,  Nov.  26.   1900.     (6)   $35. 
Cf.,  unc,  French,  Apr,  '01.     (13)  $33. 
Cf.,    unc.    Bangs,    Nov.    18,    '01.      (8) 

Mor,    unc.     (with    pencil    sketch     by 

Cnilkshank),  Hlbbert.  Apr,  '02.     (8) 

Hf,  cf.,  unc,  Soth.,  Dec.  4,  '02.     (44) 

£5  10a. 
Parts.  Power,  Dec.  '02,      (159)    £8  5s. 
Parts,  Soth.,  Dec.  11,  '02.     (405)    £8. 
Parts.  Peirce,  May.  '03.     (1)   $67.60. 

Windsor      Castle,      bond.,      1843, 

Plates  by  Crulkshank.    3  vols.    Svo, 

CL.  unc.  Stewart,  Mar.  '88.    (12B)   £9. 

CL,  unc.  Soth.,  Dec.  10.  '88.  (3)  £2 




Alnsworth   (W.   H^)~Covtiitue(i. 

Hf.    mor.,    Johnson.   Jan..    '90.      (330) 

CI.,  unc.  Soth..  Dec.  8.  '90.     (9)   £2  2s. 
Parts.  Soth..  Dec.  8,  '90.     (10)   .CMs. 
Cf.,  unc,  Hutchinson,  Feb.,  '92.     (11) 

£3  12b.  6d. 
CI.,  unc,  WHton.  Jan.,  '93.     (474)    £2, 
CI.,  unc,  Willlamg,  May,  '93.     (9)    £2. 
Mot,.  Soth..  Nor.  22.  '91.     (44)    £4  10s. 
CI.,    unc,    Bruton,    June,    '97.       (11) 

£4  ns. 
Cf.,  Henkela.  June  2.  '98.     (258)  |25. 
CI.,   unc,   Clarke.   Mar..   '99.      (8)    £3 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Daly.  Mar..  1900.     (43) 

Parts.  Brice.  Mar.,  1900.     (5)    £3  1Gs- 
CI.,  unc,  Duke  of  Argyll,  July,  1900. 

(1215)    £2  8s. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,   Bangs,  Nov.  26.  1900. 

(171)    115. 
Cf.,  unc.  French.  Apr..  '01.     (16)   |31. 
CI.,    unc.    Soth..    Mar.    11.    '02.    (347) 

£2  2s. 
Mor..    unc.    Hlbbert.    Apr.,    '02.     (10) 

£6  58. 

wrndaor     Castle.       I^nd.,     1844. 

Plates  by  Crulkahank.     8vo. 
Mor.,    unc.    Burnett,    Apr.,    '89.      (11) 

£3  Ss. 
CI.,  unc,  Streatielld.  June.  '89.     (310) 

£1  15s. 
Cf.,  unc,  Talbot,  Jan.,  "90.     (234)    £2. 
Hf.  mor.,  ex.,  Johnson,  Jan.,  '90.  (331  > 

Parts,  Vaughan.  Dec.   '91.     (792)    £S 


CL.  unc.  Read.  June,  '92.     (507>    X;i 


Parts,  Barclay,  Nov.,  '92.     (1065t    £4 

CI.,  unc.  Soth..  July  1.  '95.     (1>£148. 
Parts,  Bruton,  June,  '97.     (12)    £4  17s. 

Parts,  Stansfield.  June,   '98.      (5)    £3 


Mor.,  unc.    (with  duplicate  set  of  proof 
plates),     Howard.     June,     '98.     (2> 

£11  lis. 
Parts.  Wright.  June,  "99.     (10)    £5  lOs. 
CI.,    unc,    Sidney.    Man,    1900.     (1) 

Parts.  Bangs,  Nov.  26.  1900.     (7)   $35. 
Parts,  Anderson.  Apr.  3,  '01.     (3)  $30. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Anderson,  Apr.  3.  '01. 

(4)   116. 

Ainaworth   (W.  H.y— Con tinved. 

Hf.  cf.,  Bangs,  Nov.  18,  '01.     (9)    $7. 

Parts  (back  cover  of  No.  U  missing 
and  one  page  faulty).  Hodgson, 
Oct.  22.  '02.     (53)    £3  12s.  rid. 

Works.    Lond.,     n.d.    Plates      by 

Crulkahank.     16  vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.  mor..  m.e.,  Edkins,  Dec,  '91.  (358) 

£5  5s. 
Hf.  cf..  m.e.,  McAlpine.  July.  '96.     (4) 

£4  10s. 
Hf.  roan.  Bangs,  Feb.  3.  '98.     (2)   |26. 
CI.,     unc.    Bancker,     Mar.,     '98.     (5) 

CL.   Henkels,  June  2,  '98.      (2>    |40. 
Hf.    mor..    Bangs,   Nov.   20.    '99.     (12) 

Hf.  mor..  m.e.,  Henkels,  Mar.  6,  1900. 

(76)  138.40. 
Hf.   cf.,   m.e.,    Anderson,    Jan.    8,    '01. 

(4)  148. 
CL.  Bangs.  Feb.  6.  '02.     (6)   »9.60. 

by  W.  H.  Alnsworth.  Lond.,  1842- 
54.     26  vols..  8vo. 

Vols.  1-26.  Wright,  June.  '99.  (8)    £12. 

Vols.  1-26  (AInsworth's  copy).  Law- 
rence.  May.   '92.     (6)    £40. 

Vols.  1-24.  Mackenzie,  Mar..  '89. 
(409)    £6. 

Vols.  1-22,  Putt.,  Oct.  28,  '89.  (2215)   £3. 

Vols.  1-8,  Soth.,  Feb.  28,  1900.  (12) 

Vols.  1-7,  Daly,  Mar..  1900.     (55)  |21. 

Vols.  1-7.  Bangs,  Oct.  21.  '01.  (167) 

Vols.  1-6,  Clarke.  Mar..  '99.  (17) 
£5  10a. 

Vols.  1-6,  French,  Apr..  '01.  (15)  |16.50. 

AIRY  NOTHINGS.  See  Egerton   (M.). 

AITKEN       (H.).     General  American 

Register  and  "  Calendar,  for  1774. 
Phlla.,  1774.    16mo. 

Roan,  Henkels,  Oct.  21,  '96.  (61)  J7.76. 

A'KEMPIS.     See    Kempis. 

AKENSIDE    (MARK).    Ode«   on    Sev- 
eral   Subjects.     Lond.,    1745.     4to. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Harvey.  June.  1900.  (141)   £2. 

Pleasures  of  Imagination.     Lend., 

1744.    4to. 
Unc.  Turner.  Nov..  '88.     (228)    £1  128. 
Cf.,  Bierstadt,  Apr,  '97.     (19)   16-50. 
Cf..  g.e..  Bangs.  Mar.  19,  1900.  (7)  $7. 
Mor..  g.e..   Harvey,  June,  1900.     (140) 





Akenside    (Mark) — Continued. 

Cf..  unc.  Soth..  Dec.  2,  'Ol.  (206) 
£1  14s. 

AKERBY  (G.).  Life  of  James  Spil- 
ler,  the  Comedian.  Lond.,  1729. 

Cf-  Halllwell.  Dec.  '91.  (1727)  £2 

Hf.  cf.,  McKee,  Jan.,  'Ol.     (2070)   $30. 

AKERMAN  (J.  Y.).  Rare  and  Un- 
edited Roman  Coins.  Lond..  1834. 
2  Tols.,  8vo. 

or,.  Wheble.  Dec,  '87.     (128)    £1  10s. 

Une^  Londesborough,  June,  '88.  (10) 

CI.,  GoldBinid,  Apr..   's9.      (1)    £110s. 

Hf.  mor..  CogWan.  Dec.,  '96.     (98)   £1. 

Remains     of      Pagan      Saxondom. 

Lond.,  1855.     4to. 
Hf.     rus.,     Perklna.     July,     *89.     (31) 

£1  16s. 
Hf.   mor..    Malahide,  June,  '90.      (209) 

Hf.  mor..  unc.  Roots,  Mar.,  '91.     (128) 

Hf,    mor..    SUbbs,    Oct,    '92.     (1486) 

Bouch,  Nov.,  '93.     (491)    £18a. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e.,  Smith,  May.  '96.     (33) 


^Tales  of  Other  Days.     Load.,  1830. 

Plate.?  by  Cruikshank.     8vo. 
Cf..   unc,   Mackenzie,   Mar..   '89.    (41flj 

Mor,  unc,   Burnett.  Apr..   '89.     (126) 

£2  4s. 
Bds..    unc.    Houle,    Dec.    '91.      (417) 

BdB.,   one,  Gibson.   Mar.,    '93.      (470) 

Ct.   g.t.   Williams.    May.    '93.      (707) 

Cf.,  unc.  Bangs,  Nov.  20. 1900,  (101)  |5. 
Cf..  unc.  Soth..  Oct.  28,  '01.     (75)    £1 

Cf„  Hlbbert.  Apr..  '02.     (12)    £1 


ALABAMA    PLANTER.      Mobile,    v.d. 

Vols.  1-8.  Dec.  1846.  to  Nov.,  1854,  In 

4  vols.,  hf.  bd.,  Stllle.  Apr..  '01.  (68G) 

ALABAMA.  Acts  of  Session  of  1865-66 

of  General  Assembly  of  Montgomery. 

Montgomery.  18C6.    8vo. 

Al  abama — ('an  t  in  uat. 

Hf.  sheep.  Hough.  OcL.  1900.  (7) 

ALABASTER  (W,).  Roxana  Traege- 
dla.     Ijoad..  Jones,  1632.     8vo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Lefferta,  Apr.,  '02.  (4) 

Mor..  g.e..  Soth.,  Dec  4.  '02,    (49)  £15. 

ALADDIN.  Alaeddln  and  the  En- 
chanted Lamp.  Trans,  by  John 
Payne.  Lond.,  Villon  Soc,  1889. 

VeL.  Burrard,  Jan.,  '96.     (939)    £2  88. 

Vel..  Bangs.  March  28.  '98.     (2)   $6.50. 

Vel.,  Clarke.  Mar.,  '99.     (484)    £1. 

Vet.,  Hornby,  Apr.,  1900.  (589)  £1 

VeL.    Putt..   Apr.    26,    1900.      (545)     £1 


•♦Large  paper. 
VeL,  Bangs.  Apr.  5,  '99.     (9)  |5.75. 

ALAMAN    (L.).      HlBtoria   de    Mejtco. 

Mexico,  1849-52.    5  vols.,  8to. 
Cf.,    m.e.,    Barclay.    Nov.,    '92.      (769) 

£2  18s. 
CL,  Bang's,  Jan.  12,  '03.    (873)  tlM. 

Distinctlonlbus  dictionum  theologl- 
cura.  [Strasburg,  Wolfach,  1470.] 
(Haln-Coplnger,  391.)    Fol. 

Hf.  rus..  Soth.,  Apr.  12,  '99.  (9)  £2 

ALARM-BELL  (THE),  or  Considera- 
tions on  State  of  Sugar-Colonies. 
Lond.,  1749.    Fol. 

Putt..  Dec  11,  '99.     (59)    £1   128. 

See  Wilkins  (t.). 

ALARUM  FOR  LONDON;  or,  the 
Siege  of  Antwerp.     Lond.,  1602.    4to. 

Mor.  (imperfect),  Halliweil,  July,  '89. 
(191)    £14s. 

ALBANY    GAZETTE.      From    July    3, 

1788.     to    Dec.     19.    1803.       Albany, 

1788-1803.     Fol. 
Hf.  leather.  Halleran,  May,  '99.     (260) 

Hf.  leather   (apparently  the  Halleran 

copy).    Bangs,   June    13,    '99.      (448) 

ALBERTANUS.     Opus  de  loquendi  ac 

tacendi    modo.      Cuneo,    Magistrum 

Viotum  de  Dulcls,  1507.     Fol. 
Limp  vel.  (margins  of  title  mended). 




Albertanus — Continued. 

Soth.,  Dec.  3.  1900.     (B8iy    £4  3s. 
Vel..  Putt.,  Mar.  28,  '01.     (6)    £3  10a. 

ALBERT  I     (L.     B.).     De     Re    yEdiflca- 

toria.     Florence.   1485.     Fol. 
V©L  (slightly  atained),  Both.,  Apr.  12, 
'99.     (11)    £5&B. 

ALBERTINIS  (F.  DE).  Opusculum  de 
Mlrablllbiis  Novae  et  Veteris  Urbis 
Romae.     Rome,  1510.     4to. 

Vel..    Soth..    Nov.    25.    '01.      (1401     £3 


Mor.,  Soth..  Oct.  28.  ■02.      (211    £3  Ss. 

ALBERTUS  MAGNUS.  Compendium 
TheolofilEP  Veritatls.  Splra,  Thomas 
Doraiberg,  1473.  (Haln,  •434.) 

Mor.,  g.e..  White.  Apr.,  *02.  (17) 
£11  68. 

Tractatull.     [Strasburg,   H.   Knob- 

lochtzer,  1480.]     4to. 
Soth.,  July  28. '02,     (717)  £5. 

De  Natura  Loco  rum.     Vienna,  1513. 

Vel.,  unc,  Soth.,  Apr.  12,  '99.     (16)  £2. 

De  Natura  Locorum.     Vienna,  1514. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.L,  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.    (32) 


De  Secretia  Naturae.    Lond.,  Mach- 

llnla,  n.d.     4 to. 
Mor,    (Herbert   copy),    Thorold,   Dec., 

'84.     (53)    £40. 

Boke  of  Secretes.    Lond.,  Copland, 

1525.    IGmo. 
Hf.  hd.  (title  and  comers  of  4  leaves 

defective),    Ashbumham,    June,    '97. 

(50)    £2  8s, 

Boke  of  Secretes.   Lond.,  W.  Seres, 

n.d.    16mo. 
Cf..  Ashburnham.  June,  '98.     (51)    £7 


Postillatlo  in  Apocalypsem.  Basle. 

Pforczen,  1506.    4  to. 

Bds,  covered  with  leather  (with  Arms, 
etc..  of  Louis  XII  and  Anne  of  Brit- 
tany on  aides).  Soth..  July  11,  '99. 
(387)    £56. 

ALB  IN    (ELEAZAR).     History  of   Es- 
culent Fisb.    Lond.,  1794.    4to. 
Bds..  Hayes,  Apr..  '98,     (1632)  $12, 

Natural    History  of  Birds.     Lond., 

1731-40.    3  vols.,  4to. 

Albin    (Eleazar) — Continued. 

CI.  Libble,  Dec.  4,  '89.     (14)  |11.62. 
Mor.,  Normanby.  Jan..  '91.     (197)    £1 

Cf^  Llbble,  Apr.  16,  '96.    (12)  $9.76. 

Cf.,  Fountaine.  June.  '02.     (10)    £5  5s. 

Natural  History  of  Insects.    Load.. 

1720.    4to. 
Mor.,  Lee,  June,  88.     (130)    £2  10s. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Buckley.    Feb..    '93.     (223) 

Cf.,  Soth..  Nov,  27.  '96,     (Ifl)    £1  1m. 

ALBION'S  QUEEN.  Famous  Historic 
of   Albion's    Queene.      (Ivsnd.  1.      W. 

White  for  T.  Pavler,  160€.    4 to. 
Rub.,  m.e.     (Inlaid   throughout,  head- 
line of   Sig.    L  i   defective.)    Foun- 
taine,  June,  '02.     (12)   £86. 

ALBUMASAR.      Flores      Albumasaris. 

Augsburg,  Ratdolt.  1488.    4to. 
Hf.  vel..   Soth.,  Dec.   19,   '01.      (7)    £2 

Mor.,  g.e.  (with  Introductoriuni  In  As- 

tronomlam.     Venice.    HR9(.      Inglis, 

June,  1000.     (22)    £5  17s.  6d. 

De  Magnfs  Conjunction ibus.  Ven- 
ice, Ratdolt,  1489.   4to. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Inglis,  June,  190U.  (23> 
£6  7a.6d. 

BdB.,  Rogers,  Oct,  1900.     (911)     $8. 

ALCAFORDO  (F.).  Discovery  of  Ma- 
deira.    Lond.,  1675.     4  to. 

Mor.,  g.e.  Barcla.  Nov.,  '92.  (1079) 

Ct,  Toovey,  Feb.,  '94.     (2019)    £188. 

ALCEDO  (A.  DE).     Geographical  and 

Historical     Dictionary     of     America 

and  the  West  Indies.    Trana.  by  G. 

A,  Thompson,     Ixind.,  1812.     4to. 
Cf-,  Cooke,  Dec.,  *83.     (40)  $11.25. 
Hf.    rus.,    Libble,    Mar.    5.    'Sfi.      (21) 


ALCEDO  Y  HERRERA.  Aviso  His- 
torico,  Politico,  Geographfco,  del 
Peru,  1535-1740.     Madrid.  1740.     4to. 

Mor.,  g.e,,  Cooke,  Dec.,  '83.     (39)  $9, 

tum    Liber,   Augsburg.   1513.      i2mo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Ashburnham.  June.  '97. 
(54)    £5. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Apr.  12,  '99.  US) 

Emblematum    Liber.     Paris.   1634. 





Alciatus    (Andreas) — Conliuued. 

Mor.,    g.e.,    Turner.    June,    '88.      (12) 

Mor,  Percy.  May.  '90.     (13)    £lls. 
Mor.,    g.e..    Webster,    Mar,    '93.      (2) 

£4  15b. 
CL.  SoUi.,  Dec.  2.  '01.     (9)    £3  38. 

Emblematum    Liber     Paris,   1542. 

Hor.  g.e.,  Ives.  Mar.,  '91.     (6)  fST.&O. 
Mor.   Sotb..   July.    '92.      (U\    £1  Is. 
Bds.,  Solh.,  Apr  12,  '99.     (19)    £2168. 
BdB.,   Soth..   Feb.   28.   1900.      (19)    £3 


Emblematum  LibeMuB.    Venice,  A1> 

dus,  1546.    8vo. 
Mor..  B.e..  Brice.  July,  '87.     (406)    £6 


Mor.  g.e.,  Orford,  June.  '95.     (4)    £16. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Aahbumham,  June,  '97.   (56) 

Livret    Emblemes    mis    en    Rime 

Ftancoise.     Paris,  1636.    8vo. 
HI.   bd..  Apponyi.  Nov.,  "92.     (40)    £2 

Mor.,   g.e.,   Wills,   July,    '94.      (S)    £1 

Hf.  rus.,  Pult..  Feb.  1,  '95.  t9*)    £3. 
Cf..  Soth..  Nov.  27.  '96.     (13)    £2  6b. 
Ht  rus..  Soth.,  Apr  12.  '99.     (20)   £3. 

••On  veUuin. 
Mor..  g.e.  (The  MacCarthy  copy  I,  Ash- 

bumham,  June,  '97.     (58)    £37. 

Emblemes.      Paris,    1542,      12mo., 

Mor,  g.e..  Hart.  Apr,  '90.  (24)  *40. 

ALCILIA.    See  ChalkhilM^J')- 

ALCOCK  (JOHN).  Exhortacyon  made 
to  Religious  Sisters.  ILond.,  Wynken 
de  Worde,  n.d.    4to. 

Mor.  g.e..  Bateman,  May,  '93.  (131) 
£11  59. 

Mens  Perfectionis;  or  the  Hill  of 

Perfection.  Lond.i  Wynlten  de 
Worde,  1497.    4to. 

Mor..  g.e.,  (laclting  title-page),  Bate- 
man.  May.  '93.     (132)     £22. 

Mons  Perfectionis.  Lond.,  Wyn- 
ken de  Worde.  1501.    4  to. 

Cf-.  Russell,  June.  '85.     (14)    £34  IDs. 

ALOAM  (W.  H.).  Quaint  Treatise  on 
Flees  and  Flee  Making.   Lond..  1876. 

4  to. 
CI..  Hall.  May.  '87.     (266)    £2  14s. 
CI.,  Putt-.  Jan.  30.  '89.     (759>    £2  16s. 
CI.,  Francis.   July.  '90.     (941)    £2 12s. 

Aldam    (W.  H.) — Continuetl. 

CI.,  Alexander,  Mar,  '95.  (248)  $9. 
Putt,,  Apr  26,  1900.  (228)  £3  4s. 
Quaint  Treatise  on  Flees  and  Flee 

Making.    Lond.,  1S80.    4to. 
CU   g-e..   Snow,   Nov.,   '98.      (285)    £2 

ALDAMA  Y  GUEVARA   (J,  A.).     Arte 

de   la    Lengua    Me.xicana.      Mexico, 

1754.     12mo. 
Hf.  mor,  Murphy,  Mar.  '84.    (38)  |9.50. 
Vel.( wormed) .Bartow, Feb., '90.    (40)|5. 
ALDEIM      (TIMOTHY).     Coi lection   of 

American  Epitaphs  and  Inscriptions. 

N.  Y.,  1814.    B  vols.,  16mo. 
Bds.,  unc,  Brinley,  Apr,  '81.     (5112) 

Hf.  mor,  unc,  Guild,  Nov.,  '87.  (1630) 

Sheep,  Dawson,  Oct.,  '90.     (3928)  |9. 
Bds.,  unc,  Brinley,   Apr.,   '93.      (8042) 

Hf.    mor.,    g.t.,    Alexander.    Mar,    '95. 

(1810)  19.37. 
Bds.,   unc,   Libbie,   Nov.   6,    '95.      U9) 

Mor,  Deane,  Mar.  '98.    (45)  |10.50. 
BdB..  unc.  Miller  &  Banclcer.  Dec.  '98. 

(8)  J11.25. 
Hf.  mor..  Manson.  Feb.,  '99.     (39)  |10. 
Of.,  Bangs-,  Nov.  12,  1900.     (24)  |10.&0. 
Bds.,    unc.   Bangs.    May    20,    '01.      (4) 

» 10.63. 
Bds.,  unc  (presentation  copy),  Weeics, 

Mar,  '02.     (688)  116.25. 
Hf .  cf..  Whitmore,  Nov.,  '02.    ( 1282 )  $10. 
Cf..  Libbie.  Feb.  11,  '03  (10)  |10.25. 
ALDER     (J.)    AND    HANCOCK     (A.). 

Monograph     of     the     British     Nudl- 

branchiateMoIluBca.  lx}nd.,1845.  Fol. 
Hf.    rus.,   Churchill,    Nov..    '89.      (290) 

£2  5s. 
Mor,  g.e..  Morris,  Dec,  '99.    (297)  £1. 
ALDRICH    <L.  C.)   AND  HOLMES   (F. 

F,).      History    of   Windsor    Co.,    Vt. 

Syracuse,   1891.     8vo. 
Hf,  mor.,  g.e.,  Balcom.  Feb.,  '01.  (2648> 


ALDRICH    (T.    B0>      Ballad    of   Bable 

Bell.    N.  Y.,  1859.    12mo. 
CI.,  Roos,  Apr,  '97.     (16)   J5.G2. 
Mor,  Bangs.,  Jan.  15,  1900.    (7)  J9.50. 
CI„  McKee,  Nov.,  1900.    (10)  |7. 
CI..  Bangs,  Mar  22,  '01.     (11)  |9.50. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Oct.  8,  '01.     (13)  15-25. 
CK,   French   and    Chubbuclc.   Feb..    '04. 

(20)   J16. 




Atdrlch   (T.  B.)—rt,tititiuftl. 

CI.  (with  \*erse8  In  author's  autograph, 
signed,  inserted  K  Roob.  Mar.,  1900. 
(5)  18.50. 

The  BeltB.    N.  Y..  185S.    12mo. 

CL,  Baugs.  Feb.  IG.  '98.     (159)  |7. 
Mor.,  Bang.s,  Jan.  15.  1900.   ^5)   |12.50. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Nov..  '02,     (4)  |17. 
CI.    (porlralt  Inserted),   McKee,   Nov., 
1900.     (7>  120.50. 

Cloth   of   Gold,   and  other   Poems. 

Bost.,  1874.     12nio. 
CI.  (presentation  copy).  Whipple,  Apr., 

•03.    (20)  112. 

Course   of   True    Love    Never   did 

Run  Smooth.    N.  Y..  1858.    12mo. 
C].,  Leon.  Apr..  *86.     (11)  $11.50. 
CL.  Bangs.  Oct.  8.  '01.     (12)  |5.75. 
CI.,  Cox,  Feb.,  '02.     (83)  $5. 

Daisy's  Necklace.  N.Y..1857.  12mo. 

CI.,  Roob.  Apr.,  "97.     (14)  $5.75. 
Mor..  Bangs.  Jan.  15,  1900.     Hi}  |10. 
CL,  Reid,  Dec,  '02.     (56)    $5.50. 

Flower    and    Thorn.     Boat.,    1877. 

CI.   (presentation  copy),    Bangs.    Jan. 

15.  1900.    (16)  |10. 

^FrJar    Jerome's     Beautiful     Book. 

Bost,  1881.    16mo. 
Mor.,  unc,  Bangs,  Jan.  15,  1900.  (23) 


Jubilee  Days.    See  Jubilee  Days. 

Outof  His  Head.  N.Y..  1862,   12nio. 

Mor,.  BaoKS.  Jan.  15,  1900.     (9)  |10. 
CI.,  McKee.  Nov.,  1900.     (11)  15.50. 

Pampinea.      N,    Y..    1861.     lOmo. 

CI.,  Bierstadt.  Apr.,  '97.     (24>  $6. 
CI.  (presentation  copy),  Wbipple,  Apr., 
'03  (15)  |U. 

Pere  Antoine's  Date  Palm.   Camb., 

ISCG.     4to. 
Orlg.  paper,  unc.  (presentation  copy), 

Hawldns,  Mar.,  '87.  (13)  17.50. 
Orlg.  paper,  unc.   (presentation  copy), 

Whipple.  Apr.,  '03.     (17)    t78. 

Poems.    N.  Y.,  1863, 

CI.,  Bierstadt.  Apr.,  "97.     (25)  $6.75. 
CL,  Bangs.  Jan.  15.  1900.     (10)  $7. 
CL  {preBentatioa  copy).  McKee.  Nov., 
1900.     (12)  $17. 

Poems.    Bost.,  1865.    IGmo. 

CI.,  g.e.  (earliest  Issue,  with  misprint 

on  page  102),  Pelrce.  May,  '03.  (5S0) 


Aidflch    (T.   B.)-— <*OH/t/iufV/. 

Poems.     Bost.,  1882.     8vo. 

Mor.  (with  A.L.S..  and  a  copy  of 
the  poem  "  Rococo,"  in  the  author's 
autograph,  inserted),  Bangs,  Jan.  15. 

1900.     (24)   $20. 

Prudence     Palfrey.       Bost,     1874. 

CI.  (presentation  copy),  Whipple,  Apr., 

'03.     (21)  $9. 
^The  Story   of  a    Bad    Boy.     Bost. 

1870.    12mo. 
Mor..  Bangs,  Jan.  15,  1900.  (12)    $11.76. 
XXXVI    Lyrics    and    XII    Sonnets. 

Bost.,  1881.     ICmo. 
Mor.,  unc.  (copy  of  "A  Snow  Flake,"  In 

the    author's    autograph.    Inserted). 

Bangs.    Jan.    15.    1900.      (22)    $7. 

Unguarded  Gates.  Bost. 1895. 12mo. 

Mor.,  g-t,  unc.  Bangs,  Apr.    16,  1900. 

(9)  $7.50. 

ALDUS.     See  Manutlus  (Aldus). 

ALEGRE  (F.  J.).     Historia  de  la  Com- 

pania    de    Jesus    en    Nueva-Espana. 

Mexico,  1841-42.     3  vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.  bd..  Murphy,  Mar..  84.     (34)  $19.50. 
Hf.   b(l..   SnaUh.   Julv.   '97.     (.^,44)    £1 


ALEMAN  (MATHEO).  The  Rogue, 
or,  the  Life  of  Guzman  de  Alfarache. 
Trans,  fhy  James  Mabbe].  I^ond., 
1623.    Fol. 

Cf.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec  3, 1900.    (582)  £10. 

Mor..  g.e..  Lefferts.  Apr..  '02.     (5)  $26. 

Cf.,  Ashburnham.  June,  '97.  (65)  £12. 
••Large  paper. 

The  Rogue,    Lond.,  1630.    Fol. 

Cf.  (rebacked).  McKee.  Dec.  '01. 
(2714)  $8. 

Life  of  Guzman  d'Alfarache,  or  the 

Spanish  Rogue,    l^nd..  170S.  2  vols., 
Rus.,  m.e.,  Soth..  May  21,  '97,     (4)    £1 


Cf..  m.e.,  Soth.,  May  2D,  190U.     (1)   £2. 

ALES;  or  ALESIUS.     See  Hales. 

Ruskln   (J.). 


Stirling   (Earl  of). 

ALEXANDER     (WILLIAM).      History 

of  Women.   Lond.,  1779.   2  vols,,  4to. 
Hf.  cf.,  unc,  Fraaer,  Apr..  '01.     (17) 
£2  6s. 





ALEXANDER    (W.).     Johnny   GIbb  of 

Gushetneuk  in  ihe  Parish  of  Pyko- 

tUlim.    Bdlnb..  1880.    8vo. 
Unc.  Craig.  Mar.,  '88.     (69)    £1168. 
Jnc.  Hutt,  May,  "89.     (44)    £1118. 
Jnc.  Hope.  May.  'OG.     (527)    £19s. 
ALEXANDER     QALLUS.       Doctrinale 

seu    Grammatica    Latlna.      [Venice. 

Wendelln  of  Spira,  1470.]     4Lo. 
••On  vellum. 
Cf..  Bateman.  July.  '96.     (942)  £23. 
Grammatices       Metrlce       scrtpta. 

Milan.    L.    Pachel    et    U.    Scinzen- 

zeller.  1479.    Fol. 
Mor.     (wormed),    Inglls.    June,    1900. 

(26)    £8158. 
Doctrinale.    Milan,  L.  Pachel  et  U. 

Sclnzenzeller,  1480.    4to. 
Cf_    Makellar,    Nov..    '98.      (162)     £4 


moirs and  Anecdotes.  Lond.,  1822. 
Portraits  by  I.  R.  Cruikshank,   12mo. 

Bds..  unc,  McKee.  Jan..  '01.  (1294)  |7. 

Trans,  by  W.  Warde.  Lond.,  1659-63. 
3  parts  in  1  vol.,  8vo. 

Cf.  (first  title  torn),  Bangs,  Jan.,  29, 
•03.      (494)    %a. 

Cf.,  Soth..  May  18.  'OS.     (155)    £12  1^s. 

Secretes.     Trans,   by   W.   Warde. 

Lend..  1562-63.  3  parts  In  1  vol..  4to. 

Cf.  (lacking  last  leaf  to  Table  to  Part 
3).  Soth..  Mar.  8.  1900.     (99C>£2  8s. 

Cf..  Putt..  Mar.  26,  '02.     (434)    £3  8s. 

Cf..  Soth..  Apr.  IS.  '04.    (801)    £9, 

Secrets.      Trans,    by    W.    Warde. 

Ix»nd..  15CS.     4  parts.  4to. 

Cf..   Kenyou,   Mar..   '90.      (382)    £12h. 

Nonnanby.  Jan..  "91.     (221)    £12s. 
fllor.,  r.e.  (title  backed).  Soth.,  Oct.  30, 
•99.     (71)    £179. 

Secrets.     Lond..  1595.    4to. 

Cf .  Auckland.  Nov..  '97.  (1136)  £6 
12s.  6d. 

'^—Secrets.     Lond..  1615,  etc.,  5  vols., 
PutL.  Jan.  18.  '99.     (31)   £138. 

ALEYN  (CHARLES).  Battailes  of 
Crescey  and  Polctlera.  Lend.,  1633. 

Cf..  Galaford,  Apr.,  *90.    (25)  £3. 

Mor.,  Foote.  Jan.,  "95.     (1)  $22.50. 

Cf..  g.e..  Bierstadt,  Apr..  '97.    (39)  p5. 

Mor..  g.e..  Aehburton.  Nov.,  1900.  (8) 
£2 16s. 

Aleyn    (Charles) — ConlinunJ. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Leiferts,  Apr.,  '02.     (6)  $16. 

Historle    of    Henrle    the    Seventh. 

Lond..  1638.     8vo. 
Mor,  Foote,  Jan.,  •96,    (2)  $25. 
Cf. (stained), Sewall.Nov., '96.     (43)  $13. 
Cf.,  g.e.  (portrait  mounted),  Bierstadt, 

Apr.,  *97.     (40)  $11. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  May,  1900.     (44)    £11  5s. 
Cf.    (portrait   defective,   Sykes   copy), 

Bools,  June.  '03.     (36)    £4  48. 

ALFORD  (R.  P.)  Annalea.  See 
Griffiths  (M.). 

ALFRAGANUS.        Brevis     CompJIatio 

Astronomica.  Ferrara,   1493.   4to. 
Hf.  bd.,  Soth.,  July  17,  '01.     (31)  £11. 

ALGEMEINISCH.  HistorischerTasch- 
enbuch.     See  Sprengel    (C.   M.). 

ALGER  (W.  R.)  Life  of  Edwin  For- 
rest.    Phlla.,  1877.    2  vols.,  8vo. 

CI.,  Cooke,  Dec.,  '93.     (45)  $8.50. 

CI.,  g.t..  Brown,  Apr.,  '98.     (786)  $9. 

CI.,  g.t.,  Henkels,  Jan.  30.  '99.  (S5) 

CI.,  Richmond,  Sept.,  '99.     (391)  $5. 

CI.,  unc,  Attderson,  Apr.  7,  '02.  (255) 

ALIACO  (PETHUS  DE).  Tractatus  et 
Sermones.  [Brussels.  Fratres  Com- 
munis Vitffi.  1484.1     Fol. 

Hf,  bd.,  Soth..  Apr.  12.  '99.  (26)  £5 

^Ymago  Mundi  seu  efus  ymaginarla 

descriptlo.  [Lyons,  J.  de  West- 
phalia, about  1483.1  (Hain.  8?.n.\  Fol 

Mor.,  g.e..  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.    (G2)  $120. 

Vel.,  Soth.,  Apr.  12,  '99.     (25)  £3G. 

Ymago  Mundi  seu  elus  ymaginarla 

descrlptio.  Paris,  Joannes  Gerson, 
1490.    Fol. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Murphy.  Mar..  '84.  (27) 

AL»  PACHA  OF  JANINA.  HlstorlcaJ 
Portraiture  of  Leading  Events  in  the 
Life  of.    l^nd..  1823.    Fol. 

Bda.,  Henkels.  Jan.  18,  '01.    (124)    $6. 

ALISON  (A.).  History  of  Europe, 
1789-1815.  Edinb..  1839-42.  10  vols., 

Cf..   Hance.  Aug..  '87.     (1087)    £1  5b. 

Hf.  cf..  Putt..  Jan.  16,  '90.  (470)  £1 

Cf..  m.e..  Gage,  Feb..  '90.     (3)    £112b, 

Cf.,  Gladstone,  Apr..  '94.     (127)    £1  4s. 

Hf .  cf.,  m.e..  Bangs,  Jan.  15,  '01.    (2)  $10. 


Alison    {AO — Continued. 
HL  mor.,  BangB,Nov.  11. '01.     (12)  16-50. 
Hf.  mor.,  Bangs.  Mar.  3,  '02.    i'6)  $5.50. 
History      of      Europe,      1789-1816. 

Edinb..  1847-48.     20  vols.,  8vo. 
(With    Index),    Bleasdell,    Jan.,    '87. 

(13)    £128. 
(With  Atlas).  Christie,  June,  '88.     (4) 

£1  98. 
HI.  cf..  Davidson.  Mav.  '89.     (110)    £1 

Hf.  TUB.  (with  Atlas),  Wiper.  Jan.,  '91. 

(1281)    £13s. 
Cf.,  m.e..  Cooke.  June.  '92.     (8)    £13s. 
Ct,  m.e.,  Foggo.  Dec,  '92.     (222)    £1 

Hf.  ruB..  Hope,  Apr.,  '96.     (9)    £198. 
Hf.   mor.,   m.e.    (with   Atlas),   Morris, 

Dee.,  '99.     (3)    £116s. 

HJstory      of      Europe,      1789-1S15. 

EdlDb..  1849-60.    14  vols..  8vo. 
Cf.,  Watson,  Jan.,  '88.    (366)  £1. 
Cf.,  Hodgson.  June  21,  '94.     (175)  £2. 
Cf.,  Hodgson.   Feh.   12.   '95.      (149)    £2 

Unc.  Soth..  July  20.  '99.     (260)    £188. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Murray.  Dec,  '99.     (3)    £2  6s. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Oct.  22,  1900.    (9)  |5.60. 
CU  Bangs,  Jan.  15,  '01.     (3)  |7. 
Cf .,  m.e.  (with  Atlas) ,  Hance.  Aug.,  '87. 

(237)    £3  9s. 
Cf.  (with  AUas),  Shaw.  Nov.,  '87.   (37) 

CI.,  unc.  (with  Atlaa),  Alexander,  Mar., 

*9B.     (36)  I5.2B. 

••Large  paper. 
Cf.  g.e.,  Marshall,  Jan.,  '90.     (488)    £4 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  unc.  Soth.,  Dec.  14.  '93, 

(320)    £4  4s. 

History  of  Europe,  1815-52.    Edinb., 

1852-59.    9  vols.,  8vo. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Perkins,  July,  '89.     (40)    £1 


Beaufort,  July,  '90.     (1)    £1  Bs. 
CI.  (presentation  copy).  Putt,  Joo.  14. 
'91.     (Ill)    £158. 

History      of      Europe,      1789<1852. 

Edinb.,  1849-59.   With  Atlaa.  24  vols.. 
8vo.  and  4  to. 
Cf.,  m.e.,  Soth.,  Apr.  17,  '88.     (4)    £5 


Cf..  m.e.,  Hartree,  July,  '90.     (11)    £5 

Cf..  m.e.,  Edkfna,  Dec,  '81.    (362)  £8. 
Hf.  of.,  Livermore,  Nov.,  '94.    (27)  |24. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Hammond,  Jan.,  '95.    (8)  |7B. 

Alison    {A.y^Continued. 

Hf.   cf.,  m.e.,   Soth.,  June   1,   '97.      (61 

£6  15a. 
CI.,  LIbbie,  Oct  «,  '97.     (6)  125.20. 
CI.,  HenkelB,  Oct  25.  '97.     (6)  |14.40.,Hoskinson,Dec,'97.    (165)131.20. 
CI..  Sherman.  Jan..  '98.    (11)  tl2. 
Hf.    mor.,    m.e.,    Soth.,    Nov.    28,    *98. 

(383)   £4  14s. 
CI.,  Mlddleton,  Mar.,  '99.    (12)  tig. 
CI..  Hodgson,  Oct   10,  '99.      (181)     £2 

CI.,  Bangs,  Feb.  8,  '99.     (16)  $24. 
CL,  Bangs,  May  1,  1900.     (6)  I2O.40. 
Hf.  cf..  Dayton.  Mar.,  '02.    <21)  $26.40. 
CI.    (without  Atlas),   Growther.    Nov., 

•93.     (6>    £3  38. 
Hf.    cf.,    m.e.    (without   Atlas).    Soth.. 

Nov.  3.  '98.     (6)    £3  148. 
Cf.,    m.e.    (without    Atla.s),    Probasco. 

Jan.,  '99.     (15)  |34.B0. 
CI.   (without  Index).  CUve.  Jan..  1900. 

(6)  $20.70. 

(David).  Peace  and  Union  Recom- 
mended, and  Self  disclaim'd  and 
Christ  exalted  In  two  Sermons. 
Phila..  W.  Dunlap,  1758.    8vo. 

Unbd.,  Miller  &  Baneker,  Doc.  '98. 
(362)  $10. 

ALKEN  (HENRY).  Beauties  and  De- 
fects In  the  Figure  of  the  Horse. 
Lond.,  1816.    13  colored  plates.    8to. 

Bds.,  unc,  Soth.,  Dec.  '90.  (1207) 

Hf.  cf..  Cox,  Feb..  '91.     (4)    £3  4s. 

Bds.,  unc,  Soth.,  Dec.  12. '93.    (198)  £1. 

Bds..  unc,  Toovey.  Mar..  '94.  (5)  £1 

Hf.  cf.,  Cholraondeley,  Apr..  '97.  (2) 
£1  12s. 

Bds.,  unc,  Soth..  Mar.  21,  '98.  (52) 
£1  Is. 

Bds.,  unc,  Soth.,  Nov.  20,  '99.  (216) 
£1 19s. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Soth..  Jan.  21.  '01.    (409)  £2. 

Hf.  cf.,  Blyth,  Mar.,  '01.     (3)    £lSs. 

British  Proverbs.     Lond.,  1824.     6 

colored  plates.    Fol. 
Mor.,   unc,    (orig.   paper  cover   bound 

la),  Howard,  June,  '98.     (279)  £7. 
Mor.,  unc,  Howard,  June,  '98.    (221)  £7. 
Orlg.  paper  cover.  Soth.,  Feb.  6.  1900. 

(1590)    £3  10s. 

Characteristic  Sketches  of  Shoot- 
ing. Lond.,  1826.  12  colored  plates. 
Obi.    4to. 

ALKEN  27 

Aiken   (Henry) — Continued. 

Cf^  g.e.  (orlg.  cover  bound  In).  Sotb., 

May   18.  'OX.      (157)    £i  10s. 
Orlg.  paper  cover,  Sotb.,  July  10.  '03. 

(609)    £2 18a. 

Cockney's  Shooting  Season  in  Suf- 
folk. Ixind..  1822.  6  colored  plates. 

Pollock.  Jan..  'SG.     (300)    £4 12s. 

Orlg.  paper  cover,  Stogden,  May,  '94. 

(314)  £5  108. 
Orlg.  cover   (atatned),  Soth.,  Jan.   28, 

'01.     (1060)    £10  58. 
Orlg.  cover.  Sotb..  May  6,  '01.     (269) 

Hf.  mor.  g.t..  nnc.  (orlg.  cover  bound 

in),  Sotb.,  July  11.  '02.     (124)  £16. 
Orlg. cover.  Putt..  July  30/02,   (189)  £16. 

Comparative    Meltonlans.      Lond.. 

1823.  6  colored  plates.    Fol. 
Both.,  Apr.  24.  '99.     (73)    £11  lOa. 

Country    Evenings.      Lond.,    1829. 

6  colored  plates.    Fol. 
Sotb..  Mar.  7,  '01.     (678)    £4  6a. 

Delineations      of      British      Field 

Sports.  Lond..  1821.  24  colored 
plates.    Fol. 

BdB..  Sotb..  Jtily  23, '01.     (2060) £75. 

Delineations      of      British      Field 

Sports.  Lond.,  1822.  24  colored 

Hf.  mor.,  Sotb.,  July  2.  '91.    (2481)   £3 


Drawing    Books.     Lond..    1824.     6 

colored  plates.    Fol. 
Mor,    Howard,   June.    '98.      (27G>     £8 


Driving   Discoveries.     Lond.,  1817. 

7  colored  plates.    Fol. 
Mor.  g.e..  Sotb..  Apr   22.   '95.      (729) 

£5  17s.  Gd. 
Mor..  Hovrard,  June.   '98.     (265)    £10 

A  Few  Ideas.    I^nd..  1825.    6  col- 
ored plates.    Fol. 
Orig.  paper  cover  Sotb..  Feb.  19,  '96. 

(315)  £5  5s. 
Orlg.  cover.  Sotb.,  Nov.  20,  '99.     (266) 

£4  169. 

Flowers     from      Nature.       Lond., 

1824.  Colored  plates.    Fol. 
Mor,  unc,  Howard.  June,  '98.     (280) 

£5  108. 
Hf.   bd..    Sotb..   July    30,    1900-      (434) 
£5  12s.  Cd. 

Aiken    (Henry) — Continued. 

^The  Grand  Leicestershire  Steeple 

Chase.  Mar.   12.   1829.     Lond..  1830. 

8  colored  plates.    Fol. 
Hf.  bd.,  Sotb.,  Mar  17.  '02.     (687)  £36. 
Sotb.,  Mar  16,  '03.     (220)  £28. 
How  to   Qualify  for  a    Meltonian. 

Lond.,  1819.    6  colored  plates.    Fol. 
Mor.,  unc.  (orlg.  paper  cover  bound  In) , 

Howard,  June,  *98.     (2f)G>    £11  lOs. 
Hunting,    or     Six     Hours'    Sport, 

r^nd.,  1823.     4to. 
Orlg.    paper    cover    (6    plates).    Soth., 

Nov.  4.  '95.     (1034)    £6  10s. 
Mor.  g.e.  (12  plates).  Sotb,,  Mar  7.  '01. 

(577)    £30  6s. 

Hunting  Accomplishments.    Txind., 

1850.    6  colored  plates.    FoL 
Dennis.  Dec.  *92.      (29:5)    £3  108. 
Putt.,  Feb.  16,  '98.     (301>    £18s. 
Putt.,  Dec.  19,  '98.     (608)    £2  28. 

Hunting  Casualties.     Lond!,  1850. 

6  colored  plates.    Fol. 
Hf.  mor,  Dennis,  Dec.  '92.     (294)    £3 


Putt.,  Feb.  16.  '98.     (302)    £1  4s. 

Hf.  mor.  Putt..  Dec.  19.  '98.     (607)    £2 


Hunting  Sketches,    Lond.,  1859.    6 

colored  plates.    Fol. 
Putt,   Feb.    16.   '98.      (300)    £1  18s. 
Putt.,  Dec.  19.  '9R.     (604)    £2  lOfi. 

Illustrations         for  Landscape 

Scenery.     Lond.,    1821.     24    colored 

plates.    4(0. 
Bde.,    unc,    Stewart,     Mar,    '88.     (3) 

£2  4s. 
Cf.     (orlg.    paper     cover     bound     in), 

Sotb.,  Apr.  22,  '95.     (GC8)    £3  IGs. 
Hf.  mor,  g.e..  Sotb.,  Mar  21,  '98.  (142) 

£3  lOa. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  (orig.  label  preserved),  Sotb.. 

Mar  7.  '01.     (665)    £12  109. 

Illustrations     to     Popular     Songs. 

Lond.,  1822.     43  colored  plates.  Obi. 

Hf.  cf.,  May,  July.  '91.     (1946)    £5  5s. 
Mor,  g.t.,  Sotb..  Jan.  9.  '99.     (456)    £5 

Hf.  mor,  g.e..  Blyth,  Mar.,  '01.     (204) 


Illustrations     to     Popular     Songs. 

Lond.,  1823.     43  colored  plates.  Obi. 

Hf.   mor,   g.e.,   Mackenzie,   Mar.    '89. 

(24)    £4  17s.6d. 





Aiken    (Henry) — f'nntitimtf. 

Hf.   mor.,   Soth.,   May   13.   '92,     (1004) 

£5  10s. 
Hf.    bd.,    Larpent,    Jan..    '95.     (1229) 

£3  128. 
Hf.  bd.,  Soth.,  Nov.  3,  '98.     (382)     £6. 
7  parts   (some  covers  torn,  one  iiiIkk 

ing).  Soth.,  Nov,  20.  '99.     (262)    £C 

Hf.   mor.,    Putt..    Dec.    11,    '99.     (364) 

£6  78.Cd. 
Hf.  mor..  Putt..  July  22.  '03.     (4)    £5 


1 1  lustrations    to     Popular     Songa. 

Lond.,  1826.     43  colored  plates.  Ob!. 

Hf.  cf.,  May.  July,  '91.     (1127J    £4  15a. 
Mor.,  unc,  Howard,  June,  '98.     (281) 

£7  15s. 
Christie.   Feb.  21,   '99.      (178)    £4  15s. 
Hf.    bd..     Soth..    May    8,    '99.     (313) 

£5  12s.6d. 
7   parts    (one   cover   defective).   PutL. 

Mar.  22.  1900.     (599)    £12  5h. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Hodgson,  Mar.  12,  '02.  (542) 

£7  5s. 
Hf.  cf.,  Putt.,  Jan.  15.  '03.     (216)    £6 

Hf.  bd.,   Soth.,    Jan.    22.    '03.      (31G) 

£3  128. 
^Indispensable       Acconnptlshmenta. 

T.ond..  1811.    6  colored  plates.     Fol. 
Soth..  Nov.  2(1.  'UU.     riu[*\    £4  1 2s. 
Involuntary       Thoughts.       Lond., 

1824.     8  colored  plates.     Fol. 
Mor.,    g.t.,    unc.    Howard.    June,    '98. 

(277)    £8. 
Mor..  Putt.,  Nov.  20,  '02.     (476)    £4. 
Life     of    a     Race     Horse.     Lond., 

1848.     Colored    plates.     Obi.    4to. 
Hf.  mor.,  Putt.,  July  30,  '02.  (2G)   £20. 
Melange  of   Humor.     Ijond..  1S24. 

30  plates.    Fol. 
Hf.  cf..  Kay.  May.  '97.     (354)    £9. 
Mor..    g.t.,    unc,    Howard,    June,    '98. 

(27S)    £9. 
Mor..  g.e..  Soth.,  May,  '03.     (220)   £18. 
MUitary    Dlscoveriefi.  Lond.,  1819. 

7  colored  plates.    FoL 
Mor..    unc.     (oris,    cover    bound    la). 

Howard.  June.  "98.     (267)    £11. 
Moments   of   Fancy.     Lond.,   1822. 

13  colored  plates.    Fol. 
Mor.,  g.e..   Soth..  Apr.  22.   '95.     (730) 

Mor-,  g.e.,   Howard,  June.   '98.     (270) 


Aiken    {Htnry)—f"untinucfl. 

Hf.    cf..    Soth.,    Feb.    27,    '99.     (1541) 

£5  108. 
Hf.   bd..  Putt..  July  30,  '02.     (22)    £6 

National      Sports.     See      National 


New    Scrap     Book.     Lond.,     1824. 

20  colored  plates.    4to. 
Bds..  May.  July,  -91-     (2476)    £2  168. 
Cf.  (orlg.  cover  bound  In).  Soth.,  Apr. 

22,  '95.     (670)    £118. 
Hf.  mor..  ex.   (orlg.  cover  bound  In), 

SoUi..  Nov.  2l>.  '99.     (217)    £4  Gs. 
Bds.,  Blyth,  Mar..   '01.      (160)    £2  108. 

New   Sketch    Book.     Lond.,    1823. 

40  plates.     4 to. 
Bds..  Leigh.  Dec.,  '89.     (450)    £3  38. 
Bds..  .May.  July,  '91.     (2475)    £1  lOs, 
Bds.,  Clarke,  Dec,  '95.     (499)    £19s. 
Bds.   (42   plates),   Soth.,  Feb.  6,  1900. 

(1194)    £4  153. 
Bds..  Blyth,  Mar..  '01.     (206)    £3  3s. 

Panoramic   View    of   the    Funeral 

Procession  of  Authur,  Duke  of  Wel- 
lington, June,  1852.     Lond.,  1853. 

In  cloth  case  (colored),  Soth.,  Mar.  30. 
1903.     (2)    £5. 

Qualified    Horses  and   Unqualified 

Riders.      Lond.,    1815.      19    colored 
plate.s.     Fol. 
Soth.,  July  1,  '01.     (253)    £15  10s. 

Qualified    Horses   and   Unqualified 

Riders.      Ixind.,  1821.     7  platea.  Fol. 

Mor.,  Howard,  June.  '98.  (26S)  £9 

Scraps    from     nis    Sketch     Book. 

Ix>nd,.  1821.     42  colored  plates.    4to. 
Hopetoun.  Feb..  '8^,     (114)    £1  15s. 
Gaiftford.  Apr..  '90.     (27)   £7. 
White.  Jan..  '91.     (255>    £1108. 
Bds..  Toovey,  Mar..  '94.     (30G)    £12b. 
Cf..    unc,    Soth.,    Apr.    22,    '95.      (C69) 

£5  58. 
Hf.  cf..  Soth..  Nov.  3,  '98.     (380)    £5 


Scraps    from     his    Sketch     Book. 

Lond.,  1824.    42  colored  plates.    4to. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Nov.  20,  '99.  (264)  £7. 

Shakespeare's  Seven  Ages  of  Man. 

Lood..  1824.     7  colored  plates.    4to. 
Stosdea,  May.  '94.     (254)    £2  2s. 
Soth,.  July  29,  '98.     (471)    £2  19s. 
Soth.,  Nov.  3.  '98.     (383)   £2  ISs. 
Soth..  Nov.  20.  '99.     (205)   £3  15s. 




Aiken    (Henry) — Continued. 
Donaldson  &  Cushing,  Mar.,  '02.  (4d9) 

Shooting.     Loud-,  1823.     6  colored 

plates.     Fol. 
Mor..   g.e..   Soth.,  Apr.   22,  *95.      (731) 

£6  12s.  6d. 
Mor..  g.e..  Howard.  June,  '98.  (271)  £9. 
Sketch      Book,     Lend.,      1820.     42 

colored  plates.    Fol. 
Hf.    mor.     (orlg.     covers     bound     in), 

Soth..  Nov.   20.   '99.     (260)    £7. 
Skctchea.     The   Stable,  the   Road, 

Uie  Park,  the  Field.     Load.,  1854.    6 

plates.     Fol. 
Mor.,    g.e..    Soth-,    Mar.    7,    '01.     (585) 

£3  88. 
CI-  (orlg.  cover  bound  In),  Putt,  July 

22.  '03.     (5)    £llls. 
Specimens   of    Riding    Near    Lon- 
don. Lond.,  1821.     18  colored  plates. 

Parts.  Soth,.  June  14.  '90.     (298)    £4 


Parts.  Stogden.  May  19.  *94.  (2ri2i 
£7  15s. 

Parts.  Soth.,  Feb.  25.  '01.     (305)    £23. 

Specimens  of  Riding  Near  Lon- 
don. Lond.,  1823,  18  colored  plalea. 

Warrington,  Nov.  3,  '93.  (1492)  tC 

Mor.,  Toovey,  Mar.,  '94.    (385)    £9  10s 

Hf.  bd..  Soth.,  Apr.  4,  "98.  (825)  £10 

Hf.  bd..  Putt..  July  30.  '02.  (190)    £17. 

Hf.  bd..  Putt,.  July  22,  '03.     (3)    £13 


Hf.  bd..  Putt.,  July  30,  '02  (190)    £17. 
Sporting  Designs.     Lond.,  1821-23. 

30  colored  plates.     Fol. 
Hf.  bd..  g.e.,  Soth.,  July  3,  *99.     (627) 

£6  15s. 
Hf.  bd..  g.e.,   (27  plates  only),  Farqu- 

harson.   July.  '97.     (277)    £6. 
Sporting    Etchings.      Lond.,    1826. 

17  plates.    Fol, 
Mor..   unc,  Howard,  June,   '98.     (282) 

Sporting   Ideas.     Lond.,  1826.      42 

colored  plates.    Fol. 
Mor.  unc,  Howard,  June,  '98.     (283) 

Sporting    Ideas.     Lond.»  1830.     42 

colored   plates.    4to. 
HL  bd.,  Campbell.   Mar..   '02,       (254) 


Aiken    (Henry) — Continued. 

Bds,    (41  plates  only).  Hornby.  Apr., 

1900.     (5>    £10 10s, 
Bds.     (loose,    41    plates   only),    Soth,, 

Feb.  9.  '03.     (IICO)    £12  15s. 

Sporting  Notions.     Lond.,  1831-33. 

35  colored  plates.     Fol. 
Hf.    mor.,    g.e.     (one   plate   mended), 

Soth.,  July  1.  'OL     (193)    £28  5s. 

Sporting  Repository.     Lond,.  1822. 

19  colored  plates.     8vo. 
Mor.,  g.t.,  unc,  Blyth,  Mar.,  "01.     (4) 

Bds.,  Soth.,  Mar.  17,  '02.     (57)    £80. 

Sporting  Sc rap-Book.     Lond..  1824. 

50  colored  plates.     4to- 
Hf.    mor..    Stogden.    May.    '94.      (255) 

£4  4b. 
Hf.  mor.    (48  plates),  Kay.  May.  '97. 

(355)    £9. 
Mor.    (49   plates),   Howard,  June,    '98. 

(275)  £10. 
Soth..  Feb.  27.   '99.      (1643)    £t  ISs. 
Soth..  Nov.  20.  "99.     (263)    £5  7s.  6d. 
Hf.  mor,  g.t.   (uncolored),  Soth,,  Mar. 

8,  1900.     (259)    £2  2s. 
Mor.   g.e.,    Soth.,    Mar   7.    '01.      (572) 

£16  10s, 
Hf.    mor.    g.e.    (49    plates),    Christie, 

Mar  2G,  '02.     (220)    £13  15a. 
Orlg.,    hf.    bdg..    Putt.    Nov.    28.    '02. 

(6)    £15- 

Sporting    Sketches.      Lond.,    1817, 

48  plates.    Fol. 
Bds..   Houle.  Dec,   '91.      (610)    £2  158. 
Mor,   g.e.    (46   plates).   Soth.,    Mar.   7, 

'01.     (573)    £12  5s. 

Steeple    Chase.       I.ond..    1827.       6 

colored   plates.     Fol. 
Orfg.  paper  covers   (damaged).  Soth., 

May  8.  '99.     (314)    £9  15s. 
Steeple    Chase.      Lond.,    1848.      6 

colored   plates.     Fol. 
Hf.    mor.    Dennis,    Dec.    '92.      (296) 

£4  12s. 
Soth.,  Nov.  4,  '95.     (1036)    £4  lOs. 
Putt..  Feb.  IG.  '98.     (298)    £1108. 
Putt..  Feb.  16,  '98.     (299)    £1  12s. 
Hf,    mor.    Putt..   Dec    19,   '98.      (605) 

£2  10s. 
Hf.   mor.    Putt..    Dec.    19.    '98.      (606) 

£2  16s. 

Symptoms      of      being      Amused. 

Lond..  1822.    42  colored  plates.    Fol. 
Hardy,  Dec.  '86.     (1625)    £ll9a. 
Bds.,  HalJ.  May,  '87-     (422)    £6108. 



Aiken    (Henry) — Continued. 

Hf.  mor..  May,  July,  '91-     (1126)   £5. 

Hf.  mor.  (orig.  cover  bound  in),  Soth., 

May   13,  '92,      (1005)    £5  78.6d. 
Hf.   mor..    Soth.,   Dec.    11.    '93.      (141> 

£5  73.  6d. 
Hf.    mor..    Simon,    Dec.,    '93.      (206) 

£4  7a.  6d. 
Hf.     mor.     (orlg.     cover     bound     In). 

Toovev,   Mar..   '94.      (a09)    £6  7s. 
Bds..  Clarke,  Dec,  '95.     (840)    £3  12k. 
Bds.,  Auckland,  Nov..  '97.     (782)    £6. 
Cf.,    unc,    Howard,    June.    '98.      (269) 

£5  5a. 
Cbristle,  July  20.  '98.     (97)    £3  15s. 
Hf.  mor.,  Soth.,  Nov.  3.  '98.     (381)    £5. 
Bds..   Soth..  Dec.   17,   '98.      (10G2)    £6 

Mor.,  g.t.  (orig.  labels  bound  in),  Soth.. 

Jan.  9.   '99.     (455)    £6  10a. 
Christie,   Feb.   21.    '99.      (179)    £5 10s. 
Hf,  mor.,  Soth.,  Feb.  6,  1900.     (1540) 

£4  12s.  6d. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Soth..  Mar,  7,  '01.    (S79)  £9. 
Hf.  roor.,  Blyth.   Mar.   14.   '01.      (205) 

£11  ros. 
Hf.  mor..  Fraaer,  Apr.,  '01.     (20)    £5 

Hf.  mor.  (with  labels).  Putt..  July  22. 

•03.      (6)    £5. 

Symptoms      of      being      Amuted. 

Lond.,  1824.    42  colored  plates.    Fo!. 
OrtiT.   paper   covers    (4    of   the   back 

covers  missing),  Soth,.  Dec.   4,   '02. 

(249)    £7  12s.6d. 

^Touch   at  the   Fine   Arts.    Lond,, 

1824.    12  colored  plates.    8vo. 
Bds..   Mackenzie,   Mar.,   '89.     (25)    £2 

78,  6d. 
Marshall,  July.   '90.     (1143)    £2   15a. 
Mor.,  unc,   Howard,  June,   '98       (13) 

£7  17s.  Gd. 
Bds.,  Christie.  July,  "98.     (56)    £3  15a. 
Hf,  mor.,  unc,  Soth.,  May  8.  '99.  (216) 

£4  48. 
Cf„    unc.     (orig.    covers    bound    In), 

Soth.  Nov.  20,  '99.     (218)    £3  3s, 
Hf,  mor..  Fraser.  Apr..  '01.      (21)    £5 

Hf.  bd..   Putt.,  July  30,   '02.      (25)    £4 

Orig.  hf.  bdg..  Soth..  Jan.  22,  '03.  (306) 

£2  10s. 

Tutor's    Assistant.        Lond.»    1823. 

6  colored  plates.     Fol. 
Hodgson.  Apr,  2.  '94.     (637)    £1  lis. 

Aiken    (Henry) — VmUinucd. 

Mof.,    Howard,    June,    '98.      (273)     £6 

Soth.,  Feb.  26,  'OL     (307)    £1  10s. 

See    also    Apperly    (C,    J.):    and 

other  authors  and  titles, 
ALL   THE    YEAR    ROUND.        Edited 

by  Charles  Dickens.  Load.,  v.d.,  Svo. 
Ist  series,  1859-68,  20  vols.,  hf.   mor., 

m.e.,  Thompson.  May,  '87.     (18)    £1 

let  series,  20  vols.,  hf.  cf..  Moss,  June, 

■87.     (743)  £1. 
Ist  series,  20  vols.,  cL,  Putt,  Feb.  13. 

'89.     (367)    £1  2a. 
1st   series.   20   vols.,   hf.   bd.,   Clarke. 

May,  '89.     (2)    £1118. 
Ist  series,  20  vols.,  hf.  cf..  Bangs,  Oct, 

7.    '95.     (185)    »10. 
1st   to  3d   series.   1859-95.  76  vols.,  cl.. 

Burrard.  Jan..  *96.     (1176)    £3  10b. 
Ist  series.  Vol.  1,  to  3d  series.  Vol.  8, 

71    vols.,    hf.    mor..    and    2    vols.    In 

parts.  Olcott,  Apr.,  "01,     (373)  131.95. 
1859    to    1894,    in    38    vols.,    hf.    mor., 

Putt,  Apr.   14.  '02.      (75)    £1  Ufs. 

Cbristmat  Numbers.    See  Dickens 


ALLAN    (GEORGE>.     Collectanea    ad 

Statum  Civilem  et  Ecclesiasticuni 
Comltatus  Dunelmensls.  Blackwell 
Grange,  G.  Allan,  v.d.  4to. 
Rua..  g.e.  (manuscript  list  and  por- 
traits inserted),  Solh..  May  e,  '01. 
(471)    £4  15s. 

ALLAN  (JOHN).  Memorial  of  John 
Allan.  N.  Y.,  Bradford  Club.  1864. 

Bds.,  unc,  Wales,  Mar.,  '03.  (93)  17.50. 

ALLARD    (CAR0LU8).     Atlas   Minor. 

Amsterdam,    [about  1680].     Fol. 
Vol..  Bangs,  Mar.  30.  '96.  (388)   $30. 
Vol..  Bangs.   Mar.   19.   1900.     (10)    $21, 

Orbis   Habitabills  Oppida  et  Vea- 

titus   centenario   nuniero   complexa. 
Amsterdam,  n.d.     Fol. 

Vel..  Labberton,  Mar.,  '99.  (11)   |5.7&. 

ALLEIN  (JOSEPH).  Alarm  to  Un- 
converted Sinners.  Phila..  Frank- 
lin,  1741.     8vo. 

Cf.,   Brlnley,   Mar.,   '80.     (3271)    |6,50, 

ican Book  Plates.  N.  Y..  Groller 
Club,  1894.     Svo. 

••Large  paper. 




Allen  (Charles  Dexter) — Continued. 
Paper,  Bangs,  Mar.  18.  '95,  (283)  |15, 
Paper,  Bangs,  May  18,  '96-  (200)  |17. 
Paper.  Sewall.  Nov,  '96.  (1561)  110,50. 
Paper.  Riker.  Dec.  7.  '96.  (425)  |8.50. 
Paper,  Bangs.  Jan.  14.  '97.  (312>  |9. 
Paper.  Matthews.  Feb.,  '97.  (319)  $5. 
Paper.  BanKS,  Mar.  26,  '97.  (115)  $10. 
Paper.  Bangs,  Nov.  29,  '97.  (238)  16. 
Paper,  Bangs.  Mar.  31,  '9S.  (248)  16. 
Paper.  Bangs,  May  9.  '98.  (108)  15. 
Paper.  Llbble,  Nov.  29,  '98.  (246)  |6. 
Paper.    French,    Apr..    '01.     (654)    |18. 

American      Book-Plates.       N.     Y.. 

1894.     8vo. 

••Hand  made  paper. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Mar.  31.  *98.     (Ill)  |6. 
CI..  Bangs.  May  9.  '9S.     (64)  |6.50. 
Cl^    Pratt,   Apr.,    '99.     (27)    $6.50. 
CI..   Leflerts.   Apr.,   '02.     (8)    |5.50. 
CI..  Bangs,  Feb.  16,  '98.     (194)  $10. 

"•Japan  paper. 
Paper.  Libble.  Sept.  25.  '95.  (106  J  $7.50. 
Paper,  Adee.  Nov..  '95.  (10)     $19. 
Paper.    Solb..    Dec.    11.    '95.      (49)     £2 


Paper.  Bangs,  Mar.  26.  '97.     (3>  $13. 

Paper.  Bangs.  Feb,  16,  '98.  (195)   $19. 

Paper.  Bangs.  May  9.  '98.  (99)   $9. 

Paper.   Pratt.  Apr..   '99.  (26)    $11.50. 

P^per,  Bangs.  Nov.  10,  '99.    (39)  $15. 

P&per.  Ubble.  Feb.  8.  1900.  (8)  $10.25. 

Paper.  Bangs.  Apr.  16.  1900.   (79)  $17. 

Paper.    French.   Apr..   '01.      (n5>    $21. 

Ex    Librls.     Bost,.    1896.     12mo. 

CI..  Bangs.  Jan.  15,  1900.  (36)  $5.50. 
•♦Large  paper. 

Yel..  Bangs,  Nov.  10,  '99.     (38)   $6. 

Vel.,  French.  Apr,  '01.     (116)   $10. 

ALLEN  (ETHAN).  Anlmadversory 
Address  to  the  Inhabitants  of  the 
State  of  Vermont.  Hartford,  1778. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Brlnley,  Mar.,  79.  (2511) 

rnbd.  (Joslah  Bartlett's  copy,  with 
autograph),  Ubble,  May  19,  '03, 
(1008)  $55. 

Brief    Narrative    of   the    Proceed* 

Ings  of  the  Government  of  New 
York,  Relative  to  the  Boundary 
Line  of  Connecticut.  Hartford, 
Bben  Watson.  [1774].     Svo. 

Mor,.  g.e..   Brinley,  Mar,.   79.     (2510) 


Cf„  g:e.,  Brlnley,  Mar,  '80.  (2622)  $65. 
Unbd..    Miller    &    Bancker,    Dec..    '98. 
(10)   $64- 

Allen  {Ethan)— Continued. 

Unbd,  (Joslah  Bartlett's  copy,  with 
autograph),  Llbbte,  May  19,  '03. 
(1007)  $120. 

Narrative     of     Captivity.       Phlla., 

Bell,  1779.     Svo. 
Mor,  g.e..  Fisher,  Mar,  '66.     (30)  $54, 
Mor     g.e.      (Fisher    copy).    Menzles, 

Nov.,  76.     (29)    $62. 

Narrative    of    Captivity.        Phlla., 

Mantz,  1779.    12mo. 
Hf.  mor.  unc.  Manson,  Feb..  "99,  (43) 


Narrative      of      Captivity.     Boat., 

Draper  &  Folsom,  1779.     Svo. 

Mor.   Rice.   Mar,   70.     (23)    $26. 

Mor.  unc.  (some  words  In  facs.  on 
p.  6.  and  several  lacking  on  p.  5), 
Brinley,    Mar,    79.     (2529)    $22.50. 

Cf..  Brinley.  Mar,  79.     (2530)  $20. 

Paper  (last  3  leaves  Imperfect), 
Clogston,  Nov.,  '99.     (17)    $9.50. 

Narrative  of  Captivity.     Newbury. 

Mycall,  1780.     12mo. 
Cf.   unc.    (part  of  last   leaf  in  facs.), 

Brinley.   Mar,  79.      (2532)   $9.25. 
Sewed,   unc.   Llbble-,  Jan.  2,   '89.    (31) 

Mor.  Deane,  Mar.  '98.     (49)  $10. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Manaon,  Feb.,  '99.  (44) 


Narrative  of  Captivity.     Walpole. 

N.  H.,  1807.    Svo. 

Cf..  g.e..  Rice,  Mar,  '70.     (24)    $8. 

Hf.  cf..  Murphy,  Mar,  '84.     (42)  $5.50. 

Cf.,  Stevens,  July,  '86.     (6)    £2  48, 

Cf.,  g.e.,  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.     (48)  $19. 

Bds.,  Sherman,  Jan.,  '98.     (14>  $5.25. 

Narrative    of    Captivity.      Albany, 

1814.     12mo. 

Cf.,  unc.  Rice,  Mar,  '70.     (25)  $6. 

Preaent  State  of  the  Controversy 
between  the  States  of  New-York, 
New  Hampshire  and  Vermont.  Hart- 
ford, 1782.    8to. 

Mor.  unc,  Brinley.  Mar,  79.  (2516) 

Reason    the   only   Oracle   of    Man. 

Bennington,   1784,     Svo. 

Mor,  g.e,.  Brinley,  Mar,  '79.  (25351 

Sheep,  Brinley,  Mar,  '79.     (2536)    $8. 

Cf.,  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.     (41)   $6.50. 

Cf.,  Libbie.  Nov.  6,  '95.     (20)  $20. 

Mor,  unc  (lacking  half  title),  Manson, 
Feb..  '99.     (51)  $28. 



AHen   (Ethan) — Coiitimtrtl. 

8he€p,  Clogaton,  Nov.,  'BB.     (IG)  *16. 

Sheep.  Bangs,  Mar.  19,  1900.     (11)  |26. 

Sheep  (cracked),  Bangs,  Dec.  16.  'Ol. 
(11)   $11. 

Sheep,  McKee.  May.  '02.  (4441)  112.50. 

Sheep,  Bangs.  Oct.  6,  '02.     (8)   |18.50. 

Hf.  ntior.  (AX.S.  Inserted),  Richmond, 
Mar,,  '99,     (10)   |20. 

Hf.  mor.  (A.L.S.  Inserted),  Deane. 
Mar,,  '98.     (51)   *21. 

Reason   the   onfy   Oracte   of    Man. 

New  York.  1836.     8vo. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Manson.  Feb..  '99.  (52) 

Refutation    of  the   Claims   of   New 

Hampshire  and  Massachnsetts-Bay, 
to  the  Territory  of  Vermont.  Hart- 
ford, [1780J.     8vo. 

Mor.,  unc,  Brinley,  Mar.,  '79.     (2514) 


Cf,    unc,    Brinley,    Mar.,    '80.     (2624) 

Mor.,    unc,    Leflerts,    June,    '02.     (5) 

£712b.  6d. 
Vlndicatiorr   of   the   Opposition    of 

the  Inhabitant^  of  Vermont   to   the 

CJovernment  of   New    York,      [Dres- 
den,]   Alden   Spooner,   1779.     Svo. 
Mor.,  unc.   Brinley.  Mar..  '79.     (2513) 

Mor.,   g.e..   Brinley,   Mar.,   '8(1.     (2623) 

Mor.,    g.e.    (first    4    leaves   damaged). 

Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (47)   $52. 
ALLEN   (F.  H.).     Great  Cathedrals  of 

the  World.  Boat.,  1889.  2  vols.,  fol. 
CI..  Libble,  Oct.  30.  '94.  (281)  |12 
CI.,  unc,  Llbbie,  Sept.  25.  '96,  (13)  $10. 
Pans.  Llbbie,  Mar  18,  '96.  (281)  $G. 
Hf.  mor.,  Libble,  Oct.  19,  '97.  (17)  $8. 
CL.   unc.    Soth.,   Oct.   30,    '99.     (1370) 

£1  2s. 
Hf.  mor..  Llbbie,  May  2S,  1900.     (244) 

Hf.  mor.,  Olcott,  Apr.,  '01.     (18)   $8. 
Hf.  cf.,  Bangs,  Nov.  18,  '01.  (IG)  $11.50, 
Great     Modern     Palntlngt,     Best., 

n.d.     2  vols,,  fol. 
Hf.  mor..  Bangs.  Nov.  6.  '95.     (34)  $9. 
Hf.  mor.,   Henkels.   Mar.  7.   '96.     (92) 

Parts,  Llbbie.  .June  10,  '96.     (418)   $6. 
Hf.   mor..  g.e.,   Henkels,   June   2.    '98. 

(330)   $7.50. 
Masterpieces   of    Modern    Gernnan 

Art.     Boat,  1884.     2  vols.,  fol. 

Allen    (F.  H.) — Cuutinurd, 

Hf.  cf..  g.t.  Bangs,  Oct,  17,  '98.     (315) 

Hf,  cf..  g.t..  Bangs,  Apr.  3.  '99.     (266) 

Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Daly.  Mar..  1900.     (71) 

Mor..  g.e..  Bangs,  Oct.  14.    01.     (878) 

Hf.  mor.,  Putt.,  Jan.  30,  '02.  (577)    £1. 

ALLEN   (IRA).     Natural  and  Political 

History    of    Vennont.     1/Dnd.,    1798. 

Hf.  mor..  unc.  Rice,   Mar..   '70.     (27) 

Hf.  mor..  unc,  Menzles,  Nov..  '76.  (35) 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Guild,  Nov.,  "87.  (4772) 

Bda.   unc,   Dawson,    May.    '90.  (1241) 

Hf.   mor.,   unc,    LIbbfe,    Mar.    27,    '96. 

(1883)  $6. 
Bds,  unc,  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.  (53)  $10.25. 
Ci.,   r.e.    (portrait   inserted),    Manson, 

Mar.,  '99,     C4277)  $19. 
Hf.  mor.    (portrait  and  map  Inserted), 

Clogston.   Nov,.   '^%.     (27)    $13, 
Sheep,     (portrait     inserted).     Llbbie, 

Mar.  5,  '01.     (31)  $10.50. 

Particulars  of  the  Capture  of  the 

Ship  Olive  Branch,  Phlla..  1804-5. 
2  vols,,  Svo. 

Vol.  1,  bds.  unc.  Vol.  2.  cf.  (with 
preL  leaf  to  Vol.  I,  and  the  scarce 
"  last  part  of  second  vol.,"  and  with 
2  maps,  portrait  and  clippings  ia- 
serted),  Manson,  Feb.,  '99.  (58)  $44. 

Cf.  (Vol.  2  only),  Bangs.  Jan,  14.  '95. 
(5)  $8.26. 

Hf.  mor,  (Vol.  2  only).  Libble,  Mar. 
27,  '95,     (905)   $6,50, 

Sheep  (Vol.  2.  presentation  copy), 
Clogston,  Nov.,  "99.     (28)   $12.50, 

Mlacetianeous     Remarks     on     the 

Proceedings  of  the  State  of  New 
York  against,  the  State  of  Vermont. 
Hartford,   1777.     Svo. 

Paper  (portrait  Inserted),  Conland, 
Jan.,  '04.     (663)  $70. 

Vindication  of  the  Conduct  of  the 

General  Assembly  of  the  State  of 
Vermont,  held  at  Windsor.  Oct., 
1778.  Dresden,  Alden  Spooner, 
[1779].  Svo. 
Sewed,  unc.  Bartlett,  Mav,  '03,  (1505) 




ALLEN  (JAMES).  Neglect  of  Sup- 
porting and  MalDLalnlng  the  Pure 
Worship  of  God.  Best.,  for  Job 
How,   1687.     4to. 

Mor..  Brinies.  Mar.,  '79.     (697)  |36. 

New  England's  Choiceet  Blessings. 

Bost..  John  Foster,   107 9.     4 to. 
Mor,  g.e.,      Rice,  Mar..  '70,     (28)  $28. 
Kor..   BrlnJey.   Mar..   '79.     (69&>    |16. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Brinley.  Mar..  '79.  (696)  |19. 
Sewed,  LIbble.  Mar.  4.  '90.  (27)  122.50. 
Sewed,  Henkels,  Dec.  13,  '9S.  (327)  $50. 

ALLEN  (JOHN).  American  Alarm. 
Bv  the  British  Bcsionian.  Boat., 
1773.    8vo. 

HL  mor.,  tine,  Brinley,  Apr.,  '93. 
(8557)    $6.25. 

^^-Oratlon  Upon  the  Beauties  of  Lib- 
erty. BoBt,  Kneeland  and  Davis. 
1773.     8vo. 

Unc,  Brinley,  Apr.,  '93.     (8838)  $5.50. 

Hf.  mor..  Bangs,  Oct.  12,  '97.  (18)  $12. 

Oration  Upon  the  Beauties  of  Lib- 
erty. Fourth  edition.  Bost..  E. 
Russell.  1773.    8vo. 

HI.  mor.,  tine,  Brinley,  Apr.,  '93. 
(8839)    $17. 

ALLEN     (J.).     Bibliotheca     Hereford- 

lensls.     Hereford,   1821.     8vo. 
Bds.    unc.    Hartley,    Apr.,    '87.     (276) 

£3  15s, 
Hf.    mor.,    m.e.,    (presentation   copy), 

Cooke,  June,  '92.     (10)    £2  88. 
Bds.    unc,    Putt,,    May    5,    '98.     (196) 


ALLEN  (JONATHAN).  A  Poem  on 
the  Existence  of  God,  and  an  Eu- 
logy on  Washington.  Haverhill, 
1800.     12mo. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t..  Rice,  Mar.,  '70.  (2394) 

ALLEN  (PAUL).  History  of  the  Amer- 
ican Revolution.  Baltimore,  1819-22. 
2  Tols.,  8vo. 

HL  mor.,  unc.  Rice,  Mar.,  '70.  (35) 

Bds.  unc,  Llbble.  May  15,  '88.  (10) 

HI.  mor.,  one,  Anderson,  Apr.  24,  '03. 
(4)  $6.50. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  (a  few  plates  Inserted), 
Menzles,   Nov.,  '76.     (38)    $7.25. 

See  also  Lewis  and  Clark. 

ALLEN  (THOMAS).  History  of  the 
County  of  Lincoln.  Lincoln,  1834. 
2  vols.,  4 to. 

Allen    (Thomas) — Continued. 

Hf.    mor..    unc,    Aylesford,    Mar.,    '88. 

(74)    £2. 

**Large  paper. 
Rub.  (in  1  vol.),  Brabourne,  May,  '91. 

(241)    £110s. 
Hf.  cf,,  Gilchrist,  July,  '90.     (02)    £1 


History    of   the    County   of    York. 

Lond.,  1828-31.    3  vols.,  4to. 
♦♦Large  paper. 
Hf.     mor..    Turner,    Dec.     '93.     (174) 

£2  113. 
Cf.,  Eastlake,  June,  '94.     (325)    £178. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Gilchrist,  July,  '96.    (61) 

Vel.,  unc,  Stanafield,  June,  '98.  (837) 

£1  10s. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t..  Soth.,  Dec  5,  '99.  (804) 

£1  128. 

Incidents.  16  colored  plates.  Text 
by  P.  M.  Steele.    N.  Y.,  1893.     Fol. 

Bangs,  Feb.  8,  '01.     (317)  $6.25. 

Bangs,  Mar.  26.  '01.     (328)  $7. 

Bangs.  Oct.  11,  '01.     (329)   $7.12. 

Bangs,  Jan.  21,  '02.     (361)  $7. 

ALLEN        (WILKES).       History       of 

Chelmsford.     Haverhill,    1820.     8vo. 
Bds.   unc.   Brinley.   Mar.,   '79.     (1802) 

Hf.    mor..    unc,    Brinley.    Mar.,    '79. 

(1803)  $11. 
Hf.  cf..  Murphy.  Mar..  '84.     (48)  $0.50. 
Hf.     mor..     unc,     Cobum,    Apr,,     '88. 

(524)  $6.50. 
Hf.  mor.,  Libble,  Jan.  2,  '89.     (316)  $7. 
Hf.  roan,  Deane.  Mar.,  '98.     (701)   $8. 
Bds.  unc.  Libble,  Mar.  28,  1900.  (267) 

Bds..  unc.  Balcom.  Feb.,  '01.    (496)  $12. 
Bds.  unc,  Libble.  Mar.  18,  '02.     (1323) 


ALLEN      (WILLIAM).     Defense     and 

Declaration       of       the       Catholike 
Churches  Doctrine,   Antwerp,   1565. 
Cf.    (roanuacrtpt    notes    on    margins), 
Inglis,  June.   1900,      (28)    £2  28. 

ALLEN    (WILLIAM).     The   American 

Crisis,     Lond.,  1774.     Svo. 
Hf.  mor..  Bangs,  Jan.  22,  '02.  (13)  $16. 
ALLEN       (WILLIAM).        Kiiring      no 

Murder.     See  Titus    (Silas). 
ALLEY    (G.).     Poore    Man's    LJbrarle. 

Lond.,  157L    Fol. 




Alley    (G.) — funtittuid. 
Cf..  Perkins,  July,  '89.     (41)    £1. 
orig.  oak  boards,  Bools.  June.  '03.  (41) 
£2  98. 

ALLIBONE      (8.    A.>.     Dictionary     of 

English   Literature  and   BritLsh   and 

Americaa    Authors.     Phlla.,    v.d.     3 

vols.,  8vo. 
Ht   raor.,   g.t.,   I  Arab,   Feb.,   "98.     (16) 

£3  5s. 
CI.,  Dpane.   Mar.,   '98.     (65)    |9.75. 
Unc,  Soth.,  Jan.  9.  '99.     (221>    £1  Ifis. 
Elf.   rus..  r.e.,   Manson,  Feb.,   '99.    (67) 

CI..  Bangs.  Apr.  21,   '99.     (2»   $12. 
Ci,  Clogaton,  Nov.,  '99,     (32)   |6.75. 
CI.,  Soth.,  Nov.  25,  '01.     (483)    £1178. 
Hf.   mor..    Soth.,    Feb.    17,   '02.     (164) 

£1  12s. 
Hf.  rus..  Bangs,  Apr.  28,  '02.     (2)  $5.63. 
Dictionary      of      Authors.        With 

Kirk's     Supplement,     li     vols.       To- 
gether 5  vols,,  8vo. 
01.    and    hf.    rus.,    Walker.    Maj,    '93. 

(9)    £3  178.6d. 
Hf.   mor.,    Hammondi.   Jan.,   '95.     (11) 

01.,  Bangs,  Feb.  6.  '95.     (6)  $20. 
01..  Hoskinson,  Dec.,  '97.     (626)   $12. 
OU  Bangs.   May   11,  '98.    (15)    $13.25. 
Hf.  rus..  Morris.  Apr.,  '99.  (27)  $13.75. 
Soth..  Apr.  20.  '99.     (281)    £4  4b. 
Hf.    rus.,    Llbble,    Oct,    12.    '99.     (21) 

Hf.  rus.,  Henkels,  Nov.  28.  1900.  (42) 

01.,  Lincoln,  Oct.,  '01.     (764)   $10.50. 
CI..  Watson.  Nov.,  '01.     (2C4)    £3  5s. 
ALLIN   (JAMES).     What  Shalt   I   Ren- 
der?       A      ThanksRlvlnK      Sermon 

preached    at.    Brookllne,     Nov.    hth, 

1722.      Bost..   1722.     8vo. 
Mor,   K-e-.    Probasco,    Jan..    *99.      (17 1 

ALLIN       (JOHN).         Animadversion* 

upon  the  Antlsynodalla  Americana. 

Camb..    Groon    and    .Tohnson.    1664. 

Mor.,  Brlnley.   Mar..  '79.    (698)    $55. 
Brlnloy,  Nov.,  '86.     (7427)    $13. 
Defence     of     the     Answer     made 

unto    the    nine    Questions    of    Posl 

tlona  sent  from  New  England.  I^nd., 

1648.     4to. 
Cf..   g.e.,   Henkels,   Oct.  21.   '96.      (63> 

Cf..  Deane.  Mar..  '98.     (66)   $14.50. 

Allln   (John) — fotitiniifil, 

Spouse  of  Christ.    Camb.,  S  Green, 

1672.     4tO. 
Sewed,     Llbble,     Apr.     15.     '96.     (14) 


ALLINE  (HENRY).  Two  Mites  on 
some  Disputed  Points  of  Divinity. 
Halifax,  N.  S.,  Henry,  1781.     12mo. 

Sheep.  Brlnley,  Nov.,  '86.   (7428)    $37. 

Sheep.  Hart,  Apr.,  '90.     (42)  $7.75. 

Pieces  and  Other  Poems.  Ix)nd.. 
1888.     16mo. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Ubbie.  Dec.  5.  '01.  (1134) 

^The    Music    Master,    etc.      Lond.. 

1855.     8vo. 
C1-.  Soth.,  Dec.  17.  1900.     (1C>    £3. 

ALLMAN  (G,  J.).  Monograph  of 
Gymnoblastic  Hydrolds.  Lond.,  Ray 
Soc..  1871.    Pol. 

Hf.  cf..  Soth..  Apr  19,  '99.     (211)    £1 


ALLOT    (ROBERT).     England's    Par> 

nassus.     Lond.,  1600,     8vo. 
Rus.,  g.e.,  Leigh,  Dec.,  '96.  (163)    £11. 
Mor,  g.e.,  GalsfoTd,   Apr,   '90.       (29) 

£17  5s. 
Of.,   ex.,  g.e.,  Young,  June.   'SO.     (14) 

£17  5s. 
Mor,  Llbble.  Dec.  2,  '90.  (19)  $122.60. 
Mor,  g.e,,  Crawford.  Mar.,  '91.    (56) 

£18  158. 
Mor.  g.e.,  Soth.,  June  27.  '92.   (8)   £19. 
Rus.,  g.e..  Walker,  May,  '93.     (3)    £17 

Mor,  g.e.    (slightly  wormed  L  Larpent, 

Jan.,   '95.      (751)    £16  5s. 
Mor.    (with  the  two  blank  leaves  pre- 
ceding  title).   Foots,   Jan.,   '95.     (3) 

Of..  Orford,  June.  »95.     (8)    £34. 
Of.    (Orford  copy),  Soth..  Feb.  2,  '98. 

(1)    £26  10s. 
VeL    (a  few  margins  mended),  Soth., 

Nov.  20.  '99.      (56)    £43 10s. 
Sheep,  Soth.,  May  6,  '01.     (406)    £50. 
Mor     ex.     (title    slightly    mended    In 

margin),  Soth.,  May  16,  '01.  (7)   £38. 
Mor.    g.e.,   McKee.   Dec.,   '01.     (2720) 

Mor     g.e.     (title    mended),    Lefferta, 

Apr,  '02.     (10)   $150. 
Cf„  Soth.,  June  18,  '03.     (398)    £41. 
England's    Parnassus.     Edited    hj 

J.   P.   (filler      Lond-.    1867.     8vo. 




Allot  (Robert)— Cow«r»Mr</, 

Parts,  Soth.,   Dec.   11,   '9?^.      1447|    £1 

Mor.    (Ouvry  copy),  Soth.,  May  16,  '01. 

(8)    £17s. 

lines and  Sketches.  Boat,  18&0. 

Hf.  roan.  Llvermore,  Nov.,  '94.  (30) 

AL-MAKKURI.  Mohammedan  Dynas- 
tlea  In  Spain.  Trans,  by  P.  de  Gay- 
angos.  Oriental  Trans.  Fund, 
1840-43.     2  vols.,  4tQ. 

Morria.  Dec.,  "98.     (697)    £5  5s. 

Cf.,  r.e.,  Twopenny,  May,  '02.  (214) 
£2  188. 

ALMANAC.  Here  begynneth  ye 
Scycle  or  Chaunge  of  ye  Mone.  .  . 
from  the  date  of  our  Lord  MCCCCC. 
ft  XXV.  unto  MCCCCC.  and  XL. 
Imprynted  by  me.  Rychard  Fakes, 
dwelJynge  In  Duram  rent  a  or  elles 
In  Poulea  Chyrcheyarde  at  the 
Sygne  of  the  A.  B.  C,  [1525].    12mo. 

Unbd.  (margins  cut  close),  Foun- 
Ulne.  June,  '02.     (17)    £30. 

Almanac  for  1646.  Camb.  [Stephen 

Day].  1646-     8vo. 

(Lacking  title,  second  and  last  leaf), 
Brlnley,  Mar.,  '79.     (G99)    $52.50. 

Almanac  for  1647,  1648  and  1649. 

See  Danforth    (Samuel). 

Almanac    for     1650.       Camb..     [S. 

Green],  1C50.    8vo. 
Brinley,  Mar.,  '79.     (703)    $52.50. 
Almanac  for  1680.   [Boat,],  Henry 

Phillips,   (17C9].     Svo. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Brinley.  Mar.,  '79.  (708)  |17. 
Almanacs    for     1659.     1660.     1661, 

IG62.  1C63,  1G65,  Camb.,  1C59-G5.     6 

Yols.,  12mo. 
Mor.,  Brinley.  Mar,,  79.   (704)   |15G. 
Almanacs    for     1671,     1672,     1673, 

1G74.  1675.    Camb..  1671-75.    5  vols.. 

Mor..  Brinley.  Mar.,  '79.     (705)  $125. 
Almanacs    for    1676     (by    J.    8.)., 

167C    (by  J.   F.)..   1G77,   1C78    I  by  T. 

B.).,   1678    (by   J.   F.).,    1G79    (by   J. 

D.)..  1679  (by  J.  F.)„  Camb..  1G76-79. 

7  vols.,  12mo. 
Mor,,  Brinley.  Mar..  *79.     (707)  $84. 
Almanacs  for  1681   (2  variations), 

1682,    1683.    1684    (2    editions),   1685 

Almanac — Cmttinued. 

(2  editions),  1686  (2  editions),  1C87 
(2  editions),  1C88,  1689  (2  editions), 
1690  (2  editions),  Camb.  and  BosL, 
1681-90.    17  vols.,  12nio. 

In  1  vol.,  Brinley,  Mar..  '79.  (709) 

For  other  Almanacs  see  names  of 


Almanach  Amerfcain.    Paris.  1783. 

Paper,  unc,  Hough,  Oct,  1900.     (15) 


Almanach   de   Gotha.     Gotha,  v.d. 

1777-1S98     (lacking    1759,    1852,    1878. 

1S79,  1882.  1883.  and  1885),  115  vols., 

Fraser,  Apr.,  '01.     (27)  £29. 
1777-1898  (several  years  not  the  right 

almanac),  116  vols.,  Soth.,  July  23, 

'01.     (802)    £17. 
1772-1887    (some  lacking  and  some  In 

duplicate),  112  vols.,  Soth.,  July  30» 

1900.    (951)    £6  5s. 

AUMON  (JOHN).  Collectton  of  In- 
teresting  and  Authentic  Papers. 
Load.,    1777.    8vo. 

Hf.  cf..  Waterbury.  Jan.,  '95.  (1110) 

Hf.  sheep,  Deane.  Mar,  '98,  (2906) 

Hf.  bd.,  unc,  (1  leaf  rtefectlre), 
Weeks,  Mar.,  '02,     (472)  $14. 

Political    Register    and    Impartial 

Survey  of  New  Books.  Lond.,  1767- 
73.     11  vols.,  8vo. 

Putt.,  Dec.  17.  "89.     (8)    £3  3s. 

Clarke.  Dec,   *95.      (149)    £3  12a.  6d. 

Hf.  cf..  Libbie,  Dec,  15.  '98.     (16)  $11. 

Hf.  cf.  (9  vols.).  Soth,,  Apr-  20,  '99. 
(687)    £183. 

The  Remembrancer.     Lond.,  1775- 

84.    17  vols..  8vo. 

Orig.  cf.,  Soth..  Jan.  22,  *03.  (705)   £3L 

With  "A  Collection  of  Interesting 
Papers,"  Journal  of  Congress,  and 
"A  Collection  of  the  Most  Interest- 
ing Tracts."  22  vols.,  cf.,  Menzles, 
Nov.,  '70.     (42)   $198. 

With  "A  Collection  of  Interesting 
Papers."  and  other  pieces,  19  vols., 
hf,  bd.,  unc,  Brinley*  Mar.,  '80. 
(3934)   $228. 

With  "A  Collection  of  Interesting 
Papers,"  and  other  piece.s,  20  vols., 
cf..  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (56)    $220. 

Vol.  1,  lacking  Pt.  1,  and  Vols.  2,  3,  4. 




Aim  on    (John) — Ciwtinw^d. 

6,  7.  8.  parts.  Bangs.  Feb.  5.  '01.     (38) 

Vols.   1   to  5,  M.  bd.,  unc,  Hodgson, 

Feb.  27.  *01.     (214)   £2  Ob. 
With       A    Collection     of    Inierestlng 

Papers.    18    vols.,    hf.    cf.    (George 

Bancroft's      copy,      some      volumes 

broken),    Anderson,    Apr.     10,     'OS. 

(39)    155.80. 
Vol.  14   (lacking  No.  1}  and  15.  parts, 

Anderson.  Apr.  IC.  '03.    (40)  $25. 


1S71.     Colored   plates.      I  to. 
Hf.  mor..  g.e.  (presentation  copy,  with 

an  A.L.S.  inserted),  Twopenny.  May 

2{1.  '02.     (215)    £3  5s. 

ALPHONCE    (JEAN).    Voyages    Aven- 

tureuK.     Rouen,  1002.     4  to. 
Mor.,  Murphy.  Mar.,  '94.     (51)  $50. 

ium  Fidel,  Li  v.  V.  [Basle,  B.  Rkhel, 
1475.3     (Hain.  871.)     FoL 

Bds.,  covered  with  pigakln  (rebacked), 
Morris,  Dec.  '98.     (117)    £4. 

ALPINE  JOURNAL.  Edited  by  George. 

Stephen,    and    others.      Lond.,    v.d. 

1SG3-1901,  vols.  1-19.  and  vol.  20.  Nos. 

147-153,  with   Library  Catalogue.  In 

parts,  Soth..  July  21,  '02.    (383)  £25. 
1863-1901),  and  Index,  21  vols.,  cl.,  and 

hf.  cl.  and  7  parts,  Soth.,  May  14, 

*02.     (122)    £18  158. 
1863-1901,  and  Index.  20  vols.,  hf.'cf.. 

and  8  parts.  Soth.,  Jan.  31.  '02.     (3) 

£29  10s. 
1863-97.  and  Index.  19  vols.,  cl..  and  2 

parts.    Soth..    Dec.     5,    '99.       {79H 

£18  5s. 
1863-97   (lacking  No.  109),  and  Index, 

hf.  mor..  cl..  and  parts,  Hunt,  July, 

'99.    (8)   £18. 
1863-93,    vols.    1-16    (lacking   voL    12). 

and    Index,    16    vols.,    cl..    HodRson, 

Feb.  19.  '02.     (373)    £24  10s. 
1863-91,  vols.  1-15.  and  Index.  Walker. 

May.  '93.     (11)    £20. 
Vols.  1-8   (lacking  3  Nos.  of  vol.  7).  8 

vols,,  parts  and  cl.,  Anderson,  Apr.  1. 

•03.     (53)  $22. 

AL80P  (GEORGE).    Character  of  the 

Province  of  Maryland.     Lond.,  1666. 
Mor.   g.e.,   Murphv,   Mar..   '84.    (2813) 

Al&op   (George) — Conthtuetl, 
Mor.,  g.e.  (Murphy  copy).  Barlow,  PrtO 
'90.     (57)  $410. 

ALTAR   BOOK.  Boston,  Updike.  1896. 

Leather,    Bangs,   Apr.     1,    '97.      (341) 


ALTAR  OF  DAMASCUS.     See  Calder- 

wood  (David). 

ALVA    (BARTHOLOMEW).  Confessio 

Mayor  y  Menor  en  lengua  Mexicana. 
Mexlco,   1634.     4to. 
Vel.,  Moore,  Feb.,  "94.     (28)  $19. 

Description  d'Ethiopie.  An(werp. 
1558.     Svo. 

Mor..  g.e..  Crawford,  July.  '96.  (26) 

Historia  de  las  Cosas  de  Ethiopia. 

Zaragosa,    1561.     Fol. 
Vel.,  Crawford.  .Tune.  '89.     (20)    £3  3;*.  | 

Historla  de  las  Cosas  de  Ethiopia. 

Toledo.  15S8.     Svo. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Gennadlus.  Mar..  '95.   (110) 

£4  15s. 

Ho      Presto      Joam      das      Indias. 

[Colmbra  or  Lisbon.  1540.]     Fol. 
Vel.,  Sunderland,  Doc.,  'SI.  (241)    £54. 
Mor.  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (60)   $210. 

AMADIS      DE     GAUL.     Los     quatros 

Llbros  del  Virtuoso  Cavallero.  Zara- 

gosa,  1508.     Fol. 
Mor.,   g.e.,   Slelliere.    Mar..    '87.     (23) 

Los   Quatros    Llbros  del   Virtuoso 

Cavallero,     Salamanca,      1519.    FoL 
Mor.,   g.e..    Slelli^re.    Mar..    '87.      (24) 

£  29  10s. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Turner,    July,    '88.     (239) 

Los  Quatros  Libros  de  A  madia  de 

Gaula.    Venice.  5  533.    Fol. 
Mor..    g.e..    Turner,    June.    '88.      (240) 

Mor.   g.e..   Craw^ford,   June,    '89.     (21) 

Bds.,  g.e.,  Whitchurch,  Dec,  '94.  (220) 

£4  17k.  6d. 
Rub.  (title  to  first  book  partly  In  fiacs. 

and  top  margins  of  3  leaves  mend- 
ed >.   Soth-,   Dec.   2.    '01.      (392)     £11 


Ancient,   Famous,   and    Honorable 

History  of  Amadls  de  Gaule,    Trans, 
by  A.  Mnnrlay.     Lond.,  1619-18.     FoL 



Amadis  de   Gaul^-€o«/t»«c«l. 

Mot,,  g.e.,  Crawford.  June.   '89.     (24) 

£9  9s. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Ashbumham*    June.    '97. 

(77)    £18  10s. 
Mor.,  g.e.,    (first  title  mended,  a  few 

letters  In  facs.).  Soth.,  Nov.  20,  '99. 

(268)    £4  10s. 
Cf-.  y-e.,  Soth-,  May  25,  1900.   (99)    £9. 
Cf-.    y.e.     (lacking    pages    143-144    of 

Book  3).  Duke  of  Argyll,  July,  1900. 

(1017)    £9  58. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  (title  mended).  Soth..  May 

6.  '01.     (538)    £19. 
Mor.    g.e.,    Lefferta.    Apr.,    02.     (991) 


Most  Excellent  and  Famous  His- 
tory of  Amadl.s  of  Greece.  Loud., 
1C94.     4to. 

Cf..  Sullivan.  May.  '90.     (308)    £2  28. 

Treasury    of    Amadis    of    France. 

lx)nd..  H.  Bynneman  for  Thomas 
Hacket.    [1567].     4to. 

Cf..  Crawford,  June.  '89.  (22 1  £2^ 

Rus..  g.e.  (dtle  inlaid  t.  Perkins,  July, 
•89.      (45)    £3  3r. 

AMANOUS.  Chronica  Compendiosis- 
slma  ab  exordio  Muadi  usque  ad 
annum  Dom.,  1534.  Antwerp,  1534. 

Vel,  Soth..  Apr.  12.  '90.     (271    CI  10s. 

AMARYLLIS,  consisting  of  Songs 
Sung  at  the  Public  Theatres  and 
G&rdens.     Lond..  J.  Tyler,  n.d.     4to, 

Mor.  g.e..  Mav.  .July.  '91.  (5C3j  £3 

-^Amaryllis.  Lond.,  J.  Lewer,  n.d. 

Cr..   g.e..    Bliss.   Apr..    "BR.      (254»     .£4 


Amaryllis:      Consisting]     of     such 

Songs  aft  are  most  esteemed  for 
Composition  and  Delicacy.  [I..ond.. 
n.d.]     2  vols..  4to. 

Hf.  cf.  (in  1  vol.).  Jolv.  Feb..  '92.  (387> 
£2  4s. 

AMATEUR  (THE).  New  Series.     Vol. 

1.     Julv    to  Dec-..  1831.     New   York. 

1831.     4to. 

Bds..  McKee.  Nov..  1900.     (937)    $8. 

AMBOYNA.  True  Relation  of  the 
Proceedings  against  the  English  at 
Amboyna.     Lond..  1€24.     4to. 

Hf.  sheep.  Murphy.  Mar..  '84.  (2815) 

Amboyna — Continued. 

Second    Part    of   the   Tragedy    of 

Araboyna.     Lond..  1(;53.     4to. 

Hf.  mor..  Murphy.  Mar.  '84.  (66) 

AMBROSE  (ISAAC).     Death's  Arrest 

N.    Y..    Bradford.    1733.     12mo. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Menzles.  Nov..  '76.  (46)  $15.60. 

AMBROSIUS     (SAINT).     De     Officifs. 

[Cologne.   U.  Zell,  n.d.]     4to. 
cr.  logUs.  June.  1900.     (31)    £G  Ss. 

Hexameron.  Augsburg,  J.  Schusz- 

ler,  1472.    Fol. 
Mor.  g.e..  Turner  Nov..  '88.  (300)   £4. 

^ExposUio  seu  Explanatio  In  Cor- 
pus Evangelli  Sanctl  Lucs3p  Evan- 
gelistae,  etc.  Straaburg,  A.  Sorg, 
[147C].     (Haln,  900.)     4to. 

Hf.  mor.,  Pratt,  Apr,  '99.     (32)  |10.50. 

Mor.,  g.e..  (Thorold  copy),  White, 
Apr.   '02.     (33)    £10  lOa. 

AMBROSS  (MISS).  Life  and  Me- 
moirs of  Ann  Catley,  I.«nd.,  [1789]. 

Mackenzie,  Mar,  '89.     (256)    £3  12s. 

Hf.  of.,  Mackenzie.  Mar..  '89.  (257) 

Hailstone,  Apr.  '91.     (3C0)    £1. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  (portraits  inserted), 
McKee.  Jan..   '01.     (1397)    $9. 

AMERICA      DISSECTED.     See     M«e- 

sparran  (James). 

High  Charge  of  Ingratitude  and  Re- 
bellion.     Devizes,    1774.     Svo. 

Hf.  mor.  Weeks,  Mar.,  '02.  (475)  |5.50. 

AMERICAN       ALARM.       See       Allen 

AMERICAN       ANCESTRY.       Albany. 

1887.  etc.     Svo. 
Vols.  1-8.  bds..  Nash.  Jan..  1900.  (390) 

Vols.    1-6,   hds.,   Llbble.   Dec.    14,    '99. 

(764)    18.40. 
Vols.  3-10.  bds..  Bangs,  Dec.  5.  1900. 

(213)    I21.C0. 

icle    of    War    and    Politics.     Ix>nd., 

[17831.     8vo. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Rice.  Mar.  '70.   (37)  fie. 
Hf.  mor,  g.e.,  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (71) 

AMERICAN     ANECDOTES.       By     an 

American.       Bost.,    1830.       2    vols., 





American    Anecdotes — Contiuued. 
Bda.,  paper  labels.,  unc,  Arnold.  May, 
'01.  <AiI)   »l>-50. 


Washington,  v.d.    8vo. 
Vols.     1-9,  1888-96.  orig.  pftrts.  Libbie. 

Feb.  6,  '02.     (27)  |13.50. 
Vols,  1-6.  orlg.  parts,  Llbbie,  June  19, 

1900.     (25)  110.80. 

by  S.  D.  Peet.    Chicago,  ¥.d.    8vo. 

Vols.  1-13,  1379-90.  hf.  mor.,  unc,  Ub- 
bie.  Apr.  15,  '80.     (IG)  t30. 

ciety. Proceedings.  Worcester,  v.d. 

Both  series,  complete  set,  1813-1900, 
22  vols,  hf.  sheep,  el.  and  partB,  unc, 
Libble,  Dec.  13,  1900.     (1328)  f2G.40. 

Ist  Series.  1813-80,  with  Index,  and 
New  Series,  Vols.  1-5,  together  15 
vols.,  el.  and  parts,  Deane,  Mar.,  '98. 
(73)  126.25. 

iBt  Series,  Nos.  1-75,  and  New  Series, 
Vols.  1-2,  with  partial  Index,  to- 
gether 10  vols,  cl.,  Libbie.  Oct.  12. 
•99.     (28)   110.50. 

Ist  Series,  Nos.  1-76,  wtt.h  Catalogue 
of  Officers  and  Members,  etc..  parts, 
Manson,  Feb.,  '99.     (75)  |16.38. 

1st  Series.  1805-80,  and  New  Series. 
Vols.  1-8,  together  12  vols.,  cl.,  Lib- 
bie, .Ian.  23,  1900.     (33)  |27.30. 

Transactions       and       Collections. 

Worcester,  1820-85,     7  vols.,  Svo. 
Cl.  and  bds.,  unc,  Ubble,  Nov.  6,  '95. 

(38>   119.25. 
Cl.,   bds..  and   3   vols.,   sheets,   folded, 

Manson,  Feb.,  '99.     (74)   |23.63. 
Cl.    and    bds.,    Llbbie,    Dec.    13.    1900. 

(1330>   $22.75. 
CI.  and  bds.  (with  Catalogue  of  Books. 

1837),  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (72)  |2C. 
Hf.  mor.  and  bds.    (Vols.  1-6),  Coolce. 

Dec,  '83.     (67)   J22.50. 
Cl.  and  bds.   (Vols.  1-6).  Cooke.  Dec. 

'83.     (68)  116.50. 
Cl.  and  bds.  (Vols.  l-G).  Murphy,  Mar.. 

'84.     (99)    |15. 
Cl.    and    bds.    (Vols.    1-6).    Lenox    Li- 
brary Duplicates,  Apr.  29,  '95.     (12) 

Cl.  and  bds.   (Vols.   1-6),  IJbbie,  Oct. 

12,  '99.    (27)  $12.00. 

manac.     New  York,    [1846].     12mo. 

American  Anti-Slavery  Almanac — Oon. 
For    1847,    sewed,    Arnold,    Jan.,    '01. 
(456)  *24. 


Building  News.  Bost.,  v.d..  Sm.  fol. 
Vols.  9-58.  Jan..  1881.  to  Dec,  1897. 
50  vols.,  parts.  Bangs.  Dec.  9,  '01.  (56) 



by  S.  R.  Koehler.  Bost..  1880-81.  4 
vols.,  fol. 

•♦Edition  de  Luxe. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Llbbie,  Feb.  5.  '89.  (22) 

Parts,  Mead.  Apr..  '95.     (12)  $0. 

Parts,  Henkels.  Apr.  21.  '96.  (196) 

Parts,  Bangs,  Mar.  19,  1900.     (13)  $10. 

Parts.  Llbbie,  Dec.  5.  '01.     CIS)  $10. 

Mor.  (with  extra  set  of  plates  in  sep- 
arate vol.).  Bangs,  Nov.  26.  1900. 
(34)  $37.50. 

Mor.  (with  extra  set  of  plates  in  sep- 
arato  vol.),  Burton,  Apr.,  '02.  (339) 

Advancement  of  Science.  Proceed- 
ings, 1848.,  etc.     8vo. 

Vols.  1-43,  184S-94,  sewed,  Henkels, 
Dec   10,   '95.     (407)    $23.65. 

1848-92,  34  vols.,  paper.  Hough,  Oct., 
1900.     (2S)   $20.40. 

1868-88  (lacking  1870,  18S5  and  1892), 
25  vols.,  sewed,  Henkels.  Dec.  10, 
'95.     (670)   $7.50. 

lory.  Edited  by  E.  Robinson.  An- 
dover  and  N.  Y,,  v.d.     Svo. 

lat  and  2ad  series,  and  3d  series,  Vola. 
1-S,  1831-49,  hf.  of.,  and  parts.  Bleas- 
dell,  Jan.,  '87     (490)    £3  2s. 


by  Joseph  Sabln.  N.  Y,.  v.d.,  Svo. 
Vols.    1-8,    1SC9-7G,    in    6   vols.,    hf.   cf. 

(2  numbers  laid  in).  Bangs,  May  14, 

1900.     (136)    $7.50. 
Vols.    1-7,    7    vols.,    hf.    cf..    and    cl.. 

CJooke.  Dec.  '83,   (71)   $21. 
Vols.  1-7    (lacking  3  parts).  In  parts. 

Guild,  Nov.,  '87.     (4320)  $5.25. 
Vols.  1-6,  6  vols.,  hf.  cf..  Bangs.  Mar. 

9,  1900.     (29)    $12.75. 





American    Bicycling   Journal — Cr/tilUl. 

Vol.    1.    Nos.    M8    (all    published). 

Bost.,    1879.     4to. 
Hf.  roan.  Pratt,  Apr..  '99.  (2975)  |6.76. 


Journal.       Vol.     1     (till     published). 
Washington.  1897.     4to. 
♦♦Japan  paper. 
Parts.    Llbbie.    May    22.    '01.      (14201 

Published  from  1861  to  1S71.  Edited 
b7  James  Kelly.  N.  Y..  1866-71.  2 
Tola.,  8vo. 

CL,  Bangs,  Mar.  13,  '02.     (4G)  $7. 

Books  in  Print  July  1,  1876.  Au- 
thor  vol.     Edited   by   L.   B.   Jones. 

N.  Y.,  1881. 
CI..  Bangs.  Nov.  6.  '95.     (16)   I15.2&. 
Ht  mor.,  hienkels,  Apr.  19,  '99.     (1065  j 

HI   mor.    (with  subject  vol.),  Lilbbie, 

Apr.  29,   '02.    (19)    $14. 
Catalogue  of  Books  Recorded  July 

1.   187C,   to   June  30,   1884.     Author 

vol.     Edited  by  R.  R.  Bowker.     N. 

T.,  1885.    4to. 
Unbd.  (some  leaves  torn).  Bangs.  Nov.. 

•95.     (17)   $10. 
Sheets,   Richmond,   Apr..   '99.      (2498) 

Hf-   mor.    (with   subject   vol.).   Bangs, 

Mar.  9.   1900.     (26)   |5-25. 
Hf.   mor.    (with  subject  vol.),   Libble, 

Apr.  29.  '02.     (20)  $5.75. 
Hf.  mor.   (with  Books  Recorded  1884- 

90,     Author     and     Subject     Vols.). 

Bangs,  Feb.  1.  '01.     (7)  $44. 
Hf.  mor,  and  parts   (with   Books  Re- 
corded   1884-95,    author    vols,    only), 

Henkels.     Apr.,     19,     '99.       (1064) 

Books     recorded     1884     to     1890. 

Author  and  subject  vols.     2  vols.  In 

1.     4to. 
Ht   mor..   Libbie,  Apr.   29,   '02.     (21) 

Books     recorded     1890     to     1895. 

Author  vol-    New  York,  1896.    4to. 
at.  mor..  Bangs.  May  21.  1900.     (32) 

Hf.  mor,    Ubble,   Apr.    29,    '02.      (22) 

Annual    American    Catalogue.     N. 

Y.,  v.d.     8vo. 
,  1886-95.  8  vols.,  hf.  mor..   LibbJe.  May 

•99.     (50)   $9.20. 


Researches.     i!;\o. 
Vols.  5  to  15,  Jan.,  1S88,  to  Apr.,  1898, 
10    vols.,    parts.    Perry.    June,    '99. 
(62)  $7. 


Society,   of    Philadelphia.     Records. 
Phila.,  v.d.     Svo. 
Vols.   1    to  8,    1884-97.   8   vols.,   paper. 
Perry,  June,  '99.     (C3)  $11.20. 

ly    Review.      Phila..   v.d.     Svo. 

Vols.  1-22,  1876-97.  parts,  Clark,  June, 
'99.      (42C)    $15.40. 

Vols.  1-22,  pans,  Clark,  June,  '99.  (427) 


Unity  of  Italy   at  the  Academy  of 

Music,      New     York,     January     12. 

187L     N.   Y.,  1871.     8vo. 
CL.  Arnold,  Jan..   '01.     (84)    $7. 

of    Poetry.     With    Notes    by    G,    B. 

Cheever.     Bost.,    1831.     12mo, 
Bds.    unc,    Arnold,    Jan.,     '01.     (663) 

AMERICAN       ENGINEER.       Chicago 

v.d.    Pol. 
Vols.  1-20.  1S80-90,  hf.  sheep  and  parts 

(in   16   vols.).   Libbie,   June  10,   *96. 

(40)  $8. 
ciety.    Transactions.     N.    Y.,    1845- 

48.     2  vols.,  Svo. 
ITnc.  Brinley.  Apr..   "S3.      (8050)    $7.25. 
Paper,     unc,     Pleasantou,     Mar.,    '95. 

(2990)  $5.40. 
AMERICAN    FARMER.     Edited   by  J. 

S.  Skinner,     Baltimore,  v.d.     4to. 
1S19-28,  in  13  vols.,  hf.  bd.,  Bangs,  Dec. 

2,  '9C.     (461)  $29.88. 

AMERICAN    GAZETTE,     I.>ond.,   1770. 

Parts  1-6,  with  index.     Svo. 
Cf.,  Deane,  Mar.,  "98.     (77)  $14. 

1897.     Svo. 
CI.,  Bangs,  May  4,   1900.     (51A)   $15. 

Statistical    Society,    Bulletins.    New 

York.  v.d. 
1852-56,  In  2  vols.,  hf.  cL,  and  paper. 

Bangs,  May  31.   '99.     (22)    $10.60. 
1878-95.  parts,  Bangs,  May  31,  '99.  (23) 



tlon.     Papers.     New    York,    v.d. 




American  Historical  Assn. — Continued. 

1885-91,  in  5  vols.,  cl.,  Donaldson,  Oct. 
•99.     (27)  15.50. 

1887-91,  in  12  vols.,  paper,  unc,  Mor- 
ris, Apr.,  '99.     (34)   |9.G0. 

Reports.    Washington,    v.d.     8vo. 

1889-98,  11  vols.,  hf.  nior..  and  cl..  Llb- 

bie,  Dec.   18,   '01.     (425)    $14.30. 
1889-98    (lacking   18931,    10    vols.,    cl.. 

and   paper.  Avery,  Oct..  1900.     (28) 

1889-9C,  9  vols.,  hf.  cf.,  paper,  and  cl.. 

Perry,  June,  '99.     (17)   $23.40. 
1882  and  1894-98,  7  vols.,  cl.  and  paper, 

Balcom,  Feb.,  '01.     (44)   $7. 


Edited  by  Ijosslng.     [Conlinneri  as] 

Potter's  American  Monthly.     Phila., 

v.d.    4to. 
Jan.,   1S72.  to  .Tan.,  1882    (lacking  the 

numbers   for  Mav   to  August,   1879. 

.Inhe.  1880.  and  Sept..  1881),  IS  vols., 

Henkels,  Apr.  5.  1900.  (543)  $18. 
Vols.  1-7,  Manson,  Feb.,  99.  (77)  $5.25. 
Vols.  1-5,  hf.  mor„  Bangs.  Oct.  2G,  '99. 

(4G9)  $5.20. 

ter.  Sept.,  1894  to  May,  1897.  Phtla.. 
and  Boat,  1894-97.    5  vols.,  Svo. 

Parts,  Morris,  Apr.,  '99.     (37)  $5.60. 

Parts,  Henkels.  Apr.  5,  1900.     (92)  |10. 

Parts,  Retts,  Apr.,  '01.     (24>  |9.38. 


Vols.  1-3.    N-  Y..  1895-98.    Svo. 
Parts.  Pratt.  Apr..  '99.     (36)   $6.37. 

Engineers.      Transactions.       Phila., 

v.d.     Svo. 
Vols.  1-21.  1871-91.  21  vols.,  cl.  and  hf. 

nior..  Banp:s.  Feb.  5,  '97.     (12)  $78  75. 

ology.      Baltimore,   v.   d.     Svo. 

Vols.  1-8,  1885-93  Uacklng  1  number). 
8  vols.,  parts,  LIbbie,  June  19.  1900. 
(30)    $8. 

AMERICAN      JOURNAL       OF      CON- 

choloRy.      Kdited    by    G,    W.    Tryon. 

Jr.     Plilla..  v.d.    Svo. 
Vols.  1-7,  1SG5-72.  parts,  Henkels,  Dec. 

10.  '95.     178)   $16.10. 
Hf.    bd..    Putt..    .Ian.    18.    '99.       (227 » 
£  4  5s. 


tlon.     Edited  by  H.  Barnard.     Hart- 
ford, v.d.    Svo. 

Amer.    Journal    of    Education — i'out'd. 
1856-G2,  11  vols.,  Waterbury,  Dec..  '94. 
(85)  $17.05. 


maLics.     Bost.,  v.d.     8vo. 
Vols.   5-35,    1870-1900.    in    15   vols.,    hf. 

raor.  and  parts,  Libble,  Feb.  5,  '02. 

(31)  $13.50. 
186G-8S,  in  4  vols.,  hf.  mor.  and  parts. 

Perry.  June,  "99.     (1)   $17.60. 
Vols.  4-14   (lacking  2  Noa.  of  Vol.  4). 

11    vol.s.,    parts,    Lincoln,    Oct.,    '01. 

(7C2)  $5.50. 

ogy.  Edited  by  B.  L.  Glldersleeve. 
Baltimore,  v.d.     Svo. 

1880-91,  12  vols.,  parts,  Bangs,  SepL 
30,  *95.     (82)  $18. 

and  Arts.  Erlitetl  by  B.  Sillimao  and 
oth  Ts,  N.  Y.  and  New  Haven,  v.d. 

1st   series.   1818-47.   50   vols.;    2nd 
rlea.  184G-70,  50  vols.;  3d  series.  1871"^ 
96,   50  vols.;    together  1.^0  vols.,  hf.  ' 
cf.  and  numbers.  Bangs,  Mav  27,  '96. 
(819)  $382.50. 

1st  series,  50  vols,;  2nd  series,  Vols. 
1-50  (lacking  vols.  39-40);  3d  series. 
Vols.  1-45.  1818,  etc..  together  143 
vols.,  hf.  mor.,  Bangs,  Sept.  24,  '94. 
(863)    $157.30. 

Ist    series.   Vols.    1-49    (lacking   Vols. 
4-16.  and  4  parts);   2nd  series.  Vols. 
1-20,  27-31,  and  41  (lacking  2  parts) 
together  71  vols.  Hf  sheep  and  parts, 
Poole,   May,   19f]0.     (928)    $39.05. 

2nd  series.  Vols.  41-50:  3d  series.  Vols. 
1-42  (lacking  4  parts),  together  42 
vols.,  hf.  mor.  and  parts,  LIbbie. 
June  19,  1900.     fSl)     $16.80. 

2nd  serle.>^.  24  vols.,  hf.  mor..  Bangs. 
May  3.  '99.     (9)     $7.20, 

Edited  by  T.  Dwlght  Sprague,  Al- 
banv  ami   Hartford,  v.d.     Svo. 

Vols.  1-4.  1847-48,  in  2  vols..  Brlnley, 
Apr..  '93.     (92S1)      $8. 

torical Chronicle.  Bosl..  Rogers  & 
Fowle,  and  Phila.,  B.  Franklin,  v.d. 

Vols.  1-3.  1744-46.  cf..  BHnley.  Mar., 
'79.     (1C9C)     $75. 

Vol.  1,  hf.  cf..  McKee.  Nov.,  1900. 
(939)   $31. 




American    Magazine — fyontitttiett. 

Ftor  Aug..   1744.    McKee,    Nov..    1900. 

(940)  $12. 
For  Aug..  1744.  Bangs.  Oct.  7,  '01.    (6) 

For    Aug..    1744.    Bangs,   Apr.   25,    '02. 

(58)  $12 

Monthly    Chronicle    for   the   BrUiBh 

Colonies.     [Edited  by  Wm.  Smith], 

Vol.  1.  Oct..  1757  lo  Oct.,  1758.  Phlla., 

W.  Bradford.  1757-58.    8vo. 
Hf.  bd.,  Gilbert.  Feb..  73.    (117)  $8.50. 
Brlnlev.  Mar..  '80.     (3166)  $27-60. 
Hf.  sheep.  Hart.  Apr..  '90.     (52)  $9.50. 
Cf.  flacking  last  leaf  of  index),  Moore. 

Feb..  -94.     (4C)  $20- 
Hf.    cf..    McKee.    Nov..     1900.       (941) 

Hf.  cf.,  Bangs,  Jan.  C,  '02.     (Si     $5.75. 
AMERICAN    MAGAZINE.,    Phila.,    W 

and  T.  Bradford,  1769.    8vo. 
No.  1.  for  Jan..   1769.      Paper.    Bangs, 

May  20.  'dl.     (104)  $10. 

ing    a    Miscellaneous    (Collection    of 

Original  and  other  Valuable  Essays. 

Vol.  1.  Dec..  1787,  to  Nov..  1788.     N. 

Y.,  Lond..  1787-88.    8vo. 
Dee..       1787.   to    Nov..    1788.    (covers 

loose).    McKee,    Nov.,    1900.      (942) 

Dec..  1787,  to  June.   178S,  hf.  cf.,  Mc- 
Kee. Nov..  1900.    (943)   $G.50. 

and  Entertaining  Knowledge.     Edit- 
ed in  part  iMar.  to  Aug..  1836).  by 

Hawthorne.       Boat,     1834-1837.      3 

vole..  8vo. 
Hf.  mor..  Manson.  Feb.,  '99.    (78)  $7.12. 
CI..  Bangs.  Oct.  9.  '99.     (176)     $C. 
CI..  Arnold,  Jan..  '01.     (118)     $6.75. 
Leather    Hacking    index    to    Vol.    2). 

Bangs,   Mar.  4.   '01.     (271)    $10.50. 
Vols.    1-2.   hf.    rus..    I>ibb!e.    Sept.    30. 

•97.     (489)     $C. 
Vol.  2.  hf.  sheep.  Roob.  Apr..  "97.    (629) 

Vol.  2.  hf-  sheep.  Blanchard.  May.  '98. 

(7C6)     $8. 
Vol.  2.  hf-  roan.  Bangs.  Nov.  26,  1900. 

(395)      $5.25. 
Vol.  2.  bf.  roan.  Llbbie.  Mar.  18.  '02. 

(363)     $5- 

Atlas.     Lond.,  1776.     6vo. 
Hf-  bd..   Putt..     Dec.     11.     '99.     (119) 

£2  IDs. 

American   Military  Atlas — Vontioui'*t. 
Hf.  cf..  Bangs.  Dec.  27.  1900.     (29)  $7. 

ter.     N.  Y..  1821-25.     C  vols.,  8vo. 

Hf.  cl.  (in  5  vols.).  Bangs.  Sept.  20, 
'99.      (701)      $5.62. 


and   Critical   Review.      N.    Y..    v.d. 
Vols.   1-4,   1817-19,   in   2    vols.,    hf.   cf., 
Britiley.   Mar..  '80.     (2911)      $6. 

mental  Magazine.  Edited  by  T. 
Kirk.    N.  Y.,  v.d.    Svo. 

Vols.  1-2.  1797,  in  1  vol..  Brlnley.  Mar.. 
•SO.     (2908)     $5.25. 

AMERICAN     MUSEUM.       Vols.     1-12, 

Phila..  Carey,  17S7-92,  12  vols..  8vo. 
Hf.  bd..  unc,  Brlnley.  Mar.,  *80.    (3176) 

Sheep,  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.     (53)     $21. 
Bds..  Rogers.  Oct.,  1900.     (121  i)  $C. 
Sheep,  Bangs.  Jan.  17,  '02.     (8)  $20.40. 
Sheep  (with  American  Muaeunv,  1799, 

together   13  vols.).  Hunt.   Nov.,   '91, 

(91)  $27.62. 
Cf.     (13    vols.).    McKee.    Nov..    1900. 

(946)   $48.75. 

lany.     Northampton,  1798.     Svo. 

Cf.  ex..  g.e..  Bliss.  Apr.,  *^S.  (353) 
£2  10s. 

Sheep,  Henkels.  Oct.  19.  '98.    (10)  $9. 

Cf.,  g.e..  Bangs,  Nov.  26.  1900,  (16)  $12. 

Sheep.  McKee.  May,  '02.     (4774 >     $9. 

AMERICAN      NATURALIST.       Salem 

and  Bost..  v.d.    Svo. 
Vols.   1-28,   1S6S94.   28   vols.,   hf.   mor. 

and  iinbd..  Lockwood,  Oct..  '02.   (23) 

Vols.   1-16.  cl..  in  18  vols..  Hoe.  May, 

'K7.      (14;i8)    $36. 
Vols.   1-11.    cl..    Ltbbie.    Mar.    5.    '01. 

(63)     $22. 
Vols.  Ml,  11    vols.,    cl..    IJbbie,    Dee. 

31.  '02.     (18)     $16.50. 

ciety. Transactions.  Phila..  1789- 
1853.     Svo. 

Vol.  1  to  Vol.  10,  new  series,  (Vol,  1 
for  1771  the  17S9  reprint).  16  vols., 
bds..  unc.  and  parts,  Henkels,  Jan, 
18.   '01.     (8)    $52. 

Vol.  1  to  Vol.  4,  new  series,  together 
11  vols.  (J.  J.  Audubon's  set),  bds., 
Anderson,  June  5,  '01.     (43)  $8.80. 




AmeHcan    Philoaophical   Soc — Cottt'il. 
Vol.  1,  1771,   unbd..    Bangs,    Dec.    27, 
1900,     (S9)     $9.75. 

• Transactions  of  the  Historical  and 

Literary  Committee.  Phila..  1819. 

Hf.  mor.,  anc.  Field,  May.  '75.  (2373) 

AMERICAN  PIONEER.  Edited  bv  .1 
S.  Williams.  Chill kot he  and  Cincin- 
nati, 1842-43.,  2  vola.,  8vo. 

Sheep,  Field,  May,  '75.     (35)  $12.50. 

Hf.  mor,,  unc,  Menzlea,  Nov.,  '76.  (SO) 

Bds.,  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.     (92)     |11.20. 

Hf.  cf.,  Waterbury,  Jan.,  '95.  (52)  $0.25. 

Hf.  mor.,  Deane.  Mar.,  '98.     (80)  $8.50. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Manson.  Peb.,  '99. 
(80)     $17. 

Hf.  roan.,  unc,  Clogaton.  Nov..  '99. 
(39)     |fi.50. 

Sheets,  unc,  Henkels.  Apr.  6,  1900. 
(1042)      $5.50. 

AMERICAN  POEMS.  Vol.  1  (all  pub- 
lished I.  Litchfield,  Conn..  Collier  & 
Buel,  [1793].    12mo. 

Cf.,  g.e.,  McKee.  Nov.,  1900.     (24)  $20. 

for  the  Instruclion  of  Young  Chil- 
dren.   Norfolk,  1S03.    IGmo. 

Paper.  Bangs.  Apr.  25,  '02.    (14)     $8. 

ter  of  the  American  Education  So- 
ciety. Vols.  1-15.  Andover  and  Bosi.. 
1829-43,  15  vols.    8vo. 

Bds..  Guild,  Nov..  '87.     (89)     $10.50. 

Hf.  roan.  Llbble.  Nov.  6,  '95.  (43) 

Hf.  mor.,  Manson.  Feb..  '99.  (82 > 


eral  Repository  of  History.  Politics. 

and     Science.       [Edited    by     C.    B. 

Brown. 1   Vols.   1-7.  Phlla..  TSftfi-lo.  7 

vols..  8vo. 
Hf.  bd..  unc,  Brinley.  Mar.,  "SO.  (31S7) 

Hf.  cf.,  Cooke,  Dec.  '83.     (77)     $33.25. 
Hf.  roan,  unc.  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (81) 



mary  Review    of    History.    Politics, 
and     Literature.       [Edited     bv     R. 
Walsh.]     Vols.   1-2.     PhlJa..   1817.   2 
vols..  Rvo. 
Bds..  Field.  May.  '75.    (36)    $6. 

American   Register — Continuetl. 
Hf.    ru8.,    Brlnley,    Mar.,    '80,      (3191> 

ary  .Tnnnial.  [Edited  l>v  C.  R. 
Brown.]     Vol.  1.    N.  Y..  ISOl.     Svo. 

Hf.  bd..  Brinley.  Mar..  '80.     (4277)  $5. 


and  Politics.     [Edited  by  R.  Walsh.] 
Phlla.,  v.d.    Svo. 
Vols,  14,  1811-12,  4  vols.,  hf.  bd..  Brin- 
ley, Mar.,  '80.     (3189)     $8. 

AMERICAN       review:         A      WHIG 

Journal.    Edited  by  G.  H.  Colton.  N. 

Y..  v.d.     Svo. 
Vols.   1-16,   1845-52,  16  vols.,  hf.  roan, 

Balcom,  Feb.,  '01.     (52)     $6. 
Vols.  1-6,  hf.  cf.,   BangK.  Oct.  18,   '01. 

(315)     $5.25. 
Vols.  1-3.  hf.  mor..  McKee.  Nov..  1900. 

(947)     $2L 
New  series.  Vols.  1-10, 1848-52. 10  vola.. 

hf.  roan,  Henkela,  Apr.  19,  '99.    (880) 



Y.,   1S39.     Svo. 
Hf-  mor.  torig.  paper  cover  bound  in). 
Burton,  May,  "02.     (2162)     $12. 

History.     Pajiers,     N.  Y.,  v.d-     Svn. 

Vols.  1-7,  1889-95.  lif.  cf.  and  paper,  in 
5  vols.  Perry.  June,  '99.    (15  >    $13. 


glneo^^5.     Transactions.     N.   Y.,  v.d. 
Vols.  18-34  (lacking  last  2  numbers  of 
Vol.   34).  hf-   mor.,   unc,   and   parts. 
Libble,  June  12,  '01.     (48)  $35.70, 


cal    Engineers,      Tranj^acllons.       N. 

Y..  1S80,  eic.     Kvo. 
Vols.    1-13,    1880-92.    hf.    mor..    Bangs, 

Feb.  5.  '97.  (11)  $42.25. 

Public   Documents.    Boat..   I  SI  7.     10 

vols.,  Svo. 
Bds..  Bangs,  Dec  11, 1900.  (130)   $12.50. 


v.d.    Fol. 
38  vols.,  1832-61,  hf.  rus.,  Cooke,  Dec, 

'83.     (79*)  $30.40. 
38  vols.,  hf.  nia„  Ubble,  Dec,  '97.   (49) 

40   vols.,   hf.    rus..   Dawson.    Oct..    '9^. 

(3938)  $22, 




American    State    Papers — V'tntinuff. 
tS4  Tols..  hf.  nis.,  Libbie,  Feb.  19,  1900. 

(51)    118.76. 
11  Tols.,  hf.  nis..  Bangs,  Dec.  11,  1900. 

(352)     $13.75. 
AMERICAN  THEATRE.     Phlla.,  182C. 

3  vols.,  12ino, 
Cf..  Daly.  Mar,  1900.     (10)     |19.50. 
AMERICAN      TIMES.        A      SATIRE. 

Lond-,  1780.     4to. 
Unbd..  Henkels,  Apr.  5,  1900.  (736)  |15. 


Sporting  Magazine,     Balthnom.  v.d. 

Vols.  IS.  1S30-37.  hf.  sheep,  Ubble, 
Apr.  15.  '96,     (1397)     $16.80. 

SepL,  1S29.  to  July.  1835,  .Ian.,  1838. 
Dec..  1841,  and  Jan.  to  Dec.  1813, 
tiD^ther  11  vols,  hf.  cf.  and  hf. 
sheep,  Clark.  June,  '99.     (129)  $20.90. 

zine.  Vols.  1-4.  Phlla..  1795-98.  4 
vols.,  fivo. 

Hf.  bd..  Brinley.  Mar..  '80.     (3182)  $1C. 


Phila.,  A.  Bradford,  v.d.  Fol. 
Nos.  506-697.  Sept.  11.  1729.  to  Aug.  3. 
1732  (lacking  21  Nos.  and  4  others 
Imperfect);  aKso  Nos.  731-7S3.  for 
17S4  (lacking  half  of  No.  734).  Brin- 
ley. Mar..  '80.  (31G5)  $4G0. 
.  Nob.  7S4-836.  Dec.  31.  1734-35,  to  Jan. 
6,  1735-36,  53  numbers,  in  1  vol.,  hf. 
mor.  (Andrew  Bradford's  own  copy.) 
Proud.   May.   '03.      (752)     $279.75. 


Vols.  1-2.   Phlla.,  1813-15.  2  vols.,  8vo. 

Hf.  sheep.  Deane,  Mar.,  '98     (84)  $6.50. 

AMERICAN     WHIG.       N.     Y..     Holt. 

17C8-C9.     2   vols.,   Svo. 
Hf.  mor..  Perry.  June.  '99.    (893)  $8.90. 


er  innerlichen    Krlepe   dos   bedrang- 
ten   Teutschlands.     Augsburg.    1760. 
Hf.  bd..  Stone.  Oct..  '97.     (28  k  $12.5(1- 

for  the  Spleen.  See  Scwall  (Jona- 

AMERfQUE  (DE  L')  et  des  Amerl 
cains.     Berlin,  PItra,  1772.     IGmo. 

Hf.  bd..  Brinley.  Apr..  'SI.     (5355)  $12. 

AMES  (JOSEPH).  Typographical  An- 
tiquities.     Lond..   1749.     4to. 

Ames    (Joseph) — Continued. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (crest  of  John  Fenn),  Frere, 

Feb.,    '96    (119)     £3  3s. 
Cf.  (broken),  Baxter,  Mar.,  '98.     (432) 


Typographical  Antiquities.  Aug- 
mented by  Herbert.  Lond..  178.5-90. 
3  vols.    4to. 

Rus..  How.  Mar..  '90.    (962)    £1  10s. 

Rus..  Llvermore,  Nov..  '94.  (700)  $15.70. 

Cf.,  Buubury.  July.  '96.     (142)    £1  12s. 

Cf.,  .^shburnham.  June.  '97.  (79) 

Hf.  raor.,  Davis,  Nov.,  1900.  (6)  £2. 
•*I>arge  paper. 

Cf.,  Randall,  Aug..  '87.     (1343)    £2  5a. 

Cf.,  Crawford.  Mar.,  '91.     (94)    £1 19a. 

Rus..  Hailstone,  Apr., '91.    (259)  £ll8a. 

CI.  .4.shburnham,  Nov..  "97.  (3)    £118s. 

Typographical   Antiquities.    Lond., 

lSlO-19.     Sec  Dlbdin  (T.  F.) 

AMES  (NATHANIEL).  Aln^anacs. 
BoBt..  v.d.     12mo. 

For  1735,  1737.  1739,  1740,  1741  and 
1743  to  1771.  together  34  pieces, 
sewed,  Winsor,  Feb..  1900.  (1047) 

For  1741.  sewed,  Bangs,  Apr.  2,  1900. 
(21)     $5.25. 

AMES  (WILLIAM).  English  Puritan- 
ism.   Lond..  1641.    4  to. 

Hf.  cf..  Llvermore.  Nov.,  '94.    (39)  $11. 

— -^Second  Manuduction  for  Mr.  Rob- 
inson.    N.p.,  1615.     4to. 

Cf.,  Barlow.   Feb..   '90.      (73)     $6.50. 

Cf..  g.e.,  Deane.  Mar.,  '98.     (3049)  $21. 

AMIS  AND  AMILE.  Trans,  by  Wm. 
Morris.  I>ond.,  Kelmscott  Press, 
1894.     Svo. 

Bds.,  Putt.,  Dec.  19,  '98.     (841)    £2  28. 

Bds.,  Soth.,  Feb.  13.   '99.    (750)    £4  6s. 

Bds.,  Soth.,  Feb.  27,  '99.  (1087)  £3 
17s.  Gd. 

Bds..  Pratt.  Apr.,  '99.     (1358)     $15. 

Bds..  Soth.,  Feb.  28.  1900.     (90S)  £3. 

Bds..  Edelhelm,  Mar.,  1900.  (1378) 

Bds.,  Bangs,  May  28,  1900.     (444)     $21. 

Bds.,  Bangs,  Apr.  16,  1900.     (505)     $30. 

Bds.,  Bangs,  Nov.  26. 1900.  (450)  $25.50. 

Bds.,  French,  Apr.,  '01.     (907)     $85. 

Bds.,  French,  Apr.,  '01.     (908)     $26. 

Bds,.  Soth.,  May  6,  '01.  (993)   £3  38. 

Bds.,  Arnold.  May,  '01.     (221)     $20. 

Bds.,  Bangs.  Mar.  24,  '02.  (468)  $16.50. 
••On  vellum. 

Bda..  Soth..  July  3,  '99.     (749)     £11. 




AMMIDOWN  (HOLMES).  Historical 
Collodions.    N.  Y..  1874.   2  vols..  8vo. 

CI.,  unc.  Guild,  Nov..  'S7.     l\m\  $6.50. 

Hf.  mor..  unc,  Manson,  Feb.,  '99.  (101) 

CI..  UBC.  LIbble,  Mar.  18.  '02.  (82)  |C. 

Historical  Collection*.  N.  Y.,  1877. 

2  vols.,  Svo. 

Hf,  mor.,  «nc.,  Blanchard,  May,  "98. 
(43)     $fi. 

AMMONIUS  HERME>e.  Commen- 
taria  In  iJbrum  peri  Hernienias,  etc. 
Venice,  Aldus.  1503.    Sin.  fol. 

Hf.  rus.  (from  the  library  of  the  elder 
Aldus,  with  manuscript  notes  by 
him).   Cox.    Feb..   '02.      (12)    |t60. 

AMOROUS  WAR.  See  Mayne  (Jas- 

AMORY  (T.  C).  Life  of  James  Sulli- 
van.     Fio.'3t..   ISnfl-     2  vois.,  Svo. 

CI..  Balcnm,  Feb..  '01.     (2259)     |0. 

Materials    for    a     History    of    the 

Pamtiy  of  John  Sullivan.  Camb., 
1893.     Svo. 

Ci..  unc.  Balcora,  Feb..  '01.     (22G4>  |5. 

AMSINCK  (P.).    History  of  Tunbridge 

Wells.     Ix)nd..  1810.     4to. 
Hf.   mor..   Aylesford.   Mar.,   '88.      (77) 

£  1  3.S. 

** Large  paper. 
Of.,  g.e..  Goldsniid,  Apr..  '89.  (236)   £2. 
Hf.  rus.,  m.e.    (map  Inserted).   Soth., 

Nov.  26.  '01.     (903)    £lGs. 

ANACREON.  Odae  ab  H.  Stephano 
ex-Latine  donatop.     Paris,  1554.    4to. 

Mor.  g.e..  Bangs,  Oct.  21,  '01.  (63)  |27. 
••On  vellum. 

Mor..  Sunderland,  Dec.  '81.  (285) 

Odes.   Trans,  [by  Cowley.  Oldham 

and  others].    Oxford.  1G83.   Svo. 

Sheep  (Alex.  Bos  well's  copy  l.  l^fferts. 

Apr.  '02.     (227)     $30, 
Hf.    raor..     g.t.,     I^efferfs.     Apr..     '02. 

(13)  $5. 

Odes.     Trans,    by    Moore.      r>ond., 

1800-     4to. 
Cf.,  Henneaay,  Oct..  '94.     (50)     $G.50. 
Mor.   ex..    g.e..    Gennadius,    Mar.,    '95. 

(149)      £2, 

Odes.     Trans,   by   Thos.   Stanley. 

Load.,  1893.     4  to. 

♦•Japan  paper. 
CI.,  Lindsey.  Mar..  '95.     (1360)    15.50. 
CI..  Maxwell,  Apr..  '95.     (112)    $10. 

A  nacre  on — Continued. 

CL,  Llbbie,  Mar.  25,  '96.     (171)   $6.50. 

CI.,  Bangs,  June  9.  '99.     (4)    $6. 

Odes.    Trans,  by  Stanley.     N.  Y.. 

1901.     Svo. 
Bd.s..  unc.  Bangs.  Jan.  16.    '02.     (11) 

Bds.,  unc.  Bangs,  June  5.  '02.  (IS)  $5. 

ANALECTIC  MAGAZINE.     Phlla.,  v.d. 

Vols,  l-ie,  181.'?-20,  sheep,  Henkels,  Jan. 

18.  '01.     (10)     128.80. 
Vols.  1-1 C,  Bangs,  Jan.  17,  '02.  (13)  $26. 
Vols.    1-14,    hf.    roan.   Bangs,   Jan.    21, 

'02.     (11)  $14.70. 
Vols.  MO.  hf.  sheep,  Libbie.  June  12. 

'01,     (49)     $13.75. 

PEeld-    Soe  Surtees  (R.  S.). 

ANANGA-RANGA.  Trans,  by  F.  F. 
Arbothnot  and  R.  F.  Burton.  Be- 
nares ftvond.!,  Kama  Shastra  Soc, 
1885.     8vo. 

Vel.,  Rogers,  Jan..  '88.     (091)     $17.50. 

Vel..  Soth.,  June  14.  '90.  (1098) 
£2  4s. 

Vel.,  Soth.,  May  13,  '92.     (1115)      £5. 

Vel.,  Toovey,  Feb.,  '94.     (42)   £1  15s. 

Vel.,  unc,  Borthwlck,  May,  "94.  (136) 

VeL,  Burrard,  Jan.,  '96.     (109)   £1  10s. 

Vet,  Hayes,  Apr.,  '98.     (20)     $26. 

Vel.,  Edelheim,  Mar..  1900.     (1046)  $8. 

VeL,  Soth.,  OcL  29,  1900.     (520)   £1  3s. 

VeL,  Bangs.  Apr.  IS.  '01.     (379)     $15. 

Vel.,  Bangs.  Jane  13.  'OL    (327)  $12.50. 

nery  at  Lisbon.    Iwond..  1G23.     4to. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Hal Ji well.  July,  '89.     (19G) 

dL2  55. 

Anatomy  of  the  English   Nunnery. 

Lond.,  1G30.     4to. 
Mor.,  g.e.    (with  leaf  of  explanation). 

Hazlitt.  Nov.,  '93.     (25)    £6  158. 

Anatomy  of  the  English  Nunnery. 

I>ond..  1637.    4  to. 
Mor..  g.e.   (with  leaf  of  explanation). 

Halllwell,  July,  '89.     <917)    £18  108. 

ANBUREY  (THOMAS).  Travels 
Through  the  Interior  Parts  of  Amer- 
ica.    Ixjnd.,  1789.     2  vols.,  8vo. 

Hf.  cL.  Menzies,  Nov.,  '76.     (68)  $7.50. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Cooke.  Dec.  '83.  (83) 

Cf..  Murphy,  Mar..  "84.     (G9)     $7. 

Cf.,  Moreau.  Dec,  '86.     (23)     $6.25. 



Anburey    (Thomas) — Vontinucti. 
Hf.  sheep.  Guild.  Nov,,  '87.   (105)  »6.25. 
d..  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (76)  |8. 
Cf..  Wood.  Mar..  '91.     i393j    £i:}s. 
Hf.  mor.,  Deane,  Mar.,  '&8.  (89)   ?7.o0. 
Cf..  LIbble.  Dec.  15,  '98.     (25)     |5. 
Cf..  Bangs,  Mar.  17,  1900.     (1)     |6. 
Bds.,  imc,  Bangs.  May  14,  1900.  (27)  |8. 
CL.   Bangs,  Oct.  1.   '02.     (11)      $7. 
^Travels  Through  the  Interior  Parts 

of  America.  Load..  1791.  2  vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.  mor..  UDC,  Menzies,  Nov..  *7G.     (59) 

Cf-,  Dawson,  Oct.,  '90.     (3945)     *C.50. 
Cf-  y.e.,  Washington.  Dec..   '91.   (749) 

Bds.,  unc.  Ubbie,  Nov.  6.  '95.  (53)  |6. 
Bds.,  unc.  Deane.  Mar,,  '98  (90)  $5.60. 
Cf..  Slee.  Feb..  1900.    (7j  |7.5o. 

eations  of  Monastic  and  Other  Arch- 
itecture.     Lond.,    1812-13.     12    vols.. 

Cf.,  Putt.,  Jan.  10.  '89.     (207)    £1108 
Hf.  mor..  Mead,  Apr.,  '95.     (17)     $0. 

♦•LArge  paper. 
HL  mor.,  Jesse.  Mar..  '90.    (4)    £16i}. 

People     called      Quakers      Revived. 

Phlla..  1723.    8vo. 
Hf-  mor..   Brlnley.   Mar.,   '80.     (3380) 


leL    Kelmscott  Press,  1894.  4  pages. 

Bangs.  Oct.  18,  '99.     (300)     |5.75. 
Soth..  May  21.  1900.     (1015)    £2  5s. 
Bangs,  Feb.  13.  '01.     (272)     $9. 
Arnold,  May,  '01.    (253)  $6.50. 
Bangs,  Oct-  21,    '01.    (368)   |8. 
Bangs.  Mar.  24.  '02.     (469)     |5. 
ANCONA     (A.     DE).       De     Laudibus 

Beat«e      Virginis       Marise.       Lyons, 

Maglstrum     Slxtum     Glogkengieler, 

n.d.     4to. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Soth.,  June  27,  '98.     (221) 

£3  58. 
Summa  de  Eccleslastica  Potestate. 

.\ugsburB.   1473.     Fol. 
Oak  bils..  covered   wli.h  velltini,  Soth.. 

Feb.  28.  1900.     (228)   £3  8s. 
Summa  de  Potestate  Eccleslastica. 

Rome.  1479.     4lo. 
Leather.  Inglla,  June.  1900.     (71)   £11 

ANCONA    (E.).    Historia    de    Yucatan. 

Barcelona.  1889.    4  vols..  Svo. 

Ancona   (E.) — Coutinttcd. 

CI..  West.  May.    01.     (IS)     $5.60. 

ANDALUSIAN    ANNUAL.      Edited    by 

M.  B.   Honan.     Loiul,,  v.d.     4to. 
For   1837,  hf.   rus.,   Cosens,   Nov.,   '90. 

(223)    £3  3s. 

ANDERDON      (J.      L.).      River     Dove. 

Lon'd..  privately  printed.  [1S45].  4to. 
Hf.  bd.   (preseniaiion  copy  to  Frances 

Anderdon).    Snow.    Nov..    'ys.     (28C) 


River  Dove.     Lond.,  1847.    Svo. 

Mor.,  Cox,  Apr.,  '99.   ( Hj  $6. 

ANDERSON  (ADAM).  Deduction  of 
the  Origin  of  Commercu.  Dublin. 
1790.    6  vols.,  Svo. 

Cf.,  Bangs,  Dec.  14,  1900.     (7)     $6. 

logue of  Books  lUnstraiGd  by.  N. 
Y.,  1885.     Svo. 

CL.  unc..  Manson,  Feb..  '99.  (150)  $5.75. 

nals of  the  English  Bible.  Lond., 
1845.     2  vols..  Svo, 

Stewart,  Apr.,  "88.     (19)  £1. 

Cf..  unc.  Gale,  Dec,  '88.     (55)  $7. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Moore,  Oct..  '93.   (IS)   £158. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Hawkins.  Mar.,  '99,  (9)  £1 

••ThJck  paper. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (in  4  vols),  Craig,  Mar.,  '88. 
(12G)    £3  10s. 

Mor.  (in  1  vols.),  Sullivan,  Mav,  '90. 
(333)    £3  6s. 

ANDERSON     (C.    J.).      Lake     Ngami. 

Lond..  1850,     Svo. 
Unc.    (spotted).     Larking,     Apr..     '92. 

(693)    £3  3s. 

ANDERSON  (JAMES).  Collections 
relating  to  Marv  Queen  of  Scots. 
Edinb.,  1727-28.     4  vols..  4to, 

Cf..  Ayiesford.  Mar.,  'SS.     (79)   £1168. 

Cf.,   Craig,    Mar..   "88.      (131)    £nOs, 

Cf..  Leeds,  Apr..  '90.     (121)    £1  3s. 

Cf,  (rebacked),  Dayton,  Apr.,  '02. 
(994)  $6.80. 

•*ThIck  paper. 

Mor,,  g.e.,  (4  portraits  inserted).  Web- 
ster, Mar.,  '93.     (174)    £4  83. 

Genealogical  History  of  the  House 

of  Yvery.     Lond.,  1742.    Svo. 

Cf..  g.e.  (with  extra  plates).  Ayies- 
ford,  Mar.,   '88.      (7)      £13. 

Hf.  mor.  unc.  Toovey.  Feb..  '94.  (44) 
£5  10a. 



Anderson    (James) — Continued. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Beid.  May,  "94.     (G(»    £4  4s. 

Mor.,    «.e„   Esmont,    June,    '9S.      (12> 

Mor.     (Sir  R.   C.   Hoare's   copy),   Ed- 

wardes.  May.  '01,     (4)      £10. 
(Presentation  copy,  wiin  the  epitome 

and  several  extra  plates  Inserted.) 

Smith,  Jan..  '96.     (3)    £13  5s. 

Royat  Genealogies.    Parts  1  and  2. 

Lond..  1732,    Fol. 
Cf.  (In  1  VOL),  Bell,  Nov.,  '88.     (1121) 

£2  48. 

•♦Large  paper. 
C£..  Henkels,  Jan.  18,  '01.    (11)  J9.60. 

Royal    Genealogies.      Load.,    1736. 

Cf.,  Crawford,  June,  "87.     (194)    £18s. 
Cf.,  Bangs,  Sept.  22,  '98.     (3)   ¥5.50. 
Sefectus    Diplomatum    et    Numis- 

matum   ScoUae   Theaaurus.     Edlnb., 

1739.    Fol. 
Cf..  Craig.  Mar.,  '88.     (133)    £4  48. 
Cf.,  I^eycester.  Nov.,  '88.     (346)   £1  5s. 
Cf.,  Hopetoun,  Feb.,  '89.     (219)    £3  8s. 
Cf.,    Sanctuary,    Jan.,    '90.      (257)     £2 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Crawford.  Mar..   '91.   (103) 

Rua.,  g.e.,  Hastings,  May,  '93.     (183) 

£3  15s. 
Cf.,  Baleman,  July,  '96.     (124)    £2  58. 
Cf.,  Skene.  Jan..  '98.     (184)    £1158. 
Cf.,  m.e..  Clerk.  May,  '99.     (2Bt    £2  4s. 
Cf.,  m.e..  Fraser,  Apr.,  '01.    (36)   £2  2s. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  Feb.  20.  '01.      (233)    £1  Cs. 

ANDERSON  (JAMES).  See  Constitu- 
tions of  Free   Masons. 

ANDERSON  (JAMES  S.  M.).  Church 
of  England  In  the  Colonies,  etc. 
Lond.,  1S45.    3  vols..  Svo. 

CI.,  unc.  Balcom,  Feb.,  '01.    (71)  $8.25. 

ANDERSON  (JOHN).  Anderson  Im- 
proved, an  Almanac.  Newport,  Solo- 
mon  Southwick.  v.d.     IGmo. 

For  1775.  sewed,  unc,  Anderson.  Mar. 
IC.  1900.     (282)     16.25. 

ANDERSON  (JOHN).  Historical  Ac- 
count of  the  Family  of  Fraser. 
Edlnb..  1825.     4to. 

Unc-.  Craig.  June.  '87.      (1059)    £1  5s. 

Historical  and  Genealogical  Me- 
moirs of  the  House  of  Hamilton. 
Edlnb..  1825  27,     4to. 

Hf.  rus.,  Pollock,  Jan.,  '89.  (907)  £2 

Anderson  (John) — Continued, 

Hf.  cf.,  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98.     (169)    £2. 

•♦Large  paper. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Young,  June.  '90.     (19)    £5 

ANDERSON      (JOHN).      Zoology      of 
Egypt.     Vol.  1,  Reptilla  and   Batra-       J 
chla-    Lond,,  1898.    4to.  | 

Solh..  Dec.  17.  1900.     (28)    £5  2s.  6d. 

ANDERSON  (JOHN  C).  History  of 
Shropshire.     Lond.,   1845.     Svo. 

Cf.,  Gladstone,  Apr..  "95.     (96)    £1  IDs. 

History     of     Shropshire.        Lond., 

1864.     Svo. 

Wal ford.  Feb..  'ST.     (11)    £112s. 

Cf..  Hirst,  Dec.,  '87.     (29)    £1  138. 

Unc.  Cock,  July.  '94.     (674)    £15a. 

Spring  of  Kinghorne  Craig.  Edlnb., 
T.  Flnlason,  1618.    4to. 

Mor.,  unc,  Auchinleck,  June,  '93.  (128) 
£3  38. 

ANDERSON  (WILLIAM).  Catalogue 
of  a  collection  of  Japanese  and  Chi- 
nese Paintings  in  the  British  Mu- 
seum.   Lond,,  1886.    Svo, 

CI..  De  Lacouperie,  May,  '95  (41) 
£1  Is. 

CI.,  Goodwin,  Apr..  '97.     (3)£1. 

Pictorial    Arts    of   Japan.     Lond., 

1886.     Fol. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  July,  '95.  (497) 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Bangs,  Oct.  7,  '97.  (15) 

Hf.  mor..  g.e.,  Hllller,  Not..  '97.  (244) 
£2  2s. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Bangs.  Nov.  17,  "97.  (15  > 

Parts,  Bancker,  Mar.,  '98.     (574)    $32. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Bangs,  Oct.  17,  '98. 
(258)  $17, 

Hf,  mor..  Clark.  June.  '99.     (374)  |13. 

Hf.  mor.,  Hodgson,  Feb.  22,  1900. 
(983)    £2103. 

Hf.  mor..  Bruce.  Dec,  1900.  (741) 
£4  7s.  6d. 

Hf,  mor..  g.e..  Virtue  T©bbs,June,  1900. 
1212)    £2  28. 

Hf,  mor..  Bangs.  May  8,  '02.    (645)  |11. 
♦♦Artist's  proofs. 

Parts,  Cosier,  June.  '87.     (180)    £9  158. 

Parts.  Moss,  June,  '87.     (1040)    £7  10s. 

Parts.  Rose,  June.  '91.     (291)    £4  148. 

Parts,  Wdgley,  Nov.,  '92.    (251)  -£3  38. 

ANDOVER  REVIEW.  Boat.,  v.d.  Svo. 
Vols.  1-12,  1884-89.  hf.  roan  and 
parts.  Gannett,  Jan.,  '95.     (50)   $12. 



ANDRADE  <J.  F,  DE).  VIda  de  loao 
de  Caslro  quarto  VIso-Rey  de  India. 
Usbon.  1651.     Fol. 

Hor^  g.e.,  Ashburton,  Nov.,  1900.  (42 J 

ANDRE  (JOHN).    Cow  Chace.    N.  Y., 

J,  Ri Vinson,  1780.     8vo. 
Mor.,  Morrell.  Jan.,  '69.     (10)  |7D. 
ilor.,    entirely    unc.    Rice,    Mar.,    '70. 

(46)   1265. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Murphy,  Mar..  '84.    (77)  $23. 
Cf.,  Stevens,  July,  '80.     (11)    £C  10s. 
Cf.,  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (79)  |SB. 
Rns..    g.e.,    McKee.    Nov.,    1900.      (26) 


Cow  Chace.     Loud.,  1781.    4to. 

Cf-  (much  cut  down).  Sewall.  Nov..  '9G. 

(99)   $25. 
Sewed  (2  leaves  mended),  Soth.,  May 

21,  1900.     (181)   £2  5s. 
(The  preceding  copy),   Soth..  Dec   3. 

1900.     (540)  £2. 

Cow  Chace.    N.  Y..  1789.    12mo. 

Mor..  unc.  Morrell.  Nov.,  '66.   (19)  $36. 
Mor.   (Morrell  copy),  Roche,  Oct.,  '67. 

(34)  $41. 
Mor..  Hoffman.  Mar.,  '77.     (119)  $21.50. 

Cow  Chace.    Albany,  ISGC.    4to. 

H£.    mor.,    unc.     (portrait    Inserted), 

Menxles.  Nov.,  '76.     (62)  $6.25. 
Ht  mor.,  unc.  (Menzies  copy),  Ck)Oke, 

Dec..  '83.     (89)  $6.50. 
Bds.,  unc,   Mackay.   May,  1900.      (39) 

Proceedings  of  a  Board  of  Officers 

respecting   Andr6,     Sept.    29.    1780. 

Phila-.  1780.    Svo. 
Mor.  unc,  Morrell.  Nov..  '66.  (20)  $26. 
Hf.  mor..  unc,  Morrell,  Jan..  '69.  (527) 

Mor.,  unc,  Rice,  Mar.,  '70.  (45)  $67.50. 
Mor..  g.t..  Menzies,  Nov..  '76.  (63)  $63. 
Brlnley.  Mar.,  '80.  (3937)  $40. 
Brinley.  Mar.,  '80.  (3938)  $17. 
Hf.  mor.  (lacking  half  Utle),  Bushnell. 

Apr..  '83.   (86)   $24. 
Hf.  mor..  unc,  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (80) 

Mor.,  g.t.  (Menzies  copy),  Wynn,  Feb., 

-93.     (16)   $70. 
I  If  or,   g.t,    (Menzies- Wynn    copy},    Ar- 
nold, Apr.  1900.     (15)  $85. 
Ht  roan.  Anderson,  Apr.  16,  '03.    (49) 

Proceedings  of  a  Board  of  Officers 

Respecting   Andr6.     Hartford,   17S0. 


Andre  (John) — ContitntetL 

Unc,  Brlnley,  Mar,  '80.     (3939)  $25. 

Hf.     veL,     unc,     Brinley,     Mar.,     '80. 

(3940)   $8,50. 
Mor.,  unc,  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (81)  $25. 
Brinley.  Apr.,  '93.     (S054)   $8.60. 

Proceedings  of  a  Board  of  Officers 

respecting  Andr6.    Dublin.  1781.  8vo. 
Sewed.  Arnold,  Apr,  1900.     (18)  $10. 

^Proceedings  of  a  Board  of  Officers 

respecting  Andr6.  Providence.  John 
Carter,  n.d.     8vo. 

Hf.  mor.  (portrait  Inserted).  Cooke, 
Dec,  '83.     (90)   $5.50. 

Sewed,  unc,  Wynn,  Feb.,  '93.   (18)  $12. 

Minutes    of    a    Court    of    Inquiry 

upon   the   Case   of  Andr6.     Albany, 

1865.     4io, 
Hf.  mor..  Hayes,  Apr.  '98.     (26)  $5. 
Hf.  mor    (signature  of  Andr6  and   14 

plates  inserted).    Arnold,  Apr,  1900. 

(17)  $25. 

Proceedings  of  a  Board  of  Officers 

respecting  AntirS.     N.  Y..  18G7.    Svo. 

Hf.  mor.  unc,  Menzies,  Nov.,  '76.  (64) 

Hf,  mor,  unc.  (Menzies  copy),  Mat- 
thews. Feb.,  '97.     (13)  $16. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Clogston,  Nov.,  '99. 
(54)  $7.26. 

Trial  of  Andr6.    Palmer.  E.  Terry. 

1810.    Svo. 
Mor.  (2  leaves  mended),  Arnold,  Apr, 

1900.     (16)  $11. 
Andreanat    containing    the    Trial, 

Execution,    etc.,   of    Andr6.      Phila.. 

1865.    4to. 

•*Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor.  g.t.,  Brlnley.  Mar.  '80.  (3944) 

Hf.  mor,,  unc,  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (86) 

Paper  unc,  Wynn.  Feb.,  '93.     (20)  $9. 
Hf.    mor.    Bangs,   Nov.    11.    '95.      (20) 

Hf.  mor,  Hayes,  Apr,  '98.     (23)  $8. 
Paper,  unc,  Manson.  Feb.,  '99.    (122)  $8. 
ANDREAS  (ANTHONY),    Antonll  An- 

dreEB  Super  duodecim  Llbros  Meta- 

physlcfe  Quaeationes,     [Lond.], 

tou,  1480.    Fol. 
Bds..    Ashburnham,    June,    '97.      (89) 

ANDREAS  (A.  T.).  History  of  Chicago. 

Chicago,  1884.    3  vols.,  4to. 
Hf.  mor.,  Betts.  Apr,  *01.     (46)  $fl.  • 




Andreas    (A.  T,) — Vofiibiued. 

Hf.  mor..  Burton,  Apr.,  '02.     (23)  |G. 

ANDREWE     (T.).     Unmasking    of    a 

Feminine    Machiavell.    Loud.,    1604. 
Mor.,  Corser,  July,  '68.     (33)  £fi8s.  Cd. 

ANDREWS    (CHARLES),      Prisoners' 

Memoirs.     N.  Y.,  1815.     12mo. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Cooke,  Dec.,  '83.     (104) 

ANDREWS  (G.).  Dictionary  of  the 
Slftng  and  Cant  Languages.  Lond,, 
n.d.     Plates  by  Cmlkahank.     8vo. 

Hf.  cf..  Bniton,  .Time,  'g?.     (21)    £1  9s. 

ANDREWS  (H.  CO-  Botanist's  Re- 
pository. Lond.,  1797-1815.  10  vols. 

Of.,  g.e.  (In  5  vols.),  Perldns,  July,  '89. 
(50)    £4  15s. 

Hf.  rus.,  unc,  Churchill,  Nov.,  '89. 
(57G)    £C10s. 

Cf.,  Barber,  Apr.,  1900.    (142)  £10  15s. 

Colored     Engravings     of     Heaths. 

Lond..  1S02-S.    4  vols.,  fol. 
Cf.,  Aylesford,  Mar.,  '88.      (142)     £13 

Mor.,    g.e.,    Hawley,    July.    "94.     (170) 

£11  15s. 
Hf.  rus.,  Stuart,  Mar.,  '95.   (136)    £10. 
Hf.  rus.,  tmc..  Putt..  May  22,  '95.  (245) 

£12  15s. 
Hf.  mor.  (2  vols,  only),  Soth.,  Feb.  20. 

•01.    (2M)    £118s. 

Geraniums.     Lond.,   1S05.   Colored 

plates.     4to. 

Cf..  Perkins,  July,  '89.     (52)    £2  128. 

Bds.  unc,  Hodgson,  Dec.  10,  '02. 
(2S3)    £u7s.  6d. 

The     Heathery.       Lond.,     1804-12. 

6  vols.,  8vo. 

Hawkins.   Mar.,   '95.     (11)    £4, 

^The  Heathery-  Lond.,  1845.  Color- 
ed plates.    G  vols.,  8vo. 

Hartree.  July,   '90.     (33)    £4. 

Roses.    Lond.,    1806-28.       Colored 

plates.     Fol. 

Bds.  unc.  (a  few  leaves  Injured  and 
otherwise  imperfect),  Hodgson, 
Dec.  10,  '02.     (282)    £312s.  Gd. 

ANDREWS  (JOHN).  History  of  the 
War  with  America,  France,  Spain 
and  Holland.  Lond.,  178S-8G.  4 
vols.,  8vo. 

Hf..  mor.,  unc,  Rice,  Mar.,  70.  (52) 

Andrews   (John) — VtnttinuaL 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Menzies,  Nov.,  '76.  (G9> 

Cf.,  Brinley,  Mar.,  "SO.     (3958)  »S. 
Cf.,  Cooke,  Dec,  '83.     (lOG)  |19. 
Parts.  Drice.  July,  '87.     (1()05|    £1. 
Cf.,  Brevoort.  Feb.,  '90.     (36)  |10. 
Cf.,  Dawson,  Oct.,  '90.     (3946)  «11. 
Hf.  sheep.  Hunt.  Nov.,  '91.  (117)  |12. 
Sheep.  Libbie,  Oct.  17,  '93.     (77)  |8.40. 
Cf.,  Reid,  May.  '94.     (04)   £1  lUs. 
Sheep,  Livermore,  Nov.,  '94.     (47)  |19. 
Cf.,  Waterbury.  Jan.,  '9&.     (78)    |7.20. 
Sheep,  Ubbie,  Mar.  27,  '95.     (941)  |11, 
Cf.,  Bangs,  Mar,  30.  '9G.     (7)  $13. 
Cf.,  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (103)   |14. 
Sheep,  Baxter.  Mar.  '98.     (3)   $11.50. 
CI,  Henkels.  Apr.  19.  '99.     (137)  |8. 
Cf.,  Henkels.,  Apr.  &,  1900.     OO)  $16. 
C!„  Henkels,  Apr.  5,  1900.     (1044)  $18. 
Sheep,  Bangs.  May  8,  1900.     (23  y  $9.50. 
Cf.,  Bangs,  May  14,  1900.  (1079)  $10.40. 
Sheep,  Bangs,  Apr.  22,  '01.     (2)  $X2, 
Hf.  mor.,  Dayton,  Mar.,  '02.  (37)  $17.20. 
Cf.    (rebacked).    Bangs,   Nov.   20.    '02. 

(103)  $11. 
Cf.,  Anderson,  Apr.  16,  '03.  (50)  $10.40. 

ANDREWS      (L.).      Holy      Devotions. 

Lond.,   1G75.     8vo. 
Mor.,  g.e.,   Soth.,  Dec.   17.  '98.      (527) 
£2  1Cs. 


Among  My  Books.    N.  Y.,  1894.  Svo. 

CI.,    unc.    (presentation    copy),    Bier* 
stadt,  Apr.,  "97.     (66)  $49. 

CI.,   unc,   Libbie,  Feb.   8,   1900.      (13) 

CI.,  unc,   Bangs,  Apr.  16,   1900.      (25) 

Cl„  unc,  French,  Apr.,  '01.    (40)  $97. 

CI.,  unc    (presentation  copy),  Ander- 
son, Feb.  20,  '03.     (21)  $105. 
**0n  vellum. 

Mor.,   g.e.,   McKee,   May,    '02.      (4783) 

Bibllopegy  in    the    United    States. 

N.  y..  1902.    Svo. 
Bds.,  Anderson.  .June  B,  '03.     (9)  $36. 
Bdfi.,  Anderson,  Feb.  1,  '04.     (23)  $1C. 

••Japan  paper. 
Bds.,  Ajidereon,  Dec  14,  '03.     (19)  $39. 

Books   from    the    A I  dins    Presses. 

N.  Y.,  1S85.    8vo. 
Paper,  Matthews,  Feb.,  '97.    (15)    $17. 
Paper,  Bierstadt,  Apr.,  '97.    (Gl)  $27. 
Paper  (presentation  copy).  Bangs,  May 

10,  '98.     (48)  $15. 





Andrews    (Wiliiam    Loring) — Cntit'tf. 
The    Bradford    Map.     N.   Y..   1893. 

CI..  Ubble.  Mar.  27,  '95.     (1618)   $8. 
CK  Blancbard,  May.  '98.     (47)  I31.&0. 
CI.,  Bangs.  Nov.  10.  '99.     (7)  |24. 
CI..  Bangs,  Apr.  16,  1900.     (23)  |47. 
CI.,  Belts.  Apr,  'Ol.     (47)   $30. 
CI..  French,  Apr.,  '01.     (38)   $55. 
CI.,   Weeks.   Mar.,   '02.     (13)    $44. 
CU  McKee.  May,  '02.     (4446)  $46. 
CI..     Anderson.     Nov.     13.     '02.     (17) 

CI..     Anderson.     Feb.     20.     '03.     (20) 

CL.  Anderson.  Dec.  4.  03.     ( 68 )  $20. 
CK.  Anderson.  Feb.  1,  '04,    (11)  $43. 

♦•Japan  paper. 
CL,  Bangs.  Jan.   14.  '95.     (36)    $12.50. 
CL.     (presentation     copy),     Bierstadt, 

Apr.,  '97.     (64)   $37.50. 

" Essay   on   the    Portraiture   of   the 

American    Revolutionary    War.      N. 
y..  1896.     8vo. 

CU  Bangs.  Mar.  31.  '98.     (13)  $12. 

CI.,  Richmond.  Feb..  '99.     (71)   $9. 

CU  Bangs,  Jan.  22.  1900.     (59)  $12. 

CL.  Bangs,  Apr.  16.  1900.     (27)  $18. 

CU  Bangs.  Nov.   15.  '01.     (8)    $15. 

CL.  Weeks,  Mar..  '02.     (477)   $25. 

CL.  Anderson.  Dec.  15.  '02.  (26)  $37.50. 

CL.  Anderson,  Feb.  20.  '03.     (25)   $35. 

CU  Anderson,  Apr  13.  '03.     (5)  $26. 
••Japan  paper. 

a.,  French,   Apr.,   '01.     (44)    $65. 

-Eulogy   on   Crawford.     See   Hicks 


Fanny,  See  Halteck  (Fitz-Qrcene). 

Fltz-Greene    Hal  leek.     See   Duyck- 

inck    (E.  A.). 

Fragments    of   American    History. 

N.  Y.,  1898,     12nao. 
Ht   cf..    Richmond.     Feb.,    '99.     (72) 

BL  cf..  Bangs.  Feb.  13.  '01.     (18)  $20. 
Hf.  Cf..  Weeks,  Mar..  '02.  (691)  $16.50. 
Hf.  cf.,  Anderson,  Dec  15.  '02.     (29) 

Ht  cL,  Peirce.  Mar..  '03.     (44)   $24. 
HI  cf.,  Appleton,  Apr..  '03.     (8)  $23. 

••Japan  paper. 
HI  cf..  Richmond,  Mar.,  '99.  (16)  $20. 
Ht  cL,  Cox,  Apr..  '99.     (17D>  $21. 
Ht    cf.    Bangs,    Nor.    10.    '99.     (13) 

Hf-  ct,  French.  Apr,  '01.     (61)  $41. 

Andrews    (William    Loring) — Cont'd. 
Hf,  cf.,  Arnold,  May,  '01.     (3)   $51.50 
Hf.  cf.,  Goodwin.  Dec,  *03.    (8)  $18. 

Gossip  about  Book  Collecting.     N. 

Y.,  19(H).     2  volfi.,  Svo. 
Paper,  Arnold,  May.  '01.     (9)  $66. 
Paper.  Anderson,  May  26,  '02.  (23)  $42. 
Paper  (1  of  8  presentation  copies,  with 

special    leaf).    Bangs,   Jan.    22,   '02. 

(39)   $78. 
Paper.  Anderson.  Dec.  16,  *02.  (32)  $60. 
Paper,  Peirce,  Mar,  '03.    (48)  $75. 
Paper  Appleton,  Apr.,  '03.     (10)   $70. 
Paper,  Anderson,  Dec.  14.  '03,  (17)  $50, 

♦♦Japan  paper 
Paper.  Arnold.  May,  '01.    (8)  $124. 
Paper,  Peirce,  Mar,.  '03.    (47)  $124. 
Paper,  Anderson,  Dec.  4.  '03.     (72)  $86. 

Jean  Grolier.    N.  Y.,  1892.    Svo. 

CI.,  Bangs.  Nov.  29.  '97.     (19)  $26. 
CL,  Bang.s.  Feb.  3,  '98.     (4)  $25. 
CL,  Cox.,  Apr,  '99.     (17  A)  $27. 
CL,  LibblG.  Feb.  8.  1900.     (11)  $34. 
CL.  Bangs.  Jan.  22,  "ul.     (32)  $38, 
CL,  French,  Apr..  '01.     (37)  $67. 
CL.  McKee.  May.  '02.     (47S2J   $80. 
CL.  Anderson,  Dec.   15,  '02.     (22)   $92. 
CL     (presentation     copy),     Anderson, 
Feb.  20.  '03.     (19)  $95. 
••Japan  paper. 
CL.  Bierstadt,  Apr,  '97.     (63)  $44. 

Iconography    of   the    Battery   and 

Castle  Garden.    .\.  Y,,  1901.    Svo, 
CL,  Bangs,  Nov.  U,  '01.     (23)  $25. 
CL.  Anderson,  May  26.  '02,  (24)  $21.50. 
CL.  Gilsey,  Jan..  't)3.     (51)  $27.60. 
CL,  Peirce,  Mar,  "(CL     (50)  $23. 
CL,  Appleton,  Apr.    03.     (11)  $15, 
CL,  Anderson,  Dec.  4,  '03.     (73)  $18. 

Journey  of  the  Iconophlles  around 

New  York.     N.  Y..  1897,    Svo. 

Paper,  Bangs.  Oct.  12,  '97.  (450)  $11.50. 

Paper.  Bangs,  Nov.  10.  '98.  (240)  $29. 

Paper.  Libble,  Feb.  8,  1900.  (16)  $22. 

Paper,  Bangs,  Apr  16,  1900.  (30) 

Paper  Bangs,  May  28,  1900,     (41)  $38. 

Paper,  French,  Apr.,  '01,     (45)  $69. 

Paper  Bangs,  Mar.  16,  '03,   (528)   $70. 

Paper.  Appleton.  Apr,  '03.     (7)   $95. 

Paper,  Goodwin,  Dec,   '03.     (10)   $30. 

James      Lyne's      Survey,     N.     Y^ 

1900.     Svo. 
CL.  Arnold,  May,  '01.     (7)  $7- 
CL,  Cox.  Feb..  '02.     (95)  $5.60. 
CL,  Bangs,  Apr  28,  '02.    (84)   $5. 




Andrews    (William    LoHng) — i'ffni'tf. 
CI..  Peirce,   Man,   '03.      (46^)    |lf>. 

** Japan  paper. 
CL.   French,   Apr,   '01.     (54)    $23. 
CI..  Arnold.   May.  '01.     (6)    $22. 
CI..  Peirce,  Mar,  '03.     (46)  $21. 

Lines  to  the    Recorder     See   Hal- 

leek   (Fitz-Greene). 

New     Amsterdam,    New     Orange, 

New   York.     N.   Y.,   1897.     8vo. 
CI..   Bangs,   Mar  31.   '98.     (15)    $35. 
CI.,  Richmond.  Apr,  '98.     (40)   |40. 
CI.,  Daly.  Mar,  1900.     (S2)   |50. 
CI.,  Bangs.  Mar  2G,  1900.     (X2)  $41. 
CI.,  Weeks,  Mar..  '02.     (2)  |70. 
CI..  Anderson.  Dec.  15.  '02.     (28)  $125. 
CI..  Anderson.  Jan.  7.  '03.    (12)  $100. 
CI.     (one  of  two  copies  entirely   un- 

trSmined),    Peirce.    Mar,    '03.     (43) 

CI.,  Appleton.  Apr.  '03.     (6)    $115. 
CI.,  Anderson,  Dec.  4,  '03.     (70)   $100. 
CI.,  Anderson,  Feb.  1.  '04.     (13)  |51. 
CI.,  French  and    Chubbuck.    Feb.,    '04. 

(73)  $60, 

♦♦Japan  paper. 
01..  Richmond,  Mar,  '99.     (15)  $91. 
CI.,  Cox.  Apr.  '99.     (17  C)    $77,5fl. 
C1-.  Llbble,  Feb.  8,   1900.     (19)    $92.50. 
CI.,   Bangs,  Apr  16,   1900.     (29)    $93. 
CI.,   French,   Apr.    '01.     (49)    $170. 
Obituary  of  Madame  Jumel,     See 

Jumel    (Eliza    B.). 

Old  Booksellers  of  New  York.    N. 

Y.,  1895.    8vo. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Nov.  10,  '99.     (H)   $13. 
CI.,  Bangs.  Jan.  22.  1900.     (CO)   $9.50. 
CI..  Llbble.  Feb.  8,  1900.     (15)   $12.50. 
CI-  Weeks,  Mar.  '02.     (1)  $26. 
CI..  McKee,  May,  V)2.     (4447)    $30. 
CI..  Anderson,  Dec.  15.  "02.     (25)   $37. 
CI..  Peirce.  Mar,  '03.     (40)  $35. 
CI..  Appleton.  Apr,  '03.     (4)  $19. 
Ci-     (plates   on    India   paperi.   Bangs, 

Mar   31,   '98.     (11)    $10. 
CI.     (plates  on   indfa  paper).    French. 

.\pr  23.   '01.     (41)    $51. 
Paul    Revere   and    His    Engraving. 

N.  Y.,  1901.     Svo. 
Bds.,   Bangs.   Apr   28.   '02.     (9)    $55. 
Bds..    Anderson,    May    26.    '02.     (22) 

Bds..  .-Anderson,  Dec.  15,  '02.  (35)  $50. 
Bds..  Anderson.  Feb.  20.  '03.  (30)  $45. 
Bds..  Peirce.  Mar.  '03.     (49)   $64. 
Bds..  Appleton,  Apr.  '03.     (12)  $47.50. 
Bds..   .Anderson.  June  5,   '03   (7)    $34. 

Andrews    (Wiiliam    Lorfng) — T'oh/M. 
Bds.,  Anderson,  Dec.  9,  '03.     (34)   $26. 
Bds.,  French  and  Chubbuck.  Feb.,  '04. 

(76)  $38.  _ 

Prospect  of  tbe  Colledges  in  Cam-       H 

bridge,    in    New    England.     N.     Y.,       ™ 
1897.     8to. 

CL,  Bangs,  Jan.  15,  1900.     (56)  $13. 

CL,  Bangs,  Feb.  20.  1900.    (40)  $12. 

CL,  Bangs,  Mar  26.  1900.     (14)  $7. 

CI.,  Bangs,  Jan.  22.  '02.     (38)   $38. 

CI.   (with  author's  autograph),  Ander- 
son, Dec.  15.  '02.     (27)  $52. 

CK,  Anderson,  Apr  20.  '03.    (12)  $20. 
••Japan  paper 

CL,  Bangs,  Apr  16,  1900.    (28)  $32. 

CI..  Bangs.  May  28,  1900.    (39)  $27. 

CL.  French,  Apr,  '01.     (50)  $57. 

^Reminiscences  of  an   Old  Yorker. 

See  Duer  (W.  A.). 

Roger  Payne  and  his  Art.     N.  Y., 

1892.    Svo. 

CL,  Bangs,  Mar  26,  '97.     (14)  $23.50. 

CL,  Blerstadt,  Apr,  '97.     (62)  $30. 

CL,  Bangs,  Nov.  29,  '97.     (18)  $17.50. 

CI.,  Bangs,  Mar  31,  '98.     (8)  $26. 

CL,  Browne,  Mar,  '99.     (13)  $25. 

CK,  Ubble,  Feb.  8,  1900.     (12)  $36. 

CL,  Edemeim.  Mar,  1900.     (1M7)  $40. 

CL,  French,  Apr,  '01.     (36)  $62. 

CL.  Bangs,  Jan.  22,  '02.    (30)  $82. 

CI.,  Carey,  Apr,  '02.    (6^)  $70. 

CL,  Anderson,  Dec.  15,  '02.     (20)  $72. 

CL,  Anderson,  Jan.  7,  '03,     (11)  $76. 

CI.,  Peirce,  Mar,  '03.    (38)  $80. 

CI.,  Anderson.  Dec,  4,  '03.     (67)  $37. 
•♦Japan  paper. 

CL,  Anderson,  Dec.  15.  '02.     (21)  $108. 

CL    (presentation     copy).     Anderson, 
Feb.  20,  '03.    (18)  $67.50. 

Sextodecimos     et     Infra.       N.    Y^ 

1899.     lemo. 
Paper.   Edelhetm,  Mar,  1900.      (1049) 

Paper,  Bangs,  Nov.  26.  1900.    (22)  $18. 
Paper.  Bangs,  Jan.  22,  '01.     (31)  $23. 
Paper  Arnold.  May.  '01.     (4)   $27. 
Paper    Anderson,   Dec.   15.    '02.      (31) 

Paper,  Bangs,  Mar  16.,  '03.     (44)  $42. 
Paper  Appleton,  Apr.,  "03.     (9)  $35. 

••Japan  paper 
Paper  French,  Apr.  '01.     (53)  $102. 
Paper  Bangs.  Mar  16,  '03.     (43)  $117. 
Paper  Goodwin.  Dec.  1.  '03.     (12)  $22. 
Short  Historical  Sketch  of  the  Art 

of  Bookbinding.    N.  Y..  1895.     16nio. 





Andrews    (William    Loring)— Con/V. 
Paper.  Bangs,  Jan.  21.  '02.     (13)  |5.63. 
Paper.  Peirce,  Mar.,  '03.     (41)  |C. 

••Japan  paper. 
Pl^tef.  Blerstadt,  Apr..  '97.    (G8)  $19. 
Paper.  Bangs.  Mar.  31,  '98.     (12)  $10. 
Paper.  Ubble.  Feb.  8.  1900.     (14)   |17. 
Paper.  Bangs.  May  16,  1900.  (23)   $8. 
Paper.  French.  Apr..  '01.     (42  ►   $39. 
Paper.  Arnold.  May.  '01.     (1)  $44. 
Paper.  Appleton.  Apr.  '03.     (3)  |20. 
—Stray   Leaf  from  the  Correspond- 
ence of  Irving  and  Dickens.     N.  Y., 

1894.     16mo. 
CI.,  Blerstadt,  Apr.,  '97.    (65)  $30. 
CI..  Bangs,  Oct  20.  '97.     (20>   $47. 
CI.,  Bangs.  Mar.  31.  '98.     (10)  $21. 
CI..  Cox.  Apr.  '99.     (16)  $31. 
CI.,  Bangs.  Feb.  20.  1900.    (38)  $35. 
Hf.    mor,    Daly,    Mar,    1900.       (94C) 

CU  BangB.  Apr  16,  1900.     (24)  $40. 
CU  French,  Apr,  '01.     (39)  $76. 
CI.,  Anderson,  Feb.  20,  '03.     (23)  $105. 
Mor,  g.e..  Anderson.  Feb.  20.  '03.     (22) 

CI..   Peirce.  Mar,  "03.     (39)   $10U. 
Trio  of  Eighteenth  Century  French 

Engravers.     N.  Y..  1S98,     8vo. 
Paper.  Bangs.  Feb.  20.  1900.     (41)  $20. 
Paper.  Bangs.  Apr.  IG.  1900.     (31)  $25. 
Paper.  Bangs.  Oct.  8.  1900.     (128)  $20. 
Paper.  Bangs,  Nov.  26,  1900.     (23)  $26. 
Paper.  French,  Apr,  '01,     (52  >  $50. 
Paper.  Arnold.  May.  '01.     (5)  $45. 
Paper  Morgan,  Apr.  '02.     (1)  $37. 
Paper   Anderson,   Dec.   15,   '02.      (30) 

Paper.  Peirce,  Mar.,  '03.     (45)  $39. 
Paper  Bangs.  Mar  16,  '03.     (42)  $27. 
Paper.  Anderson.  Dec.  4,  '03.     (71 1  $31. 
ANDROS   (SIR   EDMUND).    Narrative 

of  Proceedings  of   Sir  Edmond   An- 

dros&e  and  his  Complices.     [Ix»nd.], 

1691.    4to. 
Hf.  mor.  Barlow.  Feb..  '90.  (89)  $37.50. 
Hf.  of..  Deane.   Mar.  '98.    (105)    $26. 
Andros  Tracts.    Bost.,  Prince  Soc, 

1868-74.     3  vols..  4to. 
Paper  unc.  Ubble.  Dec.  15.  '98.  (895) 

Hf.    naor..     unc,    Manson.    Mar,    '99. 

(3530)  $30. 
Hf.  mor.  Poole.  May,  1900.     (834)  $30. 
Hf.  mor.  unc.  Balcom,  Feb..  '01.  (2012) 

Hf.    mor.    unc.    Llbbie.    Dec.    5.    '01. 

(1076)  137.50. 

Andros    (Sir   Edmund) — CtmtiintrtL 

Mor,  Wliitmore,  Nov.,  '02.     (2400)  $60. 

Paper  unc.  Wales,  Mar.  '03.  (590) 

Hf.  mor,  unc.  (Vols.  1-2  OBly>.  Clogs- 
ton,  Nov.,  '99.     (1150)  $17. 

ANGAS  (G.  F.).  The  Kafirs  Illus- 
trated.    Load.,  1849.     FoL 

Hf.  mor.  (soiled).  Lennard,  Julv,  '88. 
(265)  £2. 

Hf.  mor.  Kenyon,  Mar.  '90.  (1097) 
£6  5s. 

Hf.  mor.  Bateman,  May,  '93.  (220) 
£13  58. 

Hf.  mor.  Hayes,  Apr.,  "98.     (22)  $20.25. 

Hf.  mor,  Soth.,  Feb.  6,  1900.  (177) 
£4  4b. 

New  Zealanders  Illustrated.  Land., 

1847.     Fol. 
Parts.  Putt.,  Aug.  8,  '89.     (1572)   £17. 
Hf.,  mor.  g.e.,  Hartroe,  Julv,  '90.  (252) 

Hf.  mor,  g.e.,  Baleman,  May.  '93.  (222) 

Hf.  mor,  g.e.,  Larpent,  Jan.,  '95.  (705) 

£12  lOs. 
Hf.  mor,  Smith.  Feb.,  '96.     (231)    £9 

Hf.  mor.  Hope,  Apr.  '96.     (239)    £11 

Hf-    mor,    g.e..    Bateman.    July,    '96. 

(1025)   £11. 
Ht  mor.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Mar  21,  '98.  (256) 


South  Australia  Illustrated.  IjOhcI.. 

1847.     Fot. 
Parts.  Putt..  Aug.  S.  '89.      (1573)    £18 

Parts,  Wells,  May,  '90.     (176)   £9  5«. 
Hf.    mor.    Putt.,    Apr    2,    '91.      (200) 

£14  10a. 
Hf.  mor,  g.e.,  Dennis,  Dec,  '92.     (302) 

£12  10s. 
Hf.    mor,   Dalziel,    June.    '93.      (1511) 

£10  158. 
Hf.  mor.  unc,  Larpent.  Jan.,  '95.  (709) 

Hf.  mor.  g.e..  Hope,  Apr.  '96.      (240) 

£10  5s. 
Hf.  mor.  Soth.,  Jan.  21,  '01.  (374)   £10. 
Hf.  mor.  g.a.  Soth..  Dec.  11.  '01.  (168) 

Views  of  the  Gold  Regions  of  Aus- 
tralia,    l^nd..  1851.     Fol. 
CI..  Lennard.  July.  'SS.     (5G8)    £16b, 
Wilson,  June,  '92.      (!G1)    £2  4a. 





Ix)nd.,  1794.     8  colored  plates.     4to. 
Cf..  Sotb,,  Mav  21,  1900.     (188)   £2  2s. 
Hf.  bd.,  Maxe,  Mar.,  '01.     (181>   £138. 

ANGELIS  (PEDRO  DE).  Collectton 
de  Obras  relaLivos  a  la  Hlslorta  de 
las  Provincias  del  Rio  de  la  Plata. 
Buenoa  Ayrea,  1835-37.     6  vols.,  fol. 

Hf.  roan,  Llbble,  Jan.  21.  '86.  (603 > 

Hf.  mor..  Crawford,  June,  '89.  {36) 
£4  2b.  6d. 

Hf.  mor..  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (92)  |33. 

ANGELO    (D.).     L'Ecole   dee   Armes. 

Lond.,  1763.     4to. 
Hf.   mor..  Bangs.   Oct.  17.  '98.      (182) 

Bds.,  unc.  Soth..  Mar.  17.  '99.     (271) 

£  3  10s. 
Hf.   mor..   Bangs,  Apr.   3,   '99.     (143) 

Mor..  g.e.,  Praser,  Apr..  '01.     (39)    £C 


Hf.  rus.,  Soth..  Dec.  2,  '01.  (394) 
£2  Us. 

ANGELO    (H.).      School    of    Fencing. 

Lond..  1765.    Fol. 
Hf.  cf.,  Toovey,  Mar.,  "94.     (403)     £1 

Unbd.,  Ludgater,  May,  '95.     (855)   £2. 

Hf.    cf.,    Schretber,    Apr.,    '96.      (258) 

CL,  Both..  Mar.  17.  '99.     (272)    £2  2s. 
Cf.,   Preston.   Mar.   '02.      (5)    £2  15b. 
Hf.  bd.,  Pntt.,  .Tun©  4.  '02.    (574)    £2  4s. 
Hf.  rus.  (C  extra  colored  plates).  Ash- 

biirnbara,  June.  '97.    (93)   £5  Ts.  6d. 
Hf.  cf..  Ellis,  Oct..  'n.     (139)    £2. 
Hf.  bd..  Walker,  Nov.,  '02.     (475)   £3. 

-School   of  Fencing.     Lond.,  1787. 


Cf.,  Letgh.  Dec,  '89.     (421)    £1  ISs. 
Hf.  bd.,  Francis,  July,  '90.     (778)    £1 

Cf.,  Cox,  Feb..  '91.     (7)   fllfis. 
CI..  Toovey,  Mar.,  *94.     (135)    £2  2a. 
CI..  Soth..  Nov.  19.  '94.     (378)   £1  9s. 
Smith.  Jan.,  '^d.     (4)    £l2s. 
Soth..  May  6.  '9S.     (94)   £llSs. 
Treatise   on   the   Art  of   Fencing. 

Lond.,  1817.     Fol. 
Putt.  Jan.   5.   '88.      (326)    £2  4s, 
Cf.    ex.,    Aylesford.    Mar..    '88.      (143) 

£5  158. 
Hf.  bd.,  Hodgson.  Apr.  17.  '88.     (390) 

£2  18s. 

Angela    (H.) — Continued. 

Hf.  bd.,  Offley.  Nov.  6.  '89.     (310)    £4. 
Bds.,  Soth.,  Mar.  17,    '99.      (275)     £3 

Hungarian    and    Highland    Broad 

Sword.     Loud..   1799.     24  plates  by 

Rowlandson.     Fol. 
HL    mor..    Putt.,    Mar.    1.    '93.      (932) 

£8  15s. 
Grig,   wrapper,  Angerstein,   May,   *96. 

(312)    £G. 

PIc-NIc,    or    Table    Talk.      rx>nd., 

1834.  Colored  title,  frontispiece,  etc, 

by  Cruikshank.     8vo. 
Hf.  mor.,  Johnson.  Jan.,  '90,     (335)  f6. 
Mor.    (with   duplicate  of  the   plate,   a 

touched     proof,    on    India    paper), 

Bruton,  June,  '97.     (23)  £2. 

ANGELUS  (J.).  Astrolablum  planum 
in  tabulis  ascendens.  Augsburg,  E. 
Ratdolt,  1488,    4to. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Inglls.  June,  1900.  (42) 

Astrolablum     planum      in     tabulis 

ascendens.  Venice.  L.  A.  de  Giunta, 
1502.     4to. 

Mor,  g.e.,  Wills.  July.  '94.  (149)  £4 

Soth-,  July  17.  '01.     (40)    £9  15*5. 

ANGLER'S   MAGAZINE.     I^nd..  1754. 

Hf.    cf.,    Coleman.    July,     '97.      (23) 

.£3  126.  Cd. 

ANGLER'S  MAGAZINE.    Dublin.  1760. 

Mor.,    g.e.,    Perkins,    July,    '89.      (58) 



See  Martyr  (Peter). 

rannle  Anglotse.  contenant  I'Execu- 
tion  du  Roy  Charles  Stuart.  Rouen. 
1649.     4to.  ■ 

VeU,  Ellis.  Nov..  '85.     (912)    £12 10s.        ■ 

ANGLIARA    (JOHN).      Die    Schiffung 
mitt  dem  Lanndt  der  Gulden  InseL       ^ 
N.P.,  about  1620.    (Sabln.  No.  1560.)       ■ 
4to.  ■ 

Hf.  roan,  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (108)  t70. 

ANGLO-AMERICAN,  Edited  by  A.  D 
Paterson.    N.  Y.,  v.d.    Sm.  fol. 

Vols.  1-9,  1843-47,  hf.  mor.,  Lawton. 
Dec.  '94.     (340)  ♦9.45, 



ited by  Auchioleck.  Toronto,  v.d. 

Vola.  1-6.  1852-56.  cl.,  Hart.  Apr..  '90. 
(2478)   112.75. 

Vols,  1-1.  hf.  cf.  and  cl..  Uncoln.  Oct.. 
•01.      (764)   15.40. 


Lady  Randolph  Churchill.  June, 
1S99.  to  Sept..  1901.  Lond.,  1899- 
1901.     10  vols.,  fol. 

Mor.  Anderson,  Apr.  28,  '02.     (5)  |41. 

Hot.,  Anderson,  Dec.  22,  '02.  (11 J 

Mor.,  Anderson.  Feb.  18.  '03.  <10) 

Mor..  Bangs,  Mar.  30.  '03.    {14)  »29. 

ANGUS  (W.).  Seats  of  Nobility  and 
Gentry  in  England  and  Wales.  Lond., 
17S7.    Fol. 

Mor.  (plates  In  duplicate).  Harbor- 
ouKh.  Feb.,  '87.     (191)    £3  158. 

Mor..  g.e..  Hailstone.  Feb..  '91.  (203) 

ANNA  (SAINT).  DIs  ist  ein  hupsche 
l^ende  yon  der  heiligen  frawen 
Sanl  Anna.  BIschofl  Eucharll.  Va- 
leril  und  MatemI,  etc.  Strasburg, 
1509.    4to. 

Bds..  Sot*.,  Apr.  12.  '99.     (40)    £7  5s. 

Yearly  Celebration  of  Robert  Do- 
rer's  Olympic  Games  upon  Cotwold 
Hills.  I>ond..  1636.  4to. 
lor.,  gje..  Hailstone.  Apr..  '91.  (261) 

Mor.  g.ei.  Soth.,  June  27.  '92.  (17j 

Ct,  Soth.,  Mar.  23.  '99.     (294)    £7. 

Hf-  mor.,  g.e,  (Halllwell-PhiUlps  copy, 
frontispiece  and  tiile  njounted.  some 
headlines  cnt  into).  McKee,  Dec. '01. 
(27211  $':■>. 
rANNALS  OF  IRELAND.  See  O'Dono- 
van   (J.). 

Edited  by  Jardlne.  Hooker,  and  Tay- 
lor.    Ijond..   1838-53.     31   vols..  8vo. 
(In  26  yols.).  DIHwjti,  Oct.,  '93.     (76) 

£4  5s. 
ANNALS   OF    SPORTING.     By   Caleb 
QulzPHi.     Ix)nd..  1S09.  Colored  plates 
by  Rowlandson.    8vo. 
Cf..    g.e..    Stewart.    Mar..    '88.      (G09) 
£4  48. 

Annals  of  Sporting— ^.'o/j/inurrf. 

Cf.,  unc,  Galsford.  Apr..  '90.  (1607) 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Soth.,  Dec.  8.  '90.  (381) 
£2  2s. 

Eds.,  unc,  Williams,  May,  '93.  (473) 
£3  lOs. 

Cf.,  g.e.,  Toovey,  Mar..  '94.  (89)  £2 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Langham,  June,  '94. 
(63)    £2  15s. 

Bda.,  Daubuz,  May,  '95-     (618)    £3  163. 

Hf,  cf..  Bangs,  Oct.  17.  '98.     (387)  $20. 

Mor.,  unc  (orig.  covers  bound  in), 
French,  Apr.,  '01.     (1389)  |45. 

Bds.,  unc.  Putt..  Oct.  21,  '01.  (345) 

Bds..  unc,  Putt.,  July  30,  '02.  U&2> 

Gazette.  Lond.,  1S22-28.  Platos  by 
Aiken  and  Cruikshank,  some  col- 
ored.   13  A'ols.,  8vo. 

Hf.  cf..  Hall,  May  18.  '87.  (327)  £Ut 

Hf.  bd.,  unc.  Soth.,  Aug.  13.  '88.  (251(J) 
£15  108. 

Hf.  cf.,  m.e.,  Cox,  Feb.,  '91.   (8)    £40. 

Hf.  cf..  unc,  Toovey.  Mar.,  '94.  (24) 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e.,  Whitchurch.  Dec,  '94. 
(S30)    £26. 

Mor.,  unc,  Soth.,  Apr.  22,  '95.  (1037) 

Hf.  cf..  Christie,  Dec  18.  '95.  (29)   £30. 

Hf.  pigskin,  Soth.,  June  18,  '96.  (1207) 
£13  10b. 

Hf.  cf..  Soth.,  Feb.  22.  '97.     (569)   £31. 

Cf..  g.e.,  Blyth.  Mar..  '01.     (7)   £54. 

Hf.  cf.,  unc,  Soth.,  July  11.  '02.  (2) 

Cf.,  g.e.,  Putt..  Nov.  28,  '02.     (8)   £48. 

Hf.  cf..  Putt.,  Mar.  12,  '03.  (517)   £35. 

Hf.  cf.,  unc,  Putt,.  July  30.  '02.  (28) 

Cf,.  g.e..  Soth..  July  28,  '03.  (507) 

Mor.,  unc  (some  extra  plates),  Chris- 
tie, Dec  18,  '01.      (151)    £82. 

Mor.,  g.t.,  unc  (including  the  numher 
for  June.  1828;  a  few  leaves  Inlaid, 
ami  4G  extra  plates,  plain  and  col- 
ored, inserted).  Soth.,  May  18,  '03. 
<1?>)    £70. 

Colored  plates.  I^nd.,  [1830].  2 
pans,  12mo. 

do  1   vol.,  orlg.  covers  bound  In),  cf.. 



Annals — Continued. 

g.t.,  unc,  McKee,  Jan.,  '01.     (1302) 


Of  the  Faith.    Vols.  2-r,.     Loud.,  18-11- 

45.     5  vols.,  8vo. 
CL,  Murphy,  Mar.,  'M.     (84)   15.50. 
Artnales  de    la   Propagation  de   la 

Pol.     r.yona,  v.d.    Svo. 
1842-53,  25  vols.,  hf.  cf..  Murphy,  Mar., 

•88.     (82)   $27.50. 
ANNE     (QUEEN).      Glory    of     H.    S. 

Majesty,  Q,  Anne,  in  the  Royal  Navy. 

and  her  absolute  Soveroignty  as  Em- 
press of  the  Sea  Asserted.     Lond.. 

1703-     4to. 
Mor.,   g.e.    (said   to   he  thick  paper  J, 

Stewart,  Mar..  '88.     (12)    £2  98. 

etc.    See  Stamp  Act. 


ary.     I^nd.,    1S17'37.     21   vols.,   Svo. 
Hf.  bd.,  Stone,  Nov..  '91.     (U)  £1  4s. 
Cf.,  m.e.,  Hope,  Apr.,  '96.     (27)   £2  12s. 

ANNUAL     REGISTER.       Lond..     v.d. 

1758-1899,  144  vols.,  cf.  and  cL,  Bangs, 

Sept.  IS.  '01.     (2C)   150.40. 
1758-1S99   (lacking  1878),  142  vols.,  cf. 

and  cl..  Hodgson,  Jan.  16,  '01.  (909) 

1758-1897.    with    indexes    to    1819,    144 

vols.,  cf.  and  cU  Soth.,  July  23,  '01. 

(675)    £21. 
1758-1896.    141    vols..   hL   hd.   and   cl., 

Hodgson.      Jan.      11,      1900.      (523) 

£11  16b. 
17BS-1895   (lacking  1886),   with   index, 

139  vols.,  hf.  cf..  Soth.,  June  1.  '97. 

(9)    £27. 
1758-1892,    with    Index.   136    vols.,    cf., 

Peel,  June,  1900.    (17)  £26. 
1758-1885.  with  index,  132  vols.,  hf.  cf.. 

Putt.,  Apr.  7,  '92.     (95)    £19. 
1758-1880.   with   indexes,  139  vols.,  cf. 

and  hf.  cf..  Christie,  Julv.  '99.     (3) 

£10  15s. 
1758-1864.  with  Index,  99  vols.,  hf.  nis., 

Libbie.  Dec.  18.  '01.     (820)  $29.70. 
1758-1834,    with    index,    79    vols.,    cf.. 

Bangs,  Nov.  11,  'Ol.     (16)   $35.55. 

ANSON    (GEORGE,   LORD).      Voyage 

round  the  World.    Lond.,  1748.    4to. 

A  n  80  n   ( G. )  — Ctm  t  in  tied. 

Hf.  sheep,  unc,  Soth..  May  5,  '90.     (8) 

£2  28. 
Mor.,  unc,  Ashburton,  Nov.,  1900.  (47* 

£4  168. 

••Large  paper. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Turner,  June,  '88.  (203)   £4. 
Mor..  Hardwicke,    June.  '88.     (41)    £4 

Mor.,  g.e..  Rlgge,  Jan..  '92.     (469)    £2. 

ANSON    (MARGARET).    Merry  Order 

of  St.  Bridget.     York,  1S57.    Svo. 
Hf.   mor.,    unc,    Mlddleton,    Mar.    '99. 

(209i)    $5.25. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.   Bangs,   Feb.   20.    1900. 

(621)   $5. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Bangs,   June    13     "01. 

(197)  16. 

ANSTEY  (C).  New  Bath  Guide,  l^nd.. 

1830.     Plates  by  Cruikshank.     Svo. 
Cf.,    g.e.,    Stewart.    Mar.,    '8S.      (128) 

£4  4s. 
CL.  unc.  Houle.  Dec.  '91.     (419)     £1 


CL,    unc,    Deacon.    Dec.    '92.       (192) 
£  1  3s. 

CL,   unc,   Williams.    May.    '93.      (114) 

Hf.    bd.    (with    plates    in    duplicate). 

Stogden,  May,  '94.     (41)    £1  128. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Bruton.  June,  '97.     (25> 

£3  18s. 
Mor.  (In  2  vols.),  Cox.  Apr,.  '99.     (18) 

Cf.,   g.e.,    Hornby.   Apr.,    1900.      (104) 

CL,    unc,    Bangs.    Apr.    9.    '01.      (236) 

Cl.,  unc.  paper  label,  Bangs,  Oct.  21, 

'01.     (64)   $12,50. 

New  Bat)i  Guide.     Second  edition. 

I^nd.,  1832.     Svo. 
CI.,    unc,    Soth.,    Feb.    14.    '88.      (92 » 

CL,  unc.  Leigh.  Dec,  '89.     <1033)    £1 


CL,  unc,  Jesse,  Mar.,  '90.     (S2)   £138. 
Hf.   rua.,   Anderson,   Apr.   3,   '01.     (7> 

Poetical  Work«.     Lond.,  1808.  4to. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,   Hutchinson,   Feb.,   '92. 

(211    £2. 
Cf.,  unc,  Hibbert.  Apr.,  '02.     (18)    €2 


ANSTIS  (J.).  Register  of  the  Order  of 




An«tis    (J.) — Continued. 

the  Garter.       Lond.,   1724.    2   vols., 


••l>arge  paper. 
Cf..  Putt..  Nov.  9,  'S7.     (1026)   £1  Is. 
Rus..  g.e.,  Aylesford.  Mar..  '88.     (144) 

£2  12s. 
Hf.  cf.,  tmc  Cooper,  Oct..  *9l.     (1360) 

Cf..  Soth.,  Feb.  6.  1900.     (818)    £112b. 
Rus..  g.e..  Fraser,  Apr.,  '01.     (43)    £1 



Examination  pretending  to  mayc- 
tayne  the  Apparrell  prescribed 
against  the  declaration  of  the  mynis- 
ters  of  Loudon.     N.p..   [15CG1.     8vo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Beresford-Hope.  June,  '88. 
(32)    £1  3s, 

(Slightly  soiled).  Makellar.  Nov.,  '98. 
(61)    £118s. 

in  and  near  Boston,  to  that  Case  of 
Conscience,  Whet-her  It  is  Lawful 
for  a  Man  to  Marry  his  Wives  own 
Sister?    Bost.,  1695.    8vo. 

Mor..  Brinley.  Mar.,  '79.     (722)  |13. 

Mor..  Cooke.  Dec.  '83.     (110)  $IG. 

Rojral  Adventurers  of  England. 
Lend..  1667.     4to. 

Hf.  mor..  Brinley.  Mar..  '79.    (157)  %U. 

lor,  the  Doctors,  etc.,  in  the  Unirer- 
sltle  of  Oxford,  to  the  Petition  of  the 
Ministers  desiring  Reformation  of 
Certain  Ceremonies.  Oxford,  1603. 
4  to. 

Vel.,  Makellar.  Nov..  '98.  (980)    £1  lis. 


at  Basile  made,  for  the  defence  of 
the  true  Administration  and  use  of 
the  Lord's  Supper  Trans,  by  Geo. 
Bancrafte.  Lond.,  Day  &  Seres.  1548. 
Cf..  g.e.,  Makellar.  Nov.,  '98.     (54)   £2. 

Man's  Letters,  desiring  his  Frendes 
Judgement  whether  It  is  lawful  for  a 
Christian  Man  to  be  present  at  the 
Popish  Masse,  etc.     N.p..  1557.    Svo. 

Hf.  mor.  (title  backed),  Putt..  Dec. 
19,  '98.     (838)    £1. 

Pamphlet.     See  Cross  (— ). 


hortacyon,  prctendynge  to  avoyde  doctryne,  under  that  colour  to 
maynteyne  the  same,  [About  1548.] 
Unbd.  (the  Inglls  copy),  Soth..  May 
18.  '03,      (11)      £19. 


per  agaiu&t     the     Quakers.     Lond., 
1656.     4to. 
Sewed,  Barger,  May.  '95.     (1S25)  19.75, 

outh  Company.     See  Brunswick,  Me. 

of  the  American  Congress.  See 
LInd  (Jonathan). 

titled  The  Conduct  of  the  Paxton 
Men,  impartially  represented,  Phlla., 
A.  Armbruster.  1764.    Svo. 

Brinley.    Mar.,    'SO,      (3067)    $11. 

Unbd..  Proud,  May,  'Oli.     (574)     JKi. 

of  the  Rebels  in  the  North.  Lond., 
1569.     12mo. 

Mor.  (a  few  letters  cut  from  fore- 
edge).  Corser,  Jul  v.  '70.  (600)  £9 

the  Plymouth  Company.  Bost,  1753. 

Mor.,  g.t,  Cooke,  Dec,  '83.    (2045)  |30. 

molto  delectevole  a  leger,  dove  se 
contiene  como  Rolando  bandito  de 
la  Corte  de  Carlo  in  Saracina  amazo 
Antafor  de  Barosia.  Milan,  151f>. 

Old  cf.,  g.e.,  Fountaine,  June,  '02.  (26) 
£16  10s. 

brary.    Edlnb.,  1867.     24  vols.,  Svo. 

CI.,  Churchill.  Nov..  'S9.     (740)    £4  Is. 

CL,  Niabet,   Jan.,   '93.     (534)    £3. 

CL,  Taylor,  June,  '95.     (183)  »14.40. 

CI..  Makellar,  Nov..  '98.     (50)    £2  14s. 

CI.,  Hodgson,  Oct.  10,  '99.  (689)    £2  2b. 

CI.,   Hunter.    Apr,   '01.     (1730)    |14.40. 

CI.,  Graham,  Apr.,  '01.     (189)  £4. 

C1-,   Cox.   Feb.,   '02.     (100)    |20.40. 

CI.,  Anderson,  Mar.  18,  '02.  (6)  114.40. 

Lascarls.     Florence,   1494.     4to. 

Mor.,  Sunderland,  Dec,  '81.  (361)   £51, 

Mor.,  g.e..  Luard.  Nov..  "91.  (246  J 
£6  7s.  6d. 




Anthotogia   Grscca — Continued. 

Veil.  ("Letter"  In  face.),  Bunbury. 
Dec..  '94.     (278)    i:5ir>8. 

Mon,  g.e.  ("Letter"  in  facs.),  Genna- 
dius,  Mar.,  '95.     (162)    £11  5s. 

Mor.,  Peel,  June.   1900.     (130)    £21. 

Mor.p    g.e.     (lacking    the    "Letter"), 
White,  Apr.,  '02.     (43)    £8. 
••On  vellum. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  by  Roger  Payne  (the  "  Let- 
ter" in  facs.),  Thorold,  Dec.  '84. 
(101)    £122. 

Anthologia     Graeca.      Venice,    Al- 
dus. in03.     8vo. 
Bds..  Hopetcmn,  Feb..  '81».     (39)    £2  2s. 
Leather,    Crawford.   Mar,   '91.      (116) 

lior.,  m.e..  Gennadlus,  Mar.,  '95.    (1G3) 

£2  16?. 
Cf.  (Roya!  Arms  on  front  cover,  back 
gonet,    Soth..    Apr.    12,    '99.     (270) 
£G  15d. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Cox,  Feb.,  '02.     (13)   ?45. 

••On  vellum. 
Mor.,  by  Roger  Payne,  Thorold,  Dec., 
'Si.     (I(i2>    £95. 


1793-91    4  vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.   mor.,    Sullivan,   May.   '90.     (3430) 

£2  4s. 
Bd8„  Bangs.  Dec.  8.  '99.     (17)   f5. 
Hf.  cf..  Soth.,  Jan.  28.  '01.  (394)    £1  8s. 
Of.,    ni.e.,    McKee.    May.    '02.     (4786) 


chester, v.d.     Fol. 

Apr.  16,  1839.  to  Apr.  8,  1841;  also  The 
Anti-Bread  Tax  Circular,  Apr.  21, 
1841.  to  Sept.  26.  1843:  toKether  146 
numbers.  In  2  vols.,  hf.  mor.,  unc. 
Bangs,    Oct.    21.    '01.     (575)    $54. 

No8.  8  and  18,  July  23,  and  Dec.  10. 
1839.  Campbell,  Dec.  18.  '96.  (256) 

Nos.  8  and  18.  Soth..  Apr.  24.  '99. 
(770)    £6. 


cholv.     Lond..  1G61.     4to. 
Mor..  Russell.  June,  '85.     (35)£l&. 

Antidote       against       Melancholy. 

Ix»nd.,  1749.     8vo. 
Cf..  P-e.,  Bliss.  Apr..  "98.     (275)    £]10s. 

ANTIDOTHARIUS      (THE).        I^nd.. 

R,  Wyer,  n.d.    12mo. 
Vel..  EIMb.  Nov..  '85.     (360)    £3  3a. 


azlne.     Lond.,  v.d.     Xvo. 
Vols.  1-10,  1799-1801.  hf.  bd.,  Hailstone, 

Feb..  ■&!.     (37)    £1  2s. 
Vols.  1-8.  hf.  mor..  Bangs.  May  5,  '99. 

(133)  f8. 

ANTI-JACOBIN.     Poetry  of  the  Anti- 

Jacobin.    I>ODd.,  180L    4to. 
Mor.,  unc,  Soth.,  Dec.  5,  '99.     (82)    £4 

Cf.,  unc,  Frasi-r.  Apr.,  '(>].     (44)    £5  59. 


Rochester,  [1S21*].     12mo. 
Paper,  Arnold,  Apr.,  1900.     (607)   $10. 

Magazine.     N.   Y.,  Dana  Ward.   v.d. 
Nos.    1-24.    1828-30,    in    1    vol..    sheep. 
Bangs,  Nov.  22,  1900.     (226)  $6. 

Bay.    Bost..  Prince 

•99.     (2043  >   $6.50. 
5,  '99.     (810)  16. 
Feb..    '01.      (2022) 

5.  '01.     (1087)   $8. 
Nov..    '02.      (2409) 


of  Massachusett.s 

Soc.  1894.  4to. 
Paper,  Pratt,  Apr., 
Paper,  LibbSe,  Dec. 
Hf.    mor.,   Balcom, 

Paper.  Libble,  Dec. 
Paper,    Whltmore, 


Condemned.     See  Welde  (T,). 


leal  Cabinet.     See  Store r  and  Greig. 


Store  r  and  Greig. 

Bibliographer,  Edited  by  E.Walford. 
Vols.  M2  (all  published).  Lond.. 
1882-87.    8vo. 

Soth.,  May  1,  '89.     (350)    £lls. 

Hf.  cf.,  Kelly.  Feb.,  '95.     (1S|   £1  8s. 

Llbbie,  Dec.  10.  '97.     (38)  f7.50. 

Hf,  cf..  Putt.,  Feb.  1,  1900.   (204)   £1  Is. 

by  Grose.  Aatle.  and  others.  l.,ond.. 
1775-84.     4  vols..  4to. 

Cf„  Bangs.  Nov.  25.  '95.    (22)  $12. 

Antiquarian      Repertory.        Lond.. 

1807-9.     4  vols.,  4to. 
Rus.,  Monson.  May.  '89.     (89)    £2  5s, 
Hf.  mor,,   unc,  Bruce.  Apr.,  '92.      (6) 

Cf..  Robinson,  July.  '92.     (215)    £1  Is. 
CL,  Bangs.  Oct.  18,  '99.     (15)  |10.80. 
Hf.  cf..  Daly.  Mar.,  1900.     (87)  |10. 




Antiquarian    Reptriory^<yputinucil. 
Mot.,  Soth..  Dec.  13.   1900.     (634)    £2 


♦•I^arge  paper. 
Rus,,  Lee,  Mar.,  '89.     11222)   £4  68. 
Hf.  mor.  Dillwyn.  Oct..  '93.     (175)    £1 

Mor..  g.e..  Soth.,  Dec.  9,  '95.    (110)   £3 

Hf.  mor.,  Burra.  May.  '97.     (199)    £1 


Cf..  Ashburnham,  June.  '97.     (99 1    £1 

Hf.  cf..  unc,  Soth.,  July  28,  *02.     (266) 

£1  18b. 

London,  Scotland. 
ANTIQUARY  (THE).   Loud..  V.d.,  4to. 
Vols  1-32,  1880-97,  cl.  and  parts,  Soth., 

Mar.  S,  1900.     (953 1    £1  IDs. 
Vols.  1-25,  hf.  mor.,  Dennis,  Dec.,  '92. 

(230)    £2108. 
Vols.  1-25,  hf.  mor..  Smith,  May.  '96. 

(272)    £2  128. 
Vols.   1-15.   hf.  mor.,   Bangs.  Nov,   26, 

1900.     (26>  118.75. 
Volfl.   1-12,   hf.   mor.,   West,  May,   '01. 

(88)  19. 
Vols.  1-8.  hf.   mor.,  Probasco,  Jan.,  '99. 

(31)   112. 

Rafn   (C.  C). 

ANTI-SPANIARD.     See  Arnauld    (A.). 

ANTON  (R.).  Phlloaopher'a  Satyrs. 
lx)nd..  ICIC.     4to. 

Cf.  (title  mended).  Crawford,  Mar., 
•91.     (118)  £2. 

Cf.  (one  leaf  re-margined,  a  few  cor- 
ners mended,  and  text  on  2  leaves 
cut  into).  McKee.  Dec.,  "01.  (2723)  $22. 

Pembroke   (Mary,  Countess  of). 

Llbro  del  Famoslssimo  Emperador 
Marco  Aurelfo,  etc.  Seville.  Juan 
Cromberger,  1532.    Fol. 

Of.,  Blanchard,  May,  '98.     (1173)   $10. 

Golden     Book.      Trans,    by    John 

Bourchier,  Lord  Bemers.  Lond.. 
Berthelet,    ri'>-41.      12mo. 

Cf.  (title  written  on),  Atkinson,  Mar.. 
•96,      (983)    £19s. 

Golden  Soke.     Lond.,  1535.     4to. 

Old  hf.  cf.  (Richard  Farmer's  copy), 
Soth..  Dec.,  4.  '02.     (787)    £21 10s. 

Antoninus   (Marcus  Aurelius) — <('i>ttV4. 

Golden  Book.     Lond..  1542.    4to. 

Bds.  (Herbert  copy),  Wllbraham,  June, 
'9S.     fS(J)    £11  15s. 

Golden  Book.     Lond.,  1546.    8vo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Coleridge,  May,  '96.     (859) 

£3  3s. 
Cf.   (Southey's  copy),  Bangs.  Feb,  16, 

•98.     (680)   $7.50. 
Cf.,  Bangs,  Feb.  20,  1900.     (616)  |12. 
Mor.,  r.e,    (title  mended;.   Soth..   Feb. 

25.  '01.     (324)  £4. 

Golden  Book.    Lond.,  1557.    8vo. 

Cf..  Cosens.  Nov.,  'M.  (2927)  £3 
2s.  6d. 

Golden  Book.    Lond.,  1559.    8vo. 

ttus.,  Ellis,  Nov.,  '85.     (421)    £2  lis. 
Cf..  Maoaiilay.  Mar.,  "96.     (102)    £1  8r. 

Golden  Book.     Lond.,  1S8C.    8vo. 

Rus.,  Borlase.  Feb..  ■S7.     (503)    £1118. 
Vel.,  Ashburnham,  June,  '97.    (104)  £5. 
Cf.,  Tlxall,  Nov.,  '99.     (51)  £5. 
Old  cf.,  g.e.  (UUe  inlaid),  Soth.,  Not. 
17,   '02.      (4)     £2 14  s. 

— — Marcus      Aurellus      Antoninus. 

Lond.,  Humphreys.  1896.     4to- 
Bds.,  unc,  Edelheim,  Mar,  1900.    (1476) 

Bds.,   uac,   Daly.    Mar.,    1900.      (2271) 


ANTONINUS  (SAINT).  Tractatus  de 
Instructione,  seu  dlrectfone  simpli- 
cium  ConfesBorum.  [Mainz,  Schoef- 
fer,  1475.]      (Hain.  11C3.I     4to. 

Mor..  g.e..  Inglis.  June,  19(i0.  (48)  £20 

ANTONIO      (NICOLAS).      Biblfotheca 

Hispana  Vetus    fet    Nova].     .Madrid. 

1783-88.     4  vols.,  fol. 
Hf.     mor..    g.t,     Murphy,    Mar.,     *84. 

(2826)  127. 
Cf..  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (95)  |20. 
Sheop.  Bangs,  May  31.  'm.     (87)   $13. 

•*I..arge  paper. 
Mor..   g.e..   Soth.,  Dec.  17.   1900.      (33) 

£3  ISs. 

ANTROBUS  (B.).  Buds  and  Blossoms 
of  Piety.     Lond..  1691.    8vo. 

Cf..  g.e..  Gaisford.  Apr.,  '90.  (CD  £1 

ANVAR-l-SUHAiLI.     Trans,  by  B.  B. 

Eastwick.     Hartford,  1854.     8vo. 
Cl.,  unc,  Warwick,  Nov.,  '91.     (24)  £1. 
Cl.,  unc.   Putt,   Feb.    14,    '94.       (114) 

£1  fis. 




Anvar-l-SuahaHe — Continued. 
Mor..  g,e.,  Dasem.  Apr.  '95.     (8)     £1 

APIANU8     (P.).      Astronomicum     Cx- 

aareum.   Ingoldsiadt,  1540.    Fol. 
Mor.,  g.e.   (silghUy  stained).  Selilere, 

Feb.,  '87.     (50)   £18  10s. 
Bds.,  Crawford.   Mar,   '91.      (124)    £9 

Cf.,  Hunt,  Nov..  '91.     (124)  tll.50. 
Hf.  cf.,  Apponyl.  Nov.,  '92.     (8f)>    e9  5s. 
Mor.,  g.o.  (Selllere  copy).  Soth.,  June 

15, '97.     (555)  £16. 
Paper  (3  or  4  leaves  defective),  Soth., 

Apr.  24,  '99.     (4CG)    £4  168. 
Pigskin    by    Riviere.    Ellis.    Oct..    '02. 

(150)  £19. 
Hf.  bd.,  Soth.,  Nov.  13,  '02.     (32)  £10. 

Cosmographia.       Landshut,     1524. 

Mor.,  g.L,  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.     (93)  |30. 
Bdfl.     (slightly     wormed),     Hawkins, 

Mar..  '87.     (41)  |18, 
Mor.,    g.e..    Barlow,    Feb.,    "90.     (101) 

Hf.  bd.,  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.     (65)  £6. 
Bds.    (slightly    wormed).    Hunt,   Nov., 

'91.     (123)  121. 
Bds.,  Inglis.  June.  1900.     (49)    £17  10s. 

Cosmographia.     Ingoldstadt,  1529. 

Hf.  cf..  g.e.,  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (102) 


CoBmographia.    Venice,  1533.    8vo. 

Mor.  ex.,  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (103)  »10. 

Coamographta.  Antwerp,  1539.  4to. 

Vel..  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.   (105)   $13. 

Cosmographia.  Antwerp. 1644.  4to. 

V©].,  Bartow,  Feb..  '90.     (106)  $22. 
Hf.  vel..  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.    (107)  |5. 

Cosmographia.  Antwerp,  1545.  4to. 

Mor.,    g.e..    Barlow,    Feb.,    '90.      (108) 

Hf.    vel..    Heywood,    Oct.,    '92.      (986) 

£1  lOs. 

Cosmographia.  Antwerp,  1550.  4to. 

Vel..  unc.  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (Ill)  $5. 
Vel.,  Heywood,    Oct.,    '92.      (987)     £1 

Vel.,  Apponyi.  Nov..  '92.    (SI)    £3  15s. 

Cosmographia.  Antwerp,  1653.  4 to. 

Hf.  mor.,  Angerstoin,  May,  '96.   (1026) 


Cosmographia^     Paris,  1553.     4to. 

Orlg.  vel..  Ellis,  Oct..  '02.     (54)  £3. 

Apianus   (P.) — Continued. 

Cosmographia,  Antwerp,  1574.  4to. 

Vel.,  Soth.,  Jan.  29,  '96.     (98)    £1  6s. 

Cosmographia.      Antwerp.       1575. 

Cf..  m.e.,  Cooke,  Dec..  '83.    (118)  $6.75. 
Cosmographia.        Antwerp.      1581. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Murphy.  Mar.,  '84.     (95) 

-Cosmographia.  Antwerp.  1584.  4to. 

Vel.,  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (115)     $15. 

Hf.  raor..  re..  Brevoorl.  Feb..  '90.  (45) 

Hf.  mor..  Heywood,  Oct.,  '92.  (988) 

Inscriptiones    Sacrosanctae    Vetus- 

tatis.  Ingoldstadt,  15:n.     Fol, 

Eds.  (with  the  map  in  12  spherical 
sections  containing  America,  exe- 
cuted about  1518).  Soth..  Apr.  12, 
■99.     (44)      £200. 

Printed  from  wooden  blocks,  about 
1420.     FoL 

Mor.,  Corser,  July,  *68.     (261)      £445, 

Apocalypsis  Sancti  Johannis.  [The 

4th  impression,  according  to 
Sotheby.l     Fol. 

Leather,  Crawford,  July.  '87.  (511) 

ApocaljpsJs   Jesu    ChHstI    hoc    est 

revelatlone  fatta  a  sancto  giohannl 
evangelista  cum  noiia  expositione 
In  llngue  volgare.  Both  parts.  Ven- 
ice, A.  Paganino,  1515-lG.  Fol. 

Unbd.  (library'  stamp  in  several 
places).  Soth..  Mav  6.  '01.  (924) 

Mor.,  Soth.,  July  17,  '01.     (47)     £36. 

Apocalypsis  of  St.  John  the  Di- 
vine, represented  by  figures  repro- 
duced in  facs.  from  a  MS.  in  the 
Bodleian  Library.  Edited  by  the 
Rev.  H.  O.  Coie.  Lond.,  Roxburghe 
C!ub,  1876.    4to. 

Hf.  mor,  Brabourne,  Mar.,  '91.  (1017) 
£3  15s. 

Hf.  mor.,  Luard.  Nov.,  '91.  (992) 

••On  vellum. 

Beresford,  June, '88.     (177)   £6  58. 

Buccleuch,  Mar..  'S9.     (863)    £9  lOis. 

Galsford,  Apr.,  '90.    (1041)    £6  15s. 

(Plates  in  duplicate),  Atkinson,  Mar., 
•96.     (315)   £7158. 

Soth.,  Nov.  18,  '01.     (461)     £7. 




ruvisB  Regionis.  Antwerp,  15G7.  8vo. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Cooke,  Dec.,  'S3.     (1436)  $8. 

VeL,  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (99}     |C. 

Mor..  g.e..  Crawford,  July,  '&6.  (524) 

lea.     Florence,  1496.     4  to. 

Old  mor.,  tooled.  Putt.,  June  20,  '94. 
(SS6)    £4  17s.  Gfl. 

Oak  boards,  Gennadius,  Mar.,  '95. 
(189)      £9. 

Old  mor,  Soth^  Nov.  27,  '96.     (18)   £5. 

Mor..  g.e..  Nichols.  Apr..  1900.  (308) 
£8  5s. 

White  stamped  kid  (bound  about  1520). 
Both.,  Dec.  17,  1900.     (34)    £C  f.s. 

Mor..  g.e.  (17th  century  Italian  bind- 
ing). White.  Apr.,  '02.     (53)   £20  10s. 

Argonautica.    Venice,  Aldus,  1521. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Cox,  Feb.,  '02.     (34)  |20. 

APOLLONIUS    OF    TYRE.     The    Pat- 

teme      of      Palnefull      Adventures. 

Lond.   [1595],     4 to. 
Of.  (Ulterson  copvj    Corser,   Feb..  '71. 

(10)    £35  10s. 
APOLOGY      FOR      WOMAN       KIND. 

lx>nd.,  1605.     4to. 
Of.,    ex..     Corser.     Aug.,     '69.       (807) 

£15  15s. 

true  ChrlBtlans  Coraiaonly  called 
Brownlsts.     Load.,  1G04.    4  to. 

Cf.  (title  backed,  some  leaves  mend- 
ed).  Deane,   Mar.,   '98.      (459)      |40. 

APPALACHIA.     Dost...  1879,  etc.     Svo. 

Vols,  1-7,  cl.,  IJbbie,  Mar.  28.  1900. 
(71)   17.70. 

Vols.  1-4,  cl.  and  parts,  Libble,  Dec. 
15.  '98.     (SO)     15.20. 

APPAREL,  See  Answer  for  the 
Tyme.  Brief  Discourse.  Cartwright 
(W.),  To  my  Faithful  Brethren, 

on  Behalf  of  the  British  Constitu- 
tion and  the  Subjects  of  the  British 
Empire.    Lond..  1778.    Svo. 

Paper  cover  ("  from  the  author "  on 
UUe).  Putt..  Dec.  11,  '99.  (122)  £1 

granting  and  applying  Stamp  Duties 
In  the  British  Colonies  In  America. 
Lond.,  176G.     Fol. 

Dnbd..  Proud,  May,  '03.     (947)  |13. 

APPEAL     TO     THE     JUSTICE     AND 

InterestJi    of    the    People  of   Great 
Britain  In  the  Present  Disputes  with 
America.      By    an    Old    Member    of 
Parliament.     Lond.,   1775.     Svo. 
Unbd.,    Weeks.    Mar..    '02.      (481)    (8. 

APPENDIX     (THE),    OR    SOME    OB- 

servaiions  on  the  Expediency  of  the 

Petition   of   ihe   Africans   Living   in 

Boston.     Best.    11775].    Svo. 
Paper,  Moore,  May.  '95,     (2235)   |5.50. 
APPERLEY     (C.  J.).       British     Field 

Sports.     Lond.,  1838.    Fol. 
Cl,.  Fisted,  Dec..  '92.     (1087)    ei3s. 
Cl.,    Williams.    May    31,     '93.       (640) 

£1  Gs. 
CL.  Foot,  Jan.,  '94.     (640)    £1  4s. 
^The     Chace,    the     Turf    and     the 

Road-      Lx>nd..    1837.      13    plates    by 

Aiken.     Svo. 
Cl..   unc,   Crawford,   Mar..   '91.      (131) 

£1  10b. 
Cl.,     unc,     Stevens,     Feb.,     '94.     (61) 

Cl.,  unc,  Whitchurch,  Dec.  '94.     (832) 

Cl.,    unc,    Hawkins,    Mar.,    '95.      (13) 

£2  12b. 
Cl.,   unc,    Soth..  Apr.   22.   '95.      (104S) 

Cl.,  unc.  Daubuz.  May,  '95.     (343)    £1 


Cl.,  unc.  Beesley,  Nov.,  '96.  (508)  £1. 
Cl..    unc,    Tompkins.    Dec,    '97.      (6) 

Cf.    (orlg.    covers    bound    in),    Soth., 

Nov.  3,  '98.   (8)    £2  5s. 
Cf.,  unc,  Cox,  Apr.,  '99.     (19)   |8.50. 
Cf..  French.  Apr.,  '01.     (23)     $27, 
The  Horse  and  the  Hound.    Ijond., 

1842.  Plates  by  Aiken.    Svo. 
Cl.,.unc.,   Putt,,    July    30.     '02.       (33) 


The  Horse  and  the  Hound.  Sec- 
ond Edition.  Edlnh.,  1843.  Plates 
by  Aiken.     8vo, 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  French,  Apr.,  '01.  (26) 

Hunting      Reminiscences.      Lond., 

1843.  Plates  and  maps.    Svo. 

CL,  unc.  Hall,  May.  '87.  (395)  £2  2s. 
CL,  unc,  Lee,  June,  'SS.  (5)  £2  12s. 
CL,   unc,   Soth..  Apr.   22,  '95.      (1946) 

£4  10s. 
CL,  unc,  Soth.,  July  14,  '96.     (9)    £4. 
CL,  unc,  Christie,  July   20,  '98.     (53) 





Apperley  (C  J.) — Continued, 

CI.,   unc.   Soth.,  Nov.   3.   '98.   (12)    £4 

Mor.  uac,  Soth..  Jan.  9.  '99.     (441)  £5. 
Hf.  cf.,  m.e.,  Hornby.  Apr..  1900.  (234) 

CU  unc,  Bl>^h,  Mar.,  '01.  (15)  £S8s. 
Mor.,  unc,  French,  Apr..  '01.  (25)  |56. 
CI.,  unc,  Soth.,  Mar.  17,  '02.  (258)  £8. 
CI..  Putt..  Jan.,  '03.  (126)  £3. 
CL,  unc,  Soth..  May,  'ft3.  (17)  £6  10s. 
Life  of  a  Sportsman.     T^ond.,  1842. 

36  colored  plates.    Svo. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.©..  Shuter,  Nov.,  '91.     (14) 

£7  5a. 
Cf.     (4    plates    mounted),    Soth.,   July 

27,   '93.     (1092)      £G. 
CI.,   g.e.     (4   plates    mounted),   Soth., 

Dec.  11.  "93.     (21)   £10  10s. 
CI.,  g.e..  Stogden,  May.  '94.     (11)    £8 

CL,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Nov.  22,  '94.     (8)     £12. 
Hf.    mor.,    g.e..    Alexander,    Mar..    '95. 

(2207)     $21. 
Mor.,    g.e..    Daubuz,    May.    '95.     (341) 

£S12a.  6d. 
CI.,   g.e..   Soth.,  July   14.   '96.      (1287) 

£10 10s. 
CL,    g.e.,    Soth.,    Apr.    25,-  '98.      (810) 

Mor.    (orig.  cover  bound  fn),  Howard, 

June  22.  '98.     (17)     £18. 
Cf.,   g.e,     (4   plates   mounted),  Soth., 

Dec  11,  '99.     <523)    £12  2a.  Cd. 
Hf.  cf..   Christie.   Dec.   19,   '99.      (304) 

CL,   g.e..   Hornby,   Apr.   23,   1900.      (9) 

Mor..  g.e..  Blyth,  Mar..  '01.     (12)    £27 

CL,  unc.  French,  Apr.,  '01.     (24)  |160. 
Mor..  g.e..  Putt..  July  30,  '02.  (32)   £31. 
CL,  g.e.,  Putt.,  Nov.  28.  '02.  (14)    £23. 
Cf..  g.e..  Soth.,  Mar.  16,  '03.     (36)   £23 

Blue  cl..  g.e.,  Soth.,  May  18,  '03.     (16) 

Cl..   g.e..  Christie,   July   8.   '03.      (245) 

Mor..  g.e..  Goodwin.  Oct.,  '03.  (15)  $91. 
Life  of  a  Sportsman.     Fx)nd..  1874. 

Cl.,  Kenyon,  Mar,  '90.     (99)   £1  6s. 
CL.    unc.    Egmont,    June,    '98.      (320) 

£2  14s. 
CL.  unc,  Soth.,  Jan.  9,  '99.     (529)   £3. 
CL,  unc.  Soth.,  Jan.    24,    '99.      (14R) 

£2  8s. 

Apperky  (C.  J.) — Continued. 

CL.  unc,  Christie.  Apr.  9.  1900.    (238) 

£4  10b. 
CL,    unc,    Soth.,    July    14.    '02.      (260) 

£5  15s. 
L!fe  of  John  Mytton.     Loud..  1S35. 

12  colored  plates  by  Aiken.     Svo. 
CL.  Soth.,  July  27.  '^'i.     (1254)    £6  lOs. 
Cf.,   Stogden,    .May,   '94.     (8)    £7. 
Cl.,   Soth.,  Apr.   22,   '96.     (1040)     £10. 
CL.  Soth..  Nov.  20,  '99.     (70)      £18. 
CL.    Hornby,    Apr..    1900.      (385)     £22 

CL.  Blyth,  Mar.,  '01.     (8)    £17. 
Cf.,  Blyth,  Mar..  '01.     (9)   £14. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  French,  Apr.,  '01.     (21)    »67. 
CL.  Soth.,  May  20,  '01.     (1.126)    £30. 
CL,  Soth.,  Nov.  18,  '01.     (809)  £19. 
CL.   unc.    (presentation  copy  to  Dick- 
ens, with  his  bookplate),  Soth..  Mar. 

17,  '02.     (71)  £27. 
Mot.  ex..  Soth.,  July  11,  '02.    (4)    £18 

Mor.  ex..  Putt.,  July  30,  '02.     (29)   £14 

CL,  unc.  PutL,  Nov-  28,  *02.     (9)  £18. 
Life  of  John  Mytton.     l^nd..  1S37. 

18  colored    plates    by    Aiken    and 

Rawlins.    Svo, 
CL.  g.e.,  Mackenzie,  Mar.,  '89.     (1571) 

CL,    g.e.,   Crawford,   Mar.,   '91.      (130) 

£5  12s.Cd. 
Hf.  mor..  Shuter,  Nov..  '91.  (13)    £4  48. 
CL.  Glasse,  July,  '92.     (981)      £5. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (orig.  cloth  cover  bound  In), 

Solh.,  Dec  11,  '93.    (19)    £S5.«?. 
Cf..  g.e..  Toovey,  Mar..  '94.  (36)   £5  5b. 
CL  (some  plates  stained).  Putt..  Feb. 

7.  '95.     (380)    £3  78.  6d. 
CL.  g.e.,  Soth..  July  1.  '95.  (352)    £3  6s- 
Mor.,  g.t.,  unc      (orig.     cloth     cover 

bound  in),   Kurtz,  July.  '9J5.     (334) 

£5  58. 
Cl.,     Angersteln,     May,     •96.      (1202) 

£C  10s. 
Mor..  g.t.   (orig.  cloth  cover  bound  in). 

Cholmondeley.  Feb..  '97.     (487)    £6 

Mor.,  Johnson,  Feb.,    '98.      (1589)     £5 

CL.  Putt.,  July  20,  '98.     (213)   £4  18s. 
CL.   g.e..   Soth..    July    29.    '98.      (313) 

£5  58. 
CL.  g.e..  Clarke,  Mar.,  '99.     (269)    £10 


Cl..    g.e..    Soth,.    July    20.    '99.      (870) 





Apperley  (C.  J.) — Cuntinm^(t. 

CI.,  g.e..   Soth.,   Feb..  6.  1900.      (1442) 

Hf.   cf-.  Anderson,  May  IG.  1900.    (231) 

CL.  g.e.,     Brice,     Mar.,     1900.      (140) 

£11  IDs. 
CL,    g.e.,    Hornby,    Apr.,    1900.    (3S6) 

£9  15s. 
CI.,   g.e..   Blytb,   Mar.,   '01.     (10)     £11 

Mor,  g.e.,  French,  Apr.,  '01.     (22)  |65. 
CK.  g.e..  Soth..  Mar.  17,  '02.     (72)    £9. 
CL.  g.e..  Putt.,  Nov.  2S.  "02.     (10)    £12. 
Hf.  mor,  g.t..  Soth..  July  11.  '02.    (5) 

£6  58. 
Hf.    mor..    Putt.,    July    22,    '03.      (13) 

CL,  g.e..  Goodwin,  Oct.,  '03.     (14)  $35. 

-Life  of  John  Mytton.     I^nd.,  1851. 

18  plates  by  Alkea  and  Rawlins.  8vo. 
CL.   g.e.,   Leigh.  Dec..   '89.     (428)    £3 


CL.    g.e..    Cox.    Feb.,     '91.       (15)      £4 

2s.  Cd. 
CL.     g.e..     Stevens.     Feb..     '94.       (77) 

£3  5b. 
CI.,  g.e..  Soth.,  July  14.  '96.     (10)    £5. 
CL,    g.e..    Soth.,    Mar.    30.    '97.      (243) 

£6  158. 
CL,  g.e..  SUnsfield.  June,  "98.  (400)  £4. 
CL.  Cox,  Apr.,  '99.     (706)    $2G. 
CI.,  g.e..  Both.,  May  8,  '99.     (28)    £5 


a.,  g.  e..  Hodgson,  Oct  28,  '99.  (1052) 

£4  108. 
Hf.  pigskin.  Bangs,  May  28.  1900.  (15) 

CL.  g.e..  BIyth.  Mar.,  '01.     (Ill    £6. 
CL.  g.e..  Quaile.  May.  M)l.     (Cl    .i:(J5s. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e,.  Putt..  July  30,  '02,     (31) 

£6  10s. 
CL   g.e..   Putt.,    Nov.    28.     '02.       (11) 

£6  5s. 
CL.    unc,    Watson.    Apr.,    '03.      (159) 

£6  7s.6d. 

Life  of  John  Mytton.    Lond..  1869. 

18   colored   plates.     8vo. 
CI.,  Murphy,  Apr,,  '91.     (4C)    £1. 
CI.,  Walker.  Mar.,  '93.    (3)    £4  lOs. 
CI.,  Brand,  Mar.,  '94.     (2)      £2. 

Life  of  John   Mytton.  Loud..  1870. 

18   colored  plates.    Svo. 
Cf..  Randall.  Aug..  '87.     (131)    £198. 
CI.,  unc.  Bush,  Apr.,  '9G.     (19)    £15s. 
Hf.  cf-.  m.e.,  Stansfletd,  June,  '98.  (4<il) 

£1  10s. 

Apperley  (C.  J.) — Continued. 

CL,  g.e.,  Stanafleld.  June,   '98.     (402) 

CL,  Anderson.  Oct..  19{tO.     (626)   £2  28. 
CL,    unc,    Soth.,    Jan.    21,    '01.     (9G3) 


Life  of  John  Mytton.    I^nd..  1877. 

IS  colored  plates.    Svo. 
Hf.   cf..    Putt.,     Oct.     18,     '99.       (650) 

CL,    unc,    Soth..    Dec.    18.    '99.      (230) 

CL,   unc,    Hornby.   Apr.,   1900.      (388) 

Hf.    mor.,    Putt,.    Jau.    9,    '02.       (427) 

£1  Is. 
CL.  unc,  Soth..  May  18.  '03.     (18)    £1 


Nimrod'6    Hunting  Tours.      Lond., 

1835.      Svo. 

Hf.  mor.  (portrait  Inserted).  Tomp- 
kins, Dec.  '97.     (5)    £2  ICs. 

CL.  unc,  Soth.,  Jan.  31,  '02.  (546) 
£4  7s.6d. 

Bds.,  unc,  Soth..  .Tuly  2S.  '03.  (504) 
£5  58. 

-Nim rod's    Northern    Tour,     Lond., 

1838.     Svo. 
Cf.,  unc.  I^igh.  Dec,  '89.    (442)   £1  3s. 
CL    (top  of  title  cut  off).  Putt..  Mar. 

22,  1900.     (419)    £19s. 
CL,  unc,  Hodgson,  Feb.  4.  '02.     (216) 

£3  178.Cd. 
CL,  unc.  Ford.  May,  '02.     (402)    £5. 

Remarks  on  the  Condition  of  Hun- 
ters.    l>ond.,  1834.    8vo. 

Bds..  unc.  Cooke.  June.  '92.  (151 

Sporting.       Edited      by      Nlmrod. 

Lond.,  1838.    38  plates.    4to. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Boyd.  July,  '90.  (168)   £2  8s. 
CL.  May,  July,  '91.     (2492)    £168. 
Hf.    mor..    Walker.    Mar.,    '93.      (171) 

CL.  Dlllwyn.  Oct.,  '93.     (189)    £18a. 
CL,  Toovey,  Mar..  '94.     (387)    £1  6a. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Hawley,  July.  '94.     (171) 

£1  28. 
Hf,  mor.,  g.e.,  Montrose,  June,  '95.  (38) 

£1 16a. 
CL,  Soth.,  May  6,  '98.     (25G)   £1 12s. 
Hf.  bd.    g.e.    (a  few  plates  spotted), 

Soth..  Jan.  21,  1900.     (355)    £118s. 
CL,  g.e.,  Blyth,  Mar.,    '01.      (162)     £1 

Sporting    RemlnlBcences.      Ijond., 




Apperley   (C.  J.) — rfttitiuurd. 

1843.     Plates  by  Aiken  and  others. 

OL,   unc,    Putt.,    Nov.    15.    '93.      (481) 

£2  148. 

APPtANUS.  De  BslUs  Civilibus 
Romanorum,  etc..  Interpret©  P.  Can- 
dido.  Venice,  VIndelln  de  Spfra, 
1472.     Fo!. 

Cf..  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.    (133)    £2  28. 

Mor.,  Apponyl.  Nov.,  '92.     (82)   £5  ISs. 

De    Bellis    CivMibus    Romanorum. 

Venice.  B.  Pictor  &  E.  Ratdolt,  1477. 
2  vols.,  4  to. 

Cf.  (In  1  vol.).  Bunbury,  July,  '96. 
{147>  £3198. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (in  1  vol.),  Duke  of  Sus- 
sex's copy),  Aahburnham,  June,  '97. 
(107)   £5  58. 

Vel.  (In  1  vol.  slightly  wormed 
and  blank  leaf  "  aj  "  lacking).  Mor- 
ris, Dec.  '98.     iGU    £4  12s. 

VeL  (In  I  vol.).  Soth..  Feb.  28.  1900. 
(216)   £2  8s. 

Romana      HIstorla.        Scandiano, 

1495.    Fol. 
Cf..   g.e.,   Solh.,   Feb.   28,   1900.     (216) 

£1  68. 
Ct  ex.,  Ubbie,  June  19,  1900.    (41)  |14. 

History     and     Chronicle     of     the 

Roman  Wars.     Ivond.,  1578.    4to. 

Mor.,  Vaughan.  Dec.  'SG.     (184)   £1  9s. 

Cf..  Aahburnham,  June,  '97.  (108) 

Mor.  (a  few  headlines  slightly  cut 
Into).  Soth.,  May  16,  '01.  (14)  £5 

Ministers  Must  be  Fit  for  the  Mas- 
ter's I'se.     Boat.,  1735.    8vo. 

Hf.  mor..  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.     (98)  |5. 

APPLETON  (W.  8,),  Ancestry  of 
Pr|.<?cil)a  Baker.     Camb..  1S70.     Svo. 

CI.,  Llbble,  May  20,  '9S.     (40)   »5. 

CI..  Deane,  Mar..  '98,     (118)     |13. 

CL.  Whitmore.  Nov..  '02.     (56)   $12. 

Monumental     Memorials     of     the 

Appleton  Family.     Best.,  1867.     4to. 

Paper.  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (119)  %1. 

Paper.  Hayes  &  Brown,  Oct.,  1900. 
(51)    15. 

APPLETON.  Appleton 's  American 
Cyclopaedia.  N.  Y..  1883.  16  vols., 

Hf.  mor.  Carruth.  May.  '98.  (45) 

Appleton — Continued. 

Hf.  mor.,  m.e.,  Ubble,  Nov.  1.  "99.  (29) 

Hf.    mor,     {with    Annuals   from    1876- 

1893,  and  Index,  36  vols.).    Blanch- 

ard.  May,  '98.     (52)  |36. 
Sheep    (with  Annuals  from  1876-1894. 

and  Index.   36   vols.).     Averj'.    Oct., 

1900.     (65)    lis. 
Hf.    mor.     (with   Annuals   from    1876- 

1892.   and    Index,   35    vols.*.    Libbfe, 

Jan.  23,  1900.     (55)  |35. 

Cyclopaedia  of  American  Bio- 
graphy. Edited  by  Wilson  and 
Fiske.     N.  Y.,  1887-89.     6  vols.,  Svo. 

Sheep.  Henkels.  Jan.  31.  '98.     (8)  |12. 

CL.  unc.  Pratt.  Apr.,  '99.     (65)     |18. 

CL.  unc,  Bangs,  May  10.  '99.  (26) 

CL.  unc.  Bangs,  Jan.  IS,  1900.  (58) 

Hf.  nis.,  Daly.  Mar..   1900.     (89)    $24. 

CL.  unc.  Avery.  Oct.,  1900.  (67)  $13.50. 

Cyclopaedia  of  American  Biog- 
raphy. Revised  edition,  with  supple- 
ment.    N.   Y.,   1898.      6   vols..  Svo. 

Hf.  mor..  Bangs.  Oct.  26,  '99.  (20) 

Sheep.  Bangs.  May  1,  '01.  (46)  $10.50. 

APULEIUS.         CupEd       and       Psyche. 

Trans,     by     W.     Adlinglon.      i^nd.. 

Vale  Press,  1897. 
CL,  Sidney.  Mar.,  1900.     (197)    £2  2b. 
CL,  Soth.,  May  21,  1900.     (1060)   £2  68. 
CL.  Soth..  Mar.  7.  '01.     (939)    £1  15s. 
CL,  Soth.,  Dec  2.  '01.     (1468)    £1  Ids. 
CL.  Bangs.  Mar.  24.  '02.    (782)    $8. 
CL,  Pelrce.  May.  '03.     (494)  $14. 

^Metamorphosis.       Rome,     Sweyn- 

hejTn  and  Pannartz,  1469.    Fol. 
Mor.,  Sunderland.  Dec.  "81.  (443)  £64. 
Mor.,    g.e.      (Sykes     copy).     Thorold, 

Dec,  '84,     (141)     £43. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.    (first  and  last  two  leaves 

Inlaid).    Wodhull.    Jan..    '86.     (160) 

Mor.,  g.e.    (Sykes-Thorold  copy).  Ives. 

Mar.,  '91.    (17)    $165. 
Vel.     (lacking  the  two  blank  leaves). 

Soth.,  Dec  17.  '92.     (2(]31    £2U  10s. 
Cf.,  ex.    (Wodhull  copy).  Wills,  July, 

'94.     (254)    £13  158. 
Hf.  bd.  (lacking  the  two  blank  leaves). 

Whitchurch,  Dec.    "94.      (227)     £12 

Cf.,  Burra.  May.  '97.     (287)     £40. 





Cf.  ex.  (WodhulKWilla  copy),  Auck- 
land, Nov..  -97.     (831)    £21108. 

Mor.  g.e..  Peel,  June,  1900.    (191)  £32. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Both-.  Dec.  4,  '02.  (684) 

^— AInem  gulden  Eisel.  Augsburg. 
A  Weissenhorn,  1538.  79  woodcuts 
by  Hans  Scbauffelein.    Fol. 

Vel.,  Soth.,  July  17.  '01.     (51  >     £2(J. 

Golden    Ass.      Trans,    by   W.    Ad- 

llngton.     Ix>nd.,  1571.     4to. 
Mor..  Sullivan.  May.  '90.  (372)    £7  10s. 
Mor.,  Morris.  Dec..  '9S.     (67)    £15  10s. 

Golden    Asa.      Trans,    by    W.    Ad- 

lington.     l^nd.,  1639.     4to. 
Cf..  I>elgh.  Dec.  '86.     (131    £2  Ss. 
Cf..  Brice.  July.  '87.     (1024)    £1108. 
Rub.,   g.e..    Prldeaux,   May,    '89.      (79) 

£1  16s. 
Hf.  bd.    (text  cut  Into).  Rule,  Nov.,  95. 

(300)    £lGs. 
Mot.,  g.e.    (title  repaired),  Soth.,  Mar. 

7.  *01.    (45G)   £9  5s. 

.^^Metamorphosis.  Trans,  by  Thomas 
Taylor.     Lond..   1822.     8vo. 

CI.  (with  suppressed  passages), 
Thompson.  May.  '87.     (36)    £1  lis. 

CI.  (with  suppressed  passages,)  Hail- 
stone. Feb.,  '91,     (40)    £1128. 

Bds..  unc.  (with  suppressed  passages), 
Cx>le.  Feb..   '93.     (163)    £1  lis. 

Hf.  mor..  unc.  (with  suppressed  pas- 
sages), Soth.,  Nov.  20.  '99.  (73) 

Hf.  mor.    (with  suppressed  passages). 
Cox.  Feb.,  02.     (103)    |16. 
••I^arpe  paper. 

Mor.  (with  suppressed  passages), 
Frederickson.  Apr.  '86.  (2202)  *9.50. 

Mor.  (with  suppressed  passages). 
Smalley.  July.  '87.     (9)    £2  108. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (with  suppressed  passages). 
Craig.  Mar..  '88.     (169)     £3. 

Mot.,  g.e.  (with  suppressed  passages), 
Turner,  June.  '88.     (92)    £3  7s. 

Mor..  Hartree.  July.  '90.     (37)   £2  98. 

Golden  Ass.    Trans,  by  W.  Adllng- 

ton.    Lond..  1893.    4to. 
♦•Japan  paper. 
Vel.,  unc..  Richmond,  Apr.,  '98.   (59) |9. 
Vel..  oncUbbie.  Feb.  8.  1900.   (23)^30. 

— -43olden  Ass,  Alter'd  to  the  Modern 
Time.  From  the  Italian  of  C.  M. 
Socio.    Lond.,  1708.    2  vols.,  gvo. 

Apuleius — Continued. 

Cf.,  Hopeloim,  Feb.,  '89.     (42)    £1  12s. 

Cf.,  Wood.  Mar.,  '91.     (B28)£l. 

Cf.,   Larking.  Apr.,   '92.      (17)    £138. 

Cf.,  Cox,  Feb.,  '02.    (105)  |6.60. 

New    Metamorphosfs,      From    the 

Italian  of  C.  M.  Socio.     Lond.,  1724. 

Plates  by  Hogarth.    8vo. 
Of..  Hailstone.  Apr..  '91.     (43>    £12s. 
Mor.,   g.e.,   Soth.,  Mar.   20,   '94.     (372) 

£2  28. 
Cf.,  Buckley,  Apr.,  '94.     (89)    £1Cb. 
CI.,  Egniout,  June.  '98.     (18)    £1  10s. 
AQUINAS  (THOMAS).   Confesslonaie. 

Paris,     Stephanum     lehannot     and 

Guillermum   GuerssonI    de   Vlllalon- 

ga,  [1498].    8vo. 
Hf.    cf..    Soth.,    Mar.    10,    '97.      (758) 

£4  6s. 

Continuum    in    Evangetii    S.    Mat- 

theuni.    Rome,  Sweynhehn  and  Pan- 

nartz.  1470.    3  vols.,  fol. 
Cf.    (in    2   vols.,    2    leaves   imperfectjj 

Sunderland.  Dec.    '81.      (454)     £31 

Gloaa      contlnua      super     quatuor 

Evangellstas.       Nuremburg,     Kober- 

ger,  1475.    Fol, 
Wooden    bds.,    covered    with    pigskin, 

Morris.  Dec,,  '98.     (11G7)£6. 
Continuum        in       Evangelia       S. 

Mathaei.  Marcl,  Lucae  et  Johaunis. 

(Essllngen,  C.  Fyner,  n.d.]     Fol. 
Hf.  bd.,  Argj-ll,  June,  1900.     (822)    £2 

Continuum    in    quattour    Evange- 

listas.    Venice.  1482.    Fol. 
Hf.  bd.,  Soth.,  Feb.  27,  '99.     (1889)  £5. 
De    Articulis    Fidel    et     Ecclesiae 

Sacramentis.       I  Mainz.     Gutenberg, 

1460.]     4to. 
Vel.  (Corwln  copy).  Hosnier.  May.  '61, 

(26)  130. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (Corwln-Hosmer  copy).  Men- 

zies,  Nov..  '76.     (74)  |162. 
De  ArticuH  FideJ  et  Ecclesiae  Sac- 
ramentis.    [Cologne,  U.  Zell,  about 

14G7.]      (Hain,  1423.1   Uo. 
Mor.    (arras  of  Gomez  de  Cortina  on 

side).  PutL,  Feb.  13,  '89.     (971)    £1 


Mor.  (the  preceding  copy).  Putt..  Dec. 

17,  '89.     (509)  £15. 
Mor.,    g.e..    Inglla.   June,    1900.      (749) 

£9  10b. 

Sum  ma    Theologiae.      Prima    Pars 




Aquinas    (Thomai) — Continuvd. 

SecundfE    Partis.      Mainz,    Scholffer, 

(H71.)  Fol. 
Hf.  mor..  Menzles,  Nov.,  76.     (75)  t76. 

Summa,     Prima     Pars      Secumise 

Partis.    Venice,  1478.    Pol. 
••On  vellum. 

Wooden  bds.,  covered  with  Btamped 
leather,  Addlngton,  May,  '86.  (B84> 

Summa    Secundae.     [Strasburg.   J. 

Mentelin,  about  146G.]     Fol. 
Rus..  by  Roger  Payne,  WodhuU,  Jan.. 

•86.     (2560)  £37. 
Mor..   g.o..  Putt..  Dec.   17.   '89.      (508) 

£  4  15s. 
Leather,  Bonar,  June,  '90.     (440)    £4 


Summa,  Secunda  Secundae.  Mainz, 

Schoeffer.  1467.    Fol. 

Ct.,  Libble.  Jan.  2,  '96,     (60)  |90. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (Thorold  copy),  White,  Apr., 
'02.     (2162)  £111. 

•♦On  vellum. 

Cf.  (Marlborough  arms  on  sides),  Sun- 
derland, Dec,  "81.     (455)  £131. 

Cf.  (some  margins  cut  close),  Hope- 
toun.  Feb..  '89.     (1228)   £25  lOs. 

Cf.  (some  margins  cut  close),  Putt., 
Dec.  2.  '89.     (1019)  £10. 

Summa,  Secunda  Secundae.  Man- 
tua. Paolo  tie  Puzpach.  [about  1475]. 

Vel.,  Soth.,  Dec.  19,  '01.     (185)  £6. 

Summae  Theologiae     pars     prJm.a. 

[Mainz,    P.    Schoeffer.    1463.]      Fol. 

(Hain,  1439.) 
Bds.,     covered     with     leather,     brass 

clasps    (one  lacking),   Morris,   Dec.. 

98'      (11C3J    £34. 

Summa   Theologiae.      (Padua,]   Al- 

bertuni  *te  Stendael,  1473.     Fol. 
Vel.,  Soth.,  Dec.  19,  *01.     (184)    £5  15s. 

Super  Prtmo  Sententlarum.  Ven- 
ice, Antonlus  de  Strata.  1486.  Fol. 
♦♦On  velhini. 

Mor,  g.e..  White.  Apr..  '02.  (2161) 

Commentaria     in     libro«     periher- 

menias  et  posterlorum  Aristotells, 
etc.  N,  p..  Otinum  Paplensera,  1496, 
(Haln.  1495.)     Fol. 

Hf.  hd..  Soth..  Dec.  19.  '01.  (1H7)  C(3 
2s.  fid. 

De  Veritate  Catolice   Fidel  A.   Er- 

Aquinas    (Thomas) — C'o»tiniif«l. 

rores    GentUium.      Venice,    Jensoo, 

1480.     Sm.  fol. 
Of.,  g.e.  (arms  of  Pius  VI.  on  sides), 

Stanle.v,  June,  "Ol.    (2257)    £K  los. 
Cf.    (rehacked,   slightly   wormed).   Me- 

Kee,  May.  02.     (4787)  tl2. 

Postilla  fratris  Thome  de   Aquino 

In  Job  feliciter  incipir.  [Esslingen.l 
Conrad  Fynor.  1474.     Fol 

Mor.,  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  1900.  (1097)  £C 

ARABIAN  NIGHTS.    Trans,  by  Sir  R. 

F.   Burton.     Benares    [Ix)nd.].   1885. 

10  vols..  8vo. 
CI.,  Cosier,  June,  '87.     (214)  £23. 
CI..  Sykes,  July.  '98.     (456)  £18. 
CI.,  Putt.,  Aug.  8,  '89.     (893)  £17. 
CI.,  Hill,  Dec.  '92.     (201)    £20  10s. 
CI.,  Foster,  June.  '94.     (838)  £22. 
CI.,  Dasent,  Apr.,  '95.     (10)  £21. 
CI.,  Ashburnham.  June,  '97.    (116)  £21. 
CK,  Soth.,  June  27.  '98.     (159)   £19  10s. 
CL.  Soth..  May  8.  '99.    (33)    £23. 

Arabian  Nights.     Trans,  by  R.   F. 

Burton.  10  vols.  With  Supplemen- 
tal Nights.  6  vols.  Benares  [Lend.], 
1SS.^-S8.     TosHthpr  IC  vol.s..  Svo. 

Cf..  Putt..  Oct.  15.  '95.     (862)    £25  58. 

CL,  Putt..  Jan.  29,  '97.     (152)  £29. 

CI.,  Burra.  May,  '97.     (1034)  £27. 

VI.,  Soth.,  Dec.  13.  '97.     (187)  £28. 

Mor.,  unc.  (orig.  covers  bound  In), 
Howard,  June,  '98.     (50)  £45. 

CI.,  Soth.,  July  29.  '98.     (316)    £27  10b. 

CI.,  Pratt,  Apr.,  '99.     (59)   |226. 

Cl„  Daly.  Mar..  1900.     (91)  1192. 

CI.,  Soth.,  May  21,  1900.  (574>   £31  10a. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Bruce,  Dec..  1900.  (404) 
£50  8s. 

CI.,  Bangs,  Apr.  9,  '01.     (187)  $180. 

CI..  Hodgson.  Oct.  29.  '01.  <47S)  £33 

CI.,  Soth..  Nov.  IS,  '01.     (677)    £34  10s. 

CI.,   Soth.,  Dec.  4.   '02.      (58)     £27  108, 

CI.,  Putt,  Jan.  15.  '03.     (147)    £31  10s, 

CL,  Anderson,  Apr.  27,  '03.    (100)  |192. 

Supplementail     Night*.       Benares, 

1886-88.     6  vols.,  Svo. 
CI.,  Putt.,  Dec.  2.  "89.     (517>    £4  lOs. 
C!.,  Johnson,  Feb.,  '98.     (444)    £9  lOs, 
CL,  Bangs,  May  3,  '99.     (12)  130.75. 
CI.,  Hornby,  Apr..  1900.     (62)    £8. 
CL,  Putt.,  Apr.  26,  1900.    -(546)    £7  78. 
CL,  Hodgson.  Apr.  30.  '02.     (265)    £7 



Arabian    Nights — C'tntiiiurtl, 

Arabian   NiflhtB.     Trans,  by  R.  F. 

Burton.   Editetl    by    L.   C.   Smithers. 

Ixind.,  1894-97.    12  vols..  8vo. 
CI..  Soth..  Oct  24.  '98.     (187)   £5  lt)B. 
CJ..  Soth..  Dec.  17.  '98.     <3.5»)    £3  Ifis. 
CJ„  Hodgson.  Oct.  10.   '99.     (999)    £5 

78. 6d. 
Ct,  ClWe.  Jan..  1900.     (11)  $21. 
CK,  NJchola.  Apr.,  1900.     (20)    £4  8s. 
Cl^  Soth..  Apr.  9.  1900.     (1223)  £4. 
C1-,  Bangs.  June  7,  1900.     (19)  $39. 
C1-,    Hodgson.    Oct.    9.    1900.       (39&) 

CL.  Bangs,  Mar.  7.  '01.     (380)  $22.50. 
CU  Bangs,  May  23.  '01.     (42)  $51. 
CU  Soth..  July  14.  '02.     (182)    £4  18s. 
CI..  Both.,  July  28,  *02.    (620)   £3  lis. 
CI..  Bangs.  Mar.  13,  '03.    (7)  $30. 
CI.,  ChrlsUe.  July  8,  '03.    (224)   £4  12s. 


••Japan  paper. 
CI..  Hodgson.  Feb.  19,  '02.     (419)  £6. 
Arabian   Nights.     Trans,  by  R.  F. 

Burton.      Denver,    for    the    Burton 

See.,  18994901.    Ifi  vols..  8vo. 
CI..  Bangs.  Nov.  IB.   01.     (11)  |64. 
CI.,  Hodgson.  Mar.  12.  '02.     (604)  £18. 
CU  Bangs.  June  5,  '02.     (IG)  $.^G. 
CI..  Hodgson.  Oct.  22,  '02.     (93)    £15 

CL.  Hopkins.  May.  "03.     (99)  $61.20. 
Arabian    Nights.      Lady    Burton's 

Edition,  edited  by  J.  H.  McCarthy. 

Lend..  188C.    6  vols..  8vo. 
CI.,  Ixivell.  Apr..  -90.     (70)    £2  17a.  6d. 
CU  Rose.  June.  '91.     (59)  £3. 
CI.,  Putt..  June  16.  '98.     (420)   £1  Is. 
CL.  Bangs,  Apr.  3,  '99.    (IK   $11.40. 
CL,  Soth.,  Dec.  5,  '99.     (539)    £15s. 
CI.,  Daly.  Mar..  1900.     (92>  $21. 
CL.  Hornby.  .Tan..  "02.     (518)    £2  48. 
CL.  Soth..  June  10,  "03.    (6)£11C8. 
Arabian    Nights.      Trans,    by    E. 

Forster.    l^nd..  1802.   5  vols,,  8vo. 
Cf.,  Wells.  May.  '90.     (7)    £1  Is. 
Mot.,  g-e,.  Waller,  Dec.  1900.     (5)    £4 


♦•Lar^e  paper. 
or.,  m.e..  Thornhlil.  Apr.,  '89.     (3)    £4 

Cf..  iB.e.,   Bangs,  Nov.  29.   '97.     (25) 

Mor.,  g.e..   Soth..  Dec.   17.   '97.     (208) 

£7  58. 

••Largest  paper. 
Mor..    g.e.,    Monson.    May.    '89.      (90) 


Arabian   Nights — ('•nttiuurtl, 

Rus.,    g.e..    Walker,    Mar..    '93.     (172) 

£  3  ISs. 
Mor..  g.e..  Williams.  May,  "93.    (240)  £6. 
Of.,   g.e..   Bangs.    Mar.    5.   1900.      (14) 

Mor,.   g.e..   Soth..   July   25.   '99,      (303) 

£7  5a. 

Arabian  Nights.  Trans,  by  For- 
ster.    Ivond.,  ISIO.    G  vols.,  8vo. 

Of..  Crauford,  Mar,  '92.     (229)  £1. 

Cf..  DltchQeld.  Apr..  '93.  (1270)  £1  38. 
••Large  paper. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Nieuwenhuys,  Feb.,  '93.  (2) 
£4  10s. 

Arabian  Nights.    Trans,  by  E.  W. 

Lane.  Lond..  1839-41.  3  vols,,  8vo. 
Parts,  PuUan,  Apr..  '89.  (002)  £3  12s. 
01.,  unc.  Jesse,  Mar.,  '90.  (8)  £2  198. 
CI.,  unc.  Soth.,  May  4,  '91.     (349)    £3 

CI.,  unc.  Juvenal.  Apr..  '95.    (7)  $13.50. 
CI.,  unc.  Shaw.  Feb., '97.     (12)   £1  lis. 
CL,    unc.    Bangs,   Nov.    29.   '97.      (26) 

CL,  unc,  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  '97.     (10)    £1 

Parta,  Bangs,  Feb.  3,  '98.     (108)  $21.45. 
Hf.    mor..    m,e„    Soth..    Apr    4,    1900, 

CL.    g.e..    Soth.,    Feb.    25,     '01.      (212) 

£2  10s. 
CL,   unc.   Bangs,   Mar.    19,   "02.     (34) 

Mor.  g.e..  Hlbbert,  Apr.  '02.    (22)  £10. 
CL.  unc,  McKee,  May.  *02.     (4788)  $9. 
CL,  unc,  Anderson.  Apr.  16,  '03.     (13) 

Arabfan  Nights.     Trans,  by  E.  W. 

i^iie.     Ixtnd.,    1S59.     3  vols,.  8vo. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Stewart,  Apr,  'i<8.     (26)   £2 

Hf.  mor..  unc.  Walker.  June,  '91.     (3) 

£1  2s, 
Cf.,  m.e.,  Garrett,  Mar.  '94.     (8»    £1 

Cf..    m.e.    Soth..    July    1,    '95.      (254) 

Cf..  m.e.,  Bangs,  Oct.  14,  '97.     (17)  $12. 
Cf.,    m.e..    Bangs.    Jan.    22,    '01.      (41) 

Arabian  Nights.     Trans,  by  E.  W. 

Lane.    LoncL,  1865.    2  vols.,  8vo. 
Cf.,  m.e.,  Soth..  Dec.  22,  '98.     (11)    £1 

Cf.,    m.e..    Hornby.    Apr.    1900.      (10) 

£1  6s. 




Arabian  Nights — Cotttitturd. 

Cf.,  Lincoln.  Oct..  '01.     (766)    |6.75. 

Cf..  m.e..  Cox.  Feb..  "02.     (IOC)   *6. 

AHf  Lalla,  or  Book  of  the  Thou- 
sand and  One  NlgbtB.  Edited  by  W. 
H.  Macuaghten.  Calcutta.  1839-42. 
4  vols.,  8vo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Craig.  Mar..  '88.  <V4)  £2 

Hf.  l)d.,  Baugh,  Mar.,  '97.    (141)   £2  48. 

Arabian   iSfightt.     Trans,   by  John 

Payne.  Lond.,  Villon  Soc,  1882-84. 
9  vols.,  8vo. 

Vel..  Hodgson.  May  4.  '87.  (668) 
£14  10a. 

Vel..   Wood.    Oct.,   '89.      (483)     £12. 

Vel..  Nlsbet,  Jan..  '93.     (758)   £7  15a. 

Vel..  Hodgson,  Apr.  2.  '94.     (530)    £8. 

Vel.,  Sliaw,  Feb..  '97.     (4£)t>)    £9  5s. 

Vel..  Clarke.  Mar..  "99.     (482)    £7  158. 

Vel..  Soth..  July  3.  '99.     (326)   £7  10s. 

Vel..  Sidney,  Mar.,  1900.     (217)   £9  9a. 

Vel..  Soth..  Dec.  3.  1900.  (1494)  £7 
17a.  Cd. 

Vel.,  Hornby,  Jan.,  '02.     (519)    £8  15a. 

Ve].,  Bangs.  Apr.  28,  '02.     (11)   |36. 

Vel.,  Hodgson.  Apr.  30.  '02.  (77)  £9 

Vel.,  Christie.  June  18,  '02.     (11)    £8. 

Arabian   Nights.     Trans,  by  John 

Payne.  Printed  lor  Subscribers 
[New  York,  Worthlngton],  1884.  9 
vols..  8vo. 

Vel.,  Junor.  Nov.,  '98.     (16)   121.38. 

Vel..  Ancker.  Nov..  '97.     (420)   |29.2B. 

Vel.,  Bangs.  Nov.  23,  *99.     (291)  |27- 

VeL,  Blanchard,  May.  '98.     (54)  ♦28.12. 

Vel..  Bangs,  May  11,  '98.     (30)   $30.15. 

Arabian     Ntghts,    9    vols.      With 

Tales  from  the  Arabic.  3  vols. 
Trans,  by  John  Payne.  Load.,  Vil- 
lon Soc.  1882-84.  Together  12  vols., 

Vel..  Mackenzie,  Mar..   '89.     (40)  £14. 

Vel.,  Kenvon,  Mar.,  '90.   (220)    £16. 

Vel..  Hailstone,  Feb..  '91.  (41)  £12  2s. 

Vel..  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.     (148)  £14- 

Vel..  l^wrence.  Dec.,  '92.     (7)  £S, 

VeL.  Mead.  Apr.,  '95.     (20)  |57. 

Vel.,  Taylor,  June,  '95.     (1653)  |S2.80. 

Vet.,  Christie,  Feb.  21.  '99.  (7)  £12  10s. 

Vel.    Bruce,  Dec.,  1900.     (1406)  £11. 

Vel.'  Pull.,  Dec.  12.  '01.     (142)   £11  Ss. 

Arabian     Nighta,    9    vols.      With 

Tales  from  the  Arabic.  3  Yols. 
Lond.,   Printed  for  Subscribers    [N. 

Arabian  NSghts — Cuntinuvd. 

Y..    Worlhington].    1884.      Together 

12  vols..  8vo, 
Vel.,  Anderson.  Oct.  25.  1900.    (17)  J24- 
Vel.,  Henkels.  Feb.  6.  '01.   (202)  $31.20. 
Vel.,  Bangs.  Jan.  16,  '02.     (18)  $33. 

Arabian    Nights,    9    vols.      Tales 

from  the  Arabic,  i  vols.,  and  Alaed- 
din  and  the  Enchanted  Lamp.  1  vol. 
Trans,  by  John  Payne.  Lond.,  Vil- 
lon Soc,  18821 889.  Together  13 
vols.,  8vo. 

Vel.,  King,  Dec,  '90.     (12)  £12. 

Vel.,  Hutchinson.  Feb.,  '92.     (24)    £11 


Vel.,  Wrtgley.  Nov..  '92.    (4)    £8  15a. 
Vel.,  Putt.,  June  6.  '93.     (299)   £10  10s. 
Vel..  Toovey.  Feb.,  '94.    (59)   £12  58. 
Vel..  Morris,  Dec,  '98.     (13)    £10  15s. 
Mor.,  Soth..  Mar.  23,  '99.     (13)  £16. 
Vel..  Bangs.  Apr.  16.  1900.     (34)  $65. 
Mor.,  unc,  Bruce,  Dec,  1900.     (132) 
£21 10s. 

Arabian  Nights,  9  vols.  Tales  from 

the  Arabic,  3  vols.,  and  Alaeddia  j 
and  the  Enchanted  Lamp,  1  vol. 
Trans,  by  John  Payne.  I>ond., 
Printed  for  Subscribers  [N.  Y-, 
WorJiingtonL  1884.  Together,  It 
vols.,  8vo. 

Vel.,  Lihbie.  Jan.  18,  '99.     (33)  $45.50. 

Vel.,  Richmond.  Mar.  20.  *99.  (203)  $52. 

Vel.,  Richmond,  May,  '99.  (477)  $42.25. 

Vel..  Richmond.  May.  '99.  (7KJ)  $27.95. 

Vel.,    Bangs.    Jan.     15.     1900.       (419) 

Vel.,  Bangs,  Dec  10,  1900.    (41)  $45.50. 

Arabian  Nights.     Trans,  by  Jona- 
than Scott.     Lond.,  1811.  6  vols.,  8vo. 

Mor..  g.e..  Day,  May,  '88.  (295)   £2  14s. 

Cf..  m.e..  Pollock.  Jan..  '89.     (45)    £1 

Mor.,  m.e..  Christie,  Dec  6,  '9Z.     (7) 
£1  Gs. 

Cf..  m.e..  Asbburton,  Nov.,  1900.     (51) 
£2  6s. 

Cf.,  Edwardes,  May,  '01.     (7)  £4 
••Large  paper. 

Mor..  g.e..  Craig.  June.  '87.  (SO)  £1 19a. 

Arabian     Nights.      Trans     by    J. 

Scotl.     Lond..  18R3.     4  voIr..  8vo. 
•♦Large  paper. 
CI.,  Moss,  June,  '87.     (259)    £18a. 
CL,  Hodgson.  Apr.   17,  '88.     (137)    £1 

CI..  Turner.  Dec.  '93.     (14)   £  I  2s.    " 




Arabian  Night*— Continutut. 

Mor.  ex..  unc,  Soth.,  Dec.  17.  '97.    (11) 

£2  118. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  by  R&mage.  Stansfield, 

June.  *98.     (13)    £3  78, 
CL,  Bangs,  June  7,  1900.     (20)  $13.60. 

See  also  Alaeddin;  Tales  from  the 

ARATUS.     Phaenomena  cym  Commen- 
larllB.   et   Procll    Sphsera.    Venice, 
Aldus.  1499.     Fol. 

Vel..  Morris,  Dec.  '98.     (129)    £3. 

ARAVJO  (JUAN  M.  DE).  Manual  de 
les  Santos  Sacramentos  en  el  Idlo- 
ma  de  Michuacan.  Mexico,  1690. 

Hf.  bd..  Fischer,  June.  '69.  (106) 
£7  178.6d. 

VeL  (some  leaves  wormed),  Soth.,  Nov. 
5.  •96.     (6)    £4  168. 

ARBER     (E.).      An     English     Garner. 

Birmingham,  1877-83.    7  vols.,  8vo. 
C1-,  Thompson.  May,  '87.     (4())    £14s. 
CI..  Nash,  Jan.,  '88.     (1289)   £1  148. 
Mor..   g.t..   Coleridge,    May.   'SG.    (228) 

£3  178. 6d. 
CL,  Smith.  May,  '01.     (12)   £ll8. 
Hf.  of-,  Bools,  June,  '03.     (65)    £1 178. 

English   Reprints.    Lond.,  1869-71. 

30   vols.,   4to. 

••Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Bowker.  Dec,  '88.  (172) 

£4  7s.  Gd. 
Hf.   mor.   ex.,  unc.   Streatfeild,    June. 

'89.     (494)   £3  58. 
Paper.   Turner.  June,   '88.     (237)    £3 

Paper.  I>elgh.  Dec.  '89.     (260)    £2. 
Paper,  Benbow,  Nov.,  '89.  (671)    £2  83. 
Paper,  King.  Dec.  '90.     (14)   £2  12s. 
Hf.    mor.   unc.    Bangs,    Jan.    30,    '96. 

(13)  J49.50, 
Vei.,  Coleridge,  May,  'SG.     (22G)    £6  5s. 
Hf.   mor.,  unc,   Hayes,  Apr.   '98.    (40) 

Rns.   (in  9  vols.),  Soth.,  July  10,  '03. 

(279)    £4  8s. 

First    Three     English     Sooks    on 

America.     Birmingham,  1885.     4to. 
Ht  mor..  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.     (836)  $6. 
Williams.  May.  '92.     (149)    £l4s, 

••Large  paper. 
Mor.,  Randall.  Aug..  '87.     (1322)    £3. 
CL.  Bangs.  Nov.  27.  '99.     (9)  |5.63. 
CL,  Bangs.  Apr.  27.  1900.     (1)  |8. 
^Transcript  of  the  Registers  of  the 

A  rbe  r  ( E. )  — Con  tinueiJ. 

Company  of  Stationers  of  London. 

Lond..  1875-94.     5  vols.,  4to. 
CL,   unc,   Coleridge,   May,   '96.     (227) 

£8  7a.6d. 
CL,  unc,  HlUier,  Nov.,  "97.  (648)   £9. 
CL,  unc.  Hodgson,  Dec.  4,  '01.     (575) 

£9  17a.  6d. 
Unc.  Soth.,  Dec.  3.  1900.     (32G)   £9  53. 
CL,  unc    (Vols.  1-4  only),  Soth.,  May 

&,  '99.     (223)    £3  18b. 

••Large  paper. 
CL,    unc,    Soth.,   Apr.    22.    '95.    (1181) 

£10  15s. 
CL,  unc.  Battle  Abbey,  June,  '02.  (214) 

£8  158. 


lltey  et  V^irius  Proprietez  des  Herbes 
Arbres  Gomes  et  Semeces.  [Lyona* 
M.  Husz.  about  I'lSS.]     Fol. 

Mor..  g.e.  (some  leaves  mended), 
Soth.,  Mar.  21,  '98.     (642)    £86. 

Mor..  g.e.  (large  woodcut  defective  at 
top  corner  and  backed,  some  leaves 
torn  and  mended).  Soth.,  May  21, 
1900.     (511)    £49. 

(R.  C).  Official  Account  of  the 
Trial  and  Execution  of.  N.p.,  1825. 
12  mo. 

Sewed,  Alexander,  Mar.,  '95.     (62)  $20. 

(With  2  other  pamphlets),  Arnold. 
Apr.,  1900.     (27A)   $9. 

ARCE  (JUAN  DIOS  DE.).  Llbro  de! 
Proximo  Evangellco  Exemplificado 
en  la  Vlda  de  Bernardino  Alvarez. 
Mexico,   1651.     4to. 

VeL,  Bariow,  Feb.,  '90.     (59)  |7.50. 

ARCH>EOLOGIA.  Pub.  by  the  Soc 
of  Antiquaries.     L*ond.,  v.d.     4to. 

Vols.  1-57,  1S04-1900,  Index  to  Vols. 
1-50.  dup.  Index  to  Vols.  1-33.  44 
vols.,  hf,  cf.  and  cL,  Putt.,  Apr.  14, 
•02.     (164)    £25108. 

Vols.  l-5a  (lacking  Vols.  45-48  and  54). 
with  Index  to  Vols.  1-50,  M.  cf.  and 
cL.    Watson,    Nov.,    "01.      (267)     £28 


Vols.    1-45.   Graham.   Apr.,   '01.      (117) 

Vols.  1-36  (lacking  Part  1  of  Vol.  32), 

with  Index  to  Vols.  1-15,  hf.  rus.  and 

cl.,  Soth.,  Feb.  20,  '01.     (IG7)    £14. 
Vol.  41,  Part  2,  to  Vol.  52,  Part  1.  and 

Index  to  Vols.  1-60,  Soth.,  Mar.  11, 

•99.     (76)    £7. 
Vols.  28-55    (lacking  Vols.  46-49,  Part 




Archaeorogia — Continued. 

1),    with    Index    to    Vols.    1-50.    cl.. 
Putt.,  Feb.  15,  '99.     (240)    £12  15s. 

by  the  Soc.  or  Antiquaries  of  New- 
castle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle-upon- 
Tyne,  v.d.    8vo. 

1822-90;  let  series,  4  vols,  and  New 
aeries.  Vols.  1-13  and  parts  36-37. 
together  17  vols.,  hf.  cf,  and  2 
parts.  Soth.,  Feb.  15,  1900.  (C61) 

New  series,  Vols.  1-22,  hf.  cf.  and 
parts,  Solh.,  Dec.  17,  '01.     (2S7)    £8. 


Lond.,  v.d.     FoL 
1847-1900  (lacking  1859.  1S74  and  1885). 

hf.  cf.,  cl.  and  parts,  Soth..  Dec.  17, 

■01.     (288)    £20. 
1846-97,    Supplement    to    1850.    Index, 

Series  1-4,  cl.  and  parts.  Soth.,  Nov. 

18,  '01.     (5)    £26  10s. 
1846-90.  with  2  suppiementa,  together 

47  vols.,  hf.  cf..  cl.  and  parts.  Carr- 

wrigbt,  Mar..  '92.     (202)    £18. 
1846-90,  with .  2  supplements,  together 

47  vols..  Hey  wood.  Oct.,  '92.   (1220) 


v.d.    Fol. 
Vols.  1-24,    1858-1900.    cl..    Soth..    Dec. 

17.  '01.     (289)   £6  15a. 
Vols.  1-2S.  cl..    Twopenny.     May,     '02. 

(33)    £8  IBs. 
Vols.  1-21.  cl.,    Bateman,      June.      "96. 

(585)    £6  Us. 
Vols.  1-17.  cl.,    Hodgson,    Nov.    G.    *01. 

(553)    £5  5s. 
Vols.  1-17,  cl..  Soth..  Nov.  18,  '01.     (fit 

£6  68. 
tions of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries 

of  Scotland.     Edinb.,  v.d.     4 to. 
Vols.  1-4  and  Vol.  5.  Part  1.  1792-1874, 

5  vols.,  cl..   Craig,   Mar.,  '88.   (175) 

Vols.  1-4  and  Vol.  5.  Part  1,  5  vols.,  hf. 

cf.  and  o!..  Stewart.  Apr.,  '88.     (220) 

£4  10s. 
Vols.  1-4.  4  vols.,  hf-  bd.,  Clarke.  July, 

'95.     (2C5)    £:{38. 

Proceedings.        Vols.    1-8.        Ix>nd., 

1846-52.     8  vols..  8vo. 
Watson.  .Jan..  'S8.     (77)    £1  IGs. 
Malahlde.  June,  '90.     (17)    £1 16s. 
Calvert.  Nov.,  '96.     (45)    £2  8b. 


I^nd.,  v.d.     8vo- 
1846-72,  29  vols.,  cf..  Putt,  Apr.  17,  '01. 

(1671   £2  168. 
1845-71.   28   vols.,  hf.  mor..  g.t..   Soth.. 

Nov.  18,  *tll.    (8)    £4  8s. 
1845-70,   2G   vols.,    Soth..   Oct.    30.    '99. 

(282)    £2  3s. 

prints of  English  Prose  and  Poetrj-. 
Edited  by  Brydges  and  Park.  Ixind.. 
1814-15.    5  vols,,  4to. 

Rus..  Rogers,  Jan..  '88.     (18)    |28.7r,. 

Hf.  mor..  unc,  Marshall,  June.  '90. 
(206)   £4  158. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Coleridge,  May,  '96.  (230) 
£4  158. 

Cf..  m.e..  Soth.,  Dec.  3.  190(>.  ilfi>  t;2 

Mor..  g.e.,  Edwardes.  May.  '01.  (69) 
£6  15s. 

ARCHDALE  <JOHN).  New  Descrip- 
tion of  Carolina.     Lend..   1707.     4to. 

Mor.,  Griswold,  Mar.,  '76.     (983)   $46. 

Cf..  Stevens.  July.  '86.     (14)    £2  58.  ■ 

Cf..  g.e..  Craig,  Mar..  *88.     (178>£lSs.       ■ 

Hf.    raor.     (text    cut    Into    on    a    few       ■ 
leaves).  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.   (116)  |35. 

Hf.  cf.,  unc.  Putt.,  July  20,  '9S.  (5)  £5. 

Unbd.,  Ashburton.  Nov.,  1900.  (53) 

New      Description      of      Caroiirva. 

Charleston.   1822.    Svo. 
Hf.  mor..  Barlow,  Feb..  'm.     (117 1   $7. 

ARCHDALL      (M.).      Monasticon      Hi- 

bernfcuru.  Dublin,  17S6.  41  o. 
Rus.,    Hodgson,    May    18.    '87.     (287) 

Cf..  Galeford.  Apr..  '90.     (67)    £2  108. 
Ryan,  May,  '91.    (509)   £1  18s. 
Hf.  cf..  Coghlan.  Dec.  '96.     (191)    £1 


Peerage  of  Ireland.    Dublin.  1789. 

7  vols..  Svo. 
Toovey,  Feb..  '94.     (61)   £1  3s. 

ARCHER     (J.    W.).     Vestiges    of    Old 

London,     tyond..  1851.    4to. 
Hf.    bd..    Soth.,   Apr.    4,    1900.     (1158) 

Rus..  g.e..  Twopenny,  May.  '02.    (268). 


ARCHIMEDES.  Tetragon  ism  us. 
Venice,  J.  B.  Sessa.  1503.     4to. 

Cf.,  g.e.  (A.L.S.  of  A.  de  Morgan  in- 
serted). Inglis,  June.  1900.  (51)    £8. 




ARCHITECT      (THE),        bond.,     v.d. 

Jan..   lS6d.   to   May.  1887,  hf.   cf,   and 

parte.     Watson.     Jan..     '88.       (CI  2) 


Soc.  Dictionary  of  Architecture. 
l>ond.,  1853-92.     8  vols.,  fol. 

Hf.  mor.  and  parts  (in  5  vols).  Hasi- 
Inga.  May,  93.     (22)    £11. 

Hf.  cf.  (in  6  vols.),  Christie.  Jan.  30. 
*94.     (124)    £13Bs. 

Hf.  cf.  and  paper  (in  6  vols.,  with  *'  De- 
tached Essays  "  and  "  illustrations." 
1848-52).  Soth.,  Feb.  16.  1900.  (535) 
£11  5s. 

Hf.  mor.  (in  5  vols.,  with  "Detached 
Basaya  "  and  '*  Illusi  rations,"  Vol. 
n,  Soth.,  Dec.  11,  '01.     (87)    £9  10s. 

Reports   and   Papers,     l^nd..   v.d. 

Vols.  1-20,  1850-90.  and  Index,  hf.  mor. 

and    parts.    Grange.    Mar..    '92.      (7) 

£5  5s. 

v.d.     7  vols.,  Svo. 
Vols.  1-6.  and  3  Nos.  of  Vol.  7,  1891-98. 

hf.    rus.   and    parts.   BanRS.   Dec.   5, 

■99.     (46)  110.50. 

ARCTURUS:  Journal  of  Books  and 
Opinion.  [Edited  bv  C.  Mathews 
and  E.  A.  Duyckinck.]  N.  Y,.  1840- 
42.     3  vols,,  Svo. 

Hf.  bd.  (presentation  copy),  McKee. 
Nov..   1900.      (950)    »12.75. 

ARCU8SIA  (C.  d').  La  Fauconnerie. 
Rouen,  1644.     4ta. 

Cf..  PutL.  June  4,  '1)2.     (521  )    £:?  ir>s. 

ble and  True  Tragedy  of  Master 
Arden  of  Faversham  in  Kent.  Lond.. 
E.  Allde,  1633.    4to. 

Mor..  Soth..  July  3.  '99.    (1626)  £52. 

I'nbd..  Darby.  June,  '04.     (162)   £5:J. 

Arden   of    Feveps)iann.      Reprlnied 

from   the  edition  of  1,^92.  by  A.  H. 
Bullen.     I^nd.,  1SS7.     4to. 
••On  Vellum. 

OriK.  sheets.  Putt.,  Apr.  12.  '89.  (13) 
£2  4s. 

OMg,  sheets.  Putt..  July  3.  '89.  (528) 
£2  5s. 

ARENAS  (P.).  VocabulaHo  Manual 
de  las  Lenguas  Castellana  y  Mexi- 
rana.      Mexico.   [IGll].     4to. 

Pleid.  May,  '75.     (55)  J35. 

Arenas  (P.) — Cotiiimoil. 

Vel.,  Murphy.  Mar.  '84.     (105)  $23. 

Vocabularlo.  Mexico.    1728.    12mo. 

Field.  May.  75.     (56)    $13.50. 

Mor..    y.e.,    Boban,   Dec,    '86        (1958) 

VeJ..  Putt.,  .^pr.   12,  \S9.     (lu    £1  IGs. 

Vocabularlo.     Mexico,    1793.     Svo. 

Mor..  g.e.   (lacking  pp.  139-142).  Brln- 

ley,  Apr.,   '81.     (576G)    $35. 
Mor.,     g.e.    (Brlnley     copy),    Dorman. 

Apr.,  '86,     (925)  |20. 

Vocabularlo.    Pueblo.    1831.    16nao. 

Hf.  mor..  Brlnley,  Apr..  '81.  (5767)  |24. 
Hf.     mor.     (Brlnley     copy),     Dorman, 

Apr..  '8C.     (926)   $16. 
Hf.      mor.      (Brinley-DoTman      copy). 

Hawking,   Mar.   '87.      (44)    $5.25. 
ARETINO   (LEONARDUS).     De   Bello 

Italico     Adversus    Gothos     Llbellus. 

Follgno,  Numeister  and  Orsini,  1470. 

Cf.,  Thorold,  Dec..  '84.     (150)    £22. 
Mor.     g.e.,     Selliere,     Feb..    '87.     (56) 

£22  10b. 
Cf..  Soth.,  Apr.  4,  '98.     (368)    £20  108. 
Rus.     (slightly     wormed),  Fountaine, 

June.  '02.     (27)    £17  lOs. 
Mor,.    g.e,    (with   Justinian's   Oratorio 

Habita    Apud     Sixtum     IV.,    Rome, 

1471,  in  1  vol.).  Crawford.  Mar.,  '91. 

(155)    £30. 

De   Bello  Italico  Adversus  Gothos 

L1l>ellus.    Ventre.  Jensen,  1471.    Sm. 

Mor.,    g.e.     (Wodhull     copy).     White, 

Apr,.   '02.     (GO)    £1G. 
Historia        Florentine.         Venice, 

Rossi,    1476.     Fol. 
BflK..  Perkins,  July,  '89.     (78)   £ll8. 
Mor..    g.e..    Soth.,    July    IH.    '95.     (10) 

£  1  I6a. 

•♦On  Vellum. 
Leather,  Morris,  Dec.  '98.     (132)    £6. 
Hf.  bd.,  Soth..  Apr.  12.  '99.     (46)   £2  6s. 
Mor.,     g.e.,     Ashbumham,     June,     '97. 

(124)    £74. 
Historie    Concerning    the    Warrea 

Bet^weene    the    Imperlalles   and    Ihe 

Gothes.    Trans,   bv    Arthur   Goldlng. 

I^nd.,  15K3.     avo. 
Mor.,  ex..  g.e.,  Ashbumham.  June,  '97. 

(12C)    £4  1Sa. 
LIbro    Intltulato    Aquila.      Naples. 

1192.     Fol. 
Cf.    (slightly    .stained).    Morris.    Dec, 

'98.      (133)    £28. 




ARFEVILLE    (NICOLAY    DE).       See 


ARFWEOSON  (C.  D.}.  De  Colonia 
Nova  Suecla  in  Amertcam  BoreaJum 
Deducta  Historiola.  Upsala,  11825.] 
4  to. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Brlnley,  Mar.,  '80. 
(3031)   |12. 

Mor..  g.e..  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (119)  $6. 

Sewed,  unc,  Weeks.  Mar..  '02.   (376) 

Pleasant  and  Delightful  History  of 
Argalus  and  Parthenia.  Loud.,  W. 
D,  for  E.  Tracy,  tabout  1*;SS0J.     4io. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  May  6,  '01.  (211) 
£5  2s.  Cd.    » 

AGENSOLA  (B.  L.).  Discovery  and 
Conquest  of  the  Molucca  and  Philip- 
pine Islands.     I^nd.,  17(t8.     4to. 

Hf.  mor,.  g.e.,  Menziea,  Nov.,  76.  (76) 

Cf..  Bangs.  Nov.  10.  '99.     (251)   |10. 

ARGENVILLE       (M.      D'.).        Theory 

and  Practice  of  Gardening.  Trans, 
by  J.  James,     Lond.,  1712.    4to. 

Cf..  Rtgge.  Jan.,  '02.     (470)    .Cllls. 

I.,ibro  de  la  Monteria  que  niando 
escrevir  el  rtiuy  alio  Rey  Don  Alonso 
de  CastJIla  y  de  Leon  ultimo  deste 
nombre.      Seville,    1582.     Fol. 

Cf.,  Soth..  Apr.  12.  '99.     (47)    £6  10s. 

ARGUS  (THE).    Albany,  v.d.    Fol. 

SepL,  1835,  to  Sept.,  1837;  Apr.,  1838, 
lo  May,  1S39;  Jan.,  1872,  to  Dec., 
188G.  41  vols.,  bda.  and  cl..  Bangs. 
Oct.   17,  '01.     a4C)   114,35. 

ARGYLE  (DUKE  OF).  See  Campbell 

ARIEL   (THE).    Phlla.,  1827,  etc.    4to. 

Vols.  1-4.  In  2  vols.,  bds.  (vol.  3  imper- 
fect), Bangs,  Apr.  11.  '98.     (29)  flO. 

ARIOSTO.  Orlando  Furloso,  Fer- 
rara,  1516.    4to. 

Cf.  (Wm.  Cecil's  copy).  Sunderland, 
Dec.,  *81.     (502)    £300. 

Mor.  (headlines  on  2  leaves  cut  Into), 
Crawford.  Mar..  '91.     (1C2)    £35. 

Orlando    Fudoso.     Venice.   Aldus, 


Mor..  Thorold,  Dec..  '84.  (156)  £15  lOs. 

Mor..  g.e..  Soth.,  Mar.  14.  '86  (195)   £8. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Crawford.  Mar.  '91.  (163) 

ArloBtiy^Ciiiitinut  <L 

OHando     Furloso.     Venice.     1584. 

Plates  by  Porro.    4to. 
Mor.  (with  plate  for  Canto  33  repeated 

for  Canto  34,  but  with  the  correct 

plate  for  Canto  34  added),  Beckford. 

June.  '82.     (384)     £135. 
Rus.  (with  plate  repeated,  the  correct 

plate    pasted    over    the    duplicate), 

WodhuH.  Jan.,  '86.     (182)   £12  5s. 
Mor.,    g.e.     (with    the    correct    piate 

pasted  over  the  duplicate).  Apponyi, 

Nov.,  '92.     (108)    £13  58. 
Mor.     (with    Plate    34    genuine,    title 

mounted),  Soth.,  July  18,  '95.     (17) 

£3  3s. 
Rus.   (with  correct  plate  pasted  over 

the  duplicate.  Wodhull  copv),  Soth., 

Dec.  17.  1900,     (38)   £1108. 

-Orlando   Furloso.     Trans,   by   Sir 

J,  Harlngton.     Ix»nd..  1591.     FoL 
Cf..  Hopetoun.  Feb..  '89.    (230)  £116fi. 
Hartree,  July,  "90.     (268)    £3. 
Cf.     (title     mended,     a     few     leaves 

wormed).   Tyrell,   Dec.,    "91.      (230) 

£3  38. 
Cf.,  y.e.   (title  mounted,  a  portion  of 

text    of    title    missing,    and    some 

leaves   mended).   McKee,    Dec.,    '01. 

(2959)    127.50. 
Cf.,  g.e.  (lower  right-hand  comers  of 

some  leaves  stained),  LeCferts,  Apr., 

•02.     (706)  $120. 

♦♦Large  paper. 
Cf..   g.e.    (4    leaves   inlaid).    Ashbuni' 

ham,  June,  '97.     (139)    £36. 
Cf..  g.e.    (4   leaves  Inlaid,  apparently 

the   Ashburnham    copy),    Edwardes, 

May.  '01.     (119)    £42. 

Orlando  Furloso.  Trans,  by  Har- 
rington.   Lond.,  1G07.     Fol. 

Hf.  mor..  unc,  Marshall.  June.  '90. 
(275)    £3  108. 

Hf.  rus.  (title  mended,  1  plate  mount- 
ed), Soth..  June  27.  '92.     (19)   £2  2b. 

Cf,  (engraved  title  cut  close  at  top), 
Sewall.  Nov.,  '66.     (1656)  $35. 

Hf.  mor..  g.e.,  lA-fferts,  Apr.,  '02,  (707) 

OHando  Furloso.  Trans,  by  Har- 
lngton.     Lond..    1634.     Sra.   fol, 

Cf.,  y.e..  Hawkins,  Mar..  '87.  (1212) 

Mor.,  g.e..  Turner,  Nov.,  '88.  (618) 
£4  7s.  6d. 

Mor.,  Cosens,  Nov.,  '90.     (275)    £4  10s. 

Cf..  Soth.,  June  27,  '92.     (20)   £3  6s. 



Cf..  Toovey.  Feb.,  '94.     (308)    £2  12b. 

Mor..  g.e..  Adee,  Nov..  '95.     (441)   $24. 

Cf.,  Blerstadt,  Apr.,  '97.     (80)   $16. 

Cf..  Soth..  Apr.  4.  '98.     (569)    £4. 

Mor,  g.e..  Hayes,  Apr..  '98.  (710) 

Cf..  Solll.,  Feb.  27.  '99.     (152)    £3  12s. 

Cf..  yje..  Soth..  May  16.  '01.  (16)  £4 

Mor..  g.e..  Edwardes.  May.  '01.  (120) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (Count  Hojin's  copy).  Stan- 
ley, June.  '01.     (88)   £10. 

Mor.,  g.e,,  LefTertB.  Apr..  '02.  (708)  JIO. 

Ru8.,  g.e.,  by  Roger  Payne,  Twopenny. 
May.  *02.      (271)    £5  15s. 

—^^rlando     Furioso-       Birmingham. 

Baskerville.    1773.     Plates.    4    vols., 

4  to. 
Cf..  Bunbury,  Dec.,  '94.     (40)    £16s. 
Mor.,    g.e..    Weaver,    Mar..    '98.     (29) 


Mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  May  21,  1900.     (579) 

Mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  May  21.  1900.     (66) 

£4  8s. 
Hodgson.  Feb.  27.  '01.     {490    £2  58. 
Mor,    g.e.,    Fraser.    Apr.,    '01.        (49) 

£3  188. 
Hf.  mor.,  m.e.,  Qtiaile.  May,  '01.    (8) 

£2  108. 
Mor.  g.e.,  Soth..  Apr  7.  '02.  (185)  £25. 
Cf.  (arms  of  Marquis  Louis  de  MalUy 

on  aides).  Bangs.  June  5,  '02.   (105) 


•♦I^irge  paper. 
Mot..  g.e.,  Aylesford,  Mar,  '88.     (87) 

Cf..    g-e..    Soth.,    June    22,    '91.     (21) 

£9  10s. 
Mor,    g.e.,    Dalzlel,    June,    '93.     (562) 

£4  10s. 
Cf..  Henkels,  May  16,  1900.  (50)  |14.40. 

Orlando    Furioso.     Trans,    by    W. 

8.  Rose.     Lend.,  1823.     8  voia..  8vo. 
Cf,  Toovey,  Feb..  '94.     (6S)    £1  !0s. 
Cf..  Bangs.  June  6.  '95.     (412)   $8. 
Ct    (In   4   vols.),   Bunbury,   July,   '96. 

(16)    £1. 
Hf.  cf..  Lundy.  Feb..  '99.     (6)   »12. 

Orlando    Furioso.     Lond.,    1830-34. 

9  vols,,  8vo. 
Mor,    g.e.,    Toovey,    Feb.,     '94.     (69) 
£3  12s.  6d. 
^Hor,    g.e.,    HIbbert,    Apr.    '02.     (80) 
£5  7a.6d. 


A  riosto — Continwul. 

Satyres.     Trans,  by  G.  Markham, 

Lond.,  1608.    Svo. 
Mor.,  g.e.,   Sullivan.   May,   '90.     (393) 

£2  28. 
Hf.  mor.,  Crawford,   Mar..  '91.     (168) 

£1  ISs. 
Mor,  Solh..  May  16,  '01.     (15)    £8  158. 

Satyres.    Trans,  by  Q.  Markham. 

I^nd..  1609.     4to. 
Cf.,  g.e..  McKee.  Dec.  '01.     (3047)  |21- 

Seven  Planets  Governing  Italy,  or 

Satyrs.     Trans,     by     Robert    Tofte. 
LoQd.,    1611.     4to. 
Mf.   bd.    (title  mounted),   Soth..   June 
27.  '92.     (22)   £18a. 

Comcediae,     cum 
Venice,     Aldus, 


SchoJUs     Grfflce. 

1498.     Fol. 
Cf..  Sunderland.  Dec,  '81.     (538)    £10 

Mor.    g.e.,    Thorold.    Dec.,    '84.     (159) 

Old  cf.,  Wodhuri.  Jan..  '86.     (204)    £5 

Mor,  Kennedy.  Apr,  '89.     (7)  flOO. 
Rub.,    g.e.,    Soth..    May    2,    '90.     (160) 

Mor.  g.e.,  Sullivan,  May,  '90.  (411)  £9. 
Cf..  g.e.,  Crawford.  Mar,  '91.  (172)   £6. 
Rus.,  g.e.,  GennadiuB,  Mar,  '95.  (248) 

£5  15s. 
Mor.  g.e..  Bangs,  Apr.  9.  '01.  (7)  $82.50. 
Mor.,  White,  Apr..  '02.     (66)    £12. 
Rua.,   BatUe  Abbey,  June,   '02.     (216) 

£12  58. 
Mor,  Bangs.  Nov.  20,  '02.     (12)  $70. 

Hey    for     Honesty,     Down     With 

Knavery-  Trans,  by  T.  Randolph. 
Load.,   1651.     4to. 

Hf.  mor,  Soth.,  Jan.  9,  '99.  (225)    £3. 

Comedies.    Trans,  by  J.  H.  Frere. 

Lond..  1S40.     4!o. 
Rus.,  g.e..  Crawford,  Mar,  '91.     (1284) 

£5  5s, 
Mor.  Geunadius,  Mar,  '95.     (268)    £4 


ARISTOTLE.     Ethlca.     Oxford.  Theo- 

doricua  Rood,   1479.     4to. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (4  leaves  In  faca.),  Aahbum- 
ham.  June.  '97.     (145)    £121. 

Ethica.    Oxford,  1716.    Svo. 

••Large  paper 
(Renouard  copy).   Sullivan,   May.   '90. 

(428)    £2  10s. 




Aristotle— <.'fjM/»  (I  fir(/. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  by  Roger  Payne  Moore,  Oct., 

•93.     (28)    £3. 
Historia     Animalium.      Interprete 

Theorloro    Gaza.      Venice,    John    of 

Cologne.  147G.     Fol. 
Rus.    (wormed).    Apponyi,    No\'-.    '92. 

(114)    £IlCs. 
Cf.      (slightly     wormed  K     Gennadlus, 

Mar..  '95.     (2it9)    i;2.Ss. 
Hf.  cf.  (ftrsi  leaf  inlaid).  Ashburnham, 

June,  '97.     «141)    £112a. 
Leatlier,   IJbble.  June   19,    19<KI.      (46) 

Rus.     (some    leaves    wormed  I.    PuH., 

July  U,  '02.     <22C)    £7. 
♦♦On  Vellum. 
Mot.  (Sykes  copy).  Thorold.  Dec,  '84. 

(163)    £105. 
Mor.  (Sykes-Thorold  copy),  Ives,  Mar., 

'91.     (21)  fSOO. 

De   MorlbuB.     Paris,   1554.     4to. 

Cf..    g.e..    Sullivan,    May.    'n.     (425) 

£31  10s. 
Cf.,   g.e.,   Gennadtus.   Mar.,   '95,     (277) 

QuaestEones   variae  generatim   col- 
lects   atque    Ita    tn    plura    dlRe^itae 

volumlna.  Mantua,  J.  de  Campidona 

and    J.    Baumelster,    I  about    1473]. 

Mor,  g.e.,  Soth..  Nov.  20.  '99.  (273)   £9. 

Thopicorum  Analeticorum.     Augs- 
burg. AnibrisiuH   Kf^ler.   1479.     Pol. 
Bds.    covered    with    leather    (slightly 

wormed).    WTiite,    Apr..    '02.       (71) 

£6  10s. 
Opera    varia   omnia    Latins    Inter- 

prele   .\verroe.     Venice,   Andreae   de 

Asula.  14S3.     Fol. 

••On  Vellum. 
Cf.  (In  2  vols.),  Ashburnham.  June,  '97. 

(143)    £S00. 
Opera.     Venice.  Aldus.  1495-98.     .^i 

voIb.,  fol. 
Vel.  (fn  4  vols.),  Sunderland,  Dec.  '81. 

15&5)  £15  58. 
Mor.   (in   6  vols.).   Thorold.   Dec,   '84. 

(165)    £51. 
Cf.    fin    6    vols.).    Wodhull.   Jan.,    '86. 

(192)    .£29. 
Vel.   (in  C  vols.}.  Crawford.   Mar,.  '91. 

(175)    £1458. 
Mor.,  g.e.   (In  7  vols.),  Buckley.  Apr.. 

'94.     (338)   £30. 
Mor.,  g.e.   (In  fi  vols.,  no  title  to  Vol. 

4),  Gennadtus,  Mar.,  '95.  (269)    £29. 


Aristotle — Votttinued. 

Mor.,   g.e.    (in  6  vols.,   title  to  VoT 
mended),  Gardner,  July,  *97.     (283) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (in  6  vols.).  Baring,  Nov.. 
'97.     (220)    £28. 

Cf..  g.e.  (in  G  vols.).  XNTiite.  Apr..  *02. 
(68)    £20. 

Mor..  g.e.  (in  6  vols.),  White,  Apr.,  '02. 
(70)  133. 

Mor,,  g.e.  (in  6  vols.).  Bangs,  Nov. 
'02.     (13)   1252. 

Pigskin     (In  fi  vols.),  Bangs,  Jan. 
03.     (92)  $93. 

Opera.     Venice,  Aldus,  1551-53. 

vols.,  Svo. 

Mor.,  Soth..  Feb.  12.  '87.     (36)    £5  108. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Gennadius,  Mar.,  '95.  (271) 
£5  158. 

Vel..  g.e.,  Cox.  Feb.,  '02.     (66)   |57- 

Opera.     Oxford,     1837.     11     vols.. 


Cf.  (In  10  vols.),  Thompson.  May.  '87. 
(53)   £1  10k. 

Cf..  Offley,  Nov..  '89.     (112)    £3. 

Cf..  May.  July.  -91.     (113C)    £2. 

Stlbbs.  Oct.,  '92.     (1752)    £178. 

Works.  Trans,  by  Thomas  Tay- 
lor.    Ijond.,  1806-12.     10  vols.,  4to. 

Hf.  rus.,  Hartree.  July.  '90.  (203> 
£9  12.s.  I 

Hf.   rua.    (with    Meraphyalcs,   1801,   to- 
gether n  vols.).  Crawford,  Mar.,  *91. 
(177>    £10. 

Cf.  (with  Meiaphysics.  1801.  and 
Andronicus  Rhodlus  on  the  Nicho- 
machaean  Ethics  of  Aristotle,  by 
Brldgemaa,  1807,  together  12  vols.). 
Gennadius,  Mar..  '95.  (27*;2)    £11  5b. 

ARLEGUI  (JOSEPH).  Chronica  d« 
la  Provlncia  S.  Francisco  de  Zaca- 
tecas.     Mexico,  1737,     8vo. 

Vel.  Snaith.  July.  '97.     (54.'?)    £2. 

ARME  (E.).  Anecdotes  of  personal 
valour  and  particular  incidents  In 
the  War  terminating  with  the  Bat- 
tle of  Waterloo.  40  colored  plates. 
Lond  .  1819.     4to. 

Mor-  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec  2,  '01.  (1205)  £7, 

ARMIN  (ROBERT).  History  of  the 
Two  Maids  of  More  Clacke.  Lond.. 
1609.     4to. 

Mor..  g.e..  Tite.  May.  '74.  (92)  £13 

Mor.  (title  in  facs..  and  preface  in 
manuscript),  McKee,  Apr..  '01. 
(2191)  150. 





Arm  in    (Robert). — Continued, 

Valiant   Welshman.       Lond..  1663. 

Mor..  Solii.,  June  27,  '92.     (23)    £110. 
Hf.  bd.    (frontlspjece  mounted),  Soth.. 

Mar.  17.  '02.      (158)    £7  158. 
Hf.    mor..  g.e.    (frontispiece  mounted, 

small  hole  in  one  leaJF,  a  few  others 

stained).   McKee.    Apr.,    '01.     (2688) 

ARMtNIAN    NUNNERY.     Lond..   1641. 

Mor..    g.e..   Aylesford.    Mar.,    '88.    (89) 

£6  108. 
Hf.  cf-  Smith.  June.  "97.      (315)    £3  5s. 

ARMSTRONG  (JOHN).  History  of 
the  Navlgaiioti  of  the  Port  of  King's 
Lyn  and  Cambridge.  Lonrt..  1725. 

••Large  paper. 

Hf-  cf..  Beresford.  June.  'RN.  (25fl) 

ARMSTRONG  (JOHN).  Art  of  Pre- 
serving Health.  Phila.,  Franklin, 
1745.     4to, 

Mor.  unc,  Wight.  June,  '64.  (110)  |33. 

Mor..  unc,  (Wight  copy).  Griswold. 
Mar.  76.     (28)  $20. 

Mor.  unc.  Ives.  Mar,  *91.     (23)   $30. 

Mor..  unc.  (Ives  copv),  HenkelR,  Oct. 
29.  '95.     (384)  J32.60. 

Paper  (Utle  inlaid),  McKee.  May,  "02. 
(5055)  $21. 

Sewed  <  stained  i.  Hurai,  Mav.  VM. 
1179)  $15. 

ARMSTRONG  (J.).  History  of  the 
renowned  Northern  Worthy  Johnny 
Armstrong.  Lond..  T.  Nurris.  n.d. 

'Mt   bd..    Gaisford.    Apr..     9(1       (2143 » 
£2  18b. 

ARMSTRONG  (JOHN).  Notices  of  the 
War  of  1812.  N.  Y..  lS3fi-40.  2  vols.. 

CI.,  Anderson.  June  5.  '01.     (3on  $:>.:»(>. 

ARMSTRONG  (R.  A.).  Gaelic  Diction- 
arv.     Lond.,  1825.     4to. 

Hf.  cf.  Putt..  Jan.  30.  '89.     (253)    CI. 
rBanctuarj.  Jan..  '90.     (IH.^i    £1  Is. 

^ARMSTRONG  (WALTER).     Gainsbor- 
ough and  his  Place  In   English  Art. 
Ijond..  1898.     Colored  plales.     4to. 
Unc.  Soth.,  Feb.  25.  "01.     (774)    £G. 
Christie.   Dec.    18.   '01.      (US)    £7 12a. 
t)..  July  21.  '02.     (228)    £8  58. 

Armstrong    (Walter)   — Continuitl. 
Sir  Joshua  Reynolds.    Lond.,  1900. 

Chrlatie.  Dec.  IS.  '01.     (117)    £4  78.(jd. 

Companion,  ur  Treatise  on  the  The- 
ory and  Practice  of  Fencing.     Lond.. 

17S4.     4to. 
Bds.,  Clarke,  Dec.  "95.     (805)    £178. 

Treatise    betwixt    ArnaUe    and    Lu- 

cenda.  enthJed   The   Evill-Entreated 

Ivover.     Lond.,  1639.     4to. 
Mor,  BrJce.  July.  'S7.     (lt)25>   £128. 
Cf.,  Bierstadt,  Apr..  '97.     (1248)  $11. 
Cf.,  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.     (834)  $5. 
ARNASON     (JOHN).      Icelandic    Leg- 

en^Ks.     Trans,  by   G.   PowelJ  and   B. 

Alagniisson.       Both     series.       l>oDd.. 

1864-66.     2  vols..  Svo. 
CI,.  Hunt,  Nov..  '88.     (163)    £14.s. 
Cf.   y.e.,  Gale.  Dec,   'S8.   (103)    $HI.50. 
ARNAUD     (HENRI).     Histoire    de    la 

Glorleuae  Rentree  des  Vaudols  dans 

leur  Valeea.     [N.p.],  1710. 
Mor,    g.e..    Makellar,    Nov.,    '98.    (70) 

Glorious   Recovery  of  the  Vandois 

of  their  Valleys.     Ixind..  1827.     Svo. 
Cf..    g.e..    Crawford.    June.    '87.    (217) 


ARNAULD  (A.).  Copple  of  the  Anti- 
Spaniard,  made  at  Paris  by  a 
Frenchman,  a  Calhollque.  Trans, 
from  the  French  (by  Anthony  Mun- 
day].     i^nd..  1590.     12mo. 

Hf.  roan,  Sewall,  Jan.,  '97.     (3589)  $21. 

Mor.  g.e.  (headlines  cut  Into),  Soth., 
June  27,  '9S.     (223)    £1  lOs. 

Mor,.  g.e.  (headline*  cut  into),  Soth.. 
Mar  17.  "99.     (374)    £1  10s. 

Hf.  roan,  Bangs,  Jan.  4,  1900.    (275)  $8. 

Cf.,  unc.  Soth..  July  28.  '04.  (147) 
£9  5s. 

ARNOT  (JOHN).  Wahre  Christen- 
thum.  Phi  la..  Franklin  and  Boehm, 
1751.     8vo. 

Pigskin.  Gilbert.  Feb..  73.     (130)   $60. 

Vel..  Brlnley,  Mar.  '80.  (3272)  $50. 
(l..acking  title,  1  plate,  and  half  of 
cover).  Honkels.  Jan.  18,  'OL  (439) 

ARNE  (T.).  The  Music  in  the  Judg- 
ment of  Paris.     [About  174(K]     l<"ol. 

Bds.,  Putt.,  Juh    L.  'ftl.     (13G)    £2  10s. 

ARNOLD   (BENEDICT),     Proceedings 


Arnold    (Benedict) — Continued. 

of  a  General  Court  Martial  for  the 

Trial  of.    N.  Y..  1865.     4to. 
Bds.,   unc.   Arnold,   Apr..    1900.      (34) 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Baloom,  Feb.,  '01.  (90) 


••I-Arge  paper. 
Bds.,  unc,  Barlow.  Feb..  '90.    (122)  $7. 
Bds..  unc,  LIbbie,  Nov..  '91.    (139)  |6. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Bangs.  May  5,  '99.  (22) 

Bds.,    unc.    Bangs,    Jan.    7,    '02.    (14  > 


ARNOLD     (MATTHEW).      Alarlc    at 

Rome,    a    Prize     Poem,    recited    in 

Rugby  School.  June  12.  1840.  Rugby. 

1840.    Bvo. 
Orlg.  paper  cover,  in  mor.  case,  Soth-. 

June  3.  '02.     (115)    £50. 
AlaHc  at  Rome.     Edited  by  T.  J. 

Wise.     Ix>nd..'1893.     8vo. 
••On  Vellum. 
Putt..    Dec.    11.    '99.      (205)     £llls. 

CromwelL     Oxford,  1843.     12mo. 

Paper,   nnc.   Maxwell.  Apr.,   '95.      (7) 

Putt..  Feb.  7.  '95.     (38)    £1  16b. 
Paper,  unc,  Biersladt.  Apr.,  '97.     (83) 

Paper,  unc,  McKee.  May,  '02.     (4791) 

Empedocles  on  Etna.     Ix)nd.,  1852. 

CI..  Smalley,  July.  '87.  (12>   £5  178.  Od, 
Mor.,    unc.   LIbble.   May   2.   '88.      (49) 

CI..    Slrealfelld,   July .^9.      (3221     £3 

Mor.,    g.e..    Galsford,   Apr.,    '90.      (92) 

£7  158. 
CI..  Tboraas.  May.  '92.     (3)   £4  14s. 
CI..  Walker.  May,  '93.     (27)   £5  5s. 
CI..  Henuessy,  July,  "93.   (1427)    £3  5s. 
CI..  Crampon,  June,  '96.     (4)   £3. 
CI..  Soth.,  Mar,  10.  '97.     (668)   £4  5s. 
CU.  Bieratadt,  Apr,  '97.     (85)  $14. 
CI..  Bangs.  Sept.  22,  '98.     (11)  $20.50. 
CI.,  Putt.,  Apr.  17,  '01.     (345>    £3  38. 
CI..  French,  Apr..  '01.     (C3)  $25. 
CL,  Brown.  Apr..  '03.     (32>    £3  108. 
CL   (presentation  copy),  Pelrce,   May, 

'03.     (8)  $52.50. 

Empedocles  on  Etna.     I^nd.,  Vale 

Press.  1896.     8vo. 
Bds..  Sidney.  Mar.,  1900.     (190)    £1  8s. 
Bds.,  Bangs.  Feb.  13.  '01.     (499)   $12. 

Arnold    (Matthew) — Conlinuvil. 
Bds..  Soth..  Mar.  7.  '01.     (933)    £2. 
Bds,.  Bangs,  Apr.  9.  '01.     (818)  $11 
Bds..  Pelrce,  Mar..  '03.     (78)  $11. 
Bds..  Peirce.  May,  '03.     (489)  $8. 
Friendship's  Garland.    I>ond..  187L 

CL.  Thomas.  May.  '92,     (22 1    £1  10s. 
CI.,  Soth..  Apr.  22,  '95.     (257)    £1  lis. 
CI..  Putt.,  Dec.  13,  '97.     (447)    £1  Ss. 
CI..  Brice,  Mar..  1900.     (8)   £1  Gs. 
CI-,  Peirce,  May.  '03.     (13)  $11. 

Geist's  Grave.  Lend..  1881.     12nio 

Paper.  LIbble,  Dec  4.  '89.     (48)  $6. 
Paper.  Honl.  Nov.,  '91.     (145)   $8. 
Paper,  Putt.  June  14,  '97.     (14)   £2  4s. 
Paper,  Bangs.  May  9,  '98.     (33)  $9. 
Paper.  Bangs.  Sept.  22,  '98.  (13)  $14.50. 
Paper,  Bangs,  Oct.  10.  '99.     (71)  $15. 
Paper.  Soth.,  Dec.  4.  '02.     U30>    £3  12s. 
Literature     and      Dogma.     Lond.. 

1876.     12mo. 
CI,,  unc.    (presentation   copy).   Bangs, 

Oct.  21,  '01.     (66)  $15.50. 
Poems.     lA)nd..     1853-55.     2    vols.. 

12  mo. 
CI.,    unc.    (presentation    copy).    Soth.. 

July   ?*.  '99.     (630)    £6. 

St   Brandan.     Lond.,   1867.     12mo. 

Paper,  unc.  LIbble.  Dec  4.  '89.  (46)  $6. 
Paper,  unc.  Putt.,  June  14.  '97.    (13  a) 

£2  2s. 
Cf.,  unc.  (orlg.  cover  bound  in),  Soth., 

June  27.  '98.     (162)    £1  10s. 
Paper,  unc.  Bangs,  OcL  10.  '99.   (70) 

Paper,  unc,  Soth..  May  21.  1900.  (67) 

£1  4s. 
Paper,  unc,  Bangs,  Apr.  9.  '01.  (28)  $9. 
Paper,  unc,  Peirce,  May,  '03.  (10)  $12. 

The  Strayed  Reveller.     I^ond.,  1849. 

CI.,  unc.  Streatfeild.  June.  '89.     (321) 

£3  158. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Galsford,  Apr..  '90.  (91)   £8. 
CL,   unc,   Hennessy.   July.   '93.    (1423) 

£3  5s. 
CL,  unc,  Foster,  June.  '94.   (830)    £4. 
CL,   unc,  Soth..   Mar.   10,   '97.       (667) 

£3  8s. 
CL,  unc,  Bierstadt.  Apr.,  '91.  (84)  $39. 
CL.  unc.  Putt..  Mar.  24.  '98.     (467)    £2 

Mot.,   unc,   Soth.,  June  2.   "98.     (863) 

£2  10s. 
CL.  unc.  Soth..  Mar.  23.  '99.     (K)    £3 





Arnold    (Matthew) — Coittifitird. 

Mor.  unc,  Virtue  Tebbs,  June.   1900. 

(7)    £2  108. 
CL,  UDC-,  Bangs,  Feb.  13,  '01.  (22)  $11. 
CL.  unc-  (presentatioti  copy),  French, 

Apr.  '01.     (62)    $45. 
CL.   unc.   Soth.,  Nov.   18,  '01.       (798) 

£3  lOs. 
CI.,  unc.  Putt.,  July  IG,  "02.  (6)    £3. 
CU  unc.  Bangs,  Mar.  IG,  03.  (4S»  $18. 
01.,  unc.  Pelrce.  May,  '03.     (7)  |24, 

ARNOLD      (RICHARD).        Chronicle. 

[Antwerp,   John   Doesbrowe,    1502.] 

Bds.  (lacking  A  1,  blank).  SunderlancI, 

Dec.  '81.     (649)  £64. 
Mor-.  Ellis.  Nov..  '85.     (393)   £90. 
Rus.,  g.e.  (Blandford  copy),  Avlesford, 

Mar.,  '88.     (149)  £88. 
Rus.    (A    1    written    on),    Wllbraham, 

June,  '98.     (186)  £80. 
Mor.    (last    5    IL   in   facs.   and    others 

mended),  Ellis.  Oct.,  '02  (16S(    £S5s. 

Chronicle,    l^nd..  [15ZIJ.     Pol. 

Cf-,  m.e.  (several  leaves  inlaid),  May. 

July.  'SI.  (139)   £24  10s. 
Mor.     (with    the    Ballad    of    the    Nut 

Brown    Maid    Inserted    iu    duplicate 

from   first  edition),  Ellis.  Nov.,  '86. 

(294)    £30. 
Mor,  g.e..  Ives,  Mar.  '91.     (28)   $135. 
Mor.  g.e.  (lacking  A  1,  blank,  and  A  2 

mended),    Ashbumhain,    June.    '97. 

(149)    £lol.'^8. 
Cf..   y.e.    (lacking   A   1,   and   last  leaf 

mended).     Wllbraham.     June,      "98. 

(187)   £9158. 
ARNOLD    (8.  G.).      History  of   Rhode 

Island    and    Providence    Plantation. 

X.  Y.,  1859.     2  vols.,  Svo. 
CI..  Ubbie.  Nov.  6.  '95.     (78)  %9. 
C?.,  Deane,  Mar.  '98.     (129)  $5.50. 
Hf.  cf..  re..  Bangs,  May  23.  '99.     (39) 

n..  Mackay,  May.  1900.     (49)  $5. 
ARNOLD  (8.  J.).     Forgotten   Facts  in 

rhf    Memoirs   of   Charles    Mathews. 

Lond.,  1S39.     8vo. 
Hf.  cf.  (presentation  copy),  Dalv.  Mar., 

1900.     (122)  $10.50. 
ARNOLD  (SETHS.).  Sermon  Preached 

at  Alstead  on  the  first  Sabbath  In 

Jan..     1826.      With     Appendix.     Al- 
stead and  Keene.  182C-36.    Svo. 
aper  Clogston.  Nov..  '99.     (33)  $9.50. 
fcper  Balcom,  Feb..  '01.     (37)  $8. 
Paper  ManBon.  Feb..  '99.     (70)  $12.50. 

ARNOLD  (w.  H.).     First  Report  of  a 

Book-Colteclor  Jamaica.  1898.  Svo. 
Vel.,  Richmond,  Apr,  '98.  (69)  $16.50. 
Vel.,  Bangs,  Nov.  10.  '99.  (15)  $15.50. 
Hf.  mor,  unc,  Daly,  Mar,  1900.  (123) 

VeL.  Bangs,  Nov.  26.  1900.  (33)  $21.50. 
Vel.,    French,   Apr.    'OL    (1163)    $35. 
Vel.,  Bangs.  Dec.  9,  '01.     (95)   $33. 
Vel..  Bangs.  Jan.  29,  '03,     (95)  $17. 
Vel..  Anderson,  Apr  27,  '03.  (380)  $10. 
ARNOLD  (W.).     Life  and  Death  of  the 

Sublime    Society    of    Beef    Steaks. 

Lond.,  1871.     Svo. 
Hf.  roan.  Bangs,  Apr  11.  1900.     (7)  $8. 

Creature,  at  the  Barre  of  Religion, 

Reason    and    Experience.     [Lond.]; 

B.  Alsop,  1C31.     4to. 
Cf.,  Sofh..  Feb.  25.  '01.  (280)    £11. 
ARSANES.     Orations    Agaynst    Philip 

the  Trecherous  Kyng  of  Macedone, 

etc.     Ixind.,  John  Daye,  n.d.     Svo. 
Hf.  mor,  g.e.   (some  leaves  mended), 

Piiir..   Dec.  17.   "MS.    (nee*       £2. 
Cf.  (some  catchwords  cut  into),  Soth., 

May,  '01.     (17)    £1  10s. 
ARSCOT   (ALEXANDER).  Some  Con- 
siderations Relating  to  the  Present 

State     of     the     Christian     Religion. 

Phila.,  Franklin.  1732,  and  Bradford, 

1738-     3  vols..  12mo. 
Hf.  cf.,  Rice,  Mar,  '70.  (70)  $15.75. 
Cf,  (Paris  1-2,  in  1  vol.).  Brinley,  Mar, 

'80.     (3273)   IC.50. 
ITnc.   (Part  1   only),  Henkels,  Oct.  29, 

'95.     (415)  $22.50. 
Cf.    (Part   1   only).   Henkels.   Nov.   26, 

'02.     (435)   $10. 
ARS   MEMO  RAN  Dl.      Hexastichon    In 

Memorablles     Evangelistarum     Flg- 

uras-     Pforzheim,     Anselraus,     1502. 

Vel.,  Soth..  F'eb.  12.  '89.     (121)    £2  38. 
Mor,  Davis.  Nov..  1900.     (in    £4  17s. 

Hexastichon  In  Memorablles  Evan- 

gellatarum       Figuras.        Pforzheim, 

1503.     4to. 
Mor.   g.e.,   Solh..   June  12,   '89.    (502) 

£2  5b. 
Mor,   g.e.,    Soth,,   Mar   19,   '96.     (41) 

£9  9s. 

Ratlonarlum  Evangellstarum  om- 
nia, etc.  [Pforzheim].  T.  Ansel- 
raus, 1505.     4to.    , 

Mor,  g.e.,  Soth..  June  20.  '02.  (14)   £6. 




Ars    Memorandl — Cuntiumd. 

— — Rationarium  Evangelistarum  om- 
nia, etc.  Pforzheim,  T.  Anselmus, 
1507.     4to. 

Mor.  (wtlh  La  Prenostlcation  de 
Maistre  Albert  Songecreux  biscaln, 
facs.  reprint)-  Inglis,  June,  1900. 
(54)    £5  10s. 

turarum  Sententlis  coUecla  cum  flg- 
uria.  [Cologne,  about  1495.]  14 
leaves.     4to. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  by  Masson-Debonelle,  Soth., 
Apr.  12,  '99.     (52)    £26 10s. 

Mor.  (slightly  soiled,  margins  of  2 
leaves  mended,  some  extra  engrav- 
ings Inserted).  Inglis,  June,  1900. 
155)     £45. 

Ar»  Moriendi.     Das  ist  die  vorred 

In  das  buchlin  des  sterbenden  men- 
schen.     [N.p.,n.d.l     96  leaves.     4to. 

Hf.  cL,  Soth.,  Apr.  12,  "99.     (53)     £15. 

Arte  del   ben  morire  cive  T  gratia 

dl  dio  compilatio  et  composto  per 
la  reverendo  Padre  Monslgnor  Car- 
dlnale  dl  fermo.  (N.p..n.d.]  22 
leaves,  without  paelnatlon  or  catch- 
words. 32  lines  to  a  full  page.     4to. 

Vel.,  Soth.,  July  17,  '01.     (225)    £175. 

ARS  NUMERANDI.  (Cologne,  A.  Ther 

Hoeren,  about  1471.]     4 to, 
Unbd.    (lacking    first    leaf,    a    blank), 

Soth..  June  27.  *98.    (228}    £3  10b. 

ART  AND   LETTERS,   Lond..   1888-89. 

S  vols.,  for. 
Hf.  bd..  Matthews,  Jan.,  '99.     (17)  |20. 
Parts,     unc.     Bangs.     May     28.     1900. 

(55i)     J22. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Bangs,  Apr.  9,  '01.  (32) 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Bangs.  Nov.  IK.  '01.  (38} 

ARTEMIOORUS.        De        Somniorum 

Interprelatlone   et    Synesius    de    la- 

aomnlls  GrBece.  Venice.  Aldus,  1518. 

Mor..  g.e.  (Sykea  copy),  Thorold.  Dec. 

•84.     (183)    £14s. 
Mor..  g.e.    (Sykes-Thorold  copy),  Soth.. 

June  22.  '9L     (25)    £1  Cs. 
Mor.    g.e..    Buckley,    Feb.,    '93.      (66t 

£1  Is. 
Mor.  g.e..   Wills.  July,   '94.     (51)    £1 

Mor,  g.e..   Bangs.  Oct.    21.  '01.     (19) 


A  rte  m  J  d  o  nis — C<}  ntinuefl. 

Hf.  rua.,  Bangs.  Apr.  28.  '02.  (41)  |6.50. 

ARTHUR  (KING).  See  Malory  (T.), 
and  Robinaon  (R). 

ARTHUR       OF       LITTLE       BRITAIN 

Titans,    by    John    Bourchier     Lond., 

Redbourne.    [1576],     Pot. 
(Stained,   iaat   two    leaves   damaged). 

Way,  July,   '81.      (141)    £166. 
CI.  (last  2  leaves  mended),  Crawford. 

June,   '89.      (130)    £27  10s. 

Arthur  of   Little   Britain.      Trans. 

by  Bourchier     Edited  by  E.  V.  Ut- 

teraon.    Lond.,  1814.  Colored  plates. 

4  to. 
Pollock,  Jan.,  '89.     (207)    £5  5s. 
Mor,  g.e.,  Ives,  Mar,  '91.     (31)     %2\. 
Rua.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  June  22,  '91.  (27)    £4. 
Rus.,  Soth.,  July  2.  '92.     (5)    £3. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Feb.  19,  '96.  (319)  £8. 
Mor,   unc.    Putt.,   June   14.   '97-     (17) 

£  1  Ids. 
Hf.  mor,  unc,  Hayes,  Apr,  '98.     (155) 

Mor.  StansfieJd,  June,    '98.    (164)    £4 

Rus..    g.e..    Inglis,    June,    1900.      (57) 

£3  18s. 
CL,  ra.e..  Soth..  May  16.  '01.     (19)    £2. 

♦♦Large  paper. 
Bds,    unc,    Thornhlll,   Apr,    '89.    (99) 

£5  5a. 
Mor,  Sullivan,  May.  '90.  (462)    £10. 
Mor,  Soth..  July  1.  '95.     (4G7)      £8. 
Mor,  g.e.,  Burra,  May.  '97.     (202)    £6. 
Bds.,  unc,  SUnsfteld,  June,  '98.     (163) 

£6  15s. 
Mor.,    g.e..    French,    Apr,    '01.      (132) 

Mor,  unc.  Christie.  June  18,  '02.  (143) 

£11  108, 

Btahoppes,  and  other  learned  menne 
in  the  Synode  al  London.  1552. 
I^nd.,  1553.     4  to. 

Vel.,  Makellar,  Nov..  98.  (184) 
£1  10s. 

Connecticut  Ciaims. 

and  Perpetual  Union  Ijetween  the 
States.     [1777.]     6  pp.,  fol. 

Unbd.  (with  signature  of  Charles 
Thomson  attached,  probably  his 
copy).  Etonaldson.  Oct.,  '99.  (663) 




Articles  of   Confederation — Citntiinutt. 
Articles     of     Confederation     and 

Perpetual  Union  between  the  States. 

I^ancaBter,  F.  Bailey.  1777.     Fol. 
Hf.  mor.,     Hnc»,     Brinley,     Mar..     '80. 

(3965)     $7. 

Articles     of     Confederation      and 

Perpetual  Union  between  the  States. 
BoBtoD.  1777.    Fol. 

Sewed,  IJbble,  Feb.  19,  19u(k    (75)  $S. 

Articles     of     Confederation,     the 

Declaration  of  Rights,  the  Conssiltu- 

tton     of     this     Commonwealth,  etc. 

Richmond,    Dixon    &    Hoyt,    [1784J. 

Hf,  mor..  Slee.  Feb.,  1900.     (73)  $13. 

Charles  U.  and  Several  Indian  Kings 

and   Queens.   May  2d,  1C77.     Lend., 

1677.     4to. 
Sewed,  use,  Brinley.  Apr.,  '81.  (5484) 

Mor..  g.t.    (few  corners  mended).  Lef- 

ferts,  June,  '02.     (160)      £47. 

Great   Britain  and  the  United  Ne(h 

erlands  and  Spain.    Parts  1-4.  Lond.. 

1667.    4to. 
I  Cf.  (Charles     IL's    copy),     Aylesford. 

Mar.  '88.     (504)    £1  Ids. 

See  Magna  Carta. 

See   Elizabeth    (Queen). 

the  Visitations  to  be  had  within  the 

Diocese  of  Canterbury  In   the  2nd 

Year   of  the   Reign   of   Edward   VI. 

Lend..  Rich.   Grafton,  1548.    4to. 
Ht  cf.,  unc-  (stained),  Makellar,  Nov., 

•98.      (183)    £2 13s. 


by  G.  W.  Sheldon.    N.  Y..  :SSG«7.  5 

vols.,  fol. 
la   portfolios.    Henkels.    Jan.    30.    '99. 

(284)     $20. 
In  portfolios.  Lincoln.  Oct..  'iH.     (28) 


m.  mor.,  g.e..  Bangs,  Oct.  28,  '01.    (33) 

in  .25. 
ARTISTIC    H0USE8.     N.  Y..  1883-84. 

4  vols.,  fol. 
Psrte,     Hawkins.     Mar..     '87.     (1778) 


Artiatic  Houses — Contiuucd. 

Mor.,    g.e.,    Lawton.   Dec.   '94.      (369) 

Hf.  mor.,  Bangs,  Oct.  28.  '01.     (32)  |24. 


Drawing  Magazine.     Lond..   1794.    5 

vols.,  8vo. 
CL,    g.e..     Stewart.     .Vlar..     '88.      (17) 

£3  38. 
Hf.  bd.,  Joly.  Feb..  "92.     (13)    £1  7s. 
Hf.  cf.  (4  vols.).  Soth.,  July  20.  '99.  (25) 

£3  12s. 
Hf.  bd.   (4   vols.).   Rogers.  Oct.,   19()0. 

(1024)    119. 
Hf.  cf.    (4   vols.).   Soth..  Dec.   3.    1900. 

(450)    £3  9s. 

ART  JOURNAL.     I^nd.,  v.d.     4to. 
1S49-190L  Including  Exhibition  vols,  of 

1851-1862  and  1S78,  together  55  vols., 

hf.  mor,.  g.e.,  and  parts.  Soth..  May 

14,  '02.   (199)  £14  10s. 
1849-1887.  49  vols.,  hf.  mor..  g.e..  Ub- 

ble.  Nov.  1.  '99.  (47)  163.37. 
1849-1884,  36  vols.,  hf.  mor..  g.e,,  Brice, 

July.  '87.  (182)  £14 10s. 
1S49-1S84,  36  vols.,  hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Lib- 

hie.  Oct.  17,  '95.  (ii7)  $72. 
1849-1S76,  28  vols.,  hf.  mor..  g.e..  Lib- 

ble.  May  9,  '99.     (71)   |38.50. 
1862-1883,   with   ExhlbUlon  Catalogues 

of   18G2     and     18fi7.     24     vols.,  cl.. 

Bangs.  Nov.  18.  '01.     (43)  t3C. 

ART    OF    CONTENTMENT.      By    the 

Author  of  the  Whole  Duty  of  Man. 

Oxford,  1G75.     8vo. 
Mor..  g.e.,   Sullivan,   May,   '90.      (454) 

£3  3s. 
Mor..  inlaid.   Oxford.   June.   '95.      (16) 

£7  158. 

Art  of  Contentn^ent.    Oxford,  1677. 


Mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Feb.  27.  '99.  (CG7)£3. 

Mor.,  by  S.  Mearne  (specimen  bind- 
ing), Soth..  May  18,  '03.  (20) 
£18  10s. 

Old  English  mor.  (binding  damaged). 
Soth.,  June  18.  '03.    (265)    £9  15s. 

ART  OF  CUCKOLDOM.      I^nd..  1697. 

Mor..    g.e..    HHibert.    Apr..    '02.      (24) 

£8  15s. 


for  the  Conduct  of  Ladles  and  Gal- 
lants In  their  Amours.  Ix)nd.,  1676. 




Art  of  Making  Love — Continued. 
Mor.,   g.e..    Lefferts.   Apr.,   '02.      (860> 


1789.     8vo. 
Cf.  ex.,  unc.  Blyth,  Mar.  H.  '01.     (39) 

£3  15s. 

Art    of    Manual    Defence.      l>ond„ 

1799.    8vo. 
Cf..   Toovey,  Mar.,  '94.     (78)    £138. 
Cf..  g.e.,  Whitehead,  May  3,  '98.     (5) 

£2  2s. 


Host,  1S91.     8  vols.,  fol. 
Paper,  Bangs,  Nov.  29.  '97.    (3C)  |13. 
Paper,  Bangs,  Jan.  19,  '98.     (21)   |10. 
Paper,  Henkela.  Jan.  31,  '98.     (14)  |8. 
Paper,  Bangs,  Feb.  14,  '98.     (55)     |12. 


Lond.,  v.d.     4t,o. 
1839-88,  48  vols.,  hf.  mor.,  Garrett,  Mar., 

•94.     (186)    £22  108. 
1839-97.  56  vol3.,  hf.  mor.,  and  parta, 

I^mb,  Feb.,  "98.     (33)    £14. 
1839-48.  S  vols.,  hf.  mon.  Bangs,  Jan. 

16,  '02.     (24)    »7. 

See  also  Art  Journal. 

ARUNDEL       (COUNTESS).       Nature 

Unbowelled    by    the    most    Exqulse 
Anatomlzers  of  her  Choicest  Secrets 
and  Receipts.     Lond,,  165S.     8vo. 
Cf..  Soth.,  May  18.  '03.     (22)    £3. 


A    Little    Book    on    the    Pestilence. 

Lond..    [Machlinia.   148—].     4to. 
Rus.    (White    Knight   copy),  Ashburn- 

ham,  June,  '97.     (158)    £147. 
Unbd.    (Sj   bv  5J   inches),  Soth.,   Mar. 

17,  '02.      (37)     £160. 
ASCANIUS,    OR     THE     YOUNG    AD- 

venturer.     Load.,  1746.     8vo. 
Mor.,   g.e..   Craig,    Mar..    '88.      (3966) 

ASCHAM  (ROGER).  Eplatolarum 
Famiiiarum,  etc.    Lond.,  1&90.    8vo. 

Cf..  g.e.,  Brlnley.  Apr.,  '93.  (9137) 

Mor.,  g.e..  Bools,  June.  '03.  (73) 

Famiiiarum  Eplstolarum.  Han- 
over, 1602.    12mo. 

Mor..  g.e.  (De  Thou  copy),  Ashbum- 
ham,  June.  '97.     (159)    £4 12s. 

Ascham   (Roger) — Continued. 
and  State  of  Germany,    Lond.,  John 
Dave,   [1552].     4  to. 

Vet,  g.e..  Bangs,  Nov.  14,  1900.  (35) 

Hf.  rus.  (with  the  Elgh\  Books  of  Jul- 
ius Caesar,  trans,  by  Goidlng,  1590), 
Pountaine,   June,   '02.      (39)      £4. 

The    Scholemaster.     Lond.,    1570. 

4  to. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Putt.,  July  1,  '91.  (1380) 
£2  1Cs. 

Cf.  (poor  copy),  Sewall.  Nov.,  '96, 
(142)     121. 

Cf.,  Soth.,  Nov.  20,  '99.  (1116)    £8. 

Cf.  (title  and  a  few  other  leaves  mend- 
ed, colophon  Inlaid),  Inglls,  June, 
1900.     (60)    £8  Ifis. 

Hf.  mor.  (last  leaf  mounted),  Virtue 
Tebbs.   June,   1900.      (154)    £4  48. 

Mor..  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.     (18)  |145. 

The     Scholemaster.     Lond.,    1571. 

4  to. 
Cf.,  Frederickson,  Apr.,  '86.     (105)  $22, 
Cf.,  g.e..  Hutt,  May.  '89,     (108)    £2  12s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Sullivan,  May,  '90.  (466) 

£3  14s. 
Hf.   cf..   Johnson,  Feb,,   '98,     (87)    £1 


Mor.  (corners  of  some  leaves  mended). 

Putt.,  Mar.  24,  '98.  (224)    £3l7s.  6d. 
Cf..  Cock,  July.  '98.     (221)    £2  26. 
Mor.,    g.e.,   McKee.   Dec.,    '01,    (2726) 

Mor.,  g.e.    (GrlswoM    copy),    Lefferts, 

Apr.,  '02.     (19)  $45. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  ChrlsUe.  June  18,  '02.    (147) 

Mot.,  g.e.,  Hodgson,  May  9,  '04.     (973) 

£  C  10s. 

The  Scholemaster.  Ix»nd..  1573.  4to. 

Mor.,  Rice,  Mar.,  '70.     (7G)     $42. 

The  Scholemaster.  T^nd.,  1579.  4to. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (last  leaf  mended),  Soth., 
Mar.  S,   1900.     (624)    £2  17s. 

^The  Scholemaster.  I^nd.,  1589.  4to. 

Cf.,  Frederickson,  Apr.,  '8G.  (106)  $7. 
Mor.,  Perkins.  July.  *89.  (92)  £2  128. 
Bds.  (broken),     RIckarby,    May,     *94. 

(199)    £2  5s, 
Cf.,  r.e.    (inner  margins   stained  and 

mended),  McKee,  Dec,  '01.     (2727) 

Mor.,   g.e.,   Soth.,   July  28,   '03.    (108) 

£7  6s. 

-Report   and    Discourse   of    Affairs      The  Scholemaster.  Lond.,  1590.  4to- 










A«eham  (Roger) — ContinuctL 
(Wormed).  Benlow,  Nov.,  '89.     (1409) 

Toxophilus.      Loud..    WMtchurcIi. 

1545.     4lo. 
Cf-  Asbburnham,     June.     '97.       (164) 

£18  108. 
Rus..  g.e.,  Astaburnham^  June,  '97.  (165) 

£12  158. 
Mor.,    g.e,.    Lefferta,    Apr..    '02.      (20) 

Rub.    (7   leaves     remargined) ,     Soth., 

Mar.   16.   '03.      (123)    £9 10s. 

Toxophilus.      Lond.,    1571.     4to. 

Rus,,    g.e..    Perkins.    July,    '89.      (91) 

£5  58. 
Ct.  (title  stained),  Soth.,  Mar.  10,  '97. 

(615)    £2  138. 
Cf.   (slightly  stained).  Soth.,  Feb.  27. 

*99.      (1C98)    £4  6s. 
Mor.,  Leflerts.  Apr.,  '02.     (21)     ^35. 
Rus..  g.e..  Ford.  May.  "02.     (52)   £5  6s. 
Sewed,     Soth..    July     14.     '02.       (598) 

£5  15s. 

^ToxophiluB.      Lond.,    1589.      4to. 

Mor..   g.e..   Sullivan.   May,    '90.      (468) 

£3  I7s. 
Mor..    g.e.,    Aahbumham,     June,     '97. 

(167)    £3  6s. 
Mor..  g.e.   fa  few  leaves  cut  close  at 

top).  McKee.  Dec.  *01.     (2728)     |40. 

English  Works.     Ixind..  1815.  Svo. 

Mor..  ge..  Craig.  June,  '87.     (106)    £1. 
Mor..    g.e.,    Hunt..    Nov..    '91.      (153) 


Mor,  g.e..  Bateman,  May.  '93.  (29) 

' Whole  Works.    With  Life,  by  Dr. 

Giles.     Lond..  18G5.    4  vols.,  Svo. 
••Large  paper. 
Cf..  Soth..  Apr.  17.  '88.  (18)    £2  12s. 
Hf.  mor..  unc.  Gale,  Dec,  '88.     (117) 

Cf..    g.e.,    Soth..    June    22,    '91.      (28) 

Ct.  g.e..  Walker,  May.  '93.     (35)    £1 


Mor..  g.e..  Harvey.  June,  1900.  (10) 

ASC0NIU8  PEDIANU8  (Q.)  Com^ 
mentarll  In  Ciceronis  Oratlooes.  Ven- 
ire. J.  de  Colonia.   1477.    Fol. 

Old  mor..  Putt,  Jan.  5,  '88.  (315) 

Expositio   In   Orationes   Ciceronis. 

Venice.  Aldus,  1522.    Svo. 

Asconius    PedianuB    (Q.) — Uontinned. 
Mor,    g.e..     Craig.     Mar..     '88.      (218) 

£4  10a. 
ASENS10    (D.    JOSE    M.).      Cristobal 

Colon.     Barcelona,  n.d.     2  vols.,  fol. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Heakels,  Oct.  29,  '01. 
(61)  110.60. 

W.).  A  Letter  of  Many  Miaisters 
in  Old  England,  requesting  the 
Judgement  of  their  Reverend  Breth- 
ren In  New  England  concerning 
Nine   Positions.      Lond.,    1G43.     4to. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Menzies,  Nov.  '76.  (82) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (Menzies  copy),  Matthews, 
Feb.,  '97.     (28)    |32. 

ASH  (THOMAS).  Carolina.  Lond., 
1682.    4(o. 

Cf.,  Roche.  Oct.,  '67.     (45)   f47.50. 

Of..  Rice,  Mar.,  '70.     (75)    |15. 

Mor..  Menzles.  Nov.,  '75.     (83)    ?46. 

Mor.,  Brinley.  Mar.,  '80,     (3840)     |10. 

Cf.,   Barlow,    Feb.,   '90.      (128)    |77,60. 

Mor.  (water-stained),  Barlow,  Feb., 
'90.     (129)    127.50. 

Cf.,  y.e.,  Ives,  Mar..  '91.     (33)     |50. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Hazlitt,  Nov.,  '93.  (15) 
£8  10s. 

Hf.  mor..  Simon,  Dec.  '93.     (180)    £8. 

Vel.,  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (132)    *80. 

Hf.  mor.,  Soth.,  July  3,  '99.  (1348) 
£9  15s. 

Mor.,  French  and  Chubbuck,  Feb.,  '04. 
(90)  |90. 

ASHBEE  (C.  R.).  American  Sheaves 
and  English  Seed  Corn.  Lond.,  Es- 
sex House  Press.  1901.     Svo. 

Vel..  Pelrce,  Mar.,  '03.     (25)     |8. 

Vel.,  Anderson,  Apr.    IG,  '03.  (230)  $8. 

' 'Endeavour  towards  the  Teaching 

of  John  Ruskln  and  William  Mor- 
ris.     I^nd..    Essex    House    Press, 

1901.  4to. 

VeL.  Bangs,   Oct.  21,  '01.     (279)     |11. 
Vel.,  Bangs,  Nov.  18.  *01.     (309)  |8.50. 
Vel..   Bangs,  Dec  9.  '01.      (447)    f6.25. 
Vel.,  Cox.  Feb.,  '02.     (354)  |9. 
Vel.,  Bangs.  Feb,  20,  *02.     (307)   »5. 
Vel.,  Soth.,  Mar.  17.  '02.  (1135)    £1  Is. 
Vel.,  Maier,  Oct.,  '02.    (103)     J6.75. 
Vel..  Barnes.  Oct.,  '02,     (27)    |7. 
Vel,,  Peirce,  Mar.,  '03.     (22)  flO. 
Vel.,  Pelrce,  May,  *03.     (4C7)  $8.00, 

' Masque    of  the    Edwards    of    Eng* 

land.     Lond.,    Essex    House    Press, 

1902.  OW.  4to. 




Ashbee   (C.   R.) — Continued. 
CL,  Bangs,  Jan.  29.  '03.     (282)     $5. 
CI.,  Pelrce.  Mar..  '03.     iU)     J18. 
A6HBEE    <e.  W.).     Occasional     Fac- 
simile Reprints.     Nos.  1-Sft.     rx>nd.. 

18fi8-72.     Ito. 
Hf.   mor.    (in   2   vols.),   Frederickson, 

Apr..  '8G.     (110)  lis. 
Hf.    mor.    (in    1    vol.),   Randall,   Aug., 

'87.     (250)    £110s. 
Parts,     Benbow,     Nov..     '89.        (GTS) 

£2  5s. 
Hf.  mor.  (in  1  vol.),  Gaisford.  Apr,  '90. 

Parm.  Rose,  June.  "91.    t249>    £2148. 
Hf.  mor,  unc.  (!n  2  vols.,  orig.  covers 

tounrt     in),     Swindelle,     June,     '95. 

(386)    £2Ss. 
Hf.  mor  (in  2  vols.),  McKee.  Dec.  '01. 

(2729)     $16. 
ASHBEE  (H.  S,).  Iconography  af  Don 

Quixote.     Lx)nd..  1895.    4to. 
•♦Japan  paper. 
Unc.     Putt..     Nov.     19.    1900.      (318) 

£1  2s. 
index      Librorum      Prohibitorum; 

Centurla    Libronim   .\bsconrtltorum; 

Catena       Librorum        Tacendorum. 

Lond..  1877-85.     3  vols..  8vo. 
Hf.    mor,    unc.    Hailstone,    Feb..    '91. 

(222)    £12  148. 
Hf.  mor.  unc.  Putt.,  Apr  7.  '92.    (719) 

Hf.  mor,  g.e..  Putt.,  June  14.  '93,  (6G3) 

£10  10b. 
Hf.  mor.  unc.  Putt..  Feb.  13,  '95.  (805) 

Hf.   mor..    Putt.,   Nov.   20,   '95.      (2G6) 

£10  58. 
Hf.    mor.    Putt.,    Jan.    29,    '03.      (247) 


of).     Catalogue  of  Books  In  Library 

at  Ashburnham  Place.     Lond.,  1804. 

Unc.    (presentation    copy).    Crawford, 

Mar,  '91.     (189)    £4  5s. 
Hf.     mor.     Orford.     June,     '95.     (19) 

£5  10b. 
Hf.  mor-.  AahburahaTO.  June.  '97.    (170) 

Catalogue  of  Manuscripts  at  Ash- 
burnham Place.    Lond.,  1853.    Fol. 
Bds.,  unc.  Hartley,  Apr,  '87.   (271)  £3, 
Bda.,    unc,     Orford.    .June.     '95.     (17) 

£C  5b. 

••Large  paper 

Ashburnham  (Bertram)— ro«/(««y*rf. 

Bds..  unc,  Crawford,  Mar.  '91.     (188) 

£7  5s. 
Bds.,    unc,    Orford.    June.     95.       1 18) 

£5  5s. 
ASHER     (G.    M.).      Essay    on    Dutch 

Books    and    Pamphlets    relating    to 

New  Netherland.    Amsterdam,  1864- 

(J7.    4  to. 
Hf.  mor,  unc,  Jlenzies,  Nov.,  '76.  (84) 

Hf.  mor,  unc.  Murphy,  Mar.  '84.    (115) 

Sewed,  Murphy.  Mar.  '84.     (114)  $9. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Brevoort,    Feb..    '90. 

(105)   19.25. 
Hf.   mor.  Bangs,  Jan.  22.  1900.      (65) 

Paper.   unc.  Weeks.  Mar..  '02.     (917) 

"■ Henry      Hudson,     the      Navigator. 

Lond.,  1860.    8vo. 
CI.,  unc.  Bangs,  Mar  13,  "01.    (3)  |7.63. 

ASHMEAD  (H.  G.).  History  of  Dela- 
ware Co.,  Pa.     Phtla.,  1SS4.  .Svo. 

Hf.  ru8..  g.e..  Henkels,  Apr  5.  1900. 
(105)  J6. 

ASHMOLE    (ELIAS).      Antiquities    of 

Berkshire.  Lond.,  1719.  3  vols.,  Svo. 
Mor.    g.e..     Wood.     Mar.     '91.     (531) 

£8  IDs. 
Cf.,  Brabourne.  May,  '91.     (9)    £8  15b. 
Cf..     g.e..     Gilchrist,     July.    '96.       (5) 

£9  5a- 

•* Large  paper. 
Cf..  Putt.,  Dec  19.  '88.     (783)    £14  lOs. 
Mor  ex.,  g.e..  ThomhlU.  Apr.  '89.     (6) 

Hodgson,  Oct.  10.  '99.     (777)  £7. 
Unc.    Hodgson.    Nov.    2n.     '02.      (4^9* 

cn  los. 

Antiquities   of    Berkshire.      I^nd., 

1723.    3  vols.,  Svo. 
Cf..  Peel,  June.  1900.     (24)    £7  I5s. 
Cf.,  Crowcombe  Court,  May,  '03.     (6) 

£4  8s. 

^Antiquities  of  Berkshire.  Reading, 

1736.     Fol. 
Cf.,  Monson,  May,  '89.     (143)    £4  los. 
Cf..  Christie,  Mar  1.  '92.    (229)  £4. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Putt.  Dec  13,  '93.     (222)    £5    , 

Cf.    (plates  mounted),  Jackson.   May, 

'95.     ((i35)    £5  7a.6d. 
Hf.  mor.  g.e..  Soth..  Jan.  21.  '01.    (512) 






Ashmole   (Elias) — Continued. 

FascicutuB  Chemicua.    Lond.,  1650. 

Cf.     (frontispiece     backed),     Buckley, 
Feb.,   '93.      (07)    .£1  12k. 

Order  of  the  Garter.     Lond.,  1672. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Aylesford.  Mar..  '88.     (150) 

£5  58. 
Rus..    g.e.,    Galsford.    Apr..    '9u.      (99) 

£3  12s.  Cd. 
Mor.  g.e..  Buckley.  Feb..  '93.    (318)  £4. 
Mor-,   g.e..   Soth.,   Feb.   19,   '96.      (250) 

£3  ISs. 
Cf..  SoUi..  Mar.  7,  '98.     (706)  £1. 
Cr..   Fountaine.  June.    '02.       (40)      £3 

••I.Arge  |)aj»er. 
Cf.,  Thornbill.  Apr..  '89.     (159)    £3  9s. 
Mor..  g.e..  Hildyard.  June.  '89.     (195) 

Mor..  g.e..  Toovey.  Feb..  '94,     (311)  £9. 
Mot.   (with  autograph  of  the  Earl  of 
Anglesey  on   title).  Edwardes,  May. 
•01.     (121)  £8. 
Mor..  g.e.  (presentation  copy).  Hlbbert, 
Apr..   '02.      (25)    £10 10s. 

^Theatrum      Chemicum       Britanni- 

cum.     Lond.,  1652.     4to. 
Cr,  Benbow,  Nov..  '89.     (1404)    £2  6s. 
Mor.  g.e..  Soth..  June    27,    '92.      (27) 

Cr.  Irwin,  May,  '95.     (19G)£3. 
Ct,    Ashburnham.    June.    '97.       (171) 

£4  178.  6d. 
Mor,  g.e.,  Witthaus,  Oct.,  '97.     (7)  fll. 
Cf-   (lacking  1  plate),  Soth..  Mar  17. 

•99.      (309)     £2  4s. 
Cf.,  Soth..  Mar  2C.  '02.     (70)  £4. 
Mor..  g.e.  (portrait  inserted).  Christie. 
June   18.   '02.      (148)    £5  15b. 

■ Way  to  BliBs.    Lond.,  16S8.    4to. 

CI..   Irwin.  May,  "95.      (197)    £lBs. 
A8HWELL    (JOHN).       Letters    sente 
secreUy  to  the  Byshope  of  Lyncolne 
In   the  Yeare   1527.     Straaburg.   the 
10  daye  of  .June.   [1527].     Svo. 
Vel„  Putt..  Apr.  12.  '89.     (151)  £10. 
Putt..    Dec.    19,    '98.      (834)     £2 12a. 
— -Letter*  sent  secretly  to  the  Bysh- 
ope    of     Lyncolne     in     the     Yeare 
[Strasburg.  1528.]     Svo. 
h..  Dec.   17,   1900.     (600)    £4  6b. 

Lond.,  v.d.,  Svo. 
1799-1843.  81   vols.,  hf.  cf.,  Soth.,  Mar 
17,1)9.     (622)  £12. 


Journal.  Bengal,  v.d.  Svo. 
Vol.  1  to  Vol.  51,  Part  1;  with  Index, 
Vols.  1-23,  and  Proceedings.  Jan., 
1867.  to  Dec,  ISSI,  together  83  vols., 
hf.  cf..  Thompson,  Feb..  '87.  (181) 

ASKE  (J,).  Elizabetha  Trjumphan*. 
Lond..  1688.    4to. 

Cf.,   Crawford,   Mar..   '91.     (190)    £5. 

Herbal.     Lond..  1550.     Svo. 

Cf.  (mended  and  cut  into),  Wilbraham, 
June.   'g-S.      (13)     i;2  1S8. 

ASPIN  (J.).  Exploits  In  the  Reign  of 
George  III.  Ijand.,  1820.  Colored 
plates.    4  to. 

Bds.,  unc.  Hodgson,  Jan.  8,  '02.  (139) 
£6  17.s.  Cd. 

Cf..  unc,  Soth..  May  18.  '03.  (23)  £5 

CL,  Pelrce,  Mar.,  '03.     (54)  |16. 

tive Power  is  Christ's  Peculiar  Pre- 
rogative.    Lond.,  165C.     4to. 

BHnley,  Mar.  '79.     (517*)     J18. 

Premonition  of  Sundry  Sad  Oaf  am* 

Itiea  yet   to  come.   I^nd.,   1655.  4to. 

Hf.  mor,  Brinley.  Mar,  '79.     (519)  |16, 

kenhead  (Sir  John). 

Qurnney   (J.). 

ASSISARUM   LIBER.     I^nd..  Pynson, 

n.d.    1  (Jmo. 
Sullivan.  May.  '90.     (470)  £2. 

Aastsarum     Libri     et     Placitorum 

Coronse.     Lond..  Rastell  (15 13 J.  Fol. 

Cf.  (last  few  leaves  wormed),  Morris, 
Dec.  '98.     (138)    £4  10s. 

ASSIZE  OF  BREAD.     See  Powell  (J.). 


gates  of  the  Colonies  at  the  Grand 
Congress  held  at  Phlla.,  Sept.  1, 1774. 
By  Bob  Jingle.  Esqr.  [N.  Y.], 
Printed  in  the  Year  1774.  8vo. 
Paper,  unc.  (title  imperfect),  Bangs. 
.Ian-  tl.  -99.     (568)  15.75. 

Suninia  de  Castbiis  Conscientiae. 
[Strasburg.  J.  Menteiin.  about  1469,] 
(Hain,  1888.)     Fol. 

Leather  (table  on  9  leaves  In  manu- 
script, some  leaves  wormed).  Wills, 
July,  '94.     (263)  £2. 




AstexanuB   de   Ast    (Joan) — iUmlinued. 

Leather  (outer  margin  of  6  leaves  cut 
off).  Soth..  Apr.  12.  '99.  (54)  £9 

Leather  (rebacked).  Putt..  Nov.  5. 
•02.      (264)     £8  58. 

Leather  (laarKin  of  flrut  leaf  re- 
paired!. Putt..  July  IG.  '03.  (268) 
£fi2s.  6d. 

Summa    de    Casibus    Con&cientise. 

[Strasburg,  J.  Mentelln,  about  1476.] 

(Haln,  1890.)     Fol. 
Leather,  Morris,  Dec,  '9S.     (129)    £4. 
Summa    de    Casibus    ConsclentiaB. 

Cologne,  H.  QuenteU,  1479.    Fol. 
Leather  (lacking  9  leaves,  some  others 

wormed )^    Morris,   Dec..    '98.      (UO) 

£3  12a. 
Leather  (lacking  9  leaves,  apparently 

the  preceding  copy),  Soth.,  May  21, 

1900.      (788)     £16s. 
Leather  (In  2  vols.),  IngUs,  June,  1900. 

(61)     £11 10s. 
Mor.  ex.  (some  leaves  wormed),  Soth., 

Nov.  17,  '02.     (141)  £7. 
Summa    de    Casfbus    Conscientlae. 

Venice,    Nic.    de   Francfordla,    14S0. 

Hf.    pigskin     (la8t~leaf    of    Register 

torn).  Wills,  July,  '94.  (2C4)    £3  38. 

Summa    de    Caelbus    ConscientFae. 

Nuremberg,  A.  Koberger,  1482.    Fol. 
Leather.    Williams,    Nov..    '94.      (75) 

£  1  5.S. 
ASTLE       (THOMAS).       Orfgin      and 

Progress   of   Writing.      Lond.,    1803. 

Hf.  mor.,  Sewall,  Nov.,  '96.   (149)  |5.2B. 
Bda..  unc.  Hayea.  Apr.,  '98.     (50)  |5. 

♦♦Large  paper. 
Rus..  g.e..  Craig,  June.  "87.     (108)    £2 


Mor.,  g.e.,  Christie,  Dec.  5.  '93.     (1S9> 

£  1 16s. 
ASTLEY   (J).     Art  of  Riding.     l>ond,. 

1584.    4to. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth..  Feb.  14.  '88.     (17B> 

£1  15s. 
Cf.  ex..  g.e..   Bonar.  June.  '90.     (662) 

ASTLEY    (PHILIP).      Modern    Riding- 

Master.    Phlla.,  Aitken.  1776.    12mo. 
Orfg.   paper  cover,    Henkels,   Apr.    27, 

1900.    (C31)  $11. 
ASTLEY    (THOMAS).      Collection    of 

VoyaRfis.     Sec  Green    (J.). 

ASTON  (ANTHONY).  The  Coy  Shep- 
herdess.   Dublin,  1709.    4to. 

Cf.,  McKee,  May,  "02.     (4794).     $14. 

The    Fool's    Opera.      Written    by 

MaL  Medley.     Lond.  [1731].     8vo. 

Hf.  mor..  McKee.  Jan.,  '01.     (1306)  $81. 

A8T0R  LIBRARY.    Catalogue.    N.  Y.. 

1857.     5   vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.  mor..  unc,  Cooke,  Dec.,  '83.     (388) 

Catalogue.   Bost,,  1886.  4  vols.,  8vo. 

Hf.  mor.,  Hammond.  Jan.,  '95.  (107) 

lia  Ascendens  continena  quollbet 
nova  atque  Equationes.  etc.  Augs- 
burg, E.  RatdoU,  1488.     4to. 

Anderson.  Oct.,  19U0.    (1C9)    £3  78. 6d. 


v.d.   8vo. 
Vols.  1-24,  1863-86,  hf.  bd..  and  parts, 

Lee,   Mar.,   '89,      (53)    £3  7s.  6d. 
Vols.  1-24,  hf.  bd.,  Soth.,  Mar.  8,  1900. 

(900)    £3. 
Vols.  1-24,  hf.  bd.,  Soth.,  Dec.  13.  1900. 

(Ill)    £2  16s. 

don.     Monthly  Notices.     Lond..  v.d., 


Vols.  1-58.  1827-98.  with  Indexes  to 
Vols.  1-52;  also  Library  Catalogues; 
in  40  vols.,  hf.  bd.,  2  vols  In  num- 
bers. Soth.,  Mar.  S,  1900.  (899)  £5 

Vols.  1-17,  la  4  vols.,  hf.  cf..  May,  July, 
'91.     (8)    £4 15s. 

Vols.  1-16,  and  5  subsequent  odd  vols., 
Hartnup,   May.   '92.      (767)    £6108. 

ASTR0N0MIC1    VETERES,   Grae«e   ©t 

Latlne.    Venice,  Aldus,  1499.    2  vols. 

in  !.  fol. 
Vel.,  Pull.,  Dec.  17,  '89.  (22)  £2  8s. 
Cf..  Millard,  Nov.,  '90.  (65)  £3  2s.  6d. 
Pigskin,  Crawford.  Mar.,  '91.  (191)  £6. 
Vel.,  g.e.,  Orford,  June.  '95.  (21)  £7. 
Rus.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Nov.  27,  '96.  (28)  £5. 
ATHENjCUS.       tGrtPce.     ex     recens. 

Marci  Musurl.]  Venice,  Aldus.  1514. 

Rua.,   Hildyard.   June,   '89.     (196)    £2 


Old  binding,  Sullivan.  May.  '90.    (105) 

£1  ICs. 
Mor.,  m.e..  Gennadlus.  Mar.,  '95.    (343) 





ATHENIAN    GAZETTE.      Loud.,    v.d. 

Mar.  17  to  Oct.  17.  1691.  In  1  vol..  fol., 

hf,    bd..    line,    Soth.,    Dec.    3,    1900. 

f83g)     £7  2s.  Cd. 

ATHENIAN    MERCURY.      Lond.,    v.d. 

Vol.  2.  No.  14,  July  11,  1691.  Soth.,  Dec. 

2.   •01.     (243)  £7. 

Ix>nd..  1728.    5  vols..  8vo. 
Cf..  Wood.  Oct..  '89.     (25)  £1. 
ATHERTON  (JOHN).    Life  and  Death 
of    John   Atherton.    Lord    Bishop   of 
Waterford     and     Lysmore.       Lond.. 
1*41.     4to. 
Rus..  r.e-.  McKee,  Dec.  '01.   (2730)  $18. 
ATHERTON   (W.).    Suffering  and  De- 
feat   of    tiie    Northwestern    Army. 
Frankfort,  Ky..  1842.    12mo. 
Bds..  Field,  May,  '75.     (63)  |5.75. 
ATHON      (J.      DE).        Constitutlones. 
Parts.    W.    Hopyl,    for    W.    Bretton. 
Ujnd..    1506.      Fol, 
Jdor..  g.e..  Llbbie,  June  19.  1900.     (60) 

ATKINS     (SAMUEL).       Kalendarlum 
Pennsilvanlense.  or,  America's  Mes- 
senger.    Being  an  Almanac  for  1686. 
Phila..  Bradford,  1C85.    Svo. 
Sewed,  unc.  Brinley.  Mar.,  '80.    (3367) 

TJnbd..  King.  Mar.  '83.     (95«)  |520. 
ATKINSON   (G.  F.).     Curry  and  Rice. 

bond.,  n.d.    Svo. 
a..  Hope.  Apr..  '96.     (.13)    £117s. 
d.    Hope.    May.    '96.      (66)     £12s. 
CI-  Blyth.  Mar.  '01.     (17)    £110s. 

I  ATKINSON      (J.).       Agriculture     and 
GraziDR  in  New  South  Wales.  Lond., 
1S26.    Colored  plates.    Svo. 
Ht  Ct.  Putt.,   June   4.   '02.      1356)     £1 
Sketches     in    Afghanistan.      Both 
Series.    l>ond..  1842.    Fol. 
fa  portfolio.  Roberts,  Nov..  '96.    (130) 
ATKINSON     (J.    A.).      Manners,    Cua- 
^        toms  and  Amusements  of  the  Rus- 

■  Mlans.     Ix)nd..  1S03-4.  Colored  plates. 

■  3  Tols..  fol. 

■  BdE..  unc.  Both..  Apr.  4,  1900.     (IIZO) 
W  1.-4  108. 

Hf.   mor,    one,   Both..    Oct.    29,    1900. 

(3«0)    £4  4s. 
Hf.  niB..  ra.e-   (In  1   vol.).  Soth..  Dec. 

17.  '01.     (12C)    £3  3s. 

Atkinson   (J.  A.)— Con/ mi/*  rf. 

Sixteen  Scenes  from  the  Miseriea 

of    Human     Life,    by     One    of    the 

Wretched.     Lond.,  1807.     4to. 

Unc,   Hutt..   May.   '89.      (112)    £1  12s. 

Hf.  cf.,  Papworth,  May.  '92.     (775)  £1- 

Mor.    ex..     unc,     Howard.    June,    '98. 

(245)    £3  7s.Gd. 

ATKINSON  (S.).  Discovery  and  His- 
tory of  the  Gold  Mines  In  Scotland. 
Edinb..  1825.    4to. 

Hf.  mor..  unc,  Hopetoun,  Feb.,  '89. 
(131)    £2  5s. 

Bda..  Reid,  May,  '94.     (614)    £2  78. 6d. 

CI..   Putt..   Jan.   18,   '99.      (375)    £2  69. 

Bda..  Clerk,   May,   '99.      (52)    £nis. 

ATKYNS  (RICHARD).  Original  and 
Growth  of  Printing.  Lond.,  1664.  4to« 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Murphy.  Mar..  '84.  (122*) 

Hf.  mor..  Hoe.  May.  '87.     (49)  $13. 
**l^rge  paper. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (frontispiece  inlaid).  Craig, 
Mar..  '88.     (226)    £2. 

ATKYNS    (SIR    ROBERT),      Ancient 

and    Present    State    of    Gloucester- 
shire.    I^nd..  1712.     Fol. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Brice,  July.  '87.     (30)  £39. 
Hardwlcke.   June.    '88.      £27, 
Mor.,  g.e..  by  Roger  Payne.  May,  July, 

'91.     (1253)  £30, 
Cf-   (Judge  Powell's  copy),  Bentlnck, 

Apr.,  '92.     (792)  £14. 
Cf..    Toovev.    Feb..     '94.       (312)     £20 

Cf.,  Soth.,  June  27,  '95.    (124)  £9. 
Cf..  Solh..   June  27,    '95.       (125)     £10 

Ru.s..   g.e.,   Gilchrist,   July,   '96.     (145) 

Cf..  Soth..  Dec  1.  '96.     (505)    £18  10b. 
Cf..   Soth.,   Feb.   27.    '99.      (153)     £12 

Cf.  (Comerford  copy),  Soth.,  Dec  17, 

1900.     (46)  £7, 
Mor..  g.e..  Edwardes,  May.  '01.     (123) 

Rub.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Jan.  23,  '02.    (590)  £11. 
Cf,.  Hodgson.  Nov.  26.  '02.     (606*    £10 


Ancient     and     Present     State     of 

Gloucestershire.      Ijjnd..   1768.     Fol. 

Cf..   Martin.    Mar..   '88.      (49)    £15  108. 

Cf..  Gage,  Feb..  '90,    (268)  £7. 

Rus..  Christie.  June  14.  '93.  (04)  £7 




Atkyns    (Sir  Robert) — CfmtittHrtl. 

Cf.      (manuscript      Index      iiffeerted), 

Soth,.   Fob.   22.   '97.      (533)    £8  53. 
Cf.,  Cholmondeley,  Apr.,  '97.    (177)  £6. 
Ru8.,  Putt.,  Feb.  4,  '96.     (353)  £4. 
Rub.     (some    extra    plates    Inserted), 

Peel,  June,  1900.     (1901  £7. 
Cf.    (rebacked).    Sotli.,   July   18.    1900. 

(565)     £4  2s.  6d. 
Rus..  m.e.,  Ashburton,  Nov.,  1900.    (57) 

£6  103. 
Cf..   Pmt..   Oct.  21,  '01.     (807)    £5  108. 
Rus..    Soth..    Nov.    18.    *(H.      (884)    £5 

Cf.  (broken).  Soth.,  Jan.  22,  '03.  <914> 

£4  5s. 

*•  Large  paper. 
Cf.,  CralR.  Jimo.   'S7.     (lU)    £11  .Ss. 
Rus.  (back  broken),  Brlncknian,  July, 

'88.     (162)  £9. 
Rus.  ex.,  g.e.,  Inglls.  Nov..  '89.     (2713) 

£13  13s. 
Rus..    Toovey.   Feb.,   '94.      (313)  £8  5a. 
Rua.   ex.,  g.e.,   Wbltchurch,  Dec..   '94. 

(1154)     £5  58. 
Rus.,  Soth..  Mar.  21.  '98.     (261)  £7. 
Hf.  rua.,  Soth..  July  1,  '01.    (442)  £5. 

ATLANTIC    MONTHLY.     Bost..    1857, 

e\c.     Svo. 
Vols.  1-R4.  1857-99.  hf.  rnor..  and  parts, 

unc,  Balcom,  Feb..  '01.     (96)  |92.40. 
Vols.    1-73,    hf.    sheep,   hf.    roan,    and 

parts.     Middlesex  Mech.  Assn.  D(*c., 

•97.     (76)  $22.20. 
Vols.  1-48,  hf.  roan.  IJbble.  Oct  12.  '99. 

(64)  »12. 
Vols.  1-32.  hf.  nior.,  Libbio,  Dec.  4. 1900. 

(54)  112.80. 

ATLANTIC  SOUVENIR.     Phlla..  1827. 

Eds.,  Rods.  Apr..  "97.    (966)  $16. 
Bda..  g.e.,  Arnold,  Jan..  '01.     (356)  |12. 

Atlantic    Souvenir.      Phila.,    1829. 

Eds.  (broken).  Libble.  Mar.  5,  '01.    (93) 


iinr]  Discourses.  Loml.,  172:^.  2  vols.. 

••Large  paper. 

Mor.  ex„  g.e..  Orford.  Mar.,  '02.   (6)  £2. 


See  lyiassachusetts. 
ATTIC  MISCELLANY.    Ix^nd..  1785-91. 

3  vols..  Kvo. 

Attic   Miscellany — Continuetl. 

Cf.,   Christie.   Mar.   28.   '88.      (16)     £5 

128.  6d. 
Cf.,    g.e.,   Libbie,   Feb.    5,    '89.      (313) 

Mor..  unc,  Mackenzie,  Mar.,  '89.     (53) 

HI   cf.    (in    2   vols.),   Soth.,   May.    '89. 

(113)    £3  3s. 
Cf..  Hunt.  Nov.,  '91.     (771)  $19.50. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Daly.  Mar.,  1900.  (134)  $37-50. 
Cf..  m.e..   Fraaer.  Apr..  '01.     (58)    £4. 

ATTICA.       Unedited     Antiquaries     of. 

Lond..  Dilettanti  Soc,  1S17.     Fol. 
Hf.  mor.,  Thompson.  May.  *87.     (331) 

Mor..  g.e.,  Crawford,  June,  '87.     (787) 

£4  5s. 
Hf.  rus..  Ashburnham.  June,  '97.  (1390) 

£1  is. 
Hf.  mor..  unc,  Bangs,  Jan.  27,  '02.   (40) 


ATWOOD  (WILLIAM).  Case  of  Wm. 
Atwood.  Chief  Justice  of  the  Prov- 
ince of  N.  Y.     Ixjnd..  1703.    FoL 

Hf.  mor.,  Weeks.  Mar.,  '02.     (145)  $35. 

ATWOOD  (WILLIAM).  Superiority 
and  direct  Dominion  of  the  Imperial 
Crown  of  England  over  the  Crown 
and  Kingdom  of  Scotland.  Lond., 
1704.     8vo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Craig.  Mar.,  '88.  (230) 
12  4s. 

Mor..  g.e..  Craig,  Mar.,  '88.     (231 )  £1. 

Cf..  Moore,  Feb.,  '94.     (76)  $6. 

AUBERTEUIL.  See  Hilliard  d'Auber- 

AUBLET  (F.).  Hlstoire  des  Plantes 
rte  la  Guiane  Frau(;aise.  Lond,,  1775. 
4  vols.,  4to. 

Old  cf..  r.e.,  Soth..  Julv  10,  '03.  (1018) 
Ul  15.S. 

AUBREY     (JOHN).       Collections     for 

Wilts.    Ix)nd.,  1821.  and  Middle  Hill, 

1838.    2  vols.,  4to. 
Hf,    mor.,    unc,    Aylesford,    Mar.,    '88. 

OS)   £3  10s. 
Bda.,  unc.  (Part  1  and  first  portion  of 

Part   2),   Putt..   Dec.   19.   '88.      (667) 

£3  7s.  6d. 
Phtlllpps.  Jan..   '89.     (1236)    £2  28. 
Phllilpps,  Dec,  *91.    (686)  £2. 
Hf.  bd..  Pult.,  Dec  7.  '92.     (639)    £1 


Topographical  Collections  relating 







Aubr«y    (John)- — dnitiniK'd. 

to  Wlllshire.     Edited  by  J.  E.  Jack- 
son-   Devizes,  1802.    4to. 

Unc,  Edkins.  Dec,  '91.     (C5G)    £1  Is. 

Mor..  g.e..  Larking,  Apr.,  '92.  (156> 

Hf,  mor-.  Jackson,  May.  '95.  (834)   £3. 
•♦Large  paper. 

Ht  bd..  Jackson.  May,  '95.  (836) 
£2  58. 

Natural    History    and    Antiquities 

of  Surrey.  Lond.,  1719.  5  vols.,  8vo. 
Mor.,  Perkins.  .Inly.  '89.  (95)  £16  58. 
CL   ex..   g.e..   Wood.    Mar.,    '91.     (532) 

£10  158. 
Cf..  BenlJnck.  Apr.,  '92.     (115<»   £6  5s. 
Cf..  Thornton,  June,  '94.     (1452)    £9. 
Cf.»  Gilchrist.  JuJy.  "96.     ((>)    £6  68. 
Cf..  Baternan.  July,  'OG.     (883)    £0  158. 
Ct,  Asbbumham,  June,  '97.    (183)    £6. 
Cf.,  Soth..  May  G,  '03.     (7)    £0108. 

••Large  paper. 
Rua-   ex.,   Aylesford,   Mar.,   '88.     (19) 

Cf.,  Thomhill,  Apr,  '89.     (7)    £19  158. 
Cf.,  Brabourne.  June.  "93.     (IS)   £7  58. 
Cf-.  Soth..  Dec.  17.  1900.     (49)    £10, 
iMor.  ex-,  g.e.,  Edwardes,  May.  '01.  (11) 

£l<5  10s. 

Lang    (A.)    and    Bourdillon    (F.   W.). 

AUCHINLECK  (G.).  History  of  the 
War  of  1812.    Toronto.  1S55.    8vo. 

CL,  unc.   Field.  May.  "75.     (67)    $9.50. 

CL.  unc.  (a  few  extra  plates  Inserted), 
Hart.  Apr..  '90.     (247G)     |10.50. 


ui?uru   Delphini.    lA)nd..   Valpy,    1819. 

etc.     8vo. 
Hf.   roor.    (141    vols.),   Torallne.    Jan., 

•90.     (2)     £19. 

♦♦Large  paper. 
lua.   ex.,  g.e.    (187   vols.),   Buccleuch, 

Mar.,  '89.     (40)     £37. 
Cf-  ex.,  g.e.  (185  vols.),  Vaughan,  Dec-. 

•86.     (22)      £36.» 
Bda..   unc.   (185  vols.).  Putt.,  Oct.  31. 

"gS.     (3471    £6. 
Unc   (185  vols.),  Crawford.  Mar..  '91. 

(197)    £9  159. 
(159    vols.).    Buckinghamshire,    July, 

•89.     (28)     £16. 
Cf-  m.e.   (159  vols.L  Peel.  June,  1900. 

(221)      £16. 
Part^.    unc.     (141     parts).    Loycester, 

Nov..  '88.      (549)    £9  153. 


etc.    ^ee  Caidermus  (J.). 
AUDEBERT    (J-  8.).     Histojre   Natur 

elle  dea  Singes.    Paris,  1797.  Colored 

plates.    Fol. 
Hf-    mor.,    Soth..    Nov.    28.    '98.    (565) 


^Histotre   Naturelle   des   Singes  et 

des   Makis.      Paris,    ISOO.      Colored 

plates.     Fol. 
Cf..    g.e.,    Larpent.    Jan.,    '95.      (1247) 

Hlstoire     Nature  Me    et    Gene  re  lie 

des   Colibria.   Oiseaux-Mouches.   etc. 

Paris.  1802,    Colored  plates.    2  vola. 

Hf.   mor.,    Larpent,   Jan..    *!;J5.      (1232) 

£4  128.  Gd. 
Mor..     g.e.     (text     printed     In     gold), 

Toovey,   Feb..   '94.      (314)    £21  los. 
Cf.,  Young,  Oct..  '01.     (142)    £9  10s. 
^IHistoire     Naturelle     des     Olseaux 

Dor^s.     Paris,  1802.    Colored  plates. 

2  vols.,  fol. 

•♦Large  paper. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Aylesford,    Mar.,    '88. 

(141)     £16. 
AUDLEY       (LADY       ELEANOR). 

Strange  and   Wonderful   Prophesies 

which      She      Prophesied      Sixteen 

Yeeres  agoe.    Lond.,  1049.     4tov 
Mor..  g.e..  Sotb.,   June  27.   '92.     (29) 

£1  10s. 

AUDSLEY   (G.  A.).     Ornamental  Arts 

of  Japan.     Lond.,   1S82-85.     5  parts. 

Parts,   Wriglay.   Nov.,   '92.      (254)    £8 

17s.  6d. 
Parts,  NisbeL  Jan.,  '93.     (107G)    £4. 
Parts.  Lamb.  Feb..  '98.     (43)    £10. 
Mor.,     inlaid    (in   2   voKs.)      Johnson. 

Feb.,  '98.     (91)    £10  158. 
Parts.  Stansfteld,  June,  '98.     (250)    £6 

12s.  6d. 
Parts,   Solh.,  July   29,   '98.      (473)    £6 


Parts,     Probasco,     Jan.,     '99.       (855) 

Parts.   Amer.    Art    Gall.,    Mar.,    1900. 

(1056)   $40. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (in  2  vols.),  Soth.,  Nov. 

18,   '01.      (896)    £13  15s. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e.  (in  2  vols.),  Soth.,  Feb. 

17.  '02.     (660)    £10. 
Parts,  Cox,  Feb.,  '02.     (119)  $17. 
Parts,  Bangs.  Mar.  24,  "02.     (57)   t30. 
Parts  (author's  proof  copy,  one  of  10 




Audaley    (G.  A.) — Continued. 

printed),  Dennis,    Dec,    '32.'     (304) 

Parts   (Artist's  proofs),   Cosier,  June, 

•87.     (181)    £14. 
Parts      I  Artist's      proofs),      Hodgson, 

Nov.   21,   '99.      (1205)    £7  58. 

AUDSLEY    (G.   A.)    AND    BOWES    (J. 

I.,).     Keramic  Art  of  Japan.     Liver- 

poijl.  1S75.     2  vols.,  fol. 
Mor.,     Bouch,     Nov.,     '93.       (56)      £9 

198.  6d. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Dec.  12,  '93.  (340)   £6. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e„  Putt.,  June  20,  '94.  (9G7) 

£4  68. 
Mor.,   Branch.   Oct.   2,   '95.     (358)    £8 


Mor.,  g.e.,  Henkels,  Jan.  31,  '98.     (17) 

Mor..   g.e..   Soth.,   Mar.   7.   '98.      (913) 

Hf.  mor..  g.e..  Cox,  Apr.,  '99.    (27)  |24. 
Hf.  mor..  g.e.,  Henkels.  May  16.  1900. 

(167)    $38. 
Bound   In   tapestry,   g.e.,   Bruce.   Dec., 

1900.      (743)     £8  IBs. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Mar.  7,  '01.     (43)   £5. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Fraser,  Apr.,  '01.     (60)    £8 
Mor..   g.e.,   Stanley,    June,   '01.      (112) 

£7  108. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Weeks,  Mar..  '02.     (10j>  |38. 

AUDUBON  (JOHN  JAMES).  Birds  of 
America.  lx>nd.,  1S27  38.  436  col- 
ored plates,    4  vols.,  fol. 

Hf.  rus.,  Llbbie.  Dec.  4,  '89.  (53)  $1200. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.,  lurking.  Apr.,  "92.  (223) 

Rus.,  g.e..  Dennis.  Dec.  '92.  (305)  £290. 

Hf.  mor.  (a  portion  of  the  work  only, 
containing  259  plates),  Soth..  Oct. 
30,  '99.     (448)   £30. 

Hf.  rus.  (plates  1-65  only),  Soth..  Dec. 
15.  '02.     (436)   £25. 

Hf.  rua.  (plates  1-200  only),  Soth.,  June 
18.  '03.     (232)    £51. 

Birds  of  America.     Ixtnd.,  1827-38. 

4  vols.  With  Ornithological  Biog- 
raphy, Ij>nd.,  1831-39,  5  vols.  To- 
gether 9  vols.,  fol.  and  Svo. 

Hf.  rua..  Rice.  Mar,,  '70.  (81)  $810. 

Rus.,  Leavitt.  Dec.  '73.     (286)  |1134. 

Mor..  g.e..  Leavitt,  Jan.,  '89.    |2430. 

Vo!,  1  of  iilates  hf.  ruB..  the  remainder 
unbd.,  the  text  in  cf.  and  bds.  (au- 
tograph inscription  of  \he  author  and 
his  wife  in  Vol.  5),  Soth.,  June  14, 
*»().     (311)  £300. 

Audubon    (John    James) — Continued, 
Rus.  and  bds.,  unc,  Hastings,  May,  *9Z. 

(184)    £236. 
Hf.  mor.,  Simon,  Dec.  '93.  (224)   £137- 
Hf.  mor..  Bangs.  Feb.  6,  '96.  (25)  $1260. 

Birds     of     America.     N.     Y.     and 

Phlla.,  J.  J-   Audubon.  1840-44.     500 

colored  plates.    7  vols.,  8vo.  ^ 

Hf  mor.  g.e.,  Menzies.  Nov..  '76.  (89)    H 

$175.  " 

Mor..  Bangs,  June  4.  '88.  (35)  $171.50. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Foljamhe.  Jan.,  '90.  (592) 

Hf.  mor..  g.e,.  Ives,  Mar.,  '91.  (3G)  1252. 
Mor.,   g.e.,   Lenox   Library  Duplicates, 

Apr.,  '95.     (IB)   $192.60. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e.,  Barger,  May.  '95.     (14)    ^ 

1227.50.  ■ 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e.,  Libble,  Oct.  17.  '95.  (68) 

Mor-.    m.e.,    Bangs,   Dec   7,   '96.     (90) 

Hf.   mor.,   IJbble,   Oct.  19.   '97.       (64) 

Mor.   (rubbed).  Henkels,  Jan.  31,   '98. 

(13)    1227.50.  ■ 

Hf.  mor..  Blanchard,  May,  '98.     (75)    ■ 

Hf.  mor..  Cox,  Apr.,  '99.  (29)  1241.50. 
Hf.     mor.     (text     somewhat     foxed). 

Bangs,  Jan.  15,  1900.    (66)  1176.75. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Balcom.    Feb.,    '01.     (103) 

Hf.     roan      (text    somewhat     foxed), 

Cresson.  May,  '02.     (135)  |217. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (plate  331  lacliing),  Bartlott, 

May,  '03.     (42)  $315.  M 

Mor,.  Bangs.  Jan.  29.  '03.     |121)   1217.  fl 
Parts,   French    and    Chubbuck.     Feb., 

'04.      (98)    $315. 
Parts   (Parts  1-43  only.  3   vols.),   Ub- 

bie.  Dec  5.  'Ul.     (40)  |42. 
Parts      (Parts     10-63     only,     lacking 

29-39,  41,  42,  45  and  55),  Bangs,  Apr. 

8.  '01.     (15)   $49.35. 

Birds    of    America.     N.   Y.,    V.    O. 

Audubon.  1856.     «00  colored  plates. 

7   vols.,  Svo. 
Cf..  Aylesford,  Mar,  '88.     (23)   £31. 
Cf..  m.e..  Walker.  May.  '93.     (43)    £31. 
Mor.,  g.e.,   Bangs,   Dec  17.   '96.     (30) 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Henkels.  June  2,  '98.     (6) 

Birds   of    America.     N.   Y.,   Lock- 

wcM>d    and    Son,    1861.     BOO    colored 
plates.     7  vols.,  Svo. 




Audubon    (John   James) — Continuid. 
Hf.  ruB.  (In  5  vols,).  Cooke,  Dec.,  '83. 

(Ml)   170. 
Hf.   mor.    (in   8   vols.j.   Henkels,   Feb. 

20.  '96.      (214)    ?1C8. 
Mor,   g.e,.    Llbble.   Dec.    2.    '96.      (45) 


Bird*  of  Anr»erica.  N.  Y.,  Lock- 
wood  and  Son,  1861.  105  colored 
plates.  Text  in  4  vols.,  gvo.  Plates 
in  1  ToL,  fol.    Together  5  vols. 

Hf.  ru8.,  Libbie.  Dec.  4.  '89.     (54)  *105. 

HI.  nis..  Bangs.  Apr.  13.  '96.     (22)  »75. 

Hf-  ms.,  Libbie.  May  13.  '97.  (74) 

Hf.  ms..  Anderson.  June  5.  "01.  (38) 

Rus.,  g.e,  (text  in  6  vols.),  Henkels, 
May  8,  '01.     (22G)  $72. 

Hf.  mor.  (text  in  7  vols.,  plates  in  2 
vols.).  Bangs.  Mar.  24,  '02.  (58) 

Hf.  rus.  (text  in  5  vols.),  Anderson. 
Dec.  4.  '03.     (83)   |C6. 

(With  103  plates  onJv),  Bangs,  Jan. 
29.  '03.     (122)  155. 

Ornithological  Biography.    Edlnb., 

1831-39.     5  vols..  8vo. 
Cf.  ex..  Aylesford.  Mar.. '88.     (22)   £10. 
C1-.     Pleasant  on.     Mar..     '95.      (2932) 

CI.,  unc.  Alexander,  Mar.,  '95.   (1960) 

Cf.  ex..  m.e.,  Coleridge.  May.  '96.  (36) 

£6  108. 
Hf-  bd..  Roper.  .\pr..  '97.    (9)    £3  15a. 
Hf.  mor,  g.e..  Bangs.  Nov.  7,  '98.  (355) 

Eds.,   unc,   Soth.,  Oct.  30,   '99.      (403) 

Unc.    (presentation   copy,    with   A.L.S. 

Inserted),   Soth.,   Dec.   2,  *01.      (570) 

£4  12s. 

(J.).  Quadrupeds  of  North  Ameri- 
ca. N.  y..  J.  J.  Audubon.  1845-48. 
150  plates.  In  3  vols.,  fol.  Text  In 
3  vols.,  Svo.     ToEjether  6  vols. 

Hf.  rus.  (In  6  vols.).  Rice,  Mar,  '70. 
(82)  $165. 

Hf.  rus.  and  hf.  mor..  I.Arklng,  Apr., 
•92.      (224)    £107. 

Hf.  nior..  g.e.,  and  cl.,  unc.  (6  vols.), 
Glasae.  July.  '92.     (1965)   £60. 

Rus.,  g.e.  (in  5  vols.),  I^wton,  Dec, 
•$•«.     (374)  $45. 

Audubon  (J.  J.)  and  Bachman — Cont'd. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e.  (no  text),  Larpent,  Jan., 

*y5.      (1251)    £59. 
Hf.  mor..  g.e.   (no  text),  Stuart.  Mar, 

'95.      (140)    £43. 
Rus.  ex.,  g.e.  (in  5  vols.).  Bangs.  Feb. 

G,  '96.     (26)  $200. 
Hf.  rus.   (no  text),  Christie,  Dec.  19, 

*99.     (249>     £18. 
Hf.  TUB.    (in  5   vols.),   Soth.,  Dec.   17, 

1900.      (50)     £20  5s. 
Unbd.  (no  text),  Henkels,  May  8,  '01. 

(226i)  $63. 
Hf.  mor  and  cl.   (6  vols.),  in  a  rose- 
wood   cabinet,    Soth.,    May    30,    '02. 

(650)    £69  10a. 
Hf.  rua.  (in  5  vols.),  Bartlett,  May.  '03. 

(43)   $155. 
Hf.    rus.     (in    5    vols.),    French    and 

Chubbuck.   Feb.,  '04.     (100)    $160. 
-^- — Quadrupeds     of     North     America. 

N.  Y.,  V.  G.  Audubon,  1849-54.     156 

plates.     3  vols.,  Svo. 
Of.,    Aylesford.   Mar.    '88.     (25)     £21 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t..  unc.  Bangs,  June  4,  '88. 

(36)  $40.50. 
Hf.    mor.,    m.e..    Bangs,    Mar.    18,    '95. 

(61)  $30. 
Rus.    (worn).   Wood.    June,    '95.     (85) 

Mor,  g.e.,   Libbie.  Oct.  17.   '95.     (69) 

Mor,  g.e.,  Libbie,  June  10.  '96.     (67) 

Hf.   mor.  g.e.,   Henkels,   Jan.  30,   '99. 

(11)   $31.50. 
Hf.  mor.  .g.e.,  Balcom,  Feb.  '01.  (104) 

Hf.  mor.  g.e.,  Libbie,  Dec.  5,  '01.  (41) 

Mor.  g.e.,  Libbie,  Apr.  29,  '02.     (149) 

Hf.    mor,    g.e..    May,    Jan.,    '03.     (77) 

Hf.    cf.,   Anderson,   Apr,    2,    *03.     (38) 

Cf.,  g.e.,  Anderson,  Oct.  13,  '03.     (33) 

Parts,    French    and    Chubbuck.    Feb., 

'04.      (99)    $129. 
Quadrupeds     of     North     America. 

N.   Y.,  V.  G.  Audubon.  1851-54.     155 

plates.    3  vols.,  Svo. 
Hf.  mor,  Pleasanton,  Mar,  '95.  (2934) 

Mor,  Soth.,  July  1,  '95,     (353)    £10. 
Mor,  g.e..  Bangs.  Apr.  13,  '96.  (23)  $21. 



Attdtibom  (J,  J,)  and  B^hm»n—Cimtd. 
Uor.  (rubbed).  Bug*.  Mar.  1.  IT.  <14) 

Uor..   s^..   SoUi..   Jme   2.   18.     (1471 

Uor.,  gjt^   Danss.   Mar   ».    'M.     <3«) 

Bf.  mor.,  Browne.  May,  *»9.     (24)  |30. 
BL  iDor..  ge.   (text   spotted).  Bangs. 

Jan.  15.  1900.     (67)  $21. 
Hi.  mor..  in.e..  White,  Feb..  'OL     (21) 

AUGURELLU8   (J,),     Poetnata.     Ven- 
ice, AJdas.  1505.     8to. 
Mor.,   g.e..   Putt.,   Feb.   13.  '89.     (741) 

£1  Igs. 
Cr..  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.  (198)   £2. 
Mor..   Bradahaw,  June.  *94.     (32)    £2 

Mor.,   g.e.    (said    to   be    thick   paper). 

Cox,  Feb.,  '02.     (18)   $27.50. 
AUGUSTINE    (SAINT).     El  Alma  del 

Incomparable   San    Augustln   .sacado 

del     cuerpo     de     sua     confesslones. 

Collected    by    l^dy    .4nne    Douglas. 

Antwerp.  1C62.     4to. 
Mor.  (arms  of  Catherine  of  Braganza, 

Queen    of    Cha8.    IT.    on    side,    with 

autograph  note  of  Horace  Walpolej. 

Both..   Dec.    17.   *98.      (578)     £40. 
Oe  Arte  Predicandi.  (Mainz,  Fust. 

about  1460.1     Fol. 
Mor.,  Thorold.  Dec.   "84.     (202)    £42. 
Mor,  Bateman.  May.  'ft."?.     (235)    £34. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (Didot  copy),  Makellar,  Nov., 

'98.      (199)    £59. 
«^— Oe   Arte   Predicandi.      [Strasburg, 

Menielln,  about  HC5.J     Fol. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Crawford.  June.  '87.     (228) 

£10  10s. 
Mor..  g.e,.  Crawford.  Mar..  '91.     (203) 

Mor..  g.e-.  I-Bwrence.  Dec..  '92.     (260> 

Hf.    b<I,    (lower   margins  of   2    leaves 

m.M.(J<}d).  Both.,  Mar.  21,  '98.     (263) 

UM  lOH, 

De  CivJtate  Del.  [Sublaco.  Sweyn- 

hoym  un*I   Piinnarlz,   1407. J      Fol. 

Mor.  (laHt  2  leaves  mentlefl}.  Sunder- 
land. Dec,  '81.     (727)    £90. 

Mor..  Thorold.  Dec..  '84.     (205)    £66. 

Mor  (liwt  2  leaves  mended.  Sunder- 
land copy),  Ives,  Mar.,  '91.  (37) 

Mor.,  g.e..  Appunyl,  Nov..  "92.  (133) 

Auguatinc   (Saint) — Cfmlimmr^. 
Mor..  teiafd.  g.e.    (2   leaves   caended), 
Morrts.  Dec '»8.     (112)    £77. 

Oe  Civitate  Dei.  Rome,  Swe\'n- 
bejiB  and  Pannartz.  1468.     Fol. 

Mor.  (ailgbtly  wormed),  Sunderland, 
Dee..  *8L    (728)   £101. 

Rmm^  Thorold.  Dec  '84.    (206)   £22. 

RoaL.  Wodholl   Jan..   '86.     (248)    £19, 

Mor.  (a  few  margins  of  Index  mended). 
Bangs,  Apr.  9.  '01.     (35)  $155. 

Mor.  (margins  of  Index  mended,  about 
20  words  lacking,  probably  the  pre- 
ceding copjr).  Bangs.  Oct.  21,  '01. 
(68)  $125. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (a  few  leaves  at  end  slightly 
wormed,  last  leaf  mended).  White. 
Apr.  '02.     (92)    £26. 

-De  Civitate  Dei.    [Strasburg.  Men- 

telln.  about  1468.]     Fol. 
Rus..  by  Roger  Payne,  Wodhull.  JaiL. 

•86.      (249)    £1158. 
Pigskin.  Brice.  July.  '87.    (283)   £12. 
Rus„   Stewart.    Apr.   '88.      (317)    £12 

Mor,  Hennessy.  July,  '93.     (643)   £6. 
Mor.  (PIrckheimer  copy),  Morris.  Dec., 

'98.      (143)     £23. 
Rns.    (Wodhull    copy).    White.    Apr, 

•02.     (95)    £31. 

De  Civitate    Dei.     [Rome.   Sweyn- 

heym  and   Pannartz],  1470.     Fol. 

Leather,  (first  leaf  mended,  part  of 
text  supplied  in  facs.),  Sunderland. 
Dec  '81.     (729)    £37. 

Mor.  Thorold.  Dec..  '84.  (207)  £21 

Wodhull,  Jan..   '86.    (251)    £12 12s. 

Rus.  (some  leaves  Inlaid,  others  stain- 
ed). Putt.,  Dec.  17.  '89.     (24)    £5  108. 

Cf.,   Morris.  Dec   '98.     (144)    £18. 

Mor,  g.e.,  by  De  Coverly,  White,  Apr, 
•02.      (94)    £25l0a. 

VeL,  with  ties.  Soth.,  July  28,  '02.  (183) 
£36  10b. 

Modem  vel.,  Soth..  July  16.  '03.  (279) 
£24  108. 

De    Civitate    Dei.     [Venice.    John 

and  Vindelln  de  Splra],  1470.  Fol. 
Mor,  Sunderland,  Dec  '81.  (730)  £42. 
Mor,    g.e,,    Thorold.    Dec    '84.     (207) 

£21  10s. 
Ru8.,   Wodhull.   Jan.,   '86.      (250)    £11 

Rus..    unc    Sullivan,    May,    "90.    (491) 





Augustine    (Saint)— <"onh«ttcd. 
••On  vellum. 

Leather,  (last  2  leaves  wormed).  Sun- 
derland. Dec,  '81.     (731)    £280. 

Mor  (the  Sunderland  copy,  rebound). 
Selllere,  Feb..  '87.     (81)    £175. 

De   Civitate    Dei.     Mafnz.   Schoef- 

fer.  1473,     Fol. 

WodhuU.   Jan..   '86.      (252)    £12  Bs. 

Pigskin.  Hopetoun,  Feb..  '89.  (235) 

I  Wormed).  Foljambe.  Jan..  '90.  (305) 
£  7  15s. 

Mor-.  g.e.  (slightly  wormed),  Whit* 
church,  Dec..  '94.     (230)    £8  123. 

Mor.,  g.e,  (Whitchurch  copy),  Auck- 
land,   Nov.,    '97.      (833)    £11 5s. 

Pigskin.  Cbolmley.  Nov.,  '02.  (212) 

Oe   Civitate   Dei.     Venice,  Jeason. 

1475.     Fol, 
Mor    (slightly   wormed),   Sunderland, 

Dec.,   '81.      (73.-?)    £10 10s. 
Mor..   Wodhuli,   Jan..   "86.      (254)    £10 


Ru8..  g.e.,  Hlldyard,  June,  '89.     (197) 

Rus..    g.e..   Buckley.    Feb.,    '93.     (319) 

Rus..  g.e.,  by  Roger  Payne,  Peel,  June, 

1900.     (197)    £37. 
Mor..   g.e..   SUnley.  June,   '01.     (114) 

Leather.    Soth..    Nov.    25,    '01.      (188) 


♦•On  vellum. 
Mor„     Sunderland.     Dec..     '81.     (734) 


De  Civitate   Del.     Basle.  Michelfs 

Wenszler,  1479.    Fol. 
Cf..  Wodhuli.  Jan..  'SC.    (255)    £3  38, 
Oak   bds.,  covered   with   stamped   cf.. 

unc.  Bangs.  Feb.  20.  1900.     (78)  |20. 
Bds..    covered    with   stamped    leather. 

Cholmley,  Nov..  '02.     (215)    £10. 

De  Ctvitate  Dei.     Venice,  ix>catel- 

lus.  J4.S5.     4to. 
Cf..  g.e.  (slightly  wormed).  Soth..  Dec. 

2.   '01.     (378)    £110s. 

De  Civitate  Del.     l,x>uvaln.  Jobau 

nes  Westfalensls.  1488.     Fol. 

Leather,  Monia.  Dec.  '98.  (145)  £6 

De   Civitate   Dei.     Venice,  Scotus, 

1489.     Fol. 

Augustine    (Saint) — Continued. 
Hf.  vel.  (slightly  wormed),  Solh.,  June 
2(J.  '(12.     (20)    £3  39. 

Delia  Citta  di  Dio.     [Venice,  about 

147.5.]      (Hain-Copinger.  2071.)     Ful. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Thoroid,  Dec,  '84.    (198)   £5 


Vel.,  Soth.,  Apr.  12,  '99.  (59)  £3  5s. 
De  la  Cita  di  Dio.  I  Venice.  An- 
tonio da  Bologna,  about  147G.]  Pol. 
Vel..  Sotli.,  Dec  19.  'Ul,  (17)  £3  Gs. 
La    Cite   de    Dieu.     Abbeville.   Du 

Pre  and  Gerard.    148G.     2  vols.,   fol. 
Mor.  (sUghily  warmed).  Thoroid,  Dec, 

'84.      (197)     £66. 
Mor.,  g.e,  (slightly  wormed).  Crawford. 

June.  '87.     (230)    £41. 
Bds„  covered  with  cf.  (In  1  vol.).  Craig, 

Mar.,   '88.      (245)    £23 10s. 
Vel.    (some  leaves  stained  arid   worm- 
ed). Soth.,  June  3,  '02.      (241)    £14, 
Vel.  (Vol.  1  only),  Ashburnham,  June, 

•97.    (191)    £25. 
De  Cite  de  Dieu.     Paris.  N.  Save- 

tier.  1531.    2  vols.,  fol. 
Leather  (margins  of  4  leaves  mended). 

Morris,  Dec,  '98.     (14G)    £G5s. 
Of  ti^ie    CItle   of   Qod.     Trans,    by 

J.    H[ealey.]     Lond..    G.    Eld.    1610. 

Cf.,  m.e..  Inglis.  June.  1900.     (70)    £3. 
Cf.   (arms  of  James  I.  on  sides,  title 

defective).  Virtue  Tebbs.  June.  1900. 

(215)    £3  3s. 
Hf.  bd.   (slightly  stained),  Soth..  May 

IG.   '01.      (21)     £16s. 

Confessiones,        [Strasburg.    Men- 

telln.  1470.]     Fol. 
Pigskin.    Brice.    July,    '87.      (282)     £8 

Vel.,  with  clasps,  Cholmley,  Nov..  '02. 

(211)    £50. 
Confessiones.     Milan.  Jac  Bonus, 

1475.     4to. 
Cf..     Sunderland.     Dec.     '81.       (745) 

£10  159. 
WodhulJ,   Jan.,    '86,      (257)     £2  4s. 
Doeskin,     Soth.,    Apr,    12,    '99.     (58) 

£4  108. 
Hf.     mor.,    Inglis,     June,     1900.     (68) 

£5  12s.  6d. 

Confess!  ones.      [Cologne.     B.     de 

Unckel],  1482.     4to. 
Mor..  Soth.,  July  28.  02.     {716)   £S. 
Confessions.      Trans,    by    William 

Watts,     Lond..   1631.     16mo. 




Augustine    (Saint) — Continued. 
Vel.,  Soth-.  May  16,  '01.     (20)    £3. 

Confe&slons.  Trans,    into   Englisli. 

Paris,  1638.     Svo. 
Frere.   Feb..    '96.      (21)    £2  88. 
Mot.,  g.e..  Both.,  May  21,  1900.     (69) 


De        Consensu       EvangeFistarum. 

Langingen,  1473.     Fol. 
Barclay.   Nov.,    "92.      (22C6)     £2  7a. 
Mor.,  g.e..   Soth-,  Dec.   17,   '98.     (249) 


Liber    de    Conflictu    Vlciorum    et 

Machina  Virttitum.  Paris,  1470.  4to. 
Bds.,  Soth.,  Apr.  12.  '99.     (C3)    £3  15s. 

Liber  Soliloquiorunn..   Wlnterberg, 

J.  Alakraw,   14  S 4.     4 to. 
Bds.  (loose  in  binding),  Soth..  Nov.  13, 

'02,      (41)     £G2s.  6d. 

Liber  de  Vita  Christiana.    Mainz. 

Fust  and   Scboeffer,     [about    1459]. 

Mor.,  g.e.,   Crawford,  June.   "ST.    (227) 

Mor.    g.e.,  Soth..  Aug.  13.  '88.     (2791) 

Liber  de   Vita  Ciinstiana.  [Mainz. 

Fust  and  Schoefler,  about  14  G5.} 
Mor.   ex.,  g.e.,  Perkins.  July,  '89.  (97) 

£5  158. 
Soth,,  July  27.  '93.     (13G4)    £20. 
Mor,   g.e.,   bv  D©  Coverly,   Makellar, 

Nov..  '9S.     (382)    £38. 
Libep  de  Vita  Christiana.     [Also] 

De    Slngularltate    Clerlcorum.     Co- 
logne. Zell.  1467.     4to. 
Mor..  g.e.   (2  in  1  vol.),  Inglfs,  June, 

1900.     (64)    £42 10s. 
Liber    de    Anlma    et    Spiritu;    de 

©brietate.  ad  Vlrgines  de  sobrletate 

et  ebrtetate,  el   de  Vita  Christiana. 

N.p.      1472.      (Hain.    1964.)      4to. 
Soth.,  Apr.  12.   "99.      (62)    £6 15s. 
^De    [VlirabllibuB    Sacrae    ScHpturae 

[Utrecht,     Ketelaer     and     Leempt, 

n.d.]    (Hain.  2075.)     Fol. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Inglls,    June,    1900.     (69) 

£7  5s. 
De  Trlnltate.  [Freiburg,  K.  Fisch- 
er], 1494.    Fol. 
Hf.  mor.  (very  slightly  wormed),  Soth., 

Feb.  28,  1900.     (227)  £1. 
Hf.  mor..  Libbie,  June  19,  1900.     (63) 

Certain    Select   Prayers   Gathered 

Augustine    (Saint) — Continued.  

out  of  Meditations,  and  His  ManudT. 

Lond.,   1575.     2  vols..  Svo. 
Vel.    (in   1  vol.),   Crawford.  June.   '89. 

(608)    £5  15s. 
Vel.    (In   1   vol.),   Bateman,  July,   '96. 

(850)    £5  5a. 

Certain       Select       Prayers,      and 

Manual.  Lond.,  John  Wolfe,  1586. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Reld.  May.  '94.  (128) 
£2  12s. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Monk,  Oct.,  '94.  (901)  £1 

Cf.,  Ashburaham.  June.  '97.  (192) 
£7  5s. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (last  leaf  mended,  several 
others  cut  close  on  outer  margin), 
Soth..  Feb.  28,   1900.     (60)    £3  15s. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (title  cut  round  and  mount- 
ed), Twopenny.  May,  '02.  (40)  £5 
15s.  I 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Ellis.  Oct,  '02.  (184) 
£2  14a. 

Glaese  of  Valne-fitorle.    Trans,  by     \ 

W.   P.     Lond.,  1600.     12mo.  | 

Cf.  (Park  copy),  Corser,  Feb.,  '70.  (45) 
£  6  7s.  6d. 

Manuel  I;  or  Little  Book  of  Con- 
templation of  Christ.  Lond.,  1577. 

Young,   June,    '90.      (26)     £1  Is. 

Mor.  (hole  burned  In  Slg.  S.  8).  Smith. 
May,  '96.     (417)    £2. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (fine  copy),  Libbie,  Feb.  18, 
•97.     (40)  »76. 

A     Precious     Book  of     Heavenly 

Meditations.  Trans,  by  T,  Rogers. 
Lond..  1681.     Svo. 

Cf.,  Turner,  June,  '88.  (262)    £3  108. 

A     Precious     Book    of     Heavenly 

Meditations.  Trans,  by  T.  Rogers. 
L/ond.,  1597-     Svo. 

Cf..  Buckley,  Apr..  '94.     (125)    £1  168. 

A  Work  of  the  Predestination  of 

Saints.  Trans,  by  Nicolas  Tiesse. 
fjond.,  1550.    8vo. 

May,  July,  '91.     (673)    £1  lOs. 

Works,     Edited  by  Marcus  Dods. 

Edinb.,  1871-76.     15  vols..  Svo. 
CI.,  Stewart,  Apr.,  '88.     (33)    £2  38. 
CI..  Porter.  Jan.,  '90.     (22)    £2  6s. 
CI.,  Luard,  Nov.,  '91.     (47)    £2. 
CI.,   Tbeodoslus,  Apr..  '93.      (440^    £1 





Augustine    (Saint) — Continwil. 

CI..    Bradshaw.   June,    '94.       t33>     £1 

AUK   (THE).     N.  Y..  v.d.     8vo. 
New  Series.  Vols.  7-14,  1890-97.  7  vols., 

parU.    unc,    Libbie.    Jan.    23.    1900. 

(78)  $8.75. 
AULU8  GELLIUS.     See   Gdllus    (Au- 

AUNGERVILLE    (R.    DE),      See    Bury 

(R.  de). 
AURBACH   (J.   DE).     Summa  de  Con- 

fessloue    et    Ecclesiae    Sacramentis. 

Augsburg,  Gunther  Zainer.  1469.  Sm. 

Soth..  Apr.  12.  '99.     (OC)    £5  58. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Cholmley,  Nov.,  "02.     (216) 

AURELIO  AND  ISABEL.     See  Florus 

(J.  de.). 
AURELIU3  (MARCUS).     See  Antoni- 
nus  (WlarcuB  Aurelius). 
AUREOLI   (P.).    Tractatus  de  Concep- 

tlone       Marie      Virglnis.         [Mainz. 

Schoeffer,  14C8.]     4to. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Soth..  Mar  19.  '96.  (48) 

£7  7s. 

von    der    ungliicitlichen    Relse    nach 

Carolina  und  Pensylvanien.     Frank- 
furt, 1711.     SVG. 
Bds..  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (136)  |5. 
AU8MO    (N.    DE).      See    Supplemen 

AUSONIUS.     Epigrammatum  LJber.  et 

alia  Opuscula.     [Venice].  1472.    Fol. 
Mor..  Wills.  July,  '94.     (208)    £7. 
AUSTEN       (JANE).      Emma.      I.ond., 

181C.    3  vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.   mor..   Putt.,   Mar.   22.    1900.      (6S) 

Hf.  cf..  one..  Putt..  Mar.  2C.  '02.     (421) 

Bds..   unc,   Soth.,   June  3.   •02.      (122) 

£7  15s. 
Mansfield    Park.     I^nd.,    1814.     3 

vols.,  12nio. 
Hf.  cf..  Putt..  Apr.  17.  '01.     (347)    £1 

Northanger  Abbey  and  Persuasion. 

Lond..  1S18.    4  vols.,  8vo. 
Unc.   Soth..  Dec.  17,   '98.     {105)    £1 


Bds,.  unc.  Putt..  Mar.  22,  1900.     (456) 
£2  78.0d. 

Austen    (Jane) — Coniinueil. 

Hf.  bd.,  Grant,  May.  1900.  (11)  £1 

Cf.,  unc.  Brown,  Apr.,  '03.     (4G)    £4. 

Orig.  cf..  Soth..  May  8,  "03.     (5)   £3. 

Bds.,  unc,  Putt.,  July  22.  '03.     (15>   £4. 

Pride  and  Prejudice,     l^nd.,  1813. 

3  vols.,  8vo. 

Hf.  bd.,  unc.  Soth..  May  5.  '90.  (11) 
£5  10s. 

CI.,  Soth.,  Feb.  27.  -99.     (244)    £1108. 

Hf.  bd,.  Grant.  May.  1900.  (10)  £4 

Hf.  bd..  Hodgson.  Jan.  8.  '02.  (504) 
£6  10s. 

Works,  first  editions,  comprising: 

Sense  and  Sensibility,  4  vols.;  Pride 
and  Prejudice.  3  vols.;  Mansfield 
Park.  3  vols.;  Emma.  2  vols.;  North- 
anger  Abbey  and  Persuasion,  4 
vols.     Lond.,  1811-18.     16  vols..  8vo. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Argyll,  July,  1900.  (891) 

Novels.     Edited  by  R.  B.  Johnson. 

Lond.,  Dent,  1892.     10  vols.,   12mo. 
♦♦Large  paper. 

Williams,  Nov.,  '94.      (137)    £2  148. 

Soth..   Dec.   11.  '95.      (21)    £2  48. 

CI.,    Soth..   June   1.   '97.      (18)    £1188. 

CI..  Bangs,  Jan.  19.  '98.     (35)  |1B. 

01.,  Bangs,  Apr.  16,  1900.     (42)  |13. 

Novels.     Bost..  Roberts,  1892.     12 

vols..  Svo. 

••Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Libbie.  Nov.  1,  '99.  (54) 


AUSTIN    (HENRY).    The  Scourge  of 

Venus.     I,,ond..  1613.     16mo. 
Mor.  (Freeling  copy),  Corser,  July,  '68. 

(1)  £23. 

The     Scourge  of       Venus.     Ix>nd., 

1620.     Svo. 
Mor.  (Walpole  copy),  Corser,  July,  '68. 

(2)  £9  158. 

The     Scourge  of      Venus.     Lond., 

1C53.     Svo. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (hole  burned  in  one  leaf, 
blank  leaf  preceding  title  lacking), 

Auckland,  Nov.,  '97.     (1)    £13. 

AUSTIN  (J.  0.).  Genealogical  Dic- 
tionary of  Rhode  Island.  Albany, 
1887.     4to. 

CI.,  unc.  Carruth,  May.  '98.  (03)  $5.50. 

CI..  Morris.  Apr.,  *99.     (81)  »6.12. 

AUSTIN  (SAMUEL).  Naps  upon 
Pamassus.     Load.,  1658.    Svo. 




Austin   (Samuel) — Continued. 

Mor,    (Hosmer  copy),  GrlBwold.  Dec.. 

•80.     (42)  127. 
Cf.,  Ellis.  Nov.,  '85.      (422)    £2  lOs. 
Mor..   g.e..   Turner.  June,   '88.       (265) 

£3  12s. 
Cf..  Gaisford.  Apr.,  '90.     (107)    £2  12s. 
Mor..  g.e.   (text  cut  inlo).  Soth.,  June 

27,  '92.     (30)    £4  6s. 
Mor..   g.e.,    Soth.,   Apr.    12,    '93.        (2) 

£4  10a. 
Mor..    g.e.,    Bliss.    Apr..    '98.      (9)     £2 

Cf.  (Freeling  copy),  McKee,  Dec,  '01. 

(2731)  *70. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Lefferts.  Apr.,  '02.     (22)  |65. 

AUSTIN    (W.).     Anatomy  of  the  Pes- 
tilence.    Lond..  16C6.     Svo. 
Cf..  Corser.  July,  "08.     (148)    £3  38. 

Atlas     Under     Olynnpus.       lx>nil,. 

16fi4.     Svo. 
Mor,  Grlswold.  Dec.,  '80.     (43)  $15. 
Cf..  g.e.  (portraits  inserted),  Gaisford. 

Apr.,  '90.     tlOS)    £2168. 
Cf..  McKee,  Dec.,  '01.     (2733)  $19. 
Devout  Meditations.     Lood.,  1637. 

Mor.,    Buckley.    Apr.,    '94.      (350)     £2 


Cf..  re.,  McKee,  Dec,  '01.     (2732)  |13. 

AUSZ     AMERICA,     DAS     I3T,     AUSZ 

der  Newen  Welt,  .\iigsburg,  1620. 
4  to. 

Vel..  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.     (1:J6)  *.o.25. 

Proceedings  of  the  Congres.s  held 
at  New  York  In  1765,  on  the  sub- 
ject of  the  American  Stamp  Act. 
l>ond.,  1767-     Svo. 

ITnc.   Putt-.  Dec.   '99.     (89)    £2  4s. 

Green  Room.     Lond.,   [1K14].     Svo. 

Mor.  g.t..  unc.  Wylie,  May.  '01  (3) 
£4  48. 

Hf.  mor.  g.t.,  unc.  (28  extra  engrav- 
ings Inserted).  French,'  Apr,  '01. 
(67)  |22. 

Mor.  g.e.  (70  extra  portraits  in- 
serted). Goodwin.  Dec,  "03.  (3G5) 

Facts  Relating  to  the  Exchange  of 
Prisoners  at  the  Cedars.  Lond., 
1777-     Svo. 

Hf.  mor.,  Menzies.  Nov.,  '76.  (93) 


Authentic   Narrative — Continued. 

Hf.    mor,    Brlnley.    Mar.    '80.     (3967) 

Hf.  roan.  Henkels,  Oct,  21,  '96.     (282 


1864.     4  vols.,  fol.  and  4to. 

CI.,  Stane.  Aug.,   'S8.     (1235)    £1. 

CI.,   Putt..  Jan.   10,   '89.      (925)    £158. 

CI.,  Bancker,  Mar,  '98.     (602)  $9.20. 

CL,  Rogers,  Nov.,  '98.     (23)   $6.40. 

AVERY  (DAVID).  Sermon  preached 
at  Greenwich,  Dec.  IS,  1777.  being 
general  Thanksgiving  through  the 
United  American  States.  Norwich, 
1778.     Svo. 

Paper,  unc,  Manson,  Feb..  '99.  (1653) 

AVILA  (FRANCISCO  DE).  Arte  de 
Lengua  Mexicana.  Mexico.  1717. 
12mo.  ^ 

Field,  'May,  '75.     (70)  $6.50.  ■ 

Mor,   g.e.,   Brlnley,   Apr,  '81.      (6768)-" 

Hf.  raor,  g.t.  (lacking  a  leaf  of  Index), 
Murphy,  Mar.  '84.     (128)  $10. 

Mor,  g.e.  (Brinley  copy),  Dorman. 
Apr.   '86.    (929)    $32. 

AVILA  Y  ZUNIGA  (L.  DE).  Commen- 
taries. Trans,  by  Jolin  Wilkinson. 
Lond-,  1555-    12rao. 

Mor  g.e.  (portrait  and  4  maps  In- 
serted), Inglls,  June,  1900.     (72)  £5. 

AYLET  (ROBERT).  Divine  and  Moral 
Speculations.     L«,»nd.,  1G54.     Svo. 

Mor.  Griswold.  Dec.  '80.     (44)   $28. 

Hf.  cf-.  Gaisford,  Apr.,  '90.     (109)    £3. 

Mor.  Foote,  Jan..  '95.     (4)  $18. 

Mor,  g-e.  (a  few  headlines  cut  into), 
McKee.  Dec,  "01.     (2734)  $21. 

Sheep.  Lefferts,  Apr.  '02.     (23)   $11. 

^Susanna.     Lond.,  1622.     Svo. 

Cf.  (Heber  copy),  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  '98. 
(]0H)    £17  10s. 

A  Wife  Not  Ready  Made  but  Be- 

spoken.     Lond.,  1053.     Svo. 

Solh..  Apr   12,  '93.      (3)     £128. 

AYLMER  (JOHN).  Harbor  for  Faith- 
ful and  True  Subjects.  Sirasburg. 
1559.     4to. 

Rus..  RusHell,  June,  '85.     (61)    £8  158. 

Hf.  cf.,  Ellis.  Nov.,  'S5.     (431)    £4  15s. 

Vel.,  Wodhull,  Jan..  '86.  (282)  £8 
10  9. 

AYMON.  Conqueste  de  I*  Em  pi  re  de 
Treblzondo,  ;^icte  par  Regoauld  de 




B.  F. 

Aymon — ( 'ntitin ttt  tL 

Moni.aban,    flls   du    due   Aymond    de 

Dardayne.    eic,      Paris.    Jehan    Trt'- 

perel.  [about  1510].    4to. 
Mor,    g.e.    (lacking    Aii),    Soth..    Apr. 

12.  '99.     (71)    £3  OS. 

Quatres  flU  Aymon.     Avec  rhys 

tolre  du  noble  &  valUant  Chevalier 
ReKuault  de  Montauban.  Lyon, 
IVX\.     Fol. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (fol.  22  supplied  in  manu- 
scripi),  Crawford,  June.  '87,  (1678). 

—- — Quatre    fils    Aymon.     Lyon.    1506. 

Mor.  g.e..  Crawford,  June,  '89.     (900) 

£  1 27. 

Sensuyt    le    Livre   des   quatre   flir 

Ayuion  due  de  Dordone,  etc.  Paris, 
Jehan   Treperel.    [about    lolOj.     4lo. 

01.  (lacking  A  4.  Hh  4  mended).  Solh., 
Apr.  12,  '99.     (72 >    £5. 

The    Right   Pieasaunt  and   Goodly 

Hisiorie  of  Ihe  Foure  Sonnes  of 
Alruon.     Lond.,  Copland,   1554.     Fol. 

Cf.  (last  5  leaves  mended).  Jersey, 
May,  '85.     (126)    £54. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (title  and  several  leaves  sup- 
plied In  facs.).  Crawfoid,  June.  '89. 
(135)    £14. 

Ct.  (last  5  leaves  mended,  Jersey 
copy),  Morris.  Dec,  "98.    (152)    £81. 

Old  mor.  (4  leaves  in  facs.,  Roxburghe 
copy),  Soih.,  June  18.  '03.  (816) 
£21  lOa, 

AYRES  (J.  A.).     Legends  of  Montauk. 

L.  I.     Hartford.  1X49.     8vo. 
Cf..  Alexander.  Mar..  '95.     (91 3 »  $12.50. 

AYRES     (P.).        Emblems     of     Love. 

Lond..  1680.     8vo. 
Mor.,  Solh.,  May  5,  '90.     (13)    £2  15s. 

Emblems   of    Love.      Tx)nd..    tRS.'j. 

Mor..  g.e,.  Crampon.  June. '9(1.    (5>  £!. 

Emblems   of   Love.  Lond.,   [1099]. 

Cf.,   Leigh.   Dec.,   '8«.      (1G2)    £1  la. 
Mor..  g.e..  Galsford,  Apr.,  '90.     (llO) 

Mor.,   g.e.,   Soth.,   June   27.    '92.      (3?,) 

£1  5s. 
Hf.  cf..  unc.  Blerstadt,  Apr.,  '97.  (120» 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Hayes,  Apr.,  '98.     (563»   %1. 
Cf..  Bangs,  May  5,  '02.    (Ill)  JKi. 

Ay  res   (P.)— 4"oi)/fjj»r/i. 

Lyric  Poems.     Lond.,  16S7.     12mo- 

Cf.,  Sewall.  Nov.,  '9G.     (150)  flO.Su. 

AYRTON  (W.>.  Adventures  of  a  Sal- 
mon in  the  River  Dee.  Lend., 
[1853].     Svo. 

Cf.,  unc,  Blyth.  Mar..  '01.  (IS)    £  1  2.s. 

AYTOUN      (W.     E.)     AND     MARTIN 

(Sir  T.).     Book  of  Ballads.     Ix>nd.. 

1845-     Svo. 
CI.,  g.e.,  Burnett.  Apr..  '89.     (26)    £2 

CI.,  g.e.,  Hutt.  May.  '89.     (23fl)    £3  78. 
CL.  g.e.,     Wiper.     Jan..      '91.      (1440) 

£1  168. 
CI.,  g.e.,  Witton,  Jan..  '93.     (408)    £1 

CI.,  g.e.,  Dillwyn.  Oct..  'g."}.      (65)    £1 

Ci.,   g.e..    -Monk,    Oct.,   '94.      (250)     £1 

CI.,  g.e..  Pinkney.  May.  '96.  (43)    £1. 
CI.,  g.e..  Bliss.,  '98.     (286)    £15s. 
CI.,  g.e.,  (presentation     copy).     Soth., 

Dec.  3,   190(t.      (460)    £2  10s. 
Mor.,     g.e.     (orig.     rover    bound     in), 

French.  Apr..  '01.     (1173)  ^24. 
Mor.   (orig.  cover  bounil   in).  French. 

Apr..  'Ul.     (1172)  J20. 

Book  of  Ballads.     Lond..  1849.  Svo. 

CL,  g.e..  May,  July,  '91.     (323)    £1. 
Mor.,     g.e.     (Cuthbert    Bede's    copy), 
French.  Apr.,  '01.     (1174)  $40. 

AZARA    (FELIX   DE).     Voyages  dans 

I'Amerique  MeridifUiale.  1781  to 
1801.      Paris,    1801).     5    vols..   8vo. 

Hf.  cf..  Barlow.  Feb..  '90.     (143)  |30. 

Hf.  cf..  Crawford.  July.  '96.  (57) 
£  1  Ss. 

B.  (A.).  Life;  or  Ecclesiastical  His- 
tory of  S.  Thomas,  Archbishop  of 
Canterbury.     Cologne.  1639.     Svo. 

Cf..  Solh..  Aug.  13.  '88.     (385)    £3  10s. 

Mor..  g.e-  Southby.  Dec.  10,  '90.  (864) 
£1  17a. 

Cf.,  Brabourne,  June.  '93.     (U    £110s. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Crampon,  June.  '96. 
(10)    £2  2s. 

Cf..   Burra,   May.   '97.      (14)    ClGs. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Smith,  June,  '97.  (67) 
£  1  8s. 

B.  (A.).     See  Brome  (A.). 
B,    (E.).     See   Benlowes    {£.),   Bolton, 
E.)^  Burrough   (E.). 

B.   (F.).     See  Bernard   (F.). 

B.  G. 



B.  (G.).  Beware  the  Cat.  Lond..  E. 
AUde,   1584.     8vo. 

(lacking  title  page,  Heber  copy),  Cor- 
Ber,  July.  'C8.     (152)    £12  58. 

B.  (G.)>     See  Buchanan  (George). 

B.  (HO.  Political  Sketches.  See 
Doyle  (J.). 

B.  (H.)-     See  Bold  (Henry). 

B.  (J.).  Brief  and  Faithful  Declara- 
tion of  the  True  Faith  of  Christ. 
N.p..  1547.     Svo. 

Cf..  g.e.  (with  the  4  rare  leaves  pre- 
ceding title).  Ellis,  Oct..  '02.  (219) 
£3  3s. 

B.  (J.).  See  Bodenham  (J.)t  Bratds- 
halgh  (J.).  Bullokar  (J.),  Bulteel 

B.  (N.)-  See  Billmgaley  (N.>,  Breton 

B.  ^O.)'  Questions  of  Profitable  and 
Pleasant  Concerniiigs  called  by  the 
Reporter  the  '*  Display  of  Vain  Life." 
etc.  [ix>nd.l.  Richard  Field,  1594. 
4  to. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Davis,  Nov..  1900.  (13  J 

Mor.,  Soth.,  May  6,  '01.    (404)   £39. 

B.  (R.).  See  Baron  (R.).  Beverly  (R.), 
Brathwalt  (R.),  Brome  (H.),  Burton 

B.  (T.).  Love  wilt  find  out  the  Way. 
[Lond.3.  J,  Coltrell,  1G61.     4to. 

Fountalne,  June.   '02.     (47)    £2  88. 

B.  (W.).  Free  Schoole  of  Warre,  or  a 
Treatise  whether  it  be  I^awful  to 
beare  Arines  for  the  Service  of  a 
Prince  that  Is  of  a  Divers  Religion. 
l>ond..  1G25.     4to. 

**Large  paper. 

Vel..  BooIb.  June,  '03.     (86)    £2  10s. 

B.    (W.).  The    Philosopher's    Banquet. 

Lond..  1614.    12mo. 
Cf.,    Ashburnham,    June.     '97.      (2011 

£2  108. 

B.  (W.).     See  Bagwell   (W,). 


med).     Memoirs.     Lond..  1S2G.     4to. 

Cf..  g.e..  Craig,  June.  '87.  (126)    £2  4b. 

BABSON  (J.  J,).  History  of  Glouces- 
ter.  Maas.     Gloucester,  1860.     Svo. 

Hf.  mor..  unc.  Guild,  Nov..  '87.  (2109) 

CI.,  Coburn.   Apr.,  '88.     (843)   fG.50. 

CI..  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (1475)  $8. 

Babson    (J.  J.) — Continued. 

Hf.    mor.,    unc,   Blanchard,   May,    *98. 

(055)  »C.50. 
Hf.  mor.,  Libbie,  June  22.  "98.     (307) 

CI..  Libbie.  Jan.  18,  '99.     (399)  18.50. 
CI.,  Manson,  Feb..  '99.     (1572)  %7. 
CI..  Balcom,  Feb.,  '01.     (973)  $6.50. 


ord.     Lond..  lSSl-94.     7  vols..  Svo. 
De  Lacouperie.  May,  '9->.   (142)    £2  2b. 

lers.       By      Rumfustlcua      Bibulua. 

Lond..    1841.    6    plates    by    Robert 

Cniikshank.    4to. 
Cf.,    g.e.,    Stewart,    Mar.,    '&$      (129) 

£2  18s. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Talbot.  Jan.,  '90.  (298) 

Cf.,    g.e.,    Holbom,    Jan..    '93.     (253) 

£2  15s. 

BACCHUS  AND  VENUS.    Load..  1737. 

Cf.,  Hazlilt.  Nov..  '93.     (508)    £1  10s. 
Cf..  BlJss.  Apr.,  '98.     (282)    £2  16s. 
Ru.s.,  g.e..  Bliss,  Apr.,  '98.     (283)    £2 


BACHE  (B.  F.).     Remarks  Occasioned 

by  the  Late  Conduct  of  Washington. 

Phila..  1797.     Svo. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.  (147) 

Hf.  naor.  (cut  Into),  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90. 

(148)  111. 

BACKUS    (ISAAC).     History    of    New 

England.  Bost.,  1777.  Provirlence, 
1784,  and   Bost.,  1796.     3   vols..   Svo. 

Sheep.  GilberL  Feb..  '73.     (142)  |45. 

Mor.  ex.,  unc.  Menzies,  Nov.,  '76. 
(100)  1112.50. 

Hf.  sheep,  unc,  Griswold,  Mar.,  '76. 
(33)  |B7. 

Cf.  ex.,  unc,  Brlnlev,  Apr.,  '81.  (6198) 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Cooke,  Dec.  '83.  (149) 

Hf.  mor.  (Vols.  1  and  2  uncut).  Mur- 
phy. Mar..  '84.     (134)  |S4. 

line.  (Vols.  1  and  2  in  sheets,  folded. 
Vol.  3  sewed).  Colutrn.  Apr..  '88. 
(79)    $60. 

Sheep.  Terry,  Mar.,  '89.     (66)   |39. 

Sheep.  Dawson,  May,  '90.  (1370)  $30.75. 

History    of    New    England.      With 

the  .'Vbridgemont.  Bost.,  etc.,  1777- 
ISfiL     Together   4    vols.,    Svo. 



6ackus   (Isaac) — Cotitiiiucl. 
<:t..    Brlnley.   Mar..   79.     (276)    |68. 
Sbeep.  Brlnley.  Nov.,  '86.     (6200>  $39. 
Hf.   mor..  Hunt.  Nov..  '91,     (170)    |32. 
:Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Ubbie,  Nov.  G.  '95.  (84) 

Abridgement   of  the   Church    His- 
tory of  New  England,  from  1602  to 
1804.     Bosl.,    1804.     8vo. 
HI.  mor,.  g.l„  Menzles.  Nov,.  '70,  (101) 

Roan.  Brlnley.  Apr..  'SI.     (6199)  $5.50. 
Sheep.  Cooke.  Dec,  '83.     (150)   |7. 

Church    History   of    New    England 

from    1C20    lo    1804.      Phila..    1839. 
1 6ino. 
Hf.    roan.    Manson.    Mar..   '99.      (2928) 

Policy,  as  well   as   Honesty,   For 

bids   the  Use  of  Secular   Force   in 

ReliKious  Affairs.    Bost..  1779.    Svo. 

Hf.   mor..   Brlnley,    Nov..    '86.      (6201) 

I'nc-,  Brinley.  Nov.,  '86.  (6202)  $6.50. 
Hf.  mor,  Moore.  May,  '93.  (124)  $8,50. 
BACON  (DELIA).  Philosophy  of  the 
Plays  of  Shakespeare  Unfolded. 
I^nd..  1867.  Svo. 
CI.,  unc.  LIbble.  Apr.  15.  'flG.  (48)  $6. 
CI.,  unc.  Ubble,  Dec  2.  '96.     (427*) 

CI.,  unc.  Daly.  Mar.,  1900,     (159)  $5. 

Tales  of  the  Puritans,  New  Haven, 

1S31.     12mo. 
CI..  McKee,  Nov.,  1900.     (34)  $7. 
BACON     (FRANCIS).       Advancement 

of  Learning.    Ix)nd.,  1605.    4to. 
Cf..    g.e.,    Smalley.    July.    '87.       (17) 

£3  38. 
Mor.    g.e..    Martin.    Mar.    '88.      (146) 

£4  108. 
Mor.    g.e..    Soth,.    May    5.    "90.      (15) 

£8l7s.  Cd. 
Cf.,   Sullivan,  May.   '90.     (526)    £2  28. 
Vel..     WarHnglon.     Nov..     '93.      (670) 

£4  48. 
Cf..  Blerstodt.  Apr,  '97.     (121)  $12. 
Mor.  g.e..  Harvey.  June.  1900.     (149) 

£10  5s. 
Unbd..     Soth..    Dec     3.     1900.      (557) 

£12  108- 
Cf..  McKee.  Dec.  "01.     (2735)  $31. 
Mor,   E.e..   Soth..  June  3.  '02.     (782) 

£23  lOs 
Mor..  g.e..'Lefrert8.  Apr.  '02.    (26)  $90. 
Mor.  K.e-.   Soth..   Mar.   16.   '03.     (126) 

£16  58. 

Bacon   ( Francis) — Vontinucd. 

Vel..  Boola,  June,  '03.     (90)    £26  58, 

Hf.   mor     (portrait    Inserted),    Soth., 

June  18,  '03.     (599)    £14  108. 
Orlg.  vel.   (headlines  of  last  leaf  cut 

into).  Soth.,  June  17.  '04.  (21)    £19. 
••Large  paper 
Mor.  g.e.,  Orford.  June.  '95.     (25)   £49. 
Vel.   {]joM  Stuart  de  Rothesay  copy). 

Ashburohara.  June,  '97.     (211)    £20. 
(Title     and     fly-leaves     written     on), 

Soth..  June  20.  '04.     (160)    £29 10a. 

^Advancement  of  Learning.  Ox- 
ford.  1G29.     4 to. 

Mor.  g.e..  Toovey.  Feb..  '94.  (273) 
£3  108. 

.Mor.  g.e..  Ellfs.  Oct,.  '02.  (227)  £3 

Advancement  of  Learning.  Ox- 
ford. 1633.     4  to. 

Mor.  g.e.,  Toovey,  Feb,,  '94.  (274) 

Vel.,  Soth.,  Feb,  21,  '99.     (241)  £2. 

Sheep.  Soth.,  Dec  3.  1900.  (668)  £2 

Cf.  (with  autographs  of  Johannes 
Hagar  and  John  Anstis,  with  manu- 
script extracts),  Soth.,  Jan.  23.  '02, 
(299)    £6  10s. 

Mor.  g.e..  Ellis.  Oct..  '02.  (228)  £1 

Advancement  of  Learning.  Ox- 
ford, 1640.     Fol. 

Cf..  Turner  Nov..  'S8.     (624)    £3  7s. 

Cf..  Putt.,  Dec.  n,  '99.     (208)    £117s. 

Cf.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  May  21,  1900.  (247)  £2, 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Harvey,  June,  1900.  (216) 
£  3  15s. 

Cf..  Soth..  June  3.  "02.  (788)    £5  7s.  6d. 

Cf..  Soth..  Jan.  22.  '03.     (2451    £3  189. 

Cf..  Bools.  June.  "03.     (91)    £3 15a. 

Cf..  Putt..  .Tan.  20.  '04.      (271)    £4. 

^Apophthegmes.      Load.,    1625.  Svo. 

Mor.    g.e..    Turner,    June,    '88.     (273) 

£2  68. 
Vel..  Sullivan.    May.    '90.      (531)     £2 

Hf,  cf..   Cosens.  Nov.,  '90.     (341)    £3 


Apophthegmes,     Lond,,  1626.    Svo. 

Old  cf.  (a  few  leaves  wormed).  Soth., 

May  18.   '03.      (26)    £5  12s.  6d, 
Augmentis     Sclentlarum.       Ixund., 

1623.     Fol. 
Vel..    g.e..   Turner    Nov..    '88.        (621) 

£5  178.  6d. 




Baco  n   ( Franc i  b)  — Conthi  ued. 

Old  cf.  (with  Instauratio  Magna  and 
Paraseve  ad  His  tor  Sam  Natural  em, 
1620,  and  Sylva  Sylvaruni.  1G58,  in 
2  vols.),  Solh..  July  30,  1900.  (396) 

Cases    of    Treason,      [jond.,    1G41. 

4  to. 
Cf..    g.e.,    Soth.,    Mar.    7,    '01.      (ITS) 

£4  188. 

Charge    touching    Ouelts.      Ijond.. 

ICH.     4to. 
Hf.   mor.    (with   3   other   pieces.   In   1 

vol.),     Soth.,     June    3,     '02.       (200) 

£11  15s. 

Confession  of  Faith,     l>ond..  1G41. 

4  to. 

Unbd.  (writing  on  title),  Soth.,  May 
IS.  '03.      (1€4)    £10. 

Considerations  Touching  a  Warre 

with  Syaine.     Lond.,  1629.    4to. 

Cf.,  g.t.,  unc,  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.  (24) 

Considerations  touching  the  pacif- 
ication and  ediflcaHon  of  iho  Church 
of  England.  Ijjnd.,  T.  P.  for  Henrie 
Tomes.    1004.      4  to. 

Mor.  (blank  l^af  .A.  1.  lacking,  verso  of 
E  1.  recto  of  E  2,  E  3,  E  4  and  all  of 
Sig.  F  (never  printed)  in  manu- 
script). Soth..  May  G.  '01.  (879)    £41. 

Constderattons  touching  the  paci- 
fication and  edification  of  the 
Church  of  England.  Lond..  for 
Henry  Tomes,  nd.     4 to. 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Ford,  May.  'f)2.  (55)  £5 

Declaration   of  the    Practices  and 

Treasons  attempted  by  Robert  Eari 
of  Essex  against,  the  Queen.  Ix)nd., 
Robert  Barker.  1601.    4to. 

Cf.,  g.t..  front  edges  unc.  Soth..  June 
3.  '02.     (781)    £10  28.  Gd. 

Mor.,  g.e..  BoolR.  June.  '03.  (89  > 
£7  10b. 

Rua.  (headlines  cut  into  and  portrait 
inserted).  Soth..  Nov.  20,  '99.  (236) 

(With  A  Brief  and  Compendious  Nar- 
rative of  the  Renowned  Robert  Earle 
of  Essex,  164G).  Soth.,  Jan.  29.  1900. 
(645)     1-2  3s. 

Elements  of  the  Common    Lawes 

of  England.     I^nd..  1636.     4to. 

tfnbd..  Soth..  Dec.  3.  1900.  (560) 
£1  Is. 

Bacon    (Francis) — i'ontiim<*L 

Essays.     Lond.,    J.    WIndet.    1598. 

12  mo. 

Cf.,  Soth.,  Apr.  22.  '95.  (550)  £30 

Mor..  g.e.,  Aahbumham,  June,  '97. 
(207)    £32. 

(With  CornwaiHs'  Essays,  Part  1, 
ICOO,  and  Johnson's  Essays,  ICOl,  in 
1  vol..  the  latter  lacking  all  after 
"  H  5 ";  inner  margins  of  several 
leaves  defective,  edges  scorched), 
Soth..  July   1,   '01.      (S91)    £25 10s. 

Vel.  (with  Com  wants'  Essays,  Part  1, 
icon.  Part  2.  IGOl.  and  Johnson's 
Essays,  IGOl;  headlines  slightly  cut 
Into).  Soth.,  June  3.  '02.    (124)    £96. 

^Essays.     i^nd..  J.  Jaggard.   16(iG. 

Mor.,   g.e.,    Hawkins,   .\pr.,    *95-      (10) 

£10  155. 
Orig.    vel.    (with    Cornwallis'    Essays. 

1600.   Part   11.,   ICOl.   and   Johnson's 

Essays.  1607  bound  in).  Soth.,  May. 

"03.     (25)    £63. 

Essays.     I^ond..     J.     Beale,     1612. 

Vel..   Turner,    June.    "SS,       (274)      ta 

Cf.,  m.e.  (headlines  cut  into).  Arnold, 

May,  "01.     (10)   $26. 
Unbd.,  unc.   (lacking  Slg.  A  and  Q  8, 

both   blank,   and   corner  of  leaf  of 

Dedication  torn).  Cell,  Feb..  '04.  (8) 

£15  5s. 

^ond.,   J.  Jaggard,   1t)13. 
t  ♦JS ) 


12  mo. 
Mor.,   g.e..    Libbie.   May   2,   '88. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Soth..  May  5.  '9U.     (16) 

£3  3s. 
Mor..   g.e.,   Sullivan.    .May.    '90.      (528) 

Mor.   ex.,   g.e.,    Hale.   Mar..   '91.      (71) 

Vel.,    Ashbumham,    June.    '97.      (2)0) 

L/cather.  Soth.,  July  l,  '(H.    (1072)    £9 

Vel.,  McKee,  Dec..  '01.     (2736)  %li). 
Sheep,   Soth.,  Dec.   2.    '01,      (38)     £12 

Vel..    unc,    Soth.,   June   3,   '02.      (125) 

Mor.   ex..   g.e..   Chriatfe.   .June   18.   '02. 

(IG)    £14  10s. 






Bacon   (Francis) — Continueti. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Ellis,  Oct..  '02.     (225)    £15- 

Grig.  vel.    (some  headlines  cut  into), 

Soth.,   May   8,   '03.      (7)    £22. 
Orig.    vel..    Solh.,   June   17.   '04.      (23) 


Essays.    EdJnb.,  1614.    8vo. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.   (title-page  mended  and 

four  leaves  in  face.).  Retd.  May,  '94. 

(143)    £2  88. 

Essays.    Lend.,  J.  D.  for  Elizabeth 

Jaggard,  1624.    8vo. 
Mor.,   g.e.,   Soth.,  July   1,   '01.      (1073) 


Essays.     I^nd..  1G26.     4to. 

Cf.  ex.,  Smalley.  July.  '87.     (18)    £3 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Borthwick,  May,  '94.     (201) 

Cf..    g.e..    Bangs,    Mar.    25,    '9G.      (67) 

Cf..  g.e.    (Malone  copy),  Hayes,  Apr., 

'98.     (59)   132. 
Cf,.    m.e..    Soth..    Oct.    30,    '99.      (630) 

£3  12s.  6d.  A 

Vel..  Soth.,  May  21.  1900.     (190)    £11 


Vel.     (slightly    stained    and    binding 

broken).  Soth.,  Oct.  28,  *D1.     (626) 

£10  5s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Both.,  June  3,  '02,     (783) 

Vel..   Soth..   July   14,   '02.      (593)    £24 

Sheep.  Soth.,  Mar.  10,  '97.     (771)    £4 

Of..  Hodgson,  May  21,  '03.      (71)    £10 

Orig.  vel.,  Bools.  June,  '03.     (92)    £26 

Grig,  vel.,  Cell.  Feb.,  '04.  (62)    £16  Ss. 

Essays.     Lond.,  1632.     4to. 

Cf.  ex..  g.e.,  Ubbie.  May  2,  '88.     (66) 

Cf.,   Sewall,  Nov..   '96.     (159)    17.50. 
Mor.  ex-,  g.e..  Bangs,  June  7,  1900.  (30) 

Mor.  ex.,   g.e..   Ford,   May.    '02.     (54) 

£5  5s. 

Essayes.     Ixjutl..  1637,     4to. 

Orig.    cf.,    Soth.,   July   16.    '03.      (555) 
£1  178. 

Essays.     Lond.,   1639,    4to. 

Cf.,    r.e.    (R.   G.    White's   copy),    Haw- 
kins.  Mar..   '87.      (1782)    |18. 
Cf.,  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.     (174)   |5.50. 

Bacon   (Francis) — Continurd, 
Cf.,   Reid,   May,   '94,      (333)    £148. 
Cf..  Putt,,  Jan.  9.   '02.     (180)    £1108. 
Cf.,    Ellis,   Oct.,   '02.      (229)    £148. 
Cf.,    Soth.,    May    18,    '03.       (28)     £4 
7s.  6d. 

Essays.     Lond-,  1720,  2  vols.,  8to. 

♦•Large  paper. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Jan.  24.  '99.       (910) 
£8  8s. 

Hfstoria   Naturalls.       Lond.,   1620. 

Vel.,  Hookins,  Apr.,  '93.     (718)    £168. 

HI  stop!  a  Natural  is.       Lond.,  1622. 

VeL.  Turner,  June,  '88.     (270)    £18s. 
Vel.  (with  Initials  "  I.  W.,"  said  to  be 

Walton's  copy).  Soth.,  July   28.  '03. 

(334)    £3  3a. 

History  of  Life  and  Death.    Lond., 

1638.     Svo. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Hawkins,    Apr,,    '95.     (11) 

£1  19s. 
Cf.,  g,e.,  Adee,  Nov.,  '95.     (31)  tl6.26. 
Mor.,  g.e-,  Soth.,  May  18,  '03.  (27)    £7. 

History   of  the    Raigne   of   Henry 

Vn.     Lond,,  1622.     Fol. 
Mor,    (presentation    copy),    Beckford, 

June.  '82.      (515)    £29 10s. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e..  Mair,  Jan.,  '90-  (1050)   £1. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.  (Malr  copy),  Toovey,  Feb., 

'94.     (317)    £1. 
Cf.,  Bangs.  Oct.  9,  *95.     (32)  |8.50. 
Cf..  Sewall,  Nov.,  '96.     (158)   |7.e0. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e..  Soth.,  May  16,  '01.     (23) 

£4  7s.  Gd. 
Mor.,  g-e.  (Beckford  copy),  Edwardes, 

May,  '01.     (123)    £110. 
Cf.,  Soth,,  Mar.  17,  '02.     (209)    £2148- 
Vel.,   Hibbert,  Apr.  9.  '02.      (30)    £10 

Mor.,     Twopenny.     May.      "02.      (273) 

£12  53. 
Vel.,    Soth.,   June   3,    '02.      (245)     £19 

Mor.,   Putt,,   Nov.   20,   *02.      (246)    £3 

Cf..    g.e.,    Soth.,   Mar.   16.   '03.      (228) 

£5  15s, 
Old    cf.,    Soth,,    May    18,    '03.     (228) 

£7  17s,  6d. 

History    of    the    Raigne    of    King 

Henry  VD.    Lond.,  1641.    Fol. 

Mor.,  Turner,  Nov..  '88.     (C2G)    £3  5s. 

Instauratio        Magna.  (Novum 

Organum.)     Lond.,  1620.     Pol. 



Bacon   ( Francis) — Continunt. 

Vel.   Turner,    Nov..    '88.       (627)      £2 

Mor..   g.e.,    Hazlltt,    Nov.,    '93.       (30) 

£4  4s. 
Cf.,   Millard,   July.   '95.      (123)    £5  5s. 
Cf.,  Burra,  May,  '97.     (290)    £2  4s. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  '98.      (254)    £4  4a. 
Vel.,  Solb.,  Jxine  3.  '02.    (242)    £40. 
Cf.  (rebacked),  Soth.,  July  28, '02.  (561) 

£15  IDs. 
Cf.,  Ellis.  Nov.,  '01.   (2)    £7. 
Mor..   g.e..   Soth.,    Feb.   9.   '03.      (762) 

£16  10b. 
Orlg.  cf.,  Putt.  July  22.  '03.    (174  A) 

Old    cf.,    g.e.,    Hodgson,    Feb.    16.    '04. 

(637)    £15  108. 

^The      Learned      Reading.       Lond., 

1642.     4to. 
Unbd.,    Soth..    Dec.     3.     1900.       (5C5) 


The    Natural  I    and    Experimentalt 

History  of  Winds.  Lond..  1G53.  12rao. 

Sbeep,   McKee.   Dec.   '01.    (2737)    |10. 

Sheep,  Soth.,  June  3.  '02.  (129)  £9 

Of    Gardens.      Lond..   Vale   Press, 

1902.     12nio. 

Bds.,  Pelrce.  Mar.,  '03.     (112)   |16. 

Bds..  Henkels,  May  5,  '03.     (527)   $12. 

Ordinances    made   for   the    Better 

and  more  Regular  Adralnistraiion  of 
Justice  in  the  Chancery.  Ijond.. 
1642,   4to. 

Unbd.,  Soth-.  Dec.  3,  1900.  f5C-l) 
£1 18. 

Psalnns     in     English     Verse.     See 


The  Remaines  of  the  Right  Hon- 
ourable Francis  I.x>rd  Venilam  Vis- 
count of  St.  Albans.  Lond.,  1C48. 

Unbd..  Soth,,  Dec.  3.  1900.  (56G) 

Soth-,  Dec.   2,   '01.     (217)    £3 10s. 

Recuscitatio.     lx>nd.,  1657.    Fol. 

Mor..    g.e..    Turner.    Nov..    '88.     (628) 

£1 15s- 
Hf.  cf.   (In  2  vols.,  portrait  inserted). 

Brown,  Apr.,  '03.     (50)    £198. 

Recuscitatio.    Lond..  1672.    Fol. 

Cf,.  LIbble,  Nov.  20,  1900.     (497)  $6. 
De  Saplente  Veterum.  I^ud.,  1617. 


Bacon   (Francfs) — Conthiueft. 
Cf.    (some  headlines  cut  into).   Putt.. 
Jan.  9.  '02.     (179)    4-1  4s. 

-Sylva  Sytvarum.    Lond.,  1627.  Fol. 

Old  cf.,  Soth.,  May  18,  '03.     (229)    £3 

Three  Speeches.  Lond.,  1641.  4to. 

Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.  (221)  £1. 

Unbd.,    Soth.,    Dec.  3,     1900.      (563) 
£4  4s. 

True   and    Historical    Relation    of 

the  Poisoning  of  Sir  Thos.  Overbury. 
Lond..  1G51.     8vo, 

Cf.,  Rutter.  May,  '99.     (13)    £1108. 

Wisdom   of  the  Ancients.     Lond., 

1619.    8vo. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Turner.  June.  '88,     (276)    £1 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth,  Apr.  3,  •96.     (551) 

£4  4s. 
Cf.  (with  J.  M.  on  the  title-page,  and 

aald  to  be  Milton's  copy),  Cook,  Nov.. 

1900.     (17)  131- 
Sheep.   Soth^June  3,   '02.      (120)    £9 

Mor.,   g.e.,   Soth.,   Mar.    16,    '03.      (48) 

£6  12s.  Cd. 
Wise  and  Moderate  Discourse  con- 
cerning Church  Affairs.    Lond.,  1641. 

Hf.  bd.,  Soth..    Dec.    3.    1900.      (561) 

£2  5s. 

Opera   moratia   et  Civilia.     I^ond.. 

1638.    Fol. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Turner,    Nov..    '88.     (C22) 

£4  6s. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Bangs,   Apr.  28,  '02,     (244 > 

Grig,    cf.,    Soth..    Oct.    20,    '02.    (1191) 

£5  7s.  6d. 
Mor.,   g.e.    (Turner   popy.   here   called 

Large   paper),    Soth..   June   22.   '03. 

(88)    £8  5s. 
Orlg.    cf..    Soth..    Mar.    10,    '03.     (230) 


Certaine  Miscellany  Works.    Lond., 

1629.    4to. 
Cf.,    g.e.,    Soth,.    Dec.   3,   1900.      (559) 

Cf.,  unc,  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.     (26)   $19. 

^Works.    Lond.,  1753.    3  vols.,  fol. 

Cf..  Bangs,  Nov.  25,  '95.    (52)  $5.25. 

••Large  paper, 
Mor..  g.e..  Hawkins.  Apr.,  '95.     (429) 

£3  5s. 







Bacon   (Francis) — Continued. 

Works.    Lond..  1803.    10  vols.,  8vo. 

Cf..  Bangs.  Oct  6,  '98.     (3)  JIO. 
HI.  cf..  m.e.,  Sotlx.,  Oct.  24.  '98.     (372) 

••Large  paper. 
Cf..  Crawford.  Mar.,  "91.     (222)    £1  6b. 
Rus..  Hill.  Dec..  '92.     (56)    £1  9s. 

Works.    Edited  by  Basil  Montagu. 

Lond.,  1825-34.    17  vols..  8vo. 
Of.  ex..  g.e.,  Reid,  May,  '94.     (140)  £8. 
Hor.  ex.,  g.t.,  unc,  Hammond,  Jan.,  '9S. 

(22)  161. 
Cf.,  Hope,  Apr.,  '96.     (43)  £7. 
CI.,  unc,  Gardner.  July.  '97.     (8)  £3. 
CI.,  unc,  Weaver.  Dec.  "97.     (7)    £2 

Cf..  Bangs,  Feb.  3.  '98.    (10)  $24. 
Cf..  Soth.,  Jan.  29,  1900.     (285)    £3  Is. 
CI.,  unc.  Batliurst,  July.  1900.      (210) 


••Large  paper. 
Bds.,  unc,  Perkins,  July,  '89.    (107)  £10. 
01..  unc.   CbrlsUe.  Dec.  5,   '93.     (10) 

£C  15s. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Hayes,  Apr..  '98.     (61) 


••Largest  paper. 
Rus.  ex..  g.e..  Hibbert.  Apr.,  '02.     (29) 

Works.        Edited      by      Spedding, 

Ellis,   and    Heath.      Ixind..    1857-74. 

14  vols..  8vo. 
01..  Hodgson.  May   IS,  'Hi.     (160)    £4 

Cf..   m.e.,    Thompson,    May,    '87.     (831 

£8  108. 
a.  PutL.  June  5,  '93.      (7)     £4  48. 
Hf.  mor.,  ra.e.   (in   19  vols.l.  Watison, 

Nov.,  '01.     (7)    £G158. 
Mathews   &   Nelthrop.  .Jan..   '02.     (13) 

£5  10s. 

Works.        Edited      by      Spedding. 

Ellis,   and    Heath.     Boat.,    18G1.     15 

vols.,  8vo. 
CI.,  one.  Libbie.  Apr..  '99-   (105)  |14.25. 
CI.,   unc.    Bangs,    Oct    17,    1900.    (30) 

Hf.  cf..  Libbie.  Dec  5,  '01.  (48)  $20.62. 
CI.,    unc.    Libbie.    Jan.    21.    '02.    (49) 

Works.        Edited      by      Spedding, 

Ellis,  and  Heath.     Camb..  Riverside 

Press,  1863.    15  vols.,  Svo. 
••Large  paper. 
Ht  mor.  Dorman,  Apr.,  '86.      (1761) 


Bacon   (Francis) — Confiiiual. 

Hf.   mor.,   Libbie.    Feb.    5.    '89.     (53) 

Hf.  mor.,  Ives,  Mar.,  '91.  (38)  $76. 
Hf.    mor..    Livermore,    Nov..    '94.    (65) 

Hf.  mor..  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.  (150)  $37.50. 
Hf.  mor.,  Hayes,  Apr..  '98.  (02)  $33.75. 
Hf.  roan,  Cox,  Apr.,   '99.     (33)    $35.63. 
Hf.  mor.,  Poole,  May,  1900.    (67)  $21. 

•♦India  paper. 
Paper,     unc.     Rice,     Mar.,    70.      (90) 

Paper,     unc.     Cole,     Apr.,    '90.     (16) 

Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Livermore,    Nov.,    '94. 

(64)   $90. 
BACON     (ROGER).     Famous    History 

of  Friar  Bacon.     Load.,  1G80.   4to. 
Unbd..    unc,    Daniel,    July.    '64.      (73) 

£5  10a. 
Unbd.,   unc.     (Daniel   copy).   Grtswold, 

Dec.  '80.    (47)  $46. 
Hf.  cf.,  Dennis.  Dec.  '92.    (234)    £1  Is. 
Hf.  cf.,  Asbbumhara,  June.  '97.    (214) 

Life  and  Exploits  of  the  Celebrated 

Roger  Bacon.     Lx»nd..    [18141.     Col- 
ored    frontispiece    by    Crulkshank. 

Hf.    cf.,   g.t.,   Bruton,    June,    '97.     (82) 

£2  18s. 
Mirror  of  Alchemy.      Lond..   1597. 

Cf.,  g.e..   Fredrickson,   Apr.,   '86    (124) 

Mor.    (wormed),    Witthaua,    Oct.,    '97. 

(10)  $5.50. 

Opus  MaJuB.    Lond.,  1733.    Fol. 

Aylesford.   Mar.,   '88.      (15G)    £3  3s. 

♦♦Large  paper. 
Mor..    g.e.,    Buckley,    Apr.    '94.    (353) 

£4  5s. 
Cf.,    Soth.,    Aug.     2.     '94.       (432*  >      £3 


Cf..  Frere,  Feb..  '9G.     (224)    £3  15s. 
Rus.,   Ashburnham,     June,     '97.     (213) 

£2  ISs, 
BACON   "(THOMAS).      Four    Sermons 

upon  the  Duty  of  Christian  Masters 

to    bring    up    fheir    Slaves    tn    the 

Knowledge  and  Fear  of  God.    Lond., 

1750.    12mo. 
Unbd.,     Brinley,     Mar.,     '80.       (3663) 


Six  Sermons  on  the  Several  Duties 

of  Masters,  etc    Ixind.,  1751.    12mo. 
Unbd..  Brinley,  Mar.,  'SO.  (3664)  $10.25. 





{M.    dej.     Hiatolre    de   TAmerique 

Seplentrionale.    Parle,  1722.    4  vole., 

Vel..  Brinley,  Mar.,  '79.    (63)  |21. 
Ct,  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.    (2017)  |6. 
Cf.  (in  2  vols.).    Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.  (176) 

Old  cf.  (1  vol.  wormed)  ►  Llndsey.  Mar., 

'95.     (522)  111. 
Old  cf.  (in  2  vols.).  Ashburnham,  May, 

•98.      (2989)    £1168. 

^Histoire  de  l'Americ|ue  Septentri- 
onal o.     PariB,  17&3.     4  vols.,  8vo. 

Ct,  Pratt,  Apr.,  '99,     (660)   |ll, 

BAOCOCK  (JOHN).  Fancy-Anar  or  a 
History  of  Pugilism.  By  Jon.  Bee. 
Lond.,  [1824].  Colored  frontispiece. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Blyth,  Mar.,  '01.  (41)   £5  6s. 

Sportsman's  Slang,  By  Jon.  Bee. 
Lond.,  1825.  Colored  frontispiece, 

Unc,  RoupelU  July,  '87.     (62)  £9. 

Cf.,  g.e.,  Blyth,  Mar..  '01.  (28)   £1138. 

BADESLADE  (T.).  Views  of  Noble- 
men and  Gentlemen's  Seats  In  the 
County  of  Kent    Load.,  n.d.  Fol. 

Hf,  cf.,  Twopenny,  May,  '02.  (274) 
£2  148. 

BADGER  (G.  P.).    English-Arabic  Lex- 
icon.   Loud.,  188L    4to. 
CI.,    unc,    Brlce.    July.    '87.       (1007) 

£2  5s. 
CI.,   unc,    Bangs.   Mar.   4,   '95.      (263) 

Cl.,  unc.  Bangs,  May  24,  '01.    (7)  $6.60. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Putt.,  Jan.  9.  '02.     (499) 

BAOIUS     ASCENSrUS     (J.).       Stultl- 

fersB  Naves  Sensus  Animosque  Tra- 

hentls    Mortis    In    Exltlura.      Paris, 

Engllb.  de  Mamef,  1500.    4to. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.  (margins  of  several  leaves 

mended).  Both..  Apr.  22.  '96.     (698) 

£6  7a.6d. 
Stuttiferae   Navlculas  seu    Scaphae 

Fatuanim      MuHerum.       Strasburg, 

J.  PrOs,  1502.     4 to. 
Bds.,  Soth.,  Apr.  12,  '99.     (74)    £3  3s. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Inglis,  June,  1900.     (74)   £4. 

La  NefdesFolles.  Paris,  1601.  4to. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Apr.  24.  '99.    (784) 

£24  10b. 

SBd  Pastimes.     I^nd.,  v.d.  8vo. 

Badmfnton   Library — Continued. 

Hf.  bds.,  unc.  (31  vola.),  Soth.,  May  21, 

1900.     (70)  £8. 
CL,  (29  vols.).  Putt,  Apr-  14,  '02.    (642) 

£6  5s. 
CL  (28  vols.).  Soth,^  May  8.  '99.     (53) 

CL     (24    vols.),    Putt.,    Apr.    17.    'Ol- 

(1042)    £4  12s.  6d. 

••Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor.  (28  vols.),  Bruce,  Dec,  1900. 

(166)  £62. 
Hf.  mor.    (28  vols.),  Blyth,  Mar.,  '01. 

(164)     £54  128. 
Hf.  mor.  (24  vols.),  Hodgson,  Feb.  12, 

'95.     (789-817)    £78. 
(24  vols.)     PInkney.  May,  '95.     (190) 

For  separate  works  see  Authors. 
BAGEHOT      (WALTER),        Literary, 

Blograpiiilcal  and  Economical   Stud- 
ies.   Lond.,  1879-81.    4  vols.,  8vo, 
CL,  Smith,  Nov..  '94.     (194)    £16s. 
Cl.,  Coleridge,   May.  '96.      (42)    £16s. 
BAGOT    (LORD).     Memorials   of  the 

Bagot  Family.    Lond.,  1824.    4to. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Aylesford,  Mar.,  '88.     (101) 

£7  5s. 
(Autograph  of  author  Inserted.)   Chris- 
tie, Dec.  6.  '93-     (106)    £2  2s. 
BAGWELL  (W.).    The  Merchant  DIf 

tressed,     Lond.,  1644.     4to. 
Hf.  cf.,  Roynell,  May.  '95.     (22)    £1  Is. 
Mor.  (portrait  Inserted),  Corser,  Mar.» 

'69.     (65)    £5  17s.6d. 
BAILEY     (ABIGAIL).       Memoirs     of 

Mrs.    Abigail    Bailey.      Bost,    1815. 

Cf.  (soUed),  Manson.  Feb..  '99.     (243) 

BAILEY  (J.  T.).     Historical  Sketch  of 

Brooklyn.    Brooklyn,  1840.     12mo. 
Bds..  Brinley,  Mar..  '80.     (2930)  $5. 
Paper   (no  plan),  Bangs,  Jan.  26,  '98. 

(173)  $5.50- 
Mor..  g.t.  Bangs.  Apr.  16,  1900.     (124) 

BAILEY  (P.  J.).    FestuB.    Lond..  1839, 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Hutt,  May,  '89.     (122) 

CL,  unc,  Scott,  Mar.,  '90.     (15)   £148. 
CL,    unc.    Wood,    Mar..    '91.      (1214) 

£3  38. 
CL,  unci  Soth.,  Dec.  2,  '01.    (39)  £2. 
Hf.  roan,  McKee.  May.  '02.  (4799)  $7.50. 
Cl.    (presentation    copy    from    the   au- 




Bailey  (P.  J>)— Continued, 
thor.   with   poem   by   G.   Obryne   In- 
serted).   Soth.,    July    28,    '02.       (3) 
£2  68. 

BAILEY  (8.  L.).     Historical  Sketches 

of  Andover.    Best.,  1880.    8vo. 
CK.  Manson.  Feb..  '99.     (105)   $5.25. 

BAILEY.       Bailey's     Little     Warbler: 

Collection  of  English.  Scotch.  Irish 
and  Comic  Songs.  Lond..  1826-27. 
Frontispieces  and  engraved  titles  by 
Cruikshank.  6  vols.,  64mo. 
Orig.  mor..  g.e..  Soth..  May  18,  '03. 
(29)    £4  17s.6d. 

BAILLIE      (ROBERT).      Anabaptism. 

Lond..  1617.     4  to. 
Cf..  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.    <157)  |25. 

Disuasive  from  the  Errors  of  the 

Time.     I^nd.,  1645.     4to. 
Cf..  Deane.  Mar..  '98.     (15C)  $7.50. 

Disuasive  from  the   Errors  of  the 

Time.     Lond.,  1C55.     4  to. 
Cf..  g.e.,   Barlow,  Feb..  '90,    (155)   |19. 

BAILLIE      (ROBERT).      Letters     and 

Journals.     Edinb..  1775.  2  vols..  8vo. 
Cf..  Deane.  Mar..  '9S.     (158)  |C. 
Letters     and     Journals.       Edlnb., 

1S41-42.      3   vols..   4ro. 
Bds..    unc,     Craig,    Mar..     *88.      (273) 

£  1  5s. 
Hf-    mor..     Bonar.     Juno.     '90.      (214) 

Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Webster.  Mar..  '93.    (10  > 

Bds..  unc.  Reid.  May,  '94.     (672)    £2 

78.  6d. 
Bds..    unc.      Aahbumham,     June.    '97. 

12C4)    £2  38, 
Clerk,  May.  '99.     015)    £2  4s. 

BAILLIE  (WILLIAM).     Works.  Exind.. 

BoydeU,  n.d.    FoL 
Mor..  Bangs.  Jan.  26,  '99.  (9)   $12. 
Hf.    bd..    Soth.,    Jan.    28.    '01.     (1063) 

£2  1Ss. 
Cf..   g.e..    Bangs.    Nov.    13.    'OL     (1&5> 

Hf.  mor.  g.e..  Solh.,  Dec.  2.  '01.  (396) 

£3  12«. 

BAILLGN  (M.).  Natural  History  of 
Plants.  Trans,  by  Hartog.  Lond.. 
1871-88.     8  vols.,  8vo. 

CI..  Crawford.  Mar..  '91.    (226)    £3. 

CL,  Sofh..  Dec.  13,  '92.     (9>    £2  98. 

CI..  Heonessy.  July.  '93.  (1032)  £1 

Ball  Ion  (H.)— ConUnwrrf. 
CI..    Bancker,    Mar..    '93.     (25 »    $11.20. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Apr.  12,  1900.    (24)  $11. 
CI..  Barber,  .4pr..  1900.     (9)    £2  4s. 

BAILY   (F.).     Account  of  the  Rev.  J. 

Flamsteed.     Lond.,  1835.     4to. 
Cf.,  Craig,  .lune,   '87.      (13S)    £1169. 
Cf.  e.v.  Wood,  Mar..  '91.     (809)    £16a. 
Paper    (with    Supplement),    Hartnup, 

May,  '92.    (736)    £3  2s.  6d. 


and     Pastimes.       l>ond.,     1860,    etc. 

Vols.  1-76,  cl..  Putt.,  Apr.  14,  '02.  (543) 

£10  108. 
Vols.  1-74.  hf.   cf..   Putt..   Nov.  28,   '02. 

(15)    £16. 
Vols.  1-73.  hf.  cf.,  Blyth,  Mar.,  "01.    (19) 

Vols.   1-73,  hf,  cf..   Putt..  Dec.  12.  '01. 

(90)    £14. 
Vols.  1-66,  hf.  roan,  g.t,  Hodgson,  Oct. 

10.  '99,     (986)    £12 10s. 
Vols.     1-40.    cL,     Putt.,    Mar.    2,     '87. 

(1079)    £11108. 
Vols.   1-40,  hf.  cf.,   Toovey,   Mar.,   '94. 

(44)    £9  10a. 
Vols,  1-40,    hf.    cf.,    Hollywood,    Not., 

'95.     (415)    £8  58. 
Vols.  1-39.  hf.  mor.  ra.e.,  Hale,  Mar., 

■91.     (48)  $117. 

BAILY'S  RACING  REGISTER,     l^onfl.. 

1S45.     3  vols.,  8vo. 
Toovey,  Mar,  '94.     (46)    £1  4s. 

BAINBRIDQE  (G.  C)-    The  Fly  Fish- 

er's  Guide.     Liverpool,  1816.   Svo. 
Hf.  cf..  Snow,  Nov.,  '98.     (35)    £1 168, 
Mor.,  g.e.  (A.L.S.  inserted).  Kermack, 
Nov.,  '99.     (12)    £1  lis. 

BAINES  (E.).     History  of  the  County 

Palatine    and    Duchy    of    Lancaster 

Lond..  1836.     4  vols.,  4lo. 
Hf.  cf..  Stewart,  Mar,  '88.  (20)    £2  2s. 
Cf..  Bailey.  June,  '89.     (745)    £1158. 
Hf.   cf.,    Lovell,    Apr,    '90.      (371)     £3 

12s.  6d. 
Cf.,  Gladstone,  Apr,  '94.   (97)    £5. 
Rus..    y.e..    Murray,    Dec.,    '99.      (117) 

£5  15s. 
Hf.  rus.,  m.e..  Qualle.  May.  '01.   (113) 

£3  68. 

••I^rge  paper. 
Hf.   mor.    Aylesford,    Mar.    '88.    (102) 

£5  5s. 
Cf.   ex..   Bailey.   June,   -89.      (744)    £5 

17s.  6d. 




Baines   (E.) — Continued. 

Hf.    nia..    line.    Hailstone.    Feb.,    *91. 

(228)    £3  14s. 
Cf.  ex..  g.e.,  Brabourne,  May.  *91-  (215) 

£4  4s. 
14  orlg.  parts,  Bateman,  May.  '93.  (173) 

£4  158. 
Hf.  moT.,  m.e.,-  Ashburton,  Nov..  1900. 

(64)    £4  15s. 
History  of  the  County  Palatine  and 

Duchy  of  Lancaster.     I^nd.,  1SG8-70. 

2  vols..  4to. 
Mor,  g.e.,  Foljainbe.  Jan..  '90.     (1900) 

Hf.  mor..   Papworth,   May.   '92.     (284) 


••Large  paper 
Hf.   mor..   Putt,.    Jan.    5.     '88.      (945) 

£2  108. 
Hf.    mor..    lx>ckhart.   Feb.,   '89.      (281) 

BAINES   (T.).  Victoria  Falls,  Zambesi 

River.     Lend..  1865.     Fol. 
Soth.,  June  11,  '94.    (1345)    £1. 
BAIRD    (C.    W.).      Rye,    Westchester 

County,  16C0-1870.     N.  Y..  1871.  8vo. 
C!.,  DawaoD.   May.   '90.     (264)    |C. 
CI..  Bangs,  Nov.  11.  '95.   (43C)  |5.50. 
CI.,  Perry.  June,  '99.    (149)  $5.25. 
BAIRD     (S.     F.),    CASSIN     (J.)     AND 

Lawrence   (G.  N.).     Birds  of  North 

America.     Phila.,  18G0.   2  vols.,  4to. 
CI.,   Plea.san(on,  Mar.,   '95.   (2930)   |15. 
CI.,  HenkeLs,  Apr.  21.  '90.     (269)  |11- 
Cl.,  Bangs,  Mar.  1,  '97.  (20)  |13. 
CI.,   Libbie,  Dec.  15,  '98.    (1269)    $8. 
CI.,  Henkels,  Jan.  30,  '99.  (3G2)  $12.20. 
CI.,  Balcom.  Feb.,  '01.  (110)   $25. 
Birds   of   North   America.      Salem, 

1870.    2  voLs.,  4to. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Bangs,  Feb.  6.  '96.    (28) 

CI.,  unc.  Bangs.    Mar.    16.  '96.    (181) 

CI.,  Richmond,  May,  '99.    (22)  $6.50. 
CI..  Mackay.  May.  1900.    (65)   $5. 
BAIRD  (S.  F.).  BREWEB  (T.  M.)  AND 

Ridgway     (R,).       History  of    North 

American  Birds.    I^nd  BirdK.    Bost.. 

1874.     3  vols..  4to. 
CL.  Gannett.  Jan.,   '95.   (85)   $22.50. 
Hf.    mor.    g.t.,    Alexander.    Mar,    '95. 

(1967)   $30. 
CI.,    Gilchrist,    July,    '96.       (63)       £3 

12s.  6d. 
Hf.  mor,  g.e.,  Murray,  Dec..  "99.  (118) 

£4  5s. 

Batrd    (S.   F.) — Continued. 
CI..  Bangs.  Oct.  29.  1900.    (274)    $8.25. 
CI..  Bangs.  Nov.  12.  1900.    (32)    $15.30. 
CL.  Cressoiu  May.  '02.    (136)   1 12. 
CL,  Bangs.  Jan.  8,  '03.   (231)   $12.75. 
Birds   of   North   America.      Water 

Birds.     Bost.,  1884.     2  vols..   4to. 
CI.,  Putt,  July  12.  '87.    (309  J    £1  12s. 
CL.  g.t.,  Cresson.  May.  '02.  (137)  $9.50. 
CI.,  g.e..  Bangs,  Jan.  8.  "03.  (232)  $20.20. 
BAJARDO    (A.).      Philogyne.      Parma. 

l.'iOS.     4to. 
Mor  ex.,  Gaisford,  Apr,  '90.    (115)  £22. 
BAKER     (AUGUSTIN).      Sancta    So- 
phia.   Douay,  1667.    2  vols.,  8vo. 
Cf.,  Ellis,  Nov..  '85.     (447)    £5  17s.  6d. 
(In  1  vol.).  Gaisford,  Apr.  '90.     (116) 

£2  3s. 
Cf..   Sullivan.    May,    '90.      (543)     £2  28. 
BAKER  (D.  E.)t  REED  (ISAAC),  AND 

.Tones    (Stephen).     Blographia   Dra- 

raatica.     I^nd..   1812.     3  vols..   In   4. 

Hf.  cf..  unc.  Cooper  Oct.,  '91.     (984) 

£  2  Ss 
Cf.,     g.e..     Toovey.     Feb..     "94.       (88) 

Hf.  cf..  Deane.  Mar.  '98.     (161)  $5. 
Hf.   mor..   French.   Apr..   'OL      (GS)   $8. 
Hf.  mor.  g.t..  unc.  Lefferts,  Apr.  '02. 

(27)  $7. 
til.  cf..  g.t.,  unc.   (portraits   Inserted >. 

Daly.  Mar.  1900.    (1C5)  $12. 
Cf.  (In  4  vols.),  Daly.  Mar.  1900.    (166) 

Hf.    mor.    (In    2    vols.;    Isaac    Reed's 

own  copy,  with  his  manuscript  ad- 

ilidons),    Frasor    Apr.    '01-      (1384) 

£1  ICs. 
BAKER    (GEORGE).      New    Jewel    of 

Health.     See  Gesrtcr  (C). 
BAKER  (GEORGE).     History  and  An- 
tiquities   of    Northampton.       Lond., 

1822-41.     2  vols.,  fol. 
Parts,   Buckley.  Apr,   '94.     (354)    €4 

179.  6d. 
Hf.  rus.,  Hodgson,  June  21.  '94.     (290) 

Hf.  bd..   Putt.,  Dec.   5.   '94.      (616)    €7 

Hf.  bd-.  Young,  Dec,  '95.     (275)  £7. 
Cf.,    m.e.,    Gardner    July,    '97.      (284) 

£9  9s. 
Hf.  cf..  Rutter  May.  '99.     (260)  £6. 
Hf.  cf.,  Soth.,  Nov.  25.  'OL     (1020)  £6. 
Hf.  cf..  Soth.,  Mar  26.  '02.     (384)  £7. 
••Large  paper. 




Baker    (George) — Continued. 

Mot,  ex.,  g.e..   Brice.  July.   '87,     (21 J 

£11  15s. 
Cf.    ex..   Aylesford.    Man.    '88.      {ISH 

£14  10s. 
Rus.,  Hartree,  July.  '90.     (2C8)  £12. 
Parts    (with    many    duplicate    plates), 

Barbour,  May.  '91.     (327)    £20. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.t.,  unc.  (418  extra  colored 

plates),   Toovey.    Feb.,    '94.       (319) 

Rus.,  y.e.,  Soth..  Nov..  1900.     {C6>   £9 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Edwardes,  May,  20,  '01. 

(124)    £7  58. 
Cf..    g.e..    Soth..    Nov.    18.    '01.     (236) 

£9  5a, 

BAKER  (SIR  RICHARD).  Cato  Varie- 
gatus.    See  Cato. 

Chronicles  of  the  Kings  of  Eng- 
land.   Lond..  1643.    Fol. 

Cf.  ex.,  B-e..  Bangs,  Nov.  25,  '95.  (56) 

Cf..  Ashbumham,  June,  '97.  (219) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Hlbhert,  Apr.,  '02.  (32) 

Theatrum  Redlvlvum,  or  The  The- 
atre Vindicated.    Lend.,  l(J(i2.    12mo. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  McKee,  Jan..  '01.  (1311)  |37. 

BAKER    (W.   S.).      Early   Sketches   of 

Washington.     Phila..  1894.     4  to. 
'CI.    (presentation    copy),    Stone,    Oct., 

•97.     (50)     18.50. 
— Engraved  Portraits  of  Washington. 

Phila.,  1880.    4to. 
CI..  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (160)  |11.25. 
CL.  Manson.  Mar.,  '99.     (4419)  17.50. 
CI..  Henkels.  Apr.  5.  1900.    (115)  »14. 
CI..  Bangs,  Nov.  18.  '01.     (66)  %8. 
CI.   (presentation  copy).  Weeks,  Mar., 

•02.     (612)  $17. 
CI..  Bangs.  Apr.  28,  *02.     (185)   $10,50. 
a,.  Bangs,  Nov.  17.  '02.  (17 1   $15.50. 
CK,  Anderson,  Mar.  23.  '03.     (G47)  $13. 
Medallic  Portrait*  of  Washington. 

Phila,.  1885.    4to. 
Hf.     bd..     unc.     (presentation     copv), 

Stone,  Oct.,  '97.    (49)  $8. 

Cathollcon,       Mainz,      [Gutenberg], 

1460.    Fol. 
Mor..  unc,  Sunderland,  Dec..  '81.  (863) 

Mor.    (in   2   vols).   Thorold,   Dec..    '84. 

(225)    £400. 

BalbuB  de  Janua  (Johannes) — Cttnt'tl 

Rus.  ex.,  Wodhull.  Jan.,  '86.  (2941 

Pigskin  (slightly  stained  and  wormed). 
Hopetoun,  Feb.,  '89.     (239)    £145. 

Mor.  ex.,  unc.  (probably  tlie  Sunder- 
land copy  rebound),  Ives,  Mar.,  '91. 
(42)  $1700. 

**0n  vellum. 

Pigskin,  Crawford,  June,  '89.  (136) 

Catholicon.       [Strasburg.      Mente- 

lin,  1470.]     Pol- 
Leather,  Pullan.  .\pr.,  '89.     (413)    £10 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Crawford.  Mar..  '91.     (229) 

Mor.,    g.e..    Buckley,    Feb..    '93.    (324) 

£8  5s. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Morris,  Dec,  '98.  (154)    £15. 
Bds.,  covered  with  leather,  g.e..  fnglls, 

June,  1900-    (76)   £45. 

BALCH      (THOMAS).       l.eU^rfi     and 

Papers    Relating    to    the    Provincial 

History     of     Pennsylvania.       Phila., 

1855.     8vo. 
Sewed,  unc.   (in  2  vols.),  Baker.  Feb.. 

'91.    (276)  $14. 
Hf.  roan,  Henkels.  Oct.   19.  'S-S.   (494) 

Paper,    unc.    Perry,    .Tune.    '99.     (8811 

Bds.    (inlaid   to  folio),   Cresson,   May. 

'02.    (84)   $18. 
Hf.  rus.  (in  2  vols.).  Whitmore.  Nov.. 

'02.     (1000)   $14. 
Hf.  mor.,   Proud.   May,  "03.    (925)   $16. 

aALDUNG  (H.).  Aphorism!  Com- 
punctlonls  TheologlcaleR.  Stras- 
burg. J.  Griininger.   1497.     4 to. 

Mor..  g.e..  Soth..  Mar.  19.  '96.  f57) 
£4  8s. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Sheldon.  Feb..  m.  (630) 

BALDWIN  (THOMAS).  Narrative  of 
Massacre  by  Savages  of  Wife  and 
Children  of.    N.  Y..  1835.     8vo. 

Cf.,  unc.  Barlow.  Feb..  '90.   (157)   $10 

BALDWrN  (WILLIAM),  Canticles  of 
Solomon.     I^nd.,  1549.    4to. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (Hearne  copy),  Soth..  June 
27,  '92.      (34)    £19  5s. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (Heame  copy),  Soth,,  Dec, 
2,  '01.    (218)    £21. 

Funerals     of     King     Edward     the 

Sixth.    Lond.,  1560.    4to. 




Bardwin    (William) — Cottttnued. 
Rus.  (Roxburghe  and  HIU  copy).  Cor- 
ser.  July,  "68.    (161)    £20. 

Funerals    of    Edward    the    Sixth. 

Lond.,  Roxburghe  Club,  1817.    4to. 
Auchlnleck.  June.   '93-     (G60)    £2188. 
Buckley,   Apr.,    "94.      (3162)     £2  2s. 
Wllbraham,  June.  *98.     (532)    £1  la. 

Mirr&p      for      Magistrates.       See 

Moral  I    Phylosophle.     Lend.,   1547. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (Heber  copy,  some  margins 

cut   into),    Bools,    June,    "03.      (100) 

Hf.   cf.,   SoLh..   July    16.   '03.      (24)    £2 


Moral     Philosophy.     Ix^nd.,     1550, 


Mor.,   Ellis,    Nov.,   '85.      (449)    £3  9s. 
Moral     Philosophy.     Load.,    1564, 

Rus.,     Crawford,     Mar.,     '91.       (230) 

£3  3s. 

BALE    (JOHN).     Acts  of  the   English 

Votaries,     Ixjnd.,  1548-51.     2   parts, 

Rus..   g.e..   Soth..   Mar.   19,   '96.     (60) 

Cf,    (rebacked),    Macaulay,    Mar..    '96, 

(10)    £2. 
Rus.  ex.,  g.e.  (soiled).  Bangs,  Apr.  27. 

•9G.    (24)   |10. 

Acts     of     the     English     Votaries. 

Lond.,  1550.     2  parts,  8vo. 
Hf.  mor.,   Ellis,  Nov..   '85.      (451)    £1 


Cf.  ex.,  Soth..  Feb.  27.  '99.     (342)    £1 


Acts     of    th«     English     Votaries. 

ijoml.,  1551.   2  parts.  8vo. 
Mor..    g.e..    Barclay.    Nov..    '92.    (1608) 

Cf.    (stained),   Frere,   Feb.,   '96,     (27) 

£1  16s, 
Cf..     Ashburnham.     June,     '97.     (232) 

£2  10s. 
Mor.  K.e..  Ciirlstte,  June  18,  '02.    (20) 

£4  4s. 

Acts     of     the     English     Votaries. 

Ix)nd..  1560.  2  parts.,  Svo. 
Mor..     Copeland.     June.     '88.        (559) 

£2  4s. 
Mor..    g.e..    Young.    June,    '90.     (286) 

.€1  4  s. 

Ba4e    (John) — Cuntinutd. 

Mor.   ex.,   g.e.,    Reid,    May.    '94.    (151) 

£  1  19s. 
Cf.    ex..    g.e.,    Burra.    May.    '97.    (60) 

£4  12s. 
Cf..  g.e.,  Soth..  May  21.  "JT.     (7)    £1 


Ct,  r.e..  McKee.  Dec,  '01.  (2739)  |22. 
Cf.,  g.e..  Lefferts.  Apr..  '02.     (28)   |40. 

ApoJogy    Against    a    Rank    Papist. 

L.ond.,  1550.     Svo. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Alexander,  Mar.,  '95.   (930) 

Cf.,  Atkinson,  Mar.,  '96.     (33W)    £1  Is. 
Cf..  Soth.,  May  21.  '97.     (6)    £1  13b. 
Mor.  ex..  g,e..  Maketlar,  Nov.,  '98.  (98) 

£3  38. 

Brief    Chronicle      Concerning    Sir 

John  Oldcaatle.     I^ond.,  1544.     Svo. 
Turner.  June,   '88.     (285)    £4  15s. 

Brief    Chronicle    Concerning     Sir 

John  Oldcastle.     Lond..  1548.    Svo. 

Mor,  ex..  g.e.  (title  page  mended).  Ma- 
kellar,    Nov.,    '98.      (92>     £2  4s. 

Brief    Chronicle     Concerning     Sir 

John  Oldcastle,     Lond,,  A.  Scololter 

and  W.  Seres,  n.d.    Svo. 
Hf.   mor..    Griffith,    Dec.,    '95.       (542) 

Rus.,  g.e..   Macaulay,  Mar.,  '96.     (14) 

£2  28. 

Declaration    of    Bonner's    Articles 

Concerning   the    Clergy    of   London. 

Lond.,  1561.     8vo. 
Cf.    (headlines    cut    into).    Macaulay, 

Mar.,   '9G.      (13)    £1  148. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  Feb.  22,  '97.     (578)    £2  68. 
i  I  lust  Hum        Major  Is        Britanniae 

Scrlptorum    Sumraarluni.      Ipswich, 

Overton,  1548.    4to. 
Ru8„   Toovey,    Feb.,     '94.       (278)     £2 


fjcather  (probably  dedication  copy  to 

Edward  VI.),  Aahburnham,  June,  '97. 

(222)  £50. 
Mor,  ex„  g.e.,  Johnson,  Feb.  '98.    (Ill) 

Mor.,  g.e..   Blanchard,   May,  '98.     (87} 

Cf..  g.e.    (title  soiled  and  five  leaves 

mended).  Bangs,  Jan.  15,  1900.     (84) 

Cf..  g.e.  (apparently  preceding  copy). 

Bangs.  Apr.  16,  1900.     (51)  $52.50. 
Cf.  (rebacked).  Inglts.  June.  1900.   (78) 

£7  28.6d. 


Bale    {John)— Cunt  hi  tn  (J. 

Cf..  g.e.  (title  soiled  and  some  leaves 

mended),  Bangs,  Nov.  26,  1900.    (47) 

Orlg.  cf..  Soth..  May  ♦],  '03.  (48j   £9  ir.s. 

Image   of   Both   Churches.     Lond., 

Thomas  East,  n.d.    Svo. 
Vel..     g.e..     Asbbumhami     June,     '97. 

(22S)    £3  166. 
Mor.  g.©..  Soth.,  Apr.  8,  '03.     (4)    £1 


Image  of   Both   Churches.     Lond., 

1550.     4to. 
Cf.     (portrait     Inserted).    Auchlnleck, 

June.   '93.      (138)    £1  18s. 

Image   of   Both   Churches.     Lond., 

Day  and  Seres,  n.d.    8vo. 
Cf..  Atkinson,  Mar..  '96.     (329)   £2. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Sotb..  Mar.  19.  '96.     (61) 

Mor..     r.e.,    Asbburnliani,    June,     *97. 

(229)    £2  108. 
Cf.  (title  mended).  Soth.,  May  21,  1900. 

(7n    £1  ISs. 
Mystery  of  Iniquity.   Geneva.  1545. 

Mor..  g.e.    (headlines  cut  Into),  Duft, 

July.   'Si.      (20)    £1  10s. 
Cf.,  Ashbumbant.  June,  '97.  (224)    £6. 
Pageant    of    Popes.      Lond.,    1574. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Whatman,  July.  '87.     (48) 

£2  4s. 
Cf.,  g.e,  (three  leaves  mended),  Young. 

June.  '90.     (37)    £1  2.s. 
Cf.,  Macaulay,  Mar.  '9C.   (174)    £13s. 

♦•Large  paper. 
Cf..  g.e.  (first  2  leaves  inlaid,  slightly 

wormed).    Dennis.    Dec.,    '92.     (235) 

£2  4s. 
Cf.,  g.e.  (Dennis  copy).  Soth..  Mar.  19, 

•96.     (601    £3  3s. 
Cf-.  Both.,  Feb.  28.  1900.     {GO    £1  is. 
Cf..  r.e..  Anderson,  Apr.  4,  1900.     (88) 


BALFOUR   (JAMES).   Disputatio  Juri- 

dica  de  Officio  Priefectl  Augustalis. 

Bdlnb..  1730.    4  to. 
Mor.  ex.  (Scotch  binding).  Clerk,  Mav. 

•99.     (48j    £3  18s. 
BALFOUR    (J.).      Ballads,    and    other 

Fugitive    Poeflcal     Pieces.      Edlnb., 

1834.     4to. 

••LArge  paper. 
Craig.   June.   *87.      (145)    £1  5s. 
BALL  (JOHN).     Answer  to  Two  Trea- 

Ban    (John)— C'OH/(H»/t'rf. 

Uses  of  Mr.  John  Can.     Ix>nd.,  1642. 
Cf.,  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.     (158)   |13. 

Friendly    Trial     of    the    Grounds 

tending  to  Separation.  Camh.,  1640. 
4  to. 

Of..  Brinley,  Mar.,  79.     (522)  $5. 

Trial  of  the   New-Church  Way  In 

New  England  and  in  Old.  Lond., 
1644.     4to. 

Hf.  mor.,  Barlow,  Feb..  "90.     (159)  |12. 

BALLADS     OF    THE     BENCH     AND 

Bar.     Ixand-,  1882.    4to. 
Hf.  mor.,   Mackenzl©,  Mar.,  '89.      (77) 
£3  3s. 

BALLADS.     CoUectlon  of  Old  Ballads. 

Loud.,  1723-25.     3  vols.,  8vo. 
Cf..  Mackenzie,  Mar.,  '89.    (70)    £4  8s. 
Cf.,   Soth.,  Dec.   '91.      (819)    £4  4s. 
Cf..  Roofe,  Apr..   "92.      (139)    £  112s. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Buckley,    Feb.,    '93.      (90) 

£4  lUa. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Pinkney,    May,    '95.      (10) 

£5  5a. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  May  21,  '97.     (8)    £2 

Cf..  Libble,  May  5,  '99.     (26)  |32.25. 

Collection  of  Old  Ballads.     Lond., 

1727-38.     3  vols..  12mo. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Daniel.  July,  '64.     (82)   £10 

Mor,  g.e.  (Daniel  copy),  CJhriatle,  Feb. 

21,  '99.     (14)  £0. 
Cf..   Soth..   Feb.   27,  *99.      (345)    £4  88. 
Collection    of    Old    Ballads.      Re- 
printed    from     edition     of     1723-25. 

Lond-.  n.d.    3  vols.,  8vo. 
Craig,  June,  '87.     (144)  £1. 
Mor.,  unc.  Brand,  Mar.,  '94.     (4)    £1 


**i^rge  paper. 
Cf.,   Smalley,  July,   '87.      (19)    £17s. 
Cf.,  Branch.  OcL  2.  '95.    (128)    £1  12s. 
CI.,   Rule.   Nov.,   '95.      (30)    £14s. 
Cf..  g.t.,  unc.  Soth.,  Mar.  19,  '96.    (628) 

Hf.  mor.  ex.,  g.t.,  unc.  Soth..  Mar.  23, 

'99.     (20)    £110s. 
^Four  Books  of  Choice  Old  Scottish 

Ballads.  1823-44.     l^nd..   1808.     8vo. 
Cf.,     unc.      Lamb.      i<'eb..     '98.        (47 1 

£  1  8.S. 

BALLAD      SOCIETY.        Publications. 

!j3n.d..  v.d.     Svo, 



Ballad    Society — Con  I  hand. 

Nob.   1-32.   1808-91.  Soth.,  July   27.   '93. 

(516)  £6. 
13  vols..  lSCS-80.  hf.  mor..  Lfbbie.  Oct. 

15,   '01.     <C8«)    |23.«. 

BALLANTYNE     (J.)*        Character    of 

Mrs.  Siddons.     Edlnb.,  1812.    8vo. 
Hf.  rus..  Mackenzie,  Mar..  '89.    (1936> 

£2  12p. 

brary.   Edinb.,  1821-24.  10  vols..  8vo. 

Cf..  Hall.  May.  '87.     (IS)    £4Bs. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Carter,  Jan..  '88.  (108) 
£5  5a, 

Hf.  cf.,  m.e..  Stlbbs,  Oct.,  '92.  (2423) 
£2  28. 

Hf.  mor.,  Danby,  Mar.,  '94.  (168)    £2. 

Hf.  cf.,  m.e.,  Farquharson,  July,  '97. 
(42)    £2. 

BALLARD  (G.).  History  of  Susanna. 
Loud..    1C38.      IGmo. 

Mor.  ex.,  Corser,  July,  'fiS.  flC6» 

BALLOON  POST.  Host..  1871.  6  Nos. 
4  to. 

Hf.  mor..  Chase  and  Dale,  Oct.,  '97. 
<547)   IC. 

BALLYMOTE.  Book  of  Baltymote. 
Facsimile  of  the  Original  Manu- 
8crii)t.  Dublin  Royal  Irish  Academy 
House.      1S87.     Fol. 

Hf.  mor..  g.t.,  Soth,,  Feb.  15, 1900.  (514) 
£3  12h. 

BALM  FORD  (J.).  Dialogue  Concern- 
ing the  Unlawfulness  of  PlaylnR  at 
Cards.     I>ond.,  1593.     16mo. 

Cf..   Corser.   Aug.,   'G9.      (17)    £6 10a. 

BALNAVE  (H.).    Confession  of  Faith, 

Edinb..  1584.  8vo. 
Rus.  ^stained     at     end),     Auchinleck, 

June,   '93.   (43)    £12. 
VeL    (title    and    last    leaf   soiled    aod 

mended),    Makellar,    Nov.,    '98    (98) 

C 1  9s. 


UaUlmore.  v.d.,  4to. 
Feb.-Oct-.    1792,   bris..    Bangs.    Feb.   16. 

•98.    (1G3k   |M.50. 
Apr.-Oct..  1793.  Roger*;.  Oct..  1900.  (5G) 


tlmore,  v.d.   Fol. 
Sept.  25,   1806,  to  Mar.  21,  1807.  bds.. 

Bang.s.  Apr.  11.  '98.  (40)  »8. 
For  1810.  not  quite  complete,  hf.  bd., 

RnRers.  Oct..  19o0.     (fll)   16.25. 


Edited  by  J.  B.   Colvin.     Baltimore, 

v.d.,  4to. 
1800-1801,  Brinley.    Mar.,    '80.     (3687) 


BALZAC  (H.  PE).  Streets  of  Paris.  N. 

Y..  1900.     8vo. 

•♦Japan  paper. 
Paper.  Bangs,  Feb.  20.  1900.  (85)  |17. 
Paper.  Bangs,  Nov.  7.  1900.   (700)   $9. 
SheeU,  folded,  French.  Apr.,  'oi.  (7o> 


Works.     Trans,   by    Katherine   P. 

Wormeley.      Best..    1896.      40    vols.. 

Hf.  roan,  Pratt,  Apr.,  '99.     (116)   »30- 
Hf.    roan.    Wireman,    Nov.,    '97,    (21) 


♦•Large  paper 
Unc,   Bangs.   Feb.   14.  '98.    (87J'»    |7f.. 
Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Anderson.  Apr.  20.  1900. 

(10)  1108. 
CI.,   unc,    Bangs,    Nov.    18,    '01.    (67 » 

Works.     Phila.,   Barrie.   1896.     53 

vols.,  12mo. 
CI.,  Henkels,  Nov.  28,  1900.  (89)  |84.80. 
CI..  Henkels,  Feb.  6.    01.   (21)   J95-40. 
CI..  Henkels,  May  S,  '01.  (228)  158.30. 
CI.  and  hf.   mor..   Llbble.  Dec.   5,  *01. 

(53  ►    160.25. 
CI.,  Bangs.  Feb.  20.  '02.   (139)   $139.12. 

Works.       Trans,     by     Saintsbury. 

I^nd.,  1895.    40  vols.,  Svo. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Apr.  5.  '99.     (99)  $45. 
CI.,  Clark.  June,  '99.     (280)  $38. 
CL,  Libbie.  Feb,  8,  1900.     (42)  $70. 

Works.     Ijand.,  1895-98.     41   vols.. 

Hf.  mor.,  Anderson,  Mar.  10,  '02.     (37) 

CL,   unc.    (Jbbie.  Apr.   29.   '02.      (171) 


BANCROFT  (AARON).     Life  of  George 

Washington.     Boat.,    1826.     2   vola., 

18  mo. 
Bds.,  unc.  Bangs,  Jan.  22.  *01.     (980) 

BANCROFT    (GEORGE).      History    of 

the    United    States.      Bost.,    1834-75. 

10  vols,.  8vo. 
CJ„  Manson.  Feb.,  *99.     (261)  $20 
CL,  BangB,  May  5.  '99.     (28)  $56.25. 
^History     of     the     United     States. 

BoBt,  1853-78,     10  vols,,  8vo. 
CL.   Libbie,   Jan.   8,   '95.     (33)    $10. 



Bancroft    (George)— Conf in t/<*r/. 

Hf.  cf..  m.e.,  Henkels.  Apr.  4.  '95.   (432) 

CI..  Stone.  Oct  '97.     (53)  $16. 
CI..  Camith.  May.  '98.     (73)  $17.50. 
Hf.  mor..  g.t,  Henkels,  June  8.  '99.  (76) 

a.,  Llbble.  Nov.  1.  *99.     (61)  $15. 
CU  Ubble.  Jan.  23.  1900.     (93)  $13.50. 
01..  Libble,  Dec-  4.  1900.     (70)   $10.50. 
CI..  Balcom,  Feb..  'oi.     (llG)  $20.50. 

History     of     the     United     States. 

BosL,  1861-75.    10  vols,.  Svo. 
••Large  paper. 
CI.,  unc.  Barlow.  Feb..  '90.     (161)  $70. 
CI.,  unc,  Alexander.  Mar..   '95.     (G5) 

CI.,    unc,    Lenox    Library    Duplicates. 

Apr.  29.  '95.    (18)  $52. 
Hf.  mor.  and  cl.,  Matthews.  Feb.  '97. 

(35)  145. 
Cl..  unc.  Deane.  Mar..  '98.     (164)  $30. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Probasco,  Jan..  '99.    (80) 

CL.    unc.    Bangs,    Oct.    2C,    *99.      (25) 

Hf-     mor.,     m.e..     Weeks.     Mar..      02. 

(695)  $32.50. 

Poems.    Camb..  1823-    12n>o. 

Bds.,  unc,  Brinley,  Nov.,  '8G.  (G78T)  $6. 
Bda-.    unc.    Hunt.    Nov.,    '91.       (194) 

Bds.,  unc.  Maxwell,  Apr..  '95.  (19)  $15. 
Bda..   unc.   Bangs.  Jan.   14.   '95.     (52) 

Bds.,  unc.  Roos.  Apr..  '97.  (66)  $13. 
Bds..  unc,  Deane.  Mar.,  '98.  (169)  $9. 
Bds..  unc.  Blanchard,  Mav,  '98.     (90 1 

Bda.,  unc.  Roos.  Mar..  1900.     (31)  $21. 
Bds.,  unc.  Mackay,  Apr..  190n.  (47)  $9. 
Bds.,    unc.    Bangs,   Apr.    9.    *»!.      (87) 

BANCROFT  (H.  H.).     Book  of  the  Fatr. 

CTbJcago.  1895.     3  vols..  4 to. 
Hf.  mor..  Baxter.  Mar..  '98.  (G17i  $9.15. 
Parts.   Henkels.   Mav   16.   1900.     (190» 


History  of  California.     San   Fran- 
cisco, v.d.     7  vols..  Svo. 

a..  Bancroft,  Feb..  1900.     {34)  $7.70. 

Sheep,  Llbble.  Feb.  5.  '02.     u\S)   $7.35. 

History  of   Mexico,   1516-1887.  San 

Francisco,  v.d.     6  vols..  Svo. 

Cl.,  Bancroft.  Feb..  1900.     (30)  $6.90. 
ISheep.  m.e..  Bancroft.  Feb..  1900.  (30  s> 

Banc  rof  t     ( H .    H . ) — Co  utinunl. 
Mor..  g.e,.  Bangs,  .Tan.   22.  '01.     (066) 

Native  Races  of  the  Pacific  States. 

N.  Y.,  1.S74  7r,.     5  vols.,  Svo. 
Cl..  IJuiUl.  Nov..  '87.     (197)  $15. 
Cl..  Darby.  Nov..  '89.     (7)    £2  12s. 
Hf.    mor.,    g.t.,    Foljambe,    Jan..    '90. 

(10751    £3  5s. 
Cl.,  Ive-s,  Mar.,  "91.     (45)  $13.75. 
Cl..  Hevwood.  Oct..  '92.     (818)    £3. 
Cl..  Carruth.  May,  '98.     (76)   $6.25. 
Cl..  Clogston,  Nov..  '99.     (78)   $10.50. 
Hf-  rus.  (Henry  Ward  Beecher's  copy). 

Belts.  Apr..  '01.    (94)  $8. 
Cl..  Cox.  Feb..    02.     (122)   $5.50. 

BANCROFT  (JOHN).  Henry  the  Sec- 
ond. King  of  England.  With  the 
Death  of  Rosamond.  I^nd.,  1693. 
4  to. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Lefferts.  Apr.,  '02.  (29) 

BANCROFT  (M.  AND  S.  B.).  On  and 
niT  (IiH  Stage-  Lond..  ISSS.  2  vols., 

Hf.  cf..  g.L.  unc  (pre-aentation  copy), 
Daly.  Mar.,  1900.     (1S6)   $7. 

BANCROFT  (R.).  Dangerous  Posi- 
tions.    I^nd..    1593.     4to. 

Cf..  g.e.,  Crawford.  June,*  '87-  (243) 
£2  2s. 

( With  Propositions  and  Principles  of 
Divtnitie.  Edlnb..  1591).  veU.  Clerk. 
May.  '99.     (49)    £2  6.'?. 

BANCROFT  (T.).  The  Glutton's  Fever. 
Lond..  less.     4to. 

.Vlor.  (Freellng  copy,  title  page  mend- 
ed). Corser.  July.  '68.     (167)    £  I  4s. 

Glutton's      Fever.        Lond..      Rox- 

biirghe  Club.  1817.     4Lo. 
Hf.    mor,.    unc,    Benbow.    Nov.,     '89. 

(1080)    £2  88. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Galsford.    Apr.,    '90. 

(1613)    £3  128. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Auchinleck,  June.   '93. 

(669)    £1  3s. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc.     Buckley,    Apr.,     '94. 

(3166)    £1108. 
Hf,    mor.,    unc,     Toovey.    Feb.,    '94. 

(2413)    £1  Os. 

Two     Books     of     Epigrams     and 

Epitaphs.     Ixjnd.,  1639.     4to. 
Hf.  ruB..  Russell,  June,  '85.   (79)    £7. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  Galsford.  Apr..  '90.  (123) 





Bancroft    <T.) — Coiitiuued. 

Hf.   cf.,   Hailstone,   Apr.,   '91.       (286) 

£6  5s. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.  (stained),  Soth.,  June  27, 

'92.     (42)    £8  5b, 
Mor.,   g.e.,  Bateman,   May,   '93.    (177) 

Mor.  ex.,  unc.  (with  the  Imprlmatum 

leaf),  Soth.,  Mar.  10,  'ST.  (772)   £42. 
Mor.  ex.,   g.e.    (with  the  Imprlmatum 

leaf).    Soth.,    May    21.    1000.     (192) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  McKee,  Dec.,  '01.  (2740) 

BAND  EL  LO    (M.).      Tragical    History 

of   Romeus   and    .Tullet.     Trans,   by 

Arthur  Brooke.     Lond.,  15C2.     Hi  mo. 
Orig.  vel.  (Kemble  copy),  Daniel.  July, 

•G4.     (1365)    £77  14.s. 
Tragical    History   of   Romeus   and 

Juliet.     I^nd..  1&67,     8vo. 
Cf.    (lacking   title   page,)    Soth.,   June 

27,  '92.     (43)    £13. 
Novelle.     l.,ucca  and   Lyons,   1554- 

73.    4  parte,  Svo  and  4to. 
Mor.   ex.,   Soth.,  Nov.  28,   '98.      (186) 

£9  6s. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.     (Ellis    copy),     Soth,, 

May  25,  1900.     (58)    £31. 
Mor.  ex..  y.e.  (Lakeland  copy),  Soth., 

Dec.   17,  1900.     (60)    £5  17a.  6d. 
*■ Novels.     Trans,   by   John    Payne. 

Lond..    Villon    Soc,    1890.      G    vols., 

Vel.,  Toovey.  Feb.,  '94.     (2969)    £5. 
Vel.,  Burrard,  Jan..  '96.  .  (941J    £4  63. 
Vel.,  Hosklnson,      Dec.      '97.        (555) 

Vel..  Christie.  Feb.  21.  '99.  (IG)   £4  18s. 
Vel.,  Soth.,  Mar.  17.  '99.  (7G5)    £4  128. 
Vel..  Bangs,  Apr.  7.  '99.     (483)  131.50. 
Vel.,  Bangs,  May  3.  '99.     (55)  $33. 
Vel.,  Libbie.  Feb.  8,  1900.     (47)  $27. 
Vel.,  Argyll.  .Ttily.  1900.    (103)    £4  2s. 

Vel.,  Hodg.son,     Jan.     8.     '02.       (783) 

£5  10s. 

** Large    paper. 
Vel,  Leete.  Oct.,  '92.     (272 ►    C5  15s. 
Vel..  Cook.  May,  '95.     (341)   £5. 
Vel..  Soth..  May  IG.  '01,     (28)    £5  5s. 
Vel..  Bangs,  Apr.  28.  '02.     (1C3)  $27. 

De     Veritate     Conceptioials     Beatee 

Virglnis  Mariae.    Milan,  1475.    Svo. 
Hf.    rus..    Soth..    July    14.    '02.      (470) 

£6  15s. 

Bandellus    (Vincentius    de) — Contin'd. 
De     materia     Conceptionis     Beate 

Virginia  Marie.     Bologna,  1481.     4to. 

Mor.,    g.e.    (P.    Girardot    de    Prefond 

copy),  Soth.,  June  17,  '01.  (139>   £15. 

BANG  (THEODORE).  The  Mysterlai 
of  Papermlll  Village.  Alstead,  N.  H., 
1845.     Svo. 

Hf.  roan  (stained).  Manson,  Feb..  '99. 
(72)  $11. 


Vols.    1-9    (all    published),    Bangor. 

1S8&-94.     9  vols.,  Svo. 
Parte,  unc,  Manson,  Feb.,  '99.     (251) 

Parts,  unc,  Clogston,  Nov..  '99.     (87) 

Parts,    unc.    (Vols.   1-6   only),    Libbie, 

Mar.  27,   '95.     (963)    $10.50. 

BANISTER   (JOHN),  Hf^tory  of  Man. 

I.X)nd.,  1578.    FoL 
Cf.,  Soth..  May  21,  '97.     (308)    £2  14s. 

BANKES      (JOHN).     Destruction      of 

Troy.     Lond.,    1679.     4to. 
Contemporary    tooled    mor..    Hawkins, 

Apr.,  '95.     (184)    £3. 

The    Island    Queen.     Lond..    1684. 

Paper,  McKee.  Apr,,  '01.     (2196)  $5.50. 

Rival   Kings.     Lond..  1G77.     4to. 

Paper,  McKee,  Apr.,  '01.     (2193)  $5. 
Hf.  mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02. 
(35)   $7. 

Vertue      Betray'd.      Ix)nd.,      1682. 

Mor..  g.e..  Bangs,  Mar.  19,  1900.     (25) 

Paper.  McKee,  Apr..   "01.     (2195)    $20. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.   (37) 

BANKS    (T.    C).    The    Dormant    and 

Extinct  Baronage  of  England.  Lond,, 

1S07-37.     4  vols..  4to. 
Cf.,     Ashburton.      Nov.,     1900.       (B9) 

BANNATYNE  (G.).     Ancient  ScottUh 

Poems.     Edinb..  1776.     Svo. 
••Tinted  paper. 
Mor..   g.e..    Hawkins.    Mar..    "95.     (27) 


BANNATYNE  CLUB.  Ballads.  A  Com- 
plete Set.  Edinb..  1822-48.  13  Nos., 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Webster.  Mar..  '93.  (12) 
£8  5s. 




Bannatyne    Club — Continued. 

Miscellany.       Edlnb.,   1827-55.       3 

vols.,  4to. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.L,  Stewart,  Apr.,  '88.  (234) 


I     Hf.  mor..  Held,  May,  'Si.     (620)   £3. 
Bds..    unc,    Ashburnham.    June,    '97. 

(242)   £3  48. 
Bds.,    unc.     (wanting   second    uart   of 

Vol.  1).  Ashburnham,  Dec.,  '98.     (9) 

£2  4s. 

Publications.      A     Complete    Set. 

Edlnb..  1823-75.     120  Nob..  4to. 
Craig.  Mar.,  '88.     (304)    £170. 

BANNEKER  (8ENJAMIN}.  Copy  of  a 
Letter  to  the  Secretary  of  State, 
with  Jefferson's  Answer.  Phi  la., 
1792.     4ta. 

Cf-,  g.e.,  Brinley.  Nov..  '86.  (7304) 


such     Jests     that     Ijove     Moderate 
Diet.     Lond.,  1566.    8vo, 
Mor  (title  page  In  manuscript).  Cor- 
ser.  Mar.,  '69.    (78)    £10 10s. 

BANQUET       OF       DAINTIES       FOR 

Strong  Stomachs.     Lond.,  n.d.    8vo. 
Unc.  Craig.  June,  •87.     (161)    £2  4s. 

BANQUET    OF     JESTS,     NEW     AND 

Old.     Lond-,  1657.     12mo- 
Danlel,  July,  '64.     (905)    £12, 

First  Put  Forth  in  1643.  Phlla.,  A. 
Armbrtjster,  1765.    16mo. 

Orig.  bds..  Weeks,  Mar.,  '02.  (815)  $10. 


Advertenclas.    Para  los  Confessorea 
de     los      Naturales.        Mexico,      M. 
Ocharte.  1600.     8vo. 
Vel.,  Murphy.  Mar..  '84.     (148)  $38. 

Arte  y  DIcclonarlo.    Mexico,  1574. 

Vel-  (lacking  title  page,  part  of  dedi- 

catloo,  and  a  few  leaves  at  the  ead). 

Murphy.    Mar.,    '84.     (147)    $50. 
Confess!  onarlo    en     lengua     Mexl- 

cana    y    Castellana.      [Mexico],    M. 

Ocharte,  1599.     12mo. 
Vel.  (with  Advertenclas,  etc.,  1600.  in 

1    vol.).    Murphy.    Mar,.    '84.      (146) 


Sermonarlo  en    Lengua   Mexicana. 

Mexico,  1606.     4to. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.  (165)  $41. 

Baptista    de    Lagunaa    {Juan)— (^ittr<f. 
Scrmones    en     lengua     Mexicana. 

Mexico,   1607.     4to. 
Vel.     (lacking     title     page,     slightly 

wormed),   Soth.,  Jan.  29,  '96.   (105) 

£1  158. 

BARADERE     (H.).     Antiquities    Mexi- 

caine.s.     Paris,     1834.    3     vols.,    fol. 

Hf.  ms.,  Boban,  Dec.,  '86.  (1974)   |45. 

BARAGA  (F.).  Dictionary  of  the 
Otchlpwe  Language.  Cincinnati, 
1853.    8vo. 

Hf.  mor.,  O'Callagban.  Dec,  '82.  (118) 

Mor..  Moore.  May,  '93.     (973)  $15. 

—^Theoretical  and  Practical  Gram- 
mar of  the  Otctiipwe  Language.  De- 
troit, 1850.    12mo. 

Hf.  cf.,  Field,  May,  '75.     (82)  $12.50. 

CI..  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.     (150)  $20. 

BARAZE.  Relacton  de  la  VIda  del 
CjTrlano  Baraze,  muerlo  a  manos 
de  Barharos  en  Peru.  Lima,  1704. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Cooke.  Dec.  '83.    (1711  $9.50. 

BARBADOES.       Acts     of     Assembly, 

1648-1718,  and  Additional  Acts,  1717- 
38.     Lond..  1732-39.     FoL 
Cf.  (title  page  and  flrat  leaf  of  Index 
Imperfect).  Brlnley,  Apr.,  '81.  (5329) 

Articles  of  Agreements  made  Jan., 

1651.     Ix>nd..  1652.     4to. 
Cf.,  g-e..  Cooke,  Dec.  '83.    (172)  $13.50. 

Memoirs    of   the    first    Settlement 

of  Barbadoea.     Ix)nd.,  1743.     Svo. 
Cf.  ex.,  Wood.  Mar,  '91,    (465)    £1  Is. 

Votes  and  Proceedings  of  the  As- 
sembly from  the  Island  of  Barba- 
dos, Feb.,  1730.  Barhadoes.  David 
Harry.    [1730].     Pp.   25*31.  fol, 

Unc,  Miller  and  Bancker,  Dec.  '98. 
(119  a)   $7. 

BARBADOS  GAZETTE.  Apr.  14  to  18, 
1733.     Barbados.  1733.     2  pages,  fol. 

Miller  and  Bancker,  Dec,  '98.  (9  a) 

BARBARUS         (H.).         Castigationes 

Plinlanffi.     Rome.    1493.    Fol. 
Mor,     g.e.     (Beckford     copy).     Soth., 
Feb.  27,  '99.     (573)   £2. 

BARBER  (JOHN).  Impartial  History 
of  the  Life.  Character,  etc.,  of  Mr. 
John  Barber.     I^nd.,  1741.     Svo. 




Barber    (John) — Continued. 
Hi.  mor.,  g.t..  Grant.  May,  1900.     (13) 

BARBER  (J.  W.)<  History  and  Antiq- 
uities of  Every  Town  In  Connecti- 
cuL    New  Haven,  1836.    8vo. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t..  Bangs,  Apr.  22,  '01.  (60) 

Historical  Collectrons,  Relating  to 

Connecticut.       New     Haven.     1838. 

Sheep,  m.e..  Manson.  Feb.,  *99.     (1074) 

Sheep,  m.e..  Clogston.  Noy.,  '99,     (89) 

CI..  Libbie.  Apr.,  29,  '02.     (179)   |5.60. 

HlBtoricai  Coiiecttons  Relating  to 

MassachuseUs.        Worcester,      1839. 

Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Clogaton.  Nov.,  '99.  (90) 

Sheep,  Balconi,  Feb.,  '01.     (118)   |6. 
BARBERliS        (P.       DE.).     Opuscula. 

Rome,   1475.     4  to. 
Mor.,  g,e.   (first  page  mended),  Soth., 

July  17,  '01.     (71)    £27  10s. 

Opuscuia.     Rome.  1481.    4to. 

Hf.    vel.,    Soth..    July    17,    '01.        (72) 

£15  10s. 
Vel.  (some  leaves  stained),  Hodgson, 

Oct.  22,  '02.     (354)    £13  10s, 

Opuscula,     Oppenheim,  1498.    4to. 

Vel..    Solh..    Dec.    3.    1900.      (572)     £4 

Vel.  (Duke  of  Sussex's  copy),  Sheldon, 

Feb.,  '01.     (631)  $11. 

Opuscula.    Venice.  1500.    4to. 

Soth..  Dec.  19,  '(H.     (21)   £4  4s. 

BARBET    (J.).      A    Boole    of   Architec- 

ture.     Ix)nd.,  1C70.    FoL 
Cf.,  Soth..  July  1.  '05.     (498)    £4  48. 
Cf.,  Solh..  May  G,  '01.     (559)    £G5s. 

BARBOUR  (JOHN).  Acts  and  Life  of 
Robert  Bruce.    Edlnb.,  ltU6.    8vo. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98.  (100) 

Acts    and    Life    of    Robert    Bruce. 

Edinb.,  1C20.    8vo. 

Cf..  Auchinleck,  .June,  '93.  (71)  £5 

Mor.,  g.e.  (top  margin  of  title  mend- 
ed). Ashburnham,  June,  '97.  (305) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title  page  and  last  3 
leaves    of    preface     In     facs.     and 

Barbour   (John)^ — Continued. 

several      leaves      mended).      Inglls, 
June.  1900-     (79)    £5. 

Acts    and    Life    of    Robert    Bruce. 

Edinb..  1048.     12mo. 
Cf.,  Clerk,  May.  '99.     (214)    £15  15s. 
Cf.,  Soth..  Feb.  25.  '01.     (221)    £8  8s. 

Acta   and    Life    of    Robert    Bruce. 

Edinb.,  1G70.     Svo. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Young,  June.  '90.     i86) 

£3  128. 
Mor,  g.e.  (title  page  backed),  Hartree, 

July,  '90.     (C2)    £2. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title  page  mounted  and 

text  cut  into),   Soth.,  June    27.   '92. 

(4G)    £12a. 
Cf.  (front  edge  of  title  page  and  some 

headiines    cut    into).    McKee,    Dec, 

'01.   (2741)  $5, 

Acts    and    Life    of    Robert    Bruce. 

Glasgow.  1G72.    Svo. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (wormed).  Young,  June. 

'90.     (85)   £7  T5a. 
Acts    and    Life    of    Robert    Bruce. 

Edinb.,  1758.     4to. 
Cf..  Menzles.  Nov..  '76.     (120)  $8. 
^The   Bruce.   Edited  by   J.   Pinker- 
ton.     Edinb..  1790,     3  vols..  Svo, 
Cf..  Craig.  Mar.,  '87.     (1C4)    £12s. 
Cf,    Hirst.   Mar..   '88.      (14)    £138. 
Hf.    mor,,    imc,    Galsford,    Apr..    '90. 

(131)    £l«s. 
Unc.  Buckley.  Feb..  '93.     (90)    £1  Is. 
Cf.  ex..  Toovey.  Feb..  '94.     (104)  £1  Is. 

••Large    paper. 
Cf.  ex.,  unc,  Hibbert.  Apr..  '02.     (38) 

Tiie   Bruce,  and   Wallace.     Edited 

by     J,     Jamieson.     Edinb.,    1S20.     2 

vols,,  4lo. 
Unc,  Craig,  June,  '87.     (JG5)    £2188. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Craig,  Mar..  '88.     (406) 

£2  18s. 
Unc,  Crawford.  June,  *89.     (20C)    £1 

Auchinleck.  June.  '93.     (151)    £1  5a. 
Cf.,     m.e.,      Ashburnham,    June,     *97. 

(840)    £18s. 
Cf..  Hayes.  Apr..  '98.     (78)  $9. 
BARCiA   (A.  G.).  Historiadorss  Priml- 

tlvos    de    Jas    Indias    Occtdentalea. 

Madrid,  1749.     3  vols.,  fol. 
Vel.,  Field.  May.  '75.     (88)   $43.50. 
Cf.,  r.e.,  Cooke,  Dec,  '83.     (1G7)   $39. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t..  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.  (IGl) 





Barcia    (A.   G.) — Continwd. 

Cf.,  Crawford,  June,  '89.     (29j    £5  Ts. 

Cf..  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.     (169)   »25.50. 
Bds..  unc,  Hart.  Apr.,  '90.     (118)   |30. 
VeL.  Ubbie.  May  20,  '9G.     (42)  J31.50. 
course   of    the    Felickle    of    Man. 
Loud.,  1598.     4to. 
Cf..  r.e.   (title  page  mended  and  writ- 
ing on  a  few  margins).  McKee,  Dec., 
'01-     (2742)  |G5. 
Hf.    rus.,    Founlalne,    June.    '02.     (63) 

£9  15s. 
Old   hf.    bdg..   Soth..   Dec.    '02.     t236) 

BARCLAY    (ALEXANDER).    Egloges. 

Lx>nd.,  1548.     4to. 
Corser.  July,  '68.     1174)    £7  7s. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Crawford,    Mar.    '91. 
(252)    £19  158. 

Ship   of   Fools.     See    Brandt    (S.}. 

BARCLAY    (JOHN).     Argenis.     Paris. 

1C21.     8vo. 
Cf.    (De   Thou   copy).   Soth..   Mar.    19. 

♦96.     (C5)   £1  8s. 
—^Argenis.      Leyden,    Elzevir,    1G30. 

Cf.  (Alexander  Pope's  copy),  Harvey, 

June.  1900.     (12)    £4  Gs. 
Cf.    (preceding   copy),    Soth.,   Dec.    3. 

1900.     (950)    £4.58. 
Cf.  (preceding  copy  J.  Soth..  Dec.  2.  '01. 
(42)    £3  15s. 

Argenis.       Trans,     by     Klngesmlll 

Long.     Paris,  1C25.     Fol. 
Mor.,  m.e..  Soth..  Nov.  27,  '96.  (34)   £4. 

Argenis.      Trans,    by    Sir    Robert 

I^  GrvK  and   Thomas  May.     Lond., 
162S.     Svo. 
Mor.    (repaired).    Bangs,    May    9,    '96. 

(180)  110.50. 
Mor..  g.e..  Auckland.  Nov.,  '97.     (580) 
£6  28.  6d. 

■ Argenis.       Trans,     by     Kingsmill 

Long.     Lond.,   1G36.     4to. 
Cf.   (engraved  title  slightly  cut  into). 

Craig.  June.  '87.     (168)    £1  12s. 
Cr..  r.e.,   Libble.  Dec.  5.  '01.     (60)   |5. 

Description  of  tlie  Roman  Catl^ollc 

Church.     ix>nd..    1689.     4to. 
a.  ex.,  Bonar.  June.  "90.     (200)    £3. 

Mirror  of  IVIinds.     Englished  by  T. 

May-     Lond..   1738.     Svo. 
Mor.    (arms    of    Charles    I),    Randall, 
Aug..  '87.     (521)    £2. 

BARCLAY  (J.).  Memorials  for  tlie 
Government  of  the  Royal  Burghs  of 
Scotland.    Aberdeen,   1685.     Svo. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e.,  Webster,  Mar.,  '93.  (14) 

Cf..  Auchinleck.  June.  '93.  (45)  £1198. 

Cf..  Young,  Dec,  '95.     (703)    £12s. 

BARCLAY  (ROBERT).  Anarchy  of 
the  Ranters,     Phlla.,  1757.    12mo. 

Mor-  ex.,  g.e.,  Cooke,  Dec,  *83.  (870) 

Mor.  ex..  Stevens,  July,  '80.  (19)   £2  2s. 

Mor,  ex..  g.e..  Libble,  Nov.  22,  '89. 
(161)   18. 

Cf..  Washington.  Dec.  '90.  (547)  |6.50. 

Cf.,  r.e.  (title  page  mended),  Deane, 
Mar,,  '98.     (187)    $5.25. 

^Tbeologlae  Vere  dirlstianae  Apolo- 
gia.    Amsterdam.   1G76.     Svo. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Mar.  17,  '02.  (159) 
£7  5s. 

An  Apology  for  the  True  ChHatlan 

Divinity.     Printed  In  the  year  1G78. 

Cf.,  CresBon,  May,  '02.     (100)  |14. 
•♦Large    paper. 

VeL,  Soth.,  Feb.  27.  '99.    (347)    £2  28. 

An  Apology  for  the  True  Chris- 
tian Divinity.  Newport,  J.  Frank- 
lin. 1729.     8vo. 

Cf..  g.e.,  Brinley,  Mar.,  '79.  (2412) 

CI.,  Baker.  Feb.,  '91.     (231)  |15. 

Cf.  (leaf  at  end  of  table  of  authors 
lackingJ,  Llvermore,  Nov.,  '94. 
(20081   $20- 

Cf.,  Soth..  Oct.  29.  1900.     (571)    £3  128. 

Cf..  HodgBon,  Feb.  17,  '03.     (415)    £3. 

^An  Apology  for  the  True  Chris- 
tian Divinity.  Birmingham,  1765. 
4  to. 

Cf.  (presentation  copy),  Libble.  Dec. 
2,  '96.     (57)  161. 

Cf.,  Stone,  Oct.,  '97.     (57)   $5. 

Cf.  (broken).  Lundy.  Feb..  '99.  (1406) 

Mor.  ex..  g.t,  Soth.,  Feb.  25,  '01. 
(1492)   £1  ISa. 

Catechism      and      Confession      of 

Faith.     Pblla.,  172G.    Svo. 
Hf.   mor.    (margin   of   title   mended), 
Polock,  xMar,.  '04.     (542)   $13. 

Catechism      and      Confession      of 

Faith.     Newport,   J.   Franklin,    1752. 
Mor.    ex..    g.e..    Brinley,    Mar.,     '80. 
(3486)  $7.50. 




Barclay    (Robert) — Vontinucd. 

Cf.,  Baker.  Feb..  '91.     (247)   $13. 

Sheep,  Deanc.  Mar..  '98.     (186)   $21. 

Truth    Triumphant.      Ix)nd..    1692. 


Cf..  Cresfion,  May.  '02.     (104)   |6.50. 

BARD  (SAMUEL).  Enquiry  Into  the 
Nature,  Cause,  and  Cure  of  the  An- 
gina Suffocativa.     N.  Y..  1771.    8vo. 

Hf.  mor..  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.  (170) 

BARDAISAN.  Hymn  of  Bardaiaan, 
rendered  Into  English  by  F.  C.  Bur- 
kltt.  Lond.,  Essex  House  Press, 
1899.     IGmo. 

Eds..  Bangs,  Dec.  21,  '01.     (276)  |8. 

Bds.,  Bangs,  Nov.  18.  '01.     (306)  |5.50. 

Leather,  g.e.,  Pelrce,  Mar.,  '03.  (12) 

Bds..  unc,  Peirce,  May.  '03.     (460)  $6. 

BARERE  (BERTRANO).  Memoirs. 
Trana.  by  Payne.  Lond..  1896.  4 
vols.,  8vo. 

01.,  Christie.  Feb.  21,  '99.     (IS)    £1. 

CI.,  Libble,  Nov.  16,  1900.     (212)   $5. 

CI.,  Bangs,  Jan.   28.   '01.     (217)    $7.50. 

CI..  Bangs,  Mar.  14,  '01.     (218)   $6.60. 

BARET  (J.)-  An  Alvearie,  or  Quad- 
ruple Dictlonarie.     Lond.,  1580.  Fol. 

Cf.,  WUbraham,  June,  '98.  (188)  £2 
2  s. 

Bds.,  Bruce.  Dec,  1900.     (226)   £3  158. 

Cf.  (some  leaves  frayed),  McKee,  May, 
'02.     (4803)    $7.50. 

Oak  boards,  Sotlx.,  July  28.  '03.  (109) 
£10  5s. 

BARHAM  (R.  H.).  Ingoldsby  Legends. 
Lond..  1840-47.  Plates  by  Cntlk- 
shank  and  Leech.     3  vols.,  8vo, 

CI.,  unc.  Solh.,  Dec.  8.  '90.  (133)   £16. 

CI.,  unc,  Baggallay.  Jan.,  '91.  (240) 
£31  lOs. 

Ci„  unc,  Houle,  Dec.  '91.  (393) 
£20  10s. 

CI.,  unc,  Glasse,  July.  '92.  (970) 

CI.,  unc.  (p.  236  blank,  and  with  an 
extra  leaf  Inserted  from  later  edi- 
tion), Soth.,  Dec,  11,  "93.  (24)  £16 

Mor.  ex.,  unc,  Soth..  Apr.  22.  '95.  (823) 
£12  108. 

CI.,  unc.  Maxwell,  Apr.,  '96.  (21)  $120. 

Mor.  ex.,  unc,  Pinkney,  May,  *95.  (11) 

Mor.  ex.,  unc.  Soth.,  Feb.  19.  '96.  (377) 
£17  68. 

Barham    (R.    H.) — Cntttinufd. 

CI.,  unc  (p.  236  blank).  Bruton.  June. 

'97.     (208)    £15  158. 
Mor.,  tine  (p.  236  blank,  and  with  slip 

facing,  orig.  cloth  covers  bound  In), 

Clarke.  Mar.,  '99.    (25)    £16. 
CI.,  unc.  Bangs,  Apr.  7,  '99.     (73)  $48. 
CI.,  unc  (p.  236  blank).  Wright.  June. 

'99.     (22)    £9  158, 
CI-  unc.  Bangs,  Feh.  13,  'Ol.    (28)  $66. 
Mor..    g.e.    (p.    236    blank,    and    with 

slip).     Soth..     Feb.     25.     '01.      (222) 

£4  12s.  6d. 
Mor.,  unc,  French,  Apr.,  '01.   (72)  $96. 
Mor.   ex..  unc.    (p.  236  blank).   Soth.. 

July  23,  '01,     (1515)    £14  lOa. 
Cf.  ex..  unc,  Hibbert,  Apr,.  '02,     (39) 

£7  128.  6d, 
Cf.  ex..   g.e,.  White.  Apr.,   '02.     (116) 

£4  2s.  6d. 
CI.,  unc.  (p.  236  blank).  Soth.,  June  3, 

'02.     (131)    £15  15s. 
CI.,  unc  (p.  236  blank,  and  with  slip), 

Bangs,  Nov.  20.  '02.     (202)   $72. 
CI.,  unc  (p.  236  blank,  and  with  slip), 

Pelrce,  May,  '03.     (26)   $84. 

Infloldsby    Legends.     Lond..   1842- 

48.     3  vols,,  8vo. 
CI.,  unc,  Richmond,  Mar.,  '99.     (900) 

Hf.    cf.,    Bangs,    June    5,    '99.     (1179) 

(^.,    unc,    Graham,    Apr,     '01.     (44) 

£2  108. 
Hf.  mor.  ex..  Hunt.  July,  '99.  (13)    £4. 
Hf.   mor.    ex..    g,t..   French,    Apr.,    '01. 

(73)   $16.60. 

Ingoldsby  Legends.       Lond.,  18S2. 

3    vols.,    8vo. 
CI..  Perkins.  July,  *89.     (124)    £2 10s. 
Mor.    ex.,    unc,    Soth..    June    22.  '91. 

(42)    £4  4a. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Williams,  May,  '93.  (188) 

£2  10s. 
CI,.  Smithson,  June,  '96.     (54)   £148. 
CI..  Soth.,  Mar.  23,  '99.     (144>    £114s. 
CI..  Bangs,  Apr,  3.  '99.     (201)   $7.88. 
CL.  unc.  Bangs.   May  19.   1900.     (28) 

Hf.  mor,.  m.e.,  Wylfe.  May»  '01.     (10) 

ingoidsby    Legends.      Lond..    1855. 

3   vols.,  Svo. 
CI.,   unc,    Putt.,    Feb.    14,    '94.      (898) 

C)..    unc,    Clarke,    Dec,    '95,      (926) 





Barham     (R.    H.) — Vontiuuvd. 

CI.,    unc.    Soth.,    Dec.    17,    '97.      (24) 

£2  10s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.t..  Soth.,  Dec.  &,  '99.     (488) 

£2  15s. 
CI.,    unc.    Hornby.    Apr..    1900.      (20) 

£1  18s. 
a.,   unc.   Putt..  Apr.  26,   1900.      (116) 

Hf.  mor.  ex..  Fraser,  Apr.,  '01.     (97) 

£1  ICs. 
Hf.    raor.,   g.1.,   Llbble.   Mar.    18.      02. 

(62)  $11.25. 

Ingoldsby    Legends.      [x)nd..    1870. 

2   vols.,   Svo. 
CI..   Putt.,  June  5,  '93.     (llj    £lls. 
CI.,  unc,  Reld.  May.  '94.     (934)   £lBs. 
Cf.,    m.o.,    Swindells,   June,    '95.      (21) 


Hf.  mor..  unc.  Smith.  Jan.,  '90.     (12) 

CL,  unc.  Leeds,  Apr.,  "96.     (9>    £12s. 

Martin's    Vagaries.      Ixind..    1843. 

Plates  by  Cniikshank.     8vo. 

Cf..  g.e..  Stewart,  Mar.,  '88.     (175)    £3. 

Cf-,  g.t.  (orlg.  cover  bound  in),  Mac- 
kenzie, Mar.,  '89.     (496)    £3  38. 

Cf.  ex..  unc.  (orlg.  covers  bound  in), 
French.  Apr..  '01.     (349)   |S. 

My  Cousin  Nicholas.     Lond.,  1846, 

Plates  by  Leech.     Svo. 
Mor.    ex..    g.t.    (with    the   original    of 

Leech's       frontispiece       inserted), 

.-Uderson.  May,  '92.     (7)    £3  10s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.t.  (with  original  of  Leech's 

frontlspleco  inserted),  French,  Apr., 

•01.     (74)   170. 

BARIFFE  (W.).  MMitary  Discipline, 
or  the  Young  Artillery-Man.  Lond., 
1643.     4to. 

Rus..  Bunbury,  July,  *96.  (6049) 
£3  12s.  Cd. 

BARING-GOULD  (S.).     Book  of  Were- 
wolves.    Lond.,  18C5.     Svo. 
Unc.  Soth.,  Dec  1.  '91.     (821)   £lls. 
Unc.  Hope,  May.  '96.     (132)    £14a. 

Iceland.     Lond.,  1863.     Svo. 

CI..  Walker.  May,  '93.     (G6)    £2  5s. 
CI..  Hope.  Soth..  May,  '90.     (169)    £2 

a,  Soth.,  Oct,  24. '98.     (356)   £2  Is. 
a..    Probasco,   Jan.,   '99.     (83)    110.25. 
CL.   Bangs,   Jan.  8.  '01.     (15)    |e.50. 
a.  Anderson,  Feb.  11.  '01.     (35)  17.75. 
CL,  Soth..  Dec  2,  '01.     (572)    £2. 

Baring-Gould    {S.)—iU,ntin\te(i. 

Lives  of  the  Saints.    Load.,  1877. 

15  vole.,  Svo, 
CL,  Tomlinson,  Jan.,  '94.     (1059)    £2 

Cf.,  g.e..  White,  Apr..  '02.     (117)    £S. 

Lives  of  the  Saints.     Land.,  1882. 

15  vols.,  Svo. 
CL,  Jenkins,  June.  '97.     (7)   £118b. 
CL,  Henkels.  Oct,  25.  '97.     (51)  |9. 
CL,  Libbie,  Mar.    3,  '99.     (18)  tl2. 

BARKER    (M.    H.).     Greenwich   Hoa- 

pital.    Lond.,  1820.  Plates  by  Crutk- 

shauk.     4to. 
Hf.   mor.,   unc.   (with  plates  In   dupli- 
cate). Kenyon,  Mar.,  '90.     (230)    £4. 
Hf.  cf.,  unc,  Soth.,  Dec.  10,  '90.   (48) 

Bds.,\inc,  Williams,  May,  '93.     (254) 

Hf.    raor.,    unc,     Burgess,    May,    *94. 

(180)   £2  8s. 
Hf.    mor.,    g.t..    Alexander,    Mar..    '95. 

(1511)   $12.50. 
Hf.    mor.,    Johnson,    Feb.,    "98.      (123) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.t.  (orlg.  covers  bound  In), 

Howard,  June,  '98.     (265)    £8. 
Hf.  cf.,  unc,  Soth..  Nov.  20,  '99.  (546) 

Hf.  mor,  g.t.,  Hornby,  Apr.,  1900,  (22) 

Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Bangs,  Jan.  15.  '01.  (86) 

Hf.  mor.,   unc    (with   plates  in   dupli- 
cate), French,  Apr.,  '01.     (306)   |40. 
Hf.    mor.,    Soth.,    Julv    21,    '02.      (512) 

Hf.    mor,    unc,    Soth.,    July    28.    '02. 

(275)    £2  6s. 
Hf,  mor.  ex.,  g.t.,  iinc.  Putt,  July  30. 

'02.     (67)    £2  1Ss. 

Jem     Bunt.     By    the    Old    Sailor. 

Lond.,  1841.     Pla«es  by  Cruikshank. 

Cf.  ex.,  unc.   (ortR.  covers  bound  in), 

Soth.,  May  8,  '99.     (404)    £2  8s. 

Land  and  Sea  TaEes.    Txind.,  1836. 

Plates  by  Cruikshank.     2  vols.,  Svo, 
CL.  Walker.  Mar.,  •.S7.     (37)    £1  lOs. 
Cf.,    unc,     Sinclair,    Apr..     '90.      (80) 

£1  108. 
CL.  Shaw,  Feb.,  '97.     (100)   £1. 
CL,  Brutoa.  June,  '97.     (35)    £llls. 
Hf,   mor..   m.e.,   Henkels,   June   2,   '98. 

(365)   $6. 




Barker   (M.   H.) — Continued. 

Hf.    mor.,    g.t.,    Soth..    Feb.    28.    1900. 

(523)  £12s. 

Old    Sailor's    Jolly    Boat.      Lond.. 

1844.  Plates  by  G.  and  R.  Cruik- 
shatik.     8vo. 

Hf.  cf..  Brewer.  Oct..  '87.     (550)    £1. 

Cf..  unc,  Mackenzie.  Mar.,  '89.  (81) 
£2  2s. 

Hf.  cf.  (a  few  plates  spotted).  Bate- 
man,  May,  '93.     (49)    £1. 

Cf.,  g.t..  French,  Apr..  '01.     (3it8)   |18. 

Old    Sailor's    Jolly    Boat.      Land.. 

Willougbby.  n.d.     Plates  by  G.  and 

R.  Cnifkahank.     Svo. 
Hf.    mor.    ex..    g.t..    Shaw.    Mar.    '91. 

(212)  112. 
Hf.  mor.  ex..  g.t.,  Soth.,  Feb.  28.  1900. 

(524)  £1148. 

^Tough  Yarns.     Lend.,  183B.  Plates 

by  Crulkahank.     Svo. 
Hf.  mor,  g.t..  Johnson.  Jan..  '90.  (339) 

CI.,   unc.   Williams.    May.    '93.      (127) 

CI.,  unc.  Bruton,  June.  '97.     (34)    £1. 

BARKER  (T.).  Art  of  Angling,  Lond., 

1C53.     4  to. 
Cf.,    g.e.,     Turner,    Nov.,     '88.     (535) 

£4  16s. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (text  Inlaid),  Perkins,  July. 

"89.     (125)    £317a.Cd. 
Hf.  bd.,  unc,  Reid,  May,   '94.     (1372) 

£5  15s. 
Hf.    cf..    Alexander,    Mar.,    '95.     (293) 

Mor,   ex..  g.t..  Snow.  Nov..  '98.     (287) 

£7  15s. 
Barker's    Delight;    or.  Art  of   An- 

Kling.    Ivond.,  1657.    Svo. 
Mor.,    g.e.    (several    headlines    and    a 

small     portion     of    text    cut    Into). 

Snow.  Nov..    ftS.     (38)    £1  IGa. 
Barker's   Delight;    or,  Art  of   An- 

glinp.     Ixind..  1C59.     Svo. 
Mor.,  Perkins,  Jnly.  '89.     (126)  £4  Hs. 
Cf.    (slightly    wormed).    Ashbumham, 

June.  -97.     <3«8)    £5  17s.  6d. 
Hf    bd.,  Soth.,  Dec.  13.  1900.       (1149) 
£S  lOs. 

Art  of  Angling.     lx»nd.,  1820.  Svo. 

♦*On    vellum. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Davla,  Nov.,  1900.  (16) 

£15  15a. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.    (the   preceding   copy). 

Soth.,  Feb.  26,  '01.     (204)    £5  10s. 

Barker   (T.) — Cofttiriued. 

Countryman's   Recreation.     Lond.. 

1G54.     4to. 
RuH.,  Perkins.  July,  '89.   (489)    £2  4s. 
Cf..  Auckland,  Nov,,  '97.    (581*)  £6. 
(With    The    Art    of    Angling.    1C53). 

Snow,  Nov.,  '98.     (298J    £10  158. 

BARKSDALE      (C).     Nympha      LIbe- 

thrls.     Load.,  1651.     Svo. 
Mor..   g.e.,    Soth..   June   27.    '92.     (47) 

£8  10s. 

BARKSHIRE        (EARL       OF).        See 


BARK  STEAD  (JOHN).  Discourses 
and  Prayers  of  Col.  John  Barkatead, 
etc     Lond.,  16G2.     4to. 

Hf.  cf.,  Ashburton.  Nov.,  1900.  (739) 
£1  Is. 

BARL>EU8  (C).  Rerunrt  per  Octen- 
nivm  in  Brasilia.  Amsterdam,  1647. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Cooke.  Dec.  '83.  (169) 

Cf.,  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (173)   $14. 

Vei.,  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (174)  |7.50. 

BARLOW        (F.),       Dtversae       Avium 

Species.    Lond.,  165S.     4to. 
Young,  Dec.  '96.     (90)    £5  7s.  6d. 

Severall  Wayes  of  Hunting,  Hawk- 
ing ana  Fishing.     Lond..  1671.     Fol. 

Cf.  ex..  g.e.,  Snow.  Nov..  '98.  (328) 
£  7  10s. 

BARLOW     (JOEL),    The    Columbiad. 

Phlla..  1807.     4to. 
Cf..  Cooke.  Dec,  '83.     (176)  16-50. 
Cf„  Brlnley,  Nov..  '86.     (6786)   |6.25. 
Mof.  ex.,  g.e.,  Terry.  Mar.,  '89.  (89)  |7. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..   Hunt.  Nov.,   '91.    (209) 

Bds.,  unc  (presentation  copy),  Deane, 

Mar.,  '9S.     (192)   J13. 
Cf.  (worn),  Anderson.  Apr.  7.  *02.  (72) 


Conspiracy  of  Kings.       Newbury- 

port,  Mass.,  1794.     Svo. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  McKee.  Nov.,  1900,  (40) 


Hasty  Pudding.  New  Haven.  1796. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Brlnley.  Nov..  "86.  (6789) 

ITnbd..  Bierstadt,  Apr.,  '97.     (134)  $15. 
Hasty    Pudding.     Brooklyn,    1833. 





Barlow    (Joel) — Cunthntt'il 
Hf.  mor.,  line,  (with  portrait  InsertedJ, 
McKee,  Nov.,  1900.     (41)  |9. 

Vision      of     Columbus.     Hartford, 

1787.     Svo. 
Cf-,  g.e..  Brlnley.  Nov..  '86.   (6782)  $12. 
Cf..  Thornton,  June,  '94.     (921)    £1  Is. 
Cf..   Bierstadt,  Apr.  '97.     (133)   |8.50. 
Sheep  (with  A.L.S.  of  Barlow  and  one 

of  Col.  David  Humphreys  inserted). 

Bangs.  Mar.   19.  1900.     (29)   $25. 
Hf.   mor.,    McKee.    Nov..   1900.       (39) 


BARLOW  (W.).  Psalms  and  Hymns 
of  Prayer  aad  Thanksgiving.  Lond., 
1C13.     4to. 

Mor..  g.e.  (a  blank  leaf  lacking), 
Crawford,  June.  '87.  (2.'')3)    £11  lOs. 

Sermon       Preached       at       Paules 

Crosse  on  March  1.  1600.  Ivond., 
laOl.     Svo. 

Hf.  bd..  Bools.  June.  '03.     (572)    £5. 

Sum  and  Substance  of  the  Con- 
ference at  Hampton  Court.  Jan.  14, 
1603.     Lond.,  1604.     4to. 

Ht  ct.  LIvermore,  Nov..  '94.     (76)  $61. 

BARNARD  (LADY  A.).     See  Lindsay. 

^BARNARD  (F.).  Charles  Dfckens:  A 
Gossip  About  His  Life,  Works  and 
Character.     Lond.,  n.d.     Pol. 

iParte.  McKeniie.  Jan.,  '99.    (303)   £l 
lor..  PutL,  Oct  18,  '99.     (894)    £1. 

Sparta.  Putt..  Apr.  26.  1900.  (662)  £2 

Character  Sketches  from  Dickens. 

Both     series.       Lond.,    1884-85.       12 
plates.      Fol. 
In  portfolios.  Burgess,  May.  '94.  (375) 

Character   Sketches   from    Thack- 
eray.    6  platps.     Pol. 
Jinier.  Mar.,  '89.     (tlSO)    £1. 

PBARNARD  (F.)  and  green  (Co- 
Ninety  Ilhistrallons  to  Master 
Humphrey's  Clock.  Lond..  1872. 
Uor.,  g.e.  (colored  by  hand),  Wright, 
June,  '99.     (377)    £5  5s. 

BARNARD  (F.  A.).  Bibltothecse  Re- 
gis Catalogus.  I^nd..  1820-25.  5 
vol*.,  fol. 

'Hf.  mor,  g.e..  unc  Makellar,  Nov..  '98. 
(1059)    £1  13s. 

BARNARD    (J.).     Ashton'a  Memorial. 

Bost.,  1725.     Svo. 
Hf.  vel.,  unc.  Brlnley.  Mar..  79.  (1871) 


BARNARD    (JOHN).     See   Psalms. 

barnardine  of  escalanta.    a 

Discourse  of  the  Navigation  which 
the  Portugalea  doe  make  to  the 
Ea-st  Partes  of  the  Worlde.  Trans, 
by  Jolia  Franapton.  Ix)nd..  1579. 

Rus..  g.e.  (title  page  inlaid,  margins 
and  corners  of  some  leaves  mend- 
ed). Soth..  Feb.  27.  '99.  (G15)  £5 

BARNES  (B.).  The  Devil's  Charter. 
Lond.,  1C07.     4to. 

Hf.  ruB..  Benbow,  Nov.,  '89.  (1399) 
£4  4s. 

Hf.  rua.,  Soth..  Apr.  12.  '93.     (8)   £5  5s. 

Four    Books    of    Offices,    enabling 

Private  Per.son.i  for  special  Serv- 
ices.     Lond.,   IGOC-     Fol. 

Cf..  Soth.,  Feb.  27.  '99.     (574)    £5  10s. 

VeL.  Soth.,  Nov,  20.  '99.  (548)  £11 

Cf.,  Soth..  Dec.  11,  '99.     (471)   £7  5b. 

BARNES  (JOSEPH).  Remarks  on 
Mr.  John  Fitch's  Reply  to  Mr. 
James  Rumsey's  Pamphlet.  Phila., 
1788.     8vo. 

Hf.  mor..  unc,  Bangs.  Jan.  22,  '01. 
(549)    $10. 

BARNES  (JOSHUA).  History  of  that 
most  victorious  Monarch  Edward 
HL     Camb.,  1688.     Fol. 

Mor.,  Sunderland,  Dec,  '81.  (955) 
£13  10s. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Toovey.  Feb.,  '94.  (325) 
£2  4s. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Baron  Heath's  copy), 
Soth.,  May  16,  '01.     (32)    £4  59. 

BARNES  (JULIANA).  Book  of  Hawk- 
ing, Hunting,  and  Fishing.  St.  Al- 
bans, 1486.     Fol. 

Mor.  (Roxburghe  copy,  perfected  by 
Ashburnham),  Ashburnham.  June, 
•97.     (312)    £385. 

Unbd.  (with  77  out  of  89  leaves.  I  be- 
ing a  fragment,  and  9  facs.),  Ash- 
burnham. May.  '98.     (4050)    £12<l. 

Book    of    Hawking,    Hunting,   and 

Fishing.  Ix>nd.,  Wynken  de  Worde. 
149G.     Fol. 

(Probably  imperfect).  Buccleuch.  Mar., 
'89.      (242)    £44. 




Barnes   ( Jut i ana) — Vitntinnrtf. 

Rub.  (frontispiece  inlaid,  some  mar- 
gins mended),  Putt.,  Apr.  12,  '89. 
(21)    £120. 

Mor.  ex.  (2  leaves  lacking.  2  others 
Inlaid,  Thoresby  and  Blandford 
copyi.  Ashburnham,  June,  '97.  (313) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.o.  (1  leaf  In  facs.).  Snow. 
Nov..   '98.      (330)    £49. 

Rus.  ex.,  g.e.  (C  leaves  supplied  from 
Haslewood's  reprint  of  1810).  Foun- 
taine.  June.   '(►2.     (5G)    £120, 

Book    of    Hawkmg,    Hunting    and 

Fishing.     Lond.,  Wynken  de  Word©, 

n.d.     4to. 
Mor.  ex.  (title  page  of  a  later  edition 

and  two  woodcuts  Inserted).  Daniel, 

July,   '64.     (788)    £108. 

Book    of    Hawking,    Hunting,    and 

Flailing.     Lond.,  Copland,  n.d.     4to. 

Ct.  ex.  (part  of  title  In  face,),  Corser, 
July.  '68.      (41)    £35. 

Mor.  ex.  (margins  of  10  leaves  mend- 
ed, portion  of  last  leaf  In  facs.), 
Ashburnham,  June,  '97.     (31C)    £26. 

Mor.  ex.  (margins  of  10  leaves  re- 
paired, portion  of  title  and  2  other 
loaveH  In  facs.),  Ashbiimham.  Dec, 
•98.      (10)     £24  10s. 

Cf.  (title  page  defective.  Inlaid,  and  2 
word.s  supplied,  several  leaves 
mended,  and  last  leaf  Inlaid),  Davta, 
Nov..  1900,     (17)    £39. 

Book    of    Hawking,    Hunting*    and 

Fishing.  Lond.,  Vele  and  Copland 
for  Toye.  n.d.     4to. 

CI.  Ashburnhani.  .Tune,  97.  (315) 

Book    of    Hawking,    Hunting    and 

Fishing.     Lond..    Powell,    n.d.     4to. 
Mor.,     g.e.,     Ashburnham,     June,     '97. 

(318)  £7G. 

Book    of    Hawking,    Hunting    and 

Fishing.  Ijond-.  John  Waley.  n.d. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Ashbumham,  June,  *97, 

(319)  £C2. 

Book    of    Hawking,    Hunting,    and 

Fishing.     Lond.,  Allde.  1586.    4to. 
Mor.,  Ashburnham,  June,  '97.       (321) 

Gentfeman'a     Academie,     or     the 

Book    of    St.    Albans.     I>and.,    1595. 

Cf.,  Ayleaford.  Mar,  '88.     (301)    £7. 

Barnes    (Juliana) — Ctnitivurtl. 

(Two  leaves  mended),  Aylesford,  Mar., 

•88.     (120)    £4. 
Cf.,  Marshall.  June,  '90.     (212)    £3. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Cosens,  Nov.,  '90.  (392) 

£5  5s. 
Hf.     mor.,     Ashburnham.     June.     '97. 

(322)    £24  10.s. 
Hf.  mor..  Soth..  Feb.  27.   '99.     (1700) 

Hf.   mor..    Soth.,    Mar.    17.    '02.     (942) 

£19  10s. 
Unbd.,  Soth.,  June  20,  '02.     (24)    £10. 
(Slightly  cut  down),  Hodgson,  Oct.  22, 

1)2.     (380)    £13  158. 
Hf.   mor..    Soth.,   July    28,    '04.     (112) 

Hawking,    Hunting,    Fowling    and 

Fishing,     l^nd.,   159  C.     4  to. 
Rus,    (headlines   cut   into),    Ashbum- 
ham, June,  '97.     (323)    £210. 
Book    of    Hawking,    Hunting    and 

Flahlng.       Lond.,   ISlO.       Reprinted 

from    de    Worde's    edition    of    1496. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Turner,  June,  '88.     (492) 

£10  15s. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc,  Hartree.  July,  '90.  (272) 

£9  14s. 
Rus.,    g.e.,    Toovey.    Man,    '94.     (388) 

Mor.     ex.,     Stuart,     Mar.,     '95.     (143) 

£3  183. 
Bds.,  unc,  Alexander,  Mar.,  '95.   (334) 

Mor.  ex..  unc.  (in  2  vols.),  Snow,  Nov., 

*98.     (331)    £4  178. 6d. 
Cf..  g.t..  unc,  Soth.,  Nov.  20,  '99.  (1117) 

£4  15s. 
Rub.  ex.,  g.e..  Soth.,  May  16,  '01.   (33) 

£2  ISs. 
Mor,,    g.e.,    Soth.,    July    11,    '02.     (80) 

£4  6s. 
—Treatise  of  Fishing  with  an  Angle. 

Lond.,    Wynken   de    Worde,    [1532J. 

Mor.    ex.    (Harley.    Giilston,    Radcliffe 

and    Haworth    copy),    Ashbumham, 

,Tune,  '97.     (320)    £360. 
Treatise  of  Fishing  with  an  Angle, 

reprinted  from  the  Book  of  St.  Al- 
bans,    i^nd.,  1827.    8vo. 
Rus.,  g.e..   Snow,   Nov.,   '98.     (42)     £1 

BARNES     (ROBERT).         Supplication 

unto  Henry  VHI.     Lond.,  1534.  8vo. 
Vel.,  Tyrell,  Dec,  '91.     (4)    £2. 





Barnes    (Robert) — Continued. 

Supplication     unto      Henry     VIII, 

I^nd..  Hugh  Synglelon.    8vo. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Crawford,    June,    '87. 

(254)    £10. 

BARNFIELD  (R.).  Encomlon  of  Lady 
Pecunia.     Ixjnd.,    1598.     8vo. 

Mor.  ex.  (title  and  several  leaves 
mended).  Ouvry,  Mar.,  '82.  (190) 

Poems.    Lond.,  AucMuleck  Press, 

1816.     8vo. 
Craig.  Mar.,  '88.     (4279)  £2  28. 
Buckley.  Apr.,  '94.     (3154)    £2 12a. 
Wilbraham,   June.   '98.     (526)    £3 12s. 

Poems.  Edited  by  Grosart.   Lond., 

1876.     4lo. 
Galsford.  Apr..   '90.     (1642)    £158. 
Hf-  mor..  unc,   Brabounie,   May,   '91. 

(1016)    £2  6s. 
Hf.    bd.,   Coleridge,   May,   "96.     (1259) 

BARNUM,     (H.     L.).    The     Spy     Un- 
masked.    N.  Y.,  1828.     8vo. 
Hf.  mor..  unc,  Field.  May.  '75.     (96) 

Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Menzlea,    Nor.,    '76. 

(128)   $14.75. 
Bds.,   unc,  Brinley,  Mar.,   '80.     (3969) 

Hf.  mor..  unc,  Guild,  Nov..  '87.   (223) 

Hf.  mor..  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (191  >  $G. 
Unbd..    unc,   Moore,   May,    '93.     (145) 

Bds.  (foxed).  Ubbie,  Nov.  6,  '96.  (110) 

Hf.  cf.,  unc,  Deane.  Mar.,  '98.     (197) 

Bds.,  Clogaton.  Nov.,  '99.     (100)   $11. 
Hf.  sheep.  Clark.  Jan..  "01.     (86)   $12. 
Hf,  mor..  unc.  French  and  Chubbuck. 

Feb..  '04.     (125)   $1D. 

Phllosophia     Theologiao     Anclilans. 

Andreapolis.  1G21.     12mo. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Inglis,  June,  1900.     (80) 

£3  178.  Cd. 
BARON        (ROBERT.       OF       GRAY'S 

Inn).     .Apology  for  Pari.s  for  Reject- 
ing Juno  and  Pallas  and  Presenting 

Afe's  Golden  Ball  to  Venus.     Lond., 

1049.     8vo. 
Cf..  Aylesford.  Mar.,  '88.     (28)    £2  5s. 
Cf..  Halllwel],  Dec, '91.     (1729)   £2  68. 

Baron     (Robert)— (.'«u;Nir«('J. 
Sheep,  Hazlitt,  Nov.,  '93.     (43)    £2  4s. 
Cf..  Soth.,  May  21,  '97.     (12)    £2  2s. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,   Christie,  June  18,  '02. 
(23)    £5  7s.6d. 

^EltoTo-rmyAnv^      or     the     Cyprian 

Academy.     Camb..  1G47.     8vo. 

Cf.,  r.e.  (lacking  printed  title,  and  a 
few  headlines  cut  Into),  Soth., 
Mar.  11,  '99.     (4)    £2  4a. 

Cf..  y.e.  (lacking  frontispiece  and  por- 
trait), McKee,  Dec,  '01.  (2744) 

-^=-^  Ef/uTti-at)"^tfi>,      or     the     Cyprian 

Academy.     Lond.,  1648.    Svo. 
Rus.  ex.  (presentation  copy,  Towneley 

copy),    Gaisford,    Apr.,    '90.      (136) 

£11  5s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.    (text  cut  Into),   Soth., 

June  27,  '92.     (48)    £5. 
Rub.  ex.  (presentation  copy,  Towneley 

and    Gaisford    copy),    Burra,    May, 

'97.     (52)    £12  53. 
Cf.    (slightly    damaged),    Soth.,    May 

21,  '97.     (11)    £3  5s. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Lefterts,    Apr.,    '02.      {B8) 

Sheep,  Soth,,  May  18,  '03.     (30)    £11. 
Mirza.        Lond.,      for     Humphrey 

Moscley,   [about  1G501.     Svo. 
Sheep     (stained),    McKee,    Apr..    '01. 

(2200)  $5. 
Cf..  g.e..  Lefferts,  Apr..  '02.     (39)   $21. 

Pocula  Castalla.     IxmA.,  1650.  8vo. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Gaisford,  Apr.,  '90.  (135) 

£5  58. 
Mor.      ex.,     g.e.     (portrait     mended), 

Soth..  June  27.  '92.     (19)    £2  4s. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.    (title    page    mounted), 

Adee,   Nov.,   '95.     (35)    $30. 
Mor..  g.e.   (few  headlines  cut),  Soth., 

May  21.  '97.     (13)    £3, 
Mor.  ex..  French,  Apr.,  '01.     (76)   $42. 
Mor.,    g.e.     (GaLsford    copy),    McKee, 

Dec.   '01.     (2745)    $75. 
Mor..  g.e.  (portrait  mounted),  Lefferta, 

Apr..  '02.     (40)    $35. 
BARREIROS    (CASPAR).      Chorogra- 

phta  de  Alguns  lugaresque  stam  em 

hum  camlnho.     Colrabra.  1661.    Svo. 
Vel.,  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.     (192)  $16. 
BARRERE   (A.).     Dictionary  of  Argot 

and   Slang.     Ix>nd.,  1887.     Svo. 
Hf.  mor..  Streatfelld.  June,  '89.     (330) 

Vel..  Putt.  Dec  16.  '91.     (20/    £1. 



Barrere    (A.) — Cftntiniicd. 

Y&h,  unc,  Hutchinson.  Feb.,  '92.   (37) 

£  1  2s. 
Hf.    nior..    Marshall.    June.   '90.     (214) 

£1  ICs. 
Vel..  Bangs.  Oct.  18.  '99.     (29)  $7.50. 
Bds.,  unc.   Llbble.  Feb.  8,  1900.     (51> 


Oictionary    of    Slang»   Jargon    and 

Cant.     Lond..   lS8J)-90.     2   vols.,   8vo. 
Hf.   bd..  Slogden.   May.   "94.     (14)    £1 

Vel..  Richmond,  Apr.,  '99.     (27fi9)    $9. 
Vel..  unc.  Solh..  May  g.  "99.  (241)    £1. 
Bds..  unc,  IJbbie.  Feb,  8,  1900.     (52) 

Unc,  Brice.  Mar..  1900.     (192)   £158. 
Hf.    roan,    unc,    Anderson,    Nov.    15. 

19fl0.     (34)  17. 
BARRERE     (P.).      Nouvelle     Relation 

de    la    Prance    Equlnoxlale.     Paris, 

[1743].     12mo. 
CI.  Brlnley.   Apr..  '81.     (5338)    $5.50. 

BARRET  (R,).  Theorike  and  Prac- 
tike  of  Modern  Ware.  !>ond..  1598. 
4  to. 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e..  Bailey,  June.  '89.  (12441 
£3  12s.  Cd. 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e.  (some  corners  mended). 
Putt..  Dec  17.  '89.     (36)    £2  12s. 

Cf.,  Bunbury,  July,  '96.     (221)    £(5  55, 

Of..  Banps,  May  5,  '99.     (29>  $G. 

BARRETT  (C.  G.).  Lepidoptera  of 
the  British  Islands.  Lond..  1892- 
1901.     Colored  plates.  75  parts.  Kvo. 

Parts,  Hornby.  Jan..  "02.  (202)  £12 

CL,  unc.  (In  5  vols.).  Carmlchael. 
Mar,.  '03.     (40)    £10. 

BARRETT  (F.).  The  Magus  or  Celes- 
tial Intelligencer.     I^nd..  IKOl.    4 to. 

Hf.  mor.,  Dorman,  Apr.,  '86.  (1535) 

Hf.  rus.,  Hockley,  Apr..  '87.  (281) 
£1  19s- 

Hf.  bd..  Putt..  July  12,  '87.     (280)    £1 


Hf.  cf..  Perklna.  July.  '89.     (127)    £1 


Hf.  mor..  Calvert.  Nov..  '96.  (186) 
£1  Ss.  Cd- 

BARRETT  (WALTER).  See  Scoville 
(J.  A.). 

BARRETT  (W.).  Hfstory  and  Antiq- 
uities of  Bristol.  Bristol,  1789. 
4  to. 

Barrett  (W.)— <:v>«t<it«f  rf. 

Rus.,  Aylesford,  Mar.,  '88.     (IOC) 
Cf..  Cosen.s.  Nov..  '90.     (1101)    £3  12.««. 
Cf..  Deane,  Mar.,  *9S.     (201 1  $S. 

BARREY  (LOOOWICK).  Ram-Alley: 
or  Merrle-Trlckea.     l^nd..  1611.  4to. 

Hf.  mor..  r.e.  (some  leaves  mended). 
McKee.  Apr.,  '01.     (2201)  $15. 

Cf.,  Soth.,  Dec  2.  '01.     (220)    £12  lOs. 

Ram-Ailey.     Ix)nd..  1636.     4to. 

Hf.  mor.  (some  leaves  cut  close.  Mit- 
ford  copy  with  manuscript  notes), 
McKee.  Apr..  '01.     (22fi2)  $22. 

BARRI     (C).     Cochin-China.        Ixind., 

1653.     4to. 
Mor..  g.e.,   Barclay,  Nov..  '92.     (1077) 

£  1  Gs. 
Cf.,    Wilbraham.    June.    '98.     (95)     £1 

Hf.  mor.  (title  soiled).  Soth..  Dec  17. 

1900.     (62)    £2, 

BARRi     (GIRALD).     See    Qlraldus    de 


BARRiE      (J.      M.).     Novels.     N.      Y.. 

189C.     S   vols.,   8vo. 

••Japan  paper. 
Hf.   vel.,   unc.   g.t.,   French,   Apr.,   '01. 

(78)   $51. 
BARRINGTON   (G.).     History  of  New 

South  Wales.     LiOnd.,  1802.     2  vols., 

Rus.,   g.t..    Soth.,   Dec    9,   '87.      (1099) 

£2  14a. 
Cf-,   Soth.,  June   14.   '90.     (."SO)     £112s. 
Cf.,  Soth..  June  14.  '90.     (51)    £1108. 
Cf.,  Piitt.,  Nov.  11.  '90.     (811)    £2  88. 
Hf.  cf..  Putt..  Apr,  2.  '91.     (201  >   £1  28. 
Cf„  Sjoth..  Jan.  14.  "95.     (464)    £1  lis. 
New  London  Spy,  for  1807,  or  the 

Frauds  of  l^ndon  Detected.     I^ond., 

1807.     Colored  frontispiece.     8vo. 
Cf..  g.p..  Blyth.  .Mar.,  '01.     (40)    £3  3r. 
BARRINGTON   (SIR  J).     Memoirs  of 

Ireland.     Ix>nd.,  1S35.     2  vols..  4to. 
Cf.  ex.,  unc.  g.t.  Gale,  Dec.  "88.     (163) 

Hf.  cf..  Bruce.  Apr..  '92.     (IS)    £138. 
Cf.,  Coghlan,  Dec,  '96.     (195)    £2S8. 
CI.,  Johnson.  Feb..  '98.     (1232)    £16s. 
Hf.   mor.,    Putt.,    Dec    19,    '98.      (597) 

£1  13a. 
CI..  Putt..  Feb.  15.  *99.     (246V   £1  Ss. 
Unc,  Soth.,  Dec.  18,  '99.     (G37)   £188. 
Unc,    Asbburton.    Nov.,    1900.      (75) 





Barrington    (Sir   J.) — Coutinucd. 

Hf.    mor..    Dayton.,    Mar..    '02.      (788) 


••Large    paper. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Sullivan,  May,  '90.    (598) 


Personal     Sketches    of    his    Own 

Times.     Lond-,  1827.     3  vols..  Svo. 
Hf.  inor.  Currle,  June.  '87.     (Hn    i  1 

CI-.  Perkins.  July.  '89.     (130)    £1  2s. 
Hf.  mor..  unc.  Webster.  Mar..  '93.  (15> 

£1  Hs, 
Hf.    cf..    m.e..    Hope.    Apr.    '9G.      (63) 

£  1  Gs. 

Personal     Sketches    of    his    Own 

Times.     Lond..  1S30.     3  vols.,  8vo. 

Hf.  mor.  ex..  Gale.  Dec.,  '88.  (1641 

Hf.  mor..  Moore.  Oct..  '9:].  (39)    £l«s. 

Hf.  cf-  ex.,  unc.  Bangs.  Dec.  4,  "95, 
(334)  IS.25. 

Hf.  cf..  Libbie.  June  10.  '96.     (78)  %G. 

BARRON  (J.).  Proceedings  of  the 
Court  Martial  for  Trial  of  Commo- 
dore  James  Barron,  etc.  Washing- 
ion.  1822.     Svo, 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.  (19(>) 

BARROS  (JOAM  OE).  Asia;  Prlmera 
Secunda  and  Terceira  Decades.  Lis- 
bon, 1552-53-63.     2  vols.,  fol. 

Vel-,  Frere.  Oct..  '97.     (203)    £3  3a. 

(In  three  vols.,  with  the  4th  Decade. 
Madrid.  u;i5;  portion  of  iaat  leaf 
in  manuscript.)  Crawford.  June,  '89. 
ri40)    £lls. 

Asia.      Lisbon.    1778-88.  24    vols.. 


Hf.  cf..  Murphy.  Mar..  '84.  (170)    $90. 

Cf..  Roofe.  Apr..  '92.     (895)  £2  15s. 

BARRY  (J.  S.).  Historical  Sketch  of 
Hanover.  Mass.     Bost..   1853.     Svo. 

CI..  Guild.  Nov.,  '87.     (221C)  |5. 

a.,  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (1616)  |10. 

CI.,  Brooks.  Oct..  '98.     (Cn4)   JS.50. 

CI..  Manson,  Feb.,  '99,     (1714)   $14.50. 

CI.,  Libbie.  Feb.  5.  "02.     (499)  $8.75. 

Hf-  mor..  Libbie.  Mar.  18,  '02.  (342) 

CU  Henkels.  Apr.  29,  '02.     (171)  $5.25. 

CI..  Stephens,  Apr.,  '04.     (677)  $S. 

History  of   Massachusetts-     Bost., 

1855-67.     3  vols..  Svo. 
CI..  Rogers.  Oct.,  1900.     (1G2)   $5.40. 

BARRY     (IVIADAME     DU).       Memoirs. 

Lond.,  1830-31.     4  vols.,  12mo. 
Hf.  cf..  Daly.  Mar..  1900.     (204)  $12. 
Hf.  mor..  unc.  French,  Apr.,  '01.    (77) 


Mennoirs.  Lond.,  189(>.  4  vols.,  8vo. 

CI..  Libbie.  Nov.  16.  1900.     (218)  $5.60. 
CI.,  unc.  Bangs,  Mar.  24,  "02.  (71)   $9. 

♦•Japan  paper. 
CI.,  unc.  Bangs.  Sept.  27.  1900.     (230) 

BARRY  (THOMAS).  Narrative  of  the 
Singular  Adventures  and  Captivity 
of  Thomas  Barry.  Sommers  Town, 
UOiK     12mo. 

Cf..  g.e..  Ives.  Mar..  '91.     (50)  |6.B0. 

Cf.,  Wood.  Mar..  *91.     (395)    £1  53. 

BARRY  (W.).  History  of  Framing- 
hani.  Mass.     Bost..  1847.     Svo. 

CL.  Brinley.  Mar.,  '79.     (1830)  $7.75. 

Hf.  mor..  unc.  Guild.  Nov..  '87.  (1385) 

BARRYMORE    (LADY).     Details  of  a 

DGmirep.      Lond..    [1825].      Svo. 
Hf.    mor.,  Mackenzie,   Mar..   "89.     (82) 

£2  10s. 
Hf.  mor.,  Holborn.  Jan..  '93.     (39)    £1 

BART  AS.     See  Du  Bartas. 

BARTH   (H,),  Travels  and  Discoveries 

in  North  and  Central  Africa,  Lond., 

1857-58.     5  vols.,  Svo. 
CI.,  unc.  Darby,  Nov..  '89.     (11)  £1  9s. 
CI.,   unc,   Crawford,   Mar.,   '91.      (257) 

£2  10s. 
CI.,  unc,  Wilson,  June.  '92.     <2S5)    £1 

C!..    unc,    Coleridge,    May,    '96.      (51) 

£1  128. 
CI.,  unc.  Kay.  May.  '97.     (330)   £1  lis. 
Hf.   cf.,   m.e..   Soth..   Feb.   3,   '98.     (1) 

CL.   Hodgbon,   Jan.   8.   '02.     (889)    £1 


Interogatorium  sive  Confossionaie. 
Milan,  1474.     (Haln.  *24.S1.)     8vo. 

Orig.  leather.  Soth.,  Apr.  G.  '03.  (CO) 
£2  188. 

Interogatorium     sive     Co)ifession- 

ale.       Main?..     1478.       (Haln.     24S:;.) 
Cf..   Ellis,   Oct.,   '02.     (254)    £9  158. 

BARTHOLOMEW  FAIR.  Load..  1641. 




Bartho  I ome w    ( Fa  f r )  — Cvu  t in  urd. 
Mor-,     Mackenzie.     Mar.     '89.       (84 » 
£4  12s. 

BARTHOLOMEW         FAIRING         (A). 

Lond..  1G49.    4to. 
GalafortU  Apr.,  'W.     (139)   £3  7s.  6d. 


(Zatnberto).        Isolarlo.        [Venice, 

1477.]     (Hain,  2538.)     4to. 
Mor. ex., g.e.,  Crawford,  Mar. '91.    (258) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Crawford  copy),  Genna- 

dlua.  Mar.,  '95.     (377)  £22. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Cliolmley,  Nov.,  '02.     (130) 


BART  LETT  (B.).  History  of  Mance- 
ter  in  Warwickshire.  Ix»nd.,  1791. 

Hf.  rus.p  unc.  Aylesford.  Mar..  *88. 
(110>    £2  4s, 

BARTLETT     (J.    R.),      Catalogue     of 

Books    and    Pamphlets    reial-ing    to 

the  Civil  War.     Host,  ISflfi.     4 to. 
Hf,    mor.,    unc,   Richmond.    Mar.,    '99. 

(1127)  |7. 

•♦I^arge   paper. 
Hf.   mor,    unc,    Beveridge,    Feb..    '01. 

(635)  18.25. 

Catalogue  of  Carter-Brown  Li- 
brary.    See  Brown  (John  Carter). 

Records    of    Rhode    Island.       See 

Rhode  Istand. 

BARTLETT  (JOSEPH).  Physiog- 
nomy, a   Poem.     Bast..   1799.     4to. 

Hf-  cf-  (stained).  Deane.  Mar..  "98. 
(207)   $7. 

BARTLETT  (LEVI).  Sketches  of  the 
Bartlett  Family.  Lawrence,  1870. 

CI.,  Morris,  Apr.,  '99.     (106)  $6. 

BARTLETT  (W.  H,).  American 
Scenery,     ixtnd.,  1840.     2  vols.,  4 to. 

Mor..  Bangs.  Dec.  4.  1900.     (29 >   $5.25. 

Hf.  mor.  (In  1  vol.),  Dayton,  Mar.,  '02. 
(«5)   15.25. 

BARTOLOZZI     (F.),       One      Hundred 

Examples     of     Engravings.     Lond., 

n.d.     4  parts,  fol. 
Eds.,    unc,    Putt,    Dec.    5.    '92.    (245) 

£5  58. 
Bds.,    unc,    Wltton,    Jan.,    "SS.    (657) 

£5  58. 
Bds.,    unc.    Sotb-,    May    8.    '99.     (318) 

£4  4b. 

Bartolozzl  (F,)^ — Continued. 
Bds.,  unc,  Solli..  Oct.  30.  "99.     (1376) 
£6  28.  6d. 

One       Hundred       and       Fifty-five 

Prints.  Engraved  from  Guerclno. 
Michael  Angelo,  etc  Lond.,  Boy- 
dell,  n.d.    2  vols.  In  1,  fol. 

Rua.,  Smith.  May,  '89.     (211)    £5  59. 

Mor.,  g.e..  I^wton,  Dec,  '94.  (395) 

Hf.  rus..  Bangs,  May  13,  '95.  (242) 

Hf.  ru.s..  Bangs.  Oct.  7,  '95.     (41)  $30. 

Hf.  rus.  (cracked),  Roberts,  Nov.,  '96. 
(133)    £GGs. 

Hf.  rus.,  Sotb..  Mar.  17,  '99.  (769» 

Soth.,  Apr.  24.  '99.     (601)    £4  1&s. 


Lectura  super  IrSbus  librls  Codlcis. 
Venice,  1477.     Fol. 
Bds.,  covered  with  Heather,  Soth.,  Dec, 
17.   1900.      (G5)     £11  16s. 

Tractatus   Judfciorum.      N.p.,    n.d. 

26  leaves,  4 to, 
Bds-,  White.  Apr..  '02.     (119)    £7. 

BARTON  (ANDREW).  The  Disap- 
pointment, or  The  Force  of  Credul- 
ily.  N.  Y..  CPhila.,  Thomas  God- 
dard],  17G7.     12mo. 

Hf.  mor.,  ifinc,  McKee.  Nov.,  1900. 
(108G)  $20.50. 

The       Disappointment,      or      The 

Force  of  Credulity.  Phlla..  1796. 
12  mo. 

Hf.  niur..  unc.  (title  page  mended), 
McKee.   Nov..   1900.      (1087)    $10. 

Views  of  the  Origin  of  the  Tribes 
and  Nations  of  America.  Phila., 
1778.     8vo. 

Hf.  mor.,  Polock.  Mar,  *04.    (59)  $6. 

BARTON  (THOMAS),  Conduct  of 
the  Paxton  Men,  impartially  Repre- 
sented.   Phila.,  1764.     8vo. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Morrell,  Nov.,  "66. 
(141)    $12. 

Mor.,  Field.  May,  '75.     (419)  $29. 

Hf.  mor..  unc.  Brinley,  Mar.,  'SO. 
(3006)  $9. 

Unbd.  (last  leaf  lacking,  and  one  other 
defective).  Proud,  May,  '03.  (651) 

Unanimity      and       Public      Spirit. 

Phila.,  Franklin  &  Hall.  1755. 

Hf.  mor..  Brinley,  Mar.,  '80.  (3275)  $8. 




Barton    (Thomas) — Continued. 

Inbd..  Henkels.  Dec.  13,  '98.  (51a) 

Unbd..  HenkelB,  Apr.  29.  '02.  (728) 

BARTON  (WILLIAM).  A  Disserta- 
tion on  the  Freedom  of  Navigation 
and  Maritime  Commerce.  Pblla., 
1802.  Svo. 
*Bds.,  unc.  (presentation  copy),  Hen- 
kels. Oct.  19.  "98.     (42)   112.25. 

BARTON  (W.  P.  C).  Florae  Philadel- 
phicffi  Prodromes.     Phlla.,  1S15.  4to. 

Hf.  bd..  Henkels,  Dec.  10.  '95.  (122) 

Flora   of   North   America.     Phlla., 

1821-23.     Colored  plates,  3  vols.,  4to. 

Hf.  mor.,  Cressy,  Oct.,  '03.  (44) 

Mf.  roan,  Schaffer,  May.  '04.  (23) 

Vegetable    Materfa   Medica  of  the 

United  Stales.  Phlla..  1817.  Col- 
ored plates.    2  vols.,  4to. 

Hf.  roan.  Cressy ,  Oct.,  '03.  (43)     $7.50. 

Hf.  mor.,  Schaffer.  May.  '04.  (20) 

^Vegetable   Materta    Medica   of  the 

United  States.  Phila..  IS25.  Col- 
ored plates.    2  vols.,  4 to. 

Hf.  roan.  Schaffer.  May,  '04.  (19) 

BARTRAM  (J.).  Description  of  East 
Florida.     See  Stork   (W.). 

Observations     Made     in      Travels 

from  Pennsylvania  to  Onondago, 
OswefTO.  and  Lake  Ontario.  Lond., 
1751-     8vo. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Menzies,  Nov.,  '76. 
(139)    $8.50. 

Ct.,  r.e.,  Brlnley.  Mar..  '80.  (2969) 

Hf.  mor..  Murphy,  Mar..  '84.  (189) 

Hf.  roan,  Brevoort,  Feb.,  '90.  (82) 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e..  Ives.  Mar.,  '91.     (52)  $18. 

Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Henkela,  Dec.  10,  '95. 

Sewed,  Deane.  Mar..  '98.     (212)   $12. 

Hf.  mor,,  Henkels,  Jan.  18,  "01.  (19) 

Hf.  mor..  Peirce.  Mar..  '03.     (06)   $50. 

through  North  and  South  Carolina, 
etc.     Phila.,  1791.     Svo. 

Sheep,  Murphy,  Mar..  '84.  (187)  $5.50. 

Bartram     (Wimamj^Ctttttinucf!. 
Sheep    (stamp  on   title  page),   Libbie. 

Jan.  5.   "97.    (43)    $5. 
Sheep,    Henkels,    Oct.    19.    '98.      (43) 

Sheep.   Bangs,   Sept.  29.  '02.     (76)   $5, 
Sheep.  Proud,  May.  '03.     (300)   $1G.50. 

Travels  through  North  and  South 

Carolina,  etc.     Lond.,  1792.     Svo. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Rice,  Mar.,  '70.     (122) 

Hf.   mor.,   unc.      Menzies,     Nov.,    '76. 

(140)   18.60. 
Hf.  mor..  line   (Monzles  copy),  Cooke, 

Dec,   "83.    (199)    $11.50. 
Cf..  Murphy.   Mar.,  '84.    (ISC)    $5.50. 
Hf.  mor..  r.e.,  Brevoort,  Feb.,  '90.  (83) 

Hf.   sheep.     Hunt,     Nov.,   '91.      (224) 

Bds.  unc.   Stone,  Oct.,  '97.   (63)    $5.25. 
Bds..  unc.  Bangs,  Feb.  3,  '98.  (13)  $5. 
Sheep.    Henkels,    Nov.   30,    1900.    (31) 

Sheep  (broken).  Peirce,  Mar.,  '03.  (G7) 


Travels  through   North  and  South 

Carolina,    etc.      Dublin.    1793.      Svo. 

Hf.  mor..  g.t.  (map  mended),  Ander- 
son, Apr.  24.  '03.    (18)  $5.50, 

^T ravels  through   North  and  South 

Carolina,   etc     Lond.,   1794.     Svo. 

Hf.  mor..  unc.  Field,  May,  '75.  (Ill) 

Bds-,  unc,  Libbie.  Nov.  22,  '89.  (473) 

BAS      (W.).        Sword      and      Buckler. 

Lond,.   1602.     4to. 
Mor.  ex.    (lacking  title  page).  Corser. 

.July.    'GS.      (191  >     £17  158. 

BASALENQUE    (DIEGO).     Arte  de   la 

Lengua  Tarasca.     Mexico.  1714.  8vo. 
Vel.   (title  page  torn).  Murphy,  Mar., 

'84.     (176)  $31. 
BASANIER   (MARTIN).     See  Laudon 

BASILE    (G.).      Pentamerone,   or   the 

Stor>-   of   Stories.     Trans,   by   J.    E. 

Taylor.       Lond.,     1848.       Plates     by 

Cru  Ik  shank.     Svo. 
CI.,  unc.  Mackenzie,  Mar.,  '89.     (417) 

£3  158. 
Hf.  cf..  unc.  Cox,  Feb.,  '91.     (68)    £3. 
CL,  unc,  Dalzlel,  June,  '93.     (4)   £2  8s. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Reid,  May,  '94.     (939) 

£1  183. 





Basile    iQ.y—t'fmtiimril. 

CL,  unc,  Bruton,  June.  '97.     (36)    £1 

Mor.  ex..  unc.  Weaver,  Mar.,  '98.   (73> 

£2  108. 
Cf.,  unc,  Daly,  Mar..  1900.  (710)    JH. 
Hf.  mor.,  French.  Apr,  '01.    (359)    |7. 

Pentamerone.   Lond.,   1850.   Plates 

toy  Cruikshank.     12mo. 
Mor.   ex.,   Bangs.  June   9,  1900.      i54> 

Hf.  mor.,  Anderson.  Apr.  3,  '01.   (178> 

CI.,    unc,    Hunter.    Apr.,    "01,      (1087) 


Pentamerone.     Trans,   by    Sir   R, 

Burton.     Lond,.   1893.     2  vols..  8vo. 
•♦Large    paper. 

CL,  Griffith,  DfC.  '95.    (541)    £1  ISs. 

CI.,  Coleridge.  May,  '9(>.     (53)    £1  lis. 

CI.,  Shaw,  Feb.,  -97.     (16)    £  113s. 

Mor.  ex.,  unc,  Howard,  June,  '98.  (49) 

Kermack,  Nov.,  '99.     (14)   £1  7s. 

CL,   Bangs.  Jan.   12.   1900.      (7)    $7.50. 

BASIL1US  (KING).  Sixty  sixe  ad- 
monitory Chapters  to  his  sonne 
Leo.  Trans,  by  James  Scudamore. 
Paris,  1G38.    8vo. 

•♦Large  paper. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Turner,  June,  '88.  (.106) 
£6  10s. 

BASILIUS  (SAINT).  Basilius  Mag> 
nus  de  Poeiaruni,  Oratorum  Histor- 
icorumque  ac  Phllosopboruni  legen- 
dis  llbris.  [Ulm.  Zaluer.  about 
1474.1     4to. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Nov.  20.  '99.  (243) 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Soth..  Apr.  12.  '99.  (7S> 

BASINUS  (JOANNES).  Novus  Ele- 
gansque  Conflciendarum  Epistolar- 
um,  etc    [St.  D16.  G.  Lud],  1507.  4to. 

Hf.  rus.,  Soth.,  Apr.  12,  '99.  (SO)    £32. 

BASS  (B.>.  A  Speedy  Return  to  God. 
BoBt.,  1726.     8vo. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Cooke,  Dec.  '83.  i20xt 

BASS  A  NT  IN        (JACQUES).  Para- 

phrase de  I'Astrolabe,  Lyons.  1556. 

Cf.,  g.e..  Clerk.  May,  '99.     (3fi)    £5  10s. 

BASTARD  (T.).  Chrestoleros.  L^nd.. 
1598.     I6rao. 

Mor.  ex,    (a   few   headlines  cut    Into. 

Bastard    (T.) — futttthttirri. 

Steevens    copy),    Corser.    July.    '68, 

(193)    £15  158. 
Mor.   ex.    (Steevens  and   Corser  copy 

resold),  Corser,    July,     71.       (454) 

£5  15s. 

BATE   (J.).     Mysteries  of  Nature  and 
Art     Lond..  1634.     4to. 
Crawford,   Mar..  '91.   (2G9)    £2. 

Mysteries     of     Nature     and     Art- 

Lond.,  1635.     4to. 
VeL.     Hopetoun.      Feb..      '89.        (l?j;> 

£4  4  s. 
Rus.,  g.e.,  Perkins,  July,  '89.  (133)    £2. 
Hf.  mor.,  Carmlchael,  Mar..   "03.   (43) 

£3  3s. 

BATE    (C.  S.)    AND   WESTWOOD    (J. 

0.>.  BrltLsh  Sessile-Eyed   Crusiacea. 

Ijond..  1SG3.     2  vols.,  Svo. 
Hf.   mor..    Douglas.    July.    '87.      (430) 

£1  158. 
CI.,  Lee.  Apr..  '89.     (6)    £2. 
CL,  Putt..  June  14,  '93.    (951)     £1  12s. 
CL.  Borthwkk.  May.  '94.   (87>    £112s. 
Hf.    mor.,    g.t.,    Shaw.    Feb..    *97.    (171 

£1  17s. 
Hf,  mor..  unc.   Roper.  Apr..   '97.    (20i 

£2  28. 

♦•Large  paper. 
Bucclench.    Mar.,   '89.      (49)     £2  14s. 

BATEMAN  (EDMUND).  A  Sermon 
preached  before  the  Trustees  for  Es- 
tablishing the  Colony  of  Georgia, 
in   America.     Lond.,   1741.     4to. 

Hf.  mor..  Bangs,  Jan.  4.  1900.  (8» 

BATEMAN    (J.).   Monograph   of  Odon- 

toglossum.     Lond.,  1S74.     Fol. 
Parts,  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.    (271)    £3 

Mor.,    g.e.,    Walker.    Mar.,    "93.    (228) 

£2  15s. 
Hf.    mor..    Putt..    May    22,    '95,     (248) 

£3  3s. 

Orchidacea?  of  Mexico  and  Guate- 
mala. Lond.,  1S43.  Plates  by 
Cruikshank.     Fol. 

Lee.  June.  '88.  (170)   £14  Ha. 

Mor,  g.e..  Perkins,  July,  '89.  (134) 
£11  10s. 

Unc,   Crawford.    Mar..   '91.    (270)    £6 


Hf,   mor..   g.e..   PutL,     Apr.     11,     '94. 

(7C8)    £11. 
Hf.    mor..    Lenox    Library    Duplicates, 

Apr.  29,  -95.     (241)   f26. 




Bateman     (J.) — Continued. 

Mor.    ex..    g.e.,    Gilchrlat,    July.     '96. 

(147)    £9  10s. 
Hf.  mor„  Henkels.  June  2.  "98.   (270> 

Putt.,  Feb.  15.  '99.    (9571    fl2in!>. 
Hf.  bd.,  g.e.,  Nichols.  Apr..  1900.  (404) 

Hf.    mor..    Barber.     Apr.,     1900.    (221 1 

Hf.  raor..  Soth..  Feb.  9,  '03.    (403)     £9. 
Second    Century    of    Orchidaceous 

Plants.     LoDd..  18C7.     4to. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Walker,  Mar.,  '93.  (177) 

£1  13s. 
CI.,  Hennessy.  July,  "93.    (117S)    £2  2b. 
CI.,  Soth.,  Jan.  21,  '98.    (4in    £1  lis. 
BATEMAN    (S.).      Crystal    Glass    for 

Christian  Reformation.     Ix>nd..  15C9. 

Hf.  cf.  (lacking  five  leaves),  Ashburn- 

ham.  June,  '97.    (340)    £C  lOs. 

The   Doom.     Lond..   1581,  4to. 

Mor.  ex.,   K.e.    (some  leaves  mended), 

Ashburnham,      June.       '97.         (34  it 

£7  15s. 

^—Golden  Book  of  the  Leaden  Gods. 

Lond..  1577.    4to. 
Hf.   bd..   Wilbraham.   June,    '98.      (98) 

£9  15s. 

I  Mor.  ex.,  Bools.  June.  '03.  (112)    £11. 
New  Arrival  of  the  Three  Graces 

into   Angiia.      I.ond.,   n.d.    4to. 
(Cut  into     at     bottom,     some     leaves 

wormed).  Hailstone,  Apr.,  '91.  (293) 

£  1  5s. 

Traveled      Pilgrim.      lAimt,     15C9. 

Mor.,   g.e.    (cut   into),   Bateman.   May. 

'93.     (181)    £6  2s.  Gil. 
>Upon     Bartholome    his     Book     Oe 

Proprietailbus  Rerum.     Lond..   1582. 

Rus..    g.e..    Sullivan,    Mar,    '90.     (G19) 

£11  5a. 

BATES    (A.    C).       A     Bibliographical 
List    of    EdUions     of     Connecticut 
Laws.     Hartford,  1900.     Svo. 
,  Paper,   Llbbie.   .May   22,   '01.    (282)    ?S. 

Paper.   Bangs.   Feb.   20.   '02.    (230)    $8. 

Paper.  Bangs.  Apr,  25.  '02    (SO   |9. 

BATES  (H.  W.).  The  Naturalist  on 
the  River  Amazon.  Lond.,  1863.  2 
vols.,   Svo. 

Cl^  Jackson,  Apr..  '91.    (1252)    £114s. 

CI..  Wilson,  June,  '92.    (41)    £2  83. 

Bates   (H.  W.)— ContiHMCf/. 

Hf.  mor..  Alexander,  Mar.,  *95.  (1973) 

Hf.    mor..    Putt..    May    22.    '95.      (11) 

£1  98. 
Cf.,  m.e.,  Price,  June,  '95.    (33)    £178. 
CI.,  Soth..  Apr.  19.  99.    (8)    £1  4s. 

BATES  (S.  P.),     Battle  of  Gettysburg. 

Phila.,   1875.     Svo. 
CI.,   Ives.   Mar.,   '91.    (54)    15.50. 

History  of  Pennsylvania  Volun- 
teers. Harrlsburg,  1809-71.  5  vols.. 

Hf.  mor..  Llbbie,  Mav  15,  '88.  (2314) 

Hf.  mor..  Dawson,  May.  '90.  (2404) 

Hf.  mon.  Henkels.  Apr.  21,  '96.  (369) 

Hf.  bd.,  Richmond.  Sept...  "99.  (760) 

BATESON    (E.),  HINDS   (A.  B.).  AND 

Hodgson   (J.  C).     History  of  North- 
umberland.    Newcastle.   1893-97.      4 
vols..  4 to. 
line.  Soth..  May  8.  '99.     (243)    £3  168. 

BATESON  (T.).  First  Set  of  English 
MadriRales.  I^ond..  1004.  G  vols., 

Hf.  mor.,  Gaiaford.  Apr.,  '90.  (141) 

BATH.      Comforts     of     Bath-       Lond., 

1798.      12    colored    plates    by    Row- 

landson.     Obi.  4U>. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Wright.  June.  '99-  (671) 

£15  10s. 
Mor-.   Putt..   July   30.  '02.      (142)    £28. 
Mor.    (plates     loosely     inserted    in    a 

scrap-book).  Orford.  Mar..  "02.   (1G7) 

£7  7s.  Od. 

Comforts    of    Bath.      I^nd.,    1S58. 

Obi.  >lto. 
Hf.  mor.  (orig.  cover  bound  in).  Putt.. 

July  30.  '02.    (143)     i;7  7s. 

BATH  (ORDER  OF  THE).  Statutes 
of  the  Most  Honourable  Order  of 
the   Bath.      I^nd.,    1744.     4to. 

Mor.,  g.e,.  Soth.,  Mar.  17,  '02.  (39) 
£3  14s. 

BATHE  (W.).  Brlefe  introduction  to 
the  Skill  of  Song.     U>nd..  n.d.    Svo. 

Cf.  (margins  mended).  Wills,  July. 
•94.      (1070)    £5, 

BATHURST  (R.).  Vita.  Carolopol!. 
IGSL     Svo. 




Bathurst    (R.) — Oontinued. 
Mor.,   g.e.    (presentation   copy),    Stan- 
ley, June.  '01.     (1193)    £5. 

BATTLE  OF  WATERLOO,  also  of 
LIgny  and  Quatre-Bras.  Ix»nd.,  1817. 
4  to. 

Hf.  mor.  (proof  plates),  Hartree,  July. 
'90.      (2502)    £3. 

Hf.   mor..  Glasse,     July.     *92.       (338) 


Civil   War.     Edited   by   R.  U.  John- 
son and  C.  C-  Buel.     N.  Y.,  1884.  4 

vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.  mor..  Bangs.  Jan.   19,   '98.     (785) 

CL,  Libble,  OcL  12,  '99.    (107)  »7.60. 
CI.,  Libble,  Dec.  14.  '99.    (40)   ?6. 
C)..  g.e,  Henkela,  Mar.  6,  1900.     (121) 

Sheep.  Bangs,  Apr.  9,  '01.   (92)  |7. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Oct.  14,  '01.  (342)   J7.40. 
H(.  mor..  Burton.  May,  '02.  (2138)   J9. 
BATTY     (D.    T,).    Catalogue    of    the 

Copper    Coinage    of    Great    Britain 

and  Colonies.     Manchester,  186S-7G. 

32  parts,  4to. 
Leycesler,  Nov.,  '88.     (170)    £2  12e. 
BATTY    (R.).     French   Scenery,   from 

Drawings  made  in  1819.  Lond.,  1S22. 


**Larpe  paper. 
Hf.  mor..  Ashbnrton.  Nov..  1900.  (295) 

£2  108. 
German    Scenery,   from    Drawings 

made  iu  1820.     I^ond.,  1823.    4to. 

**Larice  paper. 

Hf.  mor..  unc,  Ashburton.  Nov.,  1900. 

(297)    £2. 
Scenery    of    the    Rhine,    Belgium 

and  Holland,     Loud.,  182G.     4to. 

♦*l.arge  paper. 

Hf.  mor..  unc,  Ashburton.  Nov.,  1900. 

(299)    £1  ICs. 
Select  Views  of  some  of  the  Prin- 
cipal Cities  of  Europe.     Load.,  1832. 


♦•Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor..  unc,  Aebburton,  Nov.,  1900. 

(301)    £3  18s. 
BAUDOIN.     Baudoin,  Comte  de   Flan- 

dres.     Lyons,  B.  Buyer.  1478.     Fol. 
Mor.  ex.,   m.e.,  Crawford,     July,     '87. 

(270)    £100. 
Les     Nobtee     Proue«se8    et    Vall- 

lances  de  Baudoyn  Conte  de  Flan- 

Baudoin — Continued. 

dres.    Lyons.   Claude   Nourry.    1509. 

Sewed    (title  page  repaired.  YemeiiJx 

copy),    Both.,   Feb.   28,   1900.      (168) 


BAUER   (F.).     Delineations  of   Exotic 

Plants.     Lond.,  1796.  FoL 
Unc.   Soth.,   Apr.   30.   1900.    (519)    £1 

Genera   FHIcum.     With   Additions 

by  Sir  W.  J.  Hooker.     I^nd..   1842. 

Hf.  mor..  Hance,  Aug..  '87.  (1416)    £1 

Hf.  mor.,  ChurchUl,   Nov.,  '89.     (734) 

£  2  Gs. 
Hf.  mor.,  Kenyon,  Mar.,  '90.     (828)  £1. 
Hf.  bd.,  unc.  Wiper,  Jan.,  '91.     (1266) 

£1  Is. 
Hf.   mor.,  Bangs,   Mar.  1.   1900.      (32) 

Illustrations    of    Orchidaceous 

Plants.     Lond.,  1830-38.     4to. 
••Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor..  g.e.,  Perkins.  July,  '89.    (140) 

Hf.  cf.,  Barber,  Apr.,  1900.   (145)    £4 

BAXTER    (BENJAMIN).      Mr.    Baxter 

Baptized  in  Blood.  Lend.,  1673.  4lo. 
Cf..  g.e.,  Brinley,  Mar.,  '79.  (523)  $16. 
Hf.  mor..  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.  (210)  |27. 
BAXTER   (JAIVIES  P.).    The  Pioneers 

of    New    France    in    New    England. 

Albany,  1894.     4to. 
CI.,  unc,  Balcom.  Feb..  '01.    (1643)  |5.25. 
BAXTER    (NATHANIEL).     Sir   Philip 

Sydney's  Oviraiiia.  Ijand..  IGOG.  4to. 
Mor.   (title  mended),  Moss.  June,  '87. 

(1345)    £1  Cs. 
Rus.,  g.e.   (headlines  cut  Into).  Both., 

June   27,   '92.      (51)    £5  10.s. 
Hf.  cf.   (headlines  cut  into).  Reynell. 

May.  '95.     (26  J    £2  168. 
Mor.   ex.,  g.e.,   Adee.  Nov.,  '95.      (67) 

Hf.  bd..  Bools,  June,  '03.  (114)   £15  5a. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Ellis,  Oct,  '02.     (221)  £6. 
Sir      Philip      Sydney's      Ourania. 

Lond.,  1653.     4  to. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Gafsford,  Apr.,  "90.     (143) 

BAXTER   (RICHARD).   The  Certainty 

of    the    Worlds    of    Spirits.     Lond., 

1C91.    Svo. 




Baxter   (Richardj^-Oonffntied. 

Cf..  Soth..  May  21,  '97.     (200)  £1. 

Cf..  Ashburnham,  June.  '97.  (338)    £1 


Cf..   Ashburnham.   Nov..   '97.    (15)    £1 

Mor.    line.    Deane,    Mar.,    '98.      (217) 

Mor.  (portloQ  of  postscript  In  pen  and 

lnk>.   Poole.  .May.   1900.     (1050)    $D. 

Poetical   Fragments.     Lend.,  1(J81. 

Cf..  Blerstadt,  Apr.,  '97.     (139)   $13. 

Poetical   Fragments.     I^nd..  1689. 

Cf.  ex-  (text  cut  into).  Soth..  June  27, 

•92.     (52)  £1. 
Mor..  g.e..  Blerstadt.  Apr..  *97.     (140) 


Poetical   Fragment*.     Lond.,  1699. 

Mor.  g.  €.,  Adee.  Nov.,  '95.  (37)  $12.50. 

Saint's    Everlasting    Rest.      Txind., 

1650.     4  to. 

Cf..  Edwardes,  May.  '01.   (74)    £7 15s. 

Mor..  g.e..  Soth.,  Dec.  2.  '01.  (222) 

Cf.  (portrait  Inlaid.  Utle  and  first  3 
leaves  mended,  some  words  miss- 
ing). Bangs.  Dec.  3.  '02.     (28)  |11.50. 

Orlg.  cf..  Peirce.  May.  "03.     (30)  $60. 

Cf..  Soth..  June  18,  '03.  (437)  CO  7s. 

Wehkomaonganooa   asquam    Pean- 

togig.  etc.    [Call  to  the  Unconverted. 

Trans.  Into  Indian   by  John   Eliot.] 

Camb..  1688.     8vo. 
Mor.    g.e..    Brinley.    Mar.    '79.      (7S2) 

BAXTER     (W.).         Bntfsh     Phaenoga- 

mous    Botany.      Oxford.    1834-43.      6 

vols,,  8vo. 
Mor..  Soth.  Apr   17.  '22.     (31)    £2  14s. 
Barclay.  Nov..  '92.    (775)    £1  15s. 
Hf-  mor.  Kelly.  Feb..  '93.     (6)    £1  4s, 
Hf.   cf-.    Bangs.    Sept   30.    '95.      (462) 

a..  Putt..  Oct.  15.  '96.      (102)    £1  iSs. 
Hf.  cf..  Soth..  Dec.  13,  1900.   (299)    £L' 


€!..  Barber  Apr..  1900.    HI)    £2  ISs. 

Joyous  and  Pleasant  History  of  the 
Feats.  Gests  and  Prowesses  of  the 
Chevalier  Bayard.  Lond..  1825.  2 
vols..  8vo. 

Bayard    (Chevalier) — Cuntinurtl. 
nt.  mot.,  Cox.  Apr.  *98.    (45)  $5.50. 
Cf.,  unc,  Hibbert.  Apr,  '02.     (42)  £2. 
BAYARD      (F.      M.).       Voyage     dans 

ITnterleur    des    Etats-TJnis,      Paris, 

1797.     Svo. 
Hf.  mor,  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (20S)  $6. 
Hf.  cf.,  Drevoort,  Feb.,  '90.     (S5)  $5.75. 
BAYARD    (NiCHOLAS).      Journal    of 

the  I>ate  Actions  of  the  French  at 

Canada.    Lond..  1693.    4to. 
Hf.  mor.  Barlow,  Feb.,'90.     (2107)  $155. 
Account  of  the  iriegai  Prosecution 

and  Trj-al  of  Col.  Nicholas  Bayard, 

for  high   treason.     N.  Y..  Bradford, 

1702.    Fol. 
Bds.  (title,  preface,  and  pp.  33-36   and 

41-42  in  facs.).  Bangs.  Apr  16.  1900. 

(G55)  $180. 
Account  of  the   Commitment,   Ar^ 

ralgnment.  Trial  and  Condemnation 

of.  for  High  Treason.     Ivond.,   1703. 

Gilbert.  Feb..  '73.     (828)  $18. 
Hf.   mor.,    Brinley.    Mar,   '80.      (2743) 

Vel.,  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (207)  $60. 
Hf.  mor.  Weeks,  Mar.  '02,     (144)  $40. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  McKee,  May,  '02.    (4455) 

Unbd..  Anderson.  Apr  16.  '03.     (71)  $40. 
rnbd..  Soih..  Der.  11.  'dC,      12111     t:6. 
BAYES    (MR.).     The   Reasons  of  Mr 

Bayea    changing   his    Religion,    con- 
sidered In  a  Dialogue.    Lond.,  for  S. 

T..  1688-90.  2  parts  iu  1   vol..  4to. 
Hf.  cf..  Lefferts.  Apr.  '02.     (504)  $5. 
BAYEUX  TAPESTRY.    l>ond.,  Society 

of  Antiquaries.     1819.     Fo!. 
Hf.   mor.   Frere.  Feb..  '90.     (232)    £3 

Hf.  mor.  Morris.  Dec.  '98.    (158)    £2 

Hf.  mor.  Ellis,  Oct..  '02.    (264)    £3  168. 
BAYLE    (P.).      Dictionary.    Historical 

and   Critical.     Lond.,  1710.     4  vols., 

Cf..  Bangs.  Feb.  20,  '96.     (395)  $8. 
Dictionary,  Historical  and  Criticat. 

I^nd..  1734-38.     5  vols.,  fo!. 
Cf..  Ripge,  .Ian.,  '92.    (lO^l)    £19s. 
Cf.    (rebacked).    Bangs.    Feb.    6.    '95. 

(100)  $13.75. 
Rus.,  Probasco,  Jan.,  "99.    (96)  $13. 
Cf.    (rebacked).    Richmond,   Apr,    '99. 

(2567)    $8.50. 




Bayfo    (P.) — Contintted. 

Hf.  vel..  Bangs.  Oct.  8.  '01.  (2G>  |12.50. 

CI,  Bangs,  Nov.  18,  '01.     (75)  *10. 

••Large  paper. 
Cf.,  Hodgson,  May  15.  '88.    (1339)    £2 

Rus.,  Putt.,  Feb.  12,  '90.     (895)  £2. 
HI    cf..    Bangs,    Oct.    15,    1900.      (41) 

Dictionary,  Historical  and  CritJcaL 

Lond.,  1734-41.    10  vols.,  fol. 
Cf.,  Watson,  Jan..  '88.    (G18)    £2  2b, 
Cf.,  Pullan,  Apr.,  '89.      (1025)    £1  14s. 
Hf.   cf..   Thomas,   Dec..    "89.     (62)     £1 

Cf.,  Stibbs,  Jan..  '93.    (439)    £17s. 
Hf.  mor..  g.e.,  Cole,  Apr.,  '90.    (25)  $36. 
Cf.,  Deane,  Mar,  '98.     (218)   |22.50. 
Cf.   (rebacked),  Bangs,  Feb.  20,   1900. 

(94i)  $12.50. 
Cf..  y.e..  Dayton,  Mar..  '02.  (89)    $13.50. 
BAYLES    (RICHARD    M.>.      Sketches 

of  Suffolk   County,   N.   Y.     Port  Jef- 

feraon.   1S74.     12mo. 
Mor.,  unc.  Bangs,  Feb.  13.  '01.     (304> 

BAYLEY     (J.).      Tower    of    London. 

Lond.,  1821-25.    2  vols.,  4to. 
Cf.,  Aylesford,  Mar.,  "88.    (113)   £1 198. 
Rub.,   g.e„   Perkins,   July,   '89.      (141) 

£2  2s. 
Rii8.,  g.G.,  Hawkins,  Apr.,  '95.     (186) 

£1 158. 
Of.  ex..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Apr.  22,  '95.     (Sll) 

Hf.  mor..  Bangs.  June  14,  1900.   (139) 

Hf.  cf..  m.e.,  Bangs,  Mar.  3,  '02.     (12) 


••Large  paper. 
Cf.,  Bleaadell,  Jan..  '87.    (390)    £2  10a. 
HI.    mor.,    m.e.,    Cloghorn,    Feb.,    '87. 

(41)  $1T. 
Mor,  ex.,  g,e..  Soth.,  Nov.  27.  '96.  (37) 

£2  8s. 
BAYLEY    (RICHARD).      Letters  from 

the  Health  Officer  lo  tlie   Common 

Council  of  New  York.    N.  Y.,  1798. 

Sewed,  Bangs,  Jan.  U,  'IJJ*.     <47l)  $13. 
BAYLIES  (FRANCIS).    Memoir  of  the 

Colony    of    New    Plymouth.      Boat., 

1830.     2  vols.,  Svo. 
Hf.  mor..  unc.  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.  (209> 

Bds..   unc,  Llbbie.  Dec   5.   '99.    (762) 


Baylies    (Francis) — Continued. 
Mor.  and  bds.  (in  3  vols.),  Deane,  Mar., 
'98.     (219)  $8.25. 

Memoir    of    the    Colony    of    New 

Plymouth.    Bost.,  18CG.    2  vols.,  8vo. 
CI.,  Cooke.  Dec.  '83.     (1521)   $10. 
CI.,  Manaon,  Mar.,  '99.     (34111  $11. 
CI.,  Clogston.  Nov..  '99.     (1113)  $8. 
CI.,  Hough,  Oct,  1900.     (750)  $6. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Dec  27.  1900.     (437)  $8. 
CI.   (A.L.S.  inserted).  Libble,  Nov.  6. 

'95.     (1239)  $6. 

BAYLY    (LEWIS).     Practice  of   Piety. 

Lond.,   ltJ3G.    Svo. 
Embroidered     binding,     Argyll.     July, 

1900.      (1358)    £4  12s. 

Manitowompae        Pomantamoonk: 

Sampwshanau  Christ  ianok  Uttoh 
woh  an  Pomantog  Wusslkklttea- 
honat  God.  [Bayly's  Practice  of 
Piety.  In  Indian,  by  John  Eliot.] 
Camb..  IGUB.     Svo. 

Mor..  g.e..  Brinley.  Mar..  '79.  i795> 

Manitowompae  Pomantamoonk 
SampwshanaiL)  Chrlstianoh  Uttoh 
woh  an  Pomantog  Wusslkklttea- 
honat  God.     Camb..  1685.     Svo. 

Mor.  ex.  (margins  of  several  leaves 
restored,  lacking  7  leaves),  Brinley, 
Mar..  '79.     (79tJ)    $42.50. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Brinley,  Mar.,  '79.  (797) 

BAYLY     (THOMAS    H.).      Weeds    of 

Witchery.     Lond..    1837-     Plates   by 

Cruikshank.    Svo. 
Cf.  ex.,  unc.  French.  Llbbie.  *01.   (340) 

BAY  STATE   MONTHLY.     BosL,  v.d. 

Vols.  1-27,  1884-99,  parts,  unc,  Libble, 

Dec.  13.  1900.     (729)  $18.90. 
Vols.    1-25.    hf.    mor.   and    cl.,    Lihbie, 

June,  '01.     (892)  $25. 
Vols.  1-5.  cl..  Clogston.  Nov.,  '99.  (106) 

Vols.  1-4.  parts,  unc.  Guild.  Nov.,  '87. 

(244)   $8.40. 
Vols.  1,  3  and  4.  cl..  Ubble.  Nov.  20. 

'95.    (97)  $8.25. 
BEACH   (JOHN).     A  Second  Familiar 

Conference,  upon  some  Antinomian 

Tenets,     N.  Y..  Holt.  1765.     Svo. 
Hf.  bd.,  Brinley.  Nov.,  '8G.     (6120}  $5. 
Sermon,     shewing     that     Eternal 




Beach    (John) — Continued. 
Lite  Is   God's  Free  Gift.     Newport, 
Widow  Franklin.  1745.     16mo. 

Mor.     ex..    unc.     Brinley,     Mar.,     '79. 
(2417)  $8. 

A   Vindication  of  the   Worship   of 

(3od    according    to    the    Church    of 
England.     N.  Y..  Witliam   Bradford, 

1736.  8vo. 

Mor.    (stained).    Bangs.    Dec.    12,    '99. 
(343)   $27. 

BEACON    (THE).  From  Oct..  1836.  to 

Dec    19,   1846.     N.  Y,.   1836-46.     10 

vols.,  4 to. 
Hf.   sheep   and   hf,   vel.,   Bangs,   Sept. 

30.  '95.      (234)    $13. 
BEACONSRiELD.     See  D'Fsraell. 
BEAMISH      (N.     L.).       Discovery     of 

America    by    the    Northmen    in    the 

Tenth  Century.     Loud.,  1841.     8vo. 
a..  Cooke.  Dec..  '83.     (204)   $8.75. 
CI..  Guild,  Nov..  '87.     (250)    $5.25. 
Cf..  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (214)  $6.50. 
Bds.,  unc,  Ives,  Mar.,  '91.     (5G)  $5. 
BEAN     (T.    W.).       History    of    IViont- 

gomery  Co.,  Pa.    Phila.,  1884.    8vo. 
Hf.    nis.,    g.e„    Henkels.    Oct.    19,    '98. 

(44)  $7. 
Hf.  nis..  Henkels.  May  8.  '01.    ( 19 )  $8.50. 
Hf.  ru8..  Henkels.  Oct.  29.  '01.     (192) 

Hf.  nis..  g.e.,  Pelrce.  Mar..  '03.     (74  > 

BEARCROFT      (P.).        Htstorical      Ac 

count    of    Thomas    Sutton.      IjOnd.. 

1737.  8vo. 

Mor.,    g.e.    (Hardwicke    copy),    Ford, 
May.  '02.     (60)  £5. 

••Large  paper. 
^Mor.  ex..  Sullivan.  May.  '90.     (636)   £2 


|BEARD  (J.).     Diary  of  Fifteen  Years' 

Hunting.     Lond..  1813.    Svo. 
'  Cf .  ex.,  unc,  Cox,  Feb..   '91.   (27t    £1 


Eds.,  unc,  Cox,  Feb..  '91.    (28)   £1  ICs. 
|tfor..    unc.    (orig.    cover    bound    in). 

Soth.,  Dec.  12.  '93.     (17G)    £4  4k. 
Bds..   unc.   Putt..  Dec   12,  '(H.      (139) 

£4  2s6d. 
BEARD   (THOMAS).     The  Theatre  of 

God's  Judgements.  Ix>nd..  1597.  4to. 
Cf..  Ashburnham,  June,  "97-  (346)  £9, 
The  Theatre  of  God's  Judgements. 

Ix)nd..  1612.    4lo. 
Cf.  ex..  Soth..  May  21.  1900.     (196)  £2. 

Beard   (Tmomas) — Continued. 

^The  Theatre  of  God's  Judgement*. 

Lond.,  1C31.     4to, 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Feb.  25,  '01.    (224) 


The  Theatre  of  God's  Judgements. 

Lond.,  1648.    Pol. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Anderson,  June  17.  '02.     (31) 

BEARDSLEV     (AUBREY).      Book    of 

Fifty   Drawings.      Ijoud.,   1897.     4to. 
♦•Japan  paper. 
Vei.,  g.t..  unc.  Sidney.  Mar.,  1900.    (7) 

VeL.  Soth.,  Oct,  20,  •a2.     (17ir(    £2  8s. 
The   Early  Work  of.     Lond.,  1899. 

4  to. 
CI.,  Libble.  Feb.  8,  1900.     (55)  $5.75. 
CI..  Daly,  Mar.,  1900.     (21G)  $7. 
CI.,   Christie.   Apr.   9,   1900.     (285)    £3 

CL.  Hodgson,  Jan.  16,  '01.     (619)  £2. 

♦•Japan  paper. 
CL,  Sidney.  Mar..  1900.    (12)    £3  58. 
CI.,  Soth.,  Mar,  7,  '01.    (702)    £2  178. 
A  Second  Book  of  Fifty  Drawings. 

Lond.,  1S99.     4to. 
CI.,  unc,  Libble,  Feb.  8.  1900.     (56)  $5. 

•♦Japan  paper. 
Vel.,  g.L,  unc,  Sidney,  Mar.,  1900.   (11) 

VeL.  Soth.,  Mar.,  '01.     (769)  £2. 
BEATTIE    (GEORGE).  John  O'Arnha, 

and   other   Poems.     Montrose.   1826. 

Bds.,  unc,  Makeilar,  Nov.,  '98.     (114) 

BEATSON    (R.).     Navai   and   Military 

Memoirs   of  Great   Britain,    1727-83. 

Lond..  1804.     6  vols.,  Svo. 
Hf.  cf.,  Ltbbie.  Nov..  '95.     (125)  $9.75. 
BEATTY    (C).     Journal     of     a     Two 

Months'  Tour;  with  a  view  of  Pro- 
moting Religion  among  the  Fron- 
tier   Inhabitants     of     Pennsylvania. 

Lond,,  1768.    Svo. 
Hf.  mor.  ex..  unc.  Menzles,  Nov.,  '76. 

(145).     $7. 
Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.   (215) 

Orlg.  paper  cover,  unc,  Dennis.  Dto., 

'92.     (12)   £1  15b. 
Hf.    mor..    g.t..    unc,   Adee,    Nov.,    '95. 

(40)   $15.50. 
Hf.   mor.  g.t.,  line,   Henkels,  Oct.  21. 

'96.     (79)    $G.50. 
Unbd..  Maxe.  Mar..    01.    (137)    £1168. 




BEAUFORT     (DUKE    OF).      Driving. 

Badminton     Library.       I^nd..  1889. 


••Large  paper. 
Hf.    mor..    Pull,    May    29.    '89.    (621) 

£2  10s. 
Soil!..  June  14,  '90.    (4G)   £2  8s. 
HE.    mor.,    Buckley,    Apr..    '94.    (284) 

£2  12a. 

Hunting.       Badminton       Library. 

Lond,»  1885.     4to. 

••Large  paper. 
Hf.     mor.,     May,     July,     '91.     (1091) 

£10  lOs. 
Hf.    mor.,    Buckley,    Apr.,    '94.    (283) 

Hf.    mor.,    Soth.,    Aug.    2,    '94.    (377) 

£19  10a. 
Hf.  mor.,  Burra.  May,  '97.     (205)  £30. 
Hf.  mor..  Aucltland,  Nov.,  '97.   (1018) 

Hf.   mor..   Soth.,    Mar.   21.   '98.      (169) 

Hf.   mor.,   Putt..   Oct.    31,     '98.      (699) 

Hf.  mor.,  Soth.,  .July   18,  1900.     (519) 

£13  158. 

BEAUJOYEULX      (B.      DE).        Ballet 

Comlque  de  la  Royne.     Paris.  1582. 

Cf..  Sunderland,  Dec.,  "81.  (1055)  £125. 
Vel.,  Craig,   Mar.,  '88.     (456)  £15. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Weaver,  Mar.,  '98.  (102) 

Vel.,  in  case.  Soth,,  Dec.  17,  1900.    (71) 

.^37  108, 

BEAU   MONDE   (LE).     From  Nov.  1. 

1806,  to  Apr.,  1810.     Lond.,  1806-10. 

G  vols.,  8vo. 
Mor,  Fraaer,  Apr.,  '01.     (110)  £14. 
BEAUMONT      (E.     DE).       Cindereira 

and    the   Two   Gifts.     Colored   illus- 
trations.    Ixind..  1887.    4lo. 
Mor.    ex.,    unc.    Kermack,    Nov.,    '99. 

(149)    £3  ISs. 
BEAUMONT       (FRANCIS).        Poems. 

Load.,  1640.     4to. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Turner,  June.  '88.     (470) 

£7  103. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Soth.,  Apr.  12.  93.     (30) 

£8  15.s. 
Hf.  cf.   (Jolley  copy),  Soth.,  Mar.  11. 

'99.    (77)    £10  58. 
Hf.  cf.   (Jolley  copy),  Soth.,  Nov.  20, 

'99.     (245)    £1G. 
Hf.  mor.  (some  unc.  leaves),  Lefferts, 

Apr,,  '02.     (43)  $150. 

Beaumont    (Francis) — Contintifil. 

Poema.    I>ond.,  1653.    8vo. 

Mor.   (Marlborough  copy),  Malr,  Jan.. 

'90.     (935)    £2  23. 
Rus.   ex.,   Crawford,    Mar..    '91.      (281) 

Hf.  roan.  (Farmer  and  Mltford  copy). 

Sewall,  Nov.,  '9G.  (220)  |52. 
Vel.,  Auckland.  Nov..  '97.   (4)    £15  58. 
Rus.,    m.e,,    Lefferts.    .\pr.,    '02.      (44) 


(J.).     The   Beggar's    Bush.      Lond.. 

1661.     4to. 
Hf.    mor.    (Burton    copy),    Appleton, 

Feb.,  '02.    (139)  |5. 

Cupid's  Revenge.    Ijand.,  1635.    4to. 

Hf .  mor.,  g.t.,  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.    (49 )  |6. 

A     King     and     No     King.     Ix)nd., 

1G25.     4to. 
Unbd..  Soth.,  Feb.  25.  '(M.     (l.'.ORt    £3 

A     King     and     No     King,     Lond.. 

1631.     4to. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth..  Apr.  12,  '93.     (16) 

£1  Is. 
A  King  and  No  King.     I^>nd..  1G39. 

4  to. 
Unc,  Soth..  Apr.  IR.  '04.     iUlR)    £10. 
A     King     and     No     King.     Lond., 

1G55.     4to. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Soth..  Feb.  2,  '98.  (106) 

£1  2s. 
Knight    of    the     Burning     Pestle. 

Lond.,  1635.     4to. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e,.  Libbie,  May  2,  '88.  (88) 

Hf.  mor.,  g.t..  Soth,,  Apr.  12.  '93.  (10) 

£2  2s. 
Hf.    mor.,    g.t...    Bierstadt,    Apr.,    *97. 

(141)   $6. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Soth..  July  28,  '03.  (343) 

£1  158. 
Unc.,  Soth.,  Apr.  l.S.  TH.     (11I7>    £13 

Love   and    Valour.     Trans,   by   W, 

B.     Ij^nd..  1C38.     4to. 
Cf.,  r.e..  McKee,  Dec.  '01.  (2746)  $12. 

Mald'B  Tragedy.     Lond.,  1C19.  4to. 

Unbd.  (headline  on  laat  leaf  cut  into), 

Soth.,  Feb.  25,  '01.     (1508)    £27. 

Maid's  Tragedy.     Lond.,  1622.  4to. 

Hf.  cf..  r.e.  (title  clipped,  a  small  piece 

inserted    in    one    corner),    I^efferts, 

Apr,  "02.     (50)   |21. 




Beaumont     (F.) — Continued, 

Maid's  Tragedy.     Ix>nd.,  1638.  4to. 

Hf.  mor.,  Soth.,  Apr.  12.  '93.  (18>    £2. 

Phylaster;  or.  Love  Lies  Bleeding. 

Lond.,  1C20.  4to. 

Unbd.,     SoLh..  Feb.     25,     *01.     (1507) 


Poems.      Ix>nd.,   1660.     Svo. 

Cf..  Gatsford.  Apr..  'SU.     il47)    i;4  14b, 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Sullivan.  May.  '90.  (G60) 

£4  lis. 
.Mor..    g.e..    Soth..    May    21.    '97.      (14) 

Cf.    (Mltford-Galsford    copy),    McKee, 

Dec.,  '01.     (2747)   5G0. 
Mor.,    g.e..    Soth..    Mav    18.    '03.      (32) 


The  Prophetess.     Load..  1G90.  4to. 

Paper,   McKee,   Apr.,   '01.      (2207)    |5. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.     (51) 

Scornful  I  Lady.     Loud..  1610.    4to. 

Cf.  (some  Hiariflns  cut  close),  Young, 
Dec..   '95.      (1G9)    £2. 

Hf.  roan  (engraylng  of  the  "  Scornful 
Lady,"  facs.  of  title  of  Tonson's 
issue  of  1733,  etc.,  inserted),  Mc- 
Kee, Apr..   '01.      (2203)    |170. 

Scornful   Lady.     Lond..  1635.     4to. 

Hf.  mor,  Soth.,  Apr.  12,  '93.  (14) 
£1  U. 

Thierry    and    Theodoret.      Lond., 

1G21.     4to. 

Hf.  mor.  (Heber  copy),  Sewall,  Nov., 
•96.     (221)   flO. 

Hf.  cf.  (date  on  title  cut  Into,  mar- 
gins of  some  other  leaves  cut  close, 
Mltford  copy),  McKeo,  Apr.,  '01. 
(2204)   111. 

Mor.  ex.,  McKee,  Apr..  '01.  (2369) 

WHd-Goose    Chase.      Lond.,    1G52. 

Cf.  ex.,  Soth..  May  C.  '01.     ( 5:^0 1    £14 

Bda..  Soth.,  Mar.  17,  '02.     (211)    £9  5b. 
Old  cf..  Soth.,  May  18.  '03.     (232)   £9. 
Wit  without  Money.     lx>nd.,  1G39. 

4  to. 
Hf.    mor..    Both.,    Apr.    25,    '93.      (25) 

£1  lis. 
Hf,    mor..    Crampon.    June,    '9G.      (9) 

Hf.   mor.,   Bierstadl,   Apr..    *97.      (143) 


Beaumont    (F.) — Coutinur^. 

Hf.    mor..    Grant,    May.    1900.      (240) 

£3  2b. 
Cf.,     Christie,    June    18,     '02.       (159) 

Cf..  Soth.,  Dec.  4.  '02.     (239)    £5  10s. 

Comedies   and   Tragedies.      Lond., 

1647.     FoL 
Cf.    (Bliaa    copy).    Hartree.    July.    '90. 

(27S1    £i:i(ls. 
Rus..   Llbbie.  Dec.  2,  '90-     (72)   $58. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  May  4,  '91.     (393)    £13lUs. 
Cf..    Crampon.    June.    '9G.       (GJ     £10 

Cf..  Sewall,  Nov..  '96.     (224)    $20. 
Hf.    bd.,    Soth..    Nov.    20,    '99.     (1537) 

Cf„  Argj'll.  July,   19(Mi.    (1127*    £12  58. 
Cf.,  r.e.  (Sullivan  copy),  McKee,  Apr., 

•01.     (221)6)  $145. 
Cf..  Wylie,  May.  "Ol.     (34ri)    £16. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  July  1,  '01.     (979)    £20  158. 
Hf.  cf..  Soth.,  Dec.  2.  '01.     (248)    £11 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.   (portrait  mended),  Hib- 

bert.  Apr.,   '02.     (4G)    £63. 
Cf.,    m.e.    (portrait    backed,   last   leaf 

mended).   White,   Apr..    '02.       (123) 

£)o  lOs. 
Cf.    (some   margins   defective),    Bills, 

OcL,  '02.     (274)   £25. 
Mor    (some  margins  mended),  Soth., 

May  18,  '03.     (234)    £23  108. 
Cf.,  Solh.,  Feb.  2,  '04.     (33S)    £23. 

Comedies    and    Tragedies.     Lond., 

1647.        [With]      The     Wild     Goose 

Chase.     Lond.,  1652.     In  1   vol..  fol. 
Cf.,  Hawkins.  Mar.  "87.     (1216)  |21. 
Cf.      (margins      of     a      few      leaves 

damaged).  Bangs,  Nov.  25,  '95.  (71) 

Cf..   Auckland,   Nov.,   '97.      (942)    £10 

Hf.  cf.,  Bathurst,  July.  1900.  (114)  £20. 
Hf.  cf.    (name  cut  from   title),  Soth.^ 

May  6,  '01.      (771)    £11  5s. 
Cf.  (portrait  mounted),  Soth.,  July  29, 

■01.     {1,34)    £22. 
Cf.    (portrait   mounted,  lower  margin 

of  one   leaf   damaged),   Soth.,  June 

3,   '02.     (249)     £21. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  May   Ig,  '03.     (233)    £59. 
Cf.   (lacking  portrait),  Soth.,  June  18, 

'o:!.    (4r*2)    £10  1fJs. 

Comedies    and   Tragedies.     Lond., 

1679.     Fol. 
Cf.,  NlsbeL  Jan..  '93.     (321)   £1  78. 




Beaumont    (F.) — Cttttthitinl. 

Cf.,     Brabourne,     June.     '93.     (293    b) 

Cf.    (portrait    mounted).    Soth..    June 

27.  '95.     (127)    £2  128. 
Cf.  (covers  loose),  Bierstadt,  Apr.,  '97. 

(145)   18. 
Cf.,  Bangs,  Oct.  14,  '97.     (39)  $15. 
Cf.   (portrait  mounted),  Christie,  Apr. 

9.  1900.     (150)    £1  Is. 
Cf.,  Hodgson.  June  1.  1900.    (G22)    £2 

Cf.,  French,  Apr..  '01.     (82)  |3L 
Mor.,  g.e.    (Howard  copy),  Bdwardea, 

May,  '01.     (126)    £8. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  Mar.  17,  '02.     (212)    £5  10a. 
Cf-,  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.     (48)  |32.50. 
Cf.,  Hodgson.  Oct.  22.  '02.     (475)   £9. 

Works.       r/ind.,     1711.       7     vols.. 

Cf.,    m.e..    Soth..    May  *25,    1900.      (8) 


•*Large  paper. 
Cf.,  Perkins,  July.  '89.     (144)    £1  Is, 
Cf.      (Bedford      copy),      Aahbumliam, 

June,  '97.     m9\    £128. 
Rus.,      Fountalne,      June,      '02.      (C3) 


Works.     Lond..  1750.  10  vols.,  Svo. 

Cf.,  Inglis,  Nov..  '89.  (877)  £1  5s. 
Cf.,  Soth..  June  H.  •9(».  (54)  £12s. 
Cf..  Normandy,  Jan..  '91.  (158)  £1. 
Cf.,  Llbbie,  Jan.  29.  "9U.  (791  |7.50. 
Cf..  Young.  Dec,  '9G.  (^fl)  £1(js. 
Cf.,  Pult..  Mar.  12.  '02.  (94)  £1  10a. 
Dramatic     Works.       l^nd..     177S. 

10   vols.,   8vo. 
Cf..  Perkins,  July.  '89.     (145)    £1  IGs. 
Cf..  Putt..  Feb.  12.  '90.      (734)    £1  9s, 
Rus.  ex..  Moore.  Oct..  '93.     (42)    £1  5s. 
Cf.,  Bangs,  Jan.  23,  'ftC.     (28)   111.25. 
Cf.,  Soth,.  Nov.  27,  '90.     (38)    £178. 
Cf..    Ashburnham.    June,    '97.      (350) 

Cf..  Johnson.  Feb.,  '98.     (138)    £1  lis. 
Dramatic     Works.      Edinb.,     1812. 

14    vols..  Svo. 
Hf.    cf.,    Henkels,   Apr.    4.    '95.      (542 > 

Cf..   Parlane.   Mar..   '97.     (21)    £1 10s. 
Hf.  vel.,  g.e.,  Cholniondeley,  Apr..  '97. 

(5)    £2  103. 
Cf.,    m.e.,    Soth..    Mav    G.    '98.      (393) 

£2  18s. 
Cf.,  Bangs.  Dec.  1.  '98.     (44)  $22.75. 
Mor.,  g.e.,   Soth.,   Mar.   17,  '99.      (590) 

£2  lis. 

Beaumont   (F.) — Cojitinurti. 

Cf.,  m.e.,  Soth.,  July  28.  '99.     (2)    £3. 

Cf.,  Peel,  June,  1900.     (34)   £5. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec.  3,  1900.  (4G4) 

£4  18b. 
Hf.  cf..  Cox,  Feb..  '02.     (133)  $14.70. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  July  10.  '03.     (17)    £2  2s. 

Works.     Lond..   1843-46.     11   vols.. 

CI.,    unc.    Growther,    Nov..    '93.     (29) 

£6  5.s. 
CI.,  unc.  Brand,  Mar..  '94.     (5)    £7. 
CI.,  unc,  Solh..  Feb.  22.  '97.     (8)    £C 


(31.,  unc,  Ashburnham,  Nov.,  '97.  (18) 

CI.,  unc.  Bliss,  Apr..  '98.     (12)   £5  17s. 

Hf.  mor.  ex..  unc,  Howard,  June,  '98. 

(37)    £10. 
Mor,,  Cox,  Apr..  '99.     (46)  1104.50. 
CI..  Putt.,  Dec.  15.  1900     (134)    £0  178. 

CI.,    unc.    Soth.,    Jan.    28.    '01.     (9751 

£8  10s. 
CI.,    unc.    McKee.    Apr..    '01.    (2207^) 

CI.,  Soth.,  July  29.  '01.     (350)    £8  15s. 
CI,.  Solh.,  Mar.  11.  '02.     (3G8)    £7  15s. 
Rus,  ex.,  g.e.,  Hlbbert,  Apr.,  '02.     (45) 

CI.,    unc,    Lefferts,   Apr.,   '02.     (1454) 

Of.,    r.e.,    Twopenny,    May.    *02.     (C8| 

Cf.,  y.e..  Battle  Abbey.  June,  '02.     (25) 

£10  17b.  Gd. 

BEAUMONT  (SIR  JOHN).     BoBworth 

Field.     Lond..  1G29.     Svo. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Mair.  Jan..  '90,     (934)    £1 

Rus..   g.e.,   Swayne.  Nov..   '92.     (1001) 

£1  14s. 
Rua.  ex.,  g.e.,  Stmon,  Dec.  '93.     (34) 

£1  88. 
Cf.,   Sewall,   Nov.,   '96.     (226)    $5.25. 
Cf.,  y.e.,  Ashburnham.  June.  '97.  (351) 

£5  17s.  Cd. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  June  27,  '98.     (168)    £2  08. 
Mor.,   g.e..    McKee.   Dec,    '01.     (2748) 

Cf..  g.e..  LeHerts,  Apr.,  '02.     (45)   $10. 
BEAUMONT      (JOHN).      Treatise    of 

Spirits,      Apparitions,      Witchcrafts, 

and  other  Magical  Practices.     Lond., 

1705.    Svo. 
Brinley,  Mar.,  '79.     (1349)  $12.50. 





Beaumont  (John) — Continued. 

Treatise    of    Spirits,    Apparitfons, 

etc.     l.ond,.     Svo. 
Cf.,  Libble.  Apr.  29,  '02.     (1331)   J5.50. 
BEAUMONT       (JOSEPH).        Psyche. 

Lond..  1C48.     Fol. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Williams,     May,    '93. 

(947)    £7  5s. 
Cf..  Blanchard.  May.  '98-     (120)  *14. 
Ct,  Bangs,  Dec.  1,  "98.     (45)  19. 
Cf-.  r.e..  McKee,  Dec.  '01.     (2749)  $10. 
BEAUMONT    PAPERS.     See    Macray 

(W.    D.). 
BEAU'S      ACADEMY.      See      Phillips 

BEAUTIES      OF       ENGLAND       AND 

Wales.     By  J.  Britton.  E.  W.  Bray- 
ley,  and  others.     Lond..  1801-16.     18 

vols.  In  25.  Svo. 
Ct.  Maclean.  June.  '95.     (415)    £2  (Js. 
Mor.,  unc,  Coleridge,  May,  '96.     (57) 

Cf..  Addison,  June,  '9G.     (51)    £1  8s, 
Cf..  Soth..  May  G.  '98.     (394)    £3. 
Hf.    cf..    Soth..    Apr.    4,    1900.      (465) 

£1  13s. 
Hf.  cf.,  Putt.,  Apr.  14.  '02.     (25)   £2. 
Beauties   of    England    and    Wales. 

Lond.,    180116.      With    Introduction 

by  Brewer.     Together  2t;  vols..  Svo. 
Rus..  Putt-.  Jan.  10.  '89.     (228)    £4  2b. 

Ht.  bd..   Glasse.   July.   '02.     (374)     £2 

Cf..  Soth.,  Dec.  9,  '95.    (13)    £3  15.^. 
Rub.,  m.e.,  Soth.,  July  18.  1900.     (142) 

£3  118. 
Rus..  Smith.  May.  Ml.    (58)    £1  12s. 
Hf.  rus..  m.e.,  Soth.,  Dec.  17.  '01.     (40) 

£4  18s. 

••Large  paper. 
RU8.  ex.,  May.  July.  '91.     (1143)    £8 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (selected  Impressions  of 

the  plates),  Hawkins.  Mar.,  '95.  (35) 

Cf.  ex..  Soth..  Jan.  9.  '99.     (64)    £4. 
Rus.    ex..    m.e.,    Soth.,    Mar.    17,    '99. 

(678)    £6  10s. 
Hf.  rus.,  unc.  Praser,  Apr.,  *01.     (113) 

£7  7ft. 
—=— Beauties    of    England    and    Wales. 

lx)nt\.,  IKnl-lN.   1<)  vnlH.  in  2(1.  [With] 

Beauties  of  Scotland.     Edinb..  1805- 

8.    5  vols.    Together  31  vols.,  Svo. 
Cf..   m.e..    Foljambe.    Jan.    '90.      (423) 

Beauties  of  England — Cemtinued. 

Cf.  rus.,  Uoyd,  Jan..  '02.     (19)   £3  14s. 

•♦I>arge  paper 
Rus.   ex.,   ChrJsae.   Dec.   5,   '93.      (13) 

£4  17s.  6d. 
Cf.  ex..  m.e.,   Ebury,  Dec.  '94.     (16) 

£4  17a.  6d. 
Hf.   rus.,  m.e.,  Hope.  Apr..   '96.      (60) 

£G  12s.  6d. 


mier  (second,  tiers,  quart  et  quint). 

Volume  de  Vincent,  etc.   Paris,  1495- 

96.    5  vols. 
Rua.,  g.e.  (1  leaf  in  Vol.  2  mended,  a 

few  leaves  wormed),  Soth.,  Dec.  4, 

'02.     (1708)    £230, 

BECHTEL    (J.>.    Kurzer   Catechismus. 

Phila.,  Franklin.  1742.     12mo. 
Mor..  g.e..  Rice,  Mar.,  '70.     (131)  |16. 
Mor.   ex.,  g.e.   (wltli   42  ijp.),   Brinley, 

Mar.,  '80.     (3276)   |14. 
Mor-    ex.,    g.e.,    Trivulzio.    Feb.,    '88. 

(303)  119. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Barlow,  Feb.,  *90.  (1386) 

Sheep  (with  44  pages),  Henkels.  Oct. 

29,  '95.     (396)  Jll. 
Sheep   (with  42  pages),  Henkels.  Oct. 

29,  '95.     (394)  |G. 
Bds.  (with  42  pages).  Hurst,  May,  '04. 

(191)   $20. 
Bds.  (with  44  pages).  Hurst,  May,  '04. 

(194)   18. 

Short    Catechism.      Phila.,    Isaiah 

Warner,  1742.    16mo. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Stone,  Oct.,  '97.  (65) 

BECK  (T.  A.).  History  and  Antiqui- 
ties of  Furness  Abbey.  Ixind.,  1844. 
4  to. 

Hardy.  Dec.  '86.     (165G)    £2  18s. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e,,  Bailey,  June,  '89.  (1246) 
£5  28.6d. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Leigh,  Dec.  '89.  (204) 
£2  15s. 

Hf.  mor..  Thornton,  June.  '94.  (1575) 
£2  128. 

Hf.  mor,,  Bateman,  July.  '9G.  (955) 
£2  Us. 

Hf.  mor..  Soth..  Dec.  17.  '01.  (510) 
£2  15b. 

BECKET  (GiLBERT  A.  A').  Alma- 
nack of  the  Month.  ljon&.,  184G-  2 
vols.,  12mo- 

Hf.  mor,,  unc,  Galsford,  Apr.,  *90.  (32) 
£  1  8s. 




Becket  (Gilbert  A.  A')— Continued. 
Parts,  Cooper,  Oct.,  '91.  (nf)fJ)    CI  158. 
CI.,  Shaw,  Feb,,  '97.     U)    £1  48. 
Cf.  ex..  g.e.,  Lamb,  Feb.,  '^8,     (5)    £1. 
Paris,  Soth.,  Nov.  3.  '98.    (3>   £1  9s. 
Parts.  Bangs,  Apr.  9.  '01.     (95)  |10. 
Cf.,  g,e,.  French.  Apr.,  '01.     (4)  $13. 
The     Comfc      Blackstone.     Lond., 

1844-46.  Plates  by  Cruikahank.  8vo. 
cr,  unc,  Daly,  Mar.,  1900.  (227)  |7.50. 
C!..    unc.    Bangs,    Apr.   9,    '01.     (234) 

Cf..     g.t     (orlg.    covers     bound     tn), 

French,  Apr..  '01.     (1)  $12. 
Cf.    ex.,   g.t.    (orig.   covers   bound   In). 

French,  Apr..  *01.     (354)    $14. 
Comic  History  of  England.  Lond., 

1847-48.     Plates   by  Leech,     2  vols., 

C1-,  Hirst.  Mar.,  '88.     (1067)   £2. 
CI..  Perkins.  July,  "89.    (1)    £3  28. 6d. 
Parts,  unc,  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.     (3)   $30. 
CI..  Houlo.  Dec.  '91.     (3SS>    £2  8s. 
CL.  line,  PutL,  Apr.  7.  "92.     H)    £2  68. 
Parts.  Williams.  May.  '93.     (2)   £3  12s. 
Parts.  Foster,  June.  '94.     (181)    £7. 
CI..  Young,  Dec.  '95.     (2>    £1  Is. 
Parts.  AiiKerstcMn.  May,  '96.  (1227)  £3. 
Parts,  Putt..  June  14.  '97.  (1)    £2188. 
CI.,  Makellar,  Nov..  '9S.  (3)    £1  12s. 
Mor.   ex..   unc.    (orlg.   covers   and   ad- 
vertisements    bound     In),     Clarke, 

Mar,  '09.  (1)  £5  2s.6d. 
CL,  Soth..  Feb.  15.  1900.  (164)  £2  12a. 
CL.  Soth..  Apr.  4,  1900.  (29G)  £llls. 
Parts.  French.  Apr..  '01.  (5)  |80. 
Hf.  cf..  Bangs.  Nov.  18,  '01.  (3)  $9.25. 
Hf.  mor..  Putt..  Apr.  14.  '02.  (I)  £1  138. 
Comic  History  of  England.  Lond., 

Bradbury,   n.rj.     2   vols..  Svo. 
**[*arge  paper. 
Hf.    mor.,    Bleasdell,    Jan.,    '87.     (640) 

£  1  Gs. 
Hf.    mor.,    Martin,    Mar..    '88.     (245) 

Hf.  mor,  Comyn,  Mar.,  '93.     (9SS)    £1 

Hf.  mor.,  Ryan,  May,  '97.     (1)   £1  IfJs. 
Comtc    History   of    Rome.     Loud.. 

n.d.    Plates  by  Leech.    8vo. 
CL,  Hirst,  Mar..  '88.     (10C8)    £2  28. 
CL,  Martin.  Mar..  '88.     (1024)   £2  8s. 
CL,  Soth.,  May  1,  '89.     (105)   £2  1Cs. 
CL,  Putt..  Aug.  S,  '89.     (148)    £1  Ss. 
Parts,  Roblnspa.  July,  "92.     (499)    £8 

Parts,  Stogden,  May,  '94.     (1)   £6. 

Becket  (Gilbert  A.  A*)— Continued. 
Cf.  ex.,  unc,  Piakney,  May.  '95.     (1) 

£2  123. 
CL,  unc,  Barger,  May,  '95.  (512)  $10.50. 
Parts,    AngersteJn,    May,    '96.     (1228) 

£?.  15s. 
Hf.  cf.,  Addison,  June,  '96.    (1)   £12b. 
Part.s,  Johnson,  Feb..  '98.     (2)    £5  108. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc  (orJg.  covers  bound  in), 

CJurke,  Mar.,  '99.     (2)    £4  6s- 
Part.s,  Wright.  June.  '^9.    (27>    £6. 
CL,  unc,  Virtue  Tebbs,  June,  1900.  (1) 

£3  10s. 
Parts,  French,  Apr.,  '01.     (6)  $50. 

BECKET  (THOMAS  A').  Vita  et  Pro- 
cessus Sancti  Thomas  Cantuariensis 
Mariyris  super  Libertate  Ecclesias- 
tica.     Paris.  1495.     4to. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Galsford,  Apr.,  '90.  (152) 
£5  10s. 

Mor.,  g.e..  White.  Apr.,  '02.  (2160)   £8. 

Life  of  Sir  Thomas  A'Becket.  See 

B.    (A.). 

BECKFORO,    (PETER).  Thoughts  on 

Hunting.    Sarum,  17SI.    4to. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Toovey.  Mar,.  '94.  (320) 

£3  5s. 
Cf.,  Griffith.  Dec.  '95.     (508)   £1  48. 
Hf.  cf..  Soth.,  Feb.  27.  '99.     (616)    £3 

Eds.,  unc,  Soth.,  July  3.  '99.       (631) 

£5  17B.6d. 
Mor,  ex..  g.e.,  Blyth,  Mar.,  '01.  (165  A) 

Soth..  Dec  2.  '01.     (83)    £6  5s. 
Mor.  ex.,  Christie.  Dec,  18,  '01.     (150) 

Cf..  Soth.,  May  18,  '03.     (168)   £5. 

Thoughts     on      Hunting.     Sarum. 

1782.     4to. 
Mor.    ex..    g.e,    (presentation    copy    to 

I>ord  Gordon).  Craig.  Mar.,  '88.  (464) 

£3  7s.6d. 
HI.  cf.,  Tompkins.  Dec,  '97.     (86)    £1 


Thoughts  on  Hunting.  Ijond.,  1796. 

Cf..  Harborough,  Feb..  '87.    (12)   £2  4s. 
Cf.,  Craig.  June.  '87.     {200)    £2  10s. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Thornhlll.  Apr.,  '89,     (12)  £4. 
Bds„   unc.   Kenyon,    Mar..   '90.     (770) 

£2  5s. 
Rus.,   g.e..   Sullivan,   May.   '90.     (668) 

£2  2s. 
BdB.,    unc,     Blyth,     Mar..     '01.     (25) 

£5  7a.  6d. 





Beckford    (Peter) — Continued. 

Cf^  g.e-,  Ford.  Mav.   iV'.    |63>    £♦  2s.G<1. 

BdSv,  W1C-.   Soth-,   Dec-  22.  '02.     (481) 

Mor.   unc.   Soth.   May  18.  '03.     (34) 

£4  10s. 

Thoughts  on  Hunting.  Load..  1802. 

CC.  lI*rUn,  Mar..  '88.     (29)    £115s. 
Hf.  n»8..   Iveeds,  Apr..    96.     (123>    £1 

Mor.,  unc.  Kennack.  Not..  '99-     (150) 

Thoughts  on  Hunting.  Lond.,  1810. 

Ht  mor..  unc.  Hall.  May,  '87.     (3S4) 

£1  6s. 
Hf.  cf..   Soth.,  Dec   1.   •91.      (822)    £1 

Eds.,  nnc,  Soth,.  June  27.  "SB.     (171) 

Bds..  unc,  Blyth,  Mar..  '01.     (2C|    £3 


Mor..  unc.   Bangs.  Not.  18.  '01.     (78) 

BdR.,  one  Ellis,  Oct..  '02.     (283)    £4. 

••Large  paper. 
Bds..  unc.  May.  July,  '91.    (lOlOi    £1 


Mor.  ex..  unc.  Toovey.  Mar.,  "94.  (51) 

Mor.  ex.,  Soth..  Dec  17.  '98.  (1016)   £6. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Soth.,  May  18.  '03.     (32) 

£5  2s.6d. 
Thoughts     on       Hunting.      IjOnd., 

1820.     8vo. 
Mor.  ex.,  g-c  Carter.  Jan..  '88,     (98) 

Mor.   ex..   Aylesford.    Mar..    '88.      (35) 

Mor.  ex..  one.  Soth-.  Dec.  11.  '93.  (152) 

£1 128. 
Mor.  ex..  gjs^  McKenzle.  Jan..  *99.  (5) 

£2  48. 
a.,  v.fe.   Soth..  Dec.   13.   1900.      (612) 

Bds-.  unc.  Blyth.  Mar.,  '01.     (27)    £5 

Mor.    g.c-.    Putt,,   July    30.    •02.      (34) 

£2  48. 

BECKFORD      (WILLtAM)        Azemia. 

By  Jacquelta  Agnota  Mariana  .Tenks. 

Lond.,  1797.     2  vols..  8vo. 
Of..  g.e.,  Soth..  Apr.  2.  '03.     (19)    £2. 

Azemia.    Lond..  1798.    2  vols.,  8vo. 

Soth..  Feb.  12.  '89.     (C3)    £ll8. 

Beckford     (William)— Confinurd. 
Biographical    Memoirs    of    Extra- 
ordinary Painters.  Lend.,  1780.  Sto. 
Cf..  Turner.  June.   "SS.     (323)    £1  10s. 

Popular    Tales    of    the    Germans. 

Lond.,  1791.    2  vols.,  Svo. 
Hf,  bd..  unc.  Soth..  Feb.  25,  '01.     (227) 

£4  108. 
Ct.  ex..  g.e.,  Soth..  May  6.  '01.     (345) 

£1 16s. 

••T^rge  paper. 
Cf.  ex..  unc.  Bedford.  Mar..  '84.     (78) 

£20  108. 

An       Arabian       Tale.     [Vathek.] 

Lond.,   178G.     Svo. 
Cf.  ex..  unc.  Smalley.  July,  •87.     (30) 

£4  Gs. 
Cf..  I^wrence.  May,  -92.     (29)    £2  188. 
Bds..    unc.    Gibson.    Mar.,    *9Z.     (797) 

£1  6s. 
Mor.   ex.,   g.e.    (with   -\.L.S.   InseHed). 

Webster.   Mar..  '93.     (20)    £9  68. 
Unc.     Auchinleck,     June.     •93.     (47) 

Hf.  cf  .  Hope,  May.  '96.     (121)   £1  lOa. 
Bds..   unc.   Ford.   May,  *02.     (61)    £8 

Cf.  ex..  g.e..  Twopenny.  May,  '02.  (69) 

£4  6s. 

••I^rge  paper. 
Cf.  ex..  Soth..  May  5.  '90.     (18)   £8. 
Cf.  ex..  g.e..  Soth.,  Dec  10,  'SO,    (8) 

Cf..  Putt..  Jan.  28.  '91.     (55)   £2  48. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Edwardes.  May,  '01,  (21) 

Cf,  ex..  g.e..  Hlbbert.  Apr..  '02.     (48) 

£9  IOr. 
Cf.,  Soth..  Oct,  20.  '02.     (427)    £4. 
Cf.  ex..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec  4,  '02.  (71)  £14. 
Cf.,  Soth..  Mar.  16.  '03.     (53)    £6108. 

Vathek.    Paris.  1787.    8vo. 

Cf.,  Turner.  June.  'SS.     (322)   £2  9s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth..  May  6.  '01.     (348) 
£1  10s. 

Vathek.     I^usanne.  1787.     8vo. 

Mor.,  unc,  Gennadius,  Mar..  '95.  (401) 

£5  10s. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Cholmondeley.  Apr.,  '97. 

(7)   £1188. 
Cf.  ex..  g.e..  Soth..  May  6.  '01.     (347) 

£1  12s. 
Bds..    unc.    Soth..    Dec    2.    "01.      (46) 

£7  15s. 
Mor..    g.e.,    Hlbbert.    Apr..    '02.        (49) 





Beckford    (William)— Cow/urHrrf, 

Vathck.     Loud..  1815.     8vo. 

Cf.,     g,e.     (presentation     copy,     with 

A.D.S.    inserted),    Peirce.    May,    '03. 

(31)  125. 

Catalogue    of  '  Beckford     Library. 

LoiK].,  1882-S3.     4  parts.  8vo. 
••Large  paper. 
Carter,  Jan.,  '88.     (3I4>    £128. 
Martin,  Mar..  '88.     (174»    £1  lis. 
Turner.    Dec.    "93.     127>    £128. 
Hf.  rua..  Lefferts.  Apr..  '02.     (72)  $10. 

BECON    (T.).     Fiower  of  Godiy  Pray- 
ers.    Ijond.,  IBGL     8vo. 
Mor.,  Perkins.  July,  '89.     (IGO)   £3. 

New  Posthiri  for  Sunday  Gospels. 

Lend.,  15GC.  4to. 
Cf.,    g.e.    (wormed).    Macaulay,    Mar.. 

'96.  (278)  £18s. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Feb.  22.  '97.     (583 > 

£2  2s. 

Pomander      of      Prayer.       l^ond.. 

[1553].    Svo. 
Mor.   ex..   Reid,   May.   "SL      (20n    £1 


The    Principles  of  Chrfstian    Reil- 

glon.     Lond.,  [1550].    8vo. 
Cf..  g.e..  Biirra.  May.  '97.     (54)    £3  3s. 

Reliques  of  Rome.     Lond.,  [15(>3]. 

Rus..    g.e.,    Perkins,    July,    '90.     (162) 

£1 148. 
Cf.,  Stuan,  Mar.,  '95.     (3)   £2. 
Cf..  Ashbiirnlram.  Nov..   '97.    (19)     CI 


Sick    Man's    Salve.     I^oad..    Daye, 

n.d.     Svo. 
Mor..  g.e..  Btirra.  May,  '97.     (55)    £2 


BEODOIME  (R.  H.).  Ferns  of  South- 
em  India.     Madras,  1SG3.     4to. 

Martin.  Mar,  '9<K     (5C1)    £1  Ps. 

Hf.  cf.,  RoberiK,  Nov.,  '91!.     (50}   £1  5s. 

BEDE  (CUTHBERT).  See  Bradley 

Ecclesiaaflca  Gentis  AngJonim. 
[Strasburg.  Eggestein.  about  1473.] 

Cf.,  Sunderland,  Dec..  '81.  (1073)   £21. 

Hf-  bd.,  Crawford,  June,  '87.  (278) 
£15  5s. 

Unbd.,  Dougia.s.  July.  'S7  (133(:i  £4 

Bede   (The  Venerable) — Continuvil. 
Vel..  Crawford,  June.  '89.     (153)    £10 

Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Crawford,    Mar.,    '91. 

(287)    £10. 
Mor..    Ashburnham,   June,    '97.     (356) 

£15  IDs. 

Historia        Ecciesiastica       Gentis 

Anglorum.  Cambridge,  1722.  Fo]. 
••Large  paper. 

Cf.,  Vaughan,  Dec,,  '86.     (254)    £1  9s. 

Beresford.  June,  '88.     (275)    £lls. 

History  of  the  Church  of  England. 

Trans,  by  Thomas  StapletoQ.  AbI- 
werp,  1565.     4to. 

Vel.,  Ashburnhani,  June.  '97.  (357) 

Works,     With  Life,  by  J.  A.  Giles. 

Lond..  1S43-44.     12  vols.,  Svo. 

Hf.  cf.,  Thompson,  May.  *87.  (102) 

CI.,   Ludgater.  May,   *95.      r23)    £12s. 

CL.  Ludgater.  May,  '95.     (756)    £lSs. 

CI.,    Hunter,   Apr.,    '01.     (1737)    $13.20. 

BEDFORD  (ARTHUR).  The  Evil  and 
Danger  of  Stage-Plays.  Lond.,  1706. 

Hf.  mor..  unc,  French.  Apr.,  '01.  (83) 

The     Great     Abuse      of     Musick. 

Lond.,  1711.     Svo. 

Mor.,  Hawkins,  Apr..  '[t5.     (IS)    CHI's 

' Remonstrance  Against  the  Blas- 
phemies and  Impieties  used  in  Eng- 
lish Play  Houses.     Ix^nd.,  1719.    Svo. 

Cf.,  Brown,  Apr.,  '98.     (124)  $5. 

BEDFORD  (DUKE  OF).  Pinetum 
Woburnense.     Sey  Forbes  (J.). 

^Woburn  Abbey  Marbles.     See  Wo- 

burn  Abbey. 

BEDFORD.  History  of  Bedford.  N.  K. 
Host.,   1851.     Svo. 

CL.    Ubbie.   Mar.   27,   '95,     (57)    $5.25. 

CI.,  Libbie.  Nov.  6.  '95.     (128)  |6.50. 

CL.  Morris,  Apr.,  '99.     (Ill)  15.25. 

CL.  Libbie.  Mar.  18,  '02.     (68)  $5.25. 

BEDLOE  (WILLIAM).  Excommuni- 
cated Prince.     Lond.,  1G79.     Fol. 

Hf.  cf.,  Lefferts.  Apr.,  '02.     (63)  $15 

BED  WELL  (W.).  Principles  of  Arith- 
metic.    Lond.,  1G16,    Svo. 

Hf.  mor..  Halliwell,  July.  'H9.  (IS)    £4. 

BEE    (JON.).     See  Babcock    (John). 

BEE  AND  THE  WASP.  Soe  Frankum 





BEECHER  (H.  W.)-  Seven  Lectures 
to  Young  Men.  Indianapolis.  1844. 

a..  McKee.  Not..  1300.     (46)   |10.5<>. 

BEECHER  (LYMAN).  Sermon  con- 
taining a  History  of  East  Hampton. 
Sag  Harbor.  1806.     8vo. 

Hf.  mor..  Murphy.  Mar..  '84.  (204) 

Sewed,  Henkels.  Dec.  13.  'SS.  (38) 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Bang^,  Apr.  16,  1900. 
(125)    $8. 

HL  mor..  g.t..  McKee.  May.  '02.  (446S) 

BEECHEY  (F.  W.)-  Voyage  to  the 
Pacific  and  Beering  Straits.  Ix>nd.. 
1831-    2  vols-,  4to. 

Perkins.  July.  '89.     (164i   i:il9s. 

HL  cf..  Soth..  Dec.,  '90.     (102)    £12a. 

BEEDOME  (THOMAS).  Poems  Di- 
vine and  Humane.  l>ond..  1641. 

Cf.  ex..  Gaisford,  Apr..  '90.     (155)   £4. 

Vel..  r.e,  (date  on  title  cut  into,  one 
or  two  other  leaves  cut  into  at  side). 
Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.     (54)  $7. 

Church.  Trans,  by  G.  Gilpin.  Ix>nd.. 
1679.    8vo. 

Cf..  Wallis,  Nov..  'ST.     (92)    £2  12s. 

Bee  Hive  of  the  Romishe  Church- 

LoDd..  1580.    12mo- 
Mor.  ex..  Ellis.  Nov..   '85.      (510»     LA 

Rus..  g.e..  (lacking  folding  plates  and 

text  cut   into).   Soth.,  June  27.   '92. 

(63)   £3. 
Mor..    g.e..    Bunbury,    July,    '96.     (38) 

£7  108. 
Bee   Hive   of  the    Romish   Church. 

Lond..  1636.     8vo. 
Cf..  Burra,  May.  '97.     (56)    £1  Is. 
BEE8LEY  (A.).     History  of  Banbury. 

Banbury.  1841.    8vo. 
Hf-  tnor..  Hirst,  Dec.,  '87.     <9J»)    CI  4s. 
CI.,    unc.    Halliwell,    July.    "89.     (19) 

£1  2s. 
Hf.    cf..    Brabourne,    May,    '91.     (355) 

Ht,  cf..  Cooper.  Oct..  '91.    (776)   £1  3s. 
HI  cf..  Buckle.v.  Feb..  '93.     (1221    £1 


BEEVERELL  (J.).  Delices  de  la 
Grande-Bretagne  et  de  I'lrelande. 
Leyden,  1707.    8  vols-,  8vo. 

Beeverell    (J.) — Continued. 

Cf..   Stlbbs.   Oct..    -92.    (17891     £l^&. 

Mor.  ex.,   g.e.    (in   4   vols.).   Larpent, 

Jan.,  '95.     (759)    £4  15s. 
Cf.    (in   9   vols.),   Coghlan.   Dec..    "96. 

(762)     £115s. 

Delices  de   la   Grand   Bretagne  et 

de  i'lrelande.  Ley  den.  1727.  8  vols., 

Cf..  Elsled,  Dec..  '92.     (12)    £1  10s. 

Cf.,  PutU,  Dec.  7,  '92.     (48)  £1. 

Cf..  Buckley.  Feb..  '93.     (125)    £1  lis. 

Cf.,  g.e,  (Utterson  copy).  Crawford, 
July,  '96.     (74)    £2. 

Cf..  Soth.,  Nov.  20.  -99.     (748)    £2. 

BEGERT  (J.).  Nachrichten  von  der 
Amerlcanischen  Halbinsel  Califor- 
nlen.    Manheim,  1772.    12mo. 

Cf..  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.     (449)   $13. 

BEGGAR'S  APE,     Ix^nd..   [lt;27].    4io. 
Mor..  g.e.  (imprint  cut  into).  Gaisford. 

Apr..  '9D.    (1322)    £2  2s. 
Cf.  (text  cut  tntol.  Soth..  June  27.  '92. 

(64)    £1  17s. 

elusion  of  the  late  War.     i>ond.,  for 

J.  Almon,  1770.    4to. 
Inc..  Putt..  Dec.  11.  '99.    (95)    £2  7b. 

BEHAM    (H:  S.).     Biblisch    Historien. 

Frankfort,  1533.    4to. 
(Small  hole  in  title),  Craig,  Mar..  '88. 

(469)  £10. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Feb.  2.  '98.    (106)  £14. 
Vel,  (with  Typl  in  Apocalypst  Joannls 

depicti  H.  S.  Beham).  Putt,  Apr.  12, 

*S9.     (27)    £\b'*s. 
Biblicae  Historiae.   Frankfort.  1539. 

Mor.    ex.,    g.e.     (interleaved).    Craig. 

Mar..  '88.     (470)    £6  5s. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.   (Craig  copy),   heighten, 

July. '98.     (139)  £7. 
BEHMEN      (JACOB).       Works,     with 

Life,  by  Rev.  \V.   Uiw.     Lond..  1764- 

81.     4  vols.,  4to. 
Cf..  Coleridge.  May.  '96.    (238)    £7  158. 
Cf.,  Pult..  June  22,  '96.     (806)   £6  68. 
Hf.   cf.   (broken),   Soth,  July   19.  '97. 

Hf.  cf.,  Ubble,  Dec.  4.  1900.     (91 )  $22. 
Cf..  Hodgson.  Dec,  4.  Til.    |16fJi   £1». 
Hf.  rus..  Soth..  Mar.  17.  '02.     (160)  £7. 
BEHN   (MRS.  APHRA).     A  Congratu- 
latory Poem  to  Her  Sacred  Majesty 

Queen  Mary.     l^nd..  1689.    Fol. 





Behn    (Mrs.    Aphra} — Continued. 

Unbd..  Soth.,  May  6.  '01.     (759)    £2  4s. 

The  Debauchee,    bond..  1677.    4to. 

Hf.  (it.,  Leflerts,  Apr..  '02.    (56)  |5. 

-The  Emperor  of  the  Moon,    rx)nd., 

1G87.    4to. 
Unbd.,   Maxe.   Mar.  '01.    HOI)    £12a. 
Unbd..  Soth..  Mar.  IC.  '03.     (132>£3. 

^The    Feigned    Courtizans.      Lond.» 

1C79.     4to. 
Young,  Dec.,  '95.     (188)    £1  lOs. 

Female    Poems   on    several    Occa* 

Bione.    Ijond.,  1079.     Svo. 
Sheep,  Soth..  May  16.  '01.     (38)    £14 

Land  of  Love.     Lond..  1717.     Svo. 

Rus,  {binding  loose).  Hawkins.  Mar.. 
'87.     (1797)  113. 

La  Montre.    Lond.,  1686.     12nio. 

Cf..  Sewal!,  Nov.,  '90.     (234)  $14.60. 

Poems    upon    Several    Occasions. 

Lond.,  1G84.    8vo. 
Mor.    ex.,   g.e.,    Mackenzie,   Mar.,    '89, 

(110)  £3. 
Cf.,  Llbbie.  Dec.  4.  '89.    (S4>  $13. 
Cf-.  Bllsa.  Apr..  '98.     (13)    £1  Ss. 
Cf.,  Soth..  Apr.  20.  '99.     (760)  £1. 
Cf.     (rebacked).     McKee,     Dec.,     '01. 

(2751)  $13. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Christie.  June  18,  '02.     (30) 

£5  10s. 
The  Rover,    Parts  I.  and  II.  Lond., 

1677-81-    2  vols..  4to. 
Hf.  mor.,  Lefferta,  Apr.,  '02.    (62 >  $40, 
^Seneca     Unmasked.     Lond.,    1686. 

Mor.,  Sewall,  Nov.,  '96.     (233)  |5. 

Sir  Patient  Fancy.  Lond.,  1678.  4to. 

Mor.,  Bangs,  Mar.  19,  1900.   (36)  $27,50. 
Hf.  cf.  (some  leaves  cut  into,  Perkins 

copy),  McKee,  Apr.,  '01.  (2210)  $7,50. 
The  Widow  Ranter,     l^nd.,  1690. 

Cf.,  g.e.,  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.  (206)  $6.75. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Lefferta,  Apr.,  '02.     (64) 


The  Younger  Brother.    I^nd..  1696. 

4  to. 

Hf.  mor..  Lefferts,  Apr.  '02.    (65)  $7.50. 

The     Young     King.     l^nd..     1683. 


Paper.  McKee.  Apr.,  'fll.     (2211)  $7.50. 

Histories,  Novels,  and  Transla- 
tions.  Ivond.,    1G9S-1700.  2    vols..    Svo. 

Behn    (Mrs.    Aphra) — Continued. 

Hf.  cf.,  Benbow,  Nov..  '89.     (566)    £1 

Cf.,  Walker.  May,  '93.     (18)   £1148. 
Hf.     sheep.     Hayes.    Apr.,    '98.     (96) 


Histories  and  Novels.  Loud.,  1718. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Prideaux,  May,  '89.     (4) 


Cf„  Bruce.  Apr..  '92.     (20)    £1  3s. 

Histories  and  Novels.  Lond.,  1735. 

2  vols.,  Svo. 
Mackenzie.   Mar.,  '89.     (113)    £2 129. 
Cf.,  Marshall.  June,  '90.     (52)    £1  18b. 

Plays.     I>ond.,  1702.     2  vols,,  Svo. 

Cf..  Atkinson,  July,  '88.    (20)    £1108. 
Cf.,  Jack,  July,  '89.     (50)   £1, 
Cf.,  Wood,  Mar.,  '91.     (541)    £16s. 
Cf..  Bruce,  Apr.,  '92.     (19)    £1  5s. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Kay,  May.  '97.     (335)    £15s. 
Cf.,  Bools,  June.  '03.     (125)    £1  148. 

^Plays.     lA>n6.,  1716.     2  vols..  Svo. 

Cf.,  Johnson,  Feb..  '98.     (141)    £1  2b. 
Cf.    (soiled).  Daly.  Mar.,  1900.     (233) 


Plays.     Lond.,  1724.     4  vols.,  Svo. 

Cf.,  Craig,  Mar.,  '88.     (474)    £3  178.  6d. 
Mor.    ex.,   g.e.,    Mackenzie.    Mar.,    '89. 

(Ill)  £5. 
Cf.,  Marshall,  June,  '90.     (51)    £2  128. 
Cf.,  Soth..  Nov.  27,  '96.     (40)   £2  28. 
Cf..  Bangs.  Jan.  14,  '97.     (63)  $17. 
Cf-.   y.e.,   Henkels,   Mar   10.   '97,     (7) 

Cf.,  Soth.,  Feb.  28.  1900.     (76)    £2188. 
Cf..  y.e.    (Daniel  copy),  McKee,  Apr., 

'01-     (2213)  110. 
Cf..  HJbbert.  Apr..  '02.     (51)    £3  3s. 
Cf..  y.e..  Lefferts.  Apr.,  '02.     (55)  $40. 
Hf.  mor.,  y.e..  Henkels.  May   27.  '03. 

(131)  $16. 
Plays,       Histories      and      Novels. 

Lond..  1871.     6  vols.,  Svo. 
Bdfi..  Smith.  Jan.,  '96.     (16)    £2  6b. 
Bds.,  Hope.  May.  '9G.     (32)    £1  17b. 
Bds.,  Hayes.  Apr..  '98.     (97)  $15. 
Bds..  Richmond.  May.  "99.     (153)  $9.30. 
BdH..    Hodgson,    Jan.    11.    1900.     (925) 

Bds..  Wylio.  May.  '01.     (15)    £2  148. 

**I.Arge  paper, 
Bds.,  Cole.  Apr..  '90.     (26)   $20.10. 
Bds.,  Wood,  Mar.  '91.     (1404)    £3  12s. 
Bds.,    Belt.  Atip..   "92.     (897)     £2  158. 
Bds..  Johnson.  Feb.,  '98.     (143)    £2  58. 




8*lMi    (Mr*.   Aphn)^-CQniuiurd. 
LfidL.  Soi^  Mar.  tl,  ^99,    (21\    £2  12s. 
iBds^  UbUe.  Feb.  8.  1900.     (61)  $18. 
IBds.,  Oleoa.  Apr^  "01.    (S5)  $16.50. 

SofdL,  May  IC.  'OL  (39)  £3  5s. 
■or.,  s^  Dayton,  Mar..  '02.  (101) 

P«ftt,  Mar.  U.  "OS.     (204)    £4. 
••Largest  paper. 
Ct  oc^  mc  SoUu  Dec  10.  "dO.   (9) 


iBds^  Sotk.,  May  6v  *01.     (S3>   £3  15s. 
Cf.  er^  WW.,  SoUl,  Not.  IS.  "Ol.  (138) 

.  BEL.     See  Bell. 

^BELAMY    (J.    C.}.    Treatise    on    Fal 
eonry.    Berwicknapoo-Tweed.     1841. 
Cf.   «u   uc    Birth.    Mar..    '01.     (29) 

£2  4s. 
CI-  unc.  Putt..  Jaly  30,  '02.     (35)    £1 

L  BELCHER     (JONATHAN).       Confer- 
ence.    See  Conference. 
I  BELCHER      (JOSEPH).     The     Worst 
Bs«nT  Oooiquered.     Bost,.  B.  Green 
and  J.  AJleu.  169S.     Svo. 
ior..  Morrell.  Nor..  *«<;.     (41)  $15. 
rMor.     ex.,    Brinley.    Mar..    *79.     (724) 

Jlor.  Brlnlev.  Mar..  '80.     (2626)   $11. 
^BELCHER  (8.).     Harmony  of  Maine. 
Boat..  1794.     Obi.  12mo. 

Manson.  Mar..  "99.     (2809)   $5.50, 
lELGRAVIA.     Edited  by   Hiss  Brad- 
don.     Lond..   1^67,  etc.     &vo. 
•1867-92.  lacking  Vols.  39  and  58.  and 
1  nuinber.  together  72  vols..  M.  cf., 
and  nnmbers.  Braboume.  June.  '93. 
(34)    £7108. 
1867-88.    66    rols.,    hf.    cf..    Wlreman. 

Not..  "97.  (67)  $13.20. 
BELIANfS.  The  Honour  of  Chivalry, 
Set  down  in  the  Most  Paznous  His- 
tory of  Prince  Don  Belianls.  Lend., 
1598.  4to. 
Mor.  ex.  (Stanley  and  Heber  copy). 
CoT9er.  Aug..  '69.     (29)  £25. 

The    Honour  of  Chivalry.      Lend., 

1650.    4to 
Mor.   g.e..    Cresson.   May.   •02.      (207) 

^The   Honour  of  Chivalry.     Lend.. 

1673.    3  parts,  4to. 
Mor.  ex.  g.e.  (in  1  to!.).  Wood.  Mar.. 
'91.     <810)£2. 

Be  I  ian  i  • — Contin  tied. 

The   Honour  of  Chivalry.     Lond., 

16S3.     4to. 
Mor.  ex..  Sullivan.  May.  '90.  <688)    £3 

Rigge.  Jan.. '92.     (C70)   £2  6s. 

^The   Honour  of  Chivalry.     I>»id.. 

W.  O.  [about  1690],    4to. 
Hf.  rus.  (stained).  Lefferts.  Apr.,  -02. 

(1132)  $18. 

BELKNAP  (JEREMY).  American 
Biography.  BosU,  1794-98.  2  vols.. 

Mor.  (portrait  inserted).  Deane.  Mar.. 
••98.     (230)  $9. 

Sheep.  Olcott,  Apr..  '01.     (98)  $6.20. 

Discourse.  Intended  to  Commemo- 
rate the  Discovery  of  America 
Bost..  1792.    Svo. 

Cf..  unc.  Rice.  Mar..  '70.     (133)  $9. 

Hf.  mor.  one.  Menxies.  Nor..  '7B.  (147) 

Hf.  mor.  unc,  (Menxiefi  copy),  Cooke, 
Dec..  '83.     (209)  $5. 

Paper,  unc  Bangs,  Oct.  18.  '01.  (122)  $6. 

Eclogue  Occasioned  by  the  Death 

of    the    Rev.    Alexander    Gumming. 

Bost.,  1763.     4to. 
Cf.  ex..  unc.  Brinley.  Nov..  '86.    (6846) 

Cf.  ex..  one.  McKee,  Not..  1900.    (48) 


The  Foresters.    Bost..  1792.    12mo. 

Sheep,  Bangs.  Mar  19.  '01.    (53)  $6. 

^History  of  New  Hampshire.   Phila. 

and  Bost..  1784-92.    3  vols.,  Svo. 
Cf.,  Brinley.  Mar.  '79.    (2445)  $9. 
Bus..  Soth..  Dec.  9.  '87.     (14)    £2  14s, 
Hf.  mor,  unc.  Ck>bam,  Apr,  *88.    (113) 

Bds..  unc,  Terry.  Mar..  '89.  (104)  $9.75. 
Bds..  unc.  Hunt.  Nov..  '91.     (249)  $5. 
Cf..  Libble.  Nov.  6,  '95.     (129)  $8.25. 
Sheep,  Ubble,  Apr  17,  1900.  (76)  $7.80. 
Hf.  cf..  Olcott,  Apr.  '01.     (97)  $7.50. 
Hf.  mor,  unc,  Lefferts.  June.  '02.    (23) 

History  of  New  Hampshire.    Bost. 

1792-93.     3  vols..  8vo. 
Hf.    bds.    Miller    Dec    13.    '98.      (40» 

Sheep.  Ubbie.  Dec  15.  *98.     (54)  $12. 
Sheep,  Clogston,  Nov..  '99.     (114)  $9. 
Sheep  (broken).  Bangs,  Jan.  17.  1900. 
(343)  $6.30. 




Belknap    {Jeremyy^-Continueri. 
Sheep.   Henkels.  Apr.  5,  1900.     (143) 

Sheep,  Soth..  Feb.  25. '01,    (180)   £2  2s. 

^Hfstory  of  New  Hampshire.   Dover, 

N.  H.,  1812.    3  vols.,  Svo. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Rlcei  Mar.,  70.     (134 > 

Hf.  roan  (title of  Vol.  1  stained), Terry. 

Mar.,  '89.     (738)  $8.25. 
Cf.  ex..  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.    (220)  |10.50. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Adee,  Nov.,  '96.     (44) 

Hf.  cf.,  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.    (232)  |9.75. 
Hf.   cf.,    Blanchard.   May,    '98.      (123) 

Hf.    mor.,    UDC,    Manson,    Mar.,    *99. 

(3003)  $10.50. 
CL.  unc,  LIbble,  Dec.  5.  '01.  (80)  $5.10. 
Sheep,    Libbie,    June    11,    '02.      (117) 

History  of  New  Hampshire.  Bost.. 

1813.     3  vols.,  Svo. 
Eds.,  unc.  Brlnley,   Mar..  '79.     (2446) 

Cf..  Brlaley,  Apr.,  '93.     (8674)  $8.25. 
Sheep.  Libbie.  June  4.  '01.   (897)  $10.50. 
Sheep     (portrait    and   autograph   note 

inserted).  Balcom.  Feb..  '01.     (1602) 

Sheep      (presentation    copy    to    J.    G. 

Whittier  from  J.  T.  Fields,  with  mar- 
ginal notes  in  Whittier's  handwrit- 
ing in   Vol.   1),   Whittier.   Feb..   '03. 

(14)  $3G. 
BELL.  Adam  Bell,  Cllm  of  the  Clough, 

and    William    of    Clondesle.     Lond., 

fl5571.     4to. 
Mor.     ex.,    g.e      (fragment,    4    leaves 

only).  Sofh..  June  27.  'S2.    (?,\   £1  3s. 
(Probably   the  same  edition.   7   leaves 

onlv),  Putt..  Feb.  15,  '99.     n7<H    CI 

Adam    Bell,    Clim    of    the    Clough, 

etc.     Loud..  1632.    4to. 
Mor.  (stained).  Corser,  July,  '08.     (S> 

£  4  4a. 
Adam    Bell,    Cllm    of    the    Clough, 

etc.     Lond..  1C48.    4 to. 
Mor.    ex.    (Talbot  and  Freeling  copy). 

Corser.  July,   'GS.      (9>    £19  5.s. 
Adam    Bell,    Clim    of   the    Clough. 

etc.    Lond..  A.  .M.  for  W.  Thackeray. 

n.d.    4to. 
Of.,  lower  edges  uncut.  Lefferts.  .'kpr.. 

'02.     (1)  $250. 

BELL  <C.  H.),    See  Wheelwright,  (J.). 
BELL        (JOHN).       New       Pantheon. 

Lond..  1790.     4to. 
Rus.,  Howlett.  June,  "87.  (1326)    £138. 
Cf.,  Craig.  June,  '87.    (211)   £1  5s. 
Mor.,   g.e..   Phillips.    Nov..    '87-     (302) 

Rua.,  Soth.,  Dec.  9.  '87.     (233)    £lls. 
Mor..  Soth.,  Jan.  14.  '95.     (81)    £1. 

BELL  (JOHN).     Rhymes  of  Northern 

Bards.     Newcastle,   1812.     Svo. 

••I^arge  paper. 

Hf.,  cf.,  Soth..  Dec.  13,  *92.    (12)    £1  5s. 

Cf.  ex..  Plnkney.  May.  '95.  (35)   £2  2s. 

Jones.  Lond.,  1892. 
CL,  Soth.,  Oct.  30.  '99. 
CL,  Soth.,  Dec-  5.  '99. 
CI.,  Daly,  Mar.,  1900. 
CL,  Soth.,  Nov.  18,  "01. 
CL,  Soth..  July  21,  '02. 

Edward   Burne- 


(1294)    £3  3s. 

(612)    £3  108. 

(237)    $8.50. 

(888)    £2178. 

(137)    £3  4s. 

BELL  (ROBERT).     Catalogue  of  New 

and  Old  Books  at  Bell's  Book  Store. 

[Phila.,  1778-]    Svo, 
Hf.  mor.     (imperfect   at   end).   Bangs, 

Jan.  22,  '01.     (17B)  $6.50. 
BELL    (THOMAS),  Survey  of  Popery. 

Lond.,  1590.     4to. 
Mor,,    g.e..    Bailey.    June,    *89.     (1247) 

£1  5s. 
BELL  (THOMAS).     History  of  British 

Quadrupeds.      Lond.,    1837.      8vo. 
Parts.  Craig,  Mar.,   "88.     (482)    £13s. 

•*I.Arge  paper. 
.Mor     ex..   g.t..   Shaw.   Nov..   '87.    (52) 

£3  38. 
Mor..    g.e..    Harlree.    July.    '90.     (92) 

Hf.   raor,   Hutchlnaon,   Feb..   '92.    (47) 

£1  12s. 
Cf..  Putt..  Apr.  11,  '94.     (644)    £188. 
Hf.  mor..  Murray,  Dec,  '99.     (13)    £1. 

•♦Largest  paper. 
CL.  Hodgson.  Mar.  9.  '87.    (213)    £2  4s. 
CL,  Lennard,  July.  'SS.    (875)   £2  Is. 
Cf.,  Francis.  July,  '9f>.     (27)    £1118, 
CI..  Walker.  May,  "93.    (79)    £2  148. 
CL.  Soth..  Apr.  4,  '98.    (212)    £1  Is. 
Mor    ex..  g.e.,  Hibbert,  Apr..  '02.  (54) 


History  of  British  Reptiles.   lA>nd.. 

1839.     Svo. 

•♦largest  paper. 
Hf.  mor    ex..  Moss,  June.   '87.     (546) 

£1  128. 
Mor  ex..  Soth..  July  1, '95.    (9)    £1    48, 




Bell    {Thom»9)  ^^^ontititirtl, 

History      of      British      Stalk-eyed 

Crustacea.     Lond..  1S53.     Svo. 
••Large  paper. 

Cf..  Buccleuch.  Mar..  '89.    (53)    £188. 

Percy,  May.  '90    (66)    £Hs. 

Hf.   uxor.,   Htttchinson,   Feb..   '92.   146) 
£1  3s. 

BELL       (T.)'       Kalogynomja.       Load.. 

1821-     Svo. 
Unc.  Craig.  June.  's:.     (212)    £155?. 
Hf.  cf-.  Hailstone.  Feb..  '91.     (93)    £4. 
Cnc.  Wood.  Mar..  '91.    (1405)   £4  58. 
Cf.,  g.e..  Rule.  Nov..  '95.    (40)   £2  ISs. 

Kalogynomia.    Lond..  1899.    Svo. 

CI.,  unc.  Bangs.  Nov.  26. 1900.  (57)  |21. 

BELL.     BHtish  Theatre.     Lond..  1791. 

etc.     34  vols,.  8vo. 
Hf.  cf..   in.e..   Young.   Dec.,   *96.      (39) 

£2  Ss. 
Ct-,  Soth..  Feb.   16.  'S9.    (5421    £2  13s. 
Cf..  Perkins.  July.  '89.    (1503)    £3 18s. 
Hf.  rus..  I^eeds,  Apr.,  '96.    (12)    £2  108. 
Hf.  mor..  Cox.  Apr..  '99.     (50)  $54.40. 
Sbeep,  Balcom.  Feb..  '01.     (148)  $11.90. 
\Ct.,  Praser.  Apr..  '01.     (188)  £3. 
••Large  paper. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Lawrence.  May.  '92.   (32) 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Henkels.  Mar.  31.  '98.     (44) 

Cf..  Cox.  Feb.,  '02.     (135)  $34. 
CiasBtcal  Arrangement  of  Fugitive 

Poetry.    Ix>nd.,  1790.    Svo. 
Cf.,  Aylesford,  Mar..    SS.    (38)    £2  126. 
lor.  ex.,  g.e..  Galsford.  Apr..  '90.   (161) 

'  Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Soth.,  .Time  27.  '92.     (68) 

BELLAMY   (GEORGE  ANNE).     Apol- 

og>'  for  the  Life  of.     I>oud..  17S5.     6 

vols..  Svo. 
Cf..  Turner.  June.  '88.    (327)    £1  Is. 
Cf..  Marshall,  June.  '90.    (55)    £2tis. 
Cf..  Stibbs.  Oct..  '92.    (1017)    £1  ISs. 
Ct,  Bangs.   Dec.   16.   '95.  (191)    $6. 
Cf..  Soth..  Mar.  23.  '99.    (29)    CI  o.s. 
Hf.  cf.,  unc.  Daly.  Mar..   1900.     (241) 

Hf.  cf..  Anderson,  Apr.  3.   '01.      (101) 

Paper,  unc.  (portrait  and  5  plates  laid 

in).  McKee.  Jan.,  '01.  (1321)  $27. 

— Memoirs,  Including  all  her  In- 
trigues. By  a  Geatleman  of  Covent 
Garden  TTieatre.     l>ond.,  17S5.     Svo. 

Bellamy    (George    Anne) — Cotttinurrl, 

Unbd.,  unc,  Mackenzie,  Mar..  '89.  (116) 

£9  lOs. 
Hf.  cf..  unc,  Hailstone.  Apr..  "91.   (117) 


Cf.  ex..  g.e..  Putt..  Apr.  7.  '92.     (118) 

Cf.    ex.,   Whitchurch,    Dec,    '94.     (34) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Kennack,  Nov.,  '99.    (16) 

£2  2s. 
Hf.  cf..  unc,  Daly,  Mar,  1900.    (242)  $6. 
Paper,  unc.  McKee,  Jan..  '01.     (1322) 

Cf.  ex..  unc.  Hibbert.  Apr..  '02.     (55) 

£3  2s. 
Paper.  McKee.  May.  '02.     (4807)  $6.50. 

BELLAMY    (JOSEPH),      A    Reply    to 

Moses  Mather.   New  Haven,  n.d.   Svo. 
Cf.,  y.e.,  Cooke.  Dec.  '83.     (213)  $7.50. 

BELLASIS  (E.).    Westmoreland 

Church  Notes.     Lond.,  188S.  2  vols.. 
Hf.  mor,  unc.  Howard,  June,  '02,  (986) 

£  1  7.^. 

BELLE  ASSEMBLEE  (LA),  or  Court 
and  Fashtonable  Magaaine.  I^ond., 
v.d.    Svo. 

1806-20.  30  vols.,  hf.  cf..  Soth..  May  30. 
'02.    (688)    £5  12s.Cd. 

20  vols..  Putl..  F^eb.   15.  '99.    (183)     tl 


BELLEFOREST  (F.).     L'Histoire  Uni- 

verselle  du  Monde.    Paris.  157U.  Sm. 

VeL,  g.e..  Murphy.  Mar..  '84.     (214)  $95. 
^L'Histoire    Universelle   du    Monde. 

Paris.    1572.      FoL 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Pu(t..  Mar.  28.  'oi.  {1?.| 


L'Innocence  de  la  trcs  Mlustre  tres- 

chaste  Princesse  .Madame  Marie 
Royne  d'Escosse.  fParlsl,  1572. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Millard,  .Wiv.,  Sk.  (1.".<;) 

Mor..  Whitchurch.  Doc,  '94.  (409>  t:i 

Mor..  g.e..  Young.  Dec.  "96.  (558)  £3 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Soth..  Feb.  28.  1900.  (1120) 

BELLEW  (H.).  OictJonary  and  Gram- 
mar of  the  Pukkhto  or  Pukshto  Lan- 
guage,    l^nd.,  1867.    2  vols.,  4to. 

CI..   Heinz.  June.   '90.      (id9)    £1  Ks. 




BELLE  WE     (R.)-     Les    Ans    du    Roy 

Richard     le     Second.     I>ond.,     1585. 
CI..  Putt.,  May  4,  '87.  (597>    £1 18s. 

BELLEY  (BISHOP  OF),  True  Trag- 
ical History  of  two  Illustrious  Italian 
Families  couched  under  the  namea 
of  AlcImuB  and  Vannoza.  Loud-, 
1677.    8vo. 

Sheep,  Soth.,  May  18,  '03.     (37)  £3. 

BELLIANIS.     See   Betianis. 

BELLIN  (S).  Petit  Atlas  Maritime. 
[Paris],  17C4.     5  vols.,  4to. 

Cf.  (broken),  Henkels.  Jan.  18,  '01. 
(329)  $22,50. 

French  mor.,  with  arms  of  Louts  XTV 
(presentation  copy),  Soth.,  Nov.  24, 
'02,     (426)  £45. 

BELNOS  (S.  C).  The  Sund'hya,  or 
Daily  Prayers  of  the  Brahmins. 
I-ond.,  1851.    24  colored  plates.    Fol. 

Hf.  mor.,  Soth..  Feb.  G.  1900.  (512) 
£2  4s. 

BELOE  (W.).  Anecdotes  of  Literature 
and  Scarce  Books.  Lond..  1807-12. 
6  vols.,  8vo. 

Cf.,  Hailstone.  Feb.,  *9L     (98)    £1  2s. 

Cf.  ex.,  unc,  Luard,  Nov.,  '91.  (78) 
£3  14s. 

Cf.,  Price.  June.  '95.     (44)    £1  Is. 

Rus.,  g.e.,  Bangs,  Oct.  21,  '95.    (115)  $6. 

Cf.,  Ashbuniham,  June.  '97.  (3G1)  £1 

Ct,  Burnett,  Nor.,  '97.    (51)  16.75. 

HI.  mor.,  unc,  Hayes.  Apr.,  '98.  (SS) 

Cf.,  m.e..  Twopenny.  May,  '02.  (73) 
£2  8s. 

BELON  (PIERRE).  L'HIstoire  Nat- 
urelle  des  Oyseaux.  Paris,  1555.  PoL 

Cf.,  Morris,  Dec..  '98.    (1591    £2  23. 

Mor.  (De  Thou  copy),  Soth.,  May  25, 
1900.    (10G>    £8  5a. 

Nature  et  DIveraite  des  Pols- 
sons.     Paris.   1555.     Svo. 

Vel.,  Soth.,  Dec.  IT.  19ft0.    (76)    £2  10s. 

Portraits     d'Oyseaux,     Serpens, 

Herbes,  Hommes  et  Femmes  d'Ara- 
bte  et  Egyple.    Paris.  1557.    4to. 

Vel.,  Soth,,  July  17.  '01.    (83t    £14  lOs. 

BELTRAMI  (J.  C).  Le  Mexique. 
Paris,  1830.     2  vols.,  8vo. 

Hf.  mor..  g.e..  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.  (225) 

Pilgrimage  in  Europe  and  Ameri- 
ca.    Ijond.,   1828.     2   vols.,   Svo. 

Beltrami    (J.  C,"}— Continued. 

Bds..  unc,  Brlnley,  Apr.,  '81.  (4453) 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  {slightly  foxed),  Haw- 
kins, Mar.,  '87.     (91)  «&. 

Bds.,  unc,  Alexander,  Mar.,  '95.  (4036) 


(Pedro)  Arte  de  el  Idioma  Maya  re- 
ducldo  a  succintas  regla.s,  y  Semi- 
lexicon  Yucateco.  Mexico.  1746. 

Cf.,  r.e.,  Brinley,  Apr.,  '81.     (5780)  |56. 

Cf.,  r.e.  (Brinley  copy),  Dorman,  Apr., 
'86.     (933)  140. 

Arte  del  Idioma  reducldo  a  &uccln> 

tas  reglas  y  Semllexicon  Yucateco. 
Merida   de   Yucatan,   1859.     Svo. 

Mor,,  Drowne.  Oct.  "03.     (497)   $10. 

BELVOIR.     Journal  of  the  Operations 

of   the   Belvotr  Fox   Hounds.    N.p., 

v.d.     4  to. 
1799  to  1S13  and  1820  to  1828,  19  vols.. 

cf.    (not    uniform),    Soth.,   Apr..    22. 

•95.     (301)    £13. 

Lays  of  the  Belvoir  Hunt.  Grant- 
ham, 1866.     Svo. 

CI.,  g.e..  Sotli..  Dec  2,  '01.  (1033) 

CI.  (with  Menioira  of  the  Belvoir 
Hounds,  1867),  Soth.,  Feb.  28.  1900. 
(79)     £6  103. 

Memoirs    of  tlie    Belvoir   Hounds. 

Grantham.  1867.     Svo. 
Soth..  Dec.  2,  '01.     (1034)    £168. 
BELZONI    (G).     Researches  and  Dia- 

coverles  in  Egjpt  and  Nubia.  Ix>nd., 

1820.     2  vols,.  4to. 
Cf,     ex.,    Aylesford,    Mar..    '88.     (116) 

RuH..  Perkins.  July.  '89.    (185)    £1  168. 
Hf.     cf.,     Thomas.     Dec.     '91.     (421) 

£1  15s. 
Cf..  m.e..  Alexander.  Mar..  '95.     (985) 


BEMBO      (P.).      De     >etna.      Venice. 

Akhis,  1495.     4to. 
Mor.   Thorold,   Dec.   '84.     (261)    £16. 
Mor.     ex.,    g.e.,    Sullivan,    May,    '90. 

(Ill)    £5. 
Mor.     ex.,    g.e.,    Crawford,    Mar.,    '91. 

(293)    £15158. 
Rus..  g.e..  Whitchurch,  Dec.  '94.  (148> 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Soth..  Julv  3,   '99.     (6)    i;8 





Bembo    (P.) — Continued. 

Rus.,    g.e.     (Breve    of    Pope    Leo   X. 

signed  by  Bembo,   Inserted),   Wills, 

July,   '94.     (183)    £22. 

Gil   AsolanL     Venice,  Aldus.  150&. 

Mor.  ex.  (with  dedication  and  errata  i. 

Cox.  Feb.,  '02.     (IC)   ?27.50. 
Mor.  ex.  (with  dedication  and  errata}, 

Bangs.  Apr.  28,  '02.     (27)    $13. 
Mor.  ex.,  Edelheim,  Mar..  190U.    (1033) 

(Without  dedicaUon).   Cox,    Feb.,   '02. 

(17)  $11. 
Historiae  Veneta.     Venice,  Aldus. 

1551.     Fol. 
Mor.,    g.e.,   Soth.,    Nov.    27.   '96.     (43) 

Mor.     ex.,    g.e.,    Bangs,    Apr.    28.    '02. 

(GO   $15. 

Letterc.     Rome,   1548.     4to. 

**0n    vellum. 
Mor.    ex.,  g.e..  (Libri  copy),  Ashburn- 
ham.  June. '97.    (370)   £42  106. 

Rime.     Rome,  154S.     4  to. 

•♦On   vellum. 
Mor..  Wodhull.  Jan..  '86.  (357)   £13  5s. 

BENAVIDES  (A.).  Memorial  que 
Fray  Juan  de  Santander  presenta  a 
Felipe  IV.     Madrid.  1C30.     4to. 

Vel.,  Both.,  Jan.  29,  '96.     (109)   £5. 

Rclatio     quam     Phlllppo     IV     per 

modum  niemorialis,  etc.  Salisburg, 
1634.     8vo. 

Plgakln,  Barlow,  Feb..  '90.     (227)   $7. 

BENDER  (B.).  Proceedings  of  a 
Court  Martial  holden  at  tjuebee  for 
the  Trial  of  Lieut.  B.  Bender,  of  the 
41st  Reg't  of  Foot,  in  July,  1816. 
Montreal.  1S17.     8vo. 

Paper,   Hart,  Apr.,  '90.     (2110)   $7.50. 

BEN  DIRE      (C).     Life      Histories     of 

North  American  Birds.  Wash..  1892. 

Colored  plates.     4 to. 
CI.,  one,  Libbie.  Jan.   23,   19im.  (114) 

Paper,  unc,  Archer,  June,  '01.     (1187) 

BENEDICT    (H.    M.).     The    Benedicts 

In    America.    Albany,    1870.     Svo. 
Paper,  Bangs.  Feb.  20,  '96.  (156)  $6.25. 
CI.,   Libbie.   May   20,   '96.     (54)    $5.50. 
CL,  Bangs,  Oct.  17.  '01.     (31)  $6.50. 


Bened ictus    Paeantius — Contitturd. 

ander).     Diaria   de   Cello   Carolino. 

[Venice,  Aldus.  1496.]     4to. 
Mor.  ex.  (last  2  pages  repaired,  a  few 

words  mlsstng),  Bangs,  .A-pr.  28,  '02. 

(19)  $27. 
Mor..  Wodhull,  an..  '80.   (357)    £13  5s. 


De    Vita    et    Ge-sti.?    Hi-nrlci    11.    el. 

Ricardi  1.    Oxford.  1735.     .-;vo. 
♦•Large  paper. 
Cf.,  Luard,  Nov.,  '91.    {Bi^ii    £1  128, 
Mor.,    Toovey.    Feb.,    '94.     (125C)     £1 


BENESE  (SIR  R.  DE).  Book  of  Meas- 
uring of  Land  as  well  as  of  Wood- 
land.   iJ^nd..  T.  Colwell.  n.d.    Svo. 

.Mor..  Putt.,  Jan.  30.  '89.     (525)    £3  5s. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Hutt.,  May.  "89.  (l(iT>  £2 

This  Boi<e  sheweth  the  manner  of 

measuring  of  all  maner  of  J^ande, 
etc.  Southwark,  J.  Nicholson,  n.d. 

MarKhall.   June.    'M.      (5C)    £ll]s. 

BENE2ET  (ANTHONY).  Observa- 
tions on  the  Inslaving.  Importing, 
and  Purchasing  of  Negroes.  Ger- 
mantown,  Sauer,  1760.    Svo. 

Baker.  Feb.,  '91.     (240)  $22. 

Cf..  g.e.,  Henkela,  Oct.  21,  '96.  (39) 

Potent    Enemies    of   America    laid 

Open.    Phila.    [1774].    Svo. 
(Title  defective >,   Williams,   May.  '93. 

(057)    £1  Is. 

Considerations  on  Several  Impor- 
tant   Subjects.     Phila..    177.S.  12mo. 

Brinley.    Mar.,    '80.      (3492)    $5.50. 

Observations  on  the  Situation,  Dis- 
position and  Character  of  the  Indian 
Natives  of  this  Continent.  Phila.. 
1784.    ICrao. 

Hf.  cf..  Henkels.  Oct.  21,  '9G.     (81)  $5. 

in  Hebrew,  with  English  Transla- 
tion by  A.  Asher.  Berlin,  1S40-41.  2 
vols.,  8vo. 

Mor.  ex.,  m.e..  Turner,  June,  '88.  (336) 

Unc,  RiKge.  .7an..  '92.     (1221)    £1108, 

Hf.  cf..  Stibbs,  Oct..  '92.    (1311)    £  1  9s. 

Unc.  Cock,  July,  '98.     (29)    £2  Gs. 

BENLOWES  (EDWARD).  Theophlla. 
Lond.,  1652.     Fol. 




Bertlowes    ( Edward) — Vftntinued. 

Mor,  ex.  (Holland  copy,  with  21  en- 
gravings), Russell,  June,  '85.  (103) 
£26  103. 

Cf.  (presentation  copj-  to  the  Earl  of 
Westmorland,  with  24  «?ngravlng9), 
Soth.,  July  13,  'R7.      (271)    £12  15s. 

Mot.,  g.e.  (with  25  engravings,  includ- 
ing 4  plates  of  the  Seasons  by  Hol- 
lar), GaiBford,  Apr..  '90.     (168)  £14. 

Rus.  ex.,  g.e.  (presentation  copy, 
with  16  engravings  anri  4  additional 
plates),  Crawford,  Mar..  '91.  (2D7t 
£8  12s. 

Mor.  ex.  (with  14  engravings),  Soth., 
June  27,  '92.     <69)    £11  1 5s. 

Bds.  (with  13  engravings),  Foote,  Jan., 
•95.     (C)  135. 

Cf.  (with  18  engravings),  Bunbury, 
July.  '96.    (224)    £21  Ids. 

Cf..  g.e.  (with  IC  engravings).  Bangs, 
Jan.  4,  1900.     (42)  %8. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (with  18  engravings,  a  few 
inlaid  and  mounted).  McKee.  Dec.. 
'01.    (2753)  $50. 

BENNET  (JOHN).    Madrigalls  to  Four 

Voices.    lA>nd.,  1599,    4  to. 
Vel.,  Grant,  May,  1900.     (241)  £9. 
Vel.,  Putt.,  July  5,  '01.     (75)  £5. 
Vel.,  Ellis,  Oct.,  '02,     (17G3)£6. 

BENNETT  (CHARLES).  Sorrowful 
Ending  of  Noodledoo.  ijond..  18G5- 
16  colored  plates.     4to. 

Cf.,  g.t.,  unc.  (oris,  covers  bound  in), 
Cannichaei,  Mar..  '03.    (53j    €2  2s. 


and  Writings.     N.  Y.,  1844.    8vo. 
CI.,  Daly,  Mar..  1900.     (252)  $7. 

BENSON    (EGBERT).    Vindication    cf 

the  Captors  of  Major  Andr6.    N.  Y.. 

1S17.    12mo. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Morreli,  Nov.,  '66.    (44) 

Mor.  ex.,  Field,  May,  '75.    (2443)  |18. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc.     (portrait     inserted), 

Menzles.  Nov..  '76.     (152t  $12.50. 
Unc.  Brinley,  Mar.,  'SO.     (3945)  $6. 
Hf.  mor..  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.    (83)  $8.50. 
Bds.,  unc,  Libbie,  Nov.  6,  '95.   (58>  $14. 
Hf.  mor.    (presentation  copy),   Bangs, 

Mar.  9.  '01.     (418)  $G. 
Bds.,  unc,  Anderson,  Oct  28.  '02.    (15) 


Vindication  of  the  Captors  of  Ma- 
jor Andrfi.    N.  Y..  1S65. 
•* Large  paper. 

Benson    (Egbert) — Continued. 
Hf.   mor.,    unc,    (10   extra   plates   In- 
serted),   Clogston,    Nov..    '99.      (53) 

Bds.,  unc.  Cox.  Feb.,  '02.    (99)  $G.50. 
BENTALOU    (PAUL).    Count   Pulaski 

Vindicated     from     an     Unsupported 

Charge  in  Judge  Johnson's  Life  of 

General  N.  Greene.    Baltimore,  1824. 

Hf.  bd..  Brinley,  Mar,.  '80.     (4114)  $5. 
BENTHAM  (GEORGE).    Handbook  of 

the  BriUsh  Flora.     Lrond.,  1806,     2 

vols.,  8ro. 
Ci.,  Pntt.,  May  29.  '89.    (28)    £18s. 
CI,  Putt..  May  22.  '95.     (17)    £2  IGs. 
CI.,  Boyce,  July,  '97.     (18)  £2. 
CI.,  Hodgson.  Oct.  10.  '99    (92)    £2  28. 
CI..  Soth.,  Dec.  IS.  '99.    (1CS>    £1  13s. 
CI.,  Barber,  Apr.,  1900,    (17>   £2  108. 
CI.,  Young.  Oct..  '01.    t51)    £1  12s. 
BENTHAM  (G.)  and  HOOKER  ( 

Genera   Plantarum.     lx>nd.,    1SC2-83. 

3  vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.  bd.,  Hance.  Aug..  '87.     (1404)    £4 

Marshall,  Jan.,  '91.    (49)   £5  58. 
Mor,   m.e.,   Rudkin,   Bangs,    May.    '95. 

(7)    $17.25. 
CI.    (with   A.L's  S.   of  the  authors  tn 

serLed),  Henkels.  Dec  10,  '95.    (144) 

Hornby,  Jan.,  '02.    (155)    £5  15s, 
BENTHAM  (G.)  and  MUELLER  (P.). 

Flora   Australiensls.    Ixmd.,   1SG3-7K, 

7  vols.,  8vo- 
Cl.,  Hance.  Aug..  '87.     (1440)  £4. 
CI.,  Putt..  May  22.  '95.    (19)    £5  5s. 
CI..  Bunbury.  July.  '9f;.     (43)    £4  10s. 
CI..  Rider.  Jan..  '02.    (77)   £4  17s.Gd. 
BENTHAM     (J.).      History    and    An- 

tiquitles  of  the  Cathedral  Church  of 

Ely.      Carab..    1771.      With    Supple- 
ment, Norwich,  1817.    2  vols..  4to. 
Mor.    ex..    g.e.,    Aylesford,    Mar.,    '88. 

(117)    £4  10s. 
Rus.  ex..  Hill.,  Dec.  '92.    (lOS)    £1  4s. 
History     and     Antiquities     of    the 

Cathedral     Church    of    Ely.     Lend.. 

1812.     With    Supplement,    Norwich, 

1817.     2  vols..  4to. 
Mor.    ex..    unc,    Brabourne,    May,    '91. 

t29)    £3  12s. 
Cf.,   Cartwright,  Mar.,   '92.     (546)    £1 

Hf.  rus.,  Thornton,  June,  '94.     (1538) 





Bentham    (J.) — Conthittrtl. 

Rus.  ex..  g.e..  Soth..  Dec.  1,  '90.     (514) 

£1  12s. 

••Large  paper. 
Rus.,  g.e..   Sotb.,   May  30,   '02.      (221) 

£2  IDs. 

BENTHAM  (JEREMY).  Works.  Edit- 
ed by  J.  Bowring.  Edlnb.,  1843.  11 
vols.,  8vo. 

Vel..  Rose,  June.  '91.     (112)    £14 10a. 

Cr.,  m.e.,  Hope,  Apr..  '96.  (G9)  £11 

Hf.  cf.,  m.e..  Wireman,  Nov..  '97.  (41) 

Hf.  rus.,  m.e.,  Stanion,  Jan.,  '98.  (156) 

CL,  Bangs.  Feb.  9,  '98.     t27)  |33. 

Hf-  rus..  m.e.,  Soth.,  Mar.  7.  '98.  (105) 

CL,  tmc,  Soth.,  Mar.  18,  '98.  (569) 
£S  78,  6(1. 

CI-,  Henkels,  Jan.  30.  '99.     (21)  |22. 

CI.,  unc.  Bangs.  June  14,  1900.  (140) 

Cf..  Bathurst.  July.  1900.  (171)  £8  7b. 

BENTLEV  (HENRY).  Cricket 
Matches  Played  by  the  Mary-le-bone 
Club  and  other  Matches,  from  1787- 
1822.    Lond.,  1823.    8vo. 

Bds.,  unc,  Soth..  Apr.  4.  '98.  (IG)  £2 

Cf.  ex.,  unc,  Blyrh.  Mar.,  "01.  (94) 

BENTLEY  (RICHARD).  Works.  Efllt- 
ed  by  Alexander  Dyce.  Ijand.,  183S. 
3  vols.,  8vo. 

♦♦Large  paper. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Ashburton.  Nov.,  19o(i. 
(83)    £2  188. 

BENTLEY  (R.)  and  TRIMEN  (H.). 
Medicinal  Plants.  Lond.,  1880.  Col- 
ored plates.    8vo. 

Rus..  Putt..  Feb.  15,  '99.  (50)  £tfl2H 

Hf.  mor.  g.e..  Soth..  May  8,  '99.  (88) 
£7  5s. 

Hf.  mor..  r.e.,  Lincoln,  Oct.,  '01.  (76) 

Hf.  mor..  unc.  Cressy.  Oct..  '03.  (57 1 

Hf.  mor..  SchafTer.  May.  '04.    (36)  $18. 

BENTLEY  (THOMAS).  The  Monu- 
ment of  Matrons.  Lond.,  15&2.  3 
vols..  4  to. 

Rus.  (sold  as  perfect).  Ashbumham, 
June.  '97.    (379)    £18  5s. 

Bentloy    (Thomas) — Continued. 

Rus.  (the  preceding  copy  resold,  with 

Imperfection,    lacking     pp.    155-156, 

noted),  Ashbumham,  Dec,  '98.    (12) 

Rus..  y.e.  (2  vols.  In  1),  Soth.,  May  8, 

'99.     (249)    £6. 
Rus..  Soth.,  May  18,  '03.  (109)    £11. 
Rus..  ex.  (the  first  three  "Lamps"  only, 

some  leaves  cut  into),  Libbie.  Dec. 

5,  '01.    (84)  IC.25. 

BE  NT  LEY'S      MISCELLANY.     Lond., 

1837-68.     Plates  by  Crulkshank  and 

Leech.    64  vols..  8vo. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Carter,  Jan.,  '88.     (184) 

Hf.  cf.,  and  parts.  Leycester.  Nov.,  "88. 

(819)    £11. 
Hf.    mor..    Soth..    Mar.    17,    '99.     (85) 

Parts.    Wright,   June.    '29.     (24)     £9. 
Hf.  cf..  Soth.,  July  11,  '99.     (860)   £20. 
Hf.     cf..     Dayton,     Mar.,     '02.     (109) 

Hf.  cf..  g.e.,  Bangs,  Mar.  16.  '03.     (89) 

Hf.  cf.  (Vols.  1-23),  Putt.,  Oct.  21,  '01. 

(719)    £4  7s.6d. 
CI.  (Vols.  1-20),  Hodgson,  Feb.  27,  '01. 

(Ill)    £7  28.  6d. 
Hf.  cf.    (Vols.   1-16),  Bangs,  Nov.   18. 

'01.     (81)  $18. 
Hf.    cf.    (Vols.    1-12),    June    14.    1900. 

(147)    $13.20. 
HI.  cf.  (Vols.  1-12).  Putt.,  Nov.  15.  '99. 

(420)    £18s. 

BENTOiy     (T.     H.),     Abridgement    of 

the  Debates  of  Congress.   17Si)-1856. 

N.  Y.,  1857-61.     16  vols..  Kvo. 
Sheep.  Cooke,  Dec,  '83.   (217*1     $28.80. 
Sheep,  Lindsey,  Mar.,  '95.     (39)  $18. 
CI.,  Llbble.  May  7.  '95.    (1493)   $16.80. 
Hf.  mor,.  Bangs,  May  11.  '98.   (98)  $24. 
Sheep,  Llbble,  May  9,  '99.  (12S)  |]2. 
Hf.  mor.,  Anderson,  Feb.  6,  1900.  (44) 

CL,   Field.   May.   1900.     (205)    $8. 
Hf.    cf.,     I.,lbbie,    Jan.     21.     '02.     (88) 


^Thirty  Years'  View,     N.  T..  1854. 

2  vols..  8vo. 
Hf.   mor.,   unc,   Bangs,    Sept.    20.    '99 

(5G6)  $6. 

BENVENUTO.    The    Passenger,    Eng- 

Ush  and  Italian.     Lond.,  1C12.  4to. 
Vel.,  Papworth,  May,  '92.    (298)   £198 
Vel..  Soth..  Mar.  16.  '03.     (131)    £10. 




BENZONI    (G.).     HIstoria    del    Mondo 

Nuovo>     Venice,  1&C5.     8vo. 
Vel.,  Brinley.  Mar.,   '79.     (10)    |20. 
Vei.  (Andrade  copy),  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90. 

(23G)  116. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Chittenden,  Jan.,  '94.     (92) 

Mor.,    g.e.,    Putt.,    Mar.    28,    '01.     (12) 

£2  10s. 

HIstoria  del  Monda  Nuovo.  Ven- 
ice, 1572,    8vo. 

Hf.  vel.,  Cooke,  Dec.,  '83.     (219)   $15, 

Cf.,  g.e.,  Cooke.  Dec,  '83.   (220)  |15.50. 

Vel.,  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.  (2838 •)  tlO.BO. 

Vel.,  Vaughan,  Dec.  '91.    (79C)   £4  163. 

Vel.,  Simon,  Dec.  '93.     (9)    £2. 

Novae       Novl       Orbis       Historiae. 

[Geneva],  1678.    Svo, 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Cooke.  Dec.  'S3.     (222)  $11. 

Mor..  g.e,,  Soth.,  Jan.  29,  '9G.     (8)    £2. 

Mor.,  Bangs.  Mar.  25.  '9C.     (85)   |5. 

Vel.,  Deane,  Mar.,  *98.     (248)  $5.50. 

Vel.,  Soth..  Apr.  12.  '99.    (83)   £1 145. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Bangs,  May  5,  '99.  (34) 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Henkels,  Jan.  18,  '01.  (431 

Hl&toria         Indise        OccldentaUs. 

[Geneva],  1580.     8vo. 
Mor..    g.e.,    Cooke,    Dec,    '83.     (218) 

Histoire     Nouvelle     du     Nouveau 

Monde.     [Geneva],  1579.   12mo. 
Cf..  m.e.,  Cooke,  Dec,  '83.     (221)  $15. 
Cf.    <lhe  Second   Part  only,  with  title 

Brief     Dlscours     et     Histoire     d'un 

voyage  de  quelques  Francois  en  la 

Florlde.)     Barlow,    Feb..    '90.     (507) 

BEOWULF.         Anglo-Saxon       Poems. 

Edited    by   J.    M.    Kemble.     Loud., 

1835-37.    2  vols.,  8vo. 
Unc,   Thompson,   May.   '87.     (2C)    £1 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Sullivan.  May.  '90.    (704) 

£2  8s. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc.  Bunbury,  Dec,  '94.     (68) 

Cholmondeley.  .4pr..  'H7.     (8)    i:i2B. 
Hf.  mor.,  m.e.,  Ashburnham,  June,  '97. 

The  Tale  of  Beowulf,  don©  out  of 

the  old  English  toniuie  by  William 

Morris  and  A.  J.  Wyutt.    Keimacott 

Press,  1S9B.     Fol. 
Vel..  Bierstadt.  Apr.,  '97.    (15G8)  $15. 
Vel..  Soth.,  Apr.  24.  '99.     (1204)  £6. 

Be 0 w u I f — Co n(  in  lied. 

Vel.,    Soth..    Feb.   28,    1900.     (921)    £6 

2s.  Cd. 
Vel.,  Soth.,  May  21,  1900   (979)   £5  10s. 
Vel.,  Bangs,  Nov.  2G,  1900.     (459)  $40. 
Vel.,  French.  Apr.,  '01,     (917)  |50. 
VeL,  Soth.,  May  0.  '01.    (1001)    £4  58. 
Vel..    SoLh..    May    6,    '01.      (1013)     £3 

17s.  6d. 
Vel.,  Arnold,  May,  '01.     (231)  $50. 
Vel.,  Ellis,  Nov.,  '01.    (77)    £3  17s.  6d. 

BERCH0RIU8       (PETRU8).         Liber 

Bibiiae  Moralis.  Strasburg.  1474.  FoL 
Oak  bds..  covered  with  leather.  Wlitie, 
Apr.,  '02.    (134)  £11. 

6ERENS  (E.).  Christmas  Stories.  Ox- 
ford, 1823.  3  plates  by  Cruikghank. 

Bds.,  unc.  Wiper.  Jan.,  '91.     (1405)  £2. 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Bruton.  June.  '97.  (42) 

BERESFORD  (J.).  Miseries  of  Human 

Life.    Lond.,     1807.    Colored    plates 

by  Rowlandson.     2  vols..  8vo. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Turner,  Nov.,  '88.  (335) 

£  2  8.S. 
Cf.  ex..  g.e.,  Mackenzie,  Mar.,  '89.  (130) 

£2  128. 
Hf.  bd.,   Pult..  Jan.   28.  '9!.   (112)    £1 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Holborn,  Jan..  "93.  (47) 

Hf.  bd..  Ashburnham,  June,  "97.  (382) 

£2  148. 
Cf.  ex..  g.e..  White,  Apr.,  '02.       (135) 

£2  18s. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  June  20.  '02.     (25)    £2. 

Miseries   of   Human    Life.     Lond.. 

181)8.     60  colored  plates  by  Rowland- 
son.     410. 
(47   plates  only),   Stewart,   Mar..   *88. 

(C15)    £9  58. 
Orig.  bdg..  Christie,  Mar.  28.  '88.  (694) 

(49    plates    only).    Simon,    Dec.    '93. 

(713)    £617s,  6d. 
Hf.   bd.,   paper   label,   Soth.,   July    29, 

•98.     (224)    £13  15s. 
Hf.  of.,  paper  label,  Wright,  June,  '99. 

(699)    £9  15s. 
Hf.  bd..  Fraser,  Apr..  '01.  (1449)    £20. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Oxford,  Mar.  '02.  (166) 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Putt,  July   30,   '02.     (148) 


Miseries   of    Human    Life.     Lond., 




Beresford  <J.) — Vontinued. 
n.d.     36  colored  plates  by  Rowland- 
son.    4  to. 

Hf.  bd..  PuH.,  Dw.  II.  "99.  (3fi9)  £3 

BERGAMO   (P.  FR.  O[EG0>.     Arte  de 

la      Lengiia      Panipanga.      [Manila], 
La   Compania   de   Jesus,   por   D.    G. 
Lopes  Sablno.  1729.     4to. 
Vel.  Sotli..  Apr.  12.  '99.    (84)   £3  58. 

BERGEN    (T.    G.).  The    Bergen    Fam- 
ily.    Albany.  1S7C.     8vo. 
CI..  Brevoort,  Feb.,  '90.     (97)  $5.25. 
CL.  Dawson.  May.  '90.     (489)  $7.50. 
CL.  Bangs,  Oct.  3,  '92.     (432)  $9.25. 
CK.  Bangs.  May  14.  1900.     (359)  $5.25. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Oct.  17,  '01.     (33)  |6.50. 
CI.,  Whitmore,  Nov.,  '02.     (81)  |19.25. 

BERGERAC  (CYRANO).  Comical  His- 
tory of  the  Stales  and  Empires  of 
the  Worlds.     Load.,  1GS7.    Svo. 

Cf.,  Bangs.  Nov.  10,  '9S.     (113)  |8. 

BERGOMENSIS   (J.  P.).     De  Plurimis 

Claris    Scelelisque    Miillerlbus.  Fer- 

rara,  1497.     Fol. 
Mor..  g.e.  (seal  of  CaroH  de  Ashburn- 

ham  on  sides),  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91. 

(306)    £20  10a. 
Hf.  of..  Ashburnham,  June,  '97.     (384) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (I  leaf  defective).  Soth., 

July  3.  '99.     (46)   £41. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.    (Crawford  copy).  Pult., 

Mar.  2S.  '01.     (103)    £26. 
Vel.    (margins  cut  close),   Soth.,  July 

17,  '01.     (381)    £39. 
Mor..  g.e.  (lower  margin  of  some  leaves 

cut  close   and   page   numbers  on   2 

leaves  cut  Into),  Soth.,  July  29,  '01. 

(612)    £28108. 
Mor.   ex.,   g.e.    (title   mended).   Soth., 

Dec.  2,  '01.     (174)    £28. 
Mor.    ex.,   g.e-    (a   few    worm    holes), 

Cholmley.  Nov.,  '02.     (225)    £45. 
Modern  oak  bds.,   Soth..   Mar.  30.   '03. 

nti)    £35. 
Supplementum  Chronicarum.  Ven- 
ice. 14S3.    Fol. 
H(.  bd.  (1  leaf  defective),  3oth.,  Nov. 

25.  'OL     (380)   £2  58. 
Chronica   de  tutto  el    Mondo    Vul- 

gare.     Venice,  1491.     Fol. 
Wooden  bds..  leather  back.  Soth.,  July 

17,  '01.     (SSfJ)   £15. 
—— Supplementum  Chronicarum.  Ven- 
ice. 1492.     Fol. 

Bergomensis    (J.   P.) — CfHttinued. 

Old    cf.     (rubbed),    Moore,    Feb.    '94. 

(121)   110. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Nov.  20,  '99.  (551) 

£717s.  6d- 

Novisslme     hystoriarum    omnium 

repercussiones.  que  Supplementum 
Supplement!  cronicarum.  Venice, 
1503.     Fol. 

Hf.  mor..  g.t.,  Murphy.  Mar.,  '84.  (226) 

Cf.  (binding  damaged,  some  leaves 
loose,  a  few  wormed:  woodcuts  col- 
ored by  hand).  Dorraan.  Apr..  '8r>. 
(104)  119. 

Vel.,  Bartow,  Feb.,  '90.     (238)  $17. 

Vel.,  Soth.,  June  20,  '02.     (27)   £5. 

Modern  pigskin,  Soth.,  Oct.  20,  '02. 
(335)    £6  2s.  Cd. 

Novisslme   Historiarum.       Venice, 

Hogaktn,     Barlow,    Feb.,     '90.       (239) 

Hogakin,    IJbbie.   Mar.   27.   "95.     (957) 


Supplementum   Supplement!   de  la 

Clhroniche.     Venice.  1524.      Fol. 

Vel..  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.     (240)  $6. 

——Supplementum  Chronicarum.  Paris, 
1535.     Fol- 

Cf.  (Duke  of  Sussex's  copy).  Barlow, 
Feb.,  '90.     (241)  $5.50. 

BERGOMENSIS  (P.).  Super  Omnra 
Opera  D.  Thonue  .Vtpiinaiis  Tabula. 
Bologna.  B.  Ar.oguJdo,   1473.     Fol. 

Old  mor.,  g.e.,  Tliorold.  Dec.  *84. 
(1504).    £4. 

Old  mor.,  g.e.  (Thorold  copy).  Libbie, 
June  19,  1900.    (n«:i)  $31. 

BERKELEY  (GEORGE).  Proposal  for 
the  Better  Supplying  of  Churches  In 
our  Foreign  Plantations.  l^ond., 
1725.     Svo. 

Cf.,  Murphy,  Mar..  'S4.     (231)  $8. 

Sermon  Preached  before  the  So- 
ciety for  the  Propagation  of  the 
Gospel  In  Foreign  Parts.  Lond., 
1732.     4lo. 

Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Murphy.  Mar.,  '84.  (230) 

Works.     EdKed   by   A.   C.  Fraser. 

Oxford.  1871.     4  vols.,  Svo. 

Cf.,  StewarU  Apr..  '88.     (60)   £2  10s. 

Stibbs,  Oct.,  '92.     (1632)    £1  ISs. 

CL,  Putt.,  June  5,  "93.     (17)    £1  Is. 

CI.,  Smith.  Nov.,  '94.     (223)    £188. 




Berkeley   (G«orgc) — Continued. 

Ci.,   Putt.  Dec.  7,  m.     (422)    f  1  10s. 

Cf.,  m.e..  Cock,  July,  '9S.     (32)   £2. 

Hall  Sportsman  iu  the  Western 
Prairies.     Loud.,    1SC4.     Svo. 

Cf.  ex.,  line,  Blyth,  Mar,  '01.  (32) 

< My  Life  and  Recollections.     Land., 

18G5.    4  vols..  Svo. 
Hf.  cf..  Putt.,  OcL  12,  '87.    (384)  £1  28. 
CI.,  Kenyon.  Mar.,  '90.     (80)    £lls. 
Hf.  mor.,  Price,  June.  '95.     (46>   £1. 
Hf.  mor..  Bangs.  Feb.  3.  '98.    (IC)  $7. 
Hf.   cf.,   unc.   Blyth,   Mar.,   '01.      (33) 


Reminiscences    of    a     Huntsman. 

I^nd.,  1854.    Plates  by  Leech.  Lond.. 

18&4.    Svo. 
CL,  Toovey.  Mar,  '94.     (67)    £1  18s. 
Hf.  mor.,  Alexander,  Mar.,  "95.     (1981) 

Hf.  pigskin,   unc.    (orig.  cover  bound 

In).  Clarke,  Dec.,  '95.     (240)    £3. 
Cf..  Bateman.  June,  "96.     (138)   £1. 
Cf..  Snalth,  July.  'f)7.     (228)    £1  15s. 
CL,  unc,  Clarke.  Mar., '99.   (28)   £3  5s. 
CL,  Anderson,  Oct.  1900.     (527)    £3. 
CL,    unc.    Putt..    July    30,    '02.      (36) 

£2  10s. 
Cf.  ex.,  unc.  Soth..  May  18,  *03.     (38) 

£2  1(3s. 

BERKELEY     (SIR    WILLIAM).      The 

Lost  Lady.     Ix)nd..  1639.    Fol. 
Cf..  Bunbury,  July.  "96.  (225)    £7158. 
Cf.,  g.e..  Lefferts,  Apr..  '02.     (f.7)  |30. 
Mor.    ex..   g.e.,   CbrlsUe.  June   18.   '02. 

(22G>    £13. 
Mor..  Sotb,,  Dec.  4,  '02,     (259)    £20. 

ABsembly-Man,  written  In  the  Year 
1647.     Lend.,  1GG2.     4to. 

Hf.  bd..  Sotli.,  June  3.  '02.   (213)    £10. 

BERKSHIRE  (EARL  OF).  See  Guiana. 

BERKSHIRE  CO,  History  of  Berk- 
shire Co.,  Mass.  Plttsfleld,  1829. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Blanchard,  May,  '98. 
(129)  $5. 

Hf.  roan,  Manson.  Feb..  '99.  (351)  $7.50. 

Sheep.  Morris.  Apr.,  '99.     (120)   $5.50. 

Hf.  mor.  unc,  Clogston.  Nov.,  '99. 
(128)  16. 

Bd.,  unc.  Libbie.  Dec.  5,  '01.     (86)  |5. 

BERLINGHIERI       (F.).       Geographia. 

Berlinghieri    (F.) — Vnntinued. 

[Florence,    Nicolo    Todescho,    about 

1480.]    Fol. 
Cf.  (some  leaves  stained,  several  maps 

mended),     Sunderland.     Dec,     '81. 

(1232)   £21. 
Mor.  ex.,  Tliorold,  Dec,  'S4.  (267)   £40. 
Mor.  ex..  Ellis,  Nov.,  '85.     (534)  £31. 
Vel.,     Crawford.     June,     '87.        (293) 

£25  10s, 

BERMUDA.     Acts  of  Assembly,  from 

1690  to  1713-14.     I^nd.,  1719.     FoL 

Cf..  Henkels.  Dec.  13,  '98.     (117  a)  $9. 

Declaration    of    the     Right     Hon. 

Robert,   Ekirle  of  Warwick.     liond., 

Brinley,  Apr.,  '93.  (8863)  $10. 

Plain     Description     of     the     Ber 

mudas.    Lond.,  1613.     Svo. 
Griswold,  Mar.,  '76.     (630)  $105. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Ivea,  Mar.,  '91.  (65)  $135. 
Auchinleck,  June,  '93.     (119)    £19. 
Cf.     (with     Jobson's     Golden     Trade, 

1623),  Martin,  Mar.,  '88.     (138)   £25. 

Orders     and     Constitutions.      SfH> 


BERNARD        (DAVID).        Light        on 

Masonry.    Utica,  1829,    Svo. 

Brinley,  Apr..  '81,     (6707)   $6, 

BERNARD  (FRANCIS).  Letters  to 
the  Earl  of  Hillsborough,  from  Gov- 
ernor Bernard,  General  Gage,  and 
the  Council  for  Massachusetts-Bay. 
Boat.,  Edes  and  Gill,  1769.     Fol. 

Unc.  Brinley,  Mar..  '79,     (1517)  $6. 

Letters  to  the  Earl  of  Hiilsborough 

on  the  Present  Situation  of  Affairs 
in  America.     Boat..  17C9.     Svo. 

Hf.  mor.,  Moore.  May,  '93.     (1087)  $6. 

■ Select   Letters  on  the  Trade  and 

Government  of  America,  etc.,  writ- 
ten at  Boston  1763-68.  Ix>nd.,  1774. 

Unc.    Putt.,    Dec.    '99,     (103)    £1118. 

A      Message      to      the      IS4inisink 

Indians.     [Phlla.,  1758.]     Fol. 
Hf.  bd,.  Brinley.  Apr..  '81.     (5494)  $23. 
BERNARD   (i.).  Oratio   Pia.   Religiosa 

et  Solatrl  Plena,  de  vera  animi  iran- 

quilltate.     I.ond..  1568.     4to. 
Cf..     g.e.    (Queen     Elizabeth's     copy). 

Soth.,  Dec.  17.  '"^9..     f574)    £10. 
BERNARD    (K.>.     Whole    Proceedings 

of  the   Siege  of  Drogheda.     Dublin. 

1736.     4to. 




Bernard    {K.)—t'tnitinued. 
Cf.,    r.e.,   Twopenny,   May,    '02.     (237) 
£2  68. 

BERNARD     (R.).     The    Isle    of    Man. 

Bost..  J.  Franklin.  1719.     ISmo- 
Mor..   r.e..  Brinley,   Nov..    "SG.      (7451) 

Sheep.  Llbbie,  Mar.  27.  '95.     (1268)  $6. 

BERNARO(SAINT).    Epistolae-    [Stras- 

burg.  Eggestein,  about  1468,]   (Haln, 

2870.)     Fol. 
Oak  bda.,  leather  back,  Sotli..  Apr.  12, 

'99.     (87)    £4  58. 
Notable  Leaaon,  otherwyse  called 

the    Golden    Pystle.      Trans,    by    R. 

Whitford.    Lond.,  1531.    IGmo. 
Mor.,  Corser,  Mar.,  '69.     (98)    £8  15h. 

Inctpit  Speculum  btl  Bernhardi  ab- 

baUs  de  honestate  Vito.  8  11.  [Also] 
Inciplunt  Aiirea  Verba  Sancti  Aegidii 
Ordinls  fratruni  minorum,  24  11. 
[Mainz,  Schoeffer,  n.d.]  (Haln. 
2901  and  105.) 

Cf..  g.e.  (in  1  vol.),  Inglia,  June.  1900. 
(86)    £G6s. 

Sermones.  Matnz.  Schoeffer,  1475. 


Pigskin,  Strong,  Mar..   '91.     (857 1    £5 


Cf..  Soth..  Mar,  19.  (82)    £7108. 
Plgakln,   Morris,  Dec..   '98.     (165t    £6 


Sermones.     Rostock,  1481.     Fol.    (with    IJber    Lumen    Anlmje 

dlctus    cum     septeni    apparltoribus, 

1482).     Soth..     Apr.     12,     '99.     (88) 

£15  5s. 

Sermones.    Venice,  1495.    4to. 

Bds..  covered  with  leather.  Soth.,  July 

17.  *01.     (95)    £5  18s. 
SermonI  sopra  la  Cantica  dl  Salo- 

mone.    Milan,  1494.    Fol. 
Vel..   Soth.,  July    17.   '01.      (9G>    £5  7.s. 

Sermones   Bernard*   In   Duytsache. 

Zwolle.  1-195.    (Haki.  2854.)    FoL 
Hf.  cf.   (title  and  last  leaf  mounted). 

Ellis.  Oct..  '02.    (306)    £10  10s. 
S«rmonl  Vutgarl,  ridocti  in  lingua 

Toscana.     Florence,  1495.     4to. 
Vel..    Soth..   July    17.    '01.      (97)      £11 

2 P.  fid. 
Sermon!    Vofgari,    sopra    le    solen- 

nitade  dl  tut  to  lanno.     Venice.  1528. 


Bernard    (Saint) — Contiiimtl. 
Hf.  vel.  (title  mended).  Soth..  Apr.  12, 
'99.     (89)    £3  10s. 

BERNARD  (SALOMON).  Recueil  de 
M^res  sur  Bols.  G2  woodcuts, 
each  on  separate  leaf.  Lyons,  Jan 
de  Tournes,  1556.     8vo. 

Bds.,  Soth..  Apr.  12.  "99.  (85)  £12 

True    and    Lyvely    History ke    Por- 

trealures  of  (he  wdU  Bible.  Lyons. 
1553.     194  woodcuts.     8vo. 

Rus.,  Ellis.  Nov.,  '85.    (2648)    £17  108. 

Cf..  Craig.  Mar..  'SK.    (551)    £3I0b. 

BERNERS    (JULIANA).     See    Barnes 

BERNIER    (F.).     History   of  the   late 

Revolution    of   the    Empire    of    the 

Great     Mogul.     Cambridge.    1671-72. 

4  vols.,  8vo. 
Cf.,    r.e..    Twopenny,    May,    '02.     (78) 

£2  48. 

preat^hod  before  the  Honorable 
Trustees  for  EHtabllshlng  the 
Colony  of  Georgia.  Lond.,  1739.  4to. 

Sewed.  Bangs,  Nov.  12.  1900.  (257)  $5. 

BERRY  (MISS  M.>.  A  Comparative 
View  of  Social  Life  in  England  and 
France.     Lond.,  1844.     2  vols.,  8vo. 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e.  (presentation  copy),  Two- 
penny, May,  '02.    (79)    £2  4s. 

Journals       and      Correspondence. 

Edited  by  Lady  Theresa  Lewis. 
Iwond.,  1805.     3  vols.,  8vo. 

Shaw,  Nov.  2i,   '87-    (1130)    £18s. 

Chriarle.  Apr.  25,  '89.     (43)    £ll8. 

Hf.  mor..  Putt.,  Feb.  10,  '92.  (606) 

Toovey.  Feb.,  '94.    (148)    £lls. 

Hf.  cf..  Bangs,  June  6,  '95.     (39)  |6. 

Hf.  mor,  Richmond,  Feb.,  '99.  (83) 

HI.  mor.,  French,  Apr.,  '01.     (90)   f9. 

BERRY      (W.>.       Encyclopaedia     Her- 

aldica.     fx>nd.,  1828.     3  vols.,  4to. 
Unc,  Hardy.  Dec,  '86    (469)    £1  128. 
Bds.,    Hodgson,    Feb.    23,    '87.     (650) 

£1  6s. 
Cf..   Southby,   Dec.   '90.     iim)     £158. 

• Encyclopaedia     Heraldica.      I^nd.. 

1828.  With  Supplement.  1840.  To- 
gether 4  vols.,  4 to. 

Rus.  ex.,  Crawford,  June,  '87.  (295) 




Berry    {W. )--('(,» tinned. 

Hf.  rus.,  unc,  Hance.  Aug.,  '87.   (712) 

Unc.  OJasse,  July,  '92.    (1869)    £119s. 
Pedigrees    of    Berkshtre,  Bucking- 
hamshire,    and     Surrey      PamlHes. 

Ixpnd..   1837.     Fol. 
Bds.,    unc.    Brewer.    Oct.,    '87.     (155) 

£G  12s. 
Hf.  cf.,  Martin,  Mar.,  '88.  (322)    £4  48. 
Hf.  cf.,  g.e.,  Braboume,  May,  '91.  (10) 

£2  8s. 
Hf.      mor..      Whitchurch,     Dec.      '94. 

(12fi0)    £3  17s.  Gd. 
Mor.  ex..  Daubuz,  May.  '95.     (281>   £5. 
Cf..  Soth..  Jan.  24.  '99.  (753)    C5  7s.  Cd. 
Pedigrees      of      Essex      Famltles. 

Lond.,  18:iO.    Pol. 
Brabourne,  May.  '91.  (lOS)    £3  12s.  6d. 
Solh.,  Apr.,  '98.  (1107)    £2  ICs. 
Cf.,   Soth.,   Jan.   24,   '99.    (755)    £3  15s. 
Pedigrees  of  Hampshire  Families. 

bond.,  1833.     Fol. 
Bds.,  Hush,  Dec,  '87.    (343)    £117k. 
Perkins    July.  '89.  (196)    £2  158. 
Hf.  mor.,  Elsted,  Dec,  '92.     (2S3)    £2. 
Hf.     mor,,     Whitchurch,     Dec.,      '94. 

(1252)    £2  14s. 
Burrard.  Jan.,  '9«.  1870)   £4  88. 
Soth..  Feb.  20.  '(il.   (247)    £3  15s. 
Bds.,  Howard,  June.  '02.  (3fiC)    £3  108. 
Pedigrees  of   Hertfordsiiire   Fami- 
lies.    Lond.,    D.d.     Fol. 
Bds.,    unc,    Brewer,    OcL,    '87.      (156) 

£2  4s. 
Hf.,  mor.,  Elsted,  Dec.  '92.   (285)    £2 

Bds.,  Fripp,  Feb.,  '93.  (300)    £1  158. 
Bda.,  unc,  Gray.   Feb.,   '96.   (958)    £2 

Unc,   Stansfleld.   June.   "98.    (201)    £2 

Cf.,  Soth,,  Jan.  24.  '99.   (752)    £2  15s. 
Pedigrees  of  Kent  Families.  Lond., 

1830.    Fol. 
Unc.  Perkins.  July,  "89.  (195)    £4  15s. 
Unc,  Larking.  Apr..  '92.     (230)    £5  78. 

Heywood.  Oct.,  '92.  (701)    £166. 
Hf.  bd.,  Daubuz,   Mav,   '96.    (280)    £2 

Cf.,  Soth.,  Jan.  24,  '99.     (750)   £4. 
Pedigrees     of     Surrey     Families. 

Lond..  1837.    Fol. 
Hf.    mor..    Daubuz.    May,    '95.      (282) 

£2  12s. 
Bds.,  LIbble,  May  20.  '96.   (59)   *16. 

Berry   (W.) — Continued. 

Pedigrees     of     Sussex     Families. 

Lond..  1830.    Fol. 
Hf.  mor.,  Brabourne.  June,  '93.     (395 > 

£2  14s. 
Hf.  mor.,  Whitchurch,  Dec,  '94.  (1251) 

£2  10s. 
C!.,  Daubuz.  Mav,  '95.   (504)    £2  6s. 
Grazebrook,  July.  '90.   (34G)    £3  38. 
Bds.,    unc.     Kay,    May.    '97.      (1061) 

£3  14s. 
Hf.  mor.  unc,  Rutter,  May.  '99.  (261) 

£4  18s. 
Bds..  unc.   Soth.,  Oct.   29.  1900.     (71) 

.i:4  8s. 

BERT  (EDMOND).  An  Approved 
Treatise  of  Hawks  and  Hawking. 
Lond.,  1619.    4to. 

Cf.,  m.e.  (title  and  corner  of  last  leaf 
mended),    Aahburnham,    June,     '97. 

(390)  £4  10s. 

Encomium  trium  Marianum.  cum 
earundeni  culius  defen.stone  adver- 
Rus  Lutheranos.  etc  Paris.  1529- 
4  to. 

Leather  (lacking  2  leaves  at  end  of 
Part  2.  but  auiiposed  perfect  at  time 
of    sale).    Ashburnham,    June,    '97. 

(391)  £41. 

Leather  (lacking  2  leaves  at  end  of 
Pan  2,  fhe  preceding  copy  resold), 
Ashburnham.  Dec.  'SK.  (13)  i:iG 

Mor.  (said  to  be  large  paper).  Hib- 
bert,  Apr.,  '02.     (59)   £91. 

BERTONIO  (L.).  Llbro  de  la  VIda  y 
Miiagros  de  Nuestro  Senor  Jeau 
Christo  en  dos  Lenguas  Aymara  y 
Romance.  Pueblo  de  lull  fPeru], 
1G12.     4to. 

Field,  May.  '75.     (140)  J23. 

Vocabulario  de  la  Lengua  Aymara, 

Aymara-Espanol  y  Espanol-Aymara. 
Pueblo  de  lull,  1612.     4to. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Soth..  Nov.  5.  '96.  (19) 
£10  10s. 


Boke  of  Barthram,   Priest,   in  treat- 
ing   of    the    Bodye    and    Bloude    of 
Christ.     Lond.,  1648.     8vo. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Hawkins,  Apr.,  '95.  (12) 
£1  128. 

Boke     of     Barthram,     Priest,     In- 

treatynge  of  the  bodye  and  blode  of 
Chryst.     Lond.,  1549.    8vo. 




Bertram,  Monk  of  Corby — Coti finned. 

Cf.  (lower  margins  mended),  Bools, 
June,  '03.   (138)    £2  28. 

Aldobrand.  Lond..  181G.  Portrait 
and  vi&netle  by  CruiltBliank.    Svo. 

Paper,  unc.  Putt.,  July  30.  '02.  (64) 

Private  MemolrH  relative  to  the  last 
year  of  the  Rel^  of  Lewis  XVI. 
Ixjnd.,  1797.     3  vols..  8vo. 

Hf.  cf.  {Dr.  Doran's  copy).  Bangs, 
Oct.  12.  •97.    (430)  I7.&0. 

Hf.  mor.,  R.e..  Henkels,  Jan.  31,  '98. 
(28)   $11.70. 

Hf.  cf.  (Dr.  Doran's  copy).  Bangs, 
Mar.  26.  1900.     (42)  |12.38. 

BESANT  (WALTER).  Eulogy  of 
Richard  JefTrles.     I>ond.,  1888.     8vo. 

CL.  unc.  Soth..  Dec.  1,  '91.  (1214) 
£1  17s. 

Nieuw  Nederlandt,  etc.  Amster- 
dam. J.  Hartgers.  1651.     4to, 

Mor.  ex.,  Stevens.  Nov.,  72.  (2849) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Brlnley,  Mar.,  '80.  (2716) 

Hf.  mor..  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.  (2C34) 

Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Barlow.  Feb..  '90.  (1783) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Barlow  copy).  Ives, 
Mar,  '91.     (731)    $165. 

Cf.  (a  few  leaves  nienfled:  \vi(h  ^Tis 
sive  van  William  Penn,  IfiKi,  and  ." 
other  pieces,  in  1  vol.).  Hodgson, 
June  3.  '02.     (81(>)    £10  15s. 

BESSAR10N  (N.).  Adversus  Calum- 
niatorem  Platonis.  Ronre,  Sweyn- 
hcym  and   Pannartz,   [14(11)].     Fol. 

Vel..  Ellis,  Nov.,  '85.     (543)    £19. 

Rus..  g.e.,  Crawford.  Mar.,  '91.  (317) 

Cf.  (arms  of  Pius  VL  on  sides),  Stan- 
ley, June,  '01.  (29U)    £4  58. 

Orlg.  oak  bds.,  Cholmley,  Nov.,  *02. 
(230)    £97. 

BESSE  (JOSEPH).  An  Abstract  of 
the  Sufferings  of  the  Quakers  for 
the  Testimony  of  a  good  Conscience. 
Lond..  1733-38.     3  vols,.  8vo, 

Cr,  Pratt.  Apr..  "9!).     (2124)  $12. 

A  Collection   of  the  Sufferings   of 

the  People  called  Quakers.  Lond., 
1763.     2  vols.,  foL 

Besse    (Joseph) — Co» tinned. 
Cf..  Brlnley.  Mar..  '80,     (3494)  $16. 
Sheep.  Murphy.  Mar.,  '84.     (237)  $9.50. 
BEST      (GEORGE).       See     Froblsher 

BEST    (T.}.     Concise  Treatise  on  the 

Art  of  Angling.     Lond,,  1787.     8vo. 
Cf.,  mo..  Snow,  Nov.,  '98.   (44)    £198. 
BESWICK     (LAVINIA),     Life    of    La- 

vlnia    Beswick,    alias    Fenton,    alias 

Polly  Peacham.     Lond..  1728.     8vo. 
Hf.  bd.,  UQC.  Daniel,  July,  '64,     (1019) 

£  1  Ss. 
Hf,    mor.    (last    2    leaves    defective), 

Mackenzie,  Mar..  '89.     (927)    £8. 
Hf.  cf.,  unc.  (Daniel  copy,  portrait  in* 

serted).    McKee.    Jan.,    *01.     (1696) 

Polly       Peacham's       Jests.       See 

BETHEL   (S.).     The   World's   Mistake 

in    Oliver    CromwelL     Lond,,    1668. 

4  to. 
Hf.  cf.,  unc.  Clarke,  Dec.,  '95.     (636) 

£2  10s. 

BETHENCOURT    (J.    OE),      HfstoJre 

de  la  premiere  descouverte  et  Con* 

queste  des  Canaries.    Paris,  1629-30. 

Vel.,  Murphy,  Mar.,  'S4,     (239)    |17. 
Mor..  g.e..  Chittenden.  Jan..  *94.     (97) 

Cf,.    Wllbraham,    June,    '98.    (27)     £1 


BETSON  (THOMAS).  Treatise  on 
the  Pator  .N'oster.  Ave  and  Credo. 
Lond.,  Wynken  de  Worde,  n.d.     4lo. 

Cf.  ex.,  Russell.  June.  '83.     (109)    £19. 

Girl  of  Spirit.  Bost.,  Isaiah  Thomas. 
1789.     Svo. 

Hf.  mor.,  McKee.  Nov.,  1900.  (1009) 

BETTERTON         (THOMAS).  The 

Amorous  Widow,     Lond.,  1706.  4  to, 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Lefferts,  Apr..  '02.  (68) 

BETTS    (WILLIAM).     The    Causes   of 

the  Prosperity  of  New  York.     N.  Y., 
1851.     Svo. 
Paper.  Bangs.  Jan.  11.  'QB.  (501)  $7.26. 

BETTY      (W.      H.     W.).        Authentic 
Memoirs  of  that  Wonderful    Phenom- 
enon,    the    Ijifant    Roscius.      I^nd., 
W.  Hodgson,  md.     ICmo. 




Betty   (W.   H.  W.'i— Continued. 

Mor.  ex.,  McKee.  Jan..  '01.     (1347)  *8. 

— Critique  on  the  First  Performance 

of    Young     Roscius.       lAind..     1804. 

Paper,  unc.  McKey,  Jan.,  '01.     (1338» 

Tribute  to  the  Genius  of  the  Young 

Rcsriu.'j.    Wisbech.  1S08.    Svo. 
Paper   (name  cut  from  title),  McKee, 

Jan.,  '01,     (]34G>  |10. 
The    Wonderful    Theatrical    Prog- 
ress of  the  Infant  Roscius.     By  aii 

Impanial     Observer.     Lond.,     1804. 

10  mo. 
Paper,  unc,  McKee,  Jan.,  'OL     (1341) 

The    Young    Rosciad.      By    Peter 

Pangloas.     Lond.,  1805.     4to. 
Paper,  unc,  McKee,  Jan..   '01.    (1343) 

SEVAN    (SAMUEL).     Sand  and   Can 

vas.    Lond..  1849.    Svo. 
Mor.   ex..   unc,   Mackenzie.    Mar..   '89. 

(2140)    £2  14a. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Johnson.  Jan.,  '90.  (&93) 

Foggo.  Dec,  '92.    (819)    £1  Is. 
CI.,  ttDC,  Dennis,  Dec,  '92.    (8G9)    £1 


CI.,  unc.  Bangs.  Nov.  26,  1900.     (707) 

BEVERIDGE  (JOHN).  Epistolae  Famil- 

iares  et  alia  quoedam   Miscollanea. 

With  translations.    PhJIa.,  W.  Brad- 
ford, 17G5.     12mo. 
Paper.  McKee.  Nov.,  1900.     (49)  |5.50. 
BEVERIDGE      (WILLIAM).*      Church 

Catechism   Explained.     Lond.,    1704. 

4  to. 

**T>arge  paper. 
MoT„    Grant.    May,    1900.    (219)     £20 

Synodicon.    Oxford.  1G72.    2  vols.. 

Cf.,    r.e.,    Buckley.    Feb.,    '93.      (2451) 

£4  4s. 
Of.,  Thornton,  June,  '94.  (2156)    £2Gfi. 
Of.,  r.e..  Gennadius,  Mar.,  "95.     (419) 

£2  18s. 
BEVERLEY   (R.).    An  Abridgement  of 

the  Public  Laws  of  Virginia.     I^ond., 

1728.    Svo. 
Mor.,  Brlnley,  Mar.,  '80.    (3693)  |13.50. 
History  and  Present  State  of  Vir- 
ginia.    Lend.,  1705.     Svo. 

Beverley    (R.) — Continued. 
Cf.,   Brlnley.   Mar.,   '80.     (3719)    |10. 
Cf,.   HardwicUc.   June,   'SS,    (4)  £3  15s. 
Cf.,  Putt..  Dec  17.  "89.    (4.1>    £2  88. 
Cf.,  Barlow.   Feb..   *90.     f24C)    |8.50. 
Cf.    ex..   g.e..    Wood.   Mar..   '91.     (398) 

£2  188. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Ives,  Mar.,  '91.  (68)  $32. 
Cf.,  Pleasanton,  Mar.,  '95.     (34)  $29. 
Cf.,  Deane,  Mar.,  98.     (259)   $19. 
Cf.,  Lundy,  Feb..  '99.     (927)   $10. 
Cf.,   Henkels.  Apr.  5.  1900.    (147)    $15. 
Mor.   ex..   g.e.,   Henkels,   .Tan.    18,   '01. 

(22)  $44. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    McKee,   May,    '02.     (4462) 

Mor.,   g.   e.,   Lefferts,   June,   '02.     (25) 

£10  2s.  Cd. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Peirce,  Mar.,  '03.     (78)  $40. 
Cf.     (Sir    Geo.    Townahend    Walker's 

copy),  Peirce,  Mar..  '03.     (79)   $35. 

History   of  Virginia.     lx)nd..  1722. 

Mor,    ex.,    unc.    Grlswold,    Mar.,    76. 

(56)    $35. 
Hf.    mor.,    g.t,    Menzies.    Nov.,    '76, 

(163)   $17.50. 
Cf..  Brlnley,  Mar..  '80.     (3722)   $6,50. 
Hf.  cf.,  Guild,  Nov.  '87.     (4808)   $7,50. 
Hf.  mor,,  Barlow,  Feb..  '90,  (249)  $8.50. 
Cf.,  Dawson,  June.   '90.     (2541)   $8.25. 
Cf.   ex.,  g.e..   Putt..   Apr.   7,  '92.     (24) 

£2  10s. 
Buckley,  Feb.,  '93.     (29)    £3. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Deane.  Mar.,  '98.     (261) 

Cf.,  Libbie.  June  1.  '98.     (106)  $12. 
Cf.,  Clerk,  May,  '99.   (172)    £4  12«. 
Cf.,  r.e.,  Clogston,  Nov.,  '99.  (130)  $16. 
Cf..    Putt.,    Mar..    22.    190l>.    (437)     £3 

Cf,.  Bangs,  Mar.  13,  '01.     (5)   $15. 
Cf.   (2  pp.  of  Table  damaged),  Soth.. 

Dec  17.  '01.   (204)    £2  2s. 
Cf..   Twopenny.   Mav,   '02.    (21)    £5  58. 
Cf.,  Bangs,   Mar.   16,  *03.     (8)    $18. 

Histoire   de   la   Virglnle.    Amster- 
dam, 1707.    Svo. 
Cf..  Anderson,  Apr,  IG,  '03,     (78)  $5. 

Histoire   de   la   Vlrginle.    Amster- 
dam, 1712.     Svo. 
Cf.,  Bangs,  Jan.  29.   '03.     (ITb)    $5.50. 

A  True  Copy   of   Eight   Pages  out 

of  the  History  of  the  Present  Slate 
of  Virginia.  London,  1705.  l^md., 
n.d.     Svo. 




Beverley    <R0 — Continued. 

Mor.,  g.e,  (with  a  few  manuscript  notes 

by  Rev.  Thos.  Prince ►,  Brinlev.  Mar., 

•80.     (3783)   |H). 
BEVERLEY    (T.).      An    Exposition   of 

the    Divinely     Propherlc     Song    of 

Songs,   which   is  Solomons.     i>ond., 

1C87.     4to. 
Hf.  inur,  Sewall,  Nov.,  'ItC.     V2h^)  *12. 
BEVIS  OF   HAMPTON.     The  History 

of  Bevis  of  Hampton.    Lond.,  C  W. 

for  \V.  Lee,  n.d,    4to- 
Rus.   (title  in  maniiscripi,  the  Cough- 

Ulteraon  copy),   AKhburnham.  Jrine. 

•97.  (^yr.)    £24. 
Gallant    History    of   the    Life    and 

Death  of  Sir  Bevis  ol  Southanipton. 

Lond.,  u.d.    4to. 
Hf-  cf-   (stained),  Batenian.  May.   "93. 

(1030)    £2  lis. 
The  History  of  Sir  Bevis  of  South- 
ampton.    Aberdeen.   1C30.     8vo. 
Mor.  ex.,  Daniel,  July,  '64.     (127)   £21. 
History    of   the    Famous    and    Re- 

nowne<3  Knight  Sir  Bevis  of  Hamp- 
ton.    Lond.,  lGti2.     4to. 
Mor.     (D'Orville,     Heanae,     Steevens, 

Roxburgbe,  Sykea,  Hibbert  and  Har- 

nott  copy),  Daniel,  Juiy.  'G4.     (128) 

Sir    Beves    of    Hamtoun.       Edited 

from  the  Auchinleclt  .MS.  [bv  W.  B. 

D.  D,   Turnbiilll.     Edinb.,    Mai t land 

Club.  1S38.    4to. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Mav  IG.  '01.  (385) 

£1  12s. 

BEWICK  (THOMAS).  Emblems  of 
Mortality.  Newcastle,  1789.  Cuts 
by  T.  and  J.  Bewick.    8vo. 

Bds.,   unc,  Leigh.   Dec,   '89.    (45)    £2 


Cf.,  Cosens,  Nov..  '90.  (490)    £2159, 
Mor,  ex.,  unc.  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.     (271) 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Coinyn,  Mar.,  '93.  (563) 

£3  5a. 
Cf.   ex..   PInkney.    May.    '95.    (27t    £1 


Cf..  unc.  Daly.  Mar..  1900.  (275)  |8-50. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e..    Edwardea,    May.    '01. 
(22)    £3. 

Fables  of  >Esop.     See  ^Esop. 

Select    Fables.      Newcastle,    1784. 
Woodcuts  by  T.  and  J.  Bewick.  8vo, 
Cf.,  g.e.  (title  page  defective),  Leigh. 
Dec,  '89.     (11)    £4  12s.  M. 

Bewici<  (Thomas) — Cniitinmil. 

Mor.    ex.,    g.e.    (with    the     additional 

vignettes,  Brockett  copy),  Webster, 

Mar..  '93.  (2G)   £9  15a. 
Cf.,  Whitehead.  May,  '98.   (S)    £112s. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Feb.  28,  1900.  (84) 

£  2  Gs. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Philpott,  Nov.,  '01,  (13) 


Select    Fables.    Newcastle.     1820. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,    l^ee,  June.  '88.       (16) 

£2  7a. 
Cl.^  unc,  Putt.,  Apr.  7,  '92.  (l2iU    £1 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Clarke,  Nov.,  '90.  ll4G) 

£2  9s. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e..  Smith,  June,  '97.  (74)   £1. 
Cf.,    in.e.,    Soth.,    Nov.    28,    *98,     (596) 

£1  15s. 
Hf.  mor.,  Browne,   Mar..   '99.    (49)    |6. 
Bda..   unc,   Soth.,    Oct.    30.    *99.    (390) 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Feb.,  28,  1900.  (89) 

Hf.  mor..  Daly.  Mar.,  1900.     (274)   $9. 

••I^rge  paper. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Randall,    Aug.,     'S7. 

(891)    £6  5b. 
Mor.    ex.,    Shaw,    July,    "88.        (1192) 

£13  10s. 
Bds.,  unc,  Percy,  May,  '90.     (86)    £9. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc,   (portrait  of  Bewick  in- 
serted),   Sullivan,    May,    '90,     (734) 

£12  5s. 
Hf.  mor.   ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,   .May   13.  '92. 

(1325)     £2 18s. 
Bd.s.,  unc,   Kay.   May,   '97.     (370)     £1 

Cf..     m.e.,     Ashbumham.     June,     '97. 

(401)    £2. 
Hf.  rua.,  unc,  Hayes,  Apr.,  '98.   (109) 

Hf.    rus.,    unc,    Edwardes.    xVIav,    *(»1. 

(23)    £3. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc.  Christie,  June  18.   '02. 

(34)    £3. 

••i.,argest  paper. 
Mor.  ex..  May,  July,  '91.     (1420)    £18. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e,,  Anderson,  May,  '92.  (14) 

£13  10s, 
Bda.,  unc,  Soth.,  Mav  13,  '92.     (1326) 

£12  10s. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Hawkins,  Apr.,  '95.  (28) 

£5  78.  Gd. 
Unc,  Clarke,  Nov.,  '96.  (147)    £7  5b. 
CI.,    unc,    Soth..    Nov.    28.    "98.      (595) 

£G  12s.  6(1. 




Bewick  (Thomas) — Cmitinurd. 

Cf.  (binding  loose),  Soth.,  Nov.  28,  '98. 

(631)    £4G3. 
Unc.  Putt..  Feb.  15.  '99.  (383)    £4  158. 
Mar.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth..  Nov.  18,  '01.     (26) 

£5  78,6d. 
Bda.,  unc.  Soth.,  Dec.  2,  '01.   (84)    £5 


Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Hlbbert.  '02,     (C5) 
£9  10a. 

Select  Fables.     Edinb..  1879.    8vo. 

*♦  Large  paper. 
Whitehead,  Apr.  IC,  '89.   (250)    £3  5s. 
Hf.    mor..    Putt.,    Aug.    8.    '89.     (180) 
£1  lOs. 

HlBtory  of  British  Land  and  Water 

Birds.  Newcastle,  1797-1804.    2  vols., 
Mor,  ex..  unc.    (cut  at  p.   285  in  first 

state),  Soth.,  .Tune  14.  '90.  (Gl)    £20. 
Of.    ex..    unc,    Hutchinson,    Feb.,    '92. 

(57)    £7. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Solh.,    May    13,    '92. 

(1304)    £4  17s. 
Mor,  ex.,  g.e..  Haw  ley,  July.  '94.   (28) 

£5  12.s.  Gd. 
Cf..  Soth.,  Nov.  19,  '94.  (86)    £1  148. 
Mor.  ex.,  Sewall,  Nov..  '96.     (262)  |50. 
Hf.    cf..    Campbell,    Dec,    '96.     (370) 

£3  38. 
Mor..    unc.    (in    1    vol.1,    Soth..    Nov. 

28,  '98.     (fioei    £4  14s. 
Ct.  Putt.,  Jan.  18.  '99.  (258)    £2  2s. 
Hf.    cf.,    Soth..    Nov.    20.    '99.     (109) 

Cf.,  Daly.  Mar.,  1900.     (273)  J12. 

••lAfge  paper. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc.  (canceled  cut  unioked). 

Soth.,  Feb.  14.  '88.     (27)    £34. 
Bds..     unc.      (canceled     cut     slightly 

inked).  Leigh,  Dec,  '89.     (26)    £18, 
Cf-,  Normanby.  Jan..  '91.     (14C)    £9. 
Hf.     ru8.      (canceled     cut     uninked). 

Rlgge.  .Tan.,  '92.    (774)    £6 10s. 
Cf.,  Putt.,  Jan.  21,  '92.     (151)    £6. 
Mor.     ex.,    Pinkney.     May.     '95.     (17) 

Cf..  Bunbury,  .Tuly.  '9G.  (47)   £2  2s. 
Rus.  ex.,  m.e.,  Egmont,  June,  '98.  (28) 

£5  7s.  6d. 
Cf..  Soth.,  Nov.  28,  '98.  (005)    £3  18s. 
Cf..  Putt..  Apr..  17,  01.   (3C3)    £2  1Cs. 
Hf.  rus.  (canceled  cut  uninked),  Soth., 

Nov.  25.  '01.  (1257)    £2  13s. 
Cf.   ex.,    y.e.,    Lloyd,    Soth..   Jan.,    '02. 

(24)    £3  18s, 
Rus.,    g.e.     (canceled     cut     uninked). 

Bewick  (Thomas) — Continued. 

Soth..   Nov.  24.   '02.    (322)     £9  2s.  Gd. 
••Largest  paper. 
Rus.,    m.e.    (canceled    cut     uninked), 

Leigh.  Dec.  '89.    (24)    £43. 
Mor.  ex.,  May,  July,  '91.    (1418)   £28. 
Bds.,  unc  (canceled  cut  very  slightly 

inked),    Soth.,    May    13,    '92.      (874) 

Mor.  ex.,  Soth.,   May   13,   '92.      (1310) 

£11 10a. 
Rus.  ex.  (canceled  cut  slightly  inked), 

Soth.,  Aug.  2.  "94.     (1162)    £12. 
Mor.  ex..  unc.  (canceled  cut  uninked), 

Soth..  July   1.  '95.    (27U)    £15 15s. 
Rus.    ex.,    Soth.,    July    25,    '99,      (2G9) 

£9  lOs. 
Hf.    ru8.,    Putt.,    Mar.    26,    '02.      (422) 

£10  fs. 

History     of     British      Land     and 

Water  Birds.    Newcastle,   1797-1804. 

With  Supplement,  1821.  Togetiier  3 

Cf.    ex.,    y.e.    (canceled    cut    slightly 

inked),  Leigh,  Soth.,  Dec,  '89.  (28) 

£6  10s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (In  2  vols.).  Wood,  Mar., 

'91.    (544)     £4  18s. 
Mor.    ex..    Putt.,    Mar.    1.    '93.     (125) 

£4  15s. 
Bds.,  unc.  Whitehead,  May  3,  '98.  (10) 

£G  17a.  Gd. 
Cf.,  m.e.   (In  2  vols.).  Soth..  Nov.  28. 

'98.  (608)    £1  llK. 

•♦Large  paper. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (Supplement  In  hf.  mor.), 

Webster.  Mar.,  "93.    (28)    £11108. 
Bds..    unc     (canceled    cut    uninked). 

Buckley,  Apr.,  '94.   (205)    £15  15s. 
Mor..  une.  (in  2  vols.).  Twopenny,  May. 

•02.    (84)    £13  58. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (in  2  vols.),  Soth.,  July 

11.  '02.    (9)    £G2s.  fid. 

••Largest  paper. 
(In  2  vols.).  Soth.,  May  13.  '92.     (1309) 


Figures  of  British  Birds  and  For- 
eign Birds,  Newcastle,  1800,  Svo. 
All  with  vignette  of  Pigstye  in  flrst 

Rus..  g.e.,  Leigh,  Soth..  Dec.,  "89.  (41) 
£4  78.Gd. 

Cf.,  Rigge,  Jan..  '92.   (8)    £2  2a. 

Hf.  cf..  Soth..  May  13,  '92.  (1320)  £2 

Mor.  ex.,  unc,  Pinkney,  May,  '95.  (20) 
£9  6b. 




Bewick  (Thomas) — Continued. 

Mor.,    g..e,    Soth.,    July    1,    '95.    (276) 

£2  12s. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Sotli.»  Dec.  17,  1900.  <92) 

£2  7s, 
Bds..    unc.    Putt.,    Jan.    30,    't>2.    (93) 


Figures  of  Birds.    Newcastle,  1800. 

2  vols.,  4to. 
Mor.   ex..   Soth.,   Feb.   15.   1900.      (83) 

£G  lOs. 
Mor.  ex..  Soth.,  Apr.   4.   1900.     (1301) 

£2  IDs. 

History   of  BrltUh    Birds.       New- 
castle, 1804.     2  vols.,  8vo. 
Cf.,  Leigh,  Dec,  'S9.     (31)    £5  23.6(1. 
Hf.  mor..  m.e..  Putt,  July  1,  '91.  (875> 

£4  48. 
Mor-  ex..   g.e.,   Reld,   May,   '94.     (229) 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Jan.  14.  '95.     (493) 

Cf..  Putt.,  Jan.  8,  '9G.  (783>    £1  IDs. 

** Large  paper. 
Cf.,  Howlett.  June,  '87.   (902)    £7  10s. 
Mor.  ex..  Plnkney.  May,  '95.  (18)   £11. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.   (name  erased  from  both 

title  pages),  Leigh,  Dec,  '89.     (30) 

Hf.    cf..    Soth..    Feb.    27.    '99.    (1191) 

£2  10s. 
Hf.   mor..   g.e.,   Soth..   Feb.    15,    1900. 

11511    £2  3b. 

History   of   British    Birds.       New- 
castle, 1805.     2   vols..  8vo. 
Bds.,  unc,  Hodgson,  Feb.  12,  '95.  (898) 

£3  lUs. 
Cf..  Putt.,  June  H,  '97.     (19)    £2123. 
Cf..  Putt.,  Dec.   13,   '97.   (200)    £1  17s. 

•*l^rge  paper. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Randall,  Aug.,  '87.  (50) 

£5  78.Cd. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Sullivan.  May,  '90.  (729) 

Bds.,   unc.    Putt,    Dec.    5.    '92.     (501) 

Mor.,  g.e..  Braboume,  June.  '93.     (40) 

£5  58. 
Rus..  Both..  July  1,    ^5.    (272)    £2  48. 
Cf..  Johnson.   Feb.,  '98.    (100)    £117e. 
Cf..   g.e.,   Soth.,  Dec.  18.   '99.      (1326), 


••Largest  paper. 
Cf.  ex..  y.e.,  Leigh.  Dec.  '89.  (32)    £20. 
Bds.,  unc,  Mair,  Jan.,  '90.     (332)    £12. 
Hf.  rus,,  m.e.,  Egmont,  June,  '98.    (29) 

£4  12a. 

Bewick  (Thonnas) — Continued. 

Hf.    bd..    Soth..    Nov.    28,    '98.      (607) 

Hf.  cf.,   Soth..  Apr.  24,   '99.     (865)    £2 

Hf.  rua..  unc,  Soth.,  Feb.  28,  1900.  (8C) 

Hf.  veU,  unc.  Phllpott.  Nov.,  '01.  (159) 

£  8  15b. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  July  28.  '02.  (450) 

£5  78.6(1. 

History  of  British  Birds.  New- 
castle, 1809.    2  vols.  In  1,  Bvo. 

Rus.,  g.e.  (with  canceled  cut  in  two 
states),  Craig.  June.  '87.     (239)   £9. 

Mor,  ex..  unc.  Soth.,  Feb.  14.  '88.  (28) 
£10  5s- 

Hf.  bd..  Lee,  June,  '88.   (13)    £2  16s. 

Cf..   Inglls,   Nov..   •89.      (2150)    £1108. 

Cf..  Barclay,  Nov..  '92.   (2404)    £1  2fl. 

Cf.,  Putt.,   Mar.   1,  '93.    (12G)    £1  14s. 

History   of   British   Birds.       New- 
castle, 1816.     2  vols..  Svo. 
Rus.,  g.e.,  Harborougb,  Feb.,  '87.  (16) 

£8  8s. 
Cf.,  Buccleucb,  Mar..  '89.     (55)    £2  58. 
HI   rus.,    Sullivan,   Mav,    '90.        (732) 

£2  Is. 
Hf.  rus.,   Barclay.  Nov.,   '92.        (2321) 

£1  Is. 
Hf.  rus..  y.e.,  Leeds.  Apr.,  '96.       (11) 

£1  Ids. 
Bd8..    unc,    Egmont.    June,    '98.     (30) 

£1  Is. 
Hf.  mor.,  y.e..  Bangs,  Apr.  9,  '01.  (98) 


History  of  British  Birds.  New- 
castle, 1817.     Svo. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (without  the  letterpress). 
Pinicney,  May.  '95.   (192)    £7  10s. 

Hf.  bd-.  Putt.,  July  10,  '95.  (2S3)  £3 

Mor.  ex.,  Putt,  May  24.  '98.  (563) 
£3  5.s. 

-History  of  British  Birds.  New- 
castle.  1821.     2  vols..  Svo. 

Bds..  unc,  Soth.,  May  13,  '92.  (1316) 
£4  12s. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  (with  Supplement). 
Hope,  May.  '9G.   (170>    £112s. 

Mor..  g.t.,  Johnson,  Feb.  28,  '98.  (161) 

••Large  paper. 

Hf.  mor..  Moss.  June,  '87.  (5^4)    £5  2s 

Cf.,  m.e.,  Soth.,  Nov.  18.  '01.  (24) 
£3  3b. 




Bewick  (Thomas) — Continued. 

Cf.,   m.e.    (with    Supplement),    Streat- 

Celld.  June,  *S9.    (7)   £7. 
♦♦Largest  paper. 
Bda.,  unc.   (with  Supplement),   Leigh, 

Dec.,  '89.  (35)    £17 10s. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e.,  Shuter.  Nov..  '91.  (33) 

£(J2s.  Gd. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Soth.,  May  13.  '92.  (1317) 

£7  lOs. 
Mor.     ex.,     g.e.     (with     Supplement), 

Soth..  July  ].  '95.     (27^1    i::)12s.  Cd. 
Mor.,  g.e.   (with  Supplements).  Soth.. 

Apr.   7.   '03.      (31C)    £5  10s. 

Supplement  to  the  History  of  Brit- 
ish Birds.  Both  Parts.  Newcastle, 
1821,     2  vols.,  8vo. 

Bds.,  unc,  Wilson,  May.  '88.  (67)  £2 
4  b. 

Bds..  unc,  Soth.,  Jan-  21,  '98.  (200) 

Bds.,  unc.  (in  1  vol.),  Egmont,  June, 
•98.  (32)    £12s. 

**  Large  paper. 

Sheets,  folded.  Soth..  May  13.  '92. 
(1318)    £2  4s. 

Cf.,  Johnson,  Feb.,  '98.     (1G2)    £198. 
••Largest  paper. 

Unc,  Buckley.  Apr.,  '94.  (212)    £2. 

Bda..  \inc.,  Soth.,  Nov.  28,  '98.  (611) 

Bds.  unc,  Leigh.  Dec.  '89.  (37) 

Figure*  of  British  Birds  and  For- 
eign Birds.  Newcastle.  1825.  2  vols., 
4  to. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Leigh,  Dec,  '89.  (208) 
£3  3s. 

Hf.  mor.  ( small  piece  cut  out  of  one 
title),  Hartree,  July,  '90.  (232) 
£4  17B.Gd. 

Paper  (in  1  vol.,  2  plates  Inlatd).  Soth., 
May  13.  '92.     (1465)    £2. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Soth.,  July  M,  '9(>. 
(1479)    £5  78.  Cd. 

History  of  British  Birds.  New- 
castle, 182G.     2  vols.,  8vo. 

Mor.  ex.,  Sykes.  July.  '88.  (22rt>  £3 

Bds.,  unc.  Rodney.  Aug..  '90.  (250) 
£2  4s. 

Bds.,  unc,  Larking,  Apr..  '92.  (3S) 
£3  17s.Gd. 

Bds.,  unc,  Glasse,  July,  '92.  (67 1 

Bds.,  unc,  Swindells,  June.  '95.  (28) 

Bewick  (Thomas) — Contintuti. 

Hf,    mor.,    Soth.,    July    1.    '96.      (275) 

Bds.,  unc.  Putt..  June  22.  '96.     (159) 


••Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t.,  Murphy,  Apr.,  "91.   (26) 

£5  5s. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc,  Soth.,  June  22,  '91.    (62) 

£7  5a. 
Bds..  unc,  Cartwright,  Mar..  '92.  (438) 

£5  17s.Gd. 
Mor.,    g.e„    Putt,   Doc    5,    '94.      (4.'?3) 


••Largest  paper. 
Mor.  ex..  unc,  Leigh,  Dec,  '89.     (38) 

Rus.  ex..  m.e.  (with  Addenda  and  Ap- 
pendix).   Lamb,    Feb.,   '98.    (79)    £3 


Cf.  (with  Addenda).  Soth..  Apr.  4, 
1900.  (1141)   £2  18s. 

History    of    British    Birds.      New* 

castle,  1832.    2  vols..  Svo. 
Bds.,    unc,    Hirst.    Mar..    '88.       (514) 

£2  148. 
Bds.,    unc.    Larking;    Apr.,    '92.      (39) 

£2  10a, 
Bds.,    unc,    Dlllwyn,    Oct.,    '93.      (47) 

Hf.    cf..    unc,    Warrington.    Nov..    '93. 

(870)    £1  Is. 
Hf.    mor.,   Edwards,   Jan.,    '94,      1789) 

Hf.   cf..   Childe,   July.   '9G.    (8)    £138. 
Hf.  cf.,  Atkinson,  Apr.,  '97.  (19)    £1. 
Soth.,  Nov.  28,  '98.  (610)    £1  Gs. 

History  of  British  Birds.  New- 
castle, 1S47.     2  vols.,  Svo. 

Parts,  WTiitehead.  Apr.  16,  '89.  (237) 

TJnc,  Soth.,  June  14,  'QO,   (62)    £14b. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Soth.,  Dec.  13.  '92.  (22) 

Cf.  ex.,  y.e..  Bangs,  Oct.  9,  '95,  (55) 

Hf.  mor.  g.t..  Campbell,  Dec,  '96.  (166) 

01.,  unc,  RichTHond,  Feb.,  '99.  (84) 

General    History    of    Quadrupeds. 

Newcastle,  1790.     8vo. 
Vel..  Soth.,  Feb.   12,   *89.   (76)    £2108. 
Cf.,  Dltchfleld,  Apr.,  '93.   (411)    £168. 
Bds.,    unc,    Buckley,    Apr..    '94.     (193) 

£5  5s. 




Bewick  (Thomas) — Coutinuei}. 
Hf.  cf..  Shaw,  Feb.,  '97.   (25)    £1  lOs. 
Cf.,  Daly.  Mar.,  1900.     (272)  17. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Hlbbert.  Apr.,  '02.   (C2) 

£3  15s. 
Mor.  ex.,  uac.  Solli..  July  11.  '02.     tS) 

£3  178. 

••I^rge  paper. 
Ru8..  Hardy,  Dec,  '8fi.   (825)    £31  10s. 
Mor.  ex.,   I.elgh,  Dec.   •.S9.     (14 1    ,C:^0 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  May,  July,  '91.     (1421) 

Cf..  Soth..  May  13,  '92.     (1289)    £8  10s. 
01.  ex.,  Foot,  Jan..  '94.     (921)    £13. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc,  Pinkney,  May,  '95.  (15) 

Bd«.,  unc.  Tixall,  Nov.,  '99.  (70)    £51. 
Bds.,  unc.  Ford,  May.  'ft-K     U'))    CGI, 

General    History    of    Quadrupeds. 

NGwcastle,  1791.     8vo. 
Bds..  unc,  Soth.,  June  14.  '90.     (1105) 

£1  10s. 
Mor.  ex..  Rekl.  May.  '94.    (228)   £1  10s. 
Hawkins,  Mar.,  '95.   (41)    £12s. 
Bds.,  unc.  Whitehead.  May  3,  '98.  (9) 

Rus.  ex.,  m.e..  Egmont,  June,  '98,  (27) 

Mor,  g.e.,   Phllpott.   Nov.,   '01.        (14) 

£2  108. 

••Large  paper. 
Cf..  Putt..  Dec  16.  '86  (37)    £2  5b. 
Mor.  ex..  Leigh,  Dec.  '89.  (IGt   £14  5s. 
Cf..  Tyrell,  Dec,  '91.  (7)    £4  4b. 
Mor.    ex..    g.e.,    Soth.,    Feb.    15.    1900. 

(102)    £1188. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Soth.,    Apr.    4,    1900. 

(1296)    £2. 
Mor.   m.e.    (with   four  original   draw- 
ings  by    Bewick   Inserted,   also    the 

Addenda    to    British    Birds).    Ford. 

May.  '02.  (71)   £9  IDs. 

General    History    of    Quadrupeds. 

Newcastle,  1792.    8vo. 
Mor.    ex.,    Pinkney,    May,    '95.       (16) 

£6 178.  6d. 

♦•I^rge  paper. 
Cf.   ex.,    g.e..    Hirst,    Soth.,   Dec,    '87. 

(110)    £2  10s. 
Hf.  cf..  Whitehead,  Apr  16.  '89.  (232) 

£1  7a.  Cd. 
Cf.    ex.,    Normanby,    Jan.,    '91.        (3) 

Mor.   ex.,    unc.    Stansfleid,    June.    '9S. 

(29)    £2  148. 

Bewicl<  (Thomas) — f'otitinucti. 

General    History    of    Quadrupeds. 

Newcastle,  1800.       gvo. 
♦•Large  paper. 
Bds.,  unc.  Putt,  Mar   16.  '87.     (567) 

£4  7s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Anderson,  May.  '92.  ai) 

Cf.,  Soth.,  May   13.  '92.    (1295)    tlSs. 
Bds.,    unc.    Toovey,    Feb.,    '94.     (151) 

Cf..  Soth.,  Nov.  28.  '98.     (COK     CI  2s. 

♦•Largest  paper. 
Mor  ex.,  g.e..  Smith,  May,  '89.     (22) 

£4  15b. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc,   r>elgh,  Dec.  '89.     (19) 

Bds.,   unc,   Sullivan,   May.   '90.     (730) 

£10  IDs. 
Mor  ex..  May,  July,  '91.     (1422)    £16. 
Hf.   cf.,    Soth.,    May    13,    '92.        (1296) 

£2  2s. 
Bds.,  unc,  Soth.,  June  20,   '94.     (507) 

Hf.    mor,    McKenzie,    Jan.,    '99.     (13) 


General     History    of    Quadrupeds. 

N.  Y.,  1804.  Wood  engravings  by 
Anderson,  chiefly  copied  from  Be- 
wick's originals.     8vo. 

Cf..  Cooke,  Dec.  '83.    (85)   *6.50. 

Mor.  ex.,  unc.  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.  (105) 

Mor.  ex.,  unc.  Libble.  Oct.  17.  '93. 
(58)  $17. 

Cf.,  g.e.,  Chittenden.  Jan.,  '94,  (39) 

Sheep  (broken).  Llbbie.  Mar.  27.  '95. 
(922)  $8.50. 

General     History    of    Quadrupeds. 

Newcastle,    1807.     8vo. 
**  Large  paper. 
Hf.     mor.     Moss.     June,     '87.     (543) 

£2  12s. 
Cf.,  Warrington,   Nov.,   '93.    (852)    £1 


Hf.  cf..  Edwards.  Jan..  '94.     (788)    £1, 
Mor.    ex.,    unc,    Soth.,    June    27,    '98. 

(176)    £2  10s, 

••Largest  paper 
Hf.  cf.,  unc,  Soth.,  May  13,  '92.  (1299) 

£3  12b. 
Cf.  ex.,  SoUi.,  Dec.  13.  '92.     (20)   £2. 
Cf..  Burrard.  Jan.,  '9C.     (285)    £2. 
Hf.    cL,    Soth.,    Nov.    28,    '98.     (602) 

Hf.  rus..  Putt.,  Mar  26,  '02.     (423)  £3. 





Bewick  (Thomas)^ — Continued. 
Mot.    ex.,    g.e.,    Soth.,    July    28,    '02. 
(449)    £2  18s. 

General     History    of    Quadrupeds. 

Newcastle.  1811.    Svo. 
Of..  Hodgson,  May  15,  "88.  (91)    £12s. 
Leycester,  Nov..  '88.    (90G>    £1  5s. 
Bda.,  unc,   Hood,  Apr.,  '90.'  (GOO)    £1 

Hutchinson,  Feb.,  '92.   (58)    £14s. 
-General    History    of    Quadrupeds. 

Newcastle,  1820.    Svo. 
Cf..  Lee,  June.  '88.     (14)    £1  28. 
Hf.  bd..  Putt..  Dec.  2,  '89.      (497)    £1 


Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  McKenzie,  Jan..  '99.  (20) 

**  Large  paper. 

Dnc,  Rose,  June,  '91.   (1498)    £2  28. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Comyn,  Mar.,  '93.  (561) 
£3  8s. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (portrait  of  Bewick  lack- 
ing), Soth.,  Feb..  28,  1900.  (88) 
£2  12s. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Bangs.  Jan.  I!>,  'Ol,  (23) 

General     History    of    Quadrupeds. 

Newcastle.  1S24,    Svo. 

**  Large  paper. 
Unc,  Soth.,  Aug.  13.  '88.   (893)    £2  2s. 
Eds.,    unc,    Leigh,    Dec,    'S9.      (1001) 

Hf.  bd.,  unc,  Percy.   May.  '90.      (229) 

£3  1Cs. 
Mor.   ex..  unc.   May.  July.  '91.      (314) 

£2  9s. 
Bds.,  unc.  Cartwrlght.  Mar..  '92.    (437) 

£2  2s. 

Figures     of     British     Quadrupeds. 

Newcastle,  1824.     4to. 
Paper,  unc,  Soth.,  May  13.  '92.  (1456) 

£2  19s. 

•♦Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Leigh,  Dec.  '89.     (207) 

Mor.  ex..   Soth.,  Feb.   15,   1900.     (84) 

£  1  Gs. 

Figures  of  British  Birds  and  Quad- 
rupeds. Newcastle.  1821-27.  4  vols., 

•♦Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor..  g.t.,  Coleridge,  May.  'SG,  (241) 

£10  159. 
Hf.    mor.,    Francis,    July,    '90.      (189) 
£8  68. 

••Largest  paper. 

Bewick  (Thomas) — Cnntinurd. 

Hf.    mor.,   Comyn.    Mar.,    '93.      (1460) 

£5  158. 
Hf.  mor..  Simon,  Dec.  '93.     (189)    £9. 
^History     of     British     Quadrupeds. 

Newcastle.  1837.     Svo. 

••Largest  paper. 
Hf.   mor.    ex..    Moss,  June,   '87.     (.547) 

£  2  7s. 

Natural  History  of  British  Quad- 
rupeds, Birds,  etc  Alnwick,  David- 
son. 1809.     7  parts,  Svo. 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e.  (in  1  vol.),  Stewart,  Mar., 
•88.    (33)    £1  12s. 

Parts.  Leigh.  Dec,  '89.    (55)   £1. 

Hf.  mor.  (in  1  vol.,  with  original 
covers  bound  In),  Alexander,  Mar., 
'95.     (309)  $9. 

Parts.  Alexander.  Mar..  '95.  (445)  $9.53. 

New    Lottery    Book    of    Birds    and 

Beasts  for  Children  to  learn  their 
letters  by.     Newcastle.  1771.     Svo. 

Bds.  (headlines  of  two  leaves  cut 
Into),  McKenzie,  Jan..  '99.  (35) 
£1  5s. 

Bda..  Soth..  May  21,  1900.   (78)    £6  5b. 

Bds.,    Philpott,   Nov.,   '01.    (11)    £15s. 

New  Year's  Gift  for  Little  IVI asters 

and  Misses.     Newcastle,  1777.     Svo. 
Cf.,    McKenzie,    Jan.,    '99.    <3G)     £123. 

Short    Treatise    on    the    "  Sports- 
man's Friend.'   Newcastle.  1800.  Svo. 
Cratg.  Mar..  '88.     (532)    £2. 
Mor.  ex..  Hunt.  Nov.,  '91.     (281)   »6. 

Works.     Newcastle,  1822.    5  vols.. 

Cf.  ex.,  Warrington,  Nov..  '93.       (376) 

£2  158. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Soth,  July  1,  '95.      (10) 


••L.,arge  paper. 
Hartree,  July.  '90.     (112)    £16. 

Works.    Memorial    edition.    Lond., 

1885-87.     5  vols..  Svo. 
Hf.  mor,  Wood,  Oct.,  '89.     (42)    £8. 
CI.,  unc,  Libbie,   Oct.   30,  '94.     (131) 

Hf.    mor..    Soth.,   June   1,    '97.       (26) 

£3  108. 
CI.,   unc,   Libbie.   May   26,   '98.     (108) 

Hf.   mor.  unc    (two  portraits  of  Be- 
wick Inserted).  McKenzie.  Jan..  '99. 

(96)    £2  14s. 
CI.,  unc,  Henkels.  Apr  20.  '99.   (138) 




Bewick  (Tbomas)^ — Continued. 

Hf.  mor..  unc.  Sotli.,  May  8.  'BB.  (94) 

£2  14s. 
Hf.  mor.,  Hodgson,  Jan.  8.  '02.     (345) 

£2  17s.  6d. 
CI.,    unc,    Libble,    Feb.    5.    '02.     (115) 


^Vlgnettes!     Newcastle.  1827.     4to. 

Hf.  mor.  ex..  unc.  Webster,  Mar..  '93. 

(184)    £114b. 
Unc,  Soth..  Apr.  4.  1900.  (400)    £2  6a. 

••Large  paper. 
Cf,   ex..   Perkins,   July,    '89.    (203)    £3 

Unc.  Percy.  May.  'JKI.     f230)    £4  IGs. 

Woodcuts.  Collection  of  213  Im- 
pressions from  Bewick's  original 
woodblocks,  taken  off  by  G.  Walker. 
3  copies  made.    8vo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Brice,  July.  87.  (55)   £2  I2s. 

Woodcuts.      Impressions    of    2000 

woodblocks  engraved  by  T.  and  J. 
Bewick.     1870.     Fol. 

CI.,  Phillips,  Nov..  '87.  (402)    £1  13s. 

CI..  Putt..  Jan.  5.  '8S.  (1005)    £1108. 

CI..  Leigh,  Dec,  '89.  (270)    £  Is. 

Grace.  Dec.  '90.   (574)    £1  Ss. 

BEYARD  (N.).     See  Bayard  (N.), 

BEYLE    (HENRI).     La  Chartreuse  de 

Parme,    Trans,  by  E.  P.  Robins.    N. 

Y..  l«95.    3  vola.,  12mo. 
••Japan  paper. 
CI.,  unc.  Richmond,  Apr.,  '98.     {176  b} 

CI.,  Richmond.  Feb.,  '99.     (431)   J7.50. 
CI.,   unc.   Bangs.   Dec.   14.  '99.      (213) 


BEZA  (T.  D£).  Brief  and  Pithy  Sum 
of  the  Christian  Faith.  Trans,  by 
Robert  FylK  Ix)nd..  [about  ISflC]. 

Cf.  (with  Hutchinson's  imago  of  CJod, 
l.<ond..  15.80.  probably  Queen  Eliza- 
beth's own  copies),  Soth..  July  3. 
•99.    (1504)    £14  108. 

Brief  and  Pithy  Sum  of  the  Chris- 
tian Faith.  Trans,  by  Robert  Fy IL 
Edinb.,  Waldegrave.  1585.     12mo. 

Mor..  g.e..  PutL,  Feb.  7,  '95.  (52)  £1 

Vel.  (Dorothy  Grenville'a  copy),  Ash- 
bumham.  Juno.  '97.   (417)    £8  10b, 

Brief  and  Pithy  Sum  of  the  Chris- 
tian Faith.    Lond..  R.  Serll.  n.d.  8vo. 
Vel..  Soth..  July  13.  '87.     (34)    £1  2b. 

Beza  (T.  De) — Cotitinuvd. 

Christian  Meditations.     Trana.  by 

J.  S..  1582.     12mo. 
Mor.  ex.,  Ellis,  Nov..  'S5.  (553)    £1  7s. 

— --Confesalone  delia  Fede  Christiana. 

N.p.,  FaMo  Todesco.  15C0.     8vo. 
Vel.,  g.e.  (formerly  belonged  to  J\Iary 

Queen  of  Scots,  with  autograph  of 

Sir  James   Meiviiie),   Soth.,  July   1, 

■01.     (GS5)    £50. 

Histoire  Ecciesiastique  des  Eglises 

Reforniees  au  Royaume  de  France. 

Antwerp,  Jean  Remy,  1580.    3  vols., 

Mor..  g.e.,   Makellar,  Nov.,   '98.     (131) 

£3  17s.Cd. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Clerk.  May.  '99.     (175) 

£1  lis. 

icones  VIrorum    Miustrlum  et  Em- 

blemata.     Geneva,   1580.     4to. 
Hf.  cf.,  Revnell,  May,  '95.    (35t    £1  48. 
Mor.,    g.e..    Soth,,    Nov.    27,    '96.     (48) 

£11  10s. 
Mor,,     g.e.,     Aahhumham,     June,     '97. 

(410)    £5  IDs. 
Rus.,   g.e.,   Edwardes,   May,   '01.     (75) 

£4  15s. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Hihbert,    Apr.,    '02.     (6(5) 

£11  15.S. 

Lea  vraia  Pourtraits  des  Hommes 

illuBtres     et,     Embiemes.       Geneva, 

15S1.     4to. 
Vel.,  Soth.,  Feb..  22,  '97.   (587)    £1  3«. 
Cf..  m.e..  Clerk.   May.  '99.     (17C)    L'l 

Mor.   ex.,   g.e.,    Bangs.   Mar.   19.   1900. 

(SOS)  121. 

Maister  Beza's  Household  Prayers 

for  the  Consolation  and  Perfection 
of  a  Christian  Life,  Lond.,  1607. 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Virtue  Tebbs,  .Tune,  1900. 
(19)    £10. 

Oration   made   In   the   presence   of 

the  KinK,  the  Queene  Moltier.  the 
King  of  Navarre,  etc  Ixjud..  R. 
Jugge.  15(J1.    Svo. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (some  margins  shaved  and 
scribbled  on),  Makellar.  Nov.,  '98. 
(132)     £2  2s. 

Poemata    et    G.    Buchanan!    ScotI 

Poematl.     Paris,  1569.     Svo. 
Mor.  ex.,  Smalley,  July,  '87.     (37)   £9. 

Vindiciae  contra  Tyrannos.  Edlnb., 

1579.     Svo. 



Biza   (T.   De) — d/nlinut'tl. 

Mor.  ex.,  Burra,  May,  '97.  iHG]    £2  3s. 

BIARD  (PIERRE).  Relatron  de  la 
Nouvelle  France.  Lyons.  IGIG.  [Al- 
bany, 1871,]     8vo. 

Hf.,  mor.,  unc,  Murphv,  Mar..  '84. 
(244)   112. 

Hf,  mor..  unc,  Brevoort,  Feb.,  '90. 
(603>  $5.25. 

BIBLE,  POLYGLOT.  Biblia  Sacra 
Polyglotta.  Alcala  de  Henares. 
1&14-17.     G  vols.,  fol. 

Cf.  (in  4  vols.,  some  leaves  wormed). 
Sunderland,  Dec,  '81.     (1299)    £195. 

Mor.  ex.,  Thorold,  Dec,  *84.  (278) 

Cf..  Vol.  G  unbd.  {lacking  general 
tlUe).  Crawford,  June,  '87.  (301) 

Rus.  (title  of  Vol.  2  mounted,  a  por- 
tion of  the  first  r>  leaves  in  manu- 
script), Aylesford.  Mar.,  'SS.  (iliu 

Cf.,  g,e.  (slightly  wormed).  Darby. 
Nov.,  '89,     (1G8>    £108. 

Mor.,  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.   (320)  £100. 

VeL,  Apponyf,  Nov.,  '92.     (195)    £114. 

Mor..  Soth..  Dec.  1,  '96.     (51G)    £100, 

Vel.  (some  leaves  very  slightly 
wormed,  inner  margin  of  two  titles 
mended).  Makellar,  Nov..  '98.  (205) 

Vel.  (a  few  leaves  stained  and 
wormed),  Soth..  July  1.  '01.  (206) 

Pigskin  (Vols.  1-5  only),  Llverraore, 
Nov,.  "94,     (121)    1210. 

Cf.  (Vols.  1-4  only),  Soth.,  Dec.  2,  '01. 
(17C)    £20. 

Btblia  Sacra  Polygfotta.  Antwerp, 

1569-72.     8  voLs.,  fol. 
Mor..  g.e.,   Soth..   Mar.   14,   '87.     (276) 

Mor.,   g.e.    (stained),    Hirst.   Dec.    '87. 

(359)    £9  15s. 
Mor.,  g.e,,  Coleridge,  May.  *96.     (313) 

Mor.,  Stanley,  June.  '01.     (297)    £12. 
Cf-,  with  clasps  (Vo)a.  1-5  only),  Liver- 
more,  Nov..  '94.     (145)   1125. 
••On  vellum, 
Mor.    (Vols.    1-5,    In    10    vols..    lacking 

the     "Apparatus").     Ashburnham. 

June,  '97.     (429)   £79. 

Biblia    Sacra    Polyglotta.        IjDUd.. 

1657.     6  vols.,  fol. 

Bible,   Polyglot — Coutiiiurd. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Hardwleke,  June,  '88.  (106) 
£9  5s. 

Cf.  (with  Republican  Preface),  Soth., 
May  13,  '92.     (993)    £10. 

Cf.  (broken).  Bangs,  Oct.  22,  '94.  (184) 

Smithson.  June, '96.     (638)   £5  12s,  Gd, 

Cf.  (with  Royal  Preface).  Bunbury. 
July,   '96,     (227)    £7. 

Cf.,  g.e.,  Bateman,  July,  *96.  (119) 
£5  108. 

Mor,,  g.e,,  (with  Royal  Preface), 
Soth.,  July  3,  '99.     (243)    £G2s.  6d. 

Mor,,  Smith,  May,  '01.   (311)    £7  58. 

Biblia    Sacra    Polyglotta.      Lond., 

1(557.  With  Lexicon  Heptaglotten, 
by  E.  Castelli,  l^nd..  1669..  2  vols. 
Together  8  vols.,  fol. 

Cf.,  g.e..  Aylesford,  Mar..  '88.  (174) 

Cf.,  Hastings,  May,  '93.     (185)    £8. 

Cf.  (with  Republican  Preface),  Atkin- 
son. Mar..  '96.     (344)    £9. 

Cf.  (with  Republican  Preface).  Cill- 
christ,  July,  'SG.     (148>    £9  15s. 

Mor,,  g.e,  (with  Royal  Preface,  in  7 
vols,,  the  Duke  of  Gloucester's  copy), 
Ashburnham.  June  '97,     (431)    £28. 

Cf.  (with  Roval  Preface).  Soth..  Apr. 
4,  '98.     (82)    £8  5s. 

Mor,  ex..  g.e.  (with  Royal  Preface). 
Probasco,  Jan.,  '99.     (Ill)  ?98. 

Mor,  ex.,  g.e.  (with  Royal  Preface). 
Soth.,    Apr.    24.    '99.      (632)     £13  58. 

Cf-  (with  Republican  Preface).  Soth.. 
May  16.  '01.     (52)    £8  5s. 

BIBLE  IN  ARMENIAN,  Biblia  Arme- 
nic6.     Venice.  1733.     Fol. 

Hirst.  Dec,   '87.     (C72)    £2  8s. 

Bds..  covered  with  leather,  g.e.  (Sus- 
sex copy).  Stuart,  Mar.,  '95.  (158) 

Bds.,  covered  with  leather,  g.e.,  Atkin- 
son. Mar..  '96.     (670)    £12s. 

Orlg.  stamped  binding.  Soth..  Nov.  IS. 
'02.     (50)    £2  4s. 

BIBLE  IN  BOHEMIAN.  Biblia  Bo- 
ll em  ica.     Venice,   1506.     Fol.  Crawford,  June.  '89.  (166) 
£12  5s. 

Bibllj    Czeske.     Pawla   Seweryna. 

152H.     Pol. 

Hf.  cf.  (a  few  leaves  defective),  Soih.. 
Jan.    24.   '99.      (760)     £4  8s. 

-:— Biblij  Cxeske.  Kralitz.  l579-U:iH. 
G  vols..  4fo. 




Bible  in  Bohemiiin — doutiounJ. 
Cf-,  r.e,  (a  few  leaves  mended >,  Soih., 
Jan.  24,  '99.    (727)    £7  12s.  6d. 

BIBLE    IN    DANISH.     Biblla    Danlca. 

Copenhageo,   1550.     5  vols..   foL 
Cf.  (in  1  vol.),  Soth.,  Jan,  15.  '90.  (95) 

Cf.    (In    1    VOL).    Putt..    June    20.    '94. 

(958}    £6  15s. 

eiBLE   IN   DUTCH.     Bybel  overset  tc 

Duytsche    uten    Latlne.     Delf.    1477. 

2  \'ol8.,  foL 
Leather,  Hirst.  Dec.,  '87.     (393)   £19. 
Leather,    Atkinson.     Mar.,     '96.     (26) 

£19  108. 
Mor.   ex.,   g.e.    (some    leaves    stained 

and  mended,  Thorold  copy),  Makel* 

lar.  Nov..  '9S.      (6G7i    £10  10s. 
Cf.  (In  1  VOL).  White.  Apr..  '02.  (203) 

^Die    BIblie,   etc.     Lubeck,   Arndes, 

1494.     Fol. 
Hf.  veL.  Morris,  Dec,  '98.     (184)    £50. 

Den    Btbel.     Tgeheele    Onde   ende 

Nletiwe  Testanient.  etc.  Antwerp. 
1514.     Fol. 

Leather.  Putt..  Apr.  8.  '97.  (284*) 

-Den    BibeU    etc.     Antwerp.    151S. 

Cf.   Livermore,   Nov.,   '94.     (124)    |60. 

BIBLE  IN  ENGLISH.  Bible.  Tnina. 
Into  English  by  Miles  Coverdale. 
First  edition  of  the  Coverdale 
Bible  (Probably  Zurich.  Chris- 
topher Froschover),  1535.     Fot. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (12.J  by  7^  inchos; 
title  and  2  following  leaves  In  facs.. 
no  map,  the  Dent  copyl',  Perkins, 
June,  73.     (191)    £400. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (laclcing  title,  6  other 
leaves,  and  map).  Tlte,  May.  •74. 
(254)    £150. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title  and  2  following 
leaves  In  facs.,  no  map,  the  Dent- 
Perkins  copy),  Benzwjn,  June,  '75. 
(18)    £360. 

Mor.  ex.  (second  issue,  with  title 
dated  1536.  top  corner  of  map 
mended),  Jersey.  May,  '85.  (195) 

Mor.  ex.  (12|  by  7J  inches,  title  and  6 
of  the  preliminary  leaves  In  facs.). 
Crawford.  June.  '87.     (331)    £226. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  Jfitjki,  map.  22  leave.s  at 
the  beginning  and  2S  leaves  at  end. 

Bible  in  English — CoHtiuuril. 
in  facs.),  Batcman,  May.  '9!^.     1^271  • 

Mor.  ex.,  in  mor.  case  (title.  2C  other 
leaves,  and  map  In  facs.,  blndin.e;  and 
some  leaves  water-staloed),  i^iver- 
more,  Nov.,  '94.    (129)  $800. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (12  by  7i  Inches,  title, 
preliminary  leaves,  map.  and  13 
other  leaves  In  facs.,  last  leaf  of 
Solomon's  Ballet  and  Fol.  5S  lack- 
ing), Atkinson,  Mar..  '96.    (39)  £165. 

(Imperfect).  Burra.  Mav.  '97.  (617) 

Mot.,  g.e.  (title.  1  initial,  top  corner  of 
Fol.  12,  and  part  of  map  in  facs.. 
margins  of  20  leaves  mended,  Gard- 
ner copy),  Ashbm*nham,  June,  '97. 
(498)    £820. 

Cf.  (lacking  title  and  preliminary 
leaves,  map  in  facs..  several  other 
leaves  torn  and  mended),  Ashliurn- 
ham.  June,  '97.     (499)    £175, 

(Title,  preliminary  leaves  and  last  leaf 
of  Revelations  In  facs.,  no  map, 
several  leaves  mended).  Ashbum- 
ham.  June,  '97.     (500)   £96. 

Mor..  g.e.  (Imperfect),  Soth..  June  27. 
'98.     (265)    £61. 

Mor,  ex..  g.e.  (title,  first  leaf  of  Dedi- 
cation, first  9  leaves  of  Genesis,  half 
of  the  map.  and  last  6  leaves  in  facs.. 
several  other  leaves  mended,  mar- 
gins cut  Into),  Makellar,  Nov..  '98. 
(767)    £88. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (map,  2  titles,  prelimi- 
nary leaves,  first  14  folios,  and  sev- 
eral leaves  at  end  in  facs.,  some 
margins  mended  and  notes  cut  Into), 
Hunt,  July.  '99.     (328)    £60. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (title,  first  2  11.  of  Dedi- 
cation, Fol.  li.  map,  and  last  3  11. 
In  facs.,  margins  of  several  leaves 
mended,  the  Tlte  copv).  Christie. 
Apr.  9.  1900.     (236  A)    £300. 

Mor.  (some  leaves  mended  anrl  others 
supplied  in  facs.),  Appleton.  Apr., 
'03.      (14)    J3000. 

Bible.     First  edition  of  Matthew's 

Bible.  [Antwerp,  probably  Mat- 
thew Crom.  published  in  Lond.  by 
Grafton  and  Whitchurch],  1537. 

Mor.  (title  inlaid  and  last  leai  of  im- 
print mended  t,  Perkins.  June.  '73. 
(192)    £19.5. 

Mor.   (title  Inlaid  and  last  leaf  of  Ira- 




Bible   in   EngUth-^'tmtinMeiJ. 
print  mended.  Perkins  copy).  Craw* 
ford,  June,  '87.     (332)    £161. 

(TlUe  pages  to  Bible  and  New  Testa- 
ment, and  2  other  leaves  mended). 
Soth..  July  13.  '87.     (275)    £80. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title,  Kalendar.  and  Im- 
print In  facs.).  Crawford.  June,  '89. 
(171)    £20  105. 

Bda.  (lacking  title  and  last  leaf),  Rod- 
ney. Aug.,  '90.     (1SS4)    £22. 

Mor.  (title  and  4  other  leaves  In  manu- 
script, lacking  dedication,  several 
margins  soiled  and  mended,  Sussex 
copy).  Blew,  June,  '96.     (65)    £19. 

Rus.  (title  and  Colophon  inlaid.  Lea 
Wilson  copy),  Ashbumham,  June, 
•97.     (504)    £177. 

Mor.,  g.e.  {title  in  facs.,  several 
leaves  mended).  Johnson,  Feb..  *98. 
(210)    £18. 

Hf,  bd.  (lacking  cut  of  Adam  and  E\e 
and  all  the  preliminary  leaves, 
words  of  the  New  Testament  title 
and  table  at  end  and  part  of  the 
first  leaf  of  (lenesia  in  facs.,  some 
margins  cut  Into),  Makellar,  Nov., 
•98.     (768)    £12. 

Cf.  (lacking  all  after  Revelation  Xll, 
preliminary  leaves  and  colophon 
supplied  in  facs..  title  to  the  New 
Testament  inlaid),  Soth.,  Mar.  22. 
•01.     (515)    £15. 

Bfble.     FJrat  edition    of   Taverner 

Blbie.  Ixjnd.,  John  Byddell,  for 
Thomas   Berlhlet.    153&,     Fol. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title  in  face.,  several 
leaves  mended).  Crawford,  June, 
•87.     (333)    £57, 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title  and  prellminarj- 
leaves  In  facs.,  several  leaves 
mended),  Ward,  Jan..  '90.  (223) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (title,  following  leaf,  and  5 
leaves  at  end  In  facs.).  Makollar. 
Nov.,   '98.      (7811     £21  10s. 

Bibie,     First  edition  of  the  Great 

or  Crannier  Bible,  [i.onii.].  Grafton 
and  Whitchurch.  1539.     Fol. 

l^eather  (15|  by  10}).  Crawford,  June, 
'87.     (334)    £111. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (title.  5  preliminary 
leaves,  and  last  leaf  in  facs.).  Ward, 
Jan.,  '90.     (224)    £27. 

Cf.  (lacking  one  leaf,  bottom  right- 
hand  comers  of  title,  preliminary 
leaves,  and  last  leaf  of  Table  torn 
off).  Both.,  June  18.  '96.     (772)    £70. 

Bible   in   English — Continued. 

Cf.  (title,  comers  of  Kalendar.  and 
first  leaf  of  text  in  facs..  New  Testa- 
ment title  inlaid,  and  perhaps  facs.) 
Ashbumham,  June,  '97.     (511)    £73. 

Cf.  (lacking  title,  preliminary  leaves 
and  last  2  leaves  of  Table).  Ashbum- 
ham. June,   '97.     (505)    £50. 

Leather  (lacking  preliminary  leaves 
and  title  to  New  Testament,  a  few 
leaves  defective,  last  leaf  of  Table 
inlaid  and  loosely  inserted  K  Ash 
buraham.  May.  '98.     (4053)    £41. 

.Mor.,  g.e.  (both  titles,  6  preliminary 
leaves,  and  last  leaf  of  Table  In 
facs..  a  few  leaves  mended).  Soth.. 
Apr.  24.  '99.      (633)    £26  10s. 

Cf.  (lacking  preliminary  leaves,  and 
last  leaf).  Soth..  Mar.  17.  '02.  (316) 
£29  10s. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (first  title  and  some 
other  leaves  repaired,  a  few  head- 
lines cut  into).  White,  Apr.,  '02. 
(215)    £42  los. 

Mor.  ex.  (title,  preliminary  leaves  and 
table  In  facs.).  Soth-.  June  18.  '03. 
(171)    £28  10s. 

Bible.     Cranmer's    Version.  Ix>nd.. 

Robert  Redman  and  Thomas  Petyt 
for  Thomas  Berthelet,  April.  1540. 

Cf.  ex..  g.e.  (first  title  and  last  leaf  of 
table  Inlaid).  .\shburDham,  June, 
•97.     (512)    £61- 

.Mor.,  g.e.  (first  title  mended,  3  leaves 
of  Kalendar,  and  last  3  leaves  of  the 
New  Testament  in  facs.,  several 
margins  mended).  Makellar.  Nov.. 
'98.      (774)     £20. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (first  title,  4  following  leaves 
and  2  leaves  of  Table  In  facs.), 
Soth.,  Apr.  24,  '99.     (5t)9j    £14  10s. 

Bible.         Second     edition     of    the 

Great  Bible.  Ijand..  Richard  Graf- 
ton. April,  1540. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (first  title  inlaid,  a  few 
margins  cut  close  and  mended), 
Makellar.  Nov.,  'S8.     (77B)    £40. 

Bible.      Third      edition      of      the 

Great  Bible.  Ijond..  Richard  Graf- 
ton. July,  1640.     Fol. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (last  leaf  and  comers  of 
several  leaves  in  facs.).  Tite.  May. 
'74.     (255)    £63. 

Cf.  (lacking  4  leaves,  corner  torn  from 
general  title,  and  small  hole  in  en- 
graved title  to  New  Testament), 
Putt..   Dec.   20.   '93.     (233)    £35. 




Bible  in  English — Continued. 

Cf.  (lacking  first  title,  names  of  books 

and  Prologue,  and  last  leaf  of  Table, 

some     leaves     mended),     Atkinson, 

Mar.,  •96.  (445,>  £15  lOs. 
llor..    g.e.    (last    leaf    in    facs.,    Tite 

copy),     Johnson,     Feb..     '98.     (213) 


Bible.     Fourth      edition      of      the 

Great  Bible.  Lond.,  Whitchurch, 
November,  1540.     Fol. 

Cf.  (lacking  title,  preliminary  leaves 
and  last  leaf.  Aylesford  copy), 
Johnson,   Feb.,   '98.     (214)     £18  1Ss. 

Leather  (first  and  second  titles,  first 
leaf  of  Prologue  and  last  leaf.  In 
Cacs.,  several  leaves  mended).  Ma- 
keilar,  Nov.,  '98.     (776)    £50. 

Cf.,  g.e.  (2  Utles  backed,  1  leaf  torn. 
Family  Bible  of  the  Briggs,  of  Cal- 
myer>,  Soth.,  Dec.  2.  "01.  (178 » 
£3  5s. 

Bible.     Fifth       edition       of       the 

Great     Bible-    Lond.,     Whitchurch, 

May,  1541.     Fol. 
Cf-  ex.,  g.e,   (title  and  2  other  leaves 

In  facs.),  Tite,  May.  '74.  (256)    £30. 
Cf.,   g.e.    (Utle,    Kalendar   and   last   2 

leaves  In  facs.),  Soth..  Mar.  14,  "87. 

(36)    £15  158. 
Cf.  (Utle  in  facs.).  Soth..  Jan.  15,  '90. 

(359)    £19  10s. 
Cf.  (title  mended,  a  portion  of  Table 

missing).  Appleton.  Apr..  '03.     (16) 


Bible.     Sixth       edition       of       the 

Great     Bible.     Lond.,      Whitchurch, 

November,  1541.     Fol. 
Cf.    (title    and    several    other    leaves 

slightly  wormed),  Sunderland,  I>ec., 

•8L     (1413)    £115. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.    (a  few  upper  margins 

cut  into),  Crawford,  June.  '87.  (335) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (one  leaf  defective,  margins 

of  two  titles  mended  t,  Ashburnham, 

June.  '97.     (514)    £C3. 
LcAther    (a    few    preliminary    leaves 

slightly  wormed,  last  leaf  of  Table 

defective).  Soth.,  Nov.  20,  '99.  (552) 

CI.  (first  title  In  facs.,  lacking  Folios 

1,  2.  8  and  9.  all  the  Tables  and  some 

leaves  at   end).  Soth..   May   16,   '01. 

(44)    £7  2s.6d. 
Cf.  (lacking  Prologue),  Soth..  Mar.  17. 

•02.     (317)    £30. 

Bible   in   English — Continued. 

Mor.    (tiUe,   first   five  and   last  three 

leaves,  title  to  New  Testament,  etc. 

in    all    12    leaves,    in    facs.).    Soth.. 

July  28,  '03.     (571)    £18  5s. 

Bible.     Matthew's   Version,  \jonA.. 

Daye  and  Seres,  1549.     Fol. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (a  few  leaves  mended), 

Crawford.  June,  '87.     (33G)    £24. 
Rus.    ex..   g.e.    (title   mounted.    Sykes 

copy).  Stuart,  Mar..  '95.     (160)   £23. 
Cf.   (lacking  1  leaf  of  Kalendar;   Utle. 

preliminary    leaves,    and    leaves    in 

Revelation   defective  and   mended), 

Ashburnham,  June,  '97.     (508)    £11. 
Mor.   ex.,   g.e.    (a  portion   of   title   in 

facs.).     Burrell,     Julv,     '97.     (166) 

£13  10s. 
Bds.    (title,   leaf   of   Table,   colophon. 

and  half  of  last  leaf  in  faca.).  Soth., 

Feb.  3,  '98-     (88)    £8  12s.6d- 
Mor..     g.e..     Lamb,     Feb.,     "SS.     (83) 

£25  4s. 
Cf.  (title  and  2  leaves  in  facs..  2  other 

leaves    defective).    Soth..    Mar.    21. 

•98.     (1336)    £6- 
Cf.    (tide    partly    inlaid,    margins    of 

several    leaves    mended),    Makellar, 

Nov..  '98.     (771)    £11. 
Bds.    (title,   leaf   of   Table,   colophon. 

and  half  of  last  leaf  in  facs.),  Soth.. 

Oct.  28,  '01.      (765)    £5  7s.  6d. 
Bds.  (lacking  leaf  of  Kalendar),  Soth.. 

Mar.  17.  '02,     (318)   £13. 

Bible.     Matthew's    Version.  Lond.. 

T.  Raynalde  and  W.  Hyll.  1549.    Fol. 

Vet.  (lacking  3  preliminary  leaves  and 
title  to  New  Testament;  title,  first 
leaf  of  Kalendar  and  last  leaf  in 
facs.,  several  leaves  mended),  Soth.. 
Mar.  14,  '87.     (37)    £5 10s. 

Cf.  (title  in  facs.,  2  leaves  mended). 
Hailstone,  Apr.,   '91.     (350)    £7 15s. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (lacking  2  leaves,  comers 
of  some  leaves  mended),  Soth.,  Dec 
12.  "93.      (662)    £19lU.s. 

(First  title  and  last  leaf  inlaid,  mar- 
gins of  several  other  leaves  cut 
close),  Makellar,  Nov..  '98.  (769) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (lacking  2  leaves,  comers  of 
some  leaves  mended),  Soth.,  Jan. 
24.   '99-     (315)    £9  5s. 

Mor.  (lacking  title,  Kalendar  and  Al- 
manac, and  end  of  Table  of  the 
Epistle  and  Gospels),  Soth.,  Apr. 
24.  '99.     (1168)    £6  108. 




Bible  In  EnQUth— Continued. 
Mot.,  g.e.  (lacking:  2  leaves,  comers  of 
some   leaves    mended  >,    Soth.,    July 

11,  'SS.     (1128)    £10  108. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title  in  facs.,  several 
leaves  mended  In  the  marsin), 
White,  Apr.,  '02.     (219)    £12  15s. 

Bible.     Cranmer'a   Version.  Lond., 

Whitchurch,  December,  1549.    Fol. 

Cf.  {several  leaves  defective  and 
stained),  Sunderland,  Dec.,  'SI. 
(1414)    £25  10s. 

Mor.  ex..  Ellis.  Nov.,  '85.     (B66)    £55. 

Cf.  (title  mounted),  Putt.,  May  4.  '98, 
(231)    £25. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (corner  of  title  mended, 
some  margins  cut  close),  MaisellaT, 
Nov.,  "98.     (777)   £14. 

Mor,,  g.e.  (title  In  facs..  some  margina 
cut  close),  Stanley,  June,  '01.  (321) 

Hf.  cf.  (in  2  vols.,  titles  and  several 
otber  leaves  defective,  some  mended 
and  mounted),  Fountaine,  June,  *02. 
(85)    £CG3. 

Rub.  (title  in  facs.,  some  front  margins 
shaved),  Soth.,  June  18,  '03.  (472) 
£6  12b.  6d. 

Bible.     Cranmer's    Version,  l^nd., 

Whitchurch,  1550.     4lo. 

Leather  (slightly  defective  in  several 
places,  said  to  be  Edward  VI's 
copy),  Ashhurnham,  June,  '97.  (515) 

Cf.  (title.  Psalms  title.  11  leaves  In 
Paalms,  and  3  leaves  in  Revelations 
in  facs.).  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98.  (G73) 

Bible.  Coverdale's  Version.  [Zu- 
rich, Proschover.]  Lond.,  A.  Hes- 
ter, 1550.    4  to. 

Cf.  (imperfect  at  beginning  and  end), 
Soth.,  July  27.  '93.     (30)    £10. 

Mor..  g.e.  (lacking  S  preliminary 
leaves  and  1  leaf  at  end,  first  title 
and  4  leaves  In  facs.,  some  leaves 
defective  and  mended),  Soth.,  Dec. 

12.  '93.     (595)    £31, 

Cf.  (lacking  first  10  leaves,  Folios  ci 
to  cxr  of  New  Testament,  and  3 
leaves  of  Table,  several  leaves  de- 
fective and  mended),  Soth.,  Dec.  12, 
•93.     (596)   £2(ri08. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (title  inlaid,  preliminary 
leaves,  first  leaf  of  Genesis,  and 
some  other  leaves  repaired,  Sussex 
copy),  Aahburnham,  June,  '97.  (502) 

Bible  in  English — Contitittcd. 

Mor.,  g.e,  (lacking  8  preliminary 
leaves  and  1  leaf  at  end,  first  title 
and  4  other  leaves  In  facs..  some 
leaves  defective  and  mended),  Soth., 
Jan.  24,  *99.     (274)    £24  5s. 

Cf.  (lacking  first  10  leaves.  Folios  ex 
to  cxx  of  New  Testament,  and  3 
leaves  of  Table,  several  leaves  de- 
fective and  mended),  Soth.,  Jan.  24, 
"99.     (275)    £S. 

Cf.  (lacking  title  and  following  leaf, 
first  leaf  of  Kalendar,  and  all  after 
Fol.  cccix).  Soth.,  Apr.  24,  '99.  (894) 
£8  IDs. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (first  title  and  3  leaves  of 
Table  in  facs.,  a  few  leaves  mended, 
some  headlines  and  marginal  notes 
cut  Into),  Battle  Abbey,  June,  '02, 
(169)    £14  159. 

Bible.     Matthew'a   Version.  Lond., 

John  Daye,  1551.    Fol. 

Bds.  (lacking  2  leaves,  comer  of  title 
and  one  other  leaf  torn  off).  Hill, 
Dec.,  '92.     (219)    £9  15s. 

Hf.  bd.  (title  in  facs.,  several  leaves 
mended),  Atkinson,  Mar.,  *96.  (452) 
£8  15s. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (margins  of  title  and  of 
preliminary  leaves  mended),  Aah- 
burnham, June,  '97.     (509)   £10. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (margins  of  title  and 
preliminary  leaves  mended,  upper 
part  of  one  other  leaf  torn  off),  Ash- 
hurnham, Dec,  '98.     (IC)    £8. 

Bible.     Matthew's   Version,  Lond., 

Nicholas  Hyll,  for  Robert  Toye,  or 
T.    Petvt    (or    others),    1551.      Fol. 

Cf.,  Ward,  Jan..  '90.     (227)    £5  2s.  Gd. 

Rus.  (tide  mended,  margins  frayed 
throughout),  Ashhurnham,  June,  '97. 
(510)    £5158. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (title  and  2  preliminary 
leaves  in  facs.,  margins  of  several 
other  leaves  mended),  Makellar, 
Nov.,  98-     (770)   £7  15b. 

Cf.  (title,  Kalendar  and  last  6  leavuti 
of  Revelations  In  facs.),  Makellar. 
Nov.,  '98.     (G74)    £4  15s. 

-Bible.      Coverdale's    Version.      Zu- 

rich, Proschover,  for  .\.  Hester, 
1550,  (re-Issued  by)  R.  Jugge.  1653. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Hester  title  Inlaid  and 
backed,  Proschover  and  Jugge  titles, 
and  4  leaves  of  Table  at  end,  in 
facs..    margins    of    several    leaves 





Bible  In  EnglEsh — Continued. 
mended),  Makellar,  Nov..  '9S.  (672) 

"^^Bible.     Cranmer'a   Ver»ion.  Loud,, 

E.  Whltchurclie  or  R.  Grafton,  1553. 
Cf.    (margin 8   cut  close).  Ward,  Jan., 

'90.     (150)    £2  12s.  6d. 
Mor.,    g.e.    tQueen    Elizabeth's    copy), 

Ashburnham,  .Tune,  "97.     (516)    £93. 
Mor.  g.e.   (lacking  1  leaf,  3  leaves  of 

Revelations  mended).  Ashburnham, 

June,  '97.     (518)    £11. 
Mor..  g.e.  (title  and  following  leaf  in 

facs.,     some     margins     cut     close), 

Makellar,   Nov..    'its.      (675)    £6  1tts. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.   (2  leaves  In  faca.,  first 

title  and  first  of  Genesis  mended), 

Maketlar,  Nov.,   '98.      (7781    £8  15h. 
Sbeep,  r.e.  (flrat  leaf  of  the  Apocrypha 

supplied  In  manuscript,  1  leaf  torn, 

edges   of   last    few    leaves   frayed), 

Soth..  May  IG.  '01.      (45)    £7  15s. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (title  and  margins  of  several 

other  leaves  mended).  White,  Apr., 

'02.     (221)    £13. 
Mor.    (some  leaves  mended,   sold  not 

subject  to   return),   Ellla,    Oct.,   '02, 

(323)    £11. 
• Bible.     First    Edition    of   Genevan 

Version.    Geneva,     Rowland     Hall, 

15(i0.     4to. 
Mor.,    g.e.    (a    few    leaves    mended), 

Crawford,  June.  '87.     (337)    £19  15s. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.    (2  maps   mounted  and 

mended,   a   few   leaves   cut   into    at 

top). Martin. Mar.. '88.   (264>    £19  1tis. 
Cf.  (title,  first  leaf  of  dedication,  and 

last  leaf   in   facs.).   Soth.,   Jan.   15, 

•90.     (172)    £7  15s. 
Mor.,  Ward,  Jan.,  '90.     (151)   £8  15b. 
Mor.    (stained),  LIvennore.  Nov.,   '94. 

(140)   135. 
(Several    leaves    mended),    Atkinson, 

Mar.,  '96.     (42)    £4  4b. 
Rua..  g.e.   (title  inlaid,  some  margins 

cut    into),    Ashburnham,    June,    '97. 

(620)   £20. 
Mor.  ex.  (title  inlaid),  Makellar,  Nov., 

•98.     (677)    £36. 
Mor..  g.e.  (said  to  be  on  thick  paper. 

title    mended,    some    headlines    cut 

into).  White,  Apr..  '02.     (225)    £17. 
Mor..  g.e.  (title  inlaid),  Appleton,  Apr., 

•03.     (22)  1190. 

Bible.  Second  Edition  of  Genevan 
Version.     Geneva,  1562-61.     Fol. 

Bible  In  English — Continued. 

Cf.  (2  leaves  of  Table  In  facs.,  several 

leaves    mended),    Ward,    Jan.,    '90. 

(228)    £3  12s. 
Cf,     (title,    part    of    following     leaf. 

and   last  4   leaves  in  facs.,  several 

leaves  mended).  Atkinson,  Mar.,  '96. 

(459)    £2  12a. 

Bible.     Cranmer's    Version.  Lond., 

W.  Harrison,  1562.     Fol. 
Cf.     (title    mended    and    mounted.    2 

leaves  slightly  defective).  Makellar, 

Nov.,  '98.     (779)    £5  78.ed. 

Bible.    Cranmer's  Version.    Rouen, 

R.  Carmarden.  16G6.     FoL 

Leather  (title  in  facs.),  Ward,  Jan., 
'90.     (229)    £8. 

(Lacking  title  and  last  leaf),  Southby, 
Dec..  '90.      (4S4)    £6 15s. 

Cf.  (title  and  last  2  leaves  mended, 
lacking  1  leaf  and  portions  of  2 
others),  Soth.,  May  13.  '92.  (785) 
£6  15s. 

Cf.  (lacking  3  leaves),  Soth.,  July  27, 
•93.     (94)    £7, 

Rus.,  g.e.  (title  mounted,  several 
leaves  wormed),  Soth.,  Dec.  1.  '96. 
(519)    £14  5s. 

Mor.  (titles  to  Old  and  New  Testa- 
ments inlaid,  margins  of  4  leaves 
mended),  Ashburnham,  June,  '97. 
(519)    £20  lOs. 

(Title  mounted,  last  2  leaves  mended), 
Putt.,  May  4,  '98.     (249)    £11. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (title  and  following  leaf,  and 
last  two  leaves  of  New  Testament  la 
faca..  one  otiier  leaf  and  margins  of 
preliminary  leaves  mended),  Ma- 
kellar, Nov.    '98.      (7801     £10  15s. 

Mor..  g.e.  (lacking  several  leaves,  first 
title  and  last  leaf  mended),  Soth., 
Mar.  7,  '01.    (508)    £15  5a. 

Rus.  (last  leaves  wormed  and  mend- 
ed). Soth.,  June  18,  '03.     (474)    £22. 

Bible.       First      Edition      of      the 

Bishops'    Bible.    Lond.,    R.    Jugge, 

1668.     Fol, 
Cf.   (title  Inlaid),   Soth.,  Mar.  14.   '87. 

(42)    £10  10a. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Crawford,    June,    '87. 

(338)    £70. 
Cf.    (1    leaf   in    facs.,    several   leaves 

mended),  Aylesford,  Mar.,  'S8.  (188) 

£9  9s. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Both.,    Aug.    18,    '88. 

(1144)   £37. 




Bible   in   English — Continued. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Ward.  Jan.,  '90.  (230> 
£25  10s. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title  soiled  and  mended, 
last  3  leaves  wormed) ,  Ashburnham. 
June,  '97.     (520)    £70. 

Velvet  (lacking  title  and  some  prelim- 
inary leaves,  some  leaves  at  end  de- 
fective!, Sotb.,  Apr.  4,  '98.  (79) 
£22  108. 

Mor,  ex.,  K.e.  (title  backed  and  slightly 
mended),  Maltellar.  Nov.,  '98.  (790) 

Mor..  g.e.  (title,  following  leaf  and  last 
leaf  in  facs.,  preHnitnary  leaves 
mended,  some  defective).  Soth..  May 
16,  '01.     (47)    £10  15s. 

Cf.  (title  in  facs..  2  leaves  at  end  and 
margins  of  preliminary  leaves  mend- 
ed j.WTilte.  Apr.. '02.    (222)    £S2s.  Gd. 

Mor.  ex.  (title  backed,  some  leaves 
mended,  some  fore-edges  cut  into). 
Bools.  June,  '03.     (145)    £12  5s. 

^Slble.    Cranmer's  Version.    Lond., 

J.  Cawood,  1569,     4to. 
Cf.    (title  mended),   Stane,  Aug.,   '88. 

(580)  £&. 
Cf,   (lacking  title),  Sullivan,  May.  '90. 

(706)    £3Sa. 
Bibie.     Genevan  Version.   Geneva, 

J.  Crispin,  1569-70.    4to. 
Vel.,  inlaid,  g.e.  (margins  of  2  leaves 

mended),    Ashburnham.    June,    '97. 

(527)    £5  13s. 
Vel.,  g.e.   (Ashburnbam  copy),  White. 

Apr.,  '02.      (22i})    £4  7s.  Cd, 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  White,  Apr.,  '02.     (227) 

£10  58. 
Bible,      Bishops'    Version.      Loud., 

R.  Jugge,  15G9.    4to. 
Pigskin   (title  and  part  of  one  other 

leaf  in  facs.),  Ward,  Jan.,  '90.    (153) 

£2  12s. 
Cf.  ex.   (1  leaf  In  manuscript,  part  of 

map   torn  off),  Atkinson,   Mar.,   '96 

(4(1)   £5  5s. 
Cf.  (with  the  Psalms,  1569).  Ashbum 

ham,  June.  '97.     (521)    £11 10a. 
CI  (some  margins  cut  close],  Makel 

lar.  Nov.,   '98.      (C82)    £S  IDa. 
Cf.  (Ashburnham  copy).  White,  Apr. 

'02.      (223)    £14  10s. 

Bfble.      Bishops'    Version.     Lond. 

R.  jugge,  1572.     Fol. 
Cf,  (lacking  title,  the  Earl  of  Lelcefr 

ter's    copy),    Aylesford,    Mar.,    '88. 

(189)  £90. 

Bible  in   English — Continued. 

Cf.  (rebacked),  Baker,  Feb.,  '91.  (20e> 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title  and  last  leaf 
mended,  portions  supplied  in  manu- 
script, a  few  other  leaves  mended), 
Makel lar,  Nov.,  'ftvS.     (79n    £12  10s. 

Hf.  vel.  (title  inlaid,  following  leaf  In 
facs.,  others  slightly  defective). 
Soth.,   Apr.   24,    "99.      (GOTj    £2  2s. 

Oak  boards  (title  to  Old  Testament 
lacking,  some  margins  mended), 
Soth.,   Mar.  23,   "03.      (CO)    £5  10s. 

Cf.  (lacking  title  and  genealogical 
tables),  Appleton,  Apr.,  '03.     (18)  *50. 

Bible,      Bishops*  Version.      [Lond.. 

R.  Jugge],  1575.    Fol. 
Leather,  Lamb,  Feb..  '98.     (84)  £2. 

Bible.      Bishops'    Version.      Lond.. 

R.  Jugge.  1575.     4to. 

(Title  in  faca.),  Soth..  Jan.  15,  '90. 
(344)    £19s. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (title  and  3  leaves  in  facs.,  a 
few  other  leaves  mended,  some  head- 
lines cut  Into),  Makeliar,  Nov..  '98. 
(683)  £6. 

Bible.     Bishops'  Version.     [Load., 

R.  Jugge],  1576.    4(o. 

**On  vellum. 

Mor..  g.e.  (Genesis  to  Job  only.  4  leaves 
at  end  on  paper,  some  headlines  cut 
into),  Ashburnham,  June,  '97.  (524) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (the  preceding  copy  resold). 
Ashburnliam,  Dec,  '98.  (17)    £6  108. 

Mor.  (Psalter  to  Malachi  only).  Ash- 
burnham, Soth.,  June,  *97.  (625) 
£1G  lOs. 

Bible.     Genevan    Version.     Lond., 
C.  Barker,  1576.    Fol. 
Cf.  ex.   (title  inlaid).  Ward,  Jan.,  '90. 

(233)  £llls. 

Cf.  (title  and  some  other  leaves  inlaid 
and    mended),    Johnson,    Feb.,    '98- 

(234)  £1. 

Bible.      Genevan    Version.      Lond., 

C.  Barker  and  John  Daye,  1576.    4to. 

Cf.  (with  Psalms),  Ashburnham.  June, 
'97.     (528)    £2  149. 

Cf.  (the  preceding  copy  resold).  Ash- 
burnham. Doc.  '38,    (19)    £llls. 

Bible.      Bishops'    Version.      Lond., 

R.  Jugge,  1577.    8vo. 

Pigskin,  g.e.  (lacking  title),  Soth.,  Jan. 
15.  '90.     (346)    £3  3s. 

Cf.  (one  cover  broken,  lacking  original 





Bible  in  EngMsh — Voiitinned, 
title,  that  of  1582  Inserted),  Liver- 
more,  Nov.,  '94.     (14S)  J30. 

—~— Bible.     Genevan   Version.     Lond., 

C.  Barker,  1578.    Fol. 
Cf.,   Soth.,  Jan.   15,   '90.   (134)    £115b. 
Hf.  ef.,  Bewail,  Nov..  '96.     (276)  »14. 
Mor.,  g.e,    (I  leaf  slightly  defective), 

A8libuniliam.June.'97.  {5S0)    .£11  5s. 
Cf.,    g.e.     (title    and    preceding    leaf 

mounted).  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98.    (782> 

£7  12a.  6<1. 
Bible.      Bishop's   Version.      Lond.. 

by  the  Assignment  of  Barker,  1578. 

Hf.  cf..  Appleton.  Apr.,  '03.    (17)  |1S0. 

^Bibfe.     Genevan  Version.     Edinb.. 

A.   Arbuthnot   and   Thomas   Baasan- 

dyne.  1579-7C.     Fol. 
Mor.,  g.e.    (title  soiled  and   mended), 

Crawford,  June,  '87.     (339)    £31. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (title  and  dedication  in  facs., 

several   leaves  mended  K   Crawford. 

Mar..  '91.     (334)    £19. 
Cf.    (title  defective,   1   leaf   mended). 

Glasse,  July,  '92.     (1939)    £10  5s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title  in  faca.),  Bateman, 

May,   '93.     (271)     £10  5s, 
Mor.,  g.e.    (lacking  title  and   some  of 

the    preliminary    leaves),    Ashburn- 

ham,  June.  '97.     (529)    £7  5s. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (title  In  facs..  some  margins 

mended),  Makellar,  Nov..  '98,     (783) 

Cf..  g.e.   (title  in  facs..  Third  Book  of 

Machabees  inserted  from  an  English 

edition).     White.     Apr..     '02.     (22S) 

£8  12s.  Od. 

Bible.     Genevan    Version.     Lond., 

C.  Barker,  1579.     8vo. 
Mor..    g.e.    (a    few    leaves    imperfect. 

others  mended).  Bangs,  Oct.  8.  '01. 

(30)  111. 

--    Bible.     Genevan    Version.     Lond., 

C.  Barker,  1582.     Fol. 
Cf.    (interleaved,    in    3    vols.),    Ward. 

Jan.,  '90.     (234)    £3  3s. 
Vel.    (with   Book  of  Common   Prayer. 

1581.   and    Paalma.  1680),  Makellar. 

Nov..  '98.     (784)    £4  2s.ed. 

Bible.  Genevan  Version,  l.rf>nd., 
C.  Barker,  1583.  Fol. 
Cf.  (lacking  title  and  pp.  312-330  of  the 
Old  Testament,  several  leaves 
mended!,  F'rederlckson.  Apr..  '86. 
(191)  lie. 

Bible  in  English — Continued. 
Leather.  Hirst,  Dec.,  '87.     (708)    £3  88. 
Leather,  Ashbumham,  June.  '97.  (531) 

£6  IBs. 
Cf.    (In   2   vols.),   Makellar.   Nov.,   "98. 

(785)    £2  10a. 
Rus.,  Waller,  Dec.  1900.  (206)    £1158. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Wood-Smith,  May,  '01. 

(316)    £2  2s. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (a  few  comers  mended), 

Hibbert,  Apr.,  •<>2.     (C8)    £15 15s. 
Leather    (A.shburnham    copy),    White, 

Apr.,  '02.     (230)    £G5a. 

Bible.     Bishops'     Version.     Lond., 

G.  Barker.  1584.     Fol. 
Cr..  Putt..  May  24.  '9S.     (932)    £2  9s. 

Bible.     Bishops'     Version.     Lond., 

C,  Barker,  1585.     Fol. 
Cf.,  Ward.  Jan.,  '90.    (231)   £6. 
Cf.,  Moore,  Oct..  '93.     (28S)   £10. 
Sheep    (title  and  a  few  other  leaves 

slightly  imperfect).  Livermore.  Nov.. 

'94.     (154)  fl2.50. 
Mor.    ex..    g.e.    (margin    of   one    leaf 

mended).    White,    Apr.,    '02.     (224) 

£13  5s. 

Bible.     Genevan    Version.     Lond., 

C.  Barker,  1586.     4to. 
Cf.,  Bangs,  Mar.  13,  '99.     (84)  |9. 

Bible.     Genevan    Version.     Lond.. 

C.  Barker,  1588.     4to. 

Leather  (John  Milton's  copy,  with  his 
autograph,  that  of  Elizabeth  Milton, 
his  third  wife,  as  well  as  other  sig- 
natures), Soth.,  Feb.  25.  '01.  (1423) 

Bible.     Genevan    Version.     Lond., 

Deputies  of  Chr.   Barker,   1589.  4to. 

Rus.,  m.e.  (Maskell  copy),  Ashburn- 
ham.  June,  '97.     (533!    £2  8s. 

Cf.  (margins  stained  and  mended), 
Hayes.  Apr.,  '98.     (113)   $11. 

-Bible.     Genevan    Version,     l^ond.. 

C.  Barker,  1592.     Fol. 
Cf.,  Ward.  Jan.,  '90.     (235)    £18s. 
Cf.    (binding  loose),  Livermore,  Nov., 

'94.     (158)  »7. 
Leather,    Bangs.    Oct     20.    '96.     (49) 

Mor..  g.e.   (title  backed,  other  leaves 

mended),    Ashbumham,    June,    '97. 

(534)    £3  3s. 
Bible.     Genevan    Version.     I^ond., 

Deputies  of  C.  Barker.  1595.     Fol. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (Table  in  facs.).  Soth..  Mar. 

14.   '87.      (47)    £4  15s. 



mM«  In  English— Continued, 

CL,  Tttaekrmy.  Dae..  "M.    (SCI)   £1  Ss. 
(%,  (OCSa  sad  BoflM  Imwm  dttectire), 

BabCI.  M^r.  2,  'V7.     (25)  |9. 
Cf.   (Iftclrinc  prellmloarr  Ieftre«»  title 

la   C««L),  JohiuKm,  Fcb^  *•«.  (J45) 

Mor.  f^ndy.  Feb..  '»».     (1207)   |7. 

B<b<«.     Genevan    Version.     Lond., 
Daputlet  of  C.  Barker,  1597.    4to. 
Mor.,  8oUi..  Jan.  15.  '90.    (116)  £1  lOa. 
Mor.  9X.,  gM„  Raid,  Hay.  '94.    (3S0) 

Of.  (broken*  totna  leavaa  cut  cloae), 
HMkalt.  Jan.  SO,  '99.    (27)  16. 

"-  Btbla.     Qenevmn   Version.     I>ond., 

Daputlat  of  C.  Barkor.  1599.     With 

th«  Rook  of  PMlmR.    4to. 
Mor.    ox.,    ca..    Hawklas,    Mar,    '87. 

(1730)  120. 
riillllpH.  Nov.  '87.     f217>    £2  38, 
Mor.,  S.O.,  Aylasford,  Mar.,  '88.     (125) 

£»  16». 
Cf..  Moora.  Oct..  1)3.    (266)  £1  9b. 
Ct.  Dtirton,  Apr.,  '02.     (441)  $13. 
Mor,  0X-,  g.e..  White,  Apr..  '02.     (233) 

Mor.  (Hllvor  corners  and  centerpieces, 

Willi    InltlalM   "R.    B."   Id   silk   em- 

hrfiMered- cover),   White,  Apr.,   '02. 

Mor.   (water-sralned),    Soth.,  Nov.  13, 

'02.      m)    £2  2b. 

•^— Bible.     Qenevan   Version.     Lond.^ 

n.  Darker.  ICOl.     4 to. 
Ct..  HnwJott.  Juno,  '87.     (1330)  £1. 
Cf.    (iiiiirKliiM  cut   rIoKO,  a  few   leaves 

ctfffH'iIvn).     Mvormoro,     Nov.,     '94. 

(I0»)  |t0.50. 

BIbta.      Qenevan    Version.      Dort, 

Isaao  Clnntn.  for  the  llelrB  of  Char- 

tarls  and  Hurl  In  Edinb.,  IGOl.    Svo. 

Mor.  ox.   (wllh   Psalms.   IfiOl),  Craw- 

ford,  Juno.  '87.     (554)    £10  lis, 

'■     '  Bible.     Bishops*    Version.     Lond., 

R.  niukor.  1G02.    Fol. 
Cf,.    HlTHt.   Dor..   '.S7.      (701)    £110s. 
nds.,Aylesfon].  M«r..'88.  (190)    £2108. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Ward,  Jan..  '90.     (236) 

£2  2h. 
Cf.,  Putt.,  Mar.  84.  '98.     (302)    £198. 
Mor.     ax.,    g-a.     (tlilo    mended     and 

baokad),  Makallur.  Nov.,  'm.    (792) 


Bible.     Qenevan   Version.     Loud.. 
R.  Barkar.  1008.    4to. 

Bible  in  EMtg/ltatt-^tmihtmed. 
CL  (arms  of  James  I.  <m  tf4a),  Bm- 
kela,  Occ  19,  *98.    (137S)   ft3.S0L 

Bible.     Qenevan   Version.     Lossd.. 

R.  Barker.  1606.    4to. 
Cf.  (stained),  Frederickso«i«  Apr.,  "M. 

(192)  $8.50. 
VeL  (with  Paalms.  1609).  Aahburaham, 

June.  -97.     (536)    £ll8. 
Cf.  (arms  of  James  L  on  side).  Virtua 

Tebbs,  Jane,  1900.     (158)    £6  10s. 

Bible.     Douay  Version.     Old  Tee- 

tament    only.      Douay.    L.    Kellam. 

1609-10.    2  Tols..  4to. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Crawford,  June,  '87.    (340) 

£18  5s. 
Cf.,  Constable,  June.  '89.     (171)  £4. 
Cf.    (UUe  of  VoL   1   mended),  Baker, 

Feb..  '91.     (208)  |32. 
Cf-  er.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec.  1,  '91.     (1018) 

£3  118. 
Cf.,  Buckley,  Feb.,  '93.     (571)    £3  18a. 
Cf..  Blew.  June.  '95.     (59)    £5  5.s. 
Cf..  Bangs,  May  8.  1900-    (88)  »16. 
Mor.   ex.,   unc,   Ellis,   Nov.,    '01.      (4) 


Btble.      Douay    Version.      Douay, 

1C09-10,  2  vols.  With  the  New  Tes- 
tament. Rhelms,  John  Fogny,  1582. 
Together  3  vols.,  4to. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Wheble,  Dec..  '87.  (161) 
£  12  &8. 

Of.,  Porter.  Jan..  '90.     (390)   £G  17s.  Gd. 

Cf.  (In  2  vols.),  Ashburnham,  June,  '97. 
(542)    £7  58. 

Cf..  MaUellar.  Nov.,  'ftS.     (67C>    £5  10s. 

Cf.,  g.a,  Daly.  Mar.,  1900.     (279)  $21. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  May  16,  '01.  (51) 
£11  158. 

Bible.     Genevan  Version.     Edlnb., 

A.  Hart.  ICIO.    Fol. 
Mor..  Crawford,  June.  '87.     (341)  £9. 
Cf.  (some  leaves  stained),  Glasse,  July, 

"92.     (1940)  £3. 
Cf.    (a   few   leaves   stained),   Dennis, 

Dec,  '92.      (314)    £2  43. 
(Damaged    at    beginning    and    end), 

Soth.,  Apr.  4.  1900.     (1112)    £8  5s. 
(Damaged    at    beginning    and    end). 

Soth.,  July  30.  1900.      (148&)    £2  5a. 

Holy     Bible.       Genevan     Version. 

Lond..  Robert  Barker,  1610-11.  With 
the  Book  of  Common  Prayer,  1613, 
and  Psalms.  1612.  4to. 
Mor.  (with  arms  of  James  I.  and  said 
to  be  his  copy),  Ashburnham,  June, 
•97.     1537)    £11118. 





Sible  in  Englifth^ — Continued. 
Mor.    (Ashburnham    copy),    Appleton, 
Apr.,  '03.     (48)  |70, 

Bible.    First  Issue  of  First  Edition 

of  King  James,  or  Authorized  Ver- 
sion. The  "He"  Bible.  Lond.,  R. 
Barker.  1611. 

Cf.  lia  3  vols.),  Soth.,  July  13,  '87. 
(277)    £7  108. 

Cf..  Solh..  Jan.  15,  '»0.     (177)   £13158. 

Leather,  Soth..  Jan., '90.  (2411    £14  148. 

Cf.  (part  of  title,  dedication  and  last 
leaf  In  facs.),  Soth.,  June  14.  '90. 
(338J    £7  17s.  Gd. 

Cf-,  g.e.  (title  mended).  Livermore, 
Nov.,  '94.     (167)  1140. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title  mounted),  Stuart, 
Mar.,  '95.     (161)  £14. 

Cf.,  Ashburnham,  June,  '97.  (544) 
£8  10s, 

Hf.  rus.,  y.e.  (several  margins  mended, 
Sussex  copy),  Ashburnham,  Nov.,  '&7. 
(29)  £15. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title  mounted,  first  3 
leaves  inlaid,  some  margins  mend* 
ed),  Ashburnham,  May,  '9&.  (4064) 

Rus.,  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98.     (793)  £35. 

Cf.,  g.e.  (Livermore  copy),  Appleton, 
Apr..  '03.     (19)  »200. 

Bible.      Second      Issue      of      King 

James    Version.    The    "She"   Bible. 

Lond.,  R.  Barker,  1611.     FoL 
Bda.    (title   in   face.),   Soth.,    Mar.   14, 

'S7.     (52)   £5. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.    (engraved  and  printed 

titles  in  facs.),  Crawford,  June,  '87. 

(343)    £15  ins. 
Cf.    (interleaved,   in    5   vols.,   said    to 

have  belonged  to  Charles  I.),  Ayles- 

ford.  Mar.,  'SS.     (191)    £28. 
Cf.    (engravedi    title    in   facs.),    Soth., 

Jan.   15.   '90.      (187)    £653. 
Leather  (part  of  title  In  facs.),  Ward, 

Jan..  '90.     (252)    £5  10s. 
Leatlier  (title  in  faca.).  Soth.,  Mar.  7, 

'01.      (509)    £617s.  6d. 
Cf.  (engraved  title  mounted,  last  leaf 

mended,  some  leaves  stained).  Soth,, 

Jan.    23.   '02.      (393)     £9  10s. 

-—  Bible.  King  James  Version.  Ixind., 

R.  Barker,  1612.     4 to. 
Cf.,    r.e..    Atkinson,    Mar..    '96.     (489) 

Cf.,   g.e.    (margins  of  titles  and  map 

mended,  1  leaf  torn).  Ashburnham, 

June,  "97-     (548)    £1128. 

Bible  In  Engdsh^ — Crmtinued. 
Mor.,    g.e.    (with    Psalms),    Makellar^ 
Nov.,  "98.     (684)   £2  4s. 

Bible.        King      James      Version. 

Lond.,  R.  Barker,   1612.     8vo. 
Vel.  (with  Psalms,  1612,  Kress  copy), 
Ashburnham,  June,  '97.   (547)    £5  58. 

Bible.  King  James  Version.  Lond., 

R.  Barker,  1613.     Fol. 
Cf.,  Aylesford.  Mar..  '88.     (193)    £3. 
Cf..  Ward,  Jan.,  '90.     (242)    £ll8. 
Cf.,     g.e..     Simon.     Dec.,     '93.     (229) 

Leather    ("She"    reading),    Ashburn- 

ham,  June,  '97.     (545)    £3  5s. 
Mor.   ex.,   g.e.    ("She"   reading).    Ma- 
kellar, Nov.,  '08.     (794)    £8  10s. 
Leather.    Soth..    Feb.    27.    '99.     (580) 

Cf.  ("  She  "  reading,  said  to  have  been 

bound  for  King  James),  Soth.,  Feb. 

27,    '99.      (579)     £8. 
Cf.,    r.e.    (title    mounted),     Appleton, 

Apr.,  '03.     (20)  f25. 

Bible.  King  James  Version.  Lond., 

R.  Barker,  1613.    4to. 

Mor,  ex.,  g.e.  ("She"  reading).  Ash- 
burnham, June.  '97.     (551)   £4. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  ("  He  "  reading,  margins 
of  title  and  preliminary  leaves 
mended),  Ashburnham,  June,  '97. 
(550)    £3. 

Cf.,  Appleton.  Apr.,  '03.     (21)  $24. 

Bible.  King  James  Version.  I^nd., 

R.  Barker.  1614.     8vo. 
Embroidered      binding.      g.e.       (with 

Psalms,  1615).  Ford,  May,  '02.     (73) 

Bible.     Genevan   Version.     Ixind., 

R.  Barker.  1615.     4to. 
Cf.,  Makellar,  Nov..  '98.     (6S1»    £1  lOs. 
Cf..  Bangs.  Mar.  4,  '02.     (80)  »7.62. 
Bible.     Genevan  Version        Loud., 

R.  Barker,  1616.     Fol. 
Stonehouse.   Mar..   '92.      (346)    £1  10b. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Walker.  May,  '93.  (230) 

£2  8a. 
Mor.    (with    Psalms.    1624).    Ashburn- 
ham. June.  '97.      (540)    £3l4s. 
Mor.   g.e..    Makellar.   Nov..   '98.     (789) 

£2  2s. 

Bible.       King      James       Version. 

Lond.,  R.  Barker.  1617.     Fol. 
Rus..   g.e.,   Soth.,   .Ian.   15.    '90.     (189) 

£1  129. 
Cf.,  Ward,  Jan.,  '90.     (243)    £1  lOs. 


OL,  BlfVi,  Ma.,  -n.    (14f3)  £1. 

Ot.  P«a.  Jfor  24.  f«.   (n4)  £ic«. 

*^^"HRW#»       PCInQ       J  antes      Vcfdwiu 

CftOibrMoe.   T.   and   J.   Bock.   l«2f. 

Mor..  if^..  Ward.  Jan., '»«.  (245»    £16a. 
A«kln»on.  Mar.,  '96.    (494)    £1  7s. 
Cf..  K>e.  (prob*bl7  large  paper).  Asb- 

burahani.  June,  '97.     (SS7)   £8. 
Cf..    Anhbumham.    Jan«,    '97.     (S58) 

£2  4». 
OL  (Aahbumham  copr).  White.  Apr.. 

'02.     (240)    £12. 

Bible.       King       Jamea       Version. 
CaDibrldge.   T.   and   J.   Buck,    1630. 
4  to. 
Ifor.  ex..  K4>..  Soth..  Mar.  19.  ^Z.  (97) 
£3  3t. 

— >Blble.     King  Jamea  Version.    The 

"Wicked"  Bible.      Ix>Dd..  R.  Barker, 

1631.    8vo. 
Atklnflon,  Mar.  '96.     (51)    £10 10a. 
Cf.  (with  Imperfect  copies  of  Common 

Prayer  and  pRalma),  Camphell,  Dec., 

'9C.      (1R6)    £1010h. 
Cf.,  Atkinson,  Apr.,  '97.     (37)    £10. 

-^— Bible.        King       Jamea      Version. 

I^nd,,  H.  Barker,  1C31.    8vo. 
Mor.,   (f.e.   (with  the  "not"  error  In 

"  Wicked  "    Bible     corrected).    Ash- 

burnhnin.  June.  '97.     (659)    £;j  12«. 

Bible.        King       Jamea      Version. 

I>ond,,  H,   Harkpr,  \f\22.     Fol. 
Mor..    K.o.,    Putt.,    Jan.    21.    '92.     (339) 

Cf.  (with  PuftlnjM.  Kfllnb..  1G30),  Soth.. 

I^ob.  20.  '01.     (2S)    £212h, 

Bible.  King  Jamea  Version.  Edtnb., 

I  ft33.     8vo. 
Mor..  K.e..  Makellar,  Nov..  '98.     (246) 

Mor..  n.fl.    (with  Psaltna.   Mlddelburg, 

1696).   Both.,    Apr.    30,   1900.      (174) 


Bible,        King       Jamea       Veralon. 

I»nd.,  Harluvr,  1C33.     4to. 
Of.  (arniH  of  KItiK  Churles  I.  on  Bides), 

Both,.  Apr.  12.  'ii!*,     (107)   £6. 
BmbruldttriMl   hlndlnK,  K-e.,  Fountain e, 

June,  '02.     (K6>    £42. 

Bible.  King  Jamea  Veralon.  l>ond., 

R.  narkiT.   tGS4.     4I.O. 
Mor.  ox.,  R.t'..  Murphy.  Mar.,  'S4.  (24fi) 


Bible  In 

CL  (dtle  taiald).  Wsid.  Jln^  *Ml  (244) 

CL,  Ju.  14.  -fL     (»62)   £1. 
CL.  TooTer.  Feb..  '»4-    (MO)   £1 9s. 

Bible.   Poway  Vefston.  Roaen,   J. 

Ooii«t«ner.  l^a^-n,  3  rots.,  4to. 
ex..  PoOock.  Jam.,  M.  (279>  £1  Is. 
Mor..  g-e  (frootiapieee  backed).  Ash- 

bornbaxn.  Jtme.  t?.     (S43)    £7  15s. 
Mor.  ex..  g.«.  (teekiiis  ensrared  title 

and   portrait),   SotlL.   Apr.    25,    *98. 

(767)    £2108. 
Mor..  g-e..  Soth^  Apr.  20.  *99.     (1103) 

£3  10s. 
Mor.  g.e.,   SotlL,  Nor.  IS    '01.     (144) 

£5  28.6d. 

Bible.  King  Jamea  Version.  Camb., 

Buck  and  Daniel.  1637.     4to. 

Cf..  Putt.,  Feb.  10.  "92.     (1017)    £2. 

Vel..  embroidered  binding,  g.e .  White. 
Apr..    '02.      (244)     £7  10s. 

Bible.  King  Jamea  Veraion.  Camb.. 

Buck  and  Daniel.  1638.    Fol. 
Mor.  (worn),  Soth..  Apr.  12.  *99.     (108) 

£1 12s. 
Mor.  ex.,  Hodgson,  Mar.  12.  '02.  (585) 

£3  15s. 

••Large  paper. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Crawford,  June.  '87.     (344) 

£16  10s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Aahburnham,  June.  *97. 

(563)    £5  5b. 
Mor..   g.e.,   silver   clasps.   Skene.   .Jan.. 

'98.      (205)     £9  5s. 

Bible.  King  James  Version.  lx>nd.. 

R.  Barker,  1640.     Fo!. 

Mor.  ex.,  Putt,  Apr.  12,  '89.  (26)    £9  5s. 

Cf.,  Ward,  J^n.,  '90.      (247)    £1148. 

Cf.,  Putt..  Dec.  5,  '94.     (620)    £1G8. 

Cf..  Putt..  May  24,  '98.     (937)    £2  lis. 

Bible.  Genevan  Version.  Amster- 
dam, T.  Stafford,  1640.    Fol. 

Cf..  m.e..  Makellar.  Nov.,  '98.  (787) 
£2  63. 

Old  mor,  g.e.,  Ellis,  Oct,  '02.  (325) 

Bible.       King       Jamea       Version. 

liond..  R.   Barker  and  J.  Bill.   1644. 

Elaborate  embroidered  hlndinK  (prob- 
ably executed  for  Prince  Charles, 
measuring  6  by  3^  Inches),  Soth.. 
Feb.  28,  1900.     (106)    £84. 

Bible.       King       James       Veralon. 

Edlnb.,  E.  Tyler,  1649.     8vo. 

Mor..  g.e..  Hunt.  July.  '99.     (20)    £2  48. 




Bible  (n  EngUsh — Continued. 

Bible.     Lond.,      printed      by      the 

Company   of   Stationers,   1651.     8vo. 
Orig,  mor    (with   Concordance,   1052), 

Soth..  Mar.  17.  "02.     {78>    £14. 

Bible.       The     "Quakers"     Bible. 

Load..  G.  Calvert,  1G53.     8vo. 
(With    Concordance.    16S4>,    Atkinson, 
Mar.,  '96.     (52')    £5 16s. 

Bible.  The   "Pearl"   Bible.   Lond., 

John  Field.  1653.     12mo. 
Mor.,     g.e.,    Ashburnham,     June,     '97. 

(673)    £2  14s. 
Mor.,    g.e.     (presentation     copy    from 

Sarah  Siddons  to  Jas.  Ballantyne), 

Daly.  Mar,,  1900.    (278)  $G1, 
Mor,,  g.e.    (Daly   copy),   Freach,   Apr., 

•01.     (95)   »125. 

^ Bible.     Lond.,    John    Field,    1658. 

12  mo. 
Old    moT„    tooled,    g.e.     (In    2    vola.), 

Fountaine,  June,  *02.     (87)    £19103. 

Bible.     Cambridge,  J.  Field,  1660- 

59.     Fol. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Hirst.  Dec,  '87.  (718i    £2Gs. 
Mor.,  Lovell,  Apr..  '90,   (1C4>   £4  28.  6d. 
Mor.,   g.e..   Atkinson,   Mar.,   '96.    (513) 

Mor.    g.e..    Soth..    Dec.    1,    '96.     (522) 

£2  10s. 
Mor.,     g.e.,     Ashhurnham,    June,    '97. 

(577)    £118. 
Mor.,    g.e.    (In   3   vols.),    Skeae.   Jan., 

'98.      (206)     £5  12s.  Gd. 
Mor.  ex.,   g.e.    (arms  of  Chas.   11.   on 

Bides).  Harvey.  June.  1900.  (218  A) 

£3  12b.  6d. 

••Large  paper. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Dec.  9.  '87.     (281) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (arms  of  Chaa.  n,  on  aides). 

Praser,  Apr..  '01.     (133)    £S. 

Bible.    Camb..  J.  Field,  1661.    8vo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,   Goodwin,  Apr,  *97.     (259) 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Fountaine,  June,  '02.     (88) 

£3  15s. 
Bible.      Lond..    Bill    and    Barker, 

1G63.     8vo. 
Mor.,  silver  comers,  etc.      (Chas.  Il.'a 

copy),  Ashburnham,  June,  '97.  (578) 

£3  88. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (with  Common  Praver,  1666). 

Virtue     Tebbs,    June.     1900.     (159) 

£3  108. 
Tapestry      blading      (with      Psalms. 

Bible  In   EngHsh — Continued. 
Edinb.,     1658),    Bruce,    Dec,     1900. 
(235)    £62. 

Bible.    Camb..  J.  Field..  1668.    4to. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Craig,  June,  'S7.     (251)    £3. 
Mor,,    g.e.,    Pollock,    Jan.,    '89.      (280) 
£2  28. 

Bible.    Lond.,  1669.    8vo. 

Cf.  ex..  Atkinson.  Mar.. '96.  (54)   £2  2a. 

Bible.     Lond..   1671.     8vo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Aylesford,  Mar.,  '88.  (56) 

Bible.     Camb..  John   Hayes..  1674. 


Cf.,  r.e.  (inscription  in  the  autograph 
of  Rev.  .John  Miller  saying  thai  this 
was  the  Bible  used  In  the  N.  Y.  Fort 
Chapel  In  the  latter  part  of  the  17th 
CentunO,  Henkels,  Oct.  19.  '98. 
(1366)  $37.50. 

Mor..  Bangs,  May  20,  '01.     (35)  $7. 

Bible.     Oxford.   1675,     4to. 

Hf.  mor.,  Ashburnham,  June,  '97. 
(582)    £1. 

Bible.    Edlnb.,  1676.    8vo. 

Mor.  ex.,  inlaid  (with  Psalms,  G.  Swln- 
toun,  1675).  Craig,  June,  '87.  (262) 

Bible.     Lond.,     3.     Mearn,     1678. 


Old  mor..  Inlaid,  g.e.,  Soth,,  Dec.  17. 
•98.     (532)    £9  5s. 

^Bible.     Oxford,  1680.    FoL 

Mor.  (in  3  vols.),  Soth.,  Dec.  2,  '01. 
(486)    £13  15s. 

Bible.     Oxford,   1685.     Fol. 

Old  mor.,  ex.,  g.e.  {monogram  of  Wil- 
liam and  Mary  at  corners),  Stanley, 
June,  '01.    (332)    £5. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (apparently  the  preced- 
ing copy),  Soth..  Dec.  2.  "01.  (870) 
£11  5s. 

Bible.     Edlnb..   1705-9.     4to. 

Old  mor.,  g.e.,  Lawrence,  May,  '92.  (63) 

Bible.     Oxford.   1712.     4tO. 

Cf.  (lacking  title  and  some  leaves  at 
end,  the  Family  Bible  of  Bishop 
Jas.  Madison,  with  manuscript  fam- 
ily record),  Madison,  May,  '99.  (238) 

Bible.     Edlnb.,   1715.     8vo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Hawkins.  Mar,  '95.  (57) 
£1  Is. 

Mor,  Rule.  Nov.,  '95.     (51j    £2. 





Bible  in  English — Continued. 

Mor..     g.©..    Ashburnham,     June,    *97, 

(588)  £4  4s. 

Mor.,    g.e.,    Ashburnbam,    June,    '97. 

(589)  £1198. 

Mor.  ex.,  Lamb.  Feb.,  '98.    (94)    £1. 

Bible.     Oxford,    J.    Baskett,    1715. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Aylesford,  Mar.,  '88.     (130) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (Coleman  Register  In  manu- 
script),    Ashburnham,      June,      '&7. 

(587)    £113s. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (set  of  engravings  by  Picart 

and  others  inserted),  Soth.,  Apr.  12, 

'99.     (109)    £3. 

**Large  paper. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Asbburnham,    June,    '97. 

(591)    £14s. 

Bible.    Edinb.,  1716.    Svo. 

Mor.    ex.,    Inlaid,    g.e.     (In    2    vols.), 

Craig,  June,  'S7.     (253)    £5  5s. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    silver    corners,    Ashburn- 

ham,  June,  '97.     (590)    £5. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (in  2  vols.),  Soth.,  Dec.  17, 

'98.      (538)     £5  5s. 
Mor.  ex.  (In  2  vols.),  Bruce,  Dec.,  1900. 

(240)    £5  5s. 
Bible.     The  *' Vinegar"  Bible.  Ox- 
ford. J-  Baskett,  1T17.     Fol. 
Mor,  Llvermore,  Nov.,  '94.     (223)  $40. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Hodgson,  June  21,  '94.  (841) 

Mor..  g.e.,  Makellar.  Nov.,  '98.     (1055) 

Mor.,g.e..Fraser,AprM'01.   (134)    £2  2s. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  sliver  corners,  etc.,   Sotli., 

Dec.  2,  '01.     (487)    £10  2s.ed. 
Rua.,    g.e..    White,    Apr.,    '02.       (249) 

£3  10a. 

♦•Large  paper. 
Mor.,  Soth.,  Dec.  9,  '87.     (283)    £2  2b. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (in  4  vols.),  Hollywood, 

Nov.,  '95.     (690)    £5. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Attdnson.  Mar.,  '96.     (529) 

£1 138. 
Mor.    ex.,   g.e.,   Angerstein,    May,    '96. 

(275)    £2  14s. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (In  2  vols.),  Soth.,  Jan.  21, 

'98.     (369)    £2  8s. 

•*0n  vellum. 
Mor.,    Sunderland.    Dec,    '81.      (1424) 


Bible.    Edinb.,  1717.    Svo. 

Mor.,  tooled,  g.e..  Soth..  Dec.   17,   '98. 

(538)    £GlSs. 
Bible.    Lond.,  Mark  Baskett,  1752. 

Bible  in  English — Continued. 
[Reputed   to  have  been  printed   by 
Kneeland     and     Green     in     Boston, 
Mass.]     4to- 

Sheep  (lacking  title  to  New  Testa- 
ment), McKee,  May,  '02.  (4714) 

Bible.       Cambridge,     BaBkerviUe. 

1760.     Fol. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Soth.,    Apr.    20,    '99. 

(231)    £3  6s. 

Bible.     Oxford,    T.    Basket,    1761. 

Cf.    (lacking   title   to   Old   Testament 

and   several  leaves  at  end,  George 

Whltefleld's    copy),    Heakela,    Oct 

19,  '98.     (1376)   $55. 
Bible.       Cambridge,    Daskerville, 

1763.    Fol. 
Mor.,     Buccleuch,     Mar.,     '89.     (252) 

Mor.,  Putt..  Nov.  11,  '90.    (957)   £1  lOs. 
Rus.  ex.,  g.e.,  Putt.,  Jan.  21,  '92.  (299) 

Mor.,  g.e..  Llvermore,  Nov.,  '94.  (240) 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Henkela,  Oct,  19,  '98.  (1357) 

Mor..  g.e,,  Henkels,  Dec.  19,  '99.  (1087) 


Bible,     Edinb.,  1764.     2  vols.,  Svo. 

Mor.   ex.,   Bruce,  Dec.,   1900.       (244) 

£3  15b. 
Bible.     Edinb.,    J.    Kincaid,    1766. 

4  to. 
Old  mor.,  g.e..  Stanley,  June,  '01.  (336) 

£4  18s. 

^Blble.      Birmingham,  Baskorville, 

1769.     Fol. 
Old  mor.,  tooled,  g.e..  Stanley,  June, 

'01.     (337)    £13. 
Old  mor.,  Inlaid,   g.e.,  Soth.,  Nov.   26, 

'01.     (1232)    £6  15s. 
H(.  mor.,  r.e.,  Weeks,  Mar.,  '02.   (14) 


Bible.       Phila.,     Robert     Altken, 

1782-81.    12mo. 
Mor.    (In    2    vols.).    Baker.    Feb.,    '91. 

(209)  $650. 

Sheep  (foxed,  title  partly  supplied, 
some  leaves  slightly  defective), 
Llbble,  Mar.  27,  *95.     (978)  $300. 

Cf.  (title  and  some  leaves  repaired, 
portion  of  imprint  on  New  Testa- 
ment title  cut  off),  Henkels,  Oct.  19, 
•98.     (1445)  $215. 




Bible  in  English — Continued. 

(Lacking  title  to  the  Old  Testament 
and  several  leaves  at  end),  Don- 
aldson, Oct..  '99.     (7)   $17. 

Cf.   (title  In  faca.),  McKee,  May,  '02. 

(4717)  $166. 

Cf..  Appleton,  Apr..  '03.     (36)    $540. 
Hf.  mor.  (title  and  last  leaf  in  faca.), 

Proud.  May.  '03-     (274)  $45- 
Mor.,  g.e..  Polock,  Mar..  '04.  (11)  $525. 

^^Bfble,  First  Amerfcan  Edition 
of  the  Douay  Version.  Phlla.. 
Carey.  Stewart  &  Co..  1790.    4 to. 

Sheep,  Henkels,  OcL  19,  '98.  (1391) 

Cf.,  HenkelB,  Apr.  5.  1900.     (443)  $20. 

Bible.  Worcester,  Isaiah  Thomas, 

1791.     2  vols.,  fo!. 
Cf.    (in    1   vol..   frontla.   torn   across), 

Brinley.   Apr.,   '81.     (5809)    $13. 
Cf.    (In    1    vol.),    Brinley,    Apr.,    '81. 

(5810)  111. 
Sheep,  Livermore.  Nov.,  '94.  (251)  $15. 
Hf.  nis.    (stained).  McKee,  May,   '02. 

(4718)  $10. 

Bible.    Trenton,     Isaac      Collins, 

1791.  4to. 

Cf.,  Brinley,  Apr.,  '81.     (5808)   $10. 
Cf-,  Bangs.  Apr.  22,  '99.     (5G)   |11, 
Cf,   Halleran,   May.   '99.     (217)    $6.50. 
Cf.,  Bangs,  .Tune  13,   '99.     (47)    $10. 
Cf.,  Bangs.  May  20,  '01.     (36)    $5.75, 
Cf.,  McKee,  May,  *02.     (4719)    $6. 
Cf..     brass     clasps     (title     mended). 
Appleton.  Apr,,  '03.     (37)   |25. 

Bible.      Douay    Version.      Dublin, 

1792.  FoK 

Hf.  mor.  ex.  (in  42  vols.,  text  inlaid 
to  folio  size,  with  upwards  of  8000 
prints,  drawings,  etc..  Inserted), 
Daly,  Mar.,  1900.     (3787)   $5544. 

Bible.     Self-Interpreting  Bible,  by 

Rev.    John    Brown.    N.    T.,    Hodge 

and  Campbell.    1792.     FoL 
Sheep,    Livermore,    Nov.,    "94.     (252) 

Sheep.  Henkels,  Oct.  19,  '98.     (1359) 

Sheep  (in  2  vols.),  Halleran,  May,  '99. 

(218)    $10.50. 
Cf..  Bangs.  Oct.  8,  '01.     (33)  $7.50. 
Cf.   (lacking  one  map),  McKee,  May, 

'02.     (4720)   $18. 

Blbfe.    N.   Y.,   Hugh   Gafne.    1792. 

12  mo. 
Sheep.  McKee.  May.  '02.     (4721)   $12. 

Bible  In   English — Continued. 
Sheep  (McKee  copy),  Appleton,  Apr.," 
'03.     (27)  $10. 

Bible.       Trenton,     Isaac     Collins, 

1793.     8vo. 
Cf..  Bangs,  June  13.  '99.     (48)    $5.75. 

Bible.  Worcester,  Isaiah  Thomas, 

1797.     12mo. 
Sheep,  Livermore,  Nov..  '94.  (259)  $12. 
Bible.       Phlla,,      Thompson     and 

Small,   1798.     2   vols.,   fol. 
Cf.,  Brinley,  Apr.,  '81.     (5818)   $5. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Polock,  Mar..  '04.  (1073)  |12. 
Bible.       Lond.,       Macldln,     1800. 

7  vols.,  fol. 
Rus.  ex.,  g.e   (with  ApocrjT>ha,  1816), 

Hirst,  Dec.  '87.     (731)    .€4  4s. 
Rus.    (In    6    vols.),    Gllbey.   July,   '92. 

(69G)    £4. 
Mor..   g.e..   Putt,  Apr.   11.    '94.     (805) 

Mor.,   g.e.,   Putt..  Nov,   20,   '95.     (305) 

£2  2s. 
Rus..   g.e.,   Johnson,   Feb.,   '9S.     (283) 

Rus.  (in  G  vols.),  Henkels,  June  2,  '98. 

(282)  $33. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  In  mahogany  case   (in 

6  vols.,  the  Marquis  of  Comwallis* 

copy),  Christie,  July  20,  '98.     (145) 

Rus.  ex.,  m.e.,  Soth.,  Jan.  9.  '99.    (287) 

£3  18s. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Hodgson,    Feb.    22.    190a 

(G31)    £3  5s. 
Rus.  ex..  g.e.,  Fraser,  Apr.,  '01.  (135) 

£4  16a. 

Bible.     Charlestown,  1803.     4to. 

Rus.,  Livermore,  Nov.,  '94.  (268)  $5.60. 

Bible.    Phlla.,  Robert  Carr,  1804. 

4  vols.,  8vo. 

Cf..  Bangs,  May  5.  '99.     (36)   $7. 

Cf.,  y.e.,  Bangs,  Apr.  IG.  1900.  (281)  |8. 

Bible.  Trans,  by  Charles  Thom- 
son. Phlla..  Jane  Aitken.  1808.  4 
vols..  8vo. 

Cf..  Bangs,  Jan.  27.  '03.     (61)   $12. 

Mor.,  Appleton.  Apr.,  '03.     (39)  $32. 

Bible.  Hartford,  Hudson  &  Good- 
win, 1809.     12mo. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Brinley,  Apr..  '81. 
(5825)  $25. 

Bible.     Edinb..  1811.     2  vols.,  8vo. 

••Large  paper. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Tomllnaon,  Jan.,  '94. 
(665)    £2  lis. 




Bible   In   Engillah — Continued. 

Mor.   ex.,   g.e.,   Reid.   May,   '94.     (244> 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Llvenuore,  Nov.,  '94.     (277) 

Rus.,     g.e.,     Astiburaham,     June,     '97. 

(594)    £2  8s. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Makellar,    Nov.,    '98. 

(2C3)    £4  10a. 
BdB.,  unc,  Bruce,  Dec.,  1900.       (248) 

£9  10s. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Apr.  20,  '03.  (152) 

£3  16s. 

Bible.    Oxford,  1815.  3  vols.,  Svo. 

Mor.  ex.,  Fane,  Aug.,  '87.     (702)    £1. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Hirst,  Dec.,  '87.     (159) 

£1  18. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Goldsmld,    Apr.,    '89. 

(240)    £1. 

Bible.       Douay     Version.      Phlla.. 

Eugene  Cummlskey,  1826.     4to. 
Sheep,  Appleton.  Apr.,  '03.     (38)   »10. 

Bible.     Bdlnb.,  1827.     4to. 

**0n  vellum. 
Mor.,     g.t.,     Aehbumham,     June,     '97. 

(596)  £10  10s. 

Bible.    Oxford,  1833.    4to. 

VeL,  g.e.,  Llvenuore,  Nov..  '94.     (169) 

Mor.,    g.e.,    Ashbumbam,    June,    '97. 

(597)  £lla. 

Bible.    Lond..  1838.     4to. 

Mor,,  Llvermore,  Nov.,  '94.     (130)   |7. 

•* Large  paper. 
Mor.  ex.  (Sussex  copy),  Hawkins,  Mar., 
'95.     (219)    £2. 

Bible,    Edited  by  Rev.  J.  Forshall 

and  Sir  F.  Madden.    Oxford,  1850.    4 

vols.,  4to. 
CI.,  unc.  Ward,  Jan.,  '90.  (201)    £1  Is. 
CI.,   unc,   Crawford.   Mar.,    '91.     (335) 

Mor.,  g.e..  Blew,  June.  '95.  (74)    £310b. 
Atkinson,  Mar.,  '96.     (544)    £1158. 
Hf.  mor..  Ashbumham,  June,  '97.  (496) 

£3  6s. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Ashbumham,  June.  '97.  (497) 

£4  15s. 
CI.,  unc,  Luady,  Feb.,  'SS.     (12T0)  |14. 
CI.,     Wood-Smith,     May,     '01.       (227) 

£1 125. 

Bible.     Lond,,  1 1867].     Illuatrated 

by  G.  Dorfi.     2  vole.,  4to. 
Hf.    mor..    Putt,    May    29,    '89.      (612) 


Bible   In   English — Contvtucd. 

Hf.    mor..   Putt,    Oct   28,   '89.      (295) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Bentlnck,  Apr.,  '92.  (922) 

£1 18s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Mc Alpine,  July,  '96  (247) 

Mor..  g.e..  Ltbbie.  Feb.  19.  '01.     (368) 

Mor..    g.e.,    Olcott,    Apr.,    '01.      (393) 

Mor.,  g.e..   Putt,   Mar.   12,   '02.     (541) 


Bible.     Edited    by    P.    C.    Cook. 

Lond..  1871-81.     13  vols.,  Svo. 
CI.,  White,  Jan.,  '91.     (1)    £7  6b. 
CL,  Cooke,  June.  '92.     (48)   £7. 
CI..  Moore.  Oct.,  '93.     (59)    £6 15s. 
CK,  Putt,  Nov.  20,  '95.    (413)  £7. 
CI..  Lumby.  Dec,  '96.     (23)    £5  158. 
CI.,  Soth,,  Feb.  16.  1900.     (430)   £3  18b. 

Bible.     [Caxton  Memorial  Bible.] 

Oxford,  1877.    Svo. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Soth..  Dec.  12.  '93.  (437)   £6. 
Mor.,  g.e.,   Soth.,  Feb.   22,  '97.      (593) 

£2  128. 
Mor..  g.e..  Prohasco,  Jan.,  '99.     (112) 

Mor.    (with    Stevens'    History   of   the 

Caxton  Memorial  Bible.  1878),  Soth., 

Dec  17,  1900.     (128)    £4  4s. 

Bible.     Phlla..  Isaac  M.  Moss,  n.d. 

niuslrated  by  Anderson.    4to. 
Mor.,  LibWe,  Dec.  2,  '91.     (3)  |12. 

BIBLE  IN  FRENCH.     La  Grant  Bible 

en     Francois.       Paris.     A.     Verard, 

1517.    2  vols.,  sm.  fol. 
Vel.    (title    to   Vol.    1    mended,    some 

words    supplied    In    facs.),    White, 

Apr.,  '02.     (194)    £23. 

La  Grant  Bible  en  Francois.  Paris, 

J.  Petit,  1620.    2  vola.,  fol. 
Leather  (In  1  vol.),  Sunderland,  I>ec., 

'8L      (1430)    £31108. 
Cf.  (in  1  vol..  lacking  both  titles.  Har- 

ley  copy),   Morris.  Dec,  '98.     (186) 


La  Satnte  Bible.    Paris,  J.  Petit, 

1524.     3  vols.,  fol. 

Cf.  (In  1  vol.).  Soth.,  Mar.  19,  '96.  (92) 

La  Sainte  Bible.  Antwerp,  Mar- 
tin TEmpereur,  1530.  2  vols.,  am. 

Cf.,  r.e.  (in  1  vol.).  Ashbumham.  June, 
■97.     (482)    £20. 




Bible  in  French — Continued. 

Leather    do    1    vol.),   Makellar.   Nov., 

'98.      (500)    £Snti.  6d. 
Mor.  ex.,  y.e,  (In  1  vol.),  White,  Apr.. 

•02.     (195)    £20  5s. 

^La  Safnte  Bible.     Lyon.  P.  BallU, 

1531.    2  vols.,  fol. 
Cf.    (In    1    vol.).    Soth.,    Jan.    15.    '90, 

(125)    £2  12s. 
Mor.  ex.,   g.e.,   by   Roger   De   Coverly 

(In   1  vol.,  a  few  corners  meutled). 

White.  Apr.  21.  '02.     (19G)    £8. 

La  Sainte  Bible.  Antwerp,  Mar- 
tin I'Empereur.  1534.     FoL 

CL,  r.e.,  Gardner.  July,  '97.  (288) 
£10  58. 

La   Bible,  qui  est  toute  la  Saincte 

Escrlpture,    etc.      Netichalel.     LS35. 

Cf..  Sunderland,  Dec,  '81.  (1432)   £56. 
Cf.     (title     defective     and    mounted). 

Sunderland.       Dec,       '81.        (1433) 

£29  10s. 
Mor.  (MacCarthy  copy),  Wodhull,  .Ian.. 

'86.     (398)    £29ingt. 
Mor.,     g.e..     Ashburnbam,    June,    '97. 

(483)    £35. 
Cf.,  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98.  (507)   £27  10s. 
Mor.,     g.e.     (tttle    and     two    corners 

mended,  leaf  with  colophon  inlaid). 

White,  Apr.,  '02.     (197))    £26. 

La  Grand  Bible,     Paris,  A.  EJonne- 

mere.  1537-38.    2  vols.,  fol. 
Rub.  ex.,  g.e.  (In  1  vol.).  Soth..  Mar.  19, 

•96.      (93  J    £9JB. 
Leather  (In  1  vol.),  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98. 

(608)    £6. 
Mor.   ex..    g.e.,    by   De  Coverly    (in   1 

vol.),  White,  Apr..  '02.  (198)    £8  5b. 

La    Grant    Bible.      Paris,   1543.      2 

voIb.,  Svo. 
Ct    (title   of  Vol.    1    in   facs..    Sussex 

copy),  Ashburnhara,   June,  '97.  (484) 

£2  18b. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  1900.     (Ill) 

£3  158. 

La  Sainte  Bible.    Basle.  1555.  Fol. 

Mor..  Sunderland,  Dec,  '81.  (1435) 

La   Bible.     A.  RebuL  1562.  and  C. 

Badlus,  15C1.    Fol. 
Cf..  Soth.,  Feb.  25,  '01.     (1432)    £5. 

La  Safnte  Bible.  Geneva,  1G05.  Svo. 

Mor.  ex.,  Hutchinson,  Feb.,  '92.  (61) 
£6  63. 

Bible  in   French — Continued. 

Cf.  (arms  of  James  L  on  side).  Frere, 

Feb.,  '90.     (45)    £3  3s. 
La  Sainte  Bible.     Am.sterdam,  El- 
zevir, 1CC9.     2  vols.,  fol. 
Mor.   (in   1   vol.).  Bangs.  Oct.   21,  '01. 

(93)   tlOO. 
BIBLE     IN      GERMAN.        Die      Bibel. 

[Straaburg,    Mentelln,    about    14(10.) 

Mor.    ex.,    Perkins,    June,    '73.     (190) 

Mor.  ex.  {Perkins  copy),  Benzon,  May, 

'75.     (16)    £75. 
Leather.    Crawford,    June,    '87.     (375) 

-Die  Bibel.     [Strasburg.  H,  Eggea- 

teyn.  about  14CG.]     FoL 
Mor.    ex.,    Thorold,    Dec,    '84.     (294) 

Cf.,   Crawford.  June.  '87.     (376)    £83. 
Die     Bibel.       Augsburg,     [Zainer, 

1473-75].     2  vols.,  fol. 
Mor.  ex.,  Benzon,  May.  '75.  (17)    £52. 
Pigskin      (slightly     wormed),     Soth., 

Jan.  15,  -90.     (1)    £25  Ids. 
Hf.  bd..  Apponyl.  Nov.,  '92.  (202)   £44. 
Cf.,  Stuart,  Mar.,  '95.     (154)    £16. 
Mor.    ex..    g.e.,    Johnson,    Feb.,    '98. 

(178)    £49  10s. 
Cf..  Morris.  Dec.   '98.     (180)    £80. 
Orlg.    oak    bds.,    Cholmley,    Nov.    26, 

•02.     (239)    £51. 
Die  Bibel.    Augsburg,  Sorg,  1477. 

Sheep,    Livermore,    Nov.,    '94.     (112) 

Biblla      Neerduytsch.       [Cologne. 

about  1477.1     Fol. 
Orig.   bdg.    (first  3    leaves  mounted), 

Stuart,  Mar.,  '95.     (153)    £50. 
Die    Bibel.  Nuremberg,    Koberger. 

1483.    2  vols.,  fol. 
Hf.    cf.,    Bateman,     May,    '93.     (270) 

Pigskin,   Atkinson,   Mar.,   '96.       (584) 

Mor.    (in   1   vol.),   Soth..  Dec.   1,   '96. 

(517)    £31. 
Pigskin.  Atkinson,  Apr.,  '97.  (275)  £21. 
Mor.,    Ashburnham,    June,    *97.     (488) 

VeL.    g.e.    (3    leaves    mended).    John- 
son. Feb.,  '98.    (195)    £22. 
Mor.   ex..   g.e.    (in   1    vol.).    Makellar, 

Nov..  '98.     (7C5)    £34. 
Leather,  Morris.  Dec,  '98.     C182)  £39. 


Bib  re    in   German — Continued. 
PlgBkin,    Soth.,    Feb.    27.    '99.     (1805) 

Pigskin,  Soth.,  Apr.  12,  '99-  (102)   £26. 

Die   Biblie  mit  vlitigher  achtinge, 

etc.  Lubeck,  Steffen  Amdea,  1494. 

Hf.  vel.  (a  few  margins  mended), 
Morris,  Dec,  '98.     (184)    £50. 

^Blblla  DUdesch.  Halberstadt,  1522. 

Leather,   Crawford,   Mar.,   '9L      (330) 

£18  108. 
Cf.  (la  2  vols.),  Llvermore,  Nov.,  *94. 

(126)  lie. 

Die   Alte  Te»tament  Oeutsch  von 

M.  Luther.  WlUemberg,  [1523-24]. 

Vel.  (with  Newe  Testament,  [1524] )^ 
Atkinson,  Mar.,  *96.     (27)    £29. 

Biblla  beyder  Alt  und  Newen  Tes- 
taments Teutsch.  Worms,  P. 
Schoeffer.    1524.     Fol. 

Rus.  ex.,  g.e.,  Crawford,  June,  '87.  (386) 

Alle   Propheten  nach    Hebralscher 

Sprach  verteustscht.     Hagenaw,  W. 
Seltz.  1528.    Fol. 
Bdfi.,  Soth..  Apr.  12.  '99.    (103)    £9  9s. 

Die   BIbel.     Worms,   P.   Schoeffer, 

1529.    Fol. 
Pigskin  (Caspar  Schwenckf eld's  copy), 

Soth.,  Jan.   15,  '90.     (3)    £32  10b. 
Cf.,  Llvermore,  Nov.,  '94.     (127)  |65. 

BIblle     uth     der    Uthlegginge     D. 

Martini  Luthers  yn  dyth  Diidesche 
ulltlcb  uthgesettet.  Lubeck,  L.  DIetz, 

1533.  Fol. 

Hf.  bd.,  Soth.,  Jan.  16,  '90.     (18)   £5. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (lacking  half  of  on©  leaf, 
margin  of  title  and  a  few  other 
leaves  mended,  Hawtrey  copy),  Asb- 
hurnham,  June,  '97.     (491)    £11 15s. 

Vel.  (second  title  mended),  Aabburn- 
ham,  Nov.,  '97.     (32)    £3 18s. 

Leather  (slightly  wormed).  White, 
Apr.,  "02.     (202)   £11. 

Blbtla.     Wittemberg.    Hans    Lufft, 

1534.  Fol. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Crawford,  June,  '87. 
(388)   £61. 

Die  Blbel.    Frankfort,  C.  Egenolff. 

1534.     Fol. 
Pigskin,  Soth.,  Jan.  15.  *90.    (7)   £46. 

Bible    in    German — Continued. 

Die  Btbei.    Mainz,  P.  Jordan,  1634. 

Pigskin,  Soth.,  Jan.  16,  '90.   (4)   £6  10s, 

Biblia.    Magdeburg,  M.  Lotter, 

153ti.     Fol. 

Cf.,   Stuart,   Mar.,   '95.  (155)  £5 10a. 

Cf..  Soth.,  Dec.  17.  1900.  (118)  £3  lOs. 

BiblJa.  Wittemberg,  H.  Lufft,  1540- 

41.     3  vols.,  fol. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (tn  2  vols.,  lacldng  1  leaf 
In  Vol.  1,  and  title  mounted),  Soth., 
Jan.  29,  1900.     (705j    £G10s. 

Pigskin  (in  2  vols.),  Christie.  Apr.  9. 
1900.     (152)    £12. 

BiblJa.  Wittemberg,  H.  Ltifft,  1545. 


Leather  (title  and  following  leaf  dam- 
aged), Johnson,  Feb..  '98.  (224) 

Bibfia.    Frankfort,  1561.    Fol. 

Leather,  g.e.,  Lawrence,  May,  '92.  (44) 

Hf.   mor..  g.e.    (in   2  vols.),  Atkinson, 

Mar.,  '9B.     (599)    £15s. 

Biblia.    [Wittemberg,  Hans  Lufft], 

1661.    Fol. 

♦•On  vellum. 
Mor..    r.e.    (imperfect),    Ashbumham, 

June,  '97.     (490)  £2L 
Mor.,     r.e.     (Imperfect,     Asbburnbam 

copy),  White,  Apr.,  '02.    (201)  £21. 

Biblia.     Frankfort,  1569,     Fol. 

Cf.,  Stanley,  June,  ^01.    (366)    £10  158. 

Biblia.     Frankfort,  1580.     Fol. 

Pigskin,  Sotb.,  Mar.  19,  '96.  (91)    £2  9a. 

Biblia.    Leyden,  Elzevir,  1C63.  FoL 

Biblla.    Leyden.  by  de  Weduwe  en 

de   Erffgenamen   van   Johan.     Elze- 
vir, 1CG3.     Fol. 
Rus..     Aylesford,     Mar.,     '88.       (186) 

£  1 138. 
Hf.  roan  (in  2  vols.,  89  plates  by  Via- 

scher  Inserted),  Bangs,  June  5,  '02. 

(238)  |16. 
BIbita.    Germantown.  Sauer,  1743. 

Sheep,  In  walnut  case  (lacking  comer 

of  one  leaf,  slightly  stained),  Brln- 

ley.  Apr.  '81.     (5791)   $350. 
Sheep.  LJbble,  Nov.  22,  '89.     (26)  |85. 
Cf.  (binding  loose,  title  and  following 

leaf     mended).     Baker.     Feb.,     '91. 

(208^)   152. 
Sheep,  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.     (292)  $112.50. 




Bible   In    German — Continued. 

BdB.    (title  mounted,  first  few  leaves 

stained),  Ltvermore,  Nov.,  '94.  (232) 

Cf..  Heokela,  Oct.  19,  '98.     (1387)  |51. 
Cf.     (back    broken,    first    10    leaves 

water-stained),     Slee,     Feb,,     1900. 

(332^)   140. 
Bds.    (binding   broken,   clasp   missing 

and  title  mended),  McKee,  May.  '02, 

(4713)   140. 
Leather,    brass    corners,    bosses,    and 

clasps.  Appleton,  Apr.,  '03.  (35)  $80. 

Biblia.  Germanlown,   Saner,  1763. 

Cf.    (stained),   Henkels,    Oct   19,   '98. 

(1388)   |10. 
Leather,    Bangs,    Jan.    22,   '02.     (51) 

Leather,  McKee,  May.  '02.  (4715)  $17. 

BlbHa.  Gennantown,  Sauer,   1776. 

Cf.,   Brinley,   Apr..   '81.     (5800)    |25. 
Cf..   HenkelB.  Apr..   "91.     (801)    J6. 
Cf..  Llverraore,  Nov.,  '94.     (244)  17.50. 
Cf.,  Henkela,  Oct.  19,  '98.   (1390)  $16. 
Cf.    (broken),    Henkels,   Apr.   19,    '99. 

(591)  15.50. 
CL,  Donaldson.  OcL,  '99.     (862)  $11- 
Cf.,  McKee,  May,  '02.     (4716)  fl8. 

Biblia.       Somerset,     [Pa.],     1813. 

Sheep.    Henkels,    May    27,    '03.     (367) 


eiBLE  IN  GREEK.  Sacrae  Scrlp- 
turee  Veteris  Novaeque  Omnia.  Ven- 
ice. Aldus,  1518.     Fol. 

Cf.  (in  2  vols.),  Sunderland,  Dec.,  '81. 
(1325)    £64, 

Mor,,  Crawford,  June,  '87.     (401)    £20. 

Cf.  (title  and  first  leaf  in  manuscript), 
Livermore,  Nov.,  '94.     (123)   ?30. 

Pigskin,  Coleridge,  May,  '96.  (314) 

Mor.  ex.,  by  Derome  le  Jeune,  with 
his  ticket,  Baring,  Nov.,  '97.  (226) 
£40  10s. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98. 
(210)    £35  10s. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  by  Bozertan  le  Jeune, 
Peel,  June,  1900.     (202)    £38. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  by  De  Coverly  (title 
mended,  some  leaves  wormed), 
White.  Apr.,  '02.     (152)    £36. 

Hf.  ruB.  (slightly  wormed  and  stain- 
ed). Both.,  Nov.  13, '02.   (57)    £28  108. 

Bible  In  Greek — Cotifiovrrf, 

Mor.,  Bangs,  Nov.  20,  '02.  (26)    JllS. 

•♦Large  paper. 
Mor.  ex.   (title  Inlaid),  Thorold,  Dec., 

•84.     (281)    £51. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Crawford,    Mar.,   '81. 

(324)    £53. 

^Divlnae  Scrlpturae,  Veteris  ac  Novl 

Testamentl.    Basle,    J.    Hervagtum, 

1545.     Fol. 
Mor.    ex..    g.e..    Thomond,    May,    '87. 

(1034)    £13s. 
Cf.,   g.e..   Aylesford,    Mar.,    '88.     (175) 


^Blbliorum       pars       Graeca,       quae 

Hebralce  non  Invenltur  Groeca. 
Antwerp,  C.  Plantln,  1584.    4to. 

Mor.  g.e.  (De  Thou  copy),  Gennadius, 
Mar.,  '95.     (422)    £4  17s.  Gd. 

BIblla    Graeca,    Vetus    Testamen- 

tum,      and      Codex      Alexandrlnus. 

1816-28.       4     vols-     in     6.       Novum 

Testamentuni    Gra&cum,    and    Codex 

AlexandrlnuB,  1786,  1  vol.    Together 

7  vois. 

**0n  vellum. 
Mor.    ex.,    Thorold,    Dec,    "84.     (283) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  July  3,  '99-     (8) 


BIBLE      IN      HEBREW.        Prophetlae 

Prlores     et    Poaterlorea     Hebraic^. 

[Naples,  1485*87.]     2  vols.,  fol, 
Cf.  (Sussex  copy),  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91. 

(322)    £10  108. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  White,  Apr.,  '02.     (148) 

£14  158. 

Prophetiae   Priores  et   Posterlorea 

Hebralce,     Brescia,  1494.     8vo. 

Pigskin  (some  leaves  in  manuscript), 
Makellar.  Nov.,  '98.     (221)    £2  14s. 

BIBLE  IN  ICELANDIC.  Biblia  thad 
er  oil  Heilog  Rltulng  utlogd  a  Nor- 
rffinu,    Holum,  1584.    3  vols,  in  1,  fol. 

Rus.  (several  leaves  mended),  Soth., 
Jan.  15,  '90.     (9G)    £3 16s. 

Plgsktn  (first  title  and  about  30 
leaves  mended),  Putt.,  Mar.  11,  '95. 
(615)    £5  10s. 

Leather.  Dasent,  Apr.,  '95.    (214)  £9, 

Cf.  (title  inlaid,  several  leaves  mend- 
ed). Putt.,  May  24,  '98.   (939)    £7  5a. 

Cf.  (title  and  several  leaves  raended)j 
Morris,  Dec,  '98.     (185)    £7  15s. 

Cf.,  S^ith..  Apr.  7. '02,     (16)   £10, 

Mor.,    g.e.    (first    title    and    2    leaves 




BJbte   In    Icelandic — Continued, 

mended).    White,    Apr.,    '02.      (207) 

Bfblla  thad  er  511    Hellog   Ritning 

ullbgd  a  NorrsBnii.    Holum,  1G44.  Fol. 
Leather,     Dasent,     Apr.     '95.       (215) 

£5  10s. 
CI  (title  mended).  Putt..  May  24,  '98. 

(940)    £1  18a. 
Cf.  (first  title  mended,  a  few  worda  of 

last  leaf  in  manuscript).  Bangs,  Dec. 

1.  '98.     (55)   113.50. 

BIBLE  IN  INDIAN.  [The  Holy  Bible, 
Trans.  Into  the  Indian  Language  by- 
John  Eliot.]  Cambridge,  Samuel 
Green  and  Marmaduke  Johnson, 
1CC3-GL     4to. 

Orig.  mor..  g.e.  Od  variety,  according 
to  Eames),  Allan,  May,  '64.  (1013) 

Orig.  mor,,  g.e.  (duplicate  from 
Bodleian  Library,  5  th  variety), 
Bruce.  Apr.,  'C8.     (2C7)   11130. 

Orig.  mor..  g.e.  (Bodleian-Bruce  copy), 
Rice.  Mar.,  '70.     (C62>  $1050. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  by  Bedford,  in  mor. 
case  (Bodleian-Bruce-Rice  copy, 
with  leaf  of  Contents  ad<3efJ.  mak- 
ing it  of  3d  variety),  Menzies,  Nov., 
'76.     (665)   1900. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  by  Bedford  (2d  variety. 
White  Kennett'B  copy),  BrJnley, 
Mar.,  '79.     (787)  $1000. 

Rus.  ex.,  g.e.  (Bible  as  issued  for  use 
of  the  lodlanB,  Petit  copy),  Brtniey, 
Mar.,   '79.     (788)    |550. 

Orig.  mor.,  g.e.  (3d  variety,  Allan 
copy),  Brlnley,  Apr.,  '81.  (6682) 

Mor,  ex.,  g.e.  (3d  variety,  Bodleian- 
Bruce-Rlce-Meazies  copy),  Cooke, 
Dec.,  '83.    (789)  $1250, 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (Old  Testament  and 
Metrical  Psalma  only,  In  1  vol.,  6th 
variety),  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.  (886) 

Cf.  (as  issued  for  use  of  the  Indiana, 
lacking:  1  leaf,  Cc;  John  Harris's 
copy),  Rogers,  Jan..  '88.     (35G)  $210. 

Orig.  mor.,  g.e.  (4th  variety),  Hard- 
wicke,  June,  '88.     (45)    £580. 

Cf.  (a  small  corner  of  A  4  torn  off), 
How,    Mar.,    '90.     (1299)     £102. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (3d  variety,  Bodleian- 
Bruce-RIce-Menzles-Cooke  copy ) , 
Ives,  Mar..  '91.     (70)  $1050. 

Cf.,  g.e.  (as  Issued  for  use  of  the  In- 

Bibte  In  Indian — Coutinurd. 
dlans,  In  2  vols.,  somewhat  stained, 
English  title  to  Old  Testanaent  in 
facs.,  inserted,  the  2  leaves  of  Dedi- 
cation backed.  Crowninshield  copy). 
Liverniore.   Nov.,   '94.    il95)    $-150. 

Mor  ex.,  g.e.  (3d  variety,  Bodleian- 
Bruce  -  Rice  -  Menzies  •  Cooke  •  Ives 
copy),  Lefforts,  June,  '02.  (27) 

[The  Bible,  Trans.  Into  Indian  by 

John  Eliot.]  Cambridge,  Samuel 
Green,  1G85-80.     4to. 

Hf.  leather  (lacking  all  before  Genesis 
Ix,  28,  Furman  copy).  Rice,  Mar., 
'70.     (GG3)   $120. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Talbot  copy),  Griswold, 
Mar.,  -70.     (206)  $325. 

Cf.  (with  leaf  of  Dedication  to  Hon. 
Robert  Boyle,  Hastings  copy),  Brln- 
ley, Mar.,   '79.     (789)    $500. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  In  mor.  case  (lacking 
leaf  of  rules  and  final  blank  leaf, 
but  with  general  title  In  duplicate, 
Grindall  Rawson's  copy).  Brioley. 
Mar.,  '79.     (790)  $500. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (upper  margins  of  title 
and  first  leaf  of  text  mended.  Gov. 
Stoughton's  and  John  Danforth's 
copyL  Brlnley,  Apr.,  '81.  (S683) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (some  margins  extended 
and  leaves  mended),  Brlnley,  Apr. 
•81-     (5684)   $550. 

Cf.  (with  leaf  of  Dedication  to  Boyle, 
Hastings-Brinley  copy),  Murphy, 
Mar.  '84.     (8S4)  $950. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Cotton-Harrls^Crownln- 
shield  copy),  Crawford,  .Tune.  '87. 
(493)    £40. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (5  leaves  In  facs.,  a  num- 
ber of  leaves  mended),  Trlvulzlo, 
Feb.,  '88.     (1163)  $280. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Trivulzio  copy).  Del 
Monte,  June,  '88.     (560)  $230. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (some  leaves  cut  Into, 
Zachariah  Mayhew's  copy),  Brlnley, 
Apr,  '93.     (8434)   $430. 

Cf.  (lacking  leaf  with  Catechlam,  cut 
into,  John  Pickering's  copy),  Brln- 
ley. Apr.  '93.     (8435)  $280. 

Rus,  (stained),  Livermore,  Nov.,  '94. 
(197)  $140. 

Cf..  Sotb.,  June  18.  "96.    (717)  £82. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Mayhew-Brlnley  copy). 
French  and  Chiibbuck.  Feb.,  "04. 
(558)  $365. 





BtBLE  IN  IRISH.  Leabhuir  na  Selntl- 
omoa,  agus  Tiomna  Nuadh,  re  Uli- 
liam  Bedel  ague  HulUlam  O'Domh- 
nuUl.     Ivond.,  1C85-81.     4lo. 

Cf.  (In  2  vols.).  Thomond,  May,  '87. 
(312)    £3. 

Cf..  Soth.,  Dec.  1.  '96.     (523)    £3  15s. 

Cf.,  g.t.,  unc,  Soth.,  Feb.  15,  1900.  (504) 

C?f.  ex..  g.t.,  unc.  (4  leaves  defective). 
Soth..  Dec.  3.  1900.     (574)    £7  108. 

An  SI  obi  a   Naomhtha,  etc.     Lond., 

1690.     Svo. 

Cf.,  Wilbraliani,  May,  '03.     (58)    £2  2s. 

BIBLE  IN  ITALIAN.  La  Btblia.  Ven- 
ice, [Vind.  de  Splra],  1471.     Fol. 

Cf.  (Genesis  to  Psalms  only,  lacking 
1  leaf,  all  inner  margins  mended). 
Ashburnham,  Jnne.  '97.  (474)   £6  5s. 

La  Biblia.     Venice.  Th.  de  Reyns- 

burch  and  Reyn.  de  Novtmagio,  1478. 

Cf..  Bools,  June,  '03.    (143)    £5. 

La  Biblia.     Venice.  1481.     Pol. 

PlgBltln  (lacking  the  Table),  Soth., 
Dec.  17.  1900.     (115)    £2  2s. 

Pigskin  (lacking  11  leaves  of  Table), 
Sotb.,  Nov.  18,  '02.     (51)    £7. 

La  Biblia.  Venice,  1490.  383  en- 
gravings by  Barbarj.    Fol. 

Cf.  (lacking  last  leaf  of  Table,  some 
leaves  wormed),  Soth..  Mar.  10.  '97. 
(804)    £245. 

La  Biblia.    Venice,  1492.    Fol. 

Hf.  bd.  (in  2  vols.,  title  mended .  hole 
in  first  seven  leaves),  Ashburnham. 
June,  '97.     (476)    £151. 

La    Bibtla.    Venice,  1525.    Pol. 

Hf.  bd.,  Ashburnham.  June,  '97.  (477) 
£3  14s. 

La  Biblia.     Venice,  L.  A.  Giunta. 

1537.     Fol. 

Orig.  mor.,  g.e.,  !n  case  (presentation 
copy  from  the  Earl  of  Anmdel  to 
Sir  W-  Petre),  Soth.,  Doc.  17,  '9S. 
(606)    £38  10s. 

La   Bibfla.     Venice,  1538.    4to. 

Mor.  ex.  (Sussex  copy),  Ashburnham, 
June.   '97.      (478)    £9  IGs. 

La   Biblia.     Venice,  1547.    4to. 

Cf.  (Orsini  arms  on  sides,  title  in 
facs.).  Soth.,  Dec.  17.  '98.  (598) 

Cf,  (title  In  facs.  apparently  the  pre- 
ceding copy).  Soth..  Dec.  17,  1900. 
(116)    £7. 

Bible   In   Italian — Cotitittuett, 

La  BEblla.    Geneva.  1641.     Fol. 

Rus.  (formerly  belonging  to  John 
George,  Elector  of  Saxony),  Foun- 
taine,  June.  '02.     (84)    £12  10s. 

BIBLE  IN  LATIN.  Btblta  Sacra  Latina. 

[Mainz,  Gutenberg  and   Fust,   1450- 

1455.]     2  vols.,  fol. 
(Sykes  copy),  Perkins,  June.  '73.  (865) 

Stamped  cf.   (1  leaf  tn  Vol.  I  and  16 

leaves  in  Vol.  11  in  facs.),  Brinley. 

Apr.,  'SI.     (5839)   $8000. 
Mor.,    (Sussex    copy).    Thorold,    Dec. 

'84.     (284)    £3900. 
Stamped     leather,      Crawford.     .lune. 

'87.    (448)    £2650. 
Cf.  (a  smalt  hole  in  first  leaf  of  Vol. 

U    mended),    Hopeloun.     Feb.,    '89. 

(269)    £2000. 
Stamped  cf.   (Brinley  copy,  17  leaves 

in     facs.,)     Ives,     Mar..     '91.       (69) 

Mor.,  g.e.     (Sussex-Thoiold  copy).  .Ma- 

kellar.  Nov..  '98.     t21C)    £2950. 
••On    vellum. 
Pigskin   (2  leaves  prolmbly   In  facB.». 

Perkins.  June,  '73.     (8G4)    £3400. 
Pigskin    (2   leaves   probably    in    facs., 

Perkins   copy),   Ashburnham.   June, 

•97.     (436)    £4000. 

Biblia  Sacra   Latina.     [Strasburg. 

Mentelin,  1460.]      (Coplnger  No.  3.) 

2  vols.,  fol. 
Mor..  Perkins,  June,  '73.     (180)    £75. 
Mor.  (in  1  vol.),  Stuart.  Mar.,  '95.  (147) 


Biblia  Sacra   Latina.     Mainz.  E^st 

and  Schoeffer,  14C2.     (Coplnger  No. 

4.)     2  vols.,  fol. 

♦*On  vellum. 
Mor.,  g.e.   (Gaignat.  La  Valliere.  Mac- 

Carthv,  Taylor  and  Dent  copy),  Per- 

kins,  June,  "73.     (177)    £780. 
Mor..    Sunderland.    Dec..    '81.      (1337> 

Mor.  (Prince  Eugene's  copy),  Thorold, 

Dec,  '84.     (285)    £1000. 
Mor.,  Jersey.  May,  '85.     (191)    £320. 
Mor.,  g.e.    (Dent-Perkins  copy),  Craw- 
.  ford,  June,  '87.     (449)    £1025. 
Mor.,    Ashbumhani.   .Tune.    '97.      (437) 

£  1500. 
Biblia  Sacra   Latina.     [Strasburg, 

Mentelin.  1466.]    (Coplnger.  No.  5.) 

2  vols.,  fol. 




Bible  in  Latin — Coniitmcd. 

Pigskin.  Makellar.  Nov.,  '9S.  (217) 
£27  10a. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (lacking  1  leaf.  Table  in 
manuscript,  some  leaves  repaired), 
Stanley.  June.  '01.     (303)    £2G. 

BIblia   Sacra  Latma.     [Strasburg; 

Eggesteyn,  1468.]   (Copinger.  No.  C.> 

2  vols.,  fbl. 
Pigskin,  Perkins,  June,  73.  (ISl)   £49. 
Bds.,  Soth..  Jan.  15,  '90.     (Ill)    £15. 

Biblla  Sacra   Latlna-     [Strasburg, 

Eggesteyn,  1468-1   (Copinger,  No.  7.) 

2  vols.,  fol. 
Cf.  (wanting  63  leaves,  some  margins 

defective),  Morris,  Dec.,  '98.     (173) 

£13  10s. 

Bibda    Saera    Latina.      [Probably 

Strasburg,  Mentelln,  about  14G9.] 
(Copinger,  No.  8.)     2  vols.,  fol. 

Mor,  (inner  margins  of  last  2  leaves 
mended),  Ashburnham,  June,  '97. 
(440)   £18. 

Pigskin,  r.e..  Makellar,  Nov..  '98.  (473) 

BIblia  Sacra  Latlna.     [Cologne,  C, 

de  Homborch,  1469.]  (Copinger,  No. 
9.)    2  vols.,  fol, 

Bds.,  stamped  leather  (manuscript 
copies  of  St.  Jerome's  Epistles  in- 
serted), Makellar,  Nov.,  "98.  (218) 
£17  10s. 

Stamped  leather,  Perkins,  June,  '73. 
(182)  £38. 

Biblia     Sacra     Latlna.     [Cologne, 

Zell,  1469  or  1470.]  (Copinger,  No. 
9  or  10.)     2  vols.,  fol. 

Stamped  leather,  Bateman.  May,  '93. 
(260)    £15  10s. 

Biblla      Sacra      Latlna.        [Basle, 

Rodt  and  Richel,  1470-71.]  (Copin- 
ger, No.  12.)     2  voia.,  foL 

Rus.,  g.e.,  Makellar,  Nov..  '98.  (219) 
£3  33. 

Rus..  g.e.  (In  1  vol.),  Soth.,  Nov.  20, 
■99.     (1133)    £19. 

Rub.,  g.e.  (lacking  4  leaves),  Sotb.,  Jan. 
29,  1900.     (266)    £15  Ifls. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.  (325) 

Pigskin  (in  1  vol.)^  Llvermore,  Nov., 
•94.     (110)  »G0. 

Rub.,  m.e.  (in  1  vol.,  lacking  4  leaves  at 
end).  Lfbble,  June  19,  1900.  (113) 

Bible   In    Latin- 


BJblia  Sacra  Latina.   Maluz.Schoef- 

fer  de  Gernshelm,  1472.     (Copinger, 

No.  14.)     2  vols.,  fol. 
Stamped   leather,   Perkins,   June,    '73. 

(1S4)    £38. 
Rus.   (In  1  vol.,  binding  loose),  Soth., 

Mar.  14,  '87.     (27S>    £47  10s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (In  1  vol..  initial  iBttera 

rubricated,  Roxburghe  copyt,  Ayles- 

ford,  Mar.,  '88.    (177)   £71, 
Bds..  Bateman,  May,  '93.    (267)  £20. 
Mor.    ex..    g.e.,    Makellar,    Nov..    "98. 

(474)    £40. 

Biblia  Sacra  Latlna.  [Basle,  Bern- 
hart  Richel.  1475.1  (Copinger,  No. 
19.)     2  vols.,  fol. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (Sussex  copy),  Stuart,  Mar., 
'95.     (148)   £45. 

Stamped  leather  (In  1  vol.),  Morris, 
Dec..  '98.     (174)   £12. 

Pigskin,  Sotli.,  Apr.  12,  '99.     (95)  £13. 

Pigskin,  g.e.,  Soth..  Apr.  24,  '99.  (468) 

Pigskin,  Soth.,  July  25. '99.    (738)  £12. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  White,  Apr.,  '02.  (172) 

Mor.  ex..  g.e  (White  copy  resold,  leaf 
460  lacking),  Colh.,  Dec.  4,  '02.  (995) 
£18  10s. 

Biblia    Sacra    Latina.     [Placentia, 

Johaiiem  Petrus  Forralis.  1475.] 
(Copinger,  No.  20.)     4to. 

Vel.  (4  leaves  slightly  wormed),  Sun- 
derland. Dec.  '81.     (1339)    £71. 

Mor,  g.e.  (last  leaf  of  Index  inlaid), 
Apponyi,  Nov.,  '92.     (197)    £35. 

Vel.  (lacking  2  leaves,  Sunderland 
copy),  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98.  (659) 

Biblla  Sacra  Latlna.     Nuremberg, 

Koberger,  1475.     (Copinger,  No.  22.) 

Leather.  Hirst.  Dec.,  '87.  (368)  £7  10s. 
Cf..  Soth,.  Jan.  15.  '90.  (113)    £5  2B.Cd. 
Leather,  Bonar,  June.  '90.     (437)    £7. 
Hf.  mor.   (in  2  vols,),  Apponyi,  Nov., 

'92.     (199)   £9. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Harris,    Apr,,    '97.      (556) 

£11 10s. 
Mor.   ex.,   g.e,    (In   2   vols.),    Makellar, 

Nov.,  '98.     (477)   £13  15s. 

Biblla  Sacra  Latlna.     Nuremberg, 

And.  Frisner  and  John  Senaensclimit. 
1475.     (Copinger,  No.  23.)     Fol. 

Stamped  leather  (lacking  7  leaves  and 




Bible  In  LatEn — Continued. 
3   leaves   mended),   Makellar,   Nov., 
•98.     (475)    £6. 

.^— BibJia  Sacra  Latins.    Venice,  Hall- 

brun  and  Francfordia,  1475.  (Copln- 

ger.  No.  24.)     Fol. 
Cf.    (stained),    Uvermore,    Nov.,    *94. 

(HI)  145. 
Leather  (lacking  title  page),  Ashbum- 

ham,  June,  '97.     (441)    £5  53. 
Stamped     leather     (with    manuscript 

index  at  end),  Makellar,   Nov.,   '9S. 

(476)    £8. 

^— BIblia     Sacra     Latlna.     [Cologne, 

about  1472.]    (Copinger,   No.  25.)     2 

vols.,  foL 
Velvet,  g.e.,  Perkins,  June,  '73.   (183) 

Velvet,  g.e.  (Perkins  copy).  Makellar, 

Nov..  '98.     (479)    £45. 

Biblia  Sacra  Latlna.    Venice,  Hall- 

brun  and  Frankfordla,  1476.  (Copin- 
ger, No.  27.)     Fol. 

Mor.  (a  few  leaves  wormed),  Hall- 
stone,  Apr,  '91.     (344)    £5  15s. 

CI,  (first  leaf  mended,  a  few  margina 
stained).  Putt.,  July  15.  '91.  (316) 
£2  2s. 

Vel..  Atkinson,  Mar..  '96.     (3C4)    £6. 

Rus.  (in  2  vols.,  rebacked,  few  head- 
lines cut  into),  Atkinson,  Apr.,  '97. 
(267)   £3  10s. 

(2  leaves  In  manuscript).  Bangs.  Dec. 
1,  '98.      (53)    $17. 

Rub.  (1  leaf  mended).  White,  Apr,  '02. 
(173)    £G15s. 

BibMa  Sacra  Latina.  Venice,  Jen- 
son,  147C.  (Copinger,  No.  28.)  2 
vols.,  fol. 

Vel.  (slightly  wormed).  Rule,  Nov.,  'SS, 
(743)    £6  5s. 

Hf.  pigskin  (leaf  of  Registrtini  lack- 
ing). Makellar,  Nov.,  '9S.  (478) 
£4  48. 

Mor.      (first     four     leaves     lacking), 

Bangs.  Feb.  13,  '01.     (36)  1117.50. 
Cf..   Putt,    (with   leaf  of  Registrum), 

Mar.  28,  '01.     (112)    £13. 
Cf.  (with  leaf  of  Registrum  mounted). 

White,  Apr.  21.  *02.     (174)    £6  158. 

••On  vellum. 

Mor.  ex.  (leaf  of  Registrum  In  facs,), 

Perkins,  June,  '73.     (186)    £290. 
Mor.  ex.  (Perkins  copy),  Benzon,  May, 

'75.     (15)    £370. 
Mor.,  Beckford,  June,  '82.  (878)   £330. 

Bfble  in  Latin— Continued. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (Hanrott  copy),  Stuart,  Mar., 
'95.     (149)   £100. 

Biblia  Sacra   Latina.     Nuremberg, 

John  Sensenschmldt,  1476.  (Copin- 
ger No.  29.)     Fol. 

Stamped  leather  (rebacked,  corners 
mended).  While,  Apr.,  '02.  (175) 
£7  17s.6d. 

Brblia     Sacra     Latina.     Paris,    N. 

Gerlng.  M.  Crantz  and  M.  Freburger, 

[about    1476].  (Copinger,    No.    30.) 

2  vols.,  fol. 
Mor.  (first  ten  leaves  mended  in  Vol. 

1),  Makellar,  Nov..  "98.     (480)    £26. 

Biblia     Sacra      Latina.       Naplee, 

Moravua,  1476.  (Copinger,  No.  31.) 
2  vols.,  fol. 

Cf.,  Sunderland,  Dec,  '81.  (1340) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e,  (In  1  vol.),  Crawford, 
Mar.,  '91.     (326)    £38. 

Rus.,  g.e.  (In  1  vol.,  imperfect),  At- 
kinson, Mar.,  '96.     (22)    £7  188. 

Cf.,  y.e.  (Sunderland  copy),  Makellar, 
Nov.,  '98.     (481)  £18. 

Biblia  Sacra  Latina.    Nuremberg, 

Koburger.  1477.     (Copinger,  No.  32.) 

2  vols.,  fol. 
Cf.,     Sunderland,     Dec,     '81.     (1341) 

Rus.  (In  1  vol.),  Sunderland,  Dec,  *%1. 

(1342)    £32. 
Stamped     leather,     Streatfeild,     June, 

'89.     (553)    £16. 
Leather    (rebacked).    Soth.,    Dec.    12, 

•93.    (COl)    £7  17s.  Gd. 
Cf.   (binding  loose).  Livermore,  Nov., 

•94,     (113)  $42.50. 
Cf.,  Johnson,  Feb..  '98.     (182)    £9108. 
Cf.    (Johnson    copy),    Putt.,    Apr.    13, 

■98.     (7)    £5 10s. 
Leather     (.Archbishop     of    Salzburg's 

copy),  Morris,  Dec,  '98,     (175)    £50. 
Oak  bds.,   Soth.,  Juno  10,   '03.     (540) 

£8  158. 

Biblia     Sacra     Latina,     Basle,    B. 

Rtchel,    1477.     (Copinger,    No.    33.) 

2  vols.,  fol. 
Bds..     Hopetoun.     Feb..     '89.        (270) 

£3  10s. 
Mor.,   g.e.    (stained).    Makellar,    Nov., 

'98.     (482)    £14. 

Biblia    Sacra    Latlna.     Venice.   L. 

Vuild.  1478.  (Copinger.  No.  34.) 




Bible  In  Latin — Cnntinued. 

Hopetoun.  Feb.,  '89.     (271)  £7. 

Mor.   ex.,    g.e.    (lacking   A    1,    blank). 

Putt.,  Dec.  17.  'S&.  (4C)  £3  Us. 
Cf.    (binding  loose).   Livermore,  Nov., 

'94.     (114)   140. 
Vel..  Soth.,  July  18.  '95-     (28)    £6 15s. 
BlbMa      Sacra      Latina.       Venice, 

Theodoricl      de      Reynsburch      and 

Reynaldlde   Novimaglo,    1478.    ( Cop- 
In  ger.  No.  35.)     Fol. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.   (WLlllams  copy),  Theo- 

doHlus.  Apr.,  '93.  (677)  £4  Ids. 
Cf..  Johnson,  Feb.,  '98.  (183)  £4. 
Leather,    Soth.,     Apr.     12.     *99.       (9R) 

£5  153. 
Biblia  Sacra  Latina.     Nuremberg. 

Koburger.  1478.   (Coplnger.  No.  36.) 

Pigskin,    Crawford,    June,    '87.      (450) 

£13  13s. 
Pigskin    (Crawford    copy),    Mlddleton, 

Apr,    "97.      (214)     £9  10s. 

Biblia  Sacra  Latina.     Nuremberg. 

Koburger.   1478.     (Coplnger,  No.  37, 

possibly  some  copies    No,  36.)     Fol. 
Plgslcln  (margins  of  2  leaves  of  Table 

mended ) ,  Thompson, Feb., '87.    (1059) 

£7  7s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (several  leaves  wormed), 

Cratg,  June,  '87.     (243)    £8  I5s. 
Pigskin,  Millard.  Nov.,  '90.     (64)  £6. 
Cf.  (some  leaves  wormed),  Hailstone, 

Apr.,   '91.      (345)    £C158. 
Pigskin  (leaves  of  Nom.  Hebr.   mount- 
ed),    Atkinson,     Mar.,     '96.       (365) 

£6  12s.  6d. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (Wodhull  copy).  Soth.,  July 

27,  '97.     (302)    £22  10s. 
Mor.    (In   1   vol.),   Johnson,    Feb.,    '98. 

(184)  £6. 
Pigskin,    Johnson.     Feb..    '98.       (185) 

£4  78.  Gd. 
Stamped    leather,    Stanley.   June,    '01. 

(304)    £12. 
Pigskin  (1  leaf  lacking).  Soth..  Dec.  2. 

'01.     (175)    £(jHis. 
Biblia   Sacra    Latina.     Venice,   N. 

Jenson,    1479.      (Coplnger,    No.   40.) 

(Several  leaves  stained),  Brlce,  July, 

'87.     (291)    £2  15s. 
Vel.  (lacking  A  1).  Atkinson,  Mar..  '96. 

(366)    £4  15s. 
Cf.    (in    2   vols.).   Johnson,   Feb.,    '98. 

(189)    £5  5s. 
Sotli.,  July  18,   1900.      (402)    £9  15s, 

Bible  In  Latin — Continued. 

Cf..  g.e.  (lacking  A  1),  White.  Apr.,  '02. 

(176)   £12  15s. 

Biblia  Sacra  Latina.     Nuremberg, 

Koburger,  1479.     (Copinger,  No.  41.) 

Hirst,  Dec,  '87.     (372)    £7  lOa. 
Pigskiii  (a  few  leaves  wormed).  Wills. 

July.  '94.     (287)    £C  !0s. 
Pigskin,  Bangs.  Mar.  12.  '96.     (31)  $32. 
Mor.  (in  2  vols.,  a  few  leaves  wormed). 

Johnson,  Feb.,  '98.     (187)  £8. 
Pigskin,    Johnson.    Feb.,    "98.       (188) 

£3  158. 

Biblia  Sacra  Latina.     Lyons,  1479. 

(Copinger,  No.  42.)     Fol. 
Cf.  (2  leaves  pasted  together  and  some 

leaves   wormed),    Stuart.   Mar.,    '96. 

(150)    £5  15s. 

Biblia     Sacra     Latina.       (kxlogne, 

1479.     (Coplnger,  No.  43.)     Fol. 

Cf..  Ashburnham,  June,  '97.  (443) 
£8  10a. 

Cf.  (lacking  title  page,  and  with  sev- 
eral leaves  torn  and  mended),  Ma- 
kellar,  Nov..  '98.     (483)  £2. 

Biblia   Sacra    Latina.     [Strasburg. 

1478.]      (Coplnger.  No.  44.)     2  vols., 

Hf.    vel.    (wormed),    Brlce,    July,    '87. 

(292)    £7  10s. 
Pigskin  (in  4  vols.).  Morris,  Dec,  '98. 

(176)  £7. 
Pigskin   (in  4  vols.),   Llbbie,   Jan.   18, 

•99.     (96)  $76. 
Pigskin   (la  4   vols.).  Bangs,  Nov.  26, 

1900.     (59)  $60. 
Bibtia   Sacra   Latina.     Venice.  Oc- 

tavianus    Scotus,    1480.      (Copinger, 

No.  45.)     4to. 
Mor.  (la  6  vols.),  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98. 

(484)    £717a.  6d. 
Stamped  leather  (rebacked,  1  leaf  im- 
perfect), Soth..  July  IS,  1900.     (391) 

£2  12s. 
Stamped  leather  (back  mended,  lower 

margin  of  one  leaf  cut  off).  White, 

Apr..  '02.    (177)    £C. 
Bibtia  Sacra  Latina.  Venice.  Fran- 

clscura   de  Hailbrun.  1480.      (Copln- 
ger, No.  46.)     4to. 
Vel.,    Ashburnham,    June,    '97.      (444) 

£10  10s. 
Rus,   ex.,  Fountaine.   Soth..   June.    '02. 

(79)  £14. 
Biblia     Sacra     Latina.       Ulin.     J. 




BJble  in  Latin — Continued. 

Zainer.    1480.      (Coplnger,    No.    47.) 

Pigskin  (a  few  leaves  wormed),  Putt., 

July  15,  'n.     (317)  £6, 
Pigskin,     Soth.,     Apr.     12.     '99.       (97) 

£8  17s.  6cl. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth..  Mar.  7,  *01.     (507) 

Biblia  Sacra  Latlna.     Niireniberg. 

Koburger.  H80.     (Coplnger,  No.  48.) 

Pigakln.    Sotli.,    Jan.    15,    "90.       (IIB) 

£3  16s. 
Pigskin,  Lawrence,  Dec..  '92.    (262)  £4. 
Leather,     Moore,     Oct.,     '93.        (2sT) 

£6  15s. 
Mor..  g.e.  fin  2  vols.),  Makellar,  Nov., 

'98.      (485)     £7  15b. 

BJblla  Sacra  Latlna.     Nuremberg, 

Koburger,  1482.  (Coplnger,  No.  57.) 

Rus.,  LIvemiore,  Nov.,  '94.     (116)  |50. 

Pigskin,  AppletOD.  Apr,  "03.   (23)   $50. 

Biblia    Sacra    Latlna.     Venice,    F. 

Renner  de  Hallbrun,  14S2.  (Copln- 
ger. No.  58.)     3  vols.,  fol. 

VeL  (stained  and  pp.  5-6  lacking  in 
Vol.  11),  Soth.,  Oct.  29.  1900.  (95G) 
£1  12s. 

Biblia      Sacra      Latfna.       Venice, 

Joannts  dicti  Magnl  Herbert  de  Sel- 
genstadi,  1483.  {Coplnger.  No.  59.) 

Cf.  (rebacked).  Llvermore.  Nov.,  '94. 
(118)   $30. 

Bibiia      Sacra     Latina.     Fontibus 

ex  GrsBcis  HebraHjmnique  llbrls, 
1483.  (Copinger,  No.  CI.)  2  vols.. 

Cf.,  g.e..  Makellar,  Nov.,  '9&.  (486) 
£2126.  Cd. 

Biblia      Sacra      Latina.        Venice, 

Joannes  Magnus  de  H.  de  Selgen- 
Btadt.  1484.  (Coplnger.  No.  04. >   4to. 

Cf.  (rebacked).  Quail e.  May,  '01.  (118) 
£2  1fts. 

Biblia      Sacra      Latina.        Venice, 

Georglus  de  Rlvabents.  14S7.  (Cop- 
lnger. No.  73.)     4to. 

Hf.  bd..  Soth..  Jan.  15,  '90.  (119) 
£1  10s. 

••On  vellum. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Williams  copy),  Ash- 
bumbam,  .Tune.  'D7.      (448)    £lf>C. 

BibJta  Sacra  Latina.     Nuremburg. 

Bible  in  Latin — CorUinucd. 

Koburger,  1487.     (Coplnger,  No.  77.) 

4  vols.,  fol. 
Pigskin,  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.     (286)  $76. 
Hf.  mor.,  Apponyl,  Nov.,  '92.     (200)  £4. 
Pigskin  (in  1  vol.,  margins  of  2  leaves 

mended).  Auckland.  Nov.,  '97.    (840) 


Biblia   Sacra   Latina.     [Strasburg, 

John   Pryss],   1489.      (Coplnger,   No. 

84.)     Foi. 
Mor.    (stained),    Soth.,    Feb.    26,    '01. 

(1429  J    £6  10s. 
Biblia   Sacra   Latina.     Venice.,   H. 

Paganlnus,  1492.     (Copinger,  No.  95). 

Paper   bds..   Soth.,   May  16.  '01.     (43) 

£3  198. 
-Biblia    Sacra    Latina.     Venice,   Sl- 

monem  Bevllaqua,  1494.     (Coplnger, 

No.  100.)     4  to. 
Sheep.    Bangs,    May    8,    1900.      (405) 

Biblia    Sacra     Latina.      Basle,    J. 

Froben,  1495.     (Coplnger,  No.  103.) 

Bds.,  Bangs,  Feb.  13,  '01.     (37)  $41. 
Biblia    Sacra    Latina.     Strasburg, 

1497-     (Copinger,  No.  111.)     Fol. 
Mor.,   g.e.    (lacking  title  page  and    I 

other   leaf,   margins   cut  Into),   Ma- 
kellar, Nov.,  '98.     (487)    £llla. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  Jan.  9,  '99.     (284)    £l5s. 
Bibiia      Sacra      Latina.       Venice, 

S.   Bovllaqua.   1498.     (Copinger,   No. 

113.)     4to. 
Vei.    (some   leaves   slightly   wormed), 

Makellar,   Nov..  98.      (GGl)    £10  I5a 
Mor..    ff.e.,    Soth..    Apr.    12,    '99.     (98) 

£8  17a.  6d. 
Hf.    vei..    Soth..    July    17,    '01.     (Ill) 

£7  108. 
Biblia  Sacra  Latina.    Paris,  Jehan 

Petit.    1601.     (Copinger,    No.    125.) 

4  to. 
Mor.,   g.e.,    Soth..  Feb.   13.   '99.     (310) 

Bibiia      Sacra      Latina.      Venice, 

L.    A.    de   Ghinta.   1511.     (Coplnger. 

No.  147.)     4to. 
Cf.,  g.e.  (margins  of  title  page  mend- 
ed, some  headlines  cut  into).  White, 

Apr,  '02.     (182)    £8. 
BibMa  Sacra   Latina.     Paris.   Phil- 

ippl      Plgouehet.      1512.     (Copinger. 

No.  152.)     Fol. 




Bible  in  Latin — Contitiued. 

Fountatne,  June,  '02.     (80)    £3  38, 

• Bfblia       Sacra       Latina.       Lyons^ 

Jo.    Saccon,    1512.     {Coplnger,    No. 

155.)     Fol. 
Pigskin,    Makellar,    Nov.,    '98.     (489) 

£3  3s- 
Plgskin     (binding     broken),    Roberta 

and  Shreve,  Dec,  '01.     (101)  |12. 
Biblia  Sacra  Latins.    Nuremberg, 

Koburger,      1516.     (Coplnger.      No. 

165.)     Fol. 
Cf.   ex..   g.e..   White,   Apr.,    '02.     (185) 

£3  lOfi. 
Biblia       Sacra       Latlna.       Lyons, 

1521.  (Coplnger.  No.  181.)     Fol. 
Mor..  Soth.,  Oct.  24,  '9S.     (336)    £1. 
Pigskin.    Soth.,    Dec.    22,    '98.     (758) 

£1 12s. 
Pigskin,    Bangs,    May    8,    1900,    (412) 

Mor.  g.e..    Soth.,    June    20,    '02.     (31) 

£4  5s. 
Biblia       Sacra       Latina.       Lyons, 

1522.  {Coplnger,    No.    184.)     Fol. 
Stamped    leather,    Morris,    Dec,    '98. 

(179)    £2  1Ss. 
6  lb  I  la     Sacra     Latina.     Paris,     R. 

Stephanue,     1528.     (Copinger,     No. 

216.)     FoL 
Vel.,  Soth.,  Apr.  12,  '99.     (99)   £2  88. 
Biblia       Sacra       Latina.       Lyons, 

John    Mareschal,    1531.     (Coplnger, 

No.  229.)     8vo. 
Leather,  Bangs,  Oct.  17,  '98.     (49)  $8. 
Leather,     Bangs,     Apr.     3,     '99.     (35) 

^Blbila      Sacra       Latina.       Lyons, 

Hugonem  a  Porta,  1542.     (Coplnger, 

No.  295.)     Fol. 
Mor.,  g.e.,   "Waller,  Dec,,   1900.     (206) 

£2  48. 
Mor,   g.e.,   Stanley,   June,   '01.     (305) 

£3  14a. 
Biblia    Sacra    Latina.     Zurich,    C. 

FroKchover,     1543.     (Coplnger,     No. 

304.)    2  vols,,  fol. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  1900.     (106) 

£3  158. 
Biblia       Sacra       Latina,       Lyons. 

Hugo     a     Porta,     1544.     (Coplnger, 

No.  316.)     Fol. 
Mor,,  g.e.,  Soth,,  Feb.  28,  1900,     (240) 

£4  15s. 
Bibtla    Sacra     Latina.    Paris,    R. 

Stephanus.     1S4S.    (Coplnger,     No. 

S17.)    2  vols,,  8to. 

Bible  In  Latin — Continued. 
Mor.,  g,e.,  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  1900.     (106) 

Biblia       Sacra       Latina,       Lyons, 

S.    Gryphius,    1550.      (Coplnger,   No. 

343.)     2  vols.,  fol, 
Mor..   g.e.,   Fountaine.  June,   '02,  (82) 

£5  28,Gd. 
Biblia      Sacra       Latina.      Lyons, 

J.  Tornaeslua,  1554.     (Coplnger,  No. 

359.)     4to. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (part  of  title  page  in  manu* 

script),    Prldeaux.    May,    *89.     (81) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (title  page  defective),  Bush, 

Apr.,  '96.     (49)    £llGs. 
Mor.    (title  page  backed,  some  head- 
lines cut  into),  Ashburnham,  June, 

'97.     (462)    £3. 

Biblia    Sacra    Latina.      Lyons,    J. 

Tornaeslua,     1558.     (Coplnger,     No. 

374.)     Svo. 
Leather   (lacking  2  leaves),  Asbbum* 

ham,  Dec.,  '98.     (15)    £16a. 
Biblia     Sacra     Latina.     Paris,     J. 

Kerver,  1560.     (Coplnger,  No,  381.) 

Cf„  m.e.   (in  3  vols.),  Makellar,  Nov., 

•98.      (232)    £116s. 
Biblia    Sacra    Latina.      Lyons,    O. 

RovilUus.      1573-       (Coplnger,      No. 

436.)     Svo. 
Cf.   (in  3  vols.),  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98. 

(233)    £1  10s. 

Bibtla     Sacra     Latina.     Paris,     S. 

NevIUIua,  1573.  (Coptnger,  No.  461.) 

Mor..  g.e.  (dedication  copy,  with  arms 

of   Pope  Gregorj'  XIII),   Soth.,  Dec. 

17.  '98.      (257)    £13  10s. 
Mor.,    g.e.     (previous    copy    resold), 

Soth.,  Dec.  3.  1900.     (592)    £9  10b. 
Biblia   Germanlco-Lalina.   Wtttem- 

berg,  John   Krafft,   1574.  (Copinger, 

No.  468.)    10  vols..  4to. 
Cf.,  Barclay.  Nov.,  '92.     (2098)    £9  lOs. 
Cf.  (frontispiece  mended),  Soth.,  Nov. 

11,  '97.     (16)    £39. 
Cf.   (frontispiece    mended    and    cover 

broken).   Soth.,  Nov.  20,  '99.  (1118) 

Biblia  Sacra   Latina,     Salamanca. 

1684.     (Coplnger.   No.   604.)  2   vols., 

Vel.    (title  page  torn).  Weeks.   Mar., 

'02.     (18)   }6.50. 




Bible  in  Latin — Continued. 

Biblia       Sacra       Latina.     London, 

H.  Middleton,  1585.     (Copinger,  No. 

508.)     4to. 
Vel.,  Qualle.  May,  '01.     (119)    £4  IBs. 
Bib  Ira      Sacra      Latina.      Venice. 

Polus,    1587.     (Copjnger,    No.    512.) 

Cf..  Soth.,  Feb.  27,  '99.     (484)    £1198. 
^Biblia  Sacra  Latina.    Rome,  Geor- 

gtum    Ferrarlum,    1588.     (Copinger, 

No.  514.)     Fol. 
Mor.,  Bangs,  Feb.  20,  1900.     (769)  $10. 
Mor.    (with   arms   of   Pope   Piua   VI), 

Sotli..  Dec.  17,  1900.     (103)    £2. 
Biblia  Sacra  Latina.     Rome,  1590. 

(Copinger,  No.  521.)     FoL 
Mor.,  g.e.  (in  2  vols.,  last  leaf  mended), 

Crawford,  June,  '87.     (452)    £23  lOs. 
Mor.,   g.e.,   Apponyi,   Nov.,   '92.     (201) 

£25  10s. 
Mor,   g.e.    (lacking   the   Papal    Bull), 

Com>Ti,   Mar..   '93.      (1073)    £lCl(>s. 
Mor..  g.e.  (lacking  the  preface  of  Sta- 
tus  V,    4    leaves),    Atkinson,    Mar., 

•9C.     (406)    £18  15s. 
Mor.,  g.e.    (Sunderland  copy),  Makel- 

lar.  Nov..  '98.     (500)    £20. 
Mor.,    g.e..    Soth.,    Dec.    2,    '01.     (249) 

£24  10s. 
Biblia  Sacra  Latina.   Rome,  Aldus, 

1592.     (Copinger.  No.  531.)     Fol. 
Mor.  ex.,  Crawford,  June,  '87.     (453) 

£11 10s. 
Of.,  Llvermore,  Nov.,  '94.     (157)  »7. 
Vel.,  Atkinson.  Mar.  '96.   (407)    £9  15s. 
Mor,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Apr  12,  '99.    (100)  £6. 
Of.,  Cox,  Feb..  '02.     (80)  $25. 

••Large  paper 
Vel.,  Makellar,  Nov.,  '98.     (501)  £6. 
Biblia  Sacra  Latina.     Ix)nd.,  1593. 

(Copinger  No.  534.)     Fol. 
Cf.  (arms  of  Janiea  I),  Stanley,  June, 

•01.      (302)    £C2s.  6d. 
Biblia     Sacra     Latina.      Antwerp, 

Plantln.  1603.    FoL 
Mor.  (arms  of  De  Thou  and  bookplate 

of  Earl  of  Orford),  Smith,  May,  '01. 

(312)    £2  12b. 
Biblia  Sacra  Latina,    Amsterdam, 

JansBoniura  Blaew.  1639.     8vo. 
Vel..  Bangs,  Oct.  21,  '01.     (92)  ri2. 
—Biblia    Sacra    Latina.      Loud.,    E. 

Tyler  1661.     8vo. 
Mor,  Soth.,  Dec.  17.  1900.     (109)  £5. 
<-^Bibliorum   Sacrorum    LatiriK  Ver- 

Bible  in  Latin— Continued. 

Blones    Antique    seu    Vetus    Itallca. 

Rome,  1743.     3  vols.,  fol. 
Cf.,  Porter.  Jan.,  '90.      (4C5)    £11  5s. 
Cf.    (wormed),  Blew,  June.  '95.     (52) 

Cf.,  r.e.,  Ashhunvham,  June,  '97.    (433) 

£  17  158. 

♦•Large  paper 
Cf.,  m.e.,  Ashburnham,  June,  '97.     (432) 

£17  5s. 

Bibliorum   Sacrorum    Latinae   Ver^ 

Blones  antiquse.  seu  Vetus  Italtca. 
Pads,  Dldot,  1751.     3  vols,,  fol. 

Cf.,  Makellar  Nov.,  '98.     (215)    £17  5s. 

BIBLE  11^  MALAGASY.     Madagascar, 

1835.     8vo. 
Cf..  Soth.,  Jan.  15,  '90.     (99)  £10. 

BIBLE  IN  POLiSH.  Bibila  Swieta 
tbo  Jest  Kslegl  Starego  y  Nowego 
Zakonu,  etc.     Brescz.  1563.     Fol. 

Leather  (stained,  several  leaves  mend- 
ed), Crawford,  June,  '89.  (167) 
£1  18s. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (several  leaves  defective 
and  mended,  some  marginal  notes 
cut  into,  Wllberforce  copy),  Soth^ 
Dec.  2,  '01.     (485)    £12  10s. 

BiBLE    IN     ROMANSCH.      La    Sacra 

Biblia.     Scuol,  1679.     Fol. 
Leather,    Soth,,    Jan.    15,    '90.      (108) 

£2  10s. 
Mor.   ex.,  Atkinson,  Apr,  '97.      (279) 

£3  158. 

La  Sacra  Bibila.  Coira,  1718.  PoL 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec  2,  '01.  (872) 

La  Sacra  Biblia.    Scuol,  1743.   Fol. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (in  2  vola.),  Buccleuch,  Mar, 

'89,     (251)  £5. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  June  27,  '98.   (268) 
£2  10s. 

BIBLE  EN  SLAVONIC.    Biblia,  siryetch 

Knigo     Vetkhago     i     Novago     Zav- 
yeta.    Ostrog.  1580.     FoL 
(Several  preliminary   leaves   In  facs.. 
some  mended),  Putt.,   Oct.   28,   '89. 
(1068)    £4  4s. 

Biblia.    Moscow,  1663.    FoL 

Leather,  Stuart,  Mar,  '95.  (167) 
£3  lOs. 

BIBLE  IN  SPANISH.  La  Biblia.  Fei^ 
rara,  J,  de  Vargas,  1553.    FoL 

Vel.  (lacking  2  leaves,  comers  and  In- 
ner margins  of  several  leaves  mend- 



Bible  In  Sp»r\\ih^-C'fnti»uefl. 
ed),     Makeltar,     Nov.,     '98.     (504) 
£6  108. 

La  Biblia.    IBasle),  15C9.    4to. 

Vel.,  Atkinson,  Mar.,  '&6.     (CHir   £178. 
Rua.  (Ponsonby  copy),  Soth.,  Feb.  27, 
•99.     (3G8)    £1178. 

BIBLE  IN  SWEDISH.     Biblia,  thet  ar. 

all  then  Helgha  Scrlfft  pa  Swenska. 

Upsala,  1&40-41.    Fol. 
Leather.  Soth..  Jan.  16,  '90.     (90)  £5. 
Leather,  Bdelhelm,  Mar,  1900.     (1075) 

Leather  (title  mounted,  some  margins 

mended).     White.     Apr.,     '02.  (211) 


BIBLE  IN  WELSH.  Y  Beibl  Cyssegr- 
Lan,  Set  yr  hen  Deatament  a'r 
Newydd.  Lond.,  Deputies  of  C.  Bar- 
ker, 15S8.    Fol. 

Cf.  ex..  Crawford,  June,  '87.   (495)  £60. 

Cf.  (imperfect),  Breese.  May,  '88. 
(305)    £21. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (title,  2  leaves  of  Dedi- 
cation, and  last  leaf  in  facs.),  Sotli., 
Dec.  17,  1900.     (127)  £19. 

Y  BeibF.     Lond.,  Norton  and  Bill, 

1G20.     Fol. 
Leather,    Crawford,   June,   '87.     (496) 

£10  10s. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  July  13,  '87.     (278)  £8. 
Ct.    (lacking   title).   Breese.    May.   '88. 

(308)    £4  15s. 

BIBLE  IN  WEND1SH.  Btblia  tu  ie, 
use  suetu  plsniu,  Starlga  inu  Novlga 
Testamenta,  etc.  Wiltemberg.  1584. 

Pigskin    (title  mended  and  backed,  2 
leaves  defective,  first  8  leave.<5  sup- 
plied   from    shorter    copy).    White, 
Apr.,  '02.     (212)    £5  108. 
••Large  paper. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Hawtrey  copy),  Atkin- 
son. Mar..  '96.     (29)  £10. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Hawtrey-Atkinson 
copy).  Soth..  Feb.  22,  '97.  (804) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Hawtrey-Atkinson 
copv).  Soth.,  Feb.  13.  '99.  (943) 

See  also  Christian  Sotdiers'  Penny 

Bibte;  Gospels;  Hieroglyphic  Bibre; 
New  Testament;  Old  Testament; 
Pentateticli;  Soldier's  Pocket  Bible, 

184  BIBLE 


BIBLE     IN     MINIATURE.       Load..    E. 

Newberry,  1780.     8vo. 
Mor.  (IJ  by  1^  in.),  Jackson,  Dec.,  '95. 

(149)    £2  2s. 
Of.  di  by  1  in.).  Soth.,  May  21,  1900. 

(540)     £2  2s. 

Bible  in  Miniature.     Lond.,  for  J. 

Harris,  n.d.    8vo. 
Mor.,  g,e„  Cooper.  May.  '87.     (21)    £2 



Lond.,  G.  Simson,  1591.    8vo. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec.  2,  '01.     (8G9) 
£11 7a. 

mary  of  ye  Old  and  New  Testa- 
ments.    Lond..   1727      48rao. 

Mor-  ex..  Soth.,  Dec.  12,  *93.  (567) 
£3  19a. 

BIBLIA       AUREA.         Biblia       Aurea. 

Ulm,   J.   Zelner  do   Rullingen,    1475. 

(Hain-Coplnger,  •13GK1,)     Fol. 
Mor.,    g.e.    (a   few   corners   mended), 

Ellis,  Oct.,  '02.     (337)    £lU15s. 

Biblia  Aureum.    Nuremberg,  1481. 

Cf.,  Soth.,  July  28,  '02.     (134)    £4  128. 

BIBLIA  PAUPERUM.  Biblia  Pau- 
perum.  [About  1430.]  40  leaves, 
printed  on  one  side  only.    Fol. 

Mor.  ex..  by  Roger  Payne  (each  leaf 
Inlaid,  small  hole  in  one  leaf  filled 
in,  PariB-Willet-Hanroit  copy).  Ash- 
burnham.  June,  •97.     (419)    £1050. 

Biblia   Pauperunn,    40  leaves.    Fol. 

Mor.  ex.  (lacking  2  leaves),  Stuart. 
Mar.,  '95.     (1G3)£355. 

^Biblla  Pauperum.    40  leaves.     4to. 

Mor.  ex.,  iinc.  Dorman,  Apr.,  '86.  (85) 

Biblia   Pauperunf*.     Paris,   Verard, 

n.d.    Sm.  fol. 
Mot.  ex.,  Corser,  Mar.,  '69.     (108)  £99. 

BibNa   Pauperum,  1443.     Facstmilt^ 

by  Le  Clabart.  in  pen  and  ink.  made 
about  1770.     40  leaves,  4to. 

Mor.,  g.e..  Wodhull,  Jan.,  'SO.  (418) 

Old  mor.  (Wodhull  copy),  Soth.,  May 
18,   '03.     (177)     £22 ,10s. 

Biblia      Pauperum.      Reproduced, 

with  Introduction  by  J.  P.  Berjean. 
Lond..  1S59,    Fol. 




Biblia  Paup«rum — Con  firmed. 
Hf.     mor..     Hirst.     Dec..     '87.     (741) 
£1  Is. 

Ht    mor..    Soth.,   Apr.    17,    '88.     (223) 

£1  108. 
Hf.    mor..    Perkins,    July,    '89.     (207) 

£1  68. 
Hf.     mor..     Percy,     May,     '90.     (277) 

£1  16s. 
Hf.  mor,,  Uvermore,  Nov.,  '94.     (108) 

Hf.     mor,.     Gray.     Feb..      '96.     (302) 

£1  Is. 
Hf.     mor..     Deane.     Mar..     '98.     (269) 

Hf.     mor.,     Davis,     Nov.,     1900.     (22) 

£1  68. 

^Opera  Nova  Contemplativa.     Ven- 

ice.    Giovanni     Vavassore,     [about 

1510].     64    leaves,    the    last    blank. 

Mor.   (a  few  leaves  cut  Into  at  top), 

Craig.  Mar..  '88.     (623)   £20  10a. 
Mor..  g.e..  Ives,  Mar..  '91.     (80)    J170. 
Mor,.    g.e.    (Yeraealz    copy).    Walker, 

May,  '93.     (24)    £34. 
Mor..  French,  Apr.,   '01.     (96)   |140. 
Oid  cf.  (without  blank  leaf  at  end,  and 

oil  stained),  Soth.,  July  17,  '01.  (133) 

£29  108. 
Leather,  g.e..  Soth.,  June  20,  '02.  (181) 

£18  108. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Soth.,    Nov.    13,    '02.     (G2) 

Cf.    (49   leaves   only).   Soth..   July    11, 

•99.      (1129)    £5  7s-Cd. 
Mor.     (27     leaves    only),     Livermore, 

Nov..  '94.     (107)   122.50. 

ciety. Transactions.  I^ond.,  v.d. 

1872-1900,    with    Proceed  Inga,    1878-90, 

hf.  cf.,  c).  and  parts,  Sotii.,  Dec.  17. 

•01.     (299)    £7  58. 
1872-93,   In   9   vols.,  hf.  cf.   and   parts, 

Hodgson,  Feb.  12,  '95.  <88G)    £G  l.=is. 
1872-85,  in  9    vols.,   hf.  cf.   and   pans. 

Christie,  Jan.  30,  '93.     (43)    £5. 

BIBLIOGRAPHER         (THE).      Lond., 

1882-84.     6  vols.,  4to. 
Hf.    mor..    Watson,    Jan.,    '88.     (576) 

Mor.   ex..    unc.    IJbble,    Feb.   18,    '97. 

(80)    H2.75. 
Hf.   mor.   Bangs,    Feb.   26,   '97.     (51) 


Bibliographer   (The) — Coniijiued.   . 
Hf.   roan.   Bangs,   Jan,  27,   '02.     (165) 

Hf.  roan,  Anderson,  Apr.  28,  '02,     (9) 

aiBLIOGRAPHIANA,  Manchester, 

1817.     Svo. 
Bailey,  June,  '89.     (1532)    £2  Cs. 
BIBLIOGRAPHICA.     Load.,       1895-97. 

12  parts,  4to. 
Parts.  Soth.,  Dec.  13.  '97.  (631)  £3  6s. 
Parts,  Soth.,  Apr.  24,  '99.  (198)  £3  10a. 
Parts,  Bangs.  May  10,  '99.  (61)  112.75. 
Parts.  Libble.  Dec.  5.  "01.  (97)  115. 
Parts,  Bangs.  Feb.  7,  '02.  (13)  |1G.20. 
Hf.  mor.   (Id  3  vols.).  Bangs,  Dec,  14, 

'29.     (172)  115. 
Hf.  mor.   (in  3  vols.).  Soth.,  Dec.  18, 

'99.     (1447)    £3  7s. 
Hf.    mor.    (In    3    vols.),    Argyll,    July, 

1900.     (161)   £4. 
Hf.   mor.    (in   3   vols.),   Lefferta,  Apr., 

■02.     (73)   121. 
Parts.  Bools.  June.  *03.     (1C3)    £2  6b. 

trated    Monographs.     Nos.    1    to    6. 

Lond.,   1894-97.     G   vols.,   4to. 
Paper,  unc,  Bangs,  Nov.  10,  '99.  (20C) 

Transactions.     Load.,   1893-98.      7 

parts,  4to. 
Paper,  Bangs,  Jan.  15,  1900.     (139)  |7. 
Paper     (with     Hand     List     of     Eng. 

Printers,   etc.),    Sotb.,   Apr.    20,   '99. 

(294)    £2  I2s. 

17S9.     4to. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Menzies,    Nov.,    '76. 

(171)  %7. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t.  (part  of  title  torn).  Haw- 
kins. Mar.,  '87.     (98)   $5.25. 
Hf.    mor,.    Barlow,    Feb.,    '90.     (2097) 

Hf.  mor..  Bell.  Mar.,  '02,     (45)    £128. 

See  GrifTiths  (A.  F.). 
BIBLIOTHECA    ARCANA,    Beu    cata- 

logus  Librorum  Peuetralitim.  Ixund., 

18S5.     6  pans,  8  vo. 
Parts,  Putt.,  Jan.  19.  '87.     (94)    £18b. 
Hf.    bd..    Putt.,    Nov.    11,    '90.     (857) 

Hf.  mor..  Putt.,  Apr.  2,  "91.     (235)    £1. 
Mor.,  Cox.  Feb..  '02.     (139)   IG.BO, 
logue   of    English    Ballads.     Lond., 

1890.     4to. 




Bibliotheca^    Llndeeiana — Continued. 

Hf.  veK.  unc.  Walker,  May,  '93.  (86> 

£  1  17b. 
Hf.   vel.,   unc,    Lacouperle,   May,   '95- 

(1024)    £1106. 
Hf.  vel.,  unc,  Soth.,  July  1,  '9S.  (293) 



Prom  June,  1825.  to  Dec,  1829.     54 

Paper   (1  corner  and  1  leaf  lacking), 

Hart,  Apr.,  '90.     (3200)   |25.&0. 


Sea    Fishing.      Badminton    Library. 

Liond..  1895.     4to. 

••Large  paper. 
Hf.   mor.,   unc,  Angerstein,  May,  '96. 

(1016)    £2. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Burra,  May,  '97.  (225) 

Hf.  bd.,  unc,  Soth.,  Feb.  24,  '98.  (497) 

Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Soth.,    Mar.    21,    '98. 

(189)    £1. 
Hf.   mor.,   unc,    Stansfleld,   June,   *98. 

(181)    £148. 
Hf.    mor..    unc,    Putt,    Oct    31,    '98. 

(719)    £14a. 

BECKHAM     (G.).    The     BritUh     Mon- 

archv.     Loud.,  1748.    Fol. 
Hf.  mor..  Hall,  May.  '87.    (178)   £1  5s. 
Cf.,  Christie.  Jan.  30.  '93.     (305)   £2. 
Cf.  ex..  g.e..  Soth.,  Apr.  25,  '98.  (345) 

Cf.,  g.e.,   Henkela,  Jan.  18,   '01.     (25) 


o^^Musical  Entertainer.         Lond., 

[about  1740].    2  vols.,  fol. 
Cf.,  Phillips,  Nov.,  '87.     (765)   £4. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (In  1  vol.),  Galsford,  Apr., 

'93.     (180)    £8  5s. 
Hf.  bd.  (in  1  vol.,  some  leaves  mend- 
ed). Joly.  Feb..  '92.     (21)    £3  1&s. 
Cf.   ex.,   g.e.,   Fraaer,  Apr.,   '01.  (140) 

Mor,  ex.,  g.e.   (In  1  vol.),  Soth.,  Mar. 

17.  '02.     (213)   £13. 
Hf.  bd.  (In  1  to!.,  lacking  title  to  Vol. 

2,    a    few    leaves    stained),    Soth., 

June  20,  '02.     (33)    £5  IBs. 
Mor.  ex.    (In  1  vol.).  Ellis,   Oct»  '02. 

(1764)    £13153. 
Hf.  bd.  (In  1  vo!.),  Putt,  Jan.  IB.  '03. 

(259)   £6. 

Untveraal  Penman.    Lend.,  [about 
1743].    Fol. 

Blckham    (G.) — Continued. 

Cf.,   Phillips.  Nov..  '87.      (768)    £128. 

Joly.  Feb.,  '92.     (24)    £1188. 

Hf.  bd..  Buckley.  Apr.. '94.  (694)    £158. 

Views     of     Several     Counties     of 

England  and  Wales.  Lond.,  1796. 

Bds..  unc.  Putt.  Jan.  30,  '02.  (276) 

Cf..  Putt,  June  4,  '02.     (253)    £3. 

BICKLEY  (G,  W.  L.).  Settlement 
and  Indian  Wars  of  Tazewell  Coun- 
ty, Va.    Cincinnati.  1852.     8vo. 

CI..  Henkels,  Apr.  19,  '99.     (165)  $5.50. 

CI.,  Betts.   Apr..   '01.     (120)    |5.25. 

BICKNELL  (J.  L.).  Musical  Travels 
through  England.     Lond.,  1785.    Svo. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Stewart  Mar.,  '88.  (55) 
£1  14s. 

against  Swearing.  Lend.,  for  W. 
Towreolde,  [1580].     Svo. 

Hf.  cf.  (with  Stockwood's  Very  Fruit- 
full  and  Necessary©  Sermon  of  the 
destruction  of  Jerusalem,  1584), 
Soth.,  Oct  29.  1900.     (566)    £2r.s. 

BIDDLE  (CLEMENT).  See  Philadel- 
phia Directory. 

BIDDLE  (JOHN).  Twofold  Cate- 
chism.    Lond.,  1654.     16mo. 

Sheep.  Livermore,  Nov.,  '94.  (999) 

BIDPAY.  Dfrectorlum  Humane  Vlte 
Alias  Parabole  Anttquorum  Saplea- 
tum.  [Strasburg,  J.  Prusa,  about 
1480.)     Fol. 

Mor.  ra.e..  Crawford,  June,  '87.  (1636) 

Cf.,  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.  (2434)  £19 

Mor.,  g.e.,  RIgge,  Jan..  '92.    (487)    £25 


Buckley.  Feb.,  '93.    (2798)    £12 15s. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (Blandford  copy),  Ashbum- 

ham.  June.  '97.     (658)    £1810b. 
Yel.  (small  hole  In  first  leaf),  Johnson, 

Feb..  '98.     (307)    £10 15s. 
Mor.,   g.e.    (duplicate  from   Royal   Ld* 

brary  of  Munich),  Morris,  Dec,  '98. 

(190)    £1810s. 
Cf.,  Inglls,  June.  1900.     (90)    £19108. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    by    Bauzonnet-Trautz, 

Davis,  Nov.,  1900.     (27)    £24. 
Vel..  Soth.,  July  17.  '01.  (228)   £17  IDs. 

Exemplario    Contra    los    Engaftos 





Didpay — Conttnue4. 

y     PeHgTOS     del     Mundo.    Burgos, 

149S.     Fol. 
Vel.   Cone  leaf  In  manuscript),  Frere, 

Oct.,  '97.     (206)    £€0. 
Die      Alten     Weysen,     Strasburg, 

1536.     Fol. 
PuU.,  Dec.  19,  '98.     (202)   £7- 

Fables.      I^nd.,      1793,      IlluBtra- 

tions  by  Blake  and  others.  2  vols. 
In  1.  8vo. 

Rus..  Putt.,  Dec.  17.  '89.    (204)    £2. 

BIDWELL       (B.).       The       Mercenary 

Match,     a     Tragedy.     New     Haven. 

[1785].     12mo. 
TJnbd.,  unc.  Brlnley.  Nov.,  '86.     (7053) 

Paper,  unc.  McKee,  Nov.,  1900.   (1010) 


BIERSTADT  (O.  A.).     The  Library  of 

Robert  Hoe.    N.  Y.,  1895.    8vo, 
a.,  Bangs,  Mar.  31,  '98.     (138)   $10.50. 
CI..  Browne,  Mar.,  '99.     (267)  $6. 
CI..  Pratt,  Apr..  '99.     (1189)  $9. 
Ct.,  Sidney.  Mar.,  1900,     (1S)£2. 
Mor.  ex.,  Bangs,  Feb.  13.  *01.    (48)  $31. 
CI..  French.  Apr.,  '01.     (98)  |9. 
CL,  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.     (Ill)  $G.50. 
C1-,  Bangs,  Apr.  28,  '02.     (196)  $8. 
BIESTON   (ROGER).     Bait  and  Snare 

of  Fortune.  Ijona.,  Wayland,  [15S0], 

Mor.  ex..  GrfswoW,  Dec.  *80.  (116) $175. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec.  1,  '91.    (1054) 

£1 188. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  HazlHt,  Nov..  '93.     (56)  £8. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e,,  Soth,,  June  3.  '02.    (252) 

DIET     (ANTOINE).       Voyage    de    la 

France  Equinoilale  en  TIsle  da  Cay- 
enne.   Paris,  1G64.    4to, 
Old  cf.,  Sunderland,  Dec,.  '81.     (1628) 

£8  lOs. 
Cf.,  Murphy.  Mar,,  '84.     (255)  $9. 
Bds..  Solh.,  Apr.  12.  '99.     (Ill)   £1 10a. 
Ct  ex.,  Ellis,  Oct.,  '02.      (CO)    £114b. 
Mor.  ex.,  Ellis,  Oct.,  '02.     (347)  £3. 
BIQELOW   (JACOB),    American  Med- 
ical Botany.    Bost.,  1817-20.    3  vols., 

Bds..  unc,  (In  6  vols.),  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91. 

(298)  $5.50. 
Hf.    mor.    ex.,    Aleiandei',    Mar.,    '95. 

(1017)  $12.75, 
Bda.,  unc.  (in  6  vols.),  Llbble,  Mar.  28, 

1900.     (225)  $16.50. 

BIgelow    (Jacob) — Continued. 

Bds.,  unc.  (In  6  vols.,  lacking  1  plate), 

Mackay,  May,  1900.     (103)   $7,59. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  (in  1  vol.),  Bangs,  Oct, 

7,  '01.     (8)   $8.50. 
Bds.,  unc.  (in  6  vols.,  bindings  broken), 

Lfbble,  Dec.  5,  '01.     (104)  $9. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  (In  1  vol.),  Bangs,  Jan. 

6,  '02.     (9)  $8.75. 
Florula  Bostonlensls.     Bost,  1824. 

Bds.,  unc,  Libbie,  Mar.  27,  '95.     (62) 


B1QLAN0    (R.).     Collections    Relative 

to    Gloucestershire.     Lond,,    1791-92. 

2  vols.,  fol. 
Cf.  (Vol.  1  and  48  pp.  of  Vol.  2,  some 

plates    stained),    Hardy,    Dec,    '86. 

(140)    £2  18s. 
Hf.  mor.  (Vol,  1  and  192  pp.  of  Vol,  2), 

Martin,  Mar..  *88,     (329)    £612s.6d. 
Cf.  ex.,  g.e.  (Vol,  1  and  Vol.  2,  Part  1), 

Braboume.   May.   '91.     (129)    £4  8e. 
Rus.    ex..    m.e.    (Vol.    1),    Ashhurlon, 

Nov..  1900.     (90)    £18s. 
Hf,  mor.   (Vol.  1).  PutL.  Jan.  17,  *01. 

(280)     £114a. 
Hf.  cf.  (Vols  1  and  2.  with  Fosbrooke'a 

History  of  Gloucester.  1819).  Waller, 

Dec.  1900,      (208)    £5  15s. 

Gloucestershire    Collections.      Pri- 
vate   Reprint    for    T.    Fitzroy    Fen- 

wlck.     Cheltenham.     Fol. 
(Parts  2-9).  Waller,  Dec.  1900.     (209) 

£5  16a. 
(Parts  3-9),  Howard,  June,  '02.     (316) 

£9  5a. 
BIGMORE   (E.  C.)    AND  WYMAN    (C. 

W.    H.).     Bibliography  of   Printing. 

Ix»nd.,  1880-86.    3  vols.,  4to. 
Hf.    mor.,    Hardy,    Dec,    '86.     (1958) 

£3  3s. 
Hf,  mor..  Hodgson,  Mar.  29,  '87.     (S38) 

£3  5s. 
Hf,   mor.,  Edwards,   Jan.,   '94,      (226) 

Hf.   mor.,   Bangs.   Mar.  28,   '98.     (95) 

Hf.  mor.,  Bangs,  Apr,  11.  '98.    (72)  $21. 
Hf.   mor,,    Soth,,   Apr.   20.   '99.      (297) 

£3  58. 
Hf.  mor.,   Bangs,  Oct  10,  *99-     (145) 

Hf.  mor..  Brlce,  Mar.,  1900.     (193)    £3 

Hf.  mor.,  Hodgson,  Mar.  12,  '02.     (47) 

£3  17s.  6d. 




Bigmore    (£.   C.)^-Oonti$iued. 
Hf.    mor..    Leflerta,    Apr.,    '02.     (75) 

BIJOU    (THE).     Ix>nd..    1828.     8vo. 

♦•Thick  paper. 
Hf.  mor.,  Cox,  Apr.,  '99.     (G9)  |5.75. 
BILL    (LEDYARO).      History    of    the 

Bill  Family.  N.  Y.^  1867.  8vo. 
CU  Guild.  Nov.,  '87.  (1481)  |5. 
Sheets,    folded.    Libbfe.    May    20,    '96. 

(C5)  IG.50. 

labli-shnu'iit  and  Regulation  of  Trade 

and      Intercourse     between      Great 

Britain  and  the  United  States.    N.p., 

n.d.,  6  pp.,  fol. 
Unbd.,  HeakelB,  Apr.  27,  1900.     (Gll> 


Jersey.     See  New  Jersey. 

181-«-17.      I>ond..    ISIS.      Plates    by 

Crutkshank.    4  to. 
Eds.,   unc,   Stewart.   Mar..   '88.     (135) 

Mor.  ex.,  unc,  Duprat,  Feb.,  '95.     (28) 


Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Bangs,  Apr.  15,  '96. 
(119)  %G. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Bangs.  Mar.  31,  '98. 
(IGOl  $5.50. 

Hf.  mor.,  Ander.son,  Apr.  2,  '01.  (17>  |G. 

BILLINGS  (JOHN  S.).  index-Cata- 
logue of  (he  Library  of  the  Surgeon- 
General's  Office.  United  Stales 
Army.    Washington,  v.d.    8vo. 

Vols.  1-lG,  and  Second  series,  Vol.  1, 
Washington,  1880-90.  17  vols.,  cl., 
Libble,  Jan.  18.  '99.     (100>  |23.37. 

VolB.  1-10  and  Second  series.  Vols.  I 
and  2.  18  vols.,  hf.  mor.,  Libble, 
June  12,  '01.     (201)   |28.50, 

BILLINGS  (R.  W.).  Architectural 
Illustrations  of  Carlisle  Cathedral. 
Lond..   1840.     4to. 

Unc,  Craig.  Mar.,  'SS.     (574)    £1  4s. 
••Large  paper. 

Rus..  g.e.,  Lee,  June.  '88.     (139)   £1  2s. 

Rus.,  g.e.,  Perkins.  July.  '89.  (210) 

♦♦Largest  paper. 

Mor.  ex.  (with  duplicate),  Edwardes. 
May.  '01.     (127)    £4  15s. 

Architectural  Illustrations  of  Dur- 
ham Cathedra!  and  County.  Lond., 
1843-40.    2  vols.,  4to. 

Billings    (R.   W .}— Continued. 

Hf.    mor..    Hussey.    May,    '87.      (16&) 

Parts,  unc,  Craig,  Mar.,  *88.    (B7G)£L 

•♦l^argest  paper. 
Mor.  ex.,  Edwardes,  May,  *01.     (126 J 

£7  15s. 
Architectural    Antiquities    of    the 

County  of  Durham.     Durham,   1847. 

Of.    ex..    Aylesford,    Mar..    '88.      (134) 


•♦Largest  paper. 
Hf.  mor,  unc,  Hussey,  May,  '87.  (534) 

£2  10s. 
Baron laT    and     Ecclesiastical    An* 

tiqultles  of  Scotland.    Edinb.,  1845- 

52.     4   vols.     4to. 
Cl.,    unc,    Martin,    Mar.,     '88.     (268) 

£7  5s. 
Mor.    ex.,   g.e.,    Mackenzie,    Mar.,    '89. 

(150)    £8  10a. 
Cl,.    unc,    Nlsbet,    Jan.,     '93.       (C64) 

£6  58. 
Cl.,  unc,  Hodgson,  June  21,  '94.     (467) 

Cf..  Mead.  Apr.,  '96.     (80)   »21.50. 
Hf.  mor,,  g.e..  Putt.,  Dec  7.  '96.     (547) 

£6  15b. 
Unc,  Soth.,  July  11,  '99.  (368)   £5  158. 
Mor..   g.e.,   Libble,   Nov.   1.   '99.     (96) 

Mor..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec  11,  '99.     (645) 

£5  10s. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  White,  Feb.,  '01.     (33)   »29. 
Hf.   mor.,   g.e..  W^hlte,   Feb..   '01.  (40) 

Cl.,     unc,    Fraser,    Apr..     '01.     (141) 

£5  7s.6d. 

♦•Large  paper. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc,  Toovey,  Feb.,  '94.  (591) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Montrose,  June.  '95.  (39) 

CL,  Heaton,  Mar.,  '97.     (130)    £8  108. 
Mor.    ex..    unc.    Soth.,   May    21.    1900. 

(11)    £10  15s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Bruce,  Dec,  1900.  (332) 

Mor.    ex..    g.e.,    Soth.,    Dec.    17.    1900. 

(132)    £12  12s. 
Cl.,  unc,   Hodgson,  Nov.  6,  *01.  (873) 

£7  5s. 
BILLINGS    (WILLIAM).     A   Warning 

to    God's    Covenant    People.      New 

London,  1733.    ICmo. 
Unbd.,  unc.  Brinley,  Mar..  *79.     (2235) 




lans  Psalm-Slnger;  or  American 
Chorister.  Boston.  [1770].  Engraved 
Music  by  Paul   Revere,   8vo. 

Hf.  mor.  (somewhat  soiled,  described 
a?  having  frontispiece,  8  prelimi- 
nary pp.  and  lOS  pp.  of  music  en- 
graved by  Revere,  but  lacking  8 
leaves  after  p.  80).  Thayer.  Feb..  '9S. 
(175)  |19. 

HI  sheep  (with  frontispiece,  8  pre- 
liminary pp.  and  96  pp.  of  music  en- 
graved by  Revere,  but  described  as 
perfect),  Manson.  Mar.  '99.  (2S11) 

CI.  (lacking  several  leaves  at  endi, 
Whipple.  Apr,  '03.     (1250)   |105. 

Cf..  Bartlett,  May,   '03,     (1244)    |226. 

Psalm-Singer's  Amusement.  Bost.. 

1781.     Title    page    and    104    pp.    of 

music     engraved     by     J.     Norman. 

Sheep,  Libble,  Dec.  2,  '90.     (G95)   J7. 
Sheep,     Manson.     Mar,     '99.     (2812) 

Unbd..  Wliipple.  Apr.  '03.     (811)  $13. 
Unbd..  Whipple.  Apr.  '03.     (1252)  $2(5. 

Singing  Master's  Assistant.    Bost.. 

1778.  104  pp.  of  music,  engraved  by 
Benj.  Pierpont.  .Inn.  Obi..  8vo. 

Cf.  ex.,  y.e.,  Brinley.  Apr.  '81.  (5903) 

Unbd..  Whipple,  Apr.  '03.     (1251)   |9. 

Suffolk      Harmony.      Host..     1786. 

Obi.  8vo. 

Unbd.  (bottom  of  title  cut  off).  Whip- 
ple, Apr.  '03.     (1253)  $51. 

Book  Containing  Precepts  and  Prac- 
tises of  Fair  and  Speedy  Writing. 
I^nd..  1CG9.    8vo. 

Paper  Soth..   Mar  21,  '98.     (105)    £1 

BILLINGSLY         (N.).     Brachy-Marty- 

rologia.    Lend..  1657.    8vo. 
Cf.  ex..  g.e..  Gaisford,  Apr,  '90.     (181) 

£4  4s. 
Mor    ex..    g.e.    (headlines    cut    Into), 

Soth..  June  27.  '92.     (73>    £3  3s. 
Mor  ex..  g.e..  Putt.  Apr  8.  '97.     (47) 

Mor.  ex..   g.e,    (some  leaves  stained), 

Bangs,  Nov.  8,  "97.     (158)  $15. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Soth..  Apr  4.  '98.     (494) 

£1  12s. 
Mor.    g.e.     (some    leaves    cut    into), 

Both..  June  27,   "98.      (184)    £2  2s. 

Biriingsly    (N.)— Continued. 

Kurtfii>,^j,t^tu,  or,    The    infancy    of 

the  World.     Lond..  1658.     16mo. 
Gaisford.  Apr,  '90.    (182)    £2  1Ss. 

^Treasury      of      Divine      Raptures. 

Lond.,  16C7.    8vo. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.    (text    cut    Into,    some 
leaves  mended),  Soth.,  June  27,  '92. 
(74>    £3  3s. 


Memoirs  of.  from  her  Birth.   Lond.. 

1792.     8vo. 
Hf.    mor.    Burgess.    May.    '94.      (65) 

Hf.  roan,  McKee,  Jan..  '01.     (1349)  $9. 

Answer  to  the  Memoirs  of.    Lend.. 

1792.    8yo. 

Hf.  mor.  ex.  (portrait  Inserted).  Bur- 
gess, May.   '94.     (56)    £1  5s. 

Hf.  roan,  McKee.  Jan.,  '01.  (1350)  $12. 

BILLINGTON  (THE):  or  Town  and 
Country  Songster.    I^nd..  1790.   8vo. 

Cf..  g.e..  Lawrence,  May.  '92.  (625) 
£2  58. 

Cf.,  g.e..  Bliss.  Apr.  '98.     (354)  £1. 

Cf.  ex..  g.e..  Bliss.  Apr.  '98.  (355) 

BILLON  (F.  L.).  Annals  of  St.  Louis 
in  Its  early  days  under  the  French 
and  Spanish  Dominations.  St.  lx>uls. 
1S8G.     8vo. 

Hf.  rus..  unc.  LIbbie,  Dec.  14,  '99. 
f590)  $6.37. 

BINGHAM      (J.).     The      Tactiks      of 

yKIian,  or  Art  of  Embattallllng  an 
Armv.     N.p..    1616-31.     Fol. 
Cf.   (2  vols,  in  1).  Soth..  Feb.   17,  '02. 
(328)    £2  12a. 

Orlgines         Eccleslasticae. 

Lond.,  1840.     9  vols.,  8vo. 
Mor,    g.e..   Vaughan.   Dec.,    '86.     (37) 

Cf..  Pullan,  Apr.  '89.     (423)    £2  28. 
Cf..  Francis.  June.   '90.      (646)    £1  5s. 
Cf.  ex..  m.e.,  Buckley.  Feb.,  '93.  (156) 

£1  108. 

Works.     Lond.,      1855.     10      vols. 

Cf.    ex..    Harborough.    Feb..    '87.  (231) 

Cf.   ex..    g.e..   Stewart,    Apr.   "88.  (73) 

£2  4s. 
Hailstone,    Feb..    '91.      (124)     £138. 
Cf.,  re.,  Ebury.  Dec..  '94.     (22)    £1  lis. 
Soth..  Apr   20,   '99.      (766)    £1  9s. 





BtNNELL  (R.).    A  De«criptloti  of  the 

River  Thames.     Lond.,   1758.    8vo. 

Hf,  mor,  Coleman,  July,  '97.  (67)    £2. 

BINNEY  (AMOS).  The  TerrestrUI 
Air-Breathlng  Mollusks  of  the 
United  States.  Boat.,  1851-  3  vols. 

CI.,  Henkela,  Dec.  10.  "95.     (26)   |6.90. 

BINNING  (T.).  A  LigKt  to  the  Art  of 
Gunnery.     Lond.,  1676.    4to. 

Mor..  g.e..  Putt.,  Apr.  2,  '91.  (20C) 

Mor..  Putt..  Dec.  16.  'M.     (298)   £1103. 

Cf.,  Fraiaer,  Apr.,  '01.     (146)    £5  15a. 

BtNNS  {R.  W.).  A  Century  of  Potting 

in    the    City    of   Worcester.     Loud., 

18G&.     -ito. 
Hf.     mor..     Roofe.     Apr.,     '92.     (997) 

£3  10s. 
Hf.   mor..   Pewtress,  Mar.,  '94.     (264) 


** Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Currle,  June,  '87.  (155) 


A  Century  of  Potting  In  the  City 

of  Worcester.    Lond.,  1877.    4 to. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Leigh,  Dec.,  '89.    (1088) 

£3  10s. 
Hf.  mor.,  Hailstone.  Feb.,  '91.     (126) 

Hf.  mor.,  Rose,  June,  '91.  (128)    £158, 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t,  Burrard,  Jan.,  '96.    (414) 

Hf.  mor.,  Schrieber.  Apr,  '96.     (8)   £1 

Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Soth.,    Oct    30,    '99. 

(1166)    £2  58. 

••I^arge  paper. 
Hf.    mor.,    Gilchrist,    July,    '96.      (67) 

£3  58. 

BIOCHIMO.  The  Royal  Game  of 
Chess  Play.     Lond.,  1656.    8yo. 

Cf.,  Putt.,  Nov.  9,  '96.     (93H    £4  68, 

Cf.  (lacking  portrait),  Ashbumham, 
June,   97.      (660)    £1  2s. 

Cf.  (cut  into),  Farquhareon,  July,  '97. 
(208)    £1 13s. 

Cf.,  Soth.,  Mar.  8.  1900.     (351)    £118b. 


1719.     2  vols.,  8vo. 
Bds.,  unc.  Putt.,  Jan.  10.   '89.      (864) 

£1 148. 
Hf.    cf..   Wtlteford,    Dec,    '89.      (703) 

Hf.    mor..   Putt.,   July   16,    '03.      (150) 


ing  (S.  and  E.). 


Pre-eminent  Americana.   Bost.,  1892, 


••Edition  d«  Luxe. 
10   parts,   paper,  unc.    Manson,   Feb., 

'99.     (386)  16. 
10  parts,  paper,  unc,  Libble.  Mar.  28» 

1900.     (226)    *7. 

or  Contributions  to  the  Knowledge 
of  the  fauna  and  Flora  of  Central 
America.     Lend.,    1879-1900.  8vo. 

35  vols.  hf.  mor.,  cl.,  and  parts,  Soth., 
Apr.  15.  '01.     (133)    £90. 

BiONDELLI  (B.).  EvanBellarum 
Epi.stolariura  et  Lecttonarlum  Azte- 
cum  sivfl  Mexlcanum  ex  Antlquo 
Codice  Mexlcano.     Milan,   1858.  4to. 

Hf.  mor.,  Cooke.  Dec.  '83.     (235)  $19. 

BIONDI  (G.  F.).  History  of  the  Civil 
Wars  of  England.    Lond..  1C41.    Fol. 

(2  vols.  In  1),  Asbbumham,  June,  '97. 
(661)     £114a. 

Eromena,  or,   Love   and    Revenge. 

Trans,  by  J.  Hay  ward.     I>ond,,  1632. 
Cf.     (rebacked),    Lefferts,    Apr.,    '02. 
(714)  J12.50. 

B10RCK  (T.  E.).  Olssertatio  Gradu- 
al! 8  de  Plantatlone  Eccleslie  Sue- 
canEB  In  America.    Upsal.  1731.     4to. 

Hf.  mor..  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.     (257)  |15. 

Paper,  Betts.  Apr.,  '01.     (1004)   »24.50. 

BIRCH  (G.  H.).  London  Churches  of 
the  XVIIth  and  XVUIth  Centuries, 
erected  between  1630  and  1730. 
1896.     4to. 

Hf.  mor..  unc,  Soth.,  May  8,  '99.  (325) 
£  2  128. 

Hf.  mor.,  Soth-,  Jan.  28,  '01.  (792) 
£2  188. 


01.,    unc. 

Cl.,  unc, 
Cl.,  unc. 
Cl..  unc, 
Cl.,  unc, 
Mor.  ex., 
£3  3s. 

(S.).  History   of  Ancient  Pot- 
Loud.,  1858.     2  vols.,  Svo. 
.    Smalley,    July,    '87.      (40) 

Malr,  Jan.,  '90.     (507)    £178. 
Cooke.  June,  '92.  (50)    £16s. 
Bateman,  May,  '93.     (73)   £1. 
Mead.  Apr.,  '95.     (SI)  |5. 
g.e.,  Edwardes,  May,  '01.  (26) 

— ^Hlstory  of  Ancient  Pottery,  Load., 
1873.     8vo. 




BJrch    (S.) — Continued. 

CI..  Putt.,  Oct.  12.  '87.     (407)    £1. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Bailey,  June,  '89.  (1534) 

CL  ex..  g.e.,  Ives,  Mar.,  '91.     (75)  |6. 
Mor,  ex.,  g.e.,  Cooke,  June.  '92.     (51) 

Mor.,   g.e..    Bangs.    Dec.    I,    '98.      (Gl) 

Cf.  ex.,  m.e.,  SoLh..  Nov.  25,  '01.  (807) 


BIRCH  (S.)-  Records  of  the  Past: 
English  Translations  of  Assyrian 
and  Egyptian  Monuments.  First 
Series.  Lond.,  Bagster,  v.d.  12 
vols.,  Svo. 

CI..  Hodgson,  May  18,  '87.  (179)  £1 

CL.  Hance.  Aug..  '87.     (1667)    £119a. 

CI..  Porter.  Jan.,  '90.     (601>    £2  13a. 

CL,  Hailstone,  Feb..  '91,     (1820)   £3. 

CI.,  Soth..  Mar.  18.  '98,     (40>    £2  9a. 

CI.,  Bangs.  Feb.  25.  '01.     (226)  |15. 

CI.  (with  New  Series.  Vols.  1-67), 
Hodgson,  Feb,  12.  '95,     (58)    £3  10s. 

CI.  (with  New  Series,  Vols.  1-67). 
Wood-Smith,    May,    '01.      (472)     £3 


CI.  (with  New  Series.  Vols.  1-5), 
Bangs,   Feb.   6,   '96.      (578)    |17. 

CI.  (with  New  Series,  Vols.  1-5).  Cal- 
vert.   Nov..    '96.      (4)     £3  143. 

BIRCH  (THOMAS).  Heads  of  Illus- 
trious Persona  of  Great  Britain,  en- 
graven by  Honbraken  and  Virtue. 
Lond.,  1743-52.     2  vols.,  foL 

Cf..   Dalzlel.   June.   '93,  (738)    £6. 

Hf.  bd.  (la  1  vol.),  Putt.,  Apr.  11,  '94. 
(788)    £8  108. 

Cf.  (In  1  vol.),  Soth.,  Jan.  28,  '01. 
(31f>)    £8  59. 

Hf.  cf,  (in  1  vol,),  Hodgson,  Mar.  12, 
■02.      (789)     £5  10s. 

••Large  paper. 

Rus.  (In  1  vol.),  Hawley,  July,  '94. 
(172)    £12. 

Ru8.,  g.e..  Fortescue.  Mar.,  '87.  (636) 
£14  108. 

Mor,  ex..  g.e.  (in  1  vol.),  Soth..  May 
25,  1900.      (244)    £14  10b. 

Rua..  g.e.  (with  The  Kit-Cat  Club, 
1735.  broken  and  some  margins  cut 
Into),  Both..  Nov,  20,  "99.  (26) 
£26  10b, 

Hf.  bd.,  unc.  fVol.  1  only),  Fountaine, 
June.  '02.     (443)    £5. 

Heads    of    Illustrious    Persons    of 

Birch    (Thomas) — Continurf}. 

Great    Britain,    engraven    by    Hon- 
braken  and  Virtue.     Lond.,  1747-52. 

2  vols.  In  1,  fol. 
Cf.,  Henkels,  Mar.  31,  *98.     (388)  »31. 
Cf.,    Johnson,    Feb.,    '98.      (1203)     £2 

123.  Gd. 
Hf.     mor.     (2     mezzotints     Inserted), 

Makellar,  Nov.,  '98.  (1G66)  £5  158. 
Cf..  Soth.,  Feb.  27.  '99.  (880 J  £3  ISs. 
Mor,  Soth.,  Dec.  3,  1900.     (867)    £4. 

••Large  paper. 
Cf..     Farquharson,     July,     "97-     (355) 

£3  18a. 
Rub.,  y.e.   (broken),  Praaer,  Apr.,  '01. 

(793)   £10. 
Heads    of    Illustrious    Persons    of 

Great  Britain  with  their  Lives  and 

Characters.    Ix>nd.,   1756.    Fol. 
••Large  paper. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Towneley  copy),  Moore, 

Oct.,  '93.     (292)    £8. 
Rub.    ex.,    Garrett.    Mar.,    '94.     (251) 

£10  10s. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Jan.  21.  '98.  (552) 

£7  lOs. 
Rus.    (rebacked),   Bangs.   Mar.  1,  '98. 

(232)   127. 
Rus.  ex.,  g.e.  (rebacked)»  White,  Apr., 

'02.      (1169)    £9  5b. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Soth.,    July    21,    '03. 

(487)    £11108. 
Heads    of    Illustrious    Persons   of 

Great  Britain.    Lond.,  1813.    Fol. 
Mor..    g.e,,    Berens,    Mar.,    '96.      (323) 

£2  2s. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Bangs,  Oct.  14,  '97.     (265) 

Hf.  mor.,  Henkels,  June  2.  '98.     (344) 


Mor..   g.e,.  Soth.,   Feb.   27,   '99.      (881) 

£2  5s. 
Unc,  Soth.,  Dec.  11.  *99.    (374)  £1  lOs. 
Mor.,   g.e..   Soth..   Jan.   21,   '01.     (536)     • 

£3  lOa. 
Mor..   g.e..   Soth.  Feb.   25.   '01.     (1437) 

£2  11a. 
Hf.    mor,.    Putt,   Apr.    14.    '02.      (491) 

£212s.  Gd. 
BIRCH    (W.  DE  G.),  Cartularium  Sax- 

onlcum.    Lend.,  1883-93.    3  vols.,  4to. 
CI.,  Bangs.  Mar.  4.  '9S.     (231)  |7,50. 
CI.,  Calvert,  Nov.,  '96.     (176)    £2. 
CI.,  unc.  Henkela,  Apr.  20,  '99.     (188) 

CI-  Soth..  Dec.  17.  1900.     (133)    fills. 
CL,    unc,    Soth.,    Mar.    11,    '02.     (116) 





BtRCH      (WILLIAM).     The     City     of 

Philadelphia    in    1800.      Sprlngfleld. 

1800.     2S  plates.     4  to. 
Hf.    Bheep    (slightly    foxed),    Phillips. 

Apr,.  '80.     (731)   *65. 
Bda.   (plates  water  stained,  Lawrence 

Lewis's  copy),  Henkels,  Dec.  10,  '90. 

(184)   »90. 
Orlg.    sheets,    Washington,    Apr.,    '91. 

(714)  175. 
Unbd.  (25  plates  only).  Hart,  June,  '93. 

(21)  119. 
Paper  (13  plates  only).  Murphy,  Mar.. 

'84.     (3080)    119. 

The  Country  Seats  of  the   United 

States.     Springfield,   isng.     4to. 

Hf.  roan  (part  of  marglii  of  title  page 
and  preface  cut  off},  Henkels,  Dec. 
10,   '90.     (185)    125. 

Hf.  inor,.  Hart.  June.  '93.     (20)   $25. 

BIRD  (JAMES).  Historical  Re- 
searches on  the  Origin  and  Prin- 
ciples of  the  Buddha  and  Jaina  Re- 
ligions.    Bombay,  1847.     Fol. 

Hf.  mor.  Bangs,  Oct.  28.  '95.  (1848) 

BIRD  (R.  M.).  Nick  of  the  Woods, 
or  the  Jlbbenalnosay.  Phlia..  1837. 
2   vols.,   12rao. 

CI.,  McKee.  Nov..   1900.     iSlt    $5. 


(The).    Lond..   172S.     12mo. 
Sheep,   AshburnhanQ.   June,   '97.    (6C3) 
£1  Is, 

BIRKENHEAD  (SIR  J.).  The  As- 
sembly Man.  Written  In  the  year 
1G47.     Lond..    16G2.     4to. 

Ht  mor.,  Hibbert,  Apr.,  '02.  (26) 
£3  10b. 

BIRKETT  (WILLIAM).  Poor  Will's 
Almanack.  Phlla.,  Cornelia  Brad- 
ford, n.d.     8vo. 

For  1748.  Sewed,  unr..  Proud.  Mav. 
'03.     (243  >  J20, 


stitutlon.  Report  of  Conversazione. 
Charles  Dickens  in  the  Chair.  Bir- 
mingham,  [1844].     8vo. 

Grig,  paper  cover,  Solh.,  June  11,  '94. 
(149)    £4  15s. 

BIRNIE  (W.)'  The  Blame  of  Kirk 
Buriall,     Edlnb..  1G06.     4to. 

Mor.,  Fuller  Russell,  June.  '8G.  (126) 

chrlet.  Lond.,  Wynken  de  Worde, 
[1495].     4to. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (lacking  title  page,  sev- 
eral leaves  mended),  Bateman,  May. 
*93.     (437)    £25. 

BISHOP      (QEOROE).     A      Book      of 

Warnings.     Lond.,  16G1.     4to. 
Hf.    mor.,    Brinley,    Mar..    '80.     (3495) 

A    Few    Words    In    Season;    or,    A 

Warning  from  the  Lord  to  Friends 
of   Truth.     Lond.,    16C0.     4to. 

Unbd.,  Cresson,  May,  '02.    (148)    |5. 

The     Last    Trump.     I^nd..     1662. 

Hf.    mor.     (wormed,    title    cut    into>, 

Brinley,  Mar.,  '80.    (3497)   18. 

^Ltttle  Treatise  concerning  Things 

Indifferent  In  relation  unto  Wor- 
stlp.     Lond.,   1G63.     4to. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Pratt,  Apr.,  '99.  (2126) 

Looklng-Gtasse     for     the     Time*. 

Lond.,  IGGS.     Fol. 
Old  cf.,  Cresson,  May,  '02.  (168)  tl2.60 

^New      England     Judged.        Lond.. 

16G1-7.     Parts   I   and   2.  and   Appen- 
dix.    In  1  vol.,  4to. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Menzies.  Nov..  '76.  (178) 

Mor.     ex.,     g.e.,     Brinley,     Mar.,     '80. 

(3498)   $210. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.  (261») 

Mor.    ex..    Stevens.    July.    "Sfi.       (32) 

£5  58. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.  (262) 

Cf.,  and  hf.  mor.   (In  2  vols.),  Moore. 

May.   '93.     (313-314)    $92. 
Mor.,    g.e.    (in    2    vols.,    title   page   to 

Part  1  mended,  side  notes  cut  Into. 

few  letters  In  faca.),  Lefferts.  June, 

•02.     (29)    £17, 
Mor.,  g.e.    (In   2  vols.,  Lefferts  copy), 

Anderson.  Apr.  16,  '03.     (63)  |80. 
New     England     Judged.       Lond.. 

1703.     8vo. 
Mor.,   r.e.,    Menzies,    Nov.,    '76.     (179) 

Mor.     ex.,     g.e..     Brinley,     Mar..     '80. 

(2627)  $33. 
Cf.,  g.e..  Brinley,  Mar..*  '80.  (3499)  $25. 
Cf.,  O'Callaghan.  Dec.  '82.     (317)  |21. 


Bishop   (George) — Continued. 

Mor.,  r.e.  (Meaztea  copy),  Cook«,  Dec, 

•83.     (237)   $32. 
Cf..   Murphy.    Mar..    '84.     (260)    |20. 
Cf.  ex.,  Terry.  Mar,   '89.     (114)    |21. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc.  Hutt,  May,  '89.     (199) 

£2  13s. 
Cf..  Putt.".  Apr.  7.  '92.     (19)    £1  lOg. 
Mor.,   r.e..   Libbie.   Nov.   6,  *95.     (144) 

Cf..  Chase  and  Dale,  Oct.,  '97.     (1156) 

Cf..  g-e..  Stone,  Oct.,  '97.     (75)   $15. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Koecker.  Dec.  '98,  (4C)  |19. 
Cf..  Pratt.  Apr.,  '99.     (217)   $10. 
Sheep.   Henkels.   Apr.   19,    '99.      (169) 

Cf.,  Putt..  Mar.   28,   '01.     (48)    £1  IGs. 
Cf.,  Putt.,  Apr.  17,  '01.     (68)    £158. 
Hf.    mor.,     Cresson,    May,    '02.     (12) 

Cf..  Henkels.  Nov.  26,  '02.     (273)   |10. 

A  Salutation  of  Love  to  the  Seed 

of  God  In  the  People  called  Inde- 
pendents and  Baptists.  Lend.,  1661, 

Hf.  mor..  Brinley,  Mar.,  '80.  (3496) 

To   thee    Charles   Stuart    King    of 

England  am  I  moved  of  the  Lard  to 
write.     Lond.,  1660.     4to. 

XJnbd.,  Cresson,  May,  '02.     (145)    $8. 

Vindication  of  the  Princlplea  and 

Practices  of  the  People  called 
Quakers.     1665.     4to. 

Unbd..  Cresson.  May.  '02.     (147)  |10. 

Yet  One  Warning   More;   or,  The 

Tender  of  the   Lord's   Love   to  the 
lAwyers,     Judges     and     Rulers     of 
these  Nations.     Lond.,   1661.    4to. 
Unbd..  Cresson.   May,   '02.     (146)    |7. 

BISHOP     (JOHN).       Beautiful     Blos- 
soms.    Lond..   1577.     4to. 
Mor.    ex.,    Corser,    July,    '68.       (401) 

£3  5s. 
Cf.,  Grlawold,  Jan.,  '78.     (63)  $60. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Benbow,  Nov.  '89,  (657) 

Cf.    ex.,   g.e.    (some   leaves   mended), 

Young,   June.    '90.      (121)     €3  18s. 
Mor    ex.,     g.e.,     Sullivan,     May,     '90, 

(1185)    £8  5s. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Crawford,    Mar.,    '91. 

(554)    £19  158. 
(Some  leaves  mended),   Bools,   June, 

•03.     (181)    £2  lis. 

BISSELET    (JOB).      Delitiae    /Estatis. 

Lend..  1C44.     Plates  of  emblems  by 

Killan.     8vo. 
Mor.    ex..    g.e,.    Sotb,,    Feb.    28,    1900. 

(381)    £3  3s. 

BISSELIUS  (JOANNiS).  Argonant)- 
con  Americanorum.  See  Victoria 
(Pedro  G.  de). 

BLACK  (W.  H.).. History  and  Antiqui- 
ties  of  the  Worshipful  Company  of 
Leathersellers.     Lond.  1871.     4to. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Hardy,  Dec,  '86.  (724) 

Mor..  g.e.,  Toovey,  Feb.,  '94.  (348) 
£6  2s6d. 

Mor.,  Soth..  July  1,  '95.     (303)    £2  10a. 

Mor.,  Soth.,  Dec  13,  '97.     (313)    £2  6s. 

Mor,,  g.e.  (presentation  copy).  Putt., 
Apr.  14,  '02.     (255)    £3  58. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Soth.,  May  30,  '02.  (223) 
£2  148. 

^Illustrations  of  Ancient  State  and 

Chivalry.     Lond..  1840. 
Buckley,  Apr.,  '94.     (3210)    £4  128.  Cd. 


Innes   (Cosmo). 
BLACKBURN        (REV.       FRANCIS). 

Memoirs  of  Thomas  HoUIs,    Lond., 

1780.    2  vols.,  4to, 
Cf.    ex.    (with    the   additional   starred 

pages).  Gage.  Feb..  '90,  (224)    £2  28. 
Hf.  cf.,  unc.  (In  1  vol.,  with  the  addi- 
tional pages),  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.  (1524) 

Cf.    (In    1    vol..    with    the    additional 

pages,    presentation    copv    to    Joha 

Wilkes),   Brinley,  Apr.,  '93.     (8379) 

Rus.  ex.  (in  1  vol..  with  the  additional 

pages),    Bateman.    July,    *96.     (922) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (In  1  vol.,  with  the  addi- 
tional   pages),    Manson,    Feb.,    '99. 

(1845)  $11.50. 
Cf..  Bangs,  Feb.  1,  1900.   (231)   $5.50. 
Hf.  mor.   (broken).  Henkels,  May  31, 

1900.     (151)   $6.50. 
BLACKBURN      (H-),      Breton      Folk. 

Ixmd.,     1880.      IHustratlonB    by    R. 

Caldecott.    8vo. 
CI.,  g.e..  Percy.  May,  *90.  (107)    £148. 
CI.,    g.e.,    Jackson,    Apr.,    *91.      (387) 





Blackburn    (H.) — Couthiued. 
CI..    g.e.,    Anderson,    May.    '92.      (29) 
£2  128. 

Randolph  Caldecott.     bond.,  188G. 

CI.,   Southby,  Dec,  '90.     {996>    £148. 
CI.,  Wiper,  Jan.,  '91.     (489)    £15s. 
CK.   Hutchinson,  Feb..   '92.     (133)    £1 

CI.,  Swayne,  Nov.,  '92.     (969)    £1. 

BLACKBURN E  (E,  L.).  Decorative 
Painting  Applied  to  English  Archi- 
tecture during  the  Middle  Ages. 
Lond,,  1847.     Pol. 

Hf.  nior.  ex.,  g.e.,  Berssford,  June,  '88. 
(287)    £12s. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Feb.  22.  '97.  (193) 

BLACKBURN  E     (J.).       Registers     of 

Ingl  eb  y- ju  xta-G  renho  w .     Cante  rbu  r  y , 

1889.     8vo. 
Mor..  Howard,   June,  '02.     (1040)    £3 

78.  6d. 
BLACKGUARDIANA.      See     Caulfield 

BLACK  IE     (J,    8>).     Homer    and    the 

Iliad.    Edlnb.,  18C6.     4  vols.,  8vo. 
Cf.,    g.e.,     Stewart,    Apr.,    '88.       (74) 

CI.,    unc.    Bangs,    Jan.    23,    '95.     (65) 


Westmacott  (C.  M.). 
BLACKMORE        (R,        D.).        EpulHa. 

I^nd..  1S54.     12rao. 
CL,    g.e.    (with    The    Fate   of    Frank- 
lin. 1860,  In  1   vol.),  Hodgson,  Dec. 

10,    '02.      (521)     £10 15s. 
^The     Fate     of     Franklin.     Lond., 

1860.     8vo. 
Orig..  paper  cover,  Soth.,  Feb.  22,  '97. 

(597)    £2  4s. 
Fringilia.    llluBtrated    by    J.    Lin- 
ton.    Lond.,  1895.     4to. 
♦♦Large  paper. 
Vel.,  Edelheim,  Mar.,  1900.  (1087)   |7. 
Lorna     Doone.      Lond.,     1869.      3 

vols.,  8vo. 
CI.,  unc,  Burra,   May,   '97.     (70)    £5 

12s.  Gd. 
Mor.   ex.,  unc    (with  orig.  cl.  covers 

bound  In),  Clarke,  Mar.,  '99.     (30) 

£11 10s. 
Cl.,  unc,  PutL,  Mar.  22,  1900.     (370) 


Blackmore    (R.    D.) — Continued. 

CL,   unc,    Soth..   Dec    3.   1900.      (474) 

Cl.,    unc.    Soth.,    May    6,    '01.      (625) 

Cl.,  unc   (certified  to  be  Blackmore's 

own  copy).  Soth.,  July  1,  'OL     (22) 

£31 10s. 
Cl.,  unc.  Hodgson,  Mar.  12,  '02.  (454) 

£25  10s. 
Cl.,   unc.    Putt.,   Apr.    16,    '03.      (479) 

£6  15s. 
CL,  unc  (names  on  titles),  Putt.,  July 

16.  '03.    (195)    £5  2s.  Gd- 
Cl..  unc    (damaged,  blank  margin  of 

1    leaf    torn).    Soth.,    Apr.    18,    '04. 

(IGl)    £7158. 
CL,  unc  (said  to  be  Blackmore's  own 

copy),  Ford.  May.  '04.     (25)    £19. 
CL,  unc    (damaged,   blank   margin  of 

one  leaf   torn),   Soth.,  July   28.   '04. 

(108)    £10  15s. 

Poems  by  Melanter.     Lond.,  1864- 

CL.  Putt..  Nov.  28.  '02.     (21)   £10. 
CL  (not  orig.),  g.e.  (presentation  copy 

to  Shirley  Woolmer).  Hodgson,  Dec. 

10.  '02.     (520)   £11. 
Cl.,    Pwtt..    Apr.    16,    '03.      (480)     £2 

12s. 6d. 

ing Journal,  1826-31.  -Sherborne, 
1S31.     8vo. 

Blyth,  Mar.,  '01.    (35)   £148. 

BLACK  PRINCE  (THE).  Load.,  Rox- 
hurghe  Club.  1S42.    Svo. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Craig.  Mar.,  '88.  (4300) 
£1  6s. 

Hf,  mor.,  unc,  Beresford,  June.  '88. 
(1790)   £1. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Galsford,  Apr.,  '90. 
(1619)    £1  10s. 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Luard,  Nov.,  '91.  (983) 

BLACKSTONE  (SIR  W.).  Commen- 
taries on  the  Laws  of  England.  Ox- 
ford.  1765-69.     4   vols.,   4to. 

Cf.,  Frlpp,  Feb.,  '93.     (1001)    £148. 

Cf.  (stained).  Bangs,  Apr.  1,  '95.  (76T) 

Cf.  (rebacked),  Bangs,  May  14,  1900. 
(172)  16.40. 

Cf.,  Bangs.  Oct.  21,  '01.     (103)  JIO. 

^The    Great    Charter    and    Charter 

of  the  Forest.    Oxford*  1759.    4to. 

Rus..  g.e..  Sullivan,  May,  '90.  (810) 
£3  88. 




BLACKWALL    (J.)>     The    Spiders    of 

Great    Britain    and    Ireland.     Lond., 

Ray  Society.  1861-C4.     2  vols.,  fol. 
Hirst.  Dec.,  '87.   £2  1Ss. 
Griffith,   Dec.,   '95.      (72G>    £2  1Cs. 
Hf.  cf..  Hope.  May,  '9G.     (314)    £2  18s. 
Hf.  of..  Soth..  Apr,  IS.  '9&,     (212)    £3 

Hf.  pigskin,  Soth.,  Mar.  23,  '03.     (13) 

£3  178.  Cd. 
BLACKWELL        (ELIZABETH).        A 

Curious  Herhal,  Lond,,  1739.    2  vols., 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e.,   Smith,  May,  '89.     (215) 

Cr  (binding  loose),  Martin,  May,  '90. 

(1300)    £2  4s. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Johnson,    Feb.,    '98.    (320) 

£3  5s. 
Hf.  cf.,  Tixall,  Nov..  '99.  (75)    £2  8s. 
Cf..  Soth..  Jan.  28,  '01.     (1043)    £2  108, 
A    Curious    Herbal.     Lond.,    1751, 

2  vols.,  fol. 
Cf„  Ludgater,  May,  '95.     (940)    £1. 
Herbarium    Blackwelllanum.     Nu- 
remberg, 1757-73.  6  vols,,  fol. 
Cf..  Apponyi.  Nov..  "92.     (208)    £2. 
Hf.  roan  (2  vols,  only),  Soth.,  Feb.  28, 

1900.      (243)     £15s. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Stanley,  June,  '01.  (387) 

£6  68. 
BLACKWELL    (HENRY).     The    Eng- 
lish   Fencing   Master.     L.ond.,    1702. 

Cf..   Leigh.   Dec.  '89.      (452)    £4  4b. 
Mor.,     g.e..     Aahburnham,     June,     '97. 

(666)    £9  17s.  6d, 
BLACKWELL     (THOMAS).    Memoirs 

of  the  Court  of  Augustus.    Edinb., 

1753.     3  vols.,  8vo- 

♦♦I^arge  paper. 
Mor.     ex..     g.e.    (presentation    copy), 

Soth.,   Apr,   20,   '99,      (719)    £ll8. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (presentation  copy).  Bangs, 

June  13.  '99.     (73)  |8.35. 
BLACKWOOD      (A.).       Adversas     G. 

Buclianani  Dialogum.    Poitiers.  1581. 

4  to, 
Cf..  Stewart.  Apr.,  '88.     (268)    £1. 
Cf..  Halliwell,  July,  '89.     (218)   £1128. 
Cf..  Makellar,  Nov..  '98.     (710)   £2  10s. 
Martyre   de   la   Royne  d'   Escoaae. 

Edinb..   15S7.     8vo. 
Vel.,   WhltechuTch,   Dec.,   '94.       (403) 

£2  2s. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Crampton,    June,    '96. 

(300)   £7. 

Blackwood    (A.)  — Con  I  iitued. 

Cf.,     Ashburuham,     June,     '97.     (667) 

Mor.  ex.,  g,e.,  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  '98.  (996) 

£3  3s. 

Martyre   de    la    Royne  d'   Escosse. 

Edinb..  1688.    8vo. 
Glasse,  July,  '92.     (16G7>    £1  10s. 
Cf.,   Reid,    May,   "94.      (2597)    £2  2s. 
Mor,,   g,e.,   Crawford,    July,    '96.     (90) 

£2  2s. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Young,  Dec..  *96.     (559)  £3. 
Cf.,  ni.e.,  Clerk,   .May.   '99.      (188)    £2 


Martyre  de   la    Royne  d"^   Escosse. 

Antwerp,  1688.     8vo, 
Orig.  vel,   (lacking  2  leaves),  Millard, 

Nov.,    '90,      (137)     £228. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Hibbert,  Apr.,  '02.  (525) 

£4  12s. 

^Hfstory  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots. 

Edinb..  Maitland  Club,  1834.    4to. 
Unc,      Makellar,      Nov.,     '98.     (1915) 

£4  12s. 


zine.    Edinb.,   v.d.    8vo. 
1817-94.   155   vois,,  hf.   cf.,  Putt.,   May 

24.  '98.     (815)    £9. 
1817-92,    152    vols.,    hf.    rus.    and    hf. 

sheep.    Libble,    Dec.    1,    '97.      (114) 

1857-99,  152  vols.,  hf.  cf..  hf.  mor,,  and 

parts,     Balcom,     Feb.,     '01.       (183) 


BLADES     (WILLIAM).     Enemies     of 

Books.     Ixtnd,.  1880.    Svo. 
Hf.    mor.    ex..   Carter,   Jan.,    '88.      (7) 

Paper,  unc.  Stewart,  Mar.,  '88.     (36) 

£1  IGs. 
Cf.  ex„  unc,  Christie,  Mar.,  '88.     (35) 

Paper,  unc,  Soth.,  June  14,  '90.     (79) 

£1  6s. 
Cf.  ex.,  unc  (orlg.  wrapper  bound  in), 

Hutchinson,    Feb.    '92,      (70)     £1  3a, 
Hf.  raor.,  unc,  Anderson,  May,  '92.  (20) 

£1  l8. 
Mor.,  unc  (with  orig.  wrapper  bound 

in),  French,  Apr.,  '01.     (100)  |7. 
Paper,  unc,  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.     (IIJ) 


The  Life  and  Typography  of  Wil- 
liam Caxton.  Lond.,  1861-63.  2 
vols.,  4 to. 

Hf.  mor.,  Hoe.  May,  '87,     (138)  116. 




Blades    (WiHiam)— Condwed. 

Hf.  mor.,  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.     (345) 

£  3 
Hf.    mor.,    Soth.,   Dec    17.    '92.     (207) 

£2  19a. 
HI-  mor.,  Ashburnham,  June,  '97-  (990) 

£2  16s. 
Hf.    mor,.    Putt.,    May    5,    '98-     (600) 

£3  7s.6d. 
Hf.   mor.,    Makellar.   Nov.,   '98.     (711) 

Hf.   roan,    Probaaco,   Jan.,    '99.     (379) 

Hf.    mor.,    Hornby,    Apr,,    1900.     (34) 

£4  68. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Edwardes,   May,    '01. 

(7(3)    £6. 
Hf.  mor.,   Stanley,  June.  '01.       (388) 

£4  2b. 
Hf.  mor.,  LefferLs.  Apr.,  '02.  (116)  $17. 
Hf.    mor..    McKee.    May,    '02.     (4914) 

Cf.    ex.,    Ellis,    Oct.,    '02.      (355)     £5 

2s.  Cd. 

BLADENSBURG    RACES.    Reprinted. 

18C5.     4to. 
Paper,  Bangs,  Dec-  27.  1900.  (63)  $5.25. 
BLAIU     (W.    J,).      The    Sea    Mirror, 

Trans,  by  R.  Hynmers.    Amsterdam, 

1035.    Fol. 
Leather  (wormed),  SoUi..  July  13,  '87. 

(285)    £3  198. 

aUAGDON      (F.      W.).        History      of 

Ancient  and   Modern  India.     Lond., 

1805.    Fol. 
Hf.    mor.,    Shaw,    Nov.,    '87.      (1240) 

Hf.  mor.,  Thornton,  June,  '94.     (1007) 

£1  Us. 
Hf.    mor.,   Roberts,   Nov.,   '96.      (137) 

£1  158. 
Hf.  cf.,  Soth.,  Mar.  17,  '99.     (773)    £2. 
Hf.   ma.,   Soth.,  Nov.  25,  '01.     (1041) 

£4  178.  6d. 
Hf.  mor.  (in  1  vol.),  Hodgson,  Dec.  4, 

•01.     (626)    £6. 
Hf.  ru8.,  Putt.,  Nov-  28,  '02.     (22)    £3 

76.  6d. 

Historfcaf   Memento  of  the  Public 

Rejoicings  in  Celebration  of  the 
Glorious  Peace  of  1814.  Load.,  1814. 

Unc.  Fraser,  Apr.,  '01.  (150)  £3 
7s.  6d. 

SLAGDON  (W.).  Life  of  Morland.  See 

BLAGRAVE     (JOHN).       The    Mathe- 

maticaJ    Jewel.     Lond.,    1585.     Fol. 
Vel.,  Putt,  July  16,  '02.     (235)    £6. 
BLAINE  (JAMES  G.).    Twenty  Years 

of   Congress   from    Lincoln    to   Gar- 
field.    Norwich,   1884.     2   vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.  mor.  (In  4  vols.),  Libbie,  Nov.  28, 

'98.     (60)  $6.60. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e.   (autograph  of  author), 

Manson,  Feb.,  '99.     (3921  $9. 
Mor.,  g.e.   (with  autograph  of  author 

on  title),  Henkels,  Jan.  18,  '01.  (27) 

BLAIR    (R.).       The    Grave.        Lond., 

1808,       Etchings     hy     Schlavonettl 

from  Blake's  designs.     4to. 
Mor.    ex.,    Soth..   Apr.    22,    '87.     (467) 

£6  10s. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Foljambe,    Jan.,    '90. 

(1901)    £2  2s. 
Hf.   bd.,   unc.   New,  Feb..   '95.     (219) 

£1  14s. 
Hf.  cf.,  Soth.,  Nov.  4,  '95.     (176)    £1 

Bds..  unc.   Soth.,   Nov-  27,   '96.     (64) 

£  1 10s. 
Bds..  unc,  Edelhelm,  Mar.,  1900.  (1090) 

Bds..  unc,  Anderson,  Oct.,  1900,  (171) 

CJ.,  Bangs.  Nov.  26,  1900.     (85)  $14. 
Bds.,  unc,  Henkels,  Jan.  18,  '01-  (370) 

Bds..   unc.   Putt.,   Oct.    21,   '01.     (199) 

£1  10s. 
Bds.,   unc.    Soth.,    Apr.   7.   '02.     (627) 

£2  108. 

•♦Large  paper. 
Bds,,  Whitehead.  Apr.   16,  '89.     (292) 

£2  10a. 
Hf.  bd..  Jesse,  Mar.,  '90.  (265)    £2108. 
Bds.,   unc,   Buckley,  Apr.,   '94.     (702) 

£1 15s. 
Bds.,  unc.   Bangs,   May   9,   '98.      (S6) 

Mor..  g.e.,  Fraser,  Apr..  '01.    (151)  £7. 
Mor.  ex.,  Wlilte,  Apr.,  '02.     (273)   £5. 
The  Grave.     Lond.,  1813.     Plates. 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e.,  Hirst,  Dec,  '87.     (611) 

Bds,,   unc,   Wilson,  July,   '92.      (350) 

Cf..  Juvenal.  Apr..   '95.     (28)   $7.50. 
Hf.   bd.,   Atkinson,    Mar.,    '96.      (715) 

Unc,      Soth.,     Nov.      18,     '01-     (237) 
£3  14s. 




Blair    (R.)— Continued. 

BdH.p    unc,    Wood    Smith,    May,    *01. 

(237)    £18s. 

♦•Large  paper. 
Thompson,   May,   '87.      (314)    £4  48. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Turner,  Nov.,  '88.  (949) 

Barclay.  Nov.,  '92.     (980)    £1 14a. 
Bds.,   unc.   Soth.,  Nov.   27,   '96.      (G5) 

£2  18s. 
BLAIR   (SAMUEL).     Th«   Doctrrne  of 

Predestination      truly      and      falrlv 

Stated.  Phlla.,  Franklin,  1742.  12mo. 
(Presentation    copy),    Brinley,    Mar., 

•80.     (3277)    I5.&0. 
Hf.  mor..  Baker.  Feb..  '91.     (233)  |26. 
Brinley,  Apr.,  '93.     (87ES)   |7. 

Cf.  (broken,  title  damagred  and 
stained).  Hurst,  May.  "04.  fl9C)  $13. 

Particular     Consideration      of     a 

Piece  entitled  the  Querists.  PMla., 
Franklin.  1741.     Svo. 

TJnc,  Brinley,  Mar.,  'SO.     (4315)  15.50. 

Unbd.  (piece  torn  from  title).  Hurst, 
May,  '04.     (195)   $25. 

BLAKE  (WILLIAM).  Silver  Drops. 
I^nd.,  [1670].     Svo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  I.-awrence,  May.  '92.  (59) 

Mor..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  *98.  (535) 

BLAKE  (WILLIAM).  America.  Lam- 
beth, 1793.  Title  and  17  plates. 

Sewed,  unc.  (printed  In  blue  ink). 
Martin,  Mar..  '88.  (154)    £23. 

Mor.  ex.  (presentation  copy).  Gals- 
ford.  Apr..  '90.     (189)    £61. 

Unbd.  (platea  colored),  Crewe,  Mar., 
•03.     (3)    £295. 

Unbd.,  In  case  (plates  colored),  Hodg- 
son. Jan.  14.  '04.     (222)    £207. 

America.    Edmonton.    1887.      Fol. 

Paper,  unc,  Willson,  May,  '88.  (113) 
€2  10s. 

Paper,  unc,  Young,  Dec,  '96.  (263) 
£1  IGs. 

Paper,  unc,  Brice,  Mar..  1900.  (203) 
£2  128. 

^The  Argument,   N.p.,  n.d.   Colored 

frontispiece  and  10  plates.     12mo. 

Rus.,  Crewe.  Mar.,  '03.     (10)    £53. 

Book  of  Ahania-  Lambeth,  Wil- 
liam Blake.  1795.  5  plates,  with 
colored  vignette  on  lirst  and  last 
pages.    4to. 

Umbd..  Crewe,  Mar.,  '03.     (7)    £103. 

Blake    (William) — Continued. 

Book  of  The!.     1789.     4to. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Galsford,  Apr.,  '90.  (185) 

Coniyn,   Mar.,   '93.      (1811)    £14 10s. 
Sewed,  Soth..  July  1,  '95.     (502)    £14. 
Sewed,     Soth.,     Feb.     22,     '97.     (806) 

£18  5s. 
Paper.    Putt,    Nov.    19.    1900.     (339) 

Unbd.,   Crewe.   Mar.,   '03.     (2)    £77. 
Book    of   The  I,    Edmonton,    1885. 

4  to. 
Brice,   July.    '87.      (196)    £1 15s. 
Willson.  May,   '88.     (110)    £17a. 
Young.  Dec.  '96.      (240)    £ll5s. 
Soth..  Feb.  28,  1900.      (177>    £1118. 
Cf.  ex.,  Brice.  Mar,,  1900.     (195)    £2. 
Book  of  Thel.    Lond.,  Vale  Press, 

1897.     8vo. 
Bds..  Sidney,  Mar.,  1900.     (193)    £2. 
Bds..  Bangs,  Feb.  13,  '01.  (500)  $15.50. 
Bds.,  Bangs,  Mar.  25,  '02.  (787)   $9. 
Bds.,     Soth..     Mar.     17,     '02.       (1140) 


Bds..   Pelrce.  Mar..  '03.      (77)    $14. 
Bds.,  Pelrce,  May,  '03.     (493)  $7. 
Catalogue     of     Pictures,     Poetical 

and    Historical    Inventions,    painted 

by  William  Blake.  Lond.,  1809.  Svo. 
Mor.,  Beckford,  June,  '82.  (957)  £9. 
Blor.,  Soth.,  Nov.  4,  '95.  (9fiJ  £5  5s. 
The     Clod     and     the     Pebble— A 

Poisson   Tree.     Drawn   and    colored 

on   one   side   only   by   Blake.     17 — . 
Ford,  May.  '02.     (75)    £5  17s.  Cd. 
Designs    to    a    Series    of    Ballads 

written   by    Wm.    Hayley.     Chiches- 
ter,  1802.     4to. 
Hf.    cf.,    Buckley,    Apr.,     '94.     (605) 

£  7  lOs. 
Parts,   unc,  Young,   Dec.   '95.      (206) 

£9  10s. 
Europe.  Lambeth,  1794.  17  plates. 

Hf.    cf..    Beckford,    June.    '82.      (955) 

£12  5s. 
Mor.,   g.e.,   Galsford,    Apr.,    '90.     (190) 

Unc.  Hardy.  Dec.  '86.     (1559)   £4  15a. 
Unbd.    (colored),  Crewe,  Mar.  30.  '03. 

(5)    £203. 

Europe.    Edmonton,  1887.    Fol. 

Paper,  unc,  Brice,  Mar,  1900.     t204) 

£3  5s. 
Gates  of  Paradise.    Lambeth.  1793. 





Blake    (Wlfliam)— rvv/O'fjj/rrf. 

Mor.    {first    slate,    without    Imprint), 

Beckford,    June,    '82.      (953 J     £16. 
Hf.  cf..  Sotli..  Nov.  4,  '95.     (94)    £21. 

Gates  of  Paradise.  Edmonton.  18S8. 

Paper,  unc.  Soth.,  Mar.  23,  '99.   (253) 

Paper,  unc.  Brlce,  Mar.,  1900.     (202) 

Ghost  of  Abei.  1822.    Frontispiece 

and  3  leaves.    4  to. 
Unbd..  Crewe.  Mar.,  '03.     (8)   £43. 
Iliustrations  to  the   Boole   of  Job. 

Lend.,  1825.    22  plates.    Fol. 
Hf.   mor.,   Beckford,  June,  '82.     (956) 

Cf.  ex..  g.e..   Soth..  June  22,  '91.  (73) 

£24  58. 
Cf.  ex..  g.e..  Soth.,  July  2.  '92.     (16) 

Unc.  Buckley.  Feb..  '93.     (346)    £12. 
Bds.,  unc.  Witls.  July,  '94.     (198)  £10. 
Mor  ex.,  g.e..  Soth.,  Feb.  19,  '96.  (804) 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Hunt.  July,  '99.     (245) 

£G  15s. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc.    Mar.    23,    '03.      (79) 

£15  15s. 
Illustrations  to  the   Boolt  of  Job. 

r.ond..  1S2C.     22  plates.    Fol. 
Bds.,  unc,  Cole,  Apr.,  '90.     (39)  |35. 
Bda.,   unc.    Wilson,   June.   "92.      (351) 

Bds..  unc.  CoJe,  Feb.,  '93.     (344)    £12. 
BdB.,    unc,    Kurtz,    July,    '95.      (741) 

£10  10s. 
Bds.,    unc,    Sratth,    Jan.,    '96.      (311) 

Bds.,    Soth..   Mar.   23,   '99.      (307)    £9 

Bds..    unc.    in    case,    Soth..    Oct.    30, 

■99.     (119)     £10  5s. 
Bds.,    unc.    In    case.    Edelhelm,    Mar., 

1900.     (1089)  *36. 
Bds..    unc.    Vfrtue-Tebbs,    June,    1900, 

(225)   £12. 
Sheets  (loose).  French,  Apr..  '01.  (104) 

Orig.   paper   cover,    with   label,   Soth., 

Mar   le.   '03.      (239)    £12  10s. 
Orlg.  paper  cover,  Soth..  Julv  10.  '03. 

(1231)    £11103. 
Illustrations     to      Dante.     [1824.] 

CL.    Dorman,    Apr.    '86,     (494)    $55. 
Buckley,    Feb.,    '93.      (345)     £7  158. 

Blake    (William) — Coutivtted. 

Hf.    bd..    New,    Feb..    '93.      (259)     £5 

12s.  6d. 
Hf.   mor.,   Coleridge,   May,   '96.     (317) 

£5  5s. 
Bateman,    July,    '96.     (318)     £6  6s. 

Jerusalem.    1804.    Fol. 

••Large  paper 

Mor,  ex.  (with  2  original  drawings, 
manuscript  life  of  Blake,  by  Tat- 
ham,  etc.).  Cosier.  June,  '87.  (255) 

Jerusalem.        Facs.    reproductloa. 

Lond.,  n.d.      4to. 
Unc.  Brewer,  Oct.,  '87.     (594)    £1  10a. 
Mor  ex.,  g.e..  Wills.  July.  '94.     (199) 

£2  12s. 
Mor..   g.e.,   Soth.,   Nov.   27.   '96.     (59) 

Little  Tom  the  Sailor    Broadside. 

with  2  colored  engravings  by  Blake. 

Printed    for   the   Widow   Spicer,   of 

Folkstone,  1800.     Fol. 
Framed.    Soth.,    Feb.    22,    '97.      (808) 

£12  10s. 
Folded,  in  mor.  case.  McKee,  May.  '02. 

(4820)  150. 

Marriage    of     Heaven    and     Hell. 

17'90.    4to. 
Cf.    ex.,    Soth.,    May    13.    '92.      (1192) 

Mor.,    g.e.,     Crewe,    Mar.     '03.     (12) 

Marriage    of     Heaven    and     Hell. 

Edmonton.  1885.     4  to, 
Mor    ex.,    unc,    Soth.,    June    22,    '91. 

(75)  £4. 
Hf.  mor,  Barger  May,  '95.  (39)  16.50. 
Unc.  Soth.,  Nov.  27.  '96.  (60)  £1  63. 
Unc.  Young,  Dec.  '96.  (241)  £1148. 
Unc,  Soth.,  Feb.  28,  1900.  (178)  £2  5b. 
Cf.  ex..  unc,  Brice,  Mar,  1900.     (196) 

£2  14s. 

Mitton,     [Evondon],  nd.     4to. 

Mor.  ex.  (colored),  Beckford,  June. 
'82.      (952)    £230. 

Milton.    Edmonton.  1886.    4to. 

Unc,  Brlce,  July,  '87.     (200)   £6. 

Wiiison.  May,  '88.     (112)   £5. 

Mor  ex.,  unc,  Soth.,  June  22,  '91.  (76) 

Unc.    Young.    Dec.    '96.      (245)      £4 


Unc.  Soth..  Feb.  28.  1900.  (182) 


Btake    iWiWiam)— Continued. 

Cf.  ex.,  unc,  Brice,  Mar.,  1900.     C200) 

£8  10b. 
Paper,    unc.    Ford,    May,    '02.      (79) 

£4  125.  6d. 

Poetical    Sketches.       Lond..    1783. 

Unc,   Martin.  Mar.,   '88.     (183)    £16. 
Mot.    ex.,    unc,    Gaisford,    Apr..     '90. 

(184)    £48. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc.  Sotb.,  June  18,  '96.  (588) 

Mor.   ex.,  g.e.    (title   mended,   leaf   of 

Advertisement    in    fac9.),    Hodgson, 

Nov.  20,  '01.      (59G)    £12  10s. 

Poetlcar    Sketcliea.      Lond.,    Yale 

Press,  1899.     Svo. 
Bds..  unc,  Soth..  May  21»  1900.  (1068) 

Bds..  unc,  Bangs.  Feb.  13.  '01.     (505) 

Bds..   line,   Soth.,   Mar.   7,   '01.     (948) 

Bds..  unc,   Bangs.  Apr.  9.  *01.     (811) 


Bds.,  unc,  Soth..  Mar.  17.  '02.     (1144) 


Bds.,  unc,  Bangs.  Mar.  24.  '02.     (788) 

Bds.,  Pelrce,  Mar,.  '03.     (93)  $10. 

Bds.,  Peirce.  May.  '03.      (508)    $7. 
♦*0n  vellum. 

Uohd.,  Sotb..  May  G.  '01.  (1030)  £5  158. 

^The  Song  of  Los.     I..ambeth,  1795. 

9   leaves,   fol. 

Hf.  bd  (with  Europe.  1794.  and  Vis- 
ions of  the  Daughters  of  Albion. 
1793),  Putt..  Nov.  19,  1900.  (338) 

Unbd.  (colored).  Crewe.  Mar..  '03. 
(9)    £174. 

The  Song  of  Lot.       Lond.,   1890. 

Soth..   Mar.   23.   '99.      (309)    £1  128. 

Songs  of   Experience.     1794.     Svo. 

Mor.    ex.,   g.e..   Wills,   July,   '94.     (92) 

Songs  of  Experience.  I^nd.,  1S8S. 

4  to. 
Unc.  Brice,  July.  "87.     (198)    £4  68. 
Unc.  Young.  Dec.   '96.     (243)    £3  48. 
Unc.  Soth..   Feb.  28.  1900.     (ISO)    £3 


Cf.  ex.,  unc.  Brice.  Mar..  1900.   (198) 

£4  8s. 
Unc.  Ford,  May,  1902.     (77)    £5. 

Blake    iWmiam)— Continued. 

Songs  of  innocence.     Lond..  1789. 


Mor.,  g.e.  (31  unnumbered  pages), 
Gaisford,  Apr.,  '90.     (18C)    £41. 

Cf..  g.e,  (28  plates,  with  2  orlg.  draw- 
ings, an  A.L.S.  to  J.  Linnell,  etc., 
added).  Soth..  July  27.  '93.  (1100) 
£49  10s. 

Sewed  into  an  account  book  cover 
(29  plates  on  17  leaves,  the  copy 
said  to  have  been  given  by  Blake  to 
his  doctor),  Soth.,  Feb.  22,  '97. 
(752)    £42. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (21  designs),  Lawrence. 
May,  '92.     (GO)    £62. 

(Copy  described  above,  as  given  by 
Blake  to  his  doctor},  Rictiraond: 
Apr..  '99.     (2678)    $137.50. 

Unbd.  (15  leaves,  without  "  A  Dream," 
"  Little  Girl  Lost "  and  "  Little  Girl 
Found,"  2  11.).  Soth..  July  21.  '02. 
(396)     £19  108. 

Songs  of  Innocence.     Lond.,  1884. 

Unc.  Brice.  .Tu!y.  '87.     (197)    £4  48. 
Unc.   Young.   Dec.   '9fi.      (239)    £3  9s. 
Unc.  Soth..  Feb.  28.  IJKMl  (17C)    £4  Ss. 
Cf.  ex.,  unc,  Brice,  Mar.,  1900.     (194) 

£4  16s. 
Unc.  Ford.  May,  '02.     (76)    £5. 

Songs  of  Innocence  and  Songs  of 

Experience.       1789-94.       54     leaves, 

Mor,  g.e.,    Beckford.   June.   '82.    (961) 

Each  plate  nnounted  to  folio  size,  the 

whole    enclosed    in    2    mor.    cases. 

special       copy,      with      ornamental 

border    around    each    design,    Ellis, 

Nov..    '01.     (5)     £700. 
(Presentation  copy),  Soth.,  June  3.  '02. 

(140)    £216. 
Hf.    cf.    (inlaid    to   4to   size).    Crewe, 

Man  30.  '03.     (1)    £300. 
Songs    of    Innocence    and    of    Ex- 
perience.    lx)nd.,   1893.     4to. 
Hf.    mor..    Soth..    Nov.    27,    '96.     (70) 

£3  73.  6d. 
Hf.    mor.,    Soth-.    Mar.    23,    '99.     (254) 

£1  12s. 
Hf.  mor..   Soth..  Feb.  28.   1900.     (184) 

£4  158. 
^There     Is     no     Natural     Religion. 

Edmonton.  1S86.     4to. 
Cf.  ex..  unc.  Brice.  Mar.,  1900.     (201) 

£1  17a. 




Blake    <WIII]am)-^onffnuc(2. 

Paper,  unc.  Ford,  M&y,  '02.    (80)  £10. 

First  Book   of   Urizen.     1794,     27 

plates,    4  to. 
Mor  ex.,  g.e.,  Galsford,  Apr.,  '90.  (191) 

TJnbd.  (colored),  Crewe,  Mar.,  '03.    (6) 


-^— First  Book  of  UHien.  Edmon- 
ton, 1885.    4to. 

Unc.  Young.  Dec.  '96.     (244)    £3  3s. 

Cf-  ex.,  unc,  Brice,  Mar.,  1900.  (199) 
£3  15a. 

VIsionB   of  the    Daughters    of   At* 

Won.   1793.     G  leaves.,  fol. 
Hf.   mor.,   Galsford,   Apr.,    '90.      (188) 

£26  108. 
Sewed,  Soth.,  July  1,  '95.     (503)   £19. 
Sewed,    Soth.,    Feb.    22,    '97.      (807) 

£20  5a. 
TJnbd,  (colored),  Crewe,  Mar.,  '03.  (4) 


Visions  of  the  Daughters  of  Al- 
bion.   Edmonton,  1885.     4to- 

Wilson,   May,   '88.     (109)    £2  2s. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Wills.  July.  '94.     (200)    £2. 

Both..  Nov.  21,  '96-     (61)    £18s. 

Unc,  Young,  Dec,   '96.  (242)    £15s. 

Paper.  Soth.,  Feb.  28,  1900.  (179) 

Cf.  ex.,  unc,  Brlce,  Mar.,  1900.  (197) 
£2  6s. 

Works.    Lond.,  1876.    4to. 

Hf.  mor..  Whitehead.  Apr.  IG,  '89.  (293) 

£2  12s.  6d. 
Hf.    mor..    Sullivan,    May,    '90.      (815) 

£4  158. 
Hf.    mor.,    Francis,    July,    '90.      (187) 

Hf.  mor.,  Rose.  June,  '91.  (306)   £3  3s. 
Hf.    mor.,    WlttOD,    Jan.,    '93.      (640) 

£3  153. 
Hf.  mor.,  Smith,  Jan.,  '96.     (312)    £2 

lis.      . 
Hf.    mor.,    Banga,   Oct.    6,   '98.      (248) 

Hf.   mor.,   Soth.,   Oct   30.   '99.      (118) 


Works.     I.«nd.,  1893.     3  vols.    8vo, 

Hf.    mor..    Griffith,   Dec,    '95.        (425) 

£2  108. 
tJnc.   Smith,   Jan..   '96.      (25)    £1168. 
CI.,  Kay,  May,  '97.     (612)    £188. 
CI..  Snalth,  July.  '97.     (61)    £1  10b. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Soth..    Mar,    23,    '99 

(25G)    £114s. 

Blake    (William)— ConffwueJ. 

CL,  unc,  Pratt,  Apr.,  '99.  (220)  $13.50. 

CI.,  unc,  Henkela,  Apr,  20,  "99.     (144) 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Edelhelm,  Mar.,  1900. 

(1088)  »12.75. 
Soth..  Apr.  4,  1900.     (61)    £1168. 
Soth..   Jan.    21,    '01.      (190)     £1  lis. 

••Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor..  unc,  Christie,  Jan.  30,  '94. 

(8)    £3. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Soth.,  Nov.  22,  '94.  (18) 

£3  5s. 
Hf.   mor.,   unc,   Soth.,    Dec    17,   1900. 

(137)    £1198. 

BLAKE    (W.  J.).     History  of  Putnam 

Co.,  N.  Y.     N.  Y.,  1849.     12mo. 
Cr.,  Hough,  Oct..  1900.     (854)   $5.25. 

BLAKEWAY      (J.      B.).     Sheriffs      of 

Shropshire.    Shrewsbury,   1831.   Fol. 
Hf.    mor.,    Breese,    May,    '88.     (311) 

£4  13s. 
Bds.,  Gibson,  Mar..  '93.     (350)    £2  68. 
Bda..  Snalth.  July,  '97.     (659)    £2  118. 

•♦Large  paper. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Cock,  July,  '98.   (857) 

£5  5a. 
Hf.  mor,,   unc,   Soth..   Dec   17,   1900. 

(141)    £6158. 

B LA  KEY     (R.).     Old    Faces    In     New 

Masks.     Lond.,  1859.    8vo. 
Mor.  ex..  unc.  (orlg.  cover  bound  In), 

Weaver.   Mar..   '98.      (74)     £114s- 
Hf.  mor..   unc.   Bangs,  Apr.  16,   1900. 

(214)    15.50. 

BLANC   (VINCENT  LE),     The  World 

Surveved.     Lond..  IGCO,     Fol. 
Hf.    cf..    Murphy.    Mar.,    '84.      (2831) 

BLANCHARD   (LAMAN).  Lyric  Offer- 

Inga,    Lond.,  182S.     8vo. 
Hf.  mor,  unc,  Hazlltt,  Nov.,  '93.  (323) 


Sketches  from  Life.    Woodcuts  by 

Crulkshank,  and  others.  Lond., 
1846.    3  vols.,  12mo. 

HI.  cf..  Anderson,  Apr.  3.  '01.  (19) 

BLANCHARD     (RUFUS).       Abraham 

Lincoln     the     Tj^ie     of     American 
Genius.     Wheaton.  1881.     8vo. 
Sheets,   folded,   unc.  Bangs.,   Apr.   22, 
•99.  (170)  19.25. 

BLANCO   (MANUEL),     Flora  de  Flll- 

plnas.      Manila,    1877-83.      Text,    2 






Blanco   (Manuel) — Continued. 

vols.,  and  2  vols,  of  colored  plates. 

4  vols.,  fol. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Soth.,  July  3,  '22.  C564) 

£17  10a. 
In  6  portfolios,  Henkels,  Jan.  15,  '03. 

(88)    »132.50. 

BLANCO  (M.  R.).  Conversron  d« 
Plrilu.  de  Indios  Cumanagotos,  Pal- 
enques,  y  otros.    Madrid,  1690.  8vo. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90.  (267) 

BLAND  (EDWARD).  See  New  Brit- 

BLAND  (RICHARD).  Inquiry  into 
the  Rights  of  the  British  Colonies. 
Williamsliurg,    17GG.      8vo. 

Hf.  mor.,  uuc,  Polock,  Mar.,  '04.     (83) 


BLAND    (THEODORIC).      The    Bland 

Papers:      A      Selection     from     the 

Manuscripts   of   Col.    T.    Bland,   Jr.. 

of  Prince  George  Co.,   Va.     Peters- 

burj?,  1840-43.    2  vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.  cf.    (in  1  vol.).  Cooke.  Dec.  'S3. 

(243)  |G. 
Hf.  mor..  g.t.  (in  1  Tol.),  Barlow,  Feb., 

'90.     (208)  ?5.50. 
Eds.    (In   1    vol.).   Brinley,   Apr.,   '93. 

(8089)   I5.S0. 
Eds.  (in  1  vol.),  Waterbury.  Jan.,  '95. 

(136)  15.50, 
Hf.   mor.    (In  1   vol.),  Libbie,  Nov.   6, 

•95.     (150)  to. 
Hf.  mor.  (in  1  vol.).  Deane,  Mar.,  '98. 

(287)   16. 

BLANE      (W.).      Cynegetlca.      Lond., 

1788.    Svo. 
Soth.,  Feb.   14,  '88.      (40)    £138. 
Cf.,  unc.  Cox,  Feb.,  '91.     (40)    £110s. 
Cf.,  unc.  Soth.,  Feb.  9,  '98.     (35)   £1. 
Mor.  ex..  unc,  Ellis.  Oct.,  '02.     (366) 

£2  2s. 

Nanceldos  Opus  da  Bello  Nanceiano. 
St.  Nicholas  du  Port.  1518.    Fol. 

Mor..  g.e.,  by  Derome  (Wodhull  copy), 
Edwardes.   May.   *01.     (128)    £25. 

BLAVATSKY   (H.  P.).     lala  Unveiled. 

N.  Y..  1877.     2  vols.,  Svo. 
CI.,  Libbie,  Dec.  4,  1900.  (102)  |10.BO. 
CI..  StlllS.  Apr.,  '01.     (50)  $5. 
CI..  West,  May.  '01.     (193)  |6. 
CI.,   TredwelK  Nov.,   '01.     (184)    |6-50. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Dec.  20,  '01.     (19)   $6.50. 

Blavatsky    (H.    P.) — Continued. 

^The  Secret  Doctrine.  Lond.,  1888. 

2  vols.,  Svo. 

CL.  Henkels,  Dec.  19.  1900.  (252)  $6.60. 
CL,  Putt.,  Feb.  13.  '02.  (3S5)  £lGs. 
CI.,  Hodgson,  Oct.  22,  '02.  (IS)    £19s. 

^The  Secret  Doctrine.  Lond..  1893. 

3  vols.,  Svo. 

CL,   Lincoln,   Oct.,  '01.     (89)    I7.6B. 
BLAXTON   (J.).    The  English  Usurer. 

Lond.,  1634.     4to. 
Hf.  cf.  (frontis.  cut  Into  and  mounted), 

Wilbraham.  June,  '98.  (103)    £3  123. 

BLAYDES    (F.    A.).     Genealogia    Bed- 

fordiensis.     1890.    Svo. 
Hf.  vel.,  unc,  Burrard,  Jan.,  '96.  (935) 

Hf.    veL.    unc,    Stansfleld,    June.    "SS. 

/^fjov     £  1  7g 

Hf."v"el.,    unc",    Putt,    Apr.    26,    1900. 

(307)    £1. 
Hf.  vel.,  unc.  Putt,  Jnne  17,  '02.  (32) 


BLEECKER     (ANN      ELIZA).       Post- 

humous    Works.  N.    Y.,    1793.  12mo. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Rice,  Mar.,  '70-     (175) 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Menzles,   Nov.,  *76.     (186) 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e..  Brinley.  Nov.,  '86.  (6792) 

Cf.  (title  mounted),  Barlow,  Feb.,  '90. 

(271)  $5. 
Hf,     mor.,     Sewall,    Nov.,    '96,     (338) 

Cf.,  Bangs,  Jan.  17,  '02.     (26)    $10.50. 
Mor.,   g.t,    unc    (28   plates    Inserted), 

Bushnell,  Apr.,  '83.    (272)  |7.50. 
Mor.,  g.t,  unc.    (Bushnell   copy),  Mc- 

Kee.  Nov.,  1900.    (54)  $56. 

BLENERHASSETT  (T.).  A  Direction 
for  the  Plantation  In  Ulster.  Lond.. 
1610.     4to. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Martin,  Mar.,  '88.  (150) 

on  Several  Acts  of  Parliament  re- 
lating more  especially  to  the  Colo- 
nies Abroad.     Ix)nd.,  1742.     Svo. 

Unc,  Putt.  Dec.  11.  '99.     (4S)    fills. 

Journal  of  a  Tour  through  the 
Netherlands  to  Paris  In  1821.  Lond., 
1822.     Svo. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (presentation  copy). 
Cox.  Apr..  '99.     (74)  $10. 




Qlessington  (Countess  of) — Continued. 

Life    and    Correspondence.       See 

Madden    (R.   R.>. 

BLEWITT  (MRS.  0.).     The  Rose  and 

the  Lily.     Loud.,  1877.    Frontiapiece 
by  Cruikshaiik.     Svo. 
Cf.,  unc,  French,  Apr.,  '01.     (377)   $7. 

BLIGH  (W.)  Narrative  of  the  Mutiny 
on  Board  the  "Bounly."  Lond.,  1790. 
4  to. 

Cf..  Crawford.  June,  '89.     (17G)    £13s. 

Hf.  cf.,  Bunbury,  July,  '96.  (166) 

^Voyage  to  the  South  Sea.     Land., 

1792.     4lo. 
Cf.     (preaentatiott    copy),    Normandy, 

Jan..  '91.    (GSl)    £2  28. 

BLIGHT  (J.  T.>.  Ancient  Crosses  and 
other  Antiquities  in  the  West  and 
East  of  Cornwall.  Penzance,  1856- 
5S.    2  vols..  4to. 

Borlase,    Feb.,    'S7.      (279)     i-lSs. 

Hf.  mor.  ex.  (in  1  vol.),  BorJasc.  Feb., 
'87.      (280)     £1I8. 

Hunt,  Nov..  '88.     (1G9)    £1  9s. 

Hope.  May,  '9G.     (553)    £110a. 

BLIND    CHILD    (THE).      Worcester. 

Isaiah  Thomas.  1796.    48nio. 
Paper.   Livermore,    Nov.,   '94.      (1058) 


BLISS    (LEONARD,  JR.).     History  of 

Rehoboth,  Mass,    Bost,,  1836.    8vo. 
CI.,  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.     (3002)  je.75. 
CI.,  Manson,  Mar.,  '99.     (3734)   $9.50. 
CI.,  Libbie,  Dec.  5.  '99.     (1157)  #6.60. 

BLITH   (WALTER).     The  Engiish  Im- 

prover.    Lond.,  1G49.    4to. 
Cf.,  Solh..  Apr.  4.  '98.     (68)    £1109. 
Hf.  bd.   (Arthur  Young's  eopvl.  Soth., 

Dec.   17.   1900.      (143)    £1  12s. 

The    Engilsh    Improver   Improved. 

Lond..  1652.    4  to. 
Cf.,  Bunbury.  July.  '96.     (167)    £2  19a. 

BLOCKSIDGE  (E.).  Dudley  Parish 
Reeisters.    Dudley.  1894.    8vo. 

Grazebrook.  July.  "96.  (215)  £3 
78.  6d. 

BLODGETT  (SAMUEL).  A  Prospec- 
tive Pllan  of  the  Battle  near  Lake 
George.     Boat.,  1755.     4to. 

Mor.  ex.,  unc.  (with  the  orlg.  plan), 
Brinley.   Mar.,  '79.     (209)   |62.50. 

Hf.  mor.  (perhaps  lacking  plan), 
Murphy.  Mar.,  '84.     (269)    $16. 

Blodgett    (Samuel) — Continued. 

Unc.  (lacVdng  plan),  Terry,  Mar.,  '89. 

(424)  16, 
Unbd.  (with  English  reprint  of  plan), 

Brinley.  Apr.,  '93.     (8073)   |25. 

BLOME         (RICHARD).         Britannia. 

Ivond.,  1C73.     Fol. 
Christie,   Feb.   24,    '03.      (45)    £lls. 

••Large  paper. 
Cf.,    Ashburnham,    June,    '97.       (672) 

£4  4s. 

A    Description    of  Jamaica.   Lond., 

1672.     Svo. 
Cf,.  g.e..  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.     (267)  |12. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.e.,  Barlow,  Feb.,  *90»  (274) 

Hf,  mor.,  g.e..   Henltels.   May   27,   '03. 

(289)  122. 

A   Description   of  Jamaica.  Load., 

1678.     Svo, 
Cf.,  Barlow,  Feb..  '90,     (276)    |11. 
Cf.,  Soth..  July  1.  '95.'  (341)    £1  1b. 
Cf..  Deane.   Mar.,   ■98.     (291)    »6. 
Hf.  cf,,  Libbie,  Dec.  15,  '98.  (68)  15,25. 

Essay  to   Heraldry.     Lond.,   1684. 

Cf.,  Bunbury,  July,  '96,     (53)    £2  6s. 

Gentleman's      Recreation.      Lond., 

1686.     Fol. 
Rus.,  Ayleaford,  Mar.,  '88.     (203)    £6. 
Cf..     Martin,     Mar..     'S8.       (52)      £3 

17s.  6d. 
Cf.,   Perkins.   July.   '89.      (216)     £3  5a. 
Cf.,    Kenvon.    Mar..   '90.      (276 ►     £4  4s. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  July  14,  '96.     (687)    £5. 
Cf.    (margin    of   one    plate    mended), 

Ashburnham,  June.  '97.     (673)    £10 

Cf.  (broken),  Sotli..  Dec.  22.  *98.  (694) 

Cf.    (corner    of   one   plate   In    faca.), 

Christie,  Dec.  19,   '99.     (313)    £4. 
Cf.    (a   few  margins  wormed),   Soth., 

Feb.  6,   1900.      (867)    £11 15a. 
Cf.     (engraved    title     and     last    leaf 

backed,  corner  of  1  plate  torn  off), 

Soth.,  Feb.  28.  1900.      (244)    £5 15s. 
Mor.  ex..  g,©.,  Hlbhert,  Apr.,  '02.     (71) 

Mor.,  g.e.    (J.   W.  Mackenzie's  copy). 

Brodle.   Mar,.   '04.      (86)    £13  6s. 

••Large  paper, 

Mor..    g.e..    Hance.    Aug..    '87.      (825) 

£4  4s. 
Mor..   g.e..   Toovey.   Mar.,   *94.      (392) 





Blome   (Richard) — Continued. 

Hf.  bd.  {1  leaf  imperfect),  Leeds,  Apr., 

'9G.      (174)    £7  58. 
Mor.,  g.e.    (some  plates  Inlaid),  Ash- 

burnham,  June,  '97.     (674)    £10 15s. 
CI.  ex..  g.e.  (iu  2  vols..  1  plate  lacking), 

Fraser.  Apr.,  '01,    (157)   £8. 
^entkman's      Recreation.     Lond., 

1710.     Fol. 
Cf.,  m.e.    (fronlis.  and  engraved   title 

backed),  ThornhiU,  Apr.,  '89,   (1G4) 

£5  5s. 
Cf.,  Kenyon,   Mar..  '90.     (277)    £3. 5s. 
Cf..   AngeraleJn,    Mav,  '96.      (334)    £4 


Cf..  Soth,,  Dec..  1.  '96.     (526)    £5  58. 
Cf.,  Soth..  Dec.  17.  1900.     (146)    £4  8s. 

Geographical    Description    of    the 

Four   Parts    of    the    World.      Loud., 

1670.    Fol. 
Cf..  Bateman.  July.  '9G.     (125)    £112s. 
Cf..  Bangs.  Dec.   8.   '99.     (10)    ^11. 
Cf.,  Henkels,  Jan.  18,  '01.     (28)  |10. 
Present    State    of    HIa    Majeaty's 

Isles    and    Territorties   in    America. 

I>ond.,  1687,     8vo. 
Cf..    y.e..    Menzies,    Nov.,    "76.      (188) 

Cf.,  Hopetoun,  Feb.,  '89.     (9)    £2  128. 
Cf..  Soth..  July  1.  '95,     (349)    £3  38. 
Hf.  bd.,  Weaver.  Dec.,  '97,     (511)    £1 

Mor.  ex..  unc,  Manaon,  Feb..  '99.  (404) 

Cf.  (re backed).  Morris,  Apr.,  '99.  (139) 

Cf,   (rebacked).  Henkels,  Jan.  18,  '01. 

(29)   110. 

L'Amerique  Anglolse.  Amsterdam, 

16S8.      12mo. 
Cf..  Barlow.  Feb.,  '90.     (277)  |8. 
Cf.,  Hunt.  Nov..  'n.     (348)  $5. 
Cf.,  Henkels,  May  27,  "03.     (293)  J7. 
BLOME  FIELD   (F.).     History  of  Nor- 

folk.     Fersfleld    and    Lynn,    1739-75. 

5  vols.,  fol, 
Mor,,  Hartree.  July.  '90.     (293)    £3S. 
Ru8.   (first  3  vols,  slightly  imperfect), 

Brabourne,  May,  '91.     (316)    £46. 
Cf..  Dalzlel.  June,  '93.    (1131)    £19  10s. 
Ru8.     (slightly    Imperfect),    Ludgater. 

May.  '95.     (922)    £13. 
Cf.  (In  6  vols.).  Frere.  Feb.,  '96.  (236) 

Ru8..  g.e..  Soth.,  Dec.  1.  '96.  (527)   £15. 
Hf.    cf..    Soth.,    Feb.    22.    '97.      (535) 

£18  58. 

Blomefield    (F.) — Continued. 

Cf.,  Gardner,  July,  '97.     (902)    £14. 

Ru8.,  y.e.    (Imperfect),  Gardner.  July. 

•97.     (289)   £18. 
Hf.  bd.  (imperfect).  Putt,  May  4,  '98. 

(221)   £11. 
Mor.   ex.,   g.e..   Christie,  July   11,   '99. 

(241)    £15. 
Rua.,   m.e.,    Orford,   Mar,,    '02.        (16) 

Cf„  r.e.   (perfect  copy),   White,  Apr., 

'02.    (2S1>    £24  108, 

History   of   Norfolk.     Lond.,   1805- 

10.  11  vols.,  Svo. 
Cf.,  m.e..  Gage,  Feb..  '90,  (406)  £9  Ss. 
Cf„  Hartree.  July,  '90.  (134)  £8  I5s. 
Unc.  Soth.,  May  4,  '91.  (110)  £7  78, 
Rus.  ex.,  Tyrell,  Dec,  '91,  (9)  £10. 
Hf.  bd..  Cart  Wright,  Mar.,  '92.     (767) 

£6  10h. 
Angersteln,    May.   '96.      (502)     £8  158. 
Hf.    cf.,    Beesley,    Nov..    '96,     (1108) 

£7  15s. 
Hf.    mor..    Putt,,    Dec.    7,    '96.     (237) 

£6  178.  6d. 
Rus..  Peel,  June,  1900.     (42)    £10  lOs. 
Hf.  cf..  Soth.,  Mar.  17,  '02.     (82)    £8. 
Cf..  Howard.  June.  '02.     (G51)    £8  10b. 

** Large  paper. 
Cr,    Putt.,    June    22,    "96.      (566)     £7 
'    17s.  6d. 
Hf.     cf..     Bunbury,    July,     '96.     (168) 

£10  15s. 
Cf.,     Wilbraham,     June,     '98.       (104) 

£S  158. 
Hf.  mor..  unc,  Hodgson,  Nov.  6,  '01. 

(871)    £11. 

Hiatory  of  Norwich.     Lond.,  1806. 

2  vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.  cf.    (some  plates  mounted),  Wal- 

ford,   Feb..   '87.     (35)    £1  ISs. 
Hf.  mor.,  Gray.  Feb.,  '96.     (612)    £1. 

BLOND  (A.  LE).     See  Le  Blond   (A.). 

BLONDUS    (FLAVIUS).   Blond!    FfavM 

Forollviensis    Triumphantis    Romae. 

[Mantua,  14  72  J.     Fol. 
Mor.  (with  arms  of  Prince  Eugene  de 

Savoy),  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  1900.     (147) 


BLOOD    (H.  A,).     History  of  Temple, 

N.  H.     Bost..   1860,     Svo. 
Gl.,  Guild,  Nov..  *87.     (4654)   |8. 
CI.,  Libble,  May  15.  '88.     (1426)  |5. 
CI..  Llbbie.  Mar.  27.  '95.     (804)    t9.25. 
Cl„  Manson,  Mar.,  '99,     (4172)  ♦7.25, 
CL.  Nash.  Jan..  1900.    (742)  $7. 




Blood    (H.  A.)—CnntiMVcd, 

Hf.  mor.,  g.e..  Slee.  Feb.,  1900.     (21) 

Hf.    mor..    g.t..    WinBor,    Feb.,    1900. 

(1394)  15. 
CI.,  Balcom.  Feb.,  '01.     (2280)  |8.50. 
CL,  LIbbie.  Feb.  5,  ■02.    (1202)  |7.50. 
BLOOD  (THOMAS).     Remarks  on  the 

Life  and   Death   of  the  famed   Mr. 

Blood.     Lond..  1680.     Fol. 
Hf.   bd.,   Hlbbert.  Apr.,   '02.     (72)    £1 

BL00MF1ELD    (O.    B.    F.).      Life   and 

Adventures.         Philadelphia,       1818. 

12  mo. 
Bda..  unc,  Polock.  Mar.,  '04.     (89)  %7. 

er's Boy.  Lond.,  1800.  Engravings 
by  Bewick.    4 to. 

Cf.,  Lundy,  Feb.,  '99.     (20)  |9.10. 

BLORE  (EDWARD).  Monumental 
Remains  of  Noble  and  Eminent  Per- 
sons.   Ixjnd.,  1S20.    4to. 

Bus.,  g.e.,  Soth..  May  25,  1900.  (64) 

••Large  paper. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Craig,  June.  '87.  (283) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Craig,  June,  '87.  (284) 
£2  7s. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Hailstone,  Feb..  '91.  (252) 
£2  8s. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Grange,  Mar.,  '92.  (158) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e,,  Hasllags,  May,  '93.  (53) 


Hf.  mor.,  Soth,,  Feb.  27,  '99.  (67) 
£2  28. 

Bus.,  g.e..  Davis,  Nov.,  1900.  (28) 
£2  16s. 

BLORE  (T).  History  and  Antiquities 
of  the  County  of  Rutland.  Stam- 
ford, 1811.     Fol. 

Bus.  ex.,  g.e.,  Aylesford,  Mar.,  '88. 
(205)   £5. 

Hf.  mor..  Stone,  Nov.,  '91.  (294)  £1 

BdB.  (with  Part  2  of  Vol.  H),  Cart- 
wright.    Mar.    '92.      (611)    £2  163. 

Hf.  bd.  (some  plates  spotted),  Jack- 
son,   May,    '95.      (633)     £112s. 

Hf.  cf..  Twopenny.  May.  '02.  (288) 
£3  5s. 

••Large  paper. 

Rub.,  Harborough,  Feb.,  '87.  (197) 
£10  10s. 

Bus.,  Putt.,  Nov.  9.  '87.     (667)    £5  15a. 

Biore   (T.) — Continued, 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,   Stansfleld,  June.    '98. 

(268)    £317s.6d, 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Edwardes,    May,    '01. 

(129)    £6153. 

BLOStUS     (LEWJS).      A     MJrror    for 

Monks.     Paris.  1676.     8vo. 
Mor.,   Hawkins,   Apr.,   '95.     (48)    £4. 

A  Mirror  for  Monks.    Load.,  1871. 


**0n  veHum. 
Coleridge,  May,  '96.     (S3)    £3. 

BLOUET    (A.).      Niagara    Falls.      Six 

Sketches    from    Nature    in    March, 
1837.     Paris,  1S38.     Fol. 
Paper.  Miller  and  Bancker,  Dec,   "98. 
(341)  19. 

Boscobel.      Lond., 

BLOUNT       (T.). 

1660.     8vo, 
Cf.   ex.    (portrait   a   reprint).    Hardy, 

Dec.,   '86.      (837)    £118fl. 
Bus.,   g.e.    (Beckford   copy),   Buckley, 

Apr.,  '94.     (427)    £3  59. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e,  Hibbert.  Apr..  '02.  (1G4) 

£19  19s. 

Boscobel,     Lond.,  1662.     8vo. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (portraits  and  views  in- 
serted), Sullivan,  May,  '90,  (828) 

Sheep,  in  case.  Bangs,  June  6,  '96.  (97) 

Boscobel.     Lend.,    1680.     8vo. 

Mor.,  unc,  Libbie.,  Dec.  5,  '01.     (247) 

Old    cf.,    Twopenny,   May.    '02.     (165) 

£2  18s. 

Fragmenta      Antlquitls.       Antlent 

Tenures  of  Land  and  Jocular  Cus- 
toms.    Ixjnd.,  1679.    8vo. 

Cf..  Bangs,  Feb.,  20,  1900.     (114)  $5.50. 

BLOW  (J.).  Amphlon  AngiJcus. 
Lond.,  1700.    Pol. 

Cf..  Galsford,  Apr..  '90.     (202)    £3  3a. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Buckley,  Feb..  '93.  (348) 

Cf.,  Putt.  Nov.  9.  '96.     (996)    £6. 

Cf.,   Ellis,   Oct.,    '02.      (1757)     £6  58. 

BLUETT  (THOMAS).  Some  Memoirs 
of  Job,  a  Slave  about  Two  Years  In 
Maryland.     Lond.,   1734.     12mo. 

Hf.  nis.,  Murphy,  Mar..  '84.     (270)  |7. 

BLUNDELL  (HENRY).  Engravings 
and  Etchings  of  Statues,  Busts,  etc.. 
In  the  Collection  of  H.  BlundeU. 
Liverpool,  1809.    2  vols.,  fol. 





Blundell    (Henry) — Contitnied. 

Rus.  (in  1  vol.),  Crawford,  Juue,  '87. 

(514)    £4  19s. 
Mor.,  Wilts,  July,  '94.    (293)   £3. 
Mor.   (stained),  Tixall,  Nov..  '99.   (80) 


BLUNDEVILE      (M.).      The      Art      of 

Lxjglcke.    Loud.,  1699.    4to, 
Cf.  ex.,  r.e.,  Soth.,  May  IC,  '01.     (56) 

£2  4s. 

BLUNDEVILLE    (THOMAS).      Art   of 

Riding.     Lend.,  1565.    4to. 
Cf..  Young,  Dec..  '95.     (208)    £2  10s. 
Cf.,  Soth.,  Feb.  22,  '97.      (599)    £3  4s. 

^Art    of    Riding    Newly   Corrected. 

Lond..   1697.    4to. 
Mor.    ex..    g.e.      Halllwell,    July.    '89. 
(220)    £3  16s. 

' Brief     Description     of     Universal 

Maps.     Ijond.,  15S9.     4  to. 
Unbd.,  Bangs.,  Mar  12,  '9G.     (38)  »10. 

Four    Chlefest    Offices    belonging 

to    Horsemaashtp,      Lond.,    1565-C6. 

4  to. 
Cf.,  Sotb.,  July  11,  '02.     (84)    £12. 
Four  Chief  est  Offices  belonging  to 

Horsemanship.     Lond.,  [1580].     4to. 
Mor.,    g.e..    Roupell.   July,    '87,     (186) 

£5  29.  6d. 
Cf..  Auchinleck,  June,  '93.     (146)    £7. 
Vel.    (margins  of  first  title   cut  off), 

Ashburaliam.  June,  '97.     (677)    £13. 
Mor.,  r.e.  (title  aad  last  leaf  mended). 

Both.,  May  8,  '99.     (209)    £C  Gs. 
Four  Chlefest  Offices  belonging  to 

Horsemanship,     Lond.,  1580.     4to. 
Cf.    (last  leaf  supplied   from   smaller 

copy),     Toovey,     Mar..     '94.     (32B) 

Ct   ex.,  g.e.,   Blyth,   Mar.,   '01.     (1G7) 

Four  Chlefest  Offices  belonging  to 

Horsemanship.     Lond..  1597.     4to. 
Mor.     ex.,     Corser,     July,     '86.     (43) 

Vel.,  Soth.,  July  1,  '95.     (453)    £3. 
Vel.,  Bateman,  July,  '96.     (48)    £B5s. 
Cf.,  Johnson,  Feb.,  '98.     (330)    £2  168. 
Cf..  Soth.,  June  27.  '98.     (241)    £4  12s. 

His    Exercises.      Ixjnd.,    3597.  4to. 

Orlg.    vel.,    Chandos    Pole    Gell,    Feb., 

'04.      (67)    £5  2s.  6d. 

His  Exercises.    Lond.,  1613.    4to. 

Cf..  Hart,  Apr.,  '90.    (27C)  |5. 

Hlc  Exercises.    Lond.,  1622.    4to. 

BJundevflle  (Thomas) — Continued. 
Mor.,   g.e.,   Murphy,    Mar.,   '84.      (271) 

Orlg.    cf..    Soth.,    June    17.    '04.      (48) 

£3  3s. 

His  Exercises.     Lond..  1636.     4to. 

Hf,  mor.,  unc,  Deane.  Mar.,  '98.  (29G) 

Order  of  Curing  Horses'  Diseases. 

Lond.,  1566.     4  to. 
Hf.    cf..    Soth.,    Feb.    19,    '96.       (93) 


^True  Order  and  Method  of  Writ- 
ing HistorieB.     Lond.,   1674.    8vo. 

HL  mor..  Putt.,  Dec.  20,  '93.  (588) 
£1  lis. 

The     Theorlque*     of     the     Seven 

Planets.    Lond.,  A.  Isllp,  1602.    4to. 

Cf.  (with  3  other  early  English  Astro- 
nomical  tracts).  Fountaine,  June, 
'02,     (100)    £22. 

BLUNT  (E.  M.).     Stranger's  Guide  to 

the  City  of  New  York.    N.  Y.,  1817. 

Bds..  unc.  Henkels.  Oct.  21,  '96.   (86) 

Bds.  (plates  stained),  Montayne.  Feb., 

'98.     (248)  16. 
Bds.,  unc,  Bangs,  Dec.  12,  '99.     (285) 

Bds-,  unc.  Bangs,  Mar.  19,  1900.  (49) 

Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Bangs,  Nov.  12,  1900. 

(461)  »14. 
Bds.,  unc.  Bangs,  Mar.  19,  '01.     (419) 


Bds.,    unc,    Anderson,    May    27,    '01. 

(177)  $9. 
Bds..   unc.   McKee,   May.   '02.     (4597) 


BLUNT  (W.  8.).  The  Love  Lyrics 
and  Songs  of  Proteus,  with  the  L,ove 
Sonnets.  Kelmscott  Press,  1892. 

Vel..  Soth.,  Dec  14,  '93.    (673)   £112s. 

Vel.,   Poote.  Feb.,  '95.     (110)    19.50. 

Vel.,  Cook,   May.   '95.     (27)    £188. 

Vel.,  Soth..  Dec.  1!.  '95.     (351)   £117s. 

Vel.,  Blerstadt,  Apr.,  '97.     (201)  |13. 

VeL,   Soth.,  Apr.  4,  '98.   (463)    £3 10a, 

Vel.,   Cbck.  July,   '98.   (542)    £4  108. 

Vel.,  Soth.,  Feb.  13,  '99.  (727)  £7 
78.  6d. 

Vel.,  Soth.,  Mar.  4,  '99.  (1911)  £7 
128. 6d. 

VeL,  Soth..  JuJy  28.  '99.  (669)    £12  5a. 




Blunt    (W.    S.)—Co}i  tin  tied. 
Vel.,  Soth.,  Nov.  20.  '09.  (964)    £13  5s. 
Vel.,  Bangs.  Apr.  IG,  IMO.     (483)  $78. 
Vel.,  Soth.,  May  21,  1900.     (944)    £8. 
Vel.,  Putt,  Apr,  17,  '01.     (625A)    £19. 
Vel.,  Frencli,  Apr.,  '01.     (883)   |80. 
Vel.,  unc,  Arnold.  May,  '01.  (201)  |55. 
Vel.,  Bangs,  Oct.  21.  '01.     (365)  |50. 
Vel.,  Ellis.  Nov.,  '01.     (35)    £11. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth..  June  3,  '02.  (1294) 

£9  15s. 
Vel.,  Soth-.  Juno  10.  '03.     (156)    £6. 
BOA  DEN   (JAMES).     Inquiry  into  the 

Authenticity  of  various  Portraits  of 

Shakespeare,     Lond.,  1824.  4to. 
Bda.,    unc.    (Triphook    copy),    Sewall. 

Nov.,  'QG.     (352)  J7. 
Bda.,     unc.     (Trlphook-Sewall     copy), 

Bang:s.    Sept.   23.   '98.     (442)    J7.50. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc,    French,    Apr.,     '01. 

(1443)  $13. 
Hf.  cf.,  McKee,  May.  '02.     (5425)  $5.50. 

••Large  paper. 
Cf.,  Stewart,  Apr.,  '88.     (269)    £188. 
Hf.  moT..   unc,   Mackenzie,   Mar.,   '89. 

(1895)    £113s. 
Hf.    mor.,    unc,    Marshall,    June.    '90. 

(1421)    £110s. 
Hf-  mor..  unc.  Wood,  Mar.,  '91.  (812) 

£1  28. 
Hf.  mor..  unc.  Deane,  Mar.,  '98.  (298) 

Bda..   unc,   Soth.,   May  6,   '98.     (21B) 

Rainy    Day,  or    Poetical     Imprcv 

Hions.     Lond.,  1801.  4to. 
Hf.   ni8..   Halllwell-Phillipa,   July,   '89. 

(225)    £2  73. 
BOAYSTUAU    (P.)-  Theatrum    Mundl, 

Lond..  [about  1C66).     12mo. 
Cf.    (title    and    two    foilowiag    leaves 

wormed).    Aehburnham,    June.    '98. 

(CSO)   £3  4s. 
Theatrum      Mundl.    l^nd..     1B74. 

Hf.   mor.    (title  in   manuscript.  Isaac 

Reed's  copy),    Soth..    Mar.    17.    '02. 

(83)   £7. 
^Theatrum      Mundi.     Lond.,     1581. 

Vel..  Ellis,  Nov..  '85.     (617)    £1 168. 
Cf..     Aahburaham,     June,     '97.     (681) 

Ens.    (W.    Herbert's    copy),    Christie, 

Feb.  21,  '99.     (28)    £5Bs. 
BOARD    (A.).    Scogln's  Jests.    Lond., 

n.d.  4to. 

Board   (A.) — Cohthitwd. 

Mot.,  g.e.  (without  title,  but  with 
original  wood-cut  of  Tariton,  IGU, 
inserted).  Daniel.  July,  '&4.  (895) 

BOASE  (G.  C.).  Collectanea  Cornu- 
blensla.     Lond.,   1890.     8vo. 

Foggo,  Dec.  '92-     (135)    £1. 

Hf.  mor..  g.t..  Maclean,  May.  '96.  (177) 


P.),  Bibllotheca  Cornubiensia.  Lond., 

1874-S2.     3  vols.,  4to. 
CI..  Hartley.  Apr..  '87.     (187)    £1, 
CI.,  Bailey,  June.  '89.     (20S4>    £114s. 

B08BINGW0RTH.      Parish    Registers 

of  Bobblngworth.    Lond.,   1884.  FoL 

VeL,  Howard,  June,  '02.     (250)    £2  88. 

Sepuichrai  Memorials  of  Bobbing' 

worth.     Lond.,  1888.     Fol. 
VeL,  Howard.  June.  '02.     (2t>l)    £1  4s. 

BOCCACCIO.  De  Casibus  Virorum 
Illustrium.  (Proctor,  352.)  [Stras- 
burg,  Husner  and  Bekenhub,  about 
1477.]     Fol. 

Pigskin,  Apponyi,  Nov..  '92.  (221)    £4. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Ashbumham,  June,  '97- 
(682)    £22. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (1  leaf  defective),  Soth., 
July  3,  '99.     (48)   £G. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  bv  Lewis.  Soth.,  Feb. 
28,  1900.     (246)    £12. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (the  preceding  copy  re- 
sold). Bangs,  May  28,  1900.  (103) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth..  Mar.  7,  '01.  (239) 
£14  5s. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (with  De  Prseclaria 
Mullerlbus),  Inglis,  June,  1900.  (93) 

Life    of    Dante.      N.    Y.,    Grolier 

Club.  1900-     8vo. 
Bds.,  unc.  Bangs.  Not.  26,  1900.  (388) 

Bds..  unc,  French.  Apr.. '01.  (668)  t21' 
Bds.,  unc,  Carey,  Apr.,  '02.  (188)  122. 
Bds..  unc.  LeHerts,  Apr.,  '02.  (678)  |2L 
Bds.,  unc.  Pelrce.  Mar..  '03.  (331)  |32. 
Bds.,  UDC,  Appleton,  Apr.«  '03.     (212) 


II   Decamerone,    [Venice],  Valdar- 

fer,  1471.    Fol- 
Hf.    rus.    (lacking    5    leaves,    several 

others   mended),    Sunderland,   Dec. 

'81.     (1604)    £GS5. 




Boccaccio — Continued. 
Hf.  rus.,  in  case   (Sunderland  copy), 
Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.     (3G8)   £230. 

II  Decamerone.    Mantua,  1472.   FoL 

(Several      leaves     mended,     aome 
wormed),     Sunderland,     Dec.,     '81. 
(1605)    £400. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (margins  of  6  leaves  mend- 
ed), Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.    (369)   £51, 

II  Decamerone.   Vefiice,  1492.    Fol. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Turner,  June,  '88.  (50G) 

Rus.  ex.,  g.e.  (lacking  all  before  Sig. 
Aj  and  6  leaves  ai  end).  Asli burn- 
ham,    June.    '97.      tC90)     £&0. 

Vel.  (lacking  all  before  SIg.  Aj  and  25 
leaves  of  text).  Ashburnham,  June. 
'97.     (689)    £36. 

II  Decamerone.   Venice.  1510.    Fol. 

Mor.  (some  leaves  defective,  others 
Btalned),     Ashburnham,     June,     '97, 

(691)  £5. 

II     Decamerone.      Florence,    1516. 

4  to. 
Mor..    Sunderland,    Dec.,    '81.     (1606) 

Of.    (Hoym   copy).  Galaford,  Apr.,  '90. 

(205)    £12  15s. 
Vel.,    Ashburnham,    June,    '97.      (695) 

Vel.    (the    preceding   copy    resold    as 

lacking     2     leaves),     Ashburnham, 

Dec.  '9S.     (25)    £6108. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e..  In  case  (last  leaf  mend- 
ed), Wilbraham,  June,  '98.    (106)  £17. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Julv  17,  '01.   (162) 


II  Decamerone.    Venice,  1516.   4to. 

Mor.  g.e.  (2  portraits  inserted),  Gaia- 

ford.    Apr.,    *90.      (204)     £4  4s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Sullivan,  Mav,  '90.    (832) 

Mor,,   Ashburnham,    June,    '97.      (693) 

£3  3a. 
Cf.   (stained,  inner  margins  mended), 

Soth.,  Dec.  17,  1900.     (150)    £4. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Edwardea,  May,  '01,     (78) 


*♦  Large  paper. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Ashburnham,  June,  '97. 

(692)  £24. 

■II     Decamerone.      Venice,    Aldus, 
1522.    4to. 
Mor.   ex.,   g.e.,   Sunderland,   Dec.,   '81. 
(1608)    £111. 

Boccacc  i  o— Con  /  in  iird. 

Mor.    ex.,    Thorold,    Dec,    '84.      (308) 

£25  10s. 
Mor.,   g.e.,   Wodhull,   Jan..   '86.      (427) 

Mor.  ex.,   g.e.,   Wills,   July,   '94.      (96) 

£6  5s. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Nov.  27,  '96.     (73) 

£9  17s.  6d. 
Mor..    g.e.,    Ashburnham,    June,    '97. 

(G9C)    £55. 
Mor.,    g.e.     (Wodhull    copy).    Baring, 

Nov.,  '97.    (74)  £16. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Utterson  copy),  Soth., 

Apr.  24.  '99.     (547)    £7  5s. 
Cf.  (Turner  copy),  Soth.,  Apr.  24.  '99. 

(54G)    £11  10s. 
Rus..  g.e..  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  1900.     (151) 

£4  15s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.    (WodhuillBaring  copy), 

Soth..  June  3,  '02.     (141)    £18  5b. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Stuart.  June  29,  '03.     (211) 

£6  2s.6d. 

It  Decamerone.   Venice,  1525.   Fol. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (a  few  leaves  mended), 

Gflisford,  Apr,,  '90.     (206)   £13. 

^11    Decamerone.      Florence,    1527. 


Vel.  (several  leaves  inlaid),  Sunder- 
land, Dec,  '81.     (1610)    £39. 

Mor.  ex..  Wodhull,  Jan.,  '86.  (426)  £81. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Crawford,  June,  '87. 
(515)   £38. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Turner,  June,  '88.  (698) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Buccleuch,  Mar,  '89. 
(178)  £185. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Gaisford,  Apr.,  '90.  (207} 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91. 
(371)   £26. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Ashbumbain,  June.  '97. 
(698)    £10  15s. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Galaford  copy),  Soth., 
Dec  17.  '98.     (594)    £46. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e,,  Soth.,  Apr.  24,  '99. 
(551)    £50. 

Mor,  g.e.  (Charlemont  copy),  Ed- 
wardea, May,  '01.     (79)    £29. 

II  Decamerone.    Venice.  1531.    8vo 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Ashburnham.  June,  '97. 

(700)    £2Sa. 
Mor.  g.e.,  Soth..  Feb.  27,  '99.     (1634) 

£2  88. 

II  Decamerone.  Brescia,  1536.   8vo. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e,,  Turner,  June,  '88.    (381) 

£27  10a. 




Boccaccio — Continued. 

H  Decamerone.  Venice,  1537.   8vo. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Gaisford,  Apr.,  '90.  (208) 
£8  10s. 

II  Decamerone.    Venice,  1538.    8vo. 

Vel.,  g.e.,  Hammond.  Feb.,  '02.     (146) 

It  Decamerone.    Venice,  1542.    4to. 

Mor„  g.e.,  Bangs,  Jan.  15,  1900.    (147) 

Mor..  g.e.  (the  preceding  copy  resold). 

Bangs,  Apr.  16,  1900.  (69)  |95. 
Mor.    ex.    (margin   of   title   mended), 

Anderson.  Oct..  1900.     (498)    £2  2g. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Bangs,  Nov.  26,  1900.     (87) 


II  Decamerone.    Venice,  1548.    4to. 

Mor.,  Soth.,  Dec.  17,  '98.     (595)    £36. 

CI.  (arms  of  Cardinal  Ivouta  de  Bour- 
bon on  sides).  White,  Apr.,  '02.  (290) 
£9  5s. 

II  Decamerone.  Florence,  1593.  4to. 

Orlg.  binding  (title  damaged  and 
mounted).  Bangs,  May  28.  1900. 
(100)  |15. 

Orig.  binding  (apparently  the  preced- 
ing copy  resold),  Bangs.  Nov.  26, 
1900.     (88)  $5.50. 

-^—11  Decamerone.  Amsterdam,  1665. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e..  Sullivan.  May,  '9(). 
(2213)    £110s, 

Mor.,  g.e..  Wood,  Mar.,  '91.  (554) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Mar.  19,  '96.  (106) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth..  Jan.  19.  '99.  (34) 

Cf.,  r.e.  (In  2  vols.,  Mme.  de  Pompa- 
dour's copy),  Vfrtue-Tebha,  June, 
1900.     (23)    £2. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  Jan.  28,  '01.  (51) 

Vel.,  unc.  (small  stain  on  lower  mar- 
gin of  2  leaves  of  Table,  small  hole 
in  last  leaf  repaired),  Edwardes, 
May,  '01.     (30)    £56. 

Cf.,  r.e.  (in  2  vols.,  Mme.  de  Pompa- 
dour's copy),  Bangs,  Oct.  21,  '01. 
(91)  1160. 

U  Decamerone.    Amsterdam,  Elze- 
vir. 1703.    12mo. 
Ct,  Bangs.  Nov.  26,  1900.     (89)  |6.50. 

II  Decamerone.  Lond.,  1725.   [Bol- 

Boccacclo — Continvcd. 
It's  Reprint  of  the  Giunta  edition  of 

1527.]    Fol. 

••Large  paper. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Edwardes,  May,  '01.     (130) 

£2  18s. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Fountatne,  June,  '02.     (101) 

£4  18s. 
II  Decamerone.    [venice,  1729,  the 

Forged   Reprint  of  Uie  Glunta   edi- 
tion of  1527.]     4to. 
Vel..  g.e.,  Hawkins,  Mar.,  '87.     (1708) 

Mor.,  Bangs,  Nov.  25.  '95.     (95)  $7.50. 
Vel..  Bangs,  May  8,  1900.     (117)  117. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.   (Thomas  Gray's  copy). 

Eraser,  Apr.,  '01.     (160)   £14. 
Vel..  g.e..  Bangs,  Nov.  18,  '01.     (96)  |9. 
Sheep.  Cox.  Feb..  '02.     (156)  |9. 
II    Decamerone.     Lond.      [Paris.], 

1757-Gl.     5  vols.,  Svo. 
Mor..    g.e.     (proofs,    Utterson    copy), 

Gaisford,  Apr..  '90.     (222)    £29. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Soth.,    May    2,    '90.     (11) 

£21  lOs. 
Mor-  ex.,  g.e..  Wood,  Mar..  '91.  (555) 

Mor.,  g.e..  Ives,  Mar.,  '91.     (86)   $155. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Putt,  June  5,  '93.     (20) 

Mor.   ex.,   g.e.    (proofs),    Kurtz,   July, 

•95.     (430)    £53. 
Mor.  ex.,  ra.e.,  Soth.,  Feb.  19,  '96.  (608) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Aatiburaham,  June,  '97. 

(723)    £10. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Stephenson,  June,  '99. 

(31)  £26. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  May  21.  1900.  (589) 

£5  10s. 
Cf..    g.e.,    Soth.,    Feb.    20,    '01.     (32) 

£7  10a. 
Cf.,    g.e..    Soth..    Feb.    25,    '01.     (417) 

£6128.  6d. 
Hf.  bd..  unc,  Soth.,  Feb.  25,  *01.  (244) 

£3  88. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Edwardes,  May,  '01.     (31) 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Edwardes,  May,  '01.  (31  A) 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Hammond,  Feb.,  '02.  (150) 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Hodgson,  Mar.  12,  '02.  (360) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Hlbbert,  Apr.,  '02.  (73) 

Cf.   ex.,  g.e.,  Whit©,  Apr,,   '02.     (291) 

£  6  10s. 




Boccaccio — Continued. 

Mor.,    g.e.,   Soth.,  June   20,    '02.     (36) 

£22  lOs. 
Hf.  ruB.,  unc,  Soth.,  July  21,  '02,  (272) 

£5  5b. 

••Large  paper. 
Cf.,  Putt,  May  4.  *87.     (279)    £9. 
Cf.    (Moore  copy),  Randall,  Aug.,  '87. 

(883)    £8 10s. 
Cf.,  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.     (355)  *40. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Bunbury,   July,    '96.     (54) 

£6  10s. 
Mor.   ex.,   g.e.,   Burra,   May,   '97.    (72) 

£7  7s. 
Cf.,   g.e.,   Soth.,   Feb.    27,   '99.     (1C80) 

Grig,  wrappers,   unc,  Soth,,   Apr.   12, 

•99.     (114)    £4. 
Mor.,  g.e.,   Soth.,  May  21.  1900.     (82) 

Mor..  g.e.,  Sotl,.  Dec.  3,  1900.     (476) 

£17  5s. 
Mor.    (Bunbury   copy),    French.   Apr., 

'01.     (109)   $155, 
Mor.,    g.e.,     Hodgson,     Apr.    30,     '02. 

(477)    £21108. 

II      Decamerone.     Lond.,      Picker- 
ing, 1825.     3  vols.,  8vo. 
Hf.   mor.,   unc,   Streatfelld,   June,   '89. 

(10)     £1108. 
Mor.    ex..    g.e.,    Crawford,    Mar,,    '91. 

(370)    £2  15s, 
Mor.   ex.,    Bentinck,   Apr.,    '92.     (907) 

Hf.  mor.,  Hayes,  Apr.,  '98.   (14C>  ?6.75. 
Unc,  Wells,  Mar.,  '99.     (52)   |6.75. 

••India  paper. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Craig,  Mar,,  '88.     (636) 

Mor.  ex.    (In   2   vols.),  Perkins,  July, 

'89.      (222)     £4  4fl. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  (In  1  vol.),  Soth.,  May, 

'90.      (23)     £2  88. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (in  1  vol.),  Christie,  Jan., 

'93.     (54)    £2. 
Mor..  Toovey.  Feb..  '94.     (193)    £3  5s. 
Mor..  Soth.,  July   IS.  1900.     (988)    £2 


♦♦Large  paper. 
Cf.,  g.e.,  Pullan,  Apr.,  '89.     (933)    £1 

Udc,  Buckley,  Feb.,  '93.     (173)    £158. 
Mor.  ex.,  m.e.,  Bunbury,  July,  '96,  (55) 

£1  12s, 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Weaver,  Dec,  '97,    (19) 

£3  10s. 

Le  Decameron.  Mlses  en  Francoys 

Boccacci  0— Con  /  jn  ufd. 

par     Laurens     le     Premier     Faict. 

Paris.  1534.     8vo. 
Mor.  ex..   g.e.    (title  mended,   slightly 

wormed),    Inglis,    June,    1900.     (94) 


-Le  Decameron.  Paris,  la  rue  Sainct 

Jacques,  1537.     8vo. 
VeL,  g.e,  (Sullivan  copy),  Morris,  Dec, 

•98.      (47)    £7 10a. 
Vel,,  g.e.  (Sullivan-Morris  copy),  Soth., 

May  21,   1900.     (781)    £S  15s, 
Le    Decameron.     Traduit   par  An- 

tholne  le  Magon.     Paris.   1545.    Fol. 
Mor.    ex.,    Perkins,    July,    '89.     (223) 

£2  10a. 
Cf..     Ashbumham,     June,     '97.     (720) 


Le  Decameron.     Paris.  1548.     8vo. 

Mor.,   Ashbumham,   June,    '97.      (721) 

— ^Le    Decameron.     Lond.,   1779.     10 

vols..  8vo. 
Hf,  cf.   (in  5  vols,),  Craig.  Mar.,  '88. 

(G39)    £15s. 
Cf..    unc.    Larking,    Apr.,    '92.      (52) 

Cf..  m.e.    (in  6  vols,),  Jackson,  May, 

'95,      (431)    £2  7s. 
Mor.  ex.,  unc.  Bush,  Apr.,  '96.     (57) 

£4  1G8. 
CC,  Llbble.  Nov,  3,  '98,     (90)  *15. 

♦•I^rge  paper. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc.  Putt.,  Dec  17,  '89,     (G6) 

£3  12s.  Cd. 
Cf.,  g.e.  (in  5  vols.),  Fraaer,  Apr,,  '01, 

(1G3)   £C  15s, 

The    Decameron.      Containing    an 

Huudred    Pleasant    Novels,      Lond., 

Isaac    Jaggard.    1020.      [Both    titles 

dated  1G20,]     Fol. 
Hf.    mor.,    g.e..    Hailstone.    Apr..    '91. 

(678)    £10 10s. 
Mor.,    g.e,    (slightly    mended),    Soth,, 

Mav  21.  '97,     (309)    £9  23.  Gd. 
Cf.,  Ashbumham,  June.  '97.  (724)   £49. 
Mor,  ex.  (titles  mended),  Sotb.,  May  6, 

•01.      (931)     £27  108. 
Mor.  g.e.  (In  2  vols.,  title  to  first  part 

repaired    and    Inlaid,    margina    of    a 

few  other  leaves  mended),  McKeo, 

Dec,  '01.     (2754)  |310. 
Bus.   ex.,   g.e.    (margins   of  titles   cut 

close).  Hlbbert,  Apr..  '02.  (75)    £G3. 
Old  cf.  (rebacked),  Soth..  Jan.  26,  '03. 

(348)    £35. 






Model    of   Wit,    Mirth,    Eloquence 

and    ConverBatton.     Loud.,    1625-20. 

Cf.,  Way.  Mar.,  '84.     (240)    £18 10s. 
Mor.  ex.,  Ellis,  Nov.,  '85.     (621)   £23. 
Cf.   ex.,   g:.e.    (Heber   copy),   Chrlatie, 

Mar.    22.    '88.      (211)     £15 15s. 
Cf.  ex.,  Soth.,  Nov.  19,  '94.    (102)    £14 

Cf.  (in  2  vols.,  some  leaves  stained), 

Atkinson,  Mar..  '97.     (617)    £34  10b. 
Mor.,  Daly,  Mar.,  1900.     (314)   $75. 
Mor.  ex.  (in  2  vols.,  title  to  first  part 

backed,    margins    mended),    Inglla, 

June.   1900.      (95)    £18  IDs. 
Mor.    (in   2   vols.),   Sotli.,   May   6,   '01. 

(532)    £28. 
Mor,.    g.e.    (F.    Bedford's    copy),    Bro- 

die.  Mar.,  '04.     (92)    £29. 

Model    of    Wit,    Mirth,    Eloquence 

and  Conversation.    Lond..  1634.   8vo. 

Cf.  (Narcissus  Lutirell  copy).  Ash- 
bnrnham,  .Iiina  '97.     (72Eil    £12  103. 

Cf.  (the  preceding  copy),  Sotb.,  Feb. 
27.  '99.     (355)    £19. 

Cf.,  g.e.  (comer  of  title  and  margins 
of  some  other  leaves  mended),  Mc- 
Kee.  Dec.  '01.     (2755)  $12. 

Model    of   Wit,    Mirth,    Eloquence 

and    Conversation.      Lond.,    1657-55. 

Cf..    ra.e,,    Rtgge,    Jan.,    '92.      (13S5) 

£ 2  ISs 
Cf.   (in   2   vols.),   Soth..  Dec.   3.   1900. 

(477)    £7  59. 
Cf.    (some  headlines  cut  into),  Maxe, 

Mar.,  'ni,     (134)    £153. 
Cf.     (Mitford-Preeling    copy),    McKee, 

Dec.,  '01.     (275G)  |17. 
Cf..  m.e,,  Lefferts,  Apr.,  '02.     (116)  $45. 

The    Decameron.     Lond.,    1S04.     2 

vols.,  8vo. 
Cf.,  Christie,  Dec.  1,  '86.     (22)    £1  la. 
Unc.  Turner,  Nov..  '88.     (39S>    £1  9s. 
Cf.  ex..  Grace.  Dec,  '90.     (38)    £158. 
Cf.    ex..    y.e..   Held.   May,    '94.      (278) 

Cf.   ex..   y.e..   Scott,   May,   '97.     (118) 


♦♦Large  paper. 
Cf.,    Thomas.    Dec.    '91.      (3)     £1  10s. 
Hf.  mor,  g.e.,  Hayes,  Apr.,  '98.     (144) 


The  Decameron.   Lond.,  1820.   8vo, 

Unc,  Thompson,  May,  '87.     (122)    £1. 

Boccaccio — Continued. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Young,  Dec,  '96.     (38) 

£1  Is. 

•♦On  vellum. 
Mor.  ex.,  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91,     (375) 

£10  108. 

The    Decameron.     Load.,  1822.     4 

vols.,  8vo. 
Mor.,  g.e..  Douglas,  July,  '87,     (1079) 

Mor.,  g.e.,   Southby.  Dec,  '90.     (614) 

£1 10s. 
Cf.  ex.   (In  2  vols.),  Bruce,  Apr.,  '92. 

(29)    £2  2s. 
Cf.,  g.e.  (in  2  vols.),  Bateman,  June, 

'96.     (93)    £14a, 

The   Decameron.     Trans,  by  John 

PajTie.     Lond.,  Villon  Soc,  1886.     3 

vols.,  8vo. 
Vel„  Soth.,  Dec  17,  '92.    (782)  £4. 
Vel..  Campbell,  Dec,  '9G.     (263)    £3  58. 
Vel.,  Bangs,  May  3,  '99.     (83)  |11.62. 
Vel.,  Libbie,  Feb.  8.  1900.    (87)  |16.50. 
Vel.,    Soth.,   Mar.    8,    1900.      (7G2)    £3 

7b.  6d. 
Vel.,   Hornby,   Apr.,    1900.      (41)      £3 

Vel.,     Bangs,     May     28,     1901),     (101) 

Mor.     ex.,    unc,    Bruce,    Dec,     1900. 

(1408)    £7  10s. 
Vel.,  Anderson,  Apr.  3,  '01,    (21)  |30. 
Vel.,  Hodgson,  Jan.  8.  '02.     (782)    £3 


Vel.,  Dayton.  Mar.,  '02.     (140)  |17.25. 
Vel.,  Soth..  June  10,  '03.     (215)    £3  38. 

♦♦I^rge  paper. 
Vel..  Hodgson.  May  4.  '87.     (560)    £7 
VeU.  Rogers.  Jan.,   '88.     (Sfi>    $30. 
Vel.,  Soth.,  Dec   8.  '90.     (49)    £4 15s. 
Vel..    WilUama.    May.    '93.      (30)     £4 

17a.  Cd. 
Vel.,    Soth.,    Feb.    24.    '96.      (876)     £4 

2s.  Cd. 
Vel..  Bangs.  Apr.  16,  1900.     (70)  $18. 
Vel,,  Soth,,  May  IG,  '01.     (58)    £4  158, 
Vel..  Soth.,  July  10,  '03.    (284)    £4  4s. 

The  Decameron.     Trans,  by  John 

Payne.     Lond.,   1S93.     2   vols.,  8vo. 

Ct,  Bsncker.  Mar.,  '98.     (49)   $16.50. 

CI.,  Soth.,  June  27,  '98.     (192)    £2. 

CL.  Pratt.  Apr.,  '99.     (228)    $15. 

CL.  Hodgson,  Oct.  10,  '99.  (1000)  £2 

CL,  Putt..  Feb,  1,  1900.    (115)    £2  2s. 

CI.,  Libbie,  Feb.  8.  1900.     (88)  $10. 




BoccAcclo— Continued. 

CI..     UenkelB,     Mar.    6,    1900.     (130) 

CI.,    Putt..    Feb.    13,    '01.  (171  A)     £2 

CI.   (with    the    extra    plates),    Soth.. 

Mar.  7.  '01.     (82)    £3. 
CI.,      Hodgson.     Oct.     29,      '01.     (79) 

£4  17a.  Gd. 

••Japan  paper. 
CL,  Barger,  May.  '95.     (624)    J24. 
CI.    (with   the  extra  plates),   Branch, 

Oct  2,  '95.    (143)    £5  158.6(1. 
CI..  Griffith.  Dec.,  "95.    (673)    £4  58. 
CI.,  Soth..  Dec.  17,  '97.     {222)    £3. 
CI..   Hodgson,  Nov.   G,   '01.     (179)    £6 

7s.  Gd. 
CI..  Soth..  June  10,  '0?..    (21G)    £3  118. 
Vel.  (in  mahogany  case),  Soth..  June 

18,  '96.     (92)   £7. 
Vel.    (In  mahogany  case,   with  dupli- 
cate aet  of  plates),  Toung,  Dec.,  '96. 

(400)    £C5s. 
Vel.  (In  mahogany  case),  Burra,  May, 

'97.    (2391   £5  23.  Gd. 

The    Decameron.  Trans,    by   John 

Payne.     Lond.,   1895.     3  vols.,   8vo. 
CI.    (with    the    extra    plates),    Bangs. 

Nov.  29.  '97.     (55)   |15.75. 
CK.  Bangs.  Dec.  12.  '98.     (281)   $12.75. 
CI.,  Bangs.  Feb.  8,  '99.     (357)  116.50. 
CI.,  Henkela,  Nov.  28.  1900.     (64)  |15. 

•♦Japan  paper. 
CI.  (with  (he  extra  plates),  Hoskinson. 

Dec.  '97.     (6291  $13.50. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Jan.  19.  'U.     (238)   $13.05. 
CI.    (with    the    extra    plates),    Bangs, 

Feb.  8.  '98.     (20)  |21. 
CI.    (with    the    extra    plates),    Bangs, 

Apr.  11.  -98.     (77)  112.75. 
CI-.  Bangs,  Oct.  31.   '98.     (65)   $13.50. 
CI..  Bangs,  Jan.  22,  '01.     (1871   |15. 

^The    Decameron.     I^nd.,    1896.     4 

vols..  16mo. 
CL.  Bangs.  Jan.  19.  "98.     (237)   $6. 
CI.,  Daly,  Mar..  1900.     (317)   $26. 
CI..  Bangs.  Sept.  27.  1900.     (60)   $9. 
CI.,   Bangs,   .Ian.   28,   '01.     (60)    |8. 
CI.,  Bangs,  Mar.  14,  '01.     (CO)  $6. 

Fiametta.     Padua,  1472.    4to. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (10  leaves  lacking,  por- 
tion of  last  line  of  Pol,  1  torn  off), 
Thorold.  Dec.  'S4.    (310»   £9  5s. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.  (Thorold  copv),  Craw- 
ford.  Mar..   '91.     (377)    £16. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e,  (Thorold-Crawford  copv), 
Soth-,  Dec.  17,  1900.    (159)    £10i'5b. 

Bo  cca  cc  i  o — Con  t  in  ued, 

Incomlncia    if    libro    di    Madonna 

Fiammetta.     [1474  or  1475.]     Fol. 

Mor.,  Sunderland,  Dec,  '81.  (1639) 

Amorous  Fiametta.     Trans,  by  B. 

Young.     Lond.,  1587.    4to. 
Cf.,  g.e.  (title  Inlaid.  Roxburghe  arms 

on  side),  Crawford.  Mar..  '91.    (380) 

Mor.,  g.e.  (lacking  date,  headlines  cut 

Into,    Roxburghe   copy).    Soth.,   Dec. 

2,  '01.    (139)    £31  lOs. 
Hf.  mor.  (title  mounted,  top  margins 

of  a  few  leaves  cut  close),  McKee, 

May.  '02.     (4826)  $20. 

Genealogia      deorum       Qentfllum. 

Venice.  1472.    Fol. 
Cf.     (with    De    MoniibiK<?.    si T vis,    etc. 

Venice.  1473).  Sunderland,  Dec,  '81. 

(1595)    £15  10s. 
Cf.  (Sunderland  copy).  Ives.  Mar,  '91. 

(82)  $30. 
Mor.,  g.e.  (with  other  pieces),  White, 

Apr..  '02.     (282)    £11. 

Genealogia      deorum      Qentflium. 

[About  1475.]     Fol. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  Crawford,  June,  '87.     (517) 

£8  5b.  ' 

Genealogia      deorum       Gentllium. 

Venice.  1493.     Fol. 
Bds..  Bangs.  Dec.  5.  '99.     (145)  $5.50. 

Genealogia.     Venice,  1494.     Fo!. 

Soth.,  Feb.  28,  1900,    (247)    £2  2s. 

Genealogia      deorum       GentMium. 

Venice.  1511.    Fol. 
Cf.,  g.e..  Matthews.  Feb.,  '97.    (5(5)  $15. 

-De  la  Genealogia  des  Dieux.   Paris, 

Verard.  1498.    Fol. 
Cf..  Harris.  Apr.,  '83.     (220*)  $175. 
Cf.,   Crawford.    Mar.,    '91.     (3S9i     £34 


Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  by  Chambolle-Duru, 
Comyn.  Mar.,  '93.     (728)    £16. 

Oe     la     Genealogie     dee     Dteux. 

Paris,  1531.     Fol. 
Mor.    ex.,    g.e.    (Paiilet    and    Pelllon 

copy).  Hart.  Apr.,  '90.     (277)  $86. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (Hart  copy).  Hunt.  Nov., 

•91.     (353)  $55. 
Mor..  g.e.,  Soth.,  Dec.  3.  1900.     (595) 

£9  15s. 

De  Mont  I  bu  8,  ailvis,  et  de  Oiverala 

Maris.     Venice.  1473.     Fol. 
Hf.    bd.     (library    stamp    in    several 




Boccaccio — Continued. 
places),    Soth..   Apr.   24,   '99.      (464) 
£3  3s. 

De       Mulierlbus       Claris.        TJIm, 

Zaiaer,  1473.    Fol. 
Rub.,  by  Roger  Payne,  Wodhull,  Jan., 

•86,     (431)    £29. 
Mor.,  fn  case,  Soth.,  June,  "88.     (752) 

Rus.   (Wodhull  copy),  Ives,  Mar.,  '91. 

(83)   *105. 
Vel. ,    g.e.,     Ashburnham,     June,     '97. 

(6S5)  £71. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  ABhburnlxam.  June,  '97. 

(G86)  £73. 
Mor,    ex..    g.e.     (2    leaves    defective, 

wormed  In  margins),  Soth.,  July  3, 

■99.     (49)    £fil. 
Cf.  (lacking  3  leaves),  Bangs.  Mar.  19, 

1900.     (50)  JC5. 

De     Mulieribus     Claris.     Ulm,     J. 

Zeiner  do   Reutlingen,   14S2.    (Hain, 

♦3329.)  Fo!. 
Cf.    (wormed),    Cholmley,    Nov.,    '02. 

(243)    £74. 

De      PlurimuB     Claris      Sceletlsqz. 

Ferrara,  1497.     Fol. 
Mar.,   g.e.    (la^f   loaf   mended),    Soth., 

Feb.  27,  '99.    (1819)    £39  10s. 

De      Mufleribus     Claris.       Berne, 

1539.    Fol. 
Vel.,  Crawford.  Mar..  '91.    (38G>   £2Ss. 
Cf..  Comyn,  Mar..  '93.    (727)    £1  19s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Hazlitt,  Nov.,  '93.     (G2) 

£3  5s. 
Mor.,  g.e..  by  Chambolle-Duru,  Morris, 

Dec.,  '98.     (194)    £21. 

-Oe  la  Louange  et  Vertu  de  Nobles 

et    Claris    Dames.      Paris,    Verard, 

1493.    Svo. 
Mor..    g.e.     (first    2    leaves    mended. 

printer's  device  In  facs..  the  WTilto 

Knight    copy),    Sullivan,    May,    '90. 

(831)    £7  7s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  by  Chambolle-Duru.  in 

case,  Soth.,  Mar.  21,  '98.     (213)   £41. 
Hf.      bd.      (some     margins      slighOy 

wormed),   Morris.   Dec,   '98.     (195) 


L'Opera     de     Mulieribus     Claris. 

Venice,  150(1.     4to- 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Ashburnham,  June,  '97. 

(687)   £7. 
Mor.,  Soth..  Dec.  19.  '01.    (28)    £15  5s. 
Mor.,   g.e.,    SoLh.,   June   20,    '02.     (37) 

£5  5s. 

Boccaccio — Continued. 

De    la    Mujeres    lllustres    en    Ro< 

mance.     Zaraj?oca,  1494.     Fol. 
Cf.   (slightly  wormed).  Wodhull,  Jan., 

'86,     (43G)    £81. 
Nimfale    Fiesolano.     London    and 

Paris,  1778.     Svo. 

••On  vellum. 
Mor.,  g.e.,   Stanley.  June,    "01.      (401) 

Leg   Cent    Nouveiles.     Paris,   Ver- 
ard,   [about    15001-     Fol. 
••On   vellum. 
Thorold,  Dec.,  '84.     (300    £C70. 
Las    Cient    Novellas.    Valladolid, 

1539.     Pol. 
Cf.,   Pountaine.   June,   '02.      (108)     £4 

Contes  et  Nouvelfes.    Amsterdam, 

1697.     2  vols.,  Svo. 
Mor.  ex..  Ives,  Mar.  '91.     (85)   $54. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Deacon,  Dec,  '92.     (82) 

Rus.,  g.e.,  Barger.  May.  '95.     (621)  |12. 
Mor.,  g.e.,  by  Derome  le  Jeune,  with 

his   ticket,  Davis,  Nov.,  1900.     (30) 


Contes  et  Nouveiles.     Amsterdam. 

1699.     2  vols.,  Svo. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Leigh,  Dec,  '89.  (1007) 

Hf.  mor.,  Soth.,  Apr.  2,  '90.    (48)    £1 

Mor.,    g.e..    Putt..    Apr.    2.    '91.     (101) 

£3  10s. 
Mor.,    g.e.,    Toovey,    Feb.,    '94.     (194) 

£2  7s.  6d. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Hawley.  July.  *94.  (34) 

Mor.    ex.,    g.e.,    Edwardes.    May,    '01. 

(32)   £4  15s. 
Contes      et     Nouveiles.     Cologne, 

1702.    2  vols.,  8vo. 
Cf.,  Bangs,  Mar.  7,  '01.     (02)  $6.25. 
Mor..    g.e.,    Fraser,    Apr..    '01.     (161) 

£2  12s. 

- — -Hundert  neuwer  historian  wefche 
eyn  erbar  goselschafft  von  drlen 
mannern,  etc.     Strasburg,  1535.  Pol. 

Mor..  g.e.,  Soth,.  May  21,  1900.  (252) 

Novels    and    Tales.     Loud.,    1684. 

Hf.  cf.  ex.,  Beabow.  Nov.,  '89.     (361) 

Cf..  Christie.  Apr.  9,  1900.  (158)    £1  28. 




Boccaccio— Continued. 

n    Philocolo.    Venice,    1472.    Fol. 

Vel.  (lacking  2  leaves),  Turner,  Nov., 
'88.     (952)     £2  15s. 

It   Phllocolo.     Milan,  1478.    Fol. 

Cf.,  Sunderland,  Dec,  '8L   (1635)   £17. 

II   Phllocolo.    Venice,  14S1.    Fol. 

Leatber  (lacking  A  1,  probably  blank), 
Putt..  Dec.  11,  '99.    (21G)    £1  15s. 

Vel.  (slightly  wormed),  Both.,  Dec.  19, 
'01.     (27)  £4. 

II  Phitocolo.     Venice,  1530.     8vo. 

Mor.,  g.e.,  Whitchurch,  Dec.,  '94.  (43) 

H  Philocolo.     Paris,  1530.     12mo. 

Hf.  bd.,  SoLh.,  July  IS,  '95.  (32)  £4 

^Thlrteene  most  Pleasaunt  and  de- 
lectable Questions  enlituled,  A  Dis- 
port of  diverse  noble  Personages. 
Trans,  by  H.  G.    Lond.,  1BS7.    12mo. 

(Last  leaf  slightly  defective).  Clerk, 
May,  '99.     (191)    £11. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Soth.,  July  1,  '01.  (G7) 

De  la   Rulne  des  Nobles  Hommes 

et  Femmes.  Bruges,  Colard  Man- 
sion, 1476.    Fol. 

Vel.  (2  leaves  mended),  Sunderland, 
Dec.,  '81.     (1602)    £920. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (leaves  1,  3,  4,  6.  44.  105, 
1C3.  and  196  In  facs.),  Ashburnham, 
June,  '97.     (683)    £695. 

• De  la  Rufne  des  Nobles  Hommes 

et  Femmes.    Lyons,  1483.    Fol. 

Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91. 
(388)  £13. 

Des     Nobles     Maleureux.       Paris, 

1515.    Fol. 
Of.,  g.e.,  Morris,  Dec.,  '98.    (304)    £6 


Pea     Nobles     Maleureux.      Paris, 
1638.     Fol. 
Cf.  ex.,  ^Tilte,  Apr.,  '02.     (288)  £5. 

Book      describing      the      Fall      of 

Princes,  Princesses,  and  other  No- 
bles Trana.  by  John  Lydgate. 
Lend.,  Pynson,  1494.     Fol. 

Mor.  ex.  (lacking  A  1,  blank,  A  2  in- 
laid, a  few  comers  mended).  Foun- 
talne,  June,  '02.     (109)    £435. 

^— Book  describing  the  Falf  of 
Princes,  Princesses  and  other  No- 
bles. Trans,  by  John  Lydgate. 
Lond.»  Pynson,  1527.    Fol. 

Boccaccio — Continued. 

Mor.    ex.,    Corser,    Mar.,    '69.      (121) 

(Lacking     at     beginning     and     end, 

and     otherwise      defective.)     Solh., 

July  25,  '99.    (714)    £5  2t3.  Cd. 
Hf.  cf.    (wormed),   Soth.,  Feb.   9,   '03. 

(1163)    £30. 
Fall   of   Princes.     Trans,   by   Lyd- 
gate.   Lond.,  1554.     Fol. 
Rus.,  Corser,  July,  '71.     (15)    £6. 
Mor.,  Frederickson,  Apr.,  '86.     (1318) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Randall.  Aug.,  '87.   (344) 

Mor.   ex.,  g.e    (title  inlaid,  last  leaf 

imperfect  and   inlaid),  Leigh,  Dec., 

'S9.    (280)    jetn2s.  fid. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Gaisford,  Apr.,  '90»  (220) 

£21  Ills. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Young.  June,  '90.     (66) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Hunt,  Nov.,  '91.     (354) 

Cf.  ex.,  g.e.  (wormed),  Soth.,  June  27, 

'92,    (76)    £8  15b. 
Rus..     g.e..     Bush,     Apr.,     '96.     (224) 

£7  10s. 
Rus.,  g.e.  (title  and  last  leaf  inlaid )» 

Ashbumham,  June,   '97.  (084  >    £27- 
Hf.  mor.  (9  leaves  repaired),  Johnson, 

Feb.,  '9S.    (331)    £9  5s. 
Mor.,  m.e.  (title  mounted,  a  few  leaves 

mended),  Mcliee,  Dec,  '01.     (3044) 

Cf.,    y.e.    (title   mounted),   Fountalne, 

June,  '02.     (110)   £18. 
Tragedies  of  all   such   Princes  as 

fell    from   their   Estates.   Trans,   by 

John      Lydgate.     Lond.,      Wayland, 

[1558].    Fol. 
Mor.  ex.,  Ellla.  Nov.,  '85.    (624)   £7. 
Mor..  g.e.   (margins  of  title  mended). 

Cole.  Apr.,  '90.     (43)  157. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e..  Sullivan.  May,  '90.  (849) 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Yoimg,  June,  '90.     (65) 

£10  15s. 
Cf..  Crawford,  Mar.,  '91.    (392)   £3128, 

Mor.  ex.,    g.e..    Soth.,    Nov.    19,    '94. 

(359)    £4  14b. 
Cf.,  Sewall,  Nov.,  '96.     (2237)  |16. 
Cf..  g.e.  (2  leaves  mended),  Blerstadt, 

Apr.,  '97.     (1275)  flO. 
Mor.    (title  and   a  few   other  leaves 

mended).      Auckland,      Nov.,      '$1, 

(647)    £7. 




Boccaccio— Con  Hf  I  ved. 

Ct„  Bangs.  Apr.  22,  'S9.     (167)  |19. 

Rus.  (title  and  last  leaf  backed), 
Soth.,   July    29.    '01.     (531)     £11. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (with  extra  leaf  "  A  Me- 
morial of  such  Princes,"  etc.,  the 
Grlflwold  copy),  Lefferta,  Apr.,  '02. 
(864)  $190. 

Rus.  (with  extra  leaf,  wormed  through- 
out, plain  part  of  1  leaf  cut  off)^ 
White,  Apr.,  '02.    (287)    £4  12s.6d. 

Rus.  (some  headlines  cut  into).  Putt., 
July  16,  '02.     (237)   £5. 

Old  oak  bds.  (with  extra  leaf),  Soth., 
May  18,  '03.    (770)    £15  5a. 

La    Teaeida.     Ferrara,  1475.      Fol. 

Mor.  (lacking  a  leaf,  other  leares  de- 
fective), Sunderland,  Dec,  '81^ 
(16&3)   £29. 

HiBtory  of  Boccus  and   Sydracke. 

Trans,  by  Hugo  of  Caumpeden. 
Lond.,   Godfrey,    [about   1510].  4to. 

Mor.  (title,  1  ieaf  and  portion  of  an- 
other in  manuscript),  Corser,  July, 
'68.     (253)    £5  58. 

Mor.,  g.e.  (part  of  1  leaf  In  facs.,  cor- 
ners mended),  Crawford,  Mar..  '91. 
(391)    £15  10s. 

Hf.  bd.  (very  Imperfect),  Aahbum- 
ham,    June,    '97.     (727)     £4  18s. 

BOCKETT  (ELI AS).  A  Poem  to  the 
Memory  of  Aquila  Rose.  Load., 
1724.     8vo, 

Hf.  mor.,  Brlnley,  Mar.,  '80.  (3117) 

The   WJt  and    Honesty  of  Jamee 
Hoakins.     Ixind.,  1726.     8vo. 
Hf.  mor.,  Henkels,  Oct.  21,  '96.  (270) 

BODENHAM     (JOHN).   Belvedere,    or, 

The  Garden  of  the  Muses.     Lond., 

1600.    8vo. 
(T.    Park's    copy),    Corser.    July,    '68. 

(266)    £9  12a. 
Oaisford,  Apr.,  '90.    (225)    £25  10s. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.  (4  leaves  in  faca.),  Soth., 

June  27.  '92.    (77)    £9  2s.  6d, 

Garden     of     the     Muses.      Lond., 

IGIO.     8vo. 
Mor,    ex.,    g.e.,    Crawford,    Mar.,    '91. 

(393)   £11. 
Mor.  ex.  (stained,  text  cut  Into),  Soth., 

June  27.  '92.    (78)    £9  58, 
Rub.  ex.,  g.e.  (wormed),  Soth.,  July  27, 

•93.     (186)   £3. 
Mor..  g.e.   (4  leaves  in  faca.,  title  re- 

Bode  nham    (John) — Coutiumd. 
paired  and  mounted),  McKee,  Dec, 
'01.     (2758)  $40. 

England's    Helicon.      Lond.,    1600. 

Mor.  ex.,  Corser,  June.  '73.    (64*)    £42 

Cf.  (1  leaf  stained),  Jersey,  May,  '85. 

(241)    £17  58. 

England's    Helicon.     Lond.,    1614. 


Mor.  ex.,  Corser,  July,  '71.  (16)  £6 
2s.  Gd. 

Cf.,  Way,  July,  '81.    (G)    £14  !4s. 

Cf,  (title  and  several  leaves  in  manu- 
script), Cosens,  Nov.,  '90.  (1704) 
£8  10s. 

England's     Helicon.       Edited     by 

Brydges    and     Haslewood.      Lond., 
1812.    8vo. 

••Large  paper. 

Mor..  Cox.  Feb.,  '02.     (345)   $9. 

England's     Helicon.       Edited     by 

Biillen.    Lond.,  1S87.    8vo. 
♦•Large  paper. 
Hf.  cf„  Rose,  June.  '91.    (189)    £188. 
Hf,    mor.,    unc,    I^awrence,   Dec..    '92. 

(31}    £16b. 
Unc,  Buckley.  Feb..  '93,    (174)    £112s. 
Hf.   mor.,  unc.   Bangs,  Mar.   19,   1900. 

(70J)  $7.50. 
Hf.  cf.,  unc,  French,  Apr.,  *01.     (163) 

CI.,   unc.  Bangs,  Nov.   IS,   '01,     (110) 


Pollteuphula,  Wits  Common- 
wealth, newly  Corrected.  Lond., 
W.  S.  for  J.  Smlthwlcke,  [about 
1600],     12mo. 

Cf.  (with  the  Second  Part,  by  P. 
Meres,  1634),  Putt.,  Dec.  11,  '99. 
(220)  £1. 

Cf„  Soth.,  May  6,  '01.     (399)    £4, 

Wit's  Theatre  of  the  Little  World. 

Lond.,  1599.     8vo. 
Mor.  ex..  g.e.,  Hutt,  May,  '89.     (22B) 

£2  12s. 
Cf.  (last  2  leaves  mended),  Halllwell, 

July,   '89.     (30)    £2  28. 
Rua.    ex.,    g.e.,    Galsford,    Apr.,    '90. 

(226)    £4  8a. 
Vel.,  Soth-,  July  3.  '99.  (576)    £12  5a. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.    Christie,  June  18,  '02. 

(42)   £6. 

BODRUGAN  (N.).  An  Epitome  of 
the  Title  that  the  Kynge'a  MajesUe 





Bodrugan    (N.) — ConHnued. 

of  England  hath  to  the  Sovereignty 

of  Scotland.     Lond.,  1&48.     8vo. 
Mor.,   g.e.,   Ayleaford,    Mar.,    '88.  (64) 

i:B  loa. 
Mor.  ex.,  g.e.,  Millard,  Nov.,  '90.  (118) 

£12  5s. 

BOEMUS       (JOHANNES).       Omnium 

Gentium   Mores,   Leges  &  Ritns  ex 

MuUis  clarisBimus  rerura  scriptorl- 

bas.    Antwerp,  1537.    12mo. 
Mor..   g.e.,    Murphy,    Mar.,    '84.     (277) 

QN    CostemI,    le    leggt,  et   tusanze 

di     tutte    le    Genti.     Venice.     1560. 

Mor..  g.e.,  CotJke,  Dec,  'S3.    (248)   |9, 
Manners,  Laws  and  Customs  of  all 

Nations.     Lond.,  1611.     4to. 
Hf.  mor.,  g.t..  Murphy,  Mar.,  '84.  (278) 

Cf.   ex.,   y.e..    Held,    May,    '94.     (1409) 

£2  14s. 
Hf.  rua.,  Inglis,  June,  1900.  (96)    £4. 
Vel.,  r.e.   (title  soiled,  3  other  leaves 

damaged),  Soth.,  May  16,  '01.     (&9) 

£1  10s. 
BOENCOURT    (M.    DE).   Narrative    of 

the  Freach   Expedition  to  Dantzig. 

Edlnb.,  1831.     4to. 
Hf.  mor.,  unc,  Craig.  June,  '87.  (303) 

£3  28.  6d. 

**On  vellum. 
Sheets,  Craig,  June,  'S7.    (304)    £4  68. 
BOETHIUS,     Duo     Llbrl     de     Arlth- 

metica.     Venice,  1488.     4to. 
Bds.  (stained),  Inglis,  June,  1900.    (97) 


De       Consolatione       PhiloBophlae. 

[Savlgliano],   Hans   GHm,  n.d.     Fol, 

Mor.  ex.  (part  of  last  2  leaves  In  manu- 
script). Thorold.  Dec.  '84.  (316) 

Mor.,  g.e.  ( lacking  4  11.  and  portion  of 
3  leaves  at  end  In  manuscript), 
Crawford,  Jwne,  '89.     (181)    £9 10a, 

De       Consolatione       Phi  lose phlaft. 

Nuremberg.  Koburger,  147G.     Fol. 

Mor.  (lacking  blank  leaf).  Sunderland, 
Dec,  '81.     (1694)    £30 10s. 

Mor.  ex.,  g.t.  (with  the  blank  leaves). 
Bush,  Apr..  '9fl.    (225)    £8 10s. 

De       Consolatione       PhilosopliEae. 

Cologne.   1482.     Fol. 
(A  1,  blank,  lacking),  Morris,  Dec,  '98. 

(307)    £3  188. 

Boethius — Continued, 

Cf.,  g.e.  (first  leaf  Inlaid).  Putt.,  Mar. 
22,  1900.    ((504)    £2  8a. 

Cf.,  g.e.  (first  leaf  inlaid,  Table  lack-